教程:2024哈利波特与魔法石AI版  浏览:71  
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    "That does look good," said the ghost in the ruff sadly, watching Harry cut up his steak. "Can't you — ?" "I haven't eaten for nearly five hundred years," said the ghost. "I don't need to, of course, but one does miss it. I don't think I've introduced myself? Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington at your service. Resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower." "I know who you are!" said Ron suddenly. "My brothers told me about you — you're Nearly Headless Nick!" "I would prefer you to call me Sir Nicholas de Mimsy — " the ghost began stiffly, but sandy-haired Seamus Finnigan interrupted. "Nearly Headless? How can you be nearly headless?"

    “看起来不错,”穿着皱巴巴的鬼魂一边看着哈利切牛排,一边悲伤地说。“你不能——?” “我已经将近五百年没吃东西了,”鬼魂说。“当然,我不需要吃,但谁也想不起来。我想我还没有自我介绍过?尼古拉斯·德·敏西-波平顿爵士为您效劳。格兰芬多塔的常驻幽灵。” “我知道你是谁!”罗恩突然说道。“我的哥哥们告诉我你的名字——你是差点没头的尼克!” “我更希望你叫我尼古拉斯·德·敏西爵士——”鬼魂生硬地开口,但沙色头发的西莫·斐尼甘打断了他。“差点没头?你怎么能差点没头?”

    Sir Nicholas looked extremely miffed, as if their little chat wasn't going at all the way he wanted. "Like this," he said irritably. He seized his left ear and pulled. His whole head swung off his neck and fell onto his shoulder as if it was on a hinge. Someone had obviously tried to behead him, but not done it properly. Looking pleased at the stunned looks on their faces, Nearly Headless Nick flipped his head back onto his neck, coughed, and said, "So — new Gryffindors! I hope you're going to help us win the house championship this year? Gryffindors have never gone so long without winning. "


    "Slytherins have got the cup six years in a row! The Bloody Baron's becoming almost unbearable — he's the Slytherin ghost." Harry looked over at the Slytherin table and saw a horrible ghost sitting there, with blank staring eyes, a gaunt face, and robes stained with silver blood. He was right next to Malfoy who, Harry was pleased to see, didn't look too pleased with the seating arrangements. "How did he get covered in blood?" asked Seamus with great interest. "I've never asked," said Nearly Headless Nick delicately.

    ”斯莱特林已经连续六年夺得奖杯了!血人巴罗变得几乎让人无法忍受——他是斯莱特林的幽灵。”哈利看了看斯莱特林的桌子,看到一个可怕的幽灵坐在那里,眼神茫然,脸色憔悴,长袍上沾满了银色的血迹。他就在马尔福旁边,哈利很高兴看到马尔福对座位安排不太满意。“他怎么会浑身是血?”西莫很感兴趣地问道。 “我从来没问过,”差点没头的尼克小心翼翼地说道。


      上一篇:2024有声读物听力素材-哈利波特与魔法石:开学宴的大餐 下一篇:2024有声读物听力素材-哈利波特与魔法石:斯内普教授


