教程:迷失第二季  浏览:1449  
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    [00:05.10]上季回顾... “其它人”就要来了
    [00:06.27]我们只有3个选择 跑 躲 要么就是死
    [00:11.58]呃 你去丛林里弄些炸药回来
    [00:19.34]停下 快停下
    [00:21.96]停下 我们不能这么做
    [00:23.99]停下 别点着
    [04:16.76]4 8 我们死定了 15 注定要死了...
    [04:21.13]Hurley 你还好吧?
    [04:22.65]噢 是的 还不错 我想去尿尿
    [04:25.94]好主意 你们两个...去看看那个着火的死亡之洞吧
    [05:07.73]- 是水 - 很浅 更像是一个污水坑
    [05:10.54]- 大概...在下面40英尺处? - 最多50
    [05:15.85]- John 我们要走了 - 是的 好主意 我们照做好了
    [05:20.19]我们经历了好多磨难才走到这一步 Jack
    [05:36.10]听着 如果你想在白天下去探险的话 没问题
    [05:38.19]但是今晚 我们收工了
    [05:40.64]我去拿我们没用过的炸药 然后我们回营地去
    [05:45.65]John 你来帮忙包炸药怎么样?
    [05:55.47]可以 当然可以
    [06:03.84]Jack 你为什么不想下去看看?
    [06:10.99]女性 将近30岁 没有身份证明
    [06:15.44]在我们后面 马上来了
    [06:20.42]女性 将近30岁
    [06:25.03]好了 我们开始 抓稳她的领口
    [06:27.46]- 让我爸记录了么? - 已经说了
    [06:28.78]- 详细情况 - 她的车爆胎了
    [06:29.92]车子飞过了隔离带 撞上了一辆城市越野车
    [06:33.09]- 车是她开得么? - 是的 就她一个人
    [06:37.75]Adam Rutherford 57岁 胸口外伤 没有呼吸了
    [06:41.99]- 给Rutherford插管... - 我不会插管 应该你来
    [06:45.08]Sheppard医生 她的血压已经降到60到80了
    [06:50.18]好了 我要一个注射器 大点的
    [06:52.66]你 帮忙压紧点
    [07:00.59]52到88了 没有脉搏了
    [07:02.88]我知道 知道 都是血
    [07:07.30]- 注射器 - 给你
    [07:09.04]- 可以了么? - 是的
    [07:21.15]死亡时间 早上8点15分
    [07:27.19]好了 我要血液气体
    [07:30.81]把她带去重症监护室 别让她动
    [07:43.10]亲爱的 你得放松一下 好么? 放轻松点
    [08:07.82]那个法国女人有点不正常 你知道么?
    [08:10.37]我是说 那全是胡说的 只是一个鬼故事罢了
    [08:28.58]那只狗 有人见到它么?
    [08:57.76]呃 因为我正跑向你
    [09:00.22]挥着手 大叫着 别这么做
    [09:04.88]恩 你说到点子上了
    [09:11.59]我是说我们就是为了这个而来的 不是么?
    [09:17.71]我们这么做了所以我们才能躲进去 Hugo
    [09:26.02]或者说这就是我们的命运 对么 John?
    [09:31.17]伙计们 呃 这个舱盖...
    [09:49.26]况且你也说过 那儿根本没有其它人
    [09:53.89]那只狗会自己回来的 它总是这样的
    [10:45.63]你在哪儿? Sayid
    [11:55.80]小姐 我为什么这么想下去?
    [12:00.65]Jack认为我疯了 是么?
    [12:02.63]为什么? 因为你想从一个写着"检疫隔离"
    [12:10.18]恩 往好的方面想想吧 舱门已经被毁了
    [12:15.30]如果Jack认为我有点疯狂 我不怪他 真的
    [12:18.99]并且5个小时以前 我差点被一个看起来
    [12:25.56]你看到了么 Kate?
    [12:41.86]伙计 你得有所行动了
    [12:46.18]伙计 说笑罢了
    [12:47.73]现在没有这个心情 Hurley
    [12:49.51]真的么? 喔 你通常总像是哈哈先生
    [12:56.22]生活不是那么糟糕 是么?
    [12:58.41]我是说 是的 "其它人"就要来...也许是吃了我们
    [13:00.91]然后偶尔的 有些人把火气全撒在你头上
    [13:06.86]恩哈 那些数字怎么说?
    [13:17.80]- 是的 说来话长 - 我有时间
    [13:21.40]- 你会认为我疯了 - 试试看
    [13:28.96]以前 我在神经病监护室的时候
    [13:33.89]我每次见到他 他总是在说这些数字
    [13:45.32]呃 实际上是当我出来后几个月
    [13:47.85]有次我在买冰冻墨西哥玉米煎饼的时候 我突然想我该去玩彩票
    [14:12.86]好了 今晚我在那个舱盖上又看到了这些数字
    [14:19.41]所以我就想要阻止你们 因为那个东西是被诅咒了的 伙计
    [14:31.52]- 我不是疯子 - 我没说你是
    [14:35.56]那么 好了? 就这样了?
    [14:38.13]- 你想让我说什么? - 你为什么不相信我?
    [14:40.85]Hurley 它们只是数字
    [14:51.02]- 医生的举止 - 恩 就是那个
    [14:54.86]你做得糟透了 伙计
    [15:14.08]放松点 好么?
    [15:52.06]你的脾撕裂了血都流向了腹部 我们得设法控制住
    [16:25.17]那么 我哪儿做错了?
    [16:31.50]爸爸 嘿 好了
    [16:59.30]那是误导的希望 爸爸
    [17:22.53]是他 是Walt
    [17:23.78]Shannon 轻点声 你会使其他人不安的
    [17:26.79]- 哪儿? - 到处都是
    [17:27.97]- 什么耳语? - 我不知道 是他们
    [17:32.31]救生筏没事 Walt和你的丈夫在一起
    [17:35.05]Sayid 我亲眼看见的
    [17:55.25]Locke找到了 呃...
    [18:03.96]我们去把它炸开了 这样大家都可以躲在里面了
    [18:07.28]大家都可以躲在里面了 以防万一...
    [18:13.98]但是现在不用去考虑这个了 因为那没什么用
    [18:25.70]呃 他没能和我们一起回来
    [18:33.16]嘿 Shannon 没有什么其他人 我们已经谈过了
    [18:55.38]我们...我们放松点 我们会没事的
    [18:58.83]我们今晚就呆在这儿 好么? 我们一起
    [19:02.02]我们还有4把枪 并且会在所有的进出口设岗哨的
    [19:33.57]John 你在干什么?
    [19:50.67]你真的认为现在这么做很明智么 John?
    [19:55.60]事实上 你是对的
    [20:01.98]等着看那些"其他人" 看看他们是否会露面
    [21:07.60]你做了一件好事 说了你说的那些话...
    [21:22.08]如果你当时不在场 Jack...
    [21:34.64]我知道为什么你不能下去 我是说 他们需要你
    [21:37.32]我知道 我真的知道
    [21:42.69]但是不管你反不反对 Locke还是会下去
    [21:52.92]一起活 单独死 对么?
    [22:34.19]呃 8个月后
    [22:37.21]呃 我保证Sara在那以前会恢复的...
    [22:39.92]"恢复"? 呃...那代表什么?
    [22:43.64]现在正在进行物理治疗 但是如果她真的伤得很重...
    [22:46.95]我们能 呃... 你知道 做爱么?
    [24:10.28]到时你也来 好么?
    [25:11.28]是的 你比较轻
    [25:23.59]是的 恩 那也是一个原因
    [25:29.24]- 不会太紧吧? - 刚好
    [26:06.64]恩 好的
    [26:08.73]好的 我去了
    [27:03.69]啊 Kate 你还好么?
    [27:21.12]呃 那好吧
    [28:11.04]Kate 你还好吧?
    [30:47.01]噢 混蛋
    [30:49.59]兄弟 你还好吧?
    [30:50.84]我没事 没事
    [30:52.31]放松点 把绑带卸下来
    [30:54.21]来 我看看
    [30:59.11]恩 你没有扭伤
    [31:06.42]好吧 你不是这么想的
    [31:52.22]那么你的理由最好也能说得过去 兄弟
    [32:00.09]一个女孩 是么?
    [32:05.28]啊 一个女病人
    [32:58.03]伙计 你不知道你现在在说什么
    [32:59.73]我不知道? 我怎么会不知道?
    [33:01.30]因为在她的情况看来 能医好那真是奇迹了 兄弟
    [33:06.31]啊 那你就是不相信奇迹了?
    [33:16.41]呃 无论如何我再给你个建议吧
    [33:42.54]呃 聊得真愉快
    [33:46.94]Jack 我是Desmond
    [33:50.44]那么 兄弟 祝你好运
    [33:52.27]在新生活中再见了 好么?
    [38:14.02]是是 你还活着
    [38:27.27]呃 谢谢
    [38:29.28]喔 你身上气味很浓
    [38:32.51]是 呃 我...我去跑过步了
    [38:39.91]呃 我淋过浴了 我是说 我想我现在不是太酷
    [38:42.23]我在一个竞技场里跑步 现在回来想再来看看你
    [39:03.31]呃 我很紧张
    [39:08.84]没有 我又伤了我的脚踝
    [39:18.53]Kevin在么? 我的未婚夫
    [39:27.89]恩 恩 是的 当然
    [39:41.16]Sara 你的背部伤得十分厉害
    [39:51.58]我尽了我最大的努力 但是你的脊椎骨...我...
    [40:12.09]我很抱歉 我很抱歉 Sara
    [41:34.11]快滚 不然我杀了他
    [41:41.75]Jack 没事的
    [41:42.86]- 我说了把枪放下 - Kate在哪儿?
    [41:44.25]- 她很好 把枪放下吧 - 我不会放手的
    [41:54.54]这就是你说的么 Locke?
    [42:00.82]- 无论如何都是一个结果 - Jack 冷静一下
    [42:04.84]放下你的枪 不然我崩了他的脑袋 伙计
    [00:00.00]Previously on "Lost"... the others are coming.
    [00:01.27]We have only three choices-- run, hide or die.
    [00:05.35]We do have a plan.
    [00:06.58]Yeah, you're going into the jungle and get some dynamite
    [00:08.67]and blow open the hatch, and then you're gonna hide everyone inside.
    [00:14.34]Stop! Stop it!
    [00:16.96]Stop it! We can't!
    [00:18.99]Stop! Don't light it!
    [01:30.06]Nobody can tell ya
    [01:33.82]there's only one song worth singin'
    [01:38.20]they may try and sell ya
    [01:41.24]'cause it hangs them up
    [01:43.28]to see someone like you
    [01:48.43]but you've gotta make your own kind of music
    [01:53.85]sing an old-fashioned song
    [01:57.80]make your own kind of music
    [02:01.37]even if nobody else sings along
    [02:09.55]you're gonna be nowhere
    [02:13.31]the loneliest kind of lonely
    [02:17.65]it may be rough going
    [02:20.40]just to do your thing's the hardest thing to do
    [02:27.79]but you've gotta...
    [04:07.60]4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
    [04:09.99]4, 8, we're dead, 15, doomed, dead...
    [04:12.36]Hurley, are you okay?
    [04:13.88]Oh, yeah, awesome. I just have to pee.
    [04:17.17]Great idea, you two-- go look in the burning death hole.
    [04:36.57]What is it?
    [04:38.69]Doesn't matter what it is.
    [04:41.09]We blew the door so we could get everyone inside this thing so they'd be safe.
    [04:44.23]That plan is not gonna work.
    [04:45.94]We'll never get everyone down in time.
    [04:58.97]- Water. - Shallow. Sounds like a puddle.
    [05:01.77]- Like, what, 40 feet down? - 50, tops.
    [05:03.91]We could use the wire we pulled from the fuselage,
    [05:06.10]rig up a harness.
    [05:07.09]- John. We're leaving now. - Yes. Great idea. Let's do that.
    [05:11.42]We all went through a lot to get here, Jack.
    [05:13.54]The ladder's broken.
    [05:15.75]You're gonna lower 40 people down there one by one?
    [05:18.55]They're waiting for us to come back and tell them what to do.
    [05:20.93]So let's forget about the harnesses.
    [05:25.38]Why don't we all just calm down here?
    [05:27.33]Look, if you want to go exploring in the morning, that's fine.
    [05:29.42]But tonight, we're done.
    [05:31.87]I'm gonna go get the dynamite that we didn't use, and we're heading back to the caves.
    [05:36.88]How about you pack it up, John?
    [05:46.70]Sure. Of course.
    [05:55.07]Why don't you want to go down there, Jack?
    [06:02.22]Female, late 20s, no I.D.
    [06:04.21]She coded twice on the way over here.
    [06:05.73]Where's the other one?
    [06:06.67]Right behind us. They're on their way.
    [06:08.52]Fire department had to use the jaws.
    [06:10.66]What do we got here?
    [06:11.65]Female, late 20s.
    [06:13.44]What the hell is that thing?
    [06:14.76]Piece of the steering column.
    [06:16.26]All right, let's go. Keep that collar steady.
    [06:18.69]- Page my father? - Already did.
    [06:20.01]- Tell me. - Her tire blew.
    [06:21.15]Car jumped the divider, went head-on with an S.U.V.
    [06:23.61]BP's dropping.
    [06:24.32]- Was she driving? - Yeah. Alone.
    [06:26.79]Where's the driver of the S.U.V.?
    [06:28.98]Adam Rutherford. 57. Chest trauma. No breath sounds.
    [06:33.22]- Tube Mr. Rutherford while I-- - I can't intubate. You got to.
    [06:36.31]Dr. Sheppard, her B.P.'s 80 over 60.
    [06:41.41]Okay. I need a syringe, a big one.
    [06:43.89]You, hold pressure.
    [06:51.83]88 over 52. No radial pulse.
    [06:54.11]I know. I know. Sacs flooded.
    [06:58.53]- Where's that-- - Right here.
    [07:00.27]- Got it? - Yep.
    [07:09.32]B.P. stabilizing.
    [07:12.39]Tme of death 8:15 a.m.
    [07:18.42]Okay. Get me a blood gas and a c-spine.
    [07:22.04]Get her up to I.C.U. and keep her immobilized.
    [07:28.68]I want to dance... wedding.
    [07:33.19]Did you hear that?
    [07:34.33]Sweetie, you need to take it easy, okay? Just relax.
    [07:37.33]What did she say?
    [07:38.94]She said she has to dance at her wedding.
    [07:54.50]Okay? No one is out there.
    [07:56.31]No one is coming.
    [07:57.63]But the french woman said--
    [07:59.05]the french woman is missing a bloody wing nut, you know?
    [08:01.60]I mean, it was all bollocks. It was a ghost story.
    [08:04.69]She set the fire herself.
    [08:16.98]Has anyone seen Vincent?
    [08:19.81]The dog? Anyone seen him?
    [08:22.80]Has anyone seen the dog?
    [08:28.11]Where are you going?
    [08:29.58]I lost the damn dog.
    [08:39.80]Why'd you do that?
    [08:42.34]Why'd you light the fuse, man?
    [08:46.15]Why wouldn't I light the fuse?
    [08:48.99]Uh, maybe because I was running towards you,
    [08:51.45]waving my arms, yelling, "don't do that"?
    [08:56.11]Well, you got a point there.
    [09:00.28]I guess I was just excited to get inside.
    [09:02.82]I mean, that's why we came here, isn't it?
    [09:04.58]That's why we went all the way out to "the black rock"
    [09:06.43]and why we got the dynamite to blow the hatch.
    [09:08.94]We did it so that we could get inside, Hugo.
    [09:11.07]And to save everybody's lives.
    [09:14.17]And to save everyone's lives.
    [09:17.25]Or maybe it was just our destiny. Right, John?
    [09:22.41]Guys, uh, it's the hatch door.
    [09:26.07]You'd better see this.
    [09:38.04]This is not a good idea.
    [09:38.98]I saw him five minutes ago.
    [09:40.49]Besides, you're the one who said there wasn't anyone out here.
    [09:42.92]I said we didn't see anyone.
    [09:45.12]The dog will come back on his own. He always does.
    [09:48.57]Watching that dog was the one thing anybody ever asked me to do.
    [09:51.86]If something happens to him...
    [09:54.50]When was the last time you slept or had something to eat?
    [09:57.11]You're exhausted.
    [09:58.86]I can't tell that kid I lost his dog 'cause I was exhausted.
    [10:09.61]I'll circle around behind him.
    [10:36.86]Where are you?! Sayid!
    [11:20.01]What are you doing here?
    [11:28.09]What is it?
    [11:42.33]Why do you wanna get down there so bad?
    [11:45.47]-Ly. Why do I want to get down there so badly?
    [11:50.98]Jack thinks I'm crazy, doesn't he?
    [11:52.97]Why, 'cause you want to drop into a hatch that's been locked from the inside
    [11:56.67]by a foot-thick steel door that says "quarantine"?
    [12:00.51]Well, look at the bright side-- the damage is done.
    [12:03.50]"Bright side."
    [12:05.64]And if Jack thinks I've lost it, I can't blame him, really.
    [12:09.32]Then again, five hours ago, I was pulled into a hole
    [12:12.60]by what appeared to be a column of black smoke.
    [12:15.89]Did you see it, Kate?
    [12:21.76]Then I guess we're both crazy.
    [12:25.68]Wonder what Jack thinks he saw.
    [12:32.19]You should go ahead, man.
    [12:33.72]Don't want Locke making time with your girl.
    [12:36.51]Joke, dude.
    [12:38.07]Not really in the mood, Hurley.
    [12:39.84]Really? Wow. Usually you're like Mr. Ha ha.
    [12:44.87]There you go.
    [12:46.55]Life's not so bad, right?
    [12:48.74]I mean, sure, the others are coming to, like, eat us all,
    [12:51.24]and every once in a while someone blows up all over you,
    [12:54.38]but we do get to sleep in every morning.
    [12:57.19]Uh-huh. And the numbers?
    [13:02.84]"The numbers are bad."
    [13:04.26]That's what you were yelling right when I tackled you.
    [13:08.13]- Yeah, it's kind of a long story. - I got time.
    [13:11.73]- You'll think I'm crazy. - Try me.
    [13:19.30]A while ago, I was in this kind of psych ward,
    [13:22.68]and there was this guy Leonard.
    [13:24.23]And all the time I knew him, all he ever said were these numbers--
    [13:26.78]4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, over and over and over again.
    [13:32.03]And they kind of got stuck in my head.
    [13:34.05]So when I got out--
    [13:35.65]well, actually, a couple months after I'd got out,
    [13:38.18]I was buying a frozen burrito, and I thought, "hey, I should play the lottery."
    [13:42.15]And I guess those numbers were still stuck in my head. So I played them,
    [13:45.58]and I won $114 million.
    [13:50.81]And that's when it started happening.
    [13:52.45]My grandpa died.
    [13:54.03]My house caught on fire.
    [13:56.15]The chicken joint that I worked at got hit by a meteor--
    [13:59.65]well... actually, meteorite.
    [14:03.19]Okay, so tonight I see the same friggin' numbers on that hatch thing,
    [14:07.62]just written on the side.
    [14:09.75]And that's why I tried to stop it, because that thing is cursed, man.
    [14:18.00]You were in a psych ward?
    [14:21.85]- I'm not crazy. - I'm not saying you are.
    [14:25.90]So? What, that's it? That's all?
    [14:28.46]- What do you want me to say? - How about you believe me, man?
    [14:31.18]Hurley, they're numbers.
    [14:36.51]What's that thing where doctors make you feel better just by talking to you?
    [14:41.35]- Bedside manner. - Yeah, that.
    [14:45.19]Yours sucks, dude.
    [15:01.36]What happened to him?
    [15:04.41]Just try to relax, okay?
    [15:08.17]The car that I hit.
    [15:10.22]The other driver was older.
    [15:12.62]He died in the E.R.
    [15:19.56]I can't feel anything.
    [15:23.04]I know.
    [15:27.54]What's happened to me?
    [15:31.30]You have a fracture dislocation of your thoracic lumbar spine
    [15:34.94]with multiple crushed vertebrae.
    [15:39.05]Your back is broken.
    [15:42.39]Your spleen is ruptured and bleeding into your abdomen, and that has to be stopped.
    [15:46.60]I'm gonna perform surgery
    [15:48.12]and repair as much damage as possible,
    [15:49.87]but even the most optimistic result
    [15:52.53]puts the likelihood of retaining any feeling or mobility anywhere below the waist at...
    [15:59.27]extremely unlikely.
    [16:06.80]Dr. Shephard?
    [16:08.73]May I have a word, please?
    [16:15.50]So? What did I do wrong?
    [16:16.92]You did something wrong?
    [16:19.04]You're frowning.
    [16:20.13]My face is always this way.
    [16:21.84]Dad, hey, come on.
    [16:24.47]Let's hear it.
    [16:27.57]You might want to try handing out some hope every once in a while.
    [16:33.72]Even if there's a 99% probability that they're utterly, hopelessly screwed,
    [16:38.15]folks are much more inclined to hear that 1% chance
    [16:43.19]that things are gonna be okay.
    [16:45.56]Her spine's crushed.
    [16:47.60]I tell her that everything's gonna be okay,
    [16:49.63]that's false hope, dad.
    [16:52.06]But maybe. Maybe.
    [16:54.71]But it's still hope.
    [17:11.54]I know what I saw.
    [17:12.86]It was him. It was Walt.
    [17:14.12]Shannon, please lower your voice. You'll upset the rest of the group.
    [17:16.18]I heard whispers.
    [17:17.13]- Where? - Everywhere.
    [17:18.30]- What whispers? - I don't know. Them.
    [17:20.49]Do you think something happened to the raft?
    [17:22.65]Nothing happened to the raft. Walt is with your husband--
    [17:25.38]Sayid, I know what I saw.
    [17:28.29]They're back.
    [17:45.58]Locke found, uh...
    [17:49.11]a hatch in the ground about a half mile from here.
    [17:54.29]We left to blow it open so that we could hide inside,
    [17:57.61]so all of us could hide inside in case...
    [18:04.31]but that doesn't matter now because it's not gonna work.
    [18:06.69]There's no way for all of us to get down in there tonight.
    [18:11.61]Where's Dr. Arzt?
    [18:16.03]Uh, he didn't make it.
    [18:19.94]Did you see them?
    [18:21.79]Did you see the others?
    [18:23.49]Hey, Shannon, there are no others! We've already had this conversation!
    [18:43.16]Everything's gonna be okay.
    [18:45.71]Let's just-- let's take it easy. We're gonna be all right.
    [18:49.17]We're gonna stay here tonight, okay? Together.
    [18:52.35]We've still got four guns. We'll put lookouts at all the entrances.
    [18:58.04]We're all gonna be safe as long as we stay together.
    [19:03.41]The sun comes up in three hours,
    [19:05.08]and we're all gonna be here to see that happen.
    [19:11.62]I promise.
    [19:23.91]John, what are you doing?
    [19:26.46]I'm getting some cable.
    [19:28.77]What for?
    [19:31.52]It's for the hatch. I'm going in.
    [19:41.00]Do you really think that's the smartest thing to do right now, John?
    [19:44.38]I doubt it.
    [19:45.94]In fact, you're right.
    [19:47.96]Safest thing is to stay here,
    [19:50.19]wait for morning,
    [19:52.31]wait for these "others," to see if they ever show up,
    [19:56.59]wait for the brave folks on the raft to bring help.
    [20:01.09]But me, I'm tired of waiting.
    [20:24.73]So do you believe it?
    [20:31.13]Believe what?
    [20:34.59]That everything's gonna be okay.
    [20:42.21]I do.
    [20:44.09]That's kind of unlike you.
    [20:46.47]The whole glass-half-full thing.
    [20:48.55]There's a glass?
    [20:56.18]You did a good thing, saying what you said...
    [21:01.09]and taking care of everybody and
    [21:04.49]just giving them something to count on.
    [21:10.65]If you weren't here, Jack...
    [21:19.08]I'm going to the hatch.
    [21:23.22]I understand why you can't go. I mean, they need you here.
    [21:25.90]I get it. I do.
    [21:31.26]But Locke's going into that thing whether you like it or not.
    [21:35.64]And if he falls and breaks his neck...
    [21:41.50]Live together, die alone, right?
    [21:59.55]Your fiance was seriously injured.
    [22:01.67]It could take as long as 10, maybe 12 hours.
    [22:05.00]I won't know how extensive the damage is until I get inside.
    [22:13.16]She was going for a dress fitting and to look at tablecloths.
    [22:20.26]When is it-- the wedding?
    [22:22.76]Uh, it's eight months.
    [22:25.79]Well, I'm sure Sara will have recovered by then--
    [22:28.50]"Recovered," um...what does that mean?
    [22:32.22]There will be ongoing physical therapy. But if she works really hard--
    [22:35.53]Will we be able to, uh... you know, make love?
    [22:45.26]You need to know that there's a chance Sara
    [22:47.20]might very well need professional care for the rest of her life.
    [22:53.11]Like, she won't be able to go to the bathroom by herself?
    [23:13.49]Come here.
    [23:16.82]Come here.
    [23:21.55]I want to tell you a little secret.
    [23:26.22]Come on.
    [23:37.62]It's okay.
    [23:41.82]I know I'm not gonna be dancing anymore.
    [23:51.55]And I can still roll around at my wedding.
    [23:58.86]You're invited, okay?
    [24:06.60]I'm gonna fix you.
    [24:41.07]Expected to find you halfway down there by now.
    [24:44.96]I was waitin' for you.
    [24:57.77]So you want me to go down first?
    [24:59.86]Hell, you're lighter.
    [25:01.74]I can belay you down and bring you back up just as easy.
    [25:05.40]The shaft might get narrower down there, too.
    [25:08.18]You left out the part where you just want to see if I get eaten by something.
    [25:12.17]Yeah, well, that, too.
    [25:17.82]- Not too tight? - I got it.
    [25:47.82]What do I say if I need to stop?
    [25:55.22]Mmm. Right.
    [25:57.31]Okay. Let's go.
    [26:52.27]Aah! Kate! Are you all right?
    [27:02.62]I dropped the light!
    [27:06.36]Maybe we should...
    [27:09.70]Well, okay, then.
    [27:46.16]What is it?
    [27:48.84]I think there's something down--
    [27:59.62]Kate, are you all right?!
    [28:27.22]You're kidding, right?
    [28:29.33]You're going back?
    [28:32.31]What about all that stuff you said about waiting till morning
    [28:35.07]and watching the sunrise?
    [28:37.90]I changed my mind.
    [30:35.58]Ohh! Damn it!
    [30:38.16]You all right, brother?
    [30:39.42]I'm fine. I'm fine.
    [30:40.89]Take it easy. Keep the weight off.
    [30:42.78]Here, let me have a look.
    [30:45.66]Does this hurt?
    [30:47.69]Well, you haven't sprained it, then.
    [30:50.70]I don't fancy your chances of catching up with me tonight, though.
    [30:53.46]I wasn't trying to catch up.
    [30:55.00]Aye, of course you weren't.
    [30:59.79]What do you know about sprains anyway?
    [31:01.43]I was almost a doctor once.
    [31:05.05]Small world.
    [31:06.62]Are you a doctor, then?
    [31:20.72]So what's your excuse?
    [31:25.12]For runnin' like the devil's chasing you.
    [31:28.68]My excuse-- I'm trainin'.
    [31:32.03]Training for what?
    [31:33.31]For a race around the world.
    [31:36.37]Impressive, I know.
    [31:40.79]So your excuse better be good, brother.
    [31:44.10]Just trying to work a few things out.
    [31:48.66]A girl, right?
    [31:52.05]A patient.
    [31:53.86]Ah, but a girl patient.
    [31:59.55]What's her name?
    [32:04.10]Her name's Sara.
    [32:06.31]What did you do to her, then?
    [32:08.54]Do to her?
    [32:09.79]You must've done something worthy of this self-flagellation.
    [32:16.41]I told her...
    [32:19.12]I made a promise I couldn't keep.
    [32:22.41]I told her I'd fix her and...
    [32:28.00]I failed.
    [32:33.11]Well... right.
    [32:35.98]Just one thing...
    [32:40.25]what if you did fix her?
    [32:43.23]I didn't.
    [32:44.45]But what if you did?
    [32:46.60]You don't know what you're talking about, man.
    [32:48.31]I don't? Why not?
    [32:49.87]Because with her situation, that would be a miracle, brother.
    [32:54.88]Ah. And you don't believe in miracles?
    [33:04.99]Well, then I'm going to give you some advice anyway.
    [33:11.47]You have to lift it up.
    [33:19.78]Lift it up?
    [33:24.66]Your ankle.
    [33:26.68]You gotta keep it elevated.
    [33:31.12]Well, it's been nice chattin'.
    [33:35.52]Jack. I'm Desmond.
    [33:39.02]Well, good luck, brother.
    [33:40.85]See you in another life, yeah?
    [36:26.21]Play your own kind of music
    [36:29.91]sing an old-fashioned song
    [36:33.93]make your own kind of music
    [36:37.46]even if nobody else sings along
    [36:45.31]you're gonna be nowhere
    [36:49.45]the loneliest kind of lonely
    [36:53.65]it may be rough going through
    [36:56.51]just to do your thing's the hardest thing to do
    [37:03.79]but you've gotta make your own kind of music
    [37:09.17]sing an old-fashioned song
    [37:13.10]you gotta make your own kind of music
    [37:16.67]even if nobody else sings along
    [37:23.01]make your own kind of music sing your...
    [37:30.21]I wouldn't do that.
    [37:33.79]Where's Kate?
    [37:36.93]What the hell did you--
    [37:55.85]Am I alive?
    [38:01.89]Yeah. Yeah, you're alive.
    [38:11.25]You smell.
    [38:15.15]Well, thank you.
    [38:17.16]Wow, you really smell.
    [38:20.39]Yeah, I, uh...I went for a run.
    [38:24.36]You smell like you ran far.
    [38:27.79]Well, I showered. I mean, I guess I just didn't cool.
    [38:30.11]I wanted to get back down here and check on you. It was a tour de stade.
    [38:40.53]It's when you run all the steps in every section of the stadium up and down.
    [38:46.60]Why would you do that?
    [38:51.18]Um, I'm intense.
    [38:55.20]Did you finish?
    [38:56.72]No. I hurt my ankle.
    [39:00.94]That sucks for you.
    [39:06.41]Is Kevin here? My fianc?
    [39:10.25]I didn't see him.
    [39:13.34]I'm sure he'll be back...
    [39:15.76]Yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
    [39:21.53]Gonna tell me how it went?
    [39:29.04]Sara, the damage to your back was extensive.
    [39:39.46]I did everything that I could, but your spinal column-- I just...
    [39:48.20]I couldn't repair it.
    [39:52.84]You're gonna be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of your life.
    [39:59.97]I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Sara.
    [40:08.48]You're yanking my chain, right?
    [40:16.58]Then how come I can wiggle my toes?
    [40:42.81]Can you feel this?
    [40:48.41]Can you feel this?
    [41:22.59]Move, and I'll kill him.
    [41:26.30]Put the gun down.
    [41:28.83]Where's Kate?
    [41:30.22]Jack, it's okay.
    [41:31.33]- I said drop it! - Where's Kate?!
    [41:32.73]- She's fine. Just put down-- - I'm not putting down anything.
    [41:36.47]Do you want him to die?
    [41:38.33]Put it down!
    [41:43.02]Is this what you were talking about, Locke?
    [41:45.43]Is this your destiny?
    [41:49.29]- All roads lead here. - Jack, calm down.
    [41:53.31]Lower your gun, or I'll blow his damned head off, brother!
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