[00:03:50]The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment and said,
[00:09:52]He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.
[00:20:02]Will Bran get better, Uncle? little Myrcella asked. She had all of her mother’s beauty, and none of her nature.
[00:28:01]His back is broken, little one, Tyrion told her. The fall shattered his legs as well.
[00:34:37]They keep him alive with honey and water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes,
[00:42:00]he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again.
[00:46:47]If he wakes, Cersei repeated. Is that likely?
[00:52:11]The gods alone know, Tyrion told her. The maester only hopes. He chewed some more bread.
[00:59:01]I would swear that wolf of his is keeping the boy alive.
[01:03:01]The creature is outside his window day and night, howling. Every time they chase it away, it returns.
[01:10:33]The maester said they closed the window once, to shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart beat stronger.
[01:19:47]The queen shuddered. There is something unnatural about those animals, she said. They are dangerous. I will not have any of them coming south with us.