The Gryffindor common room was very noisy that evening. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat together next to a window. Hermione was checking Harry and Ron's Charms homework for them. She would never let them copy ("How will you learn?") , but by asking her to read it through, they got the right answers anyway. Harry felt restless. He wanted Quidditch Through the Ages back, to take his mind off his nerves about tomorrow. Why should he be afraid of Snape? Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could have it.
"Better you than me," they said together, but Harry had an idea that Snape wouldn't refuse if there were other teachers listening. He made his way down to the staffroom and knocked. There was no answer. He knocked again. Nothing. Perhaps Snape had left the book in there? It was worth a try. He pushed the door ajar and peered inside — and a horrible scene met his eyes. Snape and Filch were inside, alone. Snape was holding his robes above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages. "Blasted thing," Snape was saying. "How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?" Harry tried to shut the door quietly, but —
"POTTER!" Snape's face was twisted with fury as he dropped his robes quickly to hide his leg. Harry gulped. "I just wondered if I could have my book back." "GET OUT! OUT!" Harry left, before Snape could take any more points from Gryffindor. He sprinted back upstairs. "Did you get it?" Ron asked as Harry joined them. "What's the matter?" In a low whisper, Harry told them what he'd seen. "You know what this means?" he finished breathlessly. "He tried to get past that three-headed dog at Halloween! That's where he was going when we saw him — he's after whatever it's guarding! And I'd bet my broomstick he let that troll in, to make a diversion!"
“波特!”斯内普的脸因愤怒而扭曲,他迅速脱下长袍,遮住腿。哈利咽了口口水。“我只是想知道我是否能拿回我的书。”“滚出去!出去!”哈利离开了,斯内普还没来得及扣格兰芬多更多的分。他冲回楼上。“你拿到书了吗?”罗恩问道,“你怎么了?”哈利低声耳语地告诉他们他所看到的一切。“你知道这意味着什么吗?”他气喘吁吁地说完。 “万圣节的时候,他试图去三头狗那里!我们看到他时,他正要去那里——他想找那只狗看守的东西!我敢用我的扫帚打赌,他放那只巨怪进来,是为了转移注意力!”
Hermione's eyes were wide. "No — he wouldn't, she said. "I know he's not very nice, but he wouldn't try and steal something Dumbledore was keeping safe." "Honestly, Hermione, you think all teachers are saints or something?" snapped Ron. "I'm with Harry. I wouldn't put anything past Snape. But what's he after? What's that dog guarding?" Harry went to bed with his head buzzing with the same question. Neville was snoring loudly, but Harry couldn't sleep. He tried to empty his mind—he needed to sleep, he had to, he had his first Quidditch match in a few hours—but the expression on Snape's face when Harry had seen his leg wasn't easy to forget.
赫敏瞪大了眼睛。“不——他不会的,”她说。“我知道他不太好,但他不会试图偷邓布利多保管的东西。”“说实话,赫敏,你以为所有的老师都是圣人吗,”罗恩厉声说。“我同意哈利说的。我不会放过斯内普。但他在找什么呢? 那只狗在看守什么?”哈利上床睡觉时,脑子里还萦绕着同样的问题。纳威鼾声大作,但哈利睡不着。他试图清空大脑,他需要睡觉,他必须睡,几个小时后他就要参加第一场魁地奇比赛了。但斯内普脸上的表情却让他难以忘记。