A: Why did you fire John? Isn't he smart?
B: He's smart all right. But he's too smart.
A: What do you mean?
B: What really annoyed me was that he was always trying to kill two birds with one stone.
A: 你为什么开除了约翰?他不是很精明吗?
B: 他的确很精明。不过太精明了。
A: 什么意思呢?
B: 我最气的是他总想一箭双雕。
★ fire (someone)为「开除(某人)」之意,也有give (someone) the sack的说法。
★ 像He's smart all right.这般在句尾接用all right时,常有「的确如此」的味道。
★ What really annoyed me was ~「我最气的是~」以What起首的名词子句当全句的主词时,有强调谈话主题的功能,例如:What I don't understand about this is ~ 「这个让我最不了解的是~」What I don't like about her is ~ 「我最不喜欢她的是~」What attracts me most about this painting is ~ 「这幅画最吸引我的是~」。
★ kill two birds with one stone「一箭双雕,一石二鸟,一举两得」