第十一章 丹妮莉丝
[00:00:01]Daenerys Targaryen wed Khal Drogo with fear and barbaric splendor in a field beyond the walls of Pentos,
[00:13:59]for the Dothraki believed that all things of importance in a man’s life must be done beneath the open sky.
[00:21:13]Drogo had called his khalasar to attend him and they had come, forty thousand Dothraki warriors and uncounted numbers of women, children, and slaves.
[00:34:06]Outside the city walls they camped with their vast herds, raising palaces of woven grass, eating everything in sight,
[00:42:31]and making the good folk of Pentos more anxious with every passing day.
[00:46:59]“My fellow magisters have doubled the size of the city guard,”
[00:53:01]Illyrio told them over platters of honey duck and orange snap peppers one night at the manse that had been Drogo’s.
[01:00:41]The khal had joined his khalasar, his estate given over to Daenerys and her brother until the wedding.
[01:08:46]“Best we get Princess Daenerys wedded quickly before they hand half the wealth of Pentos away to sellswords and bravos,” Ser Jorah Mormont jested.
[01:19:54]The exile had offered her brother his sword the night Dany had been sold to Kbal Drogo; Viserys had accepted eagerly.
[01:28:46]Mormont had been their constant companion ever since.