- 美丽的金银花,
- 你粲然绽放于幽静一角。
- 芳菲满枝,无人垂顾,
- 迎风起舞,无人注目。
- 游子从不践踏你的玉体,
- 过客从不催落你的泪滴。
- 造化令你素裹银妆,
- 你得以远离庸人的目光。
- 她赐予你一片绿阴葱葱,
- 她带给你一泓流水淙淙。
- 恬静的夏日倏然流淌,
- 你终于红衰翠减,玉陨香消。
- 妩媚动人,你却无法盛颜久长,
- 落红满地,你令我黯然神伤。
- 纵然在伊甸乐园,人间天堂,
- 也难免一日凋零,满目凄凉。
- 萧瑟秋风,凄白秋霜,
- 你终于消失得无影无踪。
- 朝霞暮露,
- 孕育了你娇小的身躯。
- 你从尘土来,又归尘土去,
- 来时一无所有,去时化作尘土,
- 可叹生命苦短,
- 你终究红消香断。
The Wild Honey-Suckle
By Philip Freneau
- Fair flower, that dost so comely grow,
- Hid in this silent, dull retreat,
- Untouched thy honied blossoms blow,
- Unseen thy little branches greet;
- ...No roving foot shall crush thee here,
- ...No busy hand provoke a tear.
- By Nature's self in white arrayed,
- She bade thee shun the vulgar eye,
- And planted here the gaurdian shade,
- And sent soft waters murmuring by;
- ...Thus quietly thy summer goes,
- ...Thy days declinging to repose.
- Smit with those charms, that must decay,
- I grieve to see your future doom;
- They died--nor were those flowers more gay,
- The flowers that did in Eden bloom;
- ...Unpitying frosts, and Autumn's power
- ...Shall leave no vestige of this flower.
- From morning suns and evenign dews
- At first thy little being came:
- If nothing once, you nothing lose,
- For when you die you are the same;
- ...The space between, is but an hour,
- ...The frail duration of a flower.