十五 我的影子
R obert .Louis Stevenson
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, |
我有个小小的影子,进进出出跟着我, |
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see. |
我可不大知道他到底有什么用场。 |
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head; |
他呀,从头到脚都非常非常地像我; |
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed. |
我跳上床去,倒看见他比我先蹦上床。 |
The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow ---- |
他怎样成长的呢,嗐,那才叫好玩—— |
Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow; |
全不像真正的孩子那样,慢慢地长大; |
For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball, |
有时候他长得那么高,象皮球,一蹦窜上天, |
And he sometimes gets so little that there' s none of him at all. |
有时候他缩得这么小,我完全看不到他。 |
He hasn't got a notion of how children ought to play, |
孩子应该怎样游戏,他可是完全不知道, |
And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way. |
他呀,只知道捉弄我,跟我开玩笑。 |
He stays so close beside me, he's a coward you can see; |
他老是紧紧跟着我,真像个胆小鬼,你瞧; |
I' d think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me! |
我像他跟牢我那样去跟牢保姆可多害臊! |
One morning, very early, before the sun was up, |
一天早上,非常早,太阳还没有起身, |
I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup; |
我起来看到露珠在金凤花儿上闪耀; |
But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head, |
可是我那懒惰的小影子,真贪睡,还不醒, |
Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed. |
他在我身后,在家里床上,呼呼地睡觉。 |
屠 岸 方谷绣译 |