0:00:02.42, |
Look, I know you'r tired. |
听着 我知道你很累 |
0:00:03.70, |
But just think how good you're gonna feel tomorrow |
但想想明早起床时我们就用上新的壁纸了 |
0:00:05.51, |
when you wake up and we have all new shop paper. |
那感觉会是多么美妙 |
0:00:07.31, |
I wish I didn't get what you are talking about. |
我希望自己不懂你说的那种感觉 |
0:00:09.00, |
But I do. I just do. |
但我懂 我真的深有体会 |
0:00:11.12, |
Hey, who could be calling at this hour? |
谁会这么晚打电话来 |
0:00:13.64, |
It's Sal. |
是萨尔 |
0:00:14.67, |
No. Not answering that. |
不 不接了 |
0:00:16.53, |
Whatever earth-shattering drama she's going through can wait. |
不管她在经历什么惊天动地的事都可以先等着 |
0:00:20.44, |
Until she gets here. |
除非她找上门来 |
0:00:22.68, |
Oh, God. I hope we have vodka. |
天呐 但愿我们有伏特加 |
0:00:24.16, |
We don't, Mitchell. |
没有了 米奇尔 |
0:00:25.97, |
Sal was our best girlfriend |
萨尔是我们年少轻狂的岁月里 |
0:00:27.93, |
from back in our party days, |
最要好的女性朋友 |
0:00:29.14, |
but over the years, we've kind of gone in different directions. |
但这几年来 我们走上了不同的路 |
0:00:31.97, |
We chose forward. |
我们选择了向前走 |
0:00:33.64, |
Why won't this open? |
为什么打不开 |
0:00:35.57, |
Uh, something's wrong with that door. |
你们家的门坏了哦 |
0:00:37.79, |
Okay, whatever. I have the most amazing news, |
好了 无所谓 我有个超棒的消息 |
0:00:39.94, |
and I'm super excited, |
我现在超激动 |
0:00:40.63, |
but I won't be if you don't want me to be. |
但你们要是不喜欢 我就不激动 |
0:00:42.35, |
Ready? |
准备好了吗 |
0:00:43.32, |
I'm getting married! |
我要结婚了 |
0:00:44.21, |
Oh, my gosh! Congratulations! |
天啊 恭喜你 |
0:00:45.92, |
- I know! - Who's the guy? |
我知道-谁那么幸运 |
0:00:47.90, |
Oh, the love of my life. |
我的一生挚爱 |
0:00:49.53, |
Oh, so you finally bagged your boss? |
这么说你终于"俘获"了你的老板吗 |
0:00:51.50, |
Oh! Yes, but it's not him. And I don't work there anymore. |
对 但不是那个 我没在那里上班了 |
0:00:54.04, |
His name is Tony. |
他的名字叫托尼 |
0:00:55.39, |
I met him three months ago. |
我三个月前和他认识的 |
0:00:56.61, |
He's the greatest guy ever. |
他是有史以来最棒的男人 |
0:00:57.76, |
And seriously, are you guys okay with this? |
说真的 你俩能接受吗 |
0:00:59.78, |
Of course. Why wouldn't we be? |
当然 为什么不能呢 |
0:01:01.15, |
Well, you know, because I can get married, |
因为我能结婚 |
0:01:02.94, |
and you guys... Ugh! can't. |
但你们俩 不行 |
0:01:04.64, |
So? That doesn't mean you shouldn't. |
那又如何 那不意味着你不该结婚 |
0:01:06.62, |
Really? Because I will not go through with it |
真的吗 因为如果你们俩不同意 |
0:01:08.26, |
if you don't want me to. Seriously. |
我就不结婚 说真的 |
0:01:09.65, |
Not necessary. I mean, what kind of people would we be |
没必要 我们要是剥夺你 |
0:01:11.90, |
if we denied you or anyone the right to marry? |
或任何人结婚的权利 那成什么人了 |
0:01:13.98, |
#politics. |
政客 |
0:01:15.40, |
This makes me so happy |
这太让我高兴了 |
0:01:16.91, |
because I want you two to be my best men. |
因为我想让你们做我的伴郎 |
0:01:19.28, |
- Yes! Yes! - Of course! |
好啊好啊-当然好了 |
0:01:22.69, |
Okay. The wedding is gonna be super cute, |
婚礼会非常小巧可爱 |
0:01:25.31, |
Just us, a little dinner after. |
只有我们几个 随后是小型晚宴 |
0:01:27.26, |
Oh, and it's next Friday. |
就在下周五 |
0:01:28.48, |
Oh. What, it's next Friday? |
什么 下周五 |
0:01:29.97, |
Yeah.-How will we have time to do best man stuff? |
对-那我们哪有时间准备伴郎事宜 |
0:01:32.13, |
You know, like help you pick out your dress, |
比如帮你挑选礼服啊 |
0:01:33.78, |
get your flowers, get our hair blown out? |
准备捧花啊 做做头发啊 |
0:01:35.69, |
He's never been a best man before. |
他没当过伴郎 |
0:01:37.14, |
Oh, my God, we're getting married! |
天呐 就要结婚了 |
0:01:38.62, |
We're getting married! Let's have a drink. |
就要结婚了 来喝一杯吧 |
0:01:40.43, |
- Yeah, we're out of vodka. - I will see you on Friday. |
我们没有伏特加了-我们周五见 |
0:01:53.99, |
第四季 第十七集 |
0:01:57.24, |
And initial here and here and here. |
把姓名首字母签在这里 这里和这里 |
0:02:00.98, |
Ay, my arm is starting to hurt. |
我的胳膊都酸了 |
0:02:02.88, |
- Just a couple more. - What's going on? |
就剩几个了-怎么了 |
0:02:04.99, |
Nothing. I have to get this package, |
没事 我在收包裹 |
0:02:06.24, |
but there's so much signing. |
要签好多字啊 |
0:02:08.21, |
Get out of here, you perv. |
滚出去 你个变态 |
0:02:11.06, |
What's the matter with you? |
你怎么回事 |
0:02:13.79, |
You don't do that in front of strangers. |
你不该在陌生人面前喂奶 |
0:02:15.50, |
At least throw a blanket over. |
至少要盖个毯子 |
0:02:16.79, |
- I am not ashamed. - Obviously. |
我并不为此感到羞耻-显然如此 |
0:02:18.33, |
They're out all the time-- |
你简直毫不吝惜展示她们 |
0:02:19.14, |
in front of Manny, at the club, |
在曼尼面前 在俱乐部里 |
0:02:20.42, |
at Claire's dinner the other day. |
前几天在克莱尔的晚宴上 |
0:02:21.70, |
Phil almost ate a candle. |
菲尔差点生吞了支蜡烛 |
0:02:22.83, |
Fine. Next time, I will feed your baby inside a dark closet. |
好吧 下次我去小黑衣柜里喂你儿子 |
0:02:27.01, |
I'm just saying pick your moments, huh? |
我只是希望你喂奶时注意场合 |
0:02:28.67, |
Like let Daliya open the door. That's why we hired her. |
比如让达丽娅来开门 不然我们雇她干嘛 |
0:02:31.43, |
Daliya? |
达丽娅 |
0:02:32.13, |
My mother raised six children |
我妈妈养了6个孩子 |
0:02:34.31, |
while working at a construction job. |
同时还要在建筑工地工作 |
0:02:36.37, |
She would be so ashamed if I had a nanny. |
她会因为我用保姆而感到羞耻的 |
0:02:39.10, |
I don't see a lot of shame from your mom |
她每个月拿着我的支票取现时 |
0:02:40.48, |
when she's cashing my checks every month. |
可没觉得她有羞耻心 |
0:02:42.64, |
Hey, Daliya, we gotta go see Manny's teacher. |
达丽娅 我们要去见曼尼的老师 |
0:02:45.04, |
Would you try to coax a burp out of this one? |
你能来给小家伙拍拍隔吗 |
0:02:46.68, |
Come here, little guy. |
来吧 小家伙 |
0:02:50.63, |
Can you hold him a little higher? |
你能把他抱高点吗 |
0:02:52.00, |
I will. I'm just letting him get settled in. |
我会的 我只是调整下姿势 |
0:02:53.95, |
Okay, we're going. Bye-bye, Joe. |
好了 我们要走了 再见 乔 |
0:02:56.72, |
He likes to bounce a little. |
他喜欢被轻轻地摇晃 |
0:02:58.72, |
Can you cup your hand |
手稍微弯曲一点 |
0:03:00.59, |
- so that he doesn't feel like you're slapping? - Okay. |
这样他才不会觉得你在打他-好的 |
0:03:02.60, |
She knows it. Stop micromanaging. |
她懂啦 别什么事儿都要管 |
0:03:05.34, |
Cup your hand. |
你手弯曲一点 |
0:03:09.04, |
Hello.-Hey. |
大家好啊-好 |
0:03:10.53, |
Hey, can one of you guys drive me to my cello thing tonight? |
你们今晚谁能载我去参加大提琴演出 |
0:03:12.53, |
Honey, I wish we'd known. |
宝贝 我们要是早点知道就好了 |
0:03:13.61, |
Yeah. We got a dinner thing with the Flendersons. |
是啊 我们得去跟"弗林德森"一家吃晚饭 |
0:03:16.46, |
Okay, you don't have to stay, |
你们不用留下来看演出的 |
0:03:17.65, |
and those aren't even real people. |
根本没人叫那名字 |
0:03:19.77, |
Sorry. I panicked. |
抱歉 我刚才慌了 |
0:03:20.98, |
I got stuck between the Flemings and the Hendersons. |
在"弗"莱明斯和亨"德森"之间纠结来着 |
0:03:23.49, |
Oh, my god. Are those new boots? |
天呐 那是新买的靴子吗 |
0:03:26.44, |
Yes. |
是啊 |
0:03:27.12, |
I love them. They're so cute! |
我好喜欢 太好看了 |
0:03:29.17, |
They are? |
是吗 |
0:03:29.94, |
Oh, I forgot to tell you-- |
忘了跟你说了 |
0:03:31.15, |
Danielle Gunston--first one in my class to get pregnant. |
丹妮尔·冈斯顿是我们班第一个怀孕的 |
0:03:33.74, |
You totally called it. |
完全被你猜中了 |
0:03:36.79, |
Did you hear that? |
你听到了吗 |
0:03:37.63, |
My money was on Denise Modick. |
我猜的是丹妮斯·莫迪克 |
0:03:39.11, |
No. First she complimented my fashion sense, |
不是 她先是称赞了我的时尚品味 |
0:03:41.56, |
then she told me I did something right. |
而后又说我做了件对的事儿 |
0:03:44.13, |
Phil, I think it's happening. |
菲尔 我觉得时候到了 |
0:03:45.34, |
Raising a kid is like sending a rocket ship to the moon. |
养孩子就如同把火箭送上月球 |
0:03:49.17, |
You spend the early years in constant contact, |
刚开始几年你们形影不离 |
0:03:52.01, |
and then one day, around the teenage years, |
然后忽然间 大概在青春期时 |
0:03:54.87, |
they go around the dark side and they're gone. |
他们升入黑暗的外太空 消失不见 |
0:03:58.10, |
All you can do is wait for that faint signal |
你能做的就是等待一个微弱的信号 |
0:04:01.25, |
that says they're coming back. |
说他们要回来了 |
0:04:04.14, |
I think Haley is sending me that signal. |
我觉得海莉是在给我发送信号了 |
0:04:09.47, |
And? |
还有呢 |
0:04:11.32, |
- And Phil gave me that analogy. - Yeah. |
这个比喻是菲尔想到的-没错 |
0:04:15.00, |
You know what? |
你知道吗 |
0:04:17.20, |
I think I'm gonna ask her out to dinner tonight. |
我想约她今晚一起出去吃饭 |
0:04:20.08, |
Do you think she'll say yes? |
你觉得她会答应吗 |
0:04:21.22, |
If you want, |
你需要的话 |
0:04:21.91, |
I can pass her a note in study hall. |
我可以帮你在自习室给她传个纸条 |
0:04:26.09, |
What did I do? |
我做错什么了 |
0:04:27.17, |
Oh, my god. Nothing. |
天呐 没什么 |
0:04:28.83, |
I just wanted to know, if you weren't busy, |
我就是想知道 要是你不忙的话 |
0:04:30.77, |
you know, if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight? |
今天晚上 你想不想跟我一起吃饭呢 |
0:04:32.97, |
Dinner? Just you and me? |
吃饭 就你和我吗 |
0:04:35.59, |
I mean, you don't have to. It's cool. Don't worry. |
你不是非去不可 没事 算了 |
0:04:37.27, |
No, sounds fun. Let's do it. |
听起来不错 我愿意 |
0:04:38.74, |
Okay. Let's meet by the front door, then. |
好的 那我们到时在前门见咯 |
0:04:41.84, |
You know, 7:00? |
7点钟怎么样 |
0:04:42.99, |
Okay.-Yeah. |
好的-好 |
0:04:46.95, |
I totally think she likes you! |
我真觉得她喜欢你 |
0:04:48.93, |
I think so, too. |
我也这么觉得 |
0:04:50.84, |
First of all, I just want to say what a pleasure it is |
首先我要说美术班能有曼尼这样的学生 |
0:04:53.07, |
to have Manny in art class. |
真是太荣幸了 |
0:04:54.87, |
He's talented-- |
他很有才华 |
0:04:55.43, |
Can we just skip to what he did wrong? |
我们直接说他做错什么事了好吗 |
0:04:57.27, |
Who said that he did something wrong? |
谁说他做错事了 |
0:04:58.93, |
Hit it. |
直说吧 |
0:04:59.43, |
We do have an issue. |
确实有个问题 |
0:05:00.59, |
- Told you. -Manny seems to have quite a fascination |
我就说嘛-曼尼似乎非常迷恋 |
0:05:02.97, |
with the female nude. |
女性的裸体 |
0:05:04.58, |
So? He's a romantic. |
那又怎样 他生性浪漫 |
0:05:06.72, |
Well, this is all his art work over the last few weeks. |
这些是他最近几周的全部画作 |
0:05:10.57, |
Holy moly. |
我的天 |
0:05:11.85, |
There were even more, |
其实还有更多 |
0:05:12.59, |
but I think the janitor took some home. |
不过门卫好像偷了几张回家 |
0:05:14.21, |
Look at this. |
看这个 |
0:05:15.64, |
And this. |
还有这个 |
0:05:17.30, |
And these. |
还有这个 |
0:05:20.31, |
Look, I'm an artist. I'm free. |
我是个艺术家 我思想开放 |
0:05:23.27, |
I used to have an earring up here. |
我曾经在这上面打过耳洞 |
0:05:25.57, |
But some of the other parents have complained. |
不过有些其他孩子的家长投诉了 |
0:05:28.39, |
Well, the moms. |
都是当妈妈的 |
0:05:29.31, |
He must have learned that at school. |
他一定是在学校学到那些东西的 |
0:05:30.91, |
Because we have filters in the computer, |
因为我们家的电脑装了过滤设备 |
0:05:32.76, |
and I have thrown out all of Jay magazines. |
而且杰的黄色杂志都已经被我扔掉了 |
0:05:35.22, |
Don't know what she's talking about. |
我不知道她在说什么 |
0:05:36.48, |
There is no way that Manny has seen this sort of thing at our home. |
曼尼绝对不可能在我们家看到这些东西 |
0:05:43.32, |
We'll take it from here. |
我们会处理的 |
0:05:49.41, |
Hey, buddy. |
你好 伙计 |
0:05:50.17, |
It's just you and me tonight. |
今晚就我们父子俩在家 |
0:05:51.35, |
Sounds good. I'll be right down. |
听起来不错 我马上下去 |
0:05:52.57, |
All right. |
好的 |
0:05:55.43, |
I knew it! What are you hiding? |
我就知道 你藏什么呢 |
0:05:56.76, |
- Porn. - Don't lie to me! |
黄片儿-别对我说谎 |
0:05:58.13, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
0:05:58.88, |
I'm trying to send a message to a girl on Facebook, |
我正要在Facebook上给一个女孩发信息 |
0:06:01.34, |
but she's so out of my league. |
但她是我高攀不上的女神 |
0:06:03.35, |
Look at her. |
看看她 |
0:06:04.15, |
Oh, yeah. She's cute. |
没错 她很漂亮 |
0:06:05.81, |
I've been sitting here forever |
我都坐在这里好久了 |
0:06:06.77, |
- and I can't think of anything to say. - Well, you are in luck. |
就是想不出该说什么-你可走运了 |
0:06:09.03, |
If anyone knows the art of wooing the fairer sex, |
要说有谁知道如何追求女性的话 |
0:06:11.21, |
it's this guy. |
那就是在下了 |
0:06:12.95, |
Hey. |
你好 |
0:06:13.75, |
- Wait! - Send. |
等等-发送 |
0:06:15.19, |
Why did you type that? |
你怎么可以那么写呢 |
0:06:16.35, |
Now she knows I'm thinking about her. |
现在她知道我在想她了 |
0:06:18.63, |
Smiley face. |
笑脸 |
0:06:19.83, |
Oh, my god. Stop now. |
我的神呐 快停手吧 |
0:06:21.02, |
We can only screw it up from here. |
我们这样只会搞砸的 |
0:06:22.48, |
Please. You're in the hands of the master. |
拜托 你现在有幸得到大师的指点 |
0:06:24.14, |
I think I know how to pick up a 14-year-old girl... |
我觉得我还是知道怎样泡14岁少女的 |
0:06:26.30, |
for you. |
帮你泡 |
0:06:29.45, |
What's the haps tonight? |
今夜漫漫 如何消遣 |
0:06:33.76, |
Boop. |
走你 |
0:06:34.50, |
What's the haps tonight? Nobody says that. |
今夜漫漫 如何消遣 没人会这么说的 |
0:06:38.64, |
Going to the mall. Wanna meet? |
打算逛商场 想见面吗 |
0:06:43.46, |
Dinner at Rosa Grill in an hour? |
一小时后在罗莎烧烤店吃饭如何 |
0:06:47.94, |
Question mark. Boom! |
问号 发射 |
0:06:50.09, |
Kids don't eat dinner. |
小孩是不吃饭的 |
0:06:51.29, |
What do you mean, you don't eat dinner? |
不吃饭 你什么意思 |
0:06:52.12, |
What do you do? |
那你们干什么 |
0:06:52.71, |
I don't know. You just walk around and jump off stuff. |
不知道 就是到处走走 上蹿下跳的 |
0:06:55.24, |
You can't invite a girl to jump off stuff. |
你不能邀请女孩一起上蹿下跳的 |
0:06:56.92, |
Well, it's way better than-- |
可是那总好过... |
0:06:59.79, |
See ya then. X.O. |
一会儿见 抱抱 |
0:07:01.47, |
You're in, buddy. |
妥妥的 伙计 |
0:07:02.99, |
I gotta get ready. |
我得准备一下 |
0:07:09.55, |
All right, let's go before this wears off. |
好了 我们在香味消失前赶紧出发吧 |
0:07:11.29, |
I think we have a few days. |
我觉得那要好几天的时间 |
0:07:16.91, |
Well, thank you, dimples. |
谢谢你 酒窝男 |
0:07:19.22, |
Oh, you better get that out of your system, |
你最好别再处处调情了 |
0:07:21.65, |
cause in two hours, you're gonna be... |
因为再过两小时 你就要成为 |
0:07:22.88, |
Mrs. Anthony Lombardo. |
安东尼·伦巴杜太太了 |
0:07:25.88, |
So does this Italian of yours cook? |
你那个意大利未婚夫会做饭吗 |
0:07:27.92, |
In every room of the house, |
在家里每一个房间都"做" |
0:07:29.93, |
if you know what I mean! |
你们明白我的意思吧 |
0:07:34.22, |
- We have a lot of sex. - Yeah. Got it. |
我们疯狂做爱-明白了 |
0:07:36.05, |
Okay, now let's have a proper toast. All right. |
好了 现在让我们正正经经地祝酒吧 |
0:07:38.19, |
To wild Sal. |
敬狂野的萨尔 |
0:07:41.43, |
You gave it a good run, |
你有着惊险刺激的人生经历 |
0:07:42.72, |
but like every legendary gunslinger, |
但就像每一位传奇的火枪手那样 |
0:07:44.45, |
there comes a time when you need to holster your weapons |
终究还是会有刀枪入库 |
0:07:47.22, |
and ride off into the sunset. |
马放南山的一天 |
0:07:48.82, |
But you took on every man who came to town. |
但每个来到镇上的男人都被你搞定了 |
0:07:51.08, |
- I really did! - You sure did. |
我确实如此-必须的 |
0:07:55.00, |
Also, you know, I'm just getting married. |
而且 我只是要结婚了而已 |
0:07:56.48, |
I'm not dying. |
又不是要死 |
0:07:57.59, |
No, no. We're just happy you're happy. |
没有 我们只是为你幸福而感到高兴 |
0:07:59.77, |
And we're excited that we're gonna get to see |
而且我们很高兴今后 |
0:08:01.13, |
so much more of you now. |
能更多地跟你见面了 |
0:08:02.17, |
Yes. We'll be couple friends. |
是的 我们两对夫妇会成为朋友的 |
0:08:04.47, |
We'll go to movies... take classes... |
我们可以一起去看电影 上课 |
0:08:06.54, |
Oh, our game nights on Saturday... |
还有我们每周六的游戏之夜 |
0:08:08.32, |
- Huge. - They're epic, yeah. |
超盛大-史诗级的 |
0:08:09.68, |
Do you play Cranium? |
你玩克雷涅姆桌游吗 |
0:08:09.75, |
[Cranium是一款桌游的名字 也有头颅的意思] |
0:08:11.04, |
Well, if I'm playing board games on a Saturday night, |
要是我会在周六晚上玩桌游的话 |
0:08:13.32, |
you can shoot me in my cranium. |
你就直接往我头颅上开一枪吧 |
0:08:14.93, |
But I love you! |
不过我还是爱你的 |
0:08:16.78, |
I need to take a whiz. |
我得去嘘嘘了 |
0:08:20.98, |
I'm so happy for her. |
我真为她高兴 |
0:08:22.48, |
I think we might have freaked her out, though. |
不过我觉得我们可能吓到她了 |
0:08:23.56, |
Oh, no, Mitchell. Come on. You're a smart man, |
哪有 米奇尔 你是个聪明人 |
0:08:25.59, |
but you are awful at reading people. |
可你不擅长读懂人心 |
0:08:27.74, |
Sal's been different this week. |
萨尔这周大不一样了 |
0:08:29.18, |
That is a woman in love. |
那就是恋爱中的女人 |
0:08:33.87, |
Looks like a woman in love. |
真是个恋爱中的女人啊 |
0:08:44.26, |
Look, nobody's as happy as I am about you loving the ladies. |
听着 你喜欢女人 没人比我更高兴 |
0:08:47.03, |
All I'm saying is, you gotta pull back a little. |
我想说的是 你得收敛一点 |
0:08:49.05, |
=-Okay.-Ay,Manny, |
好吧-曼尼 |
0:08:50.39, |
this is all my fault. |
都怪我 |
0:08:51.95, |
I am too free with my body. |
我太随心所欲地展现自己的身体了 |
0:08:54.55, |
It was okay when you were a little boy, but... |
你小时候这样不要紧 但... |
0:08:56.42, |
Was it? |
是吗 |
0:08:57.33, |
But now that you're a young man, |
可你现在是个小伙子了 |
0:08:58.86, |
- and... - I didn't hear a word they said. |
而且-我一个字也没听进去 |
0:09:01.35, |
All I could think about was Daliya. |
我脑子里想的都是达丽娅 |
0:09:03.44, |
Every drawing, every poem, |
每幅画 每首诗 |
0:09:05.27, |
every historical novel I wrote was for her. |
每一部历史小说 我都是为她而作 |
0:09:08.09, |
She was my muse. |
她是我的女神 |
0:09:10.04, |
Toss in a body that doesn't quit, |
今生附在那性感的躯体之中 |
0:09:12.00, |
and I think we got a soul mate. |
来作我的灵魂伴侣 |
0:09:13.79, |
So there's a lot of other things you can draw. |
你可以画别的好多东西啊 |
0:09:15.42, |
You've got your landscapes. You've got your bowls of fruit. |
你可以画风景 画篮子里的水果 |
0:09:18.45, |
Trees. |
画树木 |
0:09:19.47, |
A barn. The ladies with the fruit on the head. |
画谷仓 还有头顶水果的女人 |
0:09:22.46, |
I said fruit. |
我说过水果了 |
0:09:23.30, |
But you didn't say the ladies with the fruit on the head. |
可你没说头顶水果的女人 |
0:09:24.88, |
I'm trying to get him away from the ladies. |
我是想让他不要再总想着女人 |
0:09:26.60, |
Ah, good. Good. Good. |
好 好的 好的 |
0:09:29.88, |
This is so stupid. |
这也太蠢了 |
0:09:31.44, |
What if I spill on her, |
万一我把汤洒她身上 |
0:09:32.74, |
or accidentally brush my boob against her hand? |
或者一不小心我的胸蹭到了她的手怎么办 |
0:09:34.55, |
I mean her hand against my boob. |
我的意思是 她的手蹭到我的胸 |
0:09:36.70, |
Dude, stay cool. You got this. |
哥们儿 放轻松 你能搞定的 |
0:09:38.39, |
I'm gonna be at the bar the whole time. |
我会一直在吧台 |
0:09:39.79, |
If you start to panic, just come get me. |
你要是慌了 就过来找我 |
0:09:41.43, |
Shh. There she is. |
小点声 她来了 |
0:09:44.82, |
What was that? |
那是什么声音 |
0:09:45.54, |
I don't know. I've never heard it before. |
不知道 我以前也没听到过 |
0:09:46.92, |
Try not to let that happen again. |
别再那样了 |
0:09:48.92, |
- Hi, Luke. - Pretty good. |
你好卢克-我挺好的 |
0:09:50.46, |
Uh, I mean, hi, Simone. |
我是说 你好萨梦 |
0:09:51.94, |
Uh, this is my dad. |
这是我爸 |
0:09:53.26, |
Dad, this is Luke. |
爸 这是卢克 |
0:09:55.57, |
You're funny. |
你真有趣 |
0:09:56.37, |
Looking. |
长得有趣 |
0:09:58.35, |
Clutch. |
说得好 |
0:09:59.26, |
What are you still doing here? |
你还在这干嘛 |
0:10:02.42, |
What the hell got into me? |
我是被什么搅昏了脑袋啊 |
0:10:03.53, |
Besides the bartender's tongue? |
除了那酒保的舌头搅的吗 |
0:10:04.92, |
Yes. Yes, well, that was a little inappropriate. |
是的 那确实有点不妥 |
0:10:07.39, |
But let's not overreact. |
可我们别反应过激了 |
0:10:08.52, |
It's perfectly natural to have a panic attack |
在做重大人生决定前 |
0:10:11.03, |
before making a big life decision. |
惊慌失措是很正常的 |
0:10:12.99, |
What if it's the wrong decision? |
如果这是个错误的决定怎么办 |
0:10:14.46, |
What if Tony's not the guy? |
如果托尼不是我的真命天子怎么办 |
0:10:16.19, |
What if he's the guy? |
如果他才是真命天子怎么办 |
0:10:17.59, |
Or him? He is cute. When did he come in? |
或是他 他好帅 他什么时候进来的 |
0:10:19.85, |
Okay, you need to focus, Sal. |
好了 你得集中注意力 萨尔 |
0:10:21.58, |
You are about to make a sacred, lifelong commitment. |
你即将做出一个神圣的 终身的承诺 |
0:10:24.14, |
You are not making this better! |
你是在帮倒忙 |
0:10:28.27, |
Oh, god, it's Tony. |
天啊 是托尼 |
0:10:30.25, |
I'm supposed to pick him up and drive him to the wedding? |
我本该开车去接他参加婚礼的吗 |
0:10:33.31, |
Everybody shut up for a second! |
所有人都给我闭嘴 |
0:10:37.58, |
Okay, you know what? I'm gonna marry him. |
好了 知道吗 我要嫁给他 |
0:10:39.37, |
What's the worst that can happen? I get a divorce. |
最差能怎样 大不了离婚 |
0:10:41.14, |
People do it all the time. |
现在离婚的人多了去了 |
0:10:43.20, |
oh, you're suffocating me! |
你快让我窒息了 |
0:10:44.59, |
It is not too late. You are not married yet. |
现在改主意还不晚 你还没结呢 |
0:10:48.37, |
You're right. |
你说得对 |
0:10:51.96, |
Okay. That's good. Get it all out. |
好 很好 尽情释放吧 |
0:10:54.71, |
- Here. Stand up. - Okay, mom? |
-到了 竖起来 - 妈 |
0:10:56.33, |
Mom. Mom. Oh, my god, mom, I think I got it. |
妈 妈 我的天啊 我能行 |
0:10:59.00, |
I've been lugging this thing around for ten years. |
我拖着这玩意儿到处跑都快十年了 |
0:11:00.88, |
Okay. Well, you sure you don't want us to stay |
好吧 你确定你不要我们留下来 |
0:11:02.61, |
and--and hear you play? |
听你演奏吗 |
0:11:03.79, |
Mm, that's okay. |
没关系啦 |
0:11:04.88, |
Yeah, I agreed to dinner, |
我同意去吃晚餐 |
0:11:05.82, |
not tickets to the Electric Light Dorkestra. |
可没同意来看"呆光乐队"演出 |
0:11:05.82, |
[Electric Light Orchestra: 英国著名乐队-电光乐队] |
0:11:07.86, |
Don't be so mean to your sister. |
别对你妹妹这么刻薄 |
0:11:08.89, |
No, that's our band's name. |
不是 那就是我们乐队的名字 |
0:11:11.41, |
So you wanna go back to that vegan place? |
你想回那个吃素食的店吗 |
0:11:13.75, |
Ooh. Leather jacket. Can't take the hate. |
穿着皮夹克呢 会被恨死 |
0:11:15.65, |
Haley! |
海莉 |
0:11:16.81, |
Gabby! What are you doing here? |
加比 你在这干嘛呢 |
0:11:18.72, |
I just stopped in for a bump of coffee |
就进来喝杯咖啡 |
0:11:20.22, |
before I meet up with Zoe and those guys at Noodlecat. |
一会儿要去面条猫那里跟佐伊他们碰面 |
0:11:22.23, |
- Do you wanna go? - So what's--what's Noodlecat? |
想一起来吗-面条猫是什么 |
0:11:24.50, |
Oh, it's this really cool Asian place |
是个很酷的亚洲餐馆 |
0:11:26.08, |
that sells, like, a million different kinds of noodles. |
卖成千上百种不同的面条 |
0:11:28.06, |
And hopefully, no cat. |
但愿他们不卖猫 |
0:11:29.30, |
- Well, that sounds cool. - So you don't mind if I go? |
听起来很棒-那你不介意我去吗 |
0:11:32.10, |
Oh, I kind of thought we had plans. |
我以为我们有安排了 |
0:11:34.57, |
Oh. Yeah. You're right. |
是哦 没错 |
0:11:36.11, |
So I can meet you guys there after. |
我完事了再去那里找你们 |
0:11:38.22, |
- How long are you gonna be there? - No. |
你们要在那待多久-不 |
0:11:39.07, |
It's fine. It's fine. Go. |
没关系 没关系 去吧 |
0:11:40.94, |
I'll stay and watch Alex. |
我在这看艾丽克斯演奏 |
0:11:42.33, |
Oh, now I feel bad. |
我好内疚 |
0:11:44.80, |
Love you! |
爱你 |
0:11:53.17, |
Excuse me. |
打扰一下 |
0:11:54.38, |
You're Luke's dad, aren't you? |
你是卢克的爸爸 对吧 |
0:11:55.52, |
I'm Valerie, Simone's mom. |
我是瓦莱丽 萨梦的妈妈 |
0:11:57.48, |
- Oh. Phil. - Hi. |
我是菲尔-你好 |
0:11:59.54, |
I recognized you |
我认得你 |
0:12:00.48, |
from when you hosted the school's talent night. |
你主持了学校的才艺表演晚会 |
0:12:01.98, |
You were incredibly limber. |
你身体柔韧性真好 |
0:12:03.93, |
Ah, when you wear the right pants. |
归功于穿了合适的裤子 |
0:12:05.84, |
- Please, sit down. - Thank you. |
请坐-谢谢 |
0:12:07.17, |
Yeah. |
不客气 |
0:12:08.27, |
So how is the big date going? |
大约会进行得怎样了 |
0:12:10.69, |
I don't know. |
我不清楚 |
0:12:11.81, |
Simone was so nervous. |
萨梦超紧张的 |
0:12:13.23, |
When they were chatting on the computer, |
他们在网上聊的时候 |
0:12:14.65, |
I had to write everything for her. |
我不得不帮她回复 |
0:12:16.13, |
That's so funny. I did the same thing for Luke. |
真是有趣 我帮卢克做了同样的事 |
0:12:17.94, |
So the whole time we were talking to each other? |
所以其实一直是我俩在聊天咯 |
0:12:19.90, |
Wait, does that make this our date? |
等等 那这岂不是成了我们两个的约会 |
0:12:23.76, |
Well, a good father, funny, handsome. |
一位幽默又英俊的好父亲 |
0:12:26.03, |
A girl could do a lot worse. |
小女孩在网上可能遇到比这更差劲的呢 |
0:12:30.87, |
You know what, Mitchell? |
你知道吗 米奇尔 |
0:12:31.52, |
Forgive me if my Missouri is showing, |
抱歉我又要表现出我密苏里人的性格了 |
0:12:33.68, |
but what she is doing is not marriage. |
但她这不是结婚 |
0:12:35.24, |
It's a mockery of marriage. It's mockerage. |
而是对婚姻的讥笑 她是在"讥婚" |
0:12:37.04, |
- And I'm gonna stop it. - No, no, you're not. |
我得阻止她-别别 不行 |
0:12:39.07, |
I can't help but think you're infusing the situation |
我认为你在这事上掺入了一些 |
0:12:41.12, |
with just a touch of your own frustration. |
你自己的郁闷沮丧情绪 |
0:12:42.83, |
Why, because we've built a life together for the last ten years? |
为什么 因为我们共同生活了十年吗 |
0:12:45.16, |
Because we're raising a child? |
因为我们一起抚养孩子吗 |
0:12:46.73, |
Or because I was the first person to think of doing |
还是因为我第一个想出在我们婚礼上 |
0:12:48.47, |
an elaborately choreographed dance at our wedding, |
表演一段精心编排的舞蹈 |
0:12:50.07, |
and now it's been done to death? |
而现在那点子都被人用烂了 |
0:12:51.31, |
Makes you feel any better, |
如果能让你好受点的话 |
0:12:52.46, |
I was never gonna do that. |
我想说我是死也不会同意跟你跳的 |
0:12:54.30, |
But... I get it. |
但我理解你 |
0:12:56.09, |
Well, you know what? She can't get married |
你猜怎么着 只要伴郎 |
0:12:57.58, |
if the best man doesn't hand over the wedding ring. |
不把婚戒递给她 她就没法结婚 |
0:12:59.41, |
- You wouldn't. - Yes, I would. |
你不会要这么做吧-我会的 |
0:13:00.48, |
Where is it? Give it to me. |
婚戒在哪里 给我 |
0:13:01.45, |
- Give me the ring. Cam. - Stop. Stop. |
-给我戒指 小卡 -别闹 别闹 |
0:13:03.08, |
- You have to give me... - Oh, well, this is a mystery solved. |
你得交给我-我总算知道你们的体位了 |
0:13:06.06, |
Thank you! |
谢谢 |
0:13:08.36, |
- Okay. Let's go do this. - Okay. |
-好 我们开始吧 -好 |
0:13:11.55, |
How hot does Tony look? |
托尼的帅气指数有几分 |
0:13:13.24, |
On a scale of 1 to bartender, or... |
是跟酒保比还是... |
0:13:14.73, |
Reel it in, Cam. |
别多嘴 小卡 |
0:13:16.30, |
I think this is broken. |
我觉得这东西坏掉了 |
0:13:18.12, |
We're gonna have to find another spot. |
我们得找个别的车位 |
0:13:19.69, |
No, we'll be late for the movie. |
不行 看电影会迟到的 |
0:13:20.90, |
Are you sure you're doing it right? |
你确定你的操作方法正确吗 |
0:13:22.06, |
We both know I know how to use a credit card. |
你我都知道 我懂得如何刷信用卡 |
0:13:23.72, |
All right, I'll put a note on the meter. |
好吧 我在收费器上留个条吧 |
0:13:24.83, |
Let me get a piece of paper. |
等我找张纸 |
0:13:26.06, |
Maybe this is a bad sign. |
也许这是个不祥的预兆 |
0:13:27.59, |
Maybe I'm not supposed to be in the movie theater. |
也许我不该来看电影 |
0:13:29.76, |
I'm supposed to be at home with my babies. |
我应该在家照看孩子们 |
0:13:31.73, |
Honey, we know that Daliya knows how to take care of Joe. |
亲爱的 你我都知道 达丽娅懂得如何照看乔 |
0:13:34.35, |
And what about manny? He's supposed to run his own bath? |
那曼尼呢 难道要他自己放洗澡水吗 |
0:13:37.10, |
You know, considering what's been going on with him, |
考虑到他最近的情况 |
0:13:38.88, |
it might be good for you to give him a little space. |
也许你给他留点空间是好的 |
0:13:40.70, |
I mean, this was his idea. |
这本来就是他的主意 |
0:13:42.72, |
What was? |
什么是他的主意 |
0:13:43.56, |
That we go out tonight, |
让我们今晚出来约会 |
0:13:44.83, |
so that we could get some alone time. |
好让我们能有些独处的时间 |
0:13:47.16, |
Oh, that's sweet. |
真贴心 |
0:13:48.65, |
Uh-oh.-What? |
糟糕-怎么了 |
0:13:50.22, |
We gotta get home. Look--Manny's notebook. |
我们得回家去 看 曼尼的笔记本 |
0:13:51.95, |
More drawings and a poem-- "Ode to Daliya." |
又画画了还有首诗 《达丽娅颂》 |
0:13:53.78, |
So those were not my boobs? They were Daliya's boobs? |
所以那不是我的胸部 是达丽娅的胸部吗 |
0:13:56.19, |
Yep. This is not a "Nude descending a staircase," |
对 这画的不是《下台阶的裸女》 |
0:13:57.90, |
this is a "Nude vacuuming a staircase." |
而是《扫台阶的裸女》 |
0:14:00.98, |
Okay, Manny. Joe's asleep. |
好了 曼尼 乔睡着了 |
0:14:02.91, |
What do you want for dinner? |
你晚餐想吃什么 |
0:14:04.65, |
Actually, already taken care of. |
实际上 晚餐已经准备好了 |
0:14:21.86, |
You shouldn't play with your food. |
食物不是用来摆弄的哦 |
0:14:23.20, |
What are you doing here? |
你怎么会在这里 |
0:14:24.41, |
I knew you were upset I left, |
我知道你不高兴我离开 |
0:14:25.89, |
and I felt bad, so I came back, |
我感觉很内疚 就回来了 |
0:14:27.95, |
You're here out of guilt? |
你因为内疚而回来的吗 |
0:14:29.35, |
I know. I'm growing up. |
我知道 我长大了 |
0:14:32.06, |
Why are you rolling your eyes at me? |
你干吗对我翻白眼 |
0:14:33.85, |
I'm doing a nice thing. |
我这样做多贴心啊 |
0:14:35.04, |
Because I want you to be here because you wantto be here. |
因为我希望你是因为你想回来才回来的 |
0:14:37.43, |
Okay, you're being really needy right now. |
好吧 你现在真的好黏人 |
0:14:39.33, |
Oh, my god. Are you going through the change? |
天呐 你更年期到了吗 |
0:14:41.02, |
Stop asking me that every time I express an emotion. |
不要每次我表现出点情绪就这么问 |
0:14:44.61, |
And no, I am not. It's just so damn hot in here. |
不 我没有 只是因为这里太热了 |
0:14:49.00, |
I am disappointed, that's all. |
我很失望 仅此而已 |
0:14:51.16, |
When you were little, we used to do everything together. |
你小的时候 我们做什么都在一起 |
0:14:54.27, |
And I thought maybe you were coming back around, |
而我以为那时的你又回归了 |
0:14:57.13, |
and we could be friends again. |
我们又能成为闺蜜了 |
0:14:59.66, |
I just... miss being part of my daughter's life. |
我只是怀念作为女儿生活的一部分的感觉了 |
0:15:01.79, |
Hey, everybody. Thanks for coming. |
大家好 感谢各位的到来 |
0:15:16.81, |
I thought this was supposed to be some sort of classical thing. |
我还以为是要演奏古典音乐的呢 |
0:15:19.48, |
Me, too. |
我也是 |
0:15:27.01, |
She sings? |
她还会唱歌 |
0:15:28.82, |
I don't even know who that is. |
我都认不出那个小妮子了 |
0:15:37.96, |
Oh, my god, Phil, you are hilarious. |
天呐 菲尔 你好幽默 |
0:15:41.20, |
Yep. That's how I got my wife of 20 years. |
是的 那是我20年来深得老婆欢心的诀窍 |
0:15:44.41, |
Could we get the check, please? |
麻烦结账 谢谢 |
0:15:46.23, |
Oh, I got this. |
我来吧 |
0:15:47.61, |
Ooh, funny and generous. |
幽默又大方 |
0:15:50.07, |
If my husband were more like you... |
要是我丈夫能像你一样 |
0:15:51.57, |
maybe I'd still be married. |
也许我就不会离婚了 |
0:15:53.15, |
Well, if my wife were here, |
要是我老婆在这里 |
0:15:54.37, |
she'd want me to be clear that I'm fully committed to her. |
她会希望我清楚我要对她绝对忠诚 |
0:15:57.41, |
You know that, right? |
你知道的 对吧 |
0:15:58.67, |
What? |
什么 |
0:15:59.34, |
No, I just wanna make sure, |
没有 我只是想确定一下 |
0:16:00.52, |
because you unbuttoned a button, |
因为你解开了一颗扣子 |
0:16:01.86, |
and I... love my wife, so-- |
而我...爱我的老婆 所以 |
0:16:03.51, |
You were the one who was flirting |
是你跟我打情骂俏 |
0:16:04.82, |
- and saying we're on a date. - That was a joke, |
还说我们是在约会-那是个玩笑 |
0:16:06.71, |
But I'm--I'm sorry if I misled you at all. |
但要是我误导了你 我很抱歉 |
0:16:08.58, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
0:16:10.62, |
But there was a lot of touching. |
但你还摸了人家呢 |
0:16:11.70, |
I touched your shoulder for a second. |
我碰了一下你的肩膀而已 |
0:16:13.26, |
No, it was more of a stroke, like this-- |
不 更像是轻抚 像这样 |
0:16:15.98, |
Okay. I'm so sorry |
好吧 非常抱歉 |
0:16:17.77, |
for touching your hand with my boob. |
我用胸部碰了你的手 |
0:16:19.52, |
I mean my boob with your hand. |
我是说用你的手碰了我的胸部 |
0:16:20.60, |
Is this your little game? |
你很喜欢玩这种把戏吗 |
0:16:21.94, |
You cop a feel on a sad divorcee |
你故意勾搭一个失落的离异女人 |
0:16:24.21, |
and then pretend I'm the one coming on to you? |
然后假装是我在调戏你 |
0:16:25.98, |
- How does that feel? - Oh. Weird. |
这样感觉如何-好奇怪 |
0:16:27.71, |
You like it? Yeah? |
你喜欢吗 是不是 |
0:16:30.01, |
Little bit of that? |
这样又如何 |
0:16:31.16, |
Yeah.-Little bit of whoa. No. |
爽吧-什么 不要 |
0:16:31.87, |
You probably like this. Don't you? |
你喜欢这样 是不是 |
0:16:34.58, |
Oh, stop it. Your daughter's right over there. |
打住 你女儿就在那边呢 |
0:16:36.59, |
My minivan is right outside. |
我的小货车就停在外边 |
0:16:38.31, |
That is not what I meant. |
我不是那个意思 |
0:16:41.48, |
This pizza is delicious. |
比萨饼真好吃 |
0:16:43.15, |
I like it, too. We have so much in common. |
我也爱吃 我们的共同点真多 |
0:16:46.37, |
Have you seen the back of your menu? |
你看过菜单的背面了吗 |
0:16:51.80, |
With silken hair and supple olive skin |
丝绸一般的长发 细腻的橄榄色皮肤 |
0:16:56.00, |
and hands that wash the laundry of my kin..." |
还有那双会洗衣服的纤纤玉手 |
0:16:59.30, |
Oh, Manny... |
曼尼 |
0:17:00.54, |
You still have 12 lines to go. |
下面还有12行呢 |
0:17:02.23, |
Spoiler alert-- I love you. |
剧透一下 我爱你 |
0:17:05.12, |
Okay, back away from the nanny. |
好了 离保姆远一点 |
0:17:07.39, |
Oh, my god, it looks like a Madonna video in here! |
我的天 完全就像麦当娜的MTV一样淫靡嘛 |
0:17:11.47, |
- Why aren't you at the movies? - We need to talk right now. |
你们怎么没去看电影-我们现在就得谈谈 |
0:17:13.55, |
- What have you done to my son?! - I didn't-- |
你对我儿子做了什么-我没有 |
0:17:14.71, |
She didn't do anything. |
她什么也没做 |
0:17:15.99, |
Why do you have to embarrass me? |
你们为什么非要让我丢人 |
0:17:17.44, |
Embarrass you? Maybe if you didn't fall in love... |
让你丢人 如果你没有爱上... |
0:17:20.66, |
Stop this! |
别吵了 |
0:17:21.82, |
You're going to wake the baby. |
你们会吵醒宝宝的 |
0:17:23.52, |
Now Manny and I are having a private discussion. |
我要和曼尼私下说两句 |
0:17:25.55, |
So please, give us a minute. |
请给我们一点时间 |
0:17:27.26, |
- I'll give you your minute right this minute. - Gloria. Gloria. |
我现在就给你时间-歌洛莉亚 歌洛莉亚 |
0:17:32.98, |
Go ahead, Manny. |
说吧 曼尼 |
0:17:34.53, |
I'm not saying we need to do anything right away. |
我不是说我们现在就要做什么 |
0:17:36.98, |
I'm just asking you to wait a few years. |
我只是要求你等我几年 |
0:17:39.20, |
You are so sweet. |
你真好 |
0:17:41.62, |
Whoever ends up with you |
无论谁最终和你在一起 |
0:17:42.86, |
is the luckiest woman in the world. |
她都将是全世界最幸运的女生 |
0:17:44.85, |
That could be you. |
那人可以是你啊 |
0:17:46.76, |
No. |
不 |
0:17:47.82, |
I am unlucky, because I was born too soon. |
我不够幸运 因为我出生太早了 |
0:17:50.63, |
And I can't have you wait around. |
我不能让你这样虚度年华 |
0:17:52.25, |
Poets have to live. |
诗人要成长 |
0:17:53.49, |
Besides, in a few years, you'll feel differently. |
而且过几年 你对我的感觉就会不同了 |
0:17:55.92, |
You're wrong. I'll feel this way for the rest of my life. |
你错了 我这辈子对你的感觉都不会变 |
0:17:58.79, |
Well, Manny, wait. |
曼尼 等等 |
0:18:00.65, |
- Ay, Manny, papito lindo-- - Leave me alone. |
曼尼宝贝-别来烦我 |
0:18:04.91, |
Sorry about that. |
对不起 |
0:18:06.13, |
Don't be. It's the sweetest offer I've ever gotten. |
不用 这是我收到的最甜蜜的礼物 |
0:18:08.77, |
I am so sorry that I screamed at you. |
真对不起 我刚才冲你大叫 |
0:18:11.41, |
It was so nice what you told him in there. |
你刚才对他说的话真贴心 |
0:18:16.33, |
I take Manny, you take the little one? |
我照顾曼尼 你照顾宝宝 |
0:18:18.27, |
Okay. |
好的 |
0:18:18.88, |
- You probably just-- - She knows what to do, Jay. |
你可能只需要-她知道怎么做 杰 |
0:18:24.58, |
Tiramisu. |
提拉米苏 |
0:18:25.88, |
I love his tiramisu. |
我超爱吃他的提拉米苏 |
0:18:28.80, |
Marriage is a promise. |
婚姻是一种承诺 |
0:18:31.31, |
It says to the world that you share a love |
是向全世界宣布你们对彼此的 |
0:18:33.35, |
and a commitment to each other |
爱与承诺 |
0:18:34.74, |
That will only grow deeper as the years go by. |
随着时间推移 那种爱只会越来越深 |
0:18:38.03, |
Now have you two written vows? |
你们有写誓词吗 |
0:18:39.96, |
Yeah, I'll go. |
是的 我先来 |
0:18:41.34, |
Marriage terrifies me. |
婚姻让我很害怕 |
0:18:43.34, |
Take Mitch and Cam. |
你看米奇和小卡 |
0:18:44.71, |
I used to think their life looked so boring. |
我以前总是觉得他们的人生闷死了 |
0:18:47.19, |
I could never do it. Pay bills? Wash dishes? |
我永远做不来 付账单 洗盘子 |
0:18:50.25, |
Wake up to the same face every day? |
每天醒来都看到同一张脸 |
0:18:52.62, |
I felt sorry for them. |
我为他们感到悲哀 |
0:18:53.69, |
Where is this headed? |
你想表达什么意思 |
0:18:54.54, |
But they're not bored. |
但他们不闷 |
0:18:56.83, |
It turns out when you're with the right person, |
原来 只要是和真命天子在一起 |
0:18:59.31, |
you can change shelf paper at 10:00 at night in your pajamas |
就可以穿着睡衣在晚上十点换壁架纸 |
0:19:02.71, |
and not wanna be anywhere else. |
哪里都不想去 |
0:19:05.04, |
That's how much they love each other. |
他们对彼此的爱就有这么深 |
0:19:07.08, |
- We sure do. - And when I just saw your face, |
太对了-刚才我看到你的脸 |
0:19:10.00, |
I remembered... |
让我想起 |
0:19:12.39, |
that's how much I love you. |
我也是这样的爱你 |
0:19:14.36, |
Thanks for being here. |
多谢你出现在我生命里 |
0:19:15.85, |
We wouldn't be anywhere else, Sal. |
我们哪里也不会去 萨尔 |
0:19:18.16, |
And do you have anything prepared? |
你有准备誓词吗 |
0:19:20.42, |
Hit me, baby. |
说吧 宝贝 |
0:19:22.82, |
I made out with a stripper last night. |
昨晚我和脱衣舞娘舌吻了 |
0:19:24.62, |
Sorry. I just wanna start this clean. |
抱歉 我只是想在婚前坦白 |
0:19:27.41, |
I made out with a bartender... an hour ago. |
我和酒保舌吻了 就在一小时前 |
0:19:30.44, |
You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you? |
你这样说 不是为了想安慰我吧 |
0:19:32.31, |
Back me up. Didn't I? |
帮我作证 我有没有 |
0:19:33.35, |
- She totally did. - I totally did! |
她绝对舌吻了-我吻了 |
0:19:34.76, |
- Yeah. He was hot, too. - He was very good-looking. |
他长得好帅-那人非常帅气 |
0:19:36.65, |
Nice.-Well. that was different. |
太好了-真特别的誓词 |
0:19:39.79, |
- Who's got the ring? - I do. |
戒指在谁手上-我这儿 |
0:19:41.17, |
Hand 'em over. |
给我 |
0:19:46.83, |
Thank you guys so much. |
非常感谢 |
0:19:47.94, |
Alex, honey, amazing. |
艾丽克斯 宝贝 太棒了 |
0:19:49.79, |
Why didn't you tell us? |
你为什么没有告诉我们 |
0:19:51.23, |
- Oh, I-I don't know. - That was so good. |
我不知道-刚刚真是太棒了 |
0:19:53.36, |
If I didn't know you, |
如果我不认识你 |
0:19:54.36, |
I'd be all like, "That chick is cool." |
我肯定会说 那妹子酷毙了 |
0:19:57.40, |
Hey, guys, hi. I'm Alex's mom. |
各位好 我是艾丽克斯的妈妈 |
0:19:59.94, |
You were terrific. |
你们太优秀了 |
0:20:01.98, |
Hey, and I'm her sister. |
你们好 我是她姐姐 |
0:20:04.25, |
We're gonna go get some dinner. |
我们要去吃晚餐 |
0:20:05.33, |
Do you wanna come with us? |
你要一起来吗 |
0:20:06.45, |
You can bring your friends from the band. |
你可以带乐队的朋友一起来 |
0:20:08.04, |
Um, no, thanks. We're actually going out, |
不用了 多谢 我们要出去 |
0:20:09.62, |
and I have a ride home, so see you guys later. |
会有人送我回家的 回头见 |
0:20:11.89, |
Okay. |
好的 |
0:20:13.56, |
Oh, my god. Sorry about that. |
我的天 真是不好意思 |
0:20:15.65, |
Did she just apologize for us? |
她刚刚是为我们两个道歉吗 |
0:20:17.97, |
Yep.-but we were Just being Nice. |
正是-但我们只是想示好 |
0:20:20.20, |
Sucks, doesn't it? |
感觉差劲吧 |
0:20:24.58, |
Luke, I'm sorry Simone's mom dragged her away so fast. |
卢克 抱歉萨梦的妈妈那么早就把她拉走了 |
0:20:27.65, |
It's okay. I was running out of things to say. |
没事 反正我也快没话说了 |
0:20:29.90, |
Guess I kind of blew it for you, didn't I? |
看来我把你的好事搞砸了 |
0:20:31.52, |
No. Now that her mom doesn't want her going out with me anymore, |
没有 现在她妈禁止她和我出去 |
0:20:35.06, |
Simone wants me more than ever. |
萨梦更想和我在一起了 |
0:20:37.03, |
I guess she's heading into a rebellious stage. |
我想她快到反叛时期了 |
0:20:39.07, |
Best time to get 'em. |
追求女孩的最佳时期 |
0:20:40.63, |
Never be afraid to go after a girl who's out of your league. |
永远不要害怕追求自己配不上的女孩 |
0:20:43.22, |
I did. That's how I got your mom. |
我就是例子 这样才追到你妈 |
0:20:44.91, |
Yeah, I always wondered how you pulled that one off. |
是啊 我总是好奇你怎么会追到老妈的 |
0:20:47.49, |
She was in a rebellious stage, too. |
她当时也处在反叛时期 |
0:20:50.28, |
Yep, grandpa wasn't always as crazy about me as he is now. |
没错 你外公当年可不像现在这样喜欢我啊 |
0:21:02.74, |
I'm gonna go pop the champagne and get some glasses. |
我去开香槟 拿酒杯 |
0:21:04.70, |
I'll help. |
我来帮忙 |
0:21:06.00, |
I'm gonna get Cranium. |
我去拿益智桌游 |
0:21:14.52, |
Sorry you couldn't come to the wedding. |
抱歉你不能参加婚礼 |
0:21:15.48, |
It was no kids. |
只限成人参加 |
0:21:16.89, |
It's okay. I'll go to your next one. |
没关系 我参加你下一场婚礼就好了 |
0:21:22.36, |
She--she just means when |
她的意思是 |
0:21:23.68, |
she's not a kid anymore, you know? |
等她长大以后 |
0:21:25.55, |
She knows what I mean. |
她知道我的意思 |
0:21:28.06, |
I don't like you. |
我不喜欢你 |
0:21:29.07, |
I'll get over it. |
我才不在乎呢 |