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    14 TRAVEL

    十四 漫游

    Rob ert Louis Stevenson


    I should like to rise and go 我真想起身,抬腿就走。
    Where the golden apples grow;---- 到金色苹果园里去漫游;——
    Where below another sky 去那儿:上面是异国的蓝天,
    Parrot islands anchored lie, 下面是鹦鹉岛,横躺在海面,
    And, watched by cockatoos and goats, Lonely 孤独的鲁滨孙们在建造木船,
    Crusoes building boats; ---- 白鹦和山羊守候在旁边;——
    Where in sunshine reaching out 去那儿:一座座东方的城镇,
    Eastern cities, miles about, 在阳光下,向周围几十里延伸,
    Are with mosque and minaret 城里装饰着清真寺和塔尖,
    Among sandy gardens set, 寺塔的四周是沙盖的花园,
    And the rich goods from near and far 琳琅的杂货,来自四方,
    Hang for sale in the bazaar;---- 招徐顾客,悬挂在市场;——
    Where the Great Wall round China goes, 去那儿:长城环抱着中国,
    And on one side the desert blows, 在它的一边,是风沙,荒漠,
    And with bell and voice and drum, 另一边,是城市,一片嘈杂,
    Cities on the other hum; ----- 钟声、鼓声和人声喧哗;——
    Where are forests, hot as fire, 去那儿:火焰般炎热的森林,
    Wide as England, tall as a spire, 宽阔如英格兰,高耸如尖塔顶,
    Full of apes and cocoa-nuts 那儿到处是椰子果,大猿猴,
    And the negro hunters' huts; ---- 茅屋里住着黑人好猎手;——
    Where the knotty crocodile 去那儿:看鳄鱼披一身鳞甲,
    Lies and blinks in the Nile. 躺在尼罗河里,两眼眨巴。
    And the red flamingo flies 还有那红色的火烈鸟,它一见
    Hunting fish before his eyes; ---- 水里的鱼儿,就啄到嘴边;——
    Where in jungles, near and far, 去那儿:原始的林莽草莱,
    Man-devouring tigers are, 吃人的老虎们在远近徘徊,
    Lying close and giving ear 挨着身子躺,竖着耳朵听,
    Lest the hunt be drawing near, 就怕猎人越来越挨近,
    Or a comer-by be seen 就怕有人到林子里来,
    Swinging in a palanquin; ---- 坐在轿子里,一摇又一摆;——
    Where among the desert sands 去那儿:在一片荒凉的沙地,
    Some deserted city stands, 直立着一座古城的残迹,
    All its children, sweep and prince, 城里所有的王子和穷娃娃
    Grown to manhood ages since, 多少个世纪前就已经长大,
    Not a foot in street or house, 没有人走动在屋里,在街道,
    Not a stir of child or rouse, 没有孩子笑,也没耗子叫,
    And when kindly falls the night, 当着温和的夜晚来临,
    In all the town no spark of light. 全城见不到一丝光影。
    There I'll come when I'm a man 我要到那儿去,只等我长大,
    With a camel caravan:, 就带着骆驼队向那儿进发;
    Light a fire in the gloom 去那儿,在幽暗尘封的饭厅,
    Of some dusty dining-room.; 点燃起火炬,给周围照明;
    See the pictures on the walls, 从墙上挂着的多少幅画图,
    Heroes, fights and festivals; 看英雄,战斗,节日的欢愉;
    And in a corner find the toys. 我最后还发现,在一角墙隅,
    Of the old Egyptian boys. 古埃及儿童的一堆玩具。
      屠 岸 方谷绣译

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