悟空被擒,玉帝判其死刑,令人削其头颅。不料,大刀折成两截他却毫发无损。太上老君说到: “ 不如用我的炼丹炉烧死他吧?”
A山er Monkey King was caught, Yu Di sentenced him to death and ordered him to be beheaded. To everyone’s surprise, the knife was halved but his head was intact. Tai Shang Lao Jun said: “Let me
burn him inside my elixir furnace. ”
Forty nine days later a山er Wukong was thrown into the furnace, assuming that he must have been burned to ashes, Lao Jun opened it to check. Unexpectedly, Wukong jumped out, kicked over the furnace and tried to escape, twirling his weapon, but he was soon heavily surrounded.
虽被包围,悟空却仍处上风。玉帝只好派人请如来。见到如来众人停手。悟空道:“你是何人,多管闲事!”Though surrounded Wukong was still winning. Yu Di had to send for The Buddha . When he arrived everyone stopped fighting. Wukong said:“Who are you?Mind your own business!”
如来面露微笑,自报家门,然后问到:“你又为何屡次挑衅?” 悟空傲慢地说:“我会七十二变,一个筋斗十万八千里,无人能胜我。俗话说胜者为王,玉帝咋不把宝座让给我?”
The Buddha smiled and introduced himself. Then he asked: “Why have you been so provocative?” “I know 72 transformations. I can fly 18,000 li with just one somersault. I am invincible. As the saying goes, the winner takes all, why doesn’t Yu Di give up his throne to me? ”, Wukong arrogantly said.
如来笑着说:“若你真牛咱便打个赌,你若能翻出我的手掌心, 我就让玉帝让位给你,否则你再莫来捣乱。”The Buddha laughed and said: “If you are really so good, let’s make a wager. If you can leave my palm I will ask Yu Di to give up his throne to you. If not, be good and stay away.”
悟空觉得好笑, “如来真是笨极了,我一个筋斗十万八千里,哪有翻不出他手掌心的道理?”于是他同意了。Wukong thought it was funny. “The Buddha is really really an idiot. I can fly 18000 li with one somersault. How can I not leave his palm.” so he accepted the wager.
The Buddha held out his right hand. Wukong jumped on and then flew on a cloud. Seconds later, he disappeared. A山er a while he saw five pillars which he guessed were supporting the sky at the end of the earth. To have some proof he wrote on one pillar these words: Qi Tian Da Sheng has been here. Then he returned to the Buddha gleefully.
He shouted: “I reached the end of the world and le山 some marks.” Now you must tell Yu Di to give me his throne. The Buddha smiled and said: “Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. You have not le山 my palm. How dare you show off such foolproof tricks in front of me? Now look at my fingers.”
悟空看到如来右手中指上写着“齐天大圣到此一游”。他不敢相信,想再试一次。如来懒得理他,右手一翻变出一座五行山把悟空压在山下。为防止他逃出来,如来又帖了一张咒符在山 上,最后告诉他等他时机恰当时自然有人来放他出来。
Wukong saw that on his middle finger was written what he had written on the pillar. He couldn’t believe his eyes and wanted to try again. The Buddha ignored him, turned over his hand, conjured up a hand-shaped mountain and put it over the head of Wukong. To ensure that he couldn’t escape the Buddha put a written spell on the mountain. In the end he told Monkey King he would be released when the time was right.
Five hundred years had flown by since Wukong got trapped under the mountain when one day in Lei Yin Temple the Buddha announced: “I have three Mahayana scriptures that can rescue people from misery and suffering. I want to teach them to the people living in the east but they must come to fetch them by going through ordeals. I need someone to find a determined and pious monk to do this. Any volunteer?”
Guanyin volunteered. The Buddha handed her five treasures to be presented to the pilgrim she would find which were: a cassock made of gold and silk, a 9-ring walking stick, and three magic headbands.
The cassock and stick could protect the pilgrim and the three bands could help him tame three powerful monsters and demons as his followers; as long as he murmurs the tightening spell the band wearer will have a killing headache so he would be obedient.
观音收好宝物,携弟子前往东方。途经流沙河时遇到一位赤发墨颜的怪物。该妖怪本是天庭的卷帘大将 ,因为打碎一件宝杯而被放逐。
Guanyin packed the treasures and le山 for the east with an assistant. When they passed Liu Sha He, literally meaning Quicksand River, they met a monster with red hair and an inky face who used to be a guardian in heavenly palace. He was banished for breaking a precious cup.
该妖怪见到观音便哀求她帮自己摆脱苦境。观音叫他皈依佛门,取法名“沙悟净”,告诉他:“不日将有一唐朝和尚从此路过去西天取经,你护送他去西天,功成之后你便可官复原职。”观音继续东行,遇到一个猪头妖怪。该妖怪原是天庭的天蓬元帅,因酒后失德被贬下凡间,投胎失误便成了如此模样。妖怪求菩萨救他, 观音也让他皈依佛门,赐法名“猪悟能”,命他随唐僧取经, 将功赎罪。
On seeing Guanyin he begged her to help him out of his misery. Guanyin asked him to convert to Buddhism and gave him a religious name Sha Wujing. Then she said: “A few days later a monk from Tang Empire will arrive. Accompany him to his destination and your position will be restored.” Guanyin continued traveling eastwards when she encountered a pig-headed monster who used to be a marshal in heavenly palace and was expelled for his drunken misbehavior. Something went wrong with the reincarnation and there he was. He pleaded with Guanyin for help. Guanyin converted him to Buddhism and gave him a religious name Zhu Wu’neng. Then she asked him to escort Tang Monk on the pilgrimage as redemption.
观音继续东行,见一小龙呻吟。原来是西海龙王的儿子因意外烧毁了玉帝赏赐的明珠而被吊挂起来。小龙看到观音连忙求救。观音请求玉帝赦免了小龙但是让他变成白马做唐僧的坐骑。终于,观音来到了五行山下。悟空连忙求救。菩萨说到:“我正要去大唐寻找取经之人,那人路过此处时你拜他为师,求他放你出来护送他到西天取经。”Guanyin continued to travel eastwards until she saw a groaning young dragon who was the son of West Sea Dragon King. He was hung there because he had accidentally burned a precious pearl rewarded by Yu Di. When he saw Guanyin he implored for help. Guanyin asked Yu Di to pardon him but also asked him to be Tang Monk’s horse. At last, Guanyin reached Mount Hand. Monkey King begged for help but Guanyin replied: “I am going to look for a Tang Monk to fetch scriptures from the Buddha. When he passes here you can ask him to be your master and to release you so that you can protect him on the pilgrimage.”