A: Are we all finished?
A: Not yet, Jim. Don't be a clockwatcher. We still have one more hour to go.
J: Really? I don't have anything to do.
A: Oh, yes! Here you are. Give me the summary report on the project by five, all right?
J: 我们全做完了吗?
A: 还没有,吉姆。不要老是看钟。还有一个钟头。
J: 真的吗?我无事可做了。
A: 喔,对了!这给你。五点之前给我这份计划的摘要,好吗?
★ finished「做完的,完成的」I'm finished with this work.「我做完这份工作了。」cf. finished另有「完蛋的,气数已尽的」之意,如He's finished.「他完蛋了。」
★ Don't be a clockwatcher.「不要老是看钟。」clockwatcher指心里老是挂念下班时间怎么还没到,而不时看钟或表的人。
★ ~ to go「还有~,剩下~」,此语置于表示时间、距离的名词之后,如There is still a month to go before the vacation begins.「现在离假期还有一个月。」此语另有「(食物)带走的」之意,如Two hamburgers to go, please.「请给我两个汉堡,要带走。」
★ Here you are.是把东西拿给人家时的常用语。
★ summary「摘要,总结」
★ project「计划,企划」