The sport of tennis has a problem with waste. That many players do not even recognize each time they open a new container of game balls. The balls are not recyclable. Almost all of the 330 million balls manufactured each year end up in waste or garbage landfills. Once there, it can take as long as 400 years for the balls to decompose.
Major professional tennis competitions go through nearly 100,000 balls during two weeks of play. The problem of tennis ball waste has sent ballmakers, tennis officials, and recycling companies looking for solutions.
Nicolas J. Temalus is director of Columbia University's Earth Engineering Center. "Tennis balls, like a lot of objects, are made to be indestructible, which means they're very resistant to mechanical processing," he said. "But do you take a useful object that lasts forever and say, 'people shouldn't use it because it lasts forever'? That's nonsense," he added.
Temalus and other experts note that tennis balls make up a tiny percentage of the hundreds of millions of metric tons of garbage produced every year. He says part of the solution is finding ways to do other things with the balls. "Anyone who would say you shouldn't play tennis because of the tennis balls is misinformed," said Jason Quinn, director of Colorado State University's Sustainability Research Laboratory.
"There are things you can do to reuse and repurpose tennis balls to lessen the impact. Individual used balls sometimes become playthings for dogs or are reused in other small ways. But huge numbers of used balls can also be crushed to pieces for use as building material, like flooring."