When Benard Mungai started his shoe business in Nairobi, Kenya, back in 2015, he could only trade in secondhand shoes in the city's Gikomba open air market. However, as his business grew over the years, he managed to open his first shop in 2018 and needed to upgrade his stock to new shoes for his customers. After various endeavors to secure a reliable supply of merchandise, he came across Kilimall, a local e-commerce platform.
早在2015年,Benard Mungai在肯尼亚内罗毕开始经营鞋类生意时,他只能在该市的Gikomba露天市场进行二手鞋交易。然而,随着生意越做越大,2018年他成功开设了自己的第一家店铺,并需要为顾客升级库存,换上新鞋。为了获得可靠的商品供应,他做了各种努力,后来遇到了本地电子商务平台Kilimall。
"It was recommended by my fellow traders. From this website, I can order goods from any country in Asia, Europe or the Americas and many other places across the globe which do not ship to Kenya. Most importantly, their turnaround is fast," Mungai said.
Taking advantage of the e-commerce platform, Mungai has earned his clients' trust for delivering genuine sneakers, sports jerseys and other items because he gets his supplies from the source through the online hub, which sources them directly from prequalified merchants and delivers directly to him.
Kilimall, which was founded by Yang Tao, a former employee of a Chinese tech firm's branch in Kenya in 2014, has so far grown to be a leading e-commerce platform in Kenya, attracting more than 10 million registered users and an average of over 1 million monthly visitors.
The popularity of e-commerce has transformed business models in the East African country and brought great convenience to the lives of locals. In Nairobi, online shopping and food delivery are as popular and swift as in China.