0:00:01.69, |
Family fun meeting by the front door, stat! |
大门前家庭欢乐集会 麻溜的 |
0:00:05.62, |
Stat means right now! |
麻溜的意思就是马上 |
0:00:07.29, |
Ugh. What is it? |
怎么啦 |
0:00:08.80, |
Ignore her. She's been in a bad mood all day. |
别理她 她一整天都心情不好 |
0:00:10.90, |
And Luke isn't home yet. |
卢克根本不在家 |
0:00:12.25, |
Oh. I'm right here. |
我就在这儿呢 |
0:00:13.91, |
Where were you? |
你刚刚上哪儿去了 |
0:00:14.97, |
This house still holds its secrets. |
这房子依然充满秘密啊 |
0:00:16.91, |
You're probably wondering why I called you all here. |
你们应该很好奇我为什么叫你们过来 |
0:00:19.03, |
Nope. Well, stop your wondering... |
一点也不 现在可以停止好奇 |
0:00:20.79, |
We're not wondering. |
我们不好奇 |
0:00:21.89, |
and behold.... this wonder! |
拭目以待 这个奇观吧 |
0:00:24.17, |
oh, my god! Seriously? |
我的天呐 不是吧 |
0:00:27.29, |
I sold a home to the one and only Pete Johnson. |
我卖了套房给独一无二的皮特·约翰逊 |
0:00:29.78, |
There's only one Pete Johnson? |
世上只有一个皮特·约翰逊吗 |
0:00:31.14, |
Only one who's California's top R.V. dealer. |
叫这名的加州顶级房车经销商就一个 |
0:00:34.23, |
There's 835 others. Nightmare of a deal to paper. |
另有835个呢 要签下售车合同简直是噩梦 |
0:00:37.38, |
Well, and this was his way of saying... |
所以这是要表达 |
0:00:39.00, |
Thank you. Of course. |
感谢 当然了 |
0:00:40.50, |
he paid a commission, too, right? |
他付佣金了是不是 |
0:00:41.50, |
Yes. And he told me I could take Iolene out anytime. |
没错 他还说我随时都能把乔琳开出去 |
0:00:44.90, |
Yeah, I named her! |
没错 我给她起名字了 |
0:00:46.15, |
Let's take this dirty girl for a spin up the coast! |
我们开这小骚车去海岸转转吧 |
0:00:48.86, |
Yes! Awesome! Pretty sweet, huh? |
好耶 太赞了 相当不错吧 |
0:00:51.29, |
Yeah! |
没错 |
0:00:53.43, |
I can see where this is going. |
我可以预见接下来会怎样了 |
0:00:54.95, |
This summeryou, me, the kids, |
今年夏天 你 我和孩子们 |
0:00:57.78, |
Yellowstone National Park. |
黄石国家公园 |
0:01:00.23, |
And that's just the Verona, he offered me an Amalfi. |
这还只是辆维罗纳 他还让我开阿玛菲款的呢 |
0:01:02.94, |
An Amalfi, Claire! |
阿玛菲呀 克莱尔 |
0:01:04.25, |
That makes the Umbria look like a Portofino! |
那会让安布里亚像波特菲诺一样[意大利城市] |
0:01:06.53, |
Well, they should've called it the Roman, |
他们不该称之为罗马帝国 |
0:01:08.30, |
cause that's what we're about to be doin'. |
因为这是我们要做的事情 |
0:01:10.55, |
I'm really not following you. |
我都听不懂你的意思了 |
0:01:12.95, |
Ten days on the road with those kids? |
跟孩子们来一段10天的旅程 |
0:01:14.69, |
Winnebagno. |
万万不行 |
0:01:14.69, |
[Winnebago Industries万尼伯格工业 |
著名房车生产商] |
0:01:16.24, |
I hate it when Phil does this. |
我超讨厌菲尔搞这些 |
0:01:17.87, |
Now I have to be the bad guy |
现在我只能唱黑脸 |
0:01:18.98, |
who comes in and squelches his brilliant idea. |
介入其中 粉碎他的"美妙"主意 |
0:01:21.65, |
I said no. Get it out of my house. |
我说了不行 把那玩意儿从我家里牵出去 |
0:01:24.30, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
0:01:25.83, |
Come on, Jolene. |
走吧 乔琳 |
0:01:28.85, |
Fortunately, this time, |
好在 这一次 |
0:01:30.34, |
I don't have to be the wet blanket, |
我不用再特意扫他的兴了 |
0:01:31.80, |
Because even on just a short spin up the coast, |
因为只要上海岸边小转一圈 |
0:01:34.31, |
Phil will see what I see every day |
菲尔就会看到我每天都要面对的 |
0:01:37.19, |
The transformation that happens |
孩子们一被关进车里 |
0:01:38.88, |
when our kids are locked in a moving metal box... |
就会闹得天翻地覆 |
0:01:41.48, |
The kraken that is unleashed. |
犹如被解锁出笼的海怪 |
0:01:45.14, |
I love my kids very, very much. |
我其实非常非常爱我的孩子们 |
0:01:56.28, |
第四季 第二十三集 |
0:01:59.38, |
You're poking me. Yeah, well, I know, sweetie. |
你戳疼我了 是啊 我知道 宝贝 |
0:02:01.27, |
But I don't get these pins just right, |
但如果我不把发夹弄好 |
0:02:02.78, |
your bun could fall out during your routine, |
你的发髻就会在表演时散下来 |
0:02:04.71, |
and it could mess you up. |
那样就会影响你的发挥 |
0:02:05.64, |
Okay, let's test it out. |
好吧 来试看看 |
0:02:07.58, |
All right. |
好了 |
0:02:09.07, |
Jump. |
跳 |
0:02:10.18, |
Good. Spin. |
很好 转圈 |
0:02:12.06, |
Now give me Beyonce. |
来个碧昂斯的动作 |
0:02:15.08, |
Okay, I've done everything I can do. |
好了 我只能帮到这里了 |
0:02:16.46, |
It's up to you now. |
接下来靠你自己了 |
0:02:17.30, |
We have a gymnast in our family. |
我们家里出了个体操运动员 |
0:02:18.75, |
Yeah, Lily goes to gymnastics class. |
没错 莉莉去上体操班 |
0:02:20.50, |
In one short year, |
在短短一年内 |
0:02:21.50, |
I've seen her blossom from a little girl |
我已见证了她从一个 |
0:02:23.23, |
who couldn't do a somersault... |
完全不会翻跟斗的小姑娘 |
0:02:24.46, |
into one who... kind of can. |
进步到现在 算是会了吧 |
0:02:27.04, |
Yeah, and by that standard, we also have a black belt, |
是啊 以那标准来看 我们家里还有 |
0:02:29.04, |
art prodigy, and prima ballerina in our family, so... |
柔道黑段 艺术天才 和首席芭蕾演员呢 |
0:02:31.45, |
You know, what we don't have in our family |
但我们家里缺少 |
0:02:32.55, |
is two loving, supportive fathers. |
两位慈爱 支持的父亲 |
0:02:34.20, |
I'm just saying, she's 5, you know? |
我只是想强调她才5岁 明白嘛 |
0:02:35.62, |
And you never let her forget it. |
你老是提醒她这点 |
0:02:38.03, |
Excuse me, is that your little girl out there? It is. |
打扰一下 那是你女儿吗 是啊 |
0:02:40.75, |
And you did her hair? I did. |
你帮她扎的头发 是啊 |
0:02:42.50, |
Do you mind helping my Julie with hers? |
你能帮我女儿朱莉也做个一样的发型吗 |
0:02:45.37, |
Oh, do you guys own a convertible? |
你们是开敞篷车过来的吗 |
0:02:47.24, |
No. Oh, no judgment. |
不是 我无意评判 |
0:02:49.52, |
Yeah, I'll get to work right when Lily's done. |
等莉莉表演完 我就帮你弄 |
0:02:58.37, |
Not bad. That little leap at the endthat's new. |
不错 结尾的跳跃是新式的 |
0:03:00.79, |
She's getting really good. |
她真的表现得好好 |
0:03:02.99, |
You better bring your "A" Game. |
你最好给我拿出最好的表现来 |
0:03:04.83, |
Oh, my god. Cam, look. Lily's in second place. 9.2. |
天呐 小卡快瞧 莉莉第二了 9.2分 |
0:03:08.18, |
I told you she's a gymnast. |
我早跟你说了她是个体操运动员 |
0:03:09.12, |
With scores like that, she's gonna make preteam. |
分数这么高 她能进预选队了 |
0:03:10.79, |
Are you serious? |
你是说真的吗 |
0:03:12.01, |
Preteam? She could make pre what's preteam? |
预选队 她能进预...什么是预选队 |
0:03:16.07, |
Claire! |
克莱尔 |
0:03:17.56, |
Phil! |
菲尔 |
0:03:19.02, |
Haley! |
海莉 |
0:03:20.43, |
Luke! |
卢克 |
0:03:21.92, |
Alex! |
艾丽克斯 |
0:03:23.01, |
Gloria, we've been through the roster three times. |
歌洛莉亚 我们把全家人的名字都喊过三遍了 |
0:03:25.05, |
They're not home. |
他们不在家 |
0:03:26.34, |
But their cars are here. Where could they be? |
但他们的车在呢 能上哪儿去呢 |
0:03:28.28, |
Who knows what these people do? |
谁知道这些人在搞什么 |
0:03:29.75, |
But my backpack is in there, Jay, |
但我的书包在里面 杰 |
0:03:31.36, |
My poem for my poetry reading. |
里面有我要在诗歌朗诵会上读的诗 |
0:03:32.55, |
Calm down. Didn't you back it up on your computer? |
别激动 难道你没在电脑上备份吗 |
0:03:34.55, |
What kind of man writes poetry on a computer? |
什么样的人会用电脑写诗啊 |
0:03:36.48, |
You could've ended that sentence after "Poetry." |
你该问 什么样的人还写诗啊 |
0:03:41.32, |
Come in. And no questions. |
进来 别问我怎么进的 |
0:03:46.40, |
My backpack wasn't upstairs. |
我的书包不在楼上 |
0:03:48.53, |
What's that? |
那是什么 |
0:03:49.18, |
Postcard from a friend of Claire'sRachel. |
克莱尔的朋友寄给她的明信片 叫瑞秋 |
0:03:51.40, |
Living it up in Club Med Cozumel. |
在科苏梅尔岛的地中海俱乐部享受人生呢 |
0:03:54.10, |
Looks like that marriage went down the drain. |
看来这人的婚姻是泡汤了 |
0:03:56.27, |
In other shocking news, |
另外有个更爆炸的消息 |
0:03:57.73, |
Phil subscribes to a trampoline magazine. |
菲尔订了一份蹦床杂志 |
0:04:00.49, |
Going through other people's mail |
偷看别人的信件... |
0:04:01.94, |
Keeping it classy, Jay. |
注意素质修养 杰 |
0:04:03.87, |
Mom, my backpack isn't in Luke's room. |
妈 我的书包不在卢克房间 |
0:04:05.82, |
I don't see it in here, either. |
我在这边也没看到 |
0:04:08.40, |
I don't think it would fit in there. |
我觉得那地方塞不下吧 |
0:04:09.76, |
Ay, this was open when I came in. |
我进来的时候它开着 |
0:04:12.16, |
I was just looking for an aspirin. |
我就找片阿司匹林 |
0:04:14.51, |
I thought that I heard some noises. |
我刚刚似乎听到了什么动静 |
0:04:16.51, |
So you were snooping? |
承认吧 你就是在窥探 |
0:04:17.68, |
Oh, so now it's snooping, |
这就算窥探了 |
0:04:19.40, |
Wanting to know more about your family |
我只是想更了解我的家人 |
0:04:20.73, |
by looking through their personal things? |
翻翻他们的生活用品而已 |
0:04:22.99, |
Not just now. Since the invention of things. |
不是就现在 打世界上有东西起你就这样 |
0:04:25.68, |
Is that one of Claire's brownies? |
那是克莱尔做的布朗尼吗 |
0:04:27.51, |
No, they're delicious. Must be Cam's. |
不是 可好吃了 肯定是小卡做的 |
0:04:29.33, |
Oh, no. Don't worry. There's more. |
噢不 别担心 还有呢 |
0:04:31.20, |
No! That's where my backpack is. |
不 我想起我的书包在哪里了 |
0:04:33.75, |
Cam drove me and Luke home. |
小卡送我和卢克回的家 |
0:04:35.94, |
I must've left it in his car. |
我肯定是落在他车里了 |
0:04:37.26, |
Why are you so scattered lately? |
你最近怎么总是丢三落四的 |
0:04:38.59, |
Aw, he's just nervous because of his poetry reading tonight. |
他只是很紧张今晚的诗歌朗诵会 |
0:04:42.61, |
But don't worry, papi. |
但别担心 宝贝 |
0:04:44.16, |
I am going to be there to support you. |
我会去现场支持你的 |
0:04:47.19, |
I don't want my mom there. |
我不想我妈过去 |
0:04:49.13, |
I'm exploring some darker themes |
我正在探索一些暗黑题材 |
0:04:50.69, |
I'm not sure she's ready for, |
我觉得她还没准备好接受 |
0:04:52.41, |
Poems like "The umbilical noose," |
我写的诗有《脐带》 |
0:04:55.37, |
A jail called mom, |
《名叫妈妈的监狱》 |
0:04:57.03, |
Smother nature. |
《窒息的本性》 |
0:04:58.91, |
She'll just find some way to make it all about her. |
她肯定会往她自己身上扯 |
0:05:02.92, |
And a toasty 75 degrees for daughter Haley. |
给乖女儿海莉把温度调到舒适的75度 |
0:05:08.02, |
You see, |
知道不 |
0:05:08.54, |
the Verona boasts individualized climate zones, Claire. |
维罗纳宝车能对温度进行对点调节 克莱尔 |
0:05:12.51, |
I could literally transport a polar bear and an orchid |
我完全可以把北极熊和兰花一起放车里 |
0:05:15.47, |
and not make two trips. |
而不用运两次 |
0:05:18.07, |
Dad, I'm freezing. It's, like, 1 degree back here. |
爸 我冻死了 感觉我这才1度 |
0:05:22.19, |
Six minutes in, and it begins. |
上车6分钟 好戏开场了 |
0:05:25.26, |
Here. Take the blanket from the bed. |
给 我从床上给你拿了条毯子 |
0:05:27.49, |
Thanks, Kitten. |
谢谢老姐 |
0:05:29.20, |
Dad, can you change the music? |
爸 能换首歌吗 |
0:05:30.56, |
Can I? |
那还用说 |
0:05:32.26, |
Oh, no. Oh, no, that's just getting louder. |
别啊别 这歌只会越来越吵 |
0:05:34.27, |
This isn't good. It's not good at all. |
这不好 糟透了 |
0:05:36.97, |
Actually, it's kind of perfect. |
事实上这棒极了 |
0:05:38.47, |
Right? |
是吧 |
0:05:39.41, |
The big windows, the classical music. |
大窗户 古典乐 |
0:05:41.66, |
It's like we're in a movie. |
跟在电影里一样 |
0:05:43.62, |
Turn it up, handsome. |
开大点声 帅哥 |
0:05:45.00, |
You got it! |
听你的 |
0:05:49.51, |
Obviously, the novelty of the situation was delaying the inevitable. |
显然一时的新奇劲儿推迟了必然的闹剧 |
0:05:52.78, |
But I didn't want to get halfway into a trip to Yellowstone |
但我不想在去黄石公园的半路上 |
0:05:55.21, |
before Phil discovered |
菲尔才幡然醒悟 |
0:05:56.44, |
what malevolent hellspawn we have for children... |
他这是给孩子们造了多大的孽 |
0:05:59.43, |
Whom I love very much. |
我对孩子们是真爱 |
0:06:03.40, |
Alex, honey, that's a cute sweater. |
艾丽克斯 宝贝 你的毛衣好好看 |
0:06:04.95, |
Doesn't Haley have one like that? |
貌似海莉也有一件差不多的 |
0:06:06.10, |
Oh, it actually is hers. |
就是她的 |
0:06:07.28, |
I took it from her closet before we left. Really? |
我走之前从她衣柜顺的 真的 |
0:06:09.29, |
Ooh. Sorry, girls. Didn't mean to start a whole thing. |
抱歉姑娘们 没想搞得你们不愉快的 |
0:06:11.91, |
I am so sick of you always looking better in my clothes. |
我真不能忍 你穿我的衣服总是更好看 |
0:06:16.29, |
When did that happen? |
从什么时候起就这样了啊 |
0:06:17.70, |
You're okay with this? |
你一点都不介意吗 |
0:06:19.05, |
Oh, yeah. She can wear whatever she wants |
没事 她想穿什么穿什么 |
0:06:20.70, |
After I've had it for six months. |
反正我也穿了六个月了 |
0:06:22.76, |
Or I get it automatically if you buy anything that looks like it. |
或者你买件类似的 就自然送给我了 |
0:06:25.57, |
This just feels right. Huh, team? |
感觉真是不错呢 是吧队友们 |
0:06:28.27, |
Matter of fact, I was thinking |
事实上 我之前还想着 |
0:06:29.85, |
we could all drive up to Yellowstone this summer. |
我们一家子夏天可以驱车去黄石公园呢 |
0:06:32.51, |
But I say, |
但我现在提议 |
0:06:33.97, |
Let's take this beeyotch ocean to ocean! |
我们开着这宝贝蛋跨越东西海岸吧 |
0:06:37.04, |
That'd be cool! Awesome! |
那太棒了 赞啊 |
0:06:38.61, |
We're doing it! |
那就说定啦 |
0:06:40.48, |
Phil, the road! |
菲尔 小心 |
0:06:45.81, |
I don't know what button I just pressed, |
我不知道我按了哪个按钮 |
0:06:48.22, |
But that was amazing. |
但真是爽死我了 |
0:06:54.55, |
My backpack's definitely not in there. |
我的书包肯定不在车里 |
0:06:56.36, |
Well, they're not picking up their phone. |
他们也不接电话 |
0:06:58.22, |
He must've brought it inside. |
他肯定是带进屋了 |
0:07:00.27, |
Sorry, kid, looks like you're out of luck. |
抱歉 孩子 看来你只能自认倒霉了 |
0:07:02.39, |
Come! |
进来 |
0:07:03.54, |
Don't they have a burglar alarm? |
他们难道都没装个防盗警报器吗 |
0:07:05.20, |
Ay, please. |
少废话 |
0:07:07.49, |
Okay, everybody, split up and search. |
好了大家 我们分头行动 |
0:07:09.55, |
Jay, you look in the bedroom. |
杰 你去卧室找 |
0:07:10.61, |
I'm not looking in their bedroom. |
我才不去基佬们的卧室呢 |
0:07:12.07, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
0:07:13.22, |
Mom, I don't think my backpack is in Cam's bag. |
妈 我的背包可不会在小卡的包里 |
0:07:15.13, |
I was just closing it for him. |
我只是替他把包合上而已 |
0:07:17.29, |
I... heard a noise. |
我 听到有动静 |
0:07:18.48, |
Looks like the guys threw a little party. |
看起来像他们办过一场小派对 |
0:07:19.99, |
I noticed. |
我注意到了 |
0:07:21.11, |
They brought out the guest soaps. |
他们都把客人专用香皂拿出来了 |
0:07:22.99, |
How long have you been in here? |
你这是来了多久了 |
0:07:25.08, |
Hey. This is that bottle of wine |
嘿 这是菲尔开公司的时候 |
0:07:27.67, |
I bought Phil when he started his company. |
我给他买的那瓶酒 |
0:07:29.59, |
And Claire's lipstick is on many of these wineglasses. |
克莱尔的唇膏印还留在这些酒杯上 |
0:07:32.76, |
Pictionary. They had game night? |
看图猜词 他们昨晚是游戏之夜 |
0:07:35.14, |
But we always go to game night. |
可我们向来都参加游戏之夜的呀 |
0:07:37.05, |
Son of a bitch. They snubbed us. |
他奶奶的 他们抛弃了我们 |
0:07:39.92, |
Found it! |
找到了 |
0:07:41.21, |
There must've been a dozen players. |
肯定有好多人来玩 |
0:07:44.14, |
Pepper was here. |
胡娇也来了 |
0:07:46.46, |
But Pepper loves me. |
可胡娇是爱我的呀 |
0:07:48.87, |
Okay, she's all set. |
好了 搞定 |
0:07:49.82, |
I defy you to find a tighter bun in this gymnasium. |
我敢说你在馆里绝找不到更紧的发髻了[屁股] |
0:07:52.53, |
Lot of different ways you could've said that. |
你完全可以换种说法的 |
0:07:54.62, |
Oh, and good luck on your floor routine, sweetie. |
祝你自由体操好运 宝贝 |
0:07:56.38, |
Not that you need it. |
但你不用运气也很厉害了 |
0:07:59.17, |
That's Abby. |
那是艾比 |
0:08:00.06, |
She's the best in class. |
她是班里最厉害的 |
0:08:01.15, |
Oh. She's our competition. |
她是我们的竞争对手 |
0:08:02.62, |
I've never wanted to beat a kid so badly. |
我从没这么想要打败一个小孩过 |
0:08:04.37, |
Are you not hearing these? |
你没听到我说的吗 |
0:08:06.05, |
No? Okay. |
没有吗 好吧 |
0:08:07.08, |
Oh, Lily's on the beam. |
莉莉在平衡木上了 |
0:08:08.83, |
I'm nervous about her dismount. |
我好担心她的下马动作 |
0:08:10.07, |
You said that she could stick the landing, right? |
你说过她着地时能站稳 是吧 |
0:08:11.58, |
Yeah, as long as she breathes, relies on her training, |
是的 只要她调整呼吸 依靠基本功 |
0:08:13.94, |
and stays in the zone. |
待在平衡木上 |
0:08:15.27, |
We are talking about her stepping off a 6inch beam. |
我们是在说她要从6英寸的木头上下来 |
0:08:17.10, |
And not falling. Right. |
而且不摔倒 是的 |
0:08:19.63, |
I have to admit. |
我不得不承认 |
0:08:21.00, |
Seeing Lily do so well brought out something in me. |
看到莉莉这么棒激发了我内心的一些情绪 |
0:08:24.08, |
The pride of being a parent of a child |
是作为家长 自己的孩子不只是参与 |
0:08:25.92, |
who wasn't just participating but thriving. |
而是表现卓越的骄傲感 |
0:08:30.71, |
Okay, here comes her dismount. |
好了 她要下马了 |
0:08:31.87, |
Stick it Lily. Stick it! |
稳住 莉莉 稳住 |
0:08:37.79, |
she stuck it! |
她站稳了 |
0:08:39.27, |
She stuck it! |
她站稳了 |
0:08:41.69, |
9.4. |
9.4分 |
0:08:43.37, |
If no one beat my daughter's score on the beam, |
如果她的平衡木得分最高 |
0:08:45.38, |
She would make preteam. |
她就能进预选队了 |
0:08:47.63, |
She'd be one of the elite. |
她就将成为健将中的一员 |
0:08:50.76, |
Funny thing, pride. |
骄傲感这玩意儿 真有意思 |
0:08:52.55, |
They say it goeth before the... |
听说它产生于 |
0:08:55.10, |
Fall. Fall. |
摔下来 摔下来 |
0:08:56.89, |
Fall. Mitchell, I can hear you... |
摔倒 米奇尔 我能听到你 |
0:08:58.69, |
What? Rooting for a little girl to fall. |
什么 在为一个小女生的摔倒加油 |
0:09:00.32, |
If I can hear you, other people can hear you. |
如果我能听到 别人也能听到 |
0:09:02.74, |
Yes! |
好棒 |
0:09:03.75, |
I don't know why I said that. I don'tI'm sorry. |
我不知道自己为什么喝倒彩 抱歉 |
0:09:06.20, |
Yeah, he didn't mean it. |
是的 他不是那个意思 |
0:09:07.30, |
I didn't mean it. No, um, he just got caught up. |
我不是那个意思 他是太投入了 |
0:09:10.05, |
And, uh, you know,we all know |
我们都知道 |
0:09:11.36, |
competition makes people do crazy things.So... |
比赛让人疯狂 |
0:09:13.68, |
Look at this! Her bun fell apart during the floor exercise. |
你看看 她的发髻在自由体操时散了 |
0:09:16.61, |
Her hair got in her eyes and she couldn't even finish! |
头发挡住了眼睛 动作都没法做完 |
0:09:18.86, |
You did it on purpose! |
你故意的 |
0:09:20.54, |
No! Daddies! |
不是 老爸们 |
0:09:22.07, |
I'm in first place. |
我是第一名哦 |
0:09:24.01, |
Yay. That's great. |
耶 真棒 |
0:09:29.33, |
Did you offend them? |
你得罪他们了吗 |
0:09:30.62, |
Me? They love me. |
我 他们都很爱我 |
0:09:32.67, |
Can we go now? I have a poetry reading tonight. |
我们能走了吗 我今晚还要诗朗诵呢 |
0:09:35.94, |
And speaking of that, |
说到这个 |
0:09:37.28, |
Are you sure you guys really want It makes no sense. |
你们确定真的要去 没道理啊 |
0:09:39.41, |
We're always the life of every party. |
我们向来是每场派对的灵魂人物 |
0:09:41.91, |
Maybe they didn't invite you |
可能他们没邀请你们 |
0:09:43.12, |
because you're a couple of snoops? |
是因为你们是一对窥探狂 |
0:09:44.53, |
Okay, Mr. Goody twoshoes. |
够啦 老好人先生 |
0:09:46.68, |
A trait normal parents would value. |
正常父母都会欣赏这一点 |
0:09:51.05, |
Jay, I think you're right about him. |
杰 我觉得关于他 你说得对 |
0:09:52.69, |
He's been too good lately for a teenager. |
他作为一名小少年 最近太过于正直 |
0:09:55.56, |
It's not normal. |
那不正常 |
0:09:57.16, |
I am afraid that the world is going to |
我觉得这个世界就要 |
0:09:58.78, |
Oh, hell, no. This is too far. Ay. |
天啊 这也太过分了 |
0:10:01.17, |
Look at this. |
看这个 |
0:10:03.83, |
Is that supposed to be... |
那难道是... |
0:10:05.01, |
That's us. |
就是我们俩 |
0:10:06.36, |
Not only do we get blown off, |
我们不只是被抛弃了 |
0:10:08.01, |
now they're making fun of us. |
他们还拿我们当笑料 |
0:10:09.50, |
Well, I'm just gonna leave them a little message. |
我要给他们留个信 |
0:10:14.73, |
As far as I'm concerned, |
依我看 |
0:10:16.64, |
They can all... |
他们都可以 |
0:10:22.15, |
Horse mouth! That's a good one! |
马嘴巴 好题目 |
0:10:24.31, |
No, "Horse mouth" Is not an expression. |
不是 "马嘴"可不是个短语 |
0:10:26.05, |
You can't get this? |
你看不懂吗 |
0:10:27.67, |
Look. Donkey. |
看 驴子 |
0:10:29.60, |
That's not a donkey. Look at the ears. |
那可一点不像驴子 看这驴耳朵 |
0:10:31.87, |
Okay. Donkey mouth! |
好吧 驴嘴 |
0:10:33.82, |
That's a terrible guess. |
你猜得太烂了 |
0:10:35.50, |
That's a terrible drawing! |
你画得太烂了 |
0:10:37.17, |
We weren't invited because you stink at this game. |
他们不邀请我们 就因为你玩得太烂 |
0:10:39.81, |
At least I can draw! |
至少我会画画 |
0:10:41.03, |
Excuse me. Just need a signature. |
打扰一下 请签收一下 |
0:10:42.58, |
Yeah, sure. |
拿来吧 |
0:10:47.16, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:10:49.53, |
Here we go. |
签好了 |
0:10:51.26, |
There. Thank you. |
拿去吧 谢谢 |
0:10:52.17, |
Yep. |
好的 |
0:10:54.38, |
That's not a signature. You drew a cat. |
那不是签名 你这是画了只猫 |
0:10:56.31, |
Thank you. |
谢你八辈祖宗了啊 |
0:11:06.02, |
Perfect freaking harmony. |
一派完美和谐的景象 |
0:11:08.56, |
That's when it hit me. |
我突然想明白了 |
0:11:10.39, |
Maybe it's not the cold confines of a moving vehicle |
也许并不是封闭的车内空间 |
0:11:13.06, |
that brings out the worst in my kids. |
让我的孩子们表现出顽劣捣蛋的一面 |
0:11:14.70, |
Maybe I bring out the worst in them |
而是我 让他们爆发出顽劣捣蛋的一面 |
0:11:17.88, |
when there's no funlovin' Phil around |
因为没有风趣有爱的菲尔 |
0:11:19.55, |
to neutralize my toxins. |
来中和我的负能量 |
0:11:21.90, |
I was in a full shame spiral. |
那让我羞愧得无地自容 |
0:11:23.65, |
Aah! A bee! |
有蜜蜂 |
0:11:25.66, |
And then something wonderful happened. |
可就在这时 好事来了 |
0:11:28.03, |
I got it! |
让我来 |
0:11:29.33, |
You idiot! Kill it! |
你个蠢货 杀了它 |
0:11:31.07, |
No, don't! |
不 别杀 |
0:11:32.23, |
Haven't you heard of colony collapse? |
你不知道蜜蜂是濒危动物吗 |
0:11:33.52, |
Bees are endangered! |
蜜蜂快要灭绝了 |
0:11:34.88, |
Okay, guys, stand still. |
好啦孩子们 别乱动 |
0:11:36.25, |
They can't see you if you're not moving. |
只要你们不动 它就看不见你们 |
0:11:37.79, |
It's coming near me! |
它冲我来了 |
0:11:39.92, |
Do I look like a bee?! |
你把我当蜜蜂吗 |
0:11:41.15, |
No, that was an accident! |
不 是我出手失误 |
0:11:42.48, |
Well, so is this! |
那我也失误一回 |
0:11:46.54, |
Everyone remain calm! |
大家淡定 |
0:11:47.86, |
I'll just open up the doubletilt swiss skylight |
我这就打开双棚天窗 |
0:11:50.18, |
and the airflow will pull |
气流会把蜜蜂 |
0:11:51.49, |
the bee out of Aah! There's another bee now! |
抽出去的 又来一只蜜蜂 |
0:11:52.98, |
We must be near its cave! |
我们肯定闯进了蜂窝 |
0:11:54.20, |
Oh, my god! There's so much stupid in here! |
老天啊 简直是蠢疯了 |
0:11:56.40, |
All right, I'm pulling this thing over. |
好啦 我这就停车 |
0:11:58.52, |
Those are the wipers. |
开成雨刷了 |
0:11:59.92, |
Claire, say something! |
克莱尔 帮帮忙 |
0:12:01.72, |
Kids, stop, please. |
孩子们 别闹了 |
0:12:03.97, |
Hey, there are daily flights to Yellowstone. |
嘿 每天都有航班去黄石公园呢 |
0:12:08.25, |
Aah! You ripped my sweater! |
你把我衣服扯烂了 |
0:12:09.37, |
My sweater, which you shouldn't even be wearing! |
是我的衣服 你根本就不该穿 |
0:12:12.60, |
Get off of my sweater! Short layover in Salt Lake. |
把衣服还给我 航班在盐湖城短暂停留 |
0:12:14.72, |
Are you really not gonna do anything? |
你就一点忙都不帮吗 |
0:12:16.45, |
Oh, Phil, you must have known this was gonna happen. |
菲尔 你肯定早就知道会这样 |
0:12:18.67, |
I know that tone. You're making a point. |
我听得出来你的语气 你想证明什么 |
0:12:21.38, |
It's better that you find out who they are now |
你现在早早发现他们的本性 |
0:12:23.16, |
than when you're halfway across the country. |
总比你穿越半个国家了才发现要好 |
0:12:26.48, |
Well, I guess I'm just a naive boob |
好吧 看来我真是太幼稚 |
0:12:27.92, |
who thought we liked each other! |
还以为我们家相亲相爱呢 |
0:12:30.03, |
Obviously, it was too much to ask |
显然 这一切都是我的奢望 |
0:12:31.40, |
to think that we could take one magnificent trip |
一家人开开心心地出游 |
0:12:33.75, |
in a trickedout, stateoftheart R.V. |
享受豪华的房车之旅 |
0:12:35.82, |
to see the sun dancing off the Pacific. |
去看太平洋的海上日落 |
0:12:38.41, |
What a huge ask! |
我真是太强人所难了 |
0:12:52.09, |
I can't stand the way everyone's starting at us. |
我受不了大家用这种眼光看着我们 |
0:12:54.24, |
Yeah, I know. It's the way we look at people |
我懂 就像我们看别人遛鸟时 |
0:12:55.62, |
who walk with their pet birds. |
那种鄙视的眼神 |
0:12:57.92, |
There she is! |
小美女来啦 |
0:12:58.84, |
Hey, good luck on your balance beam routine, sweetie. |
小宝贝 祝你平衡木成功哦 |
0:13:01.33, |
You're gonna do great. I'll never beat lily. |
你会很棒的 我永远赢不了莉莉 |
0:13:03.44, |
Of course you will, because you're a superstar! |
你当然能 因为你是超级小明星 |
0:13:05.95, |
And your daughter's a genius. I am such a fan. Such a fan. |
你女儿也是个天才啊 我是她的粉丝 |
0:13:07.93, |
Okay, now you're overcompensating. I have to! |
好吧 你这样太夸张了 我是迫不得已 |
0:13:10.03, |
You saw what a monster I was out there. |
你也看见我刚刚有多过分 |
0:13:11.96, |
Thisthis is the exact thing I always hated in my dad, |
这恰恰是我恨我爸的一点 |
0:13:15.04, |
that ugly macho testosterone drive to win, |
他总认为不择手段的强硬真汉子才能赢 |
0:13:18.93, |
and today it has flowered in me. |
今天我自己却也踩进这怪圈了 |
0:13:20.78, |
Well... No, this ends today, Cam. |
小卡 我今天一定要打破怪圈 |
0:13:23.22, |
I am not passing this on to Lily. |
我绝不能让莉莉也受到同样的影响 |
0:13:24.63, |
Well, it's not all on you. You know, |
其实 这也不能全怪你 |
0:13:26.18, |
I'm beginning to think maybe I did sabotage Abby's hair. |
我在想 我可能确实故意弄坏了艾比的发型 |
0:13:29.41, |
I didn't spray. I didn't Beyonce. |
我没用定型喷雾 没来个碧昂斯范儿 |
0:13:31.69, |
I basically built a ticking time bun. |
我简直给她梳了个定时炸弹在头上 |
0:13:33.87, |
Well... |
好吧 |
0:13:39.82, |
Are you okay? |
你还好吧 |
0:13:41.46, |
No. |
不好 |
0:13:44.93, |
My hair hurts. I'll fix it. |
我头发扯着疼 我帮你弄一下 |
0:13:51.41, |
We should find Lily. |
我们找莉莉去吧 |
0:13:52.70, |
Did you see what your daughter just did? |
你们看见你家女儿干嘛了吗 |
0:13:56.94, |
Uh... Lily, did you pull the pins out of Julie's hair? |
莉莉 你把朱莉的发夹拔下来了吗 |
0:13:58.94, |
Yeah, she fell. |
是的 她摔了 |
0:14:00.51, |
Oh. Okay, um... |
好吧 |
0:14:02.31, |
Icould I get everyone's attention for just a moment? |
大家能听我说两句吗 |
0:14:04.63, |
We consider what our daughter just did |
我们觉得 我家女儿刚刚的行为 |
0:14:06.12, |
to be an embarrassment to the sport of gymnastics. |
违背了体操运动的体育精神 |
0:14:08.40, |
I assure you, she did not learn this from us. |
我向你们保证 那绝对不是我们教的 |
0:14:11.22, |
And as far as we are concerned, that is a sign of weakness... |
而且我们认为 这是弱者的表现 |
0:14:13.58, |
Not the way a winner behaves, but the way... |
不是胜利者该有的行为 而是 |
0:14:15.70, |
A loser behaves. A loser behaves. |
失败者的行为 失败者的行为 |
0:14:18.19, |
Come on, Lily. Let's get your grips and tiger paws. |
走吧莉莉 我们去拿你的护掌和护腕 |
0:14:20.08, |
You're going to a timeout. Yeah. A nice long one. |
你得暂停比赛 对 要多停一会 |
0:14:23.69, |
I made preteam, |
我进预选队了 |
0:14:24.45, |
and my daddies get to watch from outside. |
但我的爸爸们只能在外面观看 |
0:14:27.31, |
No closer than 100 feet. But we're appealing. |
必须在100英尺之外 我们在申诉 |
0:14:29.38, |
Yay, Lily! |
莉莉太棒了 |
0:14:34.38, |
Kill the chicken! Chicken fingers! |
杀死小鸡 酥炸鸡条 |
0:14:37.10, |
Pigeon man! |
鸽子人 |
0:14:38.12, |
Pigeon man? Pigeon man. |
鸽子人 鸽子人 |
0:14:39.86, |
You see, Tony, it's not me. |
你看到了吧 托尼 不是我的错 |
0:14:41.52, |
Would you invite her to game night? |
你会邀请她去游戏之夜吗 |
0:14:42.92, |
I'm gonna go now. |
我还是先走吧 |
0:14:44.09, |
They're kinda sticklers about the nextday delivery thing. |
那些要求隔天送达的人都不好伺候 |
0:14:47.23, |
Bird in the hand! |
一鸟在手[已成定局] |
0:14:48.36, |
There you go. |
这就对了 |
0:14:49.76, |
Any slower, she'd be the U.S. Mail, |
她要再慢点 就堪比美国邮政了 |
0:14:51.11, |
am I right? |
你说是吧 |
0:14:52.13, |
That's gonna kill at the warehouse. |
这笑话在我们仓库肯定笑倒一大片 |
0:14:53.61, |
You see? You are the problem. |
看见没 你才是问题 |
0:14:55.91, |
Except you cheated. I saw you look at the paper. |
但你作弊了 我看见你偷瞄那张纸了 |
0:14:58.23, |
I knew it. |
我就说嘛 |
0:14:59.51, |
You're no better. |
你也好不到哪里去 |
0:15:00.74, |
All the screaming and bullying. |
大吼大叫 盛气凌人 |
0:15:02.71, |
The question isn't why you two weren't invited. |
问题不是为什么你们没被邀请 |
0:15:05.13, |
It's why you're ever invited. |
而是为什么以前有人愿意邀请你们 |
0:15:07.09, |
And by the way, this isn't even about you. |
顺便说一句 这画根本与你们无关 |
0:15:10.62, |
Treasure... Chest. |
藏宝 箱 |
0:15:12.19, |
Now can we clean this place up and go? |
我们能不能把这收拾干净 赶紧离开 |
0:15:18.13, |
Funny story. |
说来有趣 |
0:15:19.43, |
My mom and Jay were invited. |
我妈妈和杰其实被邀请了 |
0:15:21.53, |
Cam gave me the invitation at school, |
小卡在学校把邀请函交给我 |
0:15:23.11, |
and I forgot about it. |
我把这事忘了 |
0:15:24.47, |
But how could I tell them right after I'd shamed them? |
但我怎么能在刚训完话之后就说出实情呢 |
0:15:26.92, |
I had to cover my tracks. |
我得毁灭证据 |
0:15:28.73, |
It's true, Jay. I cheated. |
没错 杰 我是作弊了 |
0:15:31.21, |
I cheat a little bit every time that we come to the game night. |
每次在游戏之夜我都会小作弊一下 |
0:15:34.63, |
I think Mitch saw me the last time, |
我觉得上次米奇发现了 |
0:15:36.34, |
and that's why they don't want to play with us anymore. |
所以他们不想再跟我们玩了 |
0:15:38.33, |
But why would you do that? |
你为什么要作弊 |
0:15:39.70, |
I don't know! |
我不知道 |
0:15:41.01, |
Maybe because I don't want you to think that I am not smart. |
也许我不想让你认为我笨 |
0:15:44.76, |
I would never think that. |
我绝不会那么认为 |
0:15:46.71, |
And besides, it's my fault, anyway. |
再说 这其实是我的错 |
0:15:48.27, |
The kid is right. I'm too competitive. |
孩子说得对 我太争强好胜 |
0:15:50.83, |
Lost a game of yahtzee once. |
玩快艇骰子输了一回 |
0:15:51.96, |
The dice are still on the wall. |
那些骰子现在还被我挂在墙上 |
0:15:53.40, |
Yeah, but at least you're not a cheater. |
但至少你没有作弊 |
0:15:55.01, |
I feel like such a donkey mouth. |
我觉得自己真是个驴嘴巴 |
0:15:57.73, |
Guys, there's something you should know. |
爹妈 我有事情要告诉你们 |
0:16:01.57, |
It's trivial pursuit night at mom's church. |
妈妈的教堂今晚举办棋盘问答游戏之夜 |
0:16:03.97, |
I hate for you to miss my poetry reading, |
我不想让你们错过我的诗歌朗读会 |
0:16:05.85, |
but maybe you could head down there, |
但或许你们可以去教堂 |
0:16:07.29, |
work on your sportsmanship, |
培养一下公平竞争的体育精神 |
0:16:08.70, |
And you will feel better about yourselves. |
你们就不会那么自责了 |
0:16:11.01, |
Are you sure you're going to be okay without me there? |
你确定我不去你一个人能行吗 |
0:16:13.34, |
Yes, mother. Mother. I'll be in the car. |
是的 妈妈 妈妈 我上车等你们 |
0:16:16.93, |
I get this damn competitive streak from my old man. |
我的过分好胜是从我爸那继承的 |
0:16:19.85, |
It's a miracle I didn't pass it down to mitchell. |
幸好我没有把这传给米奇尔 |
0:16:21.79, |
I love that we can blame our parents. |
真高兴我们能把这怪到父母头上 |
0:16:23.63, |
My mother was the biggest cheater I've ever known. |
我母亲是我见过最爱作弊的大骗子 |
0:16:26.97, |
And she used to snoop on everything that we did. |
她以前特爱窥探我们的事 |
0:16:29.89, |
Ay. Jay, look at this. |
杰 看看这个 |
0:16:33.32, |
Our invitation. |
我们的邀请函 |
0:16:34.42, |
They must have forgot to give it to us. |
他们肯定是忘给我们了 |
0:16:36.35, |
No. I checked this bag when we got here, |
不对 我刚进来就检查过这包 |
0:16:38.74, |
and it wasn't there. Why are you always |
当时不在里面 为什么你总是 |
0:16:40.26, |
Cause you know I have a problem. |
你知道的 我有问题 |
0:16:42.23, |
This was Manny. |
这是曼尼干的 |
0:16:43.88, |
He forgot to give it to us, |
他忘了给我们 |
0:16:45.80, |
and then he came and tried to sneak it in there. |
然后就想偷偷地塞进去 |
0:16:48.55, |
Why wouldn't he just tell us? |
他干嘛不直接告诉我们 |
0:16:51.23, |
Maybe because he doesn't want us to go to the reading. |
也许因为他不想让我们去朗读会 |
0:16:54.18, |
That's why he was talking about the church and the game. |
所以他才一直说教堂和棋盘游戏的事 |
0:16:57.98, |
He was working us. |
他把我们耍了 |
0:16:59.27, |
Guess he's not too much of a goody twoshoes. |
看来他也不是个老好人 |
0:17:01.12, |
No. He's a lying, scheming little sneak. |
不 他是个爱撒谎 搞诡计的小坏蛋 |
0:17:06.54, |
That's my son. |
真不愧是我儿子 |
0:17:08.02, |
Our son. |
我们的好儿子 |
0:17:10.73, |
I've never seen dad freak out like that before. |
我从没见过爸爸发那么大火 |
0:17:12.82, |
I feel terrible. |
我感觉糟透了 |
0:17:14.39, |
Oh, it's partly my fault. |
一部分是我的错 |
0:17:15.87, |
I goaded you guys into a fight to prove a point. |
我引诱你们吵架 以显示我的先见之明 |
0:17:18.67, |
Why do I always have to win? |
我为什么总是要赢 |
0:17:20.39, |
How did I get this way? |
我是怎么变成这种人的 |
0:17:24.64, |
That you? |
那车是你的吗 |
0:17:26.57, |
Yeah. |
是的 |
0:17:28.18, |
You? Yep. |
那车是你的吗 是的 |
0:17:29.77, |
How many kids in yours? |
你车里有几个小孩 |
0:17:31.40, |
Felt like 30. |
感觉像是30个 |
0:17:32.69, |
I got four. |
我有4个 |
0:17:34.46, |
But I'm thinking of emancipating two of them early. |
不过我打算把其中两个尽早轰出家门 |
0:17:36.87, |
Tell me one of you has cigarettes or a flask. |
但愿你们有香烟或酒 |
0:17:39.27, |
Sorry, buddy. |
不好意思 兄弟 |
0:17:40.77, |
I've been through every state |
我经历过各种情绪[州] |
0:17:42.67, |
Depressed, catatonic, Arkansas. |
抑郁 紧张 阿肯色州 |
0:17:46.27, |
I considered faking my own death in Bryce Canyon National Park. |
我想过干脆在布莱斯峡谷国家公园假死算了 |
0:17:49.85, |
Have you been? Not to be missed. |
你们去过吗 不可错过哦 |
0:17:52.19, |
I'm gonna miss it. I'm missing every bit of it. |
我会错过 我会完全错过 |
0:17:54.72, |
I'm not spending another second in that rolling asylum. |
我不会在那辆"移动精神病院"里再待一秒 |
0:17:57.56, |
Poor guy. How long you been on the road? Couple weeks? |
可怜的家伙 上路多久了 几周吗 |
0:18:01.69, |
Couple days? |
几天 |
0:18:06.68, |
Dad's in the middle of a super sad dude hug. |
爸正在那边跟超级可怜虫抱团呢 |
0:18:09.72, |
We really disappointed him. |
我们真是令他失望了 |
0:18:11.90, |
Yeah, maybe we should just suck it up |
也许我们应该咬牙忍忍 |
0:18:13.31, |
and go to Jellystone this summer. |
今年暑假去杰里斯通公园吧 |
0:18:15.42, |
Wait. That's why dad got this thing? |
慢着 所以爸才弄了这辆车吗 |
0:18:18.59, |
II can't go on a trip this summer. |
今年暑假我不能去旅行 |
0:18:20.43, |
Why? I've... |
为什么 我有 |
0:18:22.85, |
I've got stuff. Huh? No. What stuff? |
我有事 不行 快说什么事 |
0:18:27.02, |
I don't want to talk about it. Luke. |
我不想说 卢克 |
0:18:28.89, |
Summer school. I'm failing prealgebra. |
暑期班 我的初级代数挂科了 |
0:18:31.71, |
Why didn't you say something? I don't know. |
你为什么没说 我不知道 |
0:18:34.02, |
I feel stupid. |
我觉得好蠢 |
0:18:35.23, |
You know what it's like to follow her? |
你知道有她在前面做榜样是什么感觉吗 |
0:18:37.13, |
All the teachers look at me |
所以老师看着我 |
0:18:38.52, |
and think that I'm some kind of irrational remainder. |
都觉得我像是无理数余数 |
0:18:41.50, |
Did I use that right? No. |
我这样说对吗 不对 |
0:18:43.80, |
Dang it. |
该死 |
0:18:45.20, |
But why didn't you ask me? I would've tutored you. |
你为什么不问我呢 我可以辅导你 |
0:18:48.14, |
I tried, but you were always off in your room |
我试过了 不过你总是待在你的房间里 |
0:18:50.74, |
or some corner of the house on the phone. |
或是家里的角落打电话 |
0:18:52.92, |
Yeah, who have you been talking to so much lately? |
你最近总是和谁讲电话 |
0:18:54.82, |
Aaron? Who's Aaron? |
亚伦吗 亚伦是谁 |
0:18:56.17, |
Actually, it's two boys Aaron and Alex. |
事实上有两个男生 亚伦和艾历克斯 |
0:18:57.79, |
Oh, two boys. A boy named Alex likes you? |
两个男生 还有一个和你同名 |
0:19:00.05, |
Yeah, I know. It's weird. |
我知道 好诡异 |
0:19:01.03, |
But my friend Andi with an "I" she's a girl |
但我朋友安娣 "女"字旁的 是个女生 |
0:19:02.94, |
Also liked Alex. The boy? |
也喜欢艾历克斯 男艾历克斯吗 |
0:19:04.65, |
Yes, the boy. I don't refer to myself in the third person. |
当然是男的 我不会用第三人称来说自己 |
0:19:06.82, |
I thought Aaron was the third person. No. |
我以为亚伦是第三人 不 |
0:19:08.67, |
Anyway, I thought I was cool juggling two boys at once, |
总之 我觉得脚踩两条船挺酷的 |
0:19:11.10, |
But... |
但是 |
0:19:12.60, |
They both ended up dumping me on the same day. |
他们在同一天甩了我 |
0:19:14.76, |
sweetie, that's awful. |
甜心 那太可怕了 |
0:19:16.26, |
How did I not know this was happening? |
我怎么会不知道这些事 |
0:19:18.20, |
You've been really busy lately, |
你最近太忙了 |
0:19:19.80, |
like with flipping that house. |
你要翻新房子 |
0:19:21.32, |
And plus I didn't really want to talk about it, |
而且我并不想谈这个 |
0:19:23.67, |
because it's kind of embarrassing. |
因为说起来怪丢人的 |
0:19:25.85, |
Not as embarrassing as failing a class that starts with "Pre." |
比不上挂掉以"初级"为名字的课程丢人 |
0:19:29.56, |
Baby... You guys wanna feel better? |
宝贝 你们想好受些吗 |
0:19:32.23, |
I auditioned to be a Laker girl this morning. |
我今早面试了湖人队的啦啦队员 |
0:19:34.76, |
What? You did? No way. |
什么 真的吗 不是吧 |
0:19:36.13, |
I took all those dance classes when I was younger, |
我小时候上过舞蹈课 |
0:19:38.71, |
and, I don't know. I've been trying to figure out |
我也不知道 我最近想搞清楚 |
0:19:40.11, |
what I want to do with my life, |
我这辈子想做什么 |
0:19:41.58, |
So I saw online that there were open tryouts, |
我在网上看到他们有公开选拔赛 |
0:19:44.23, |
so I went down there. And? |
所以我就去了 然后呢 |
0:19:46.58, |
I'm the new head Laker girl, mom. |
我是最新的湖人队啦啦队长 妈 |
0:19:48.63, |
It was a disaster. I was the worst one there. |
真是场灾难 我是其中最差劲的 |
0:19:50.94, |
I couldn't even get through my routine. |
我甚至记不住整套表演动作 |
0:19:52.93, |
You have a routine? |
你们有一套表演动作吗 |
0:19:56.44, |
Pat, Heath, you guys have given me the courage to go back in there, |
帕特 希斯 你们让我有勇气回去 |
0:19:59.64, |
stand up to my wife, |
勇敢面对我妻子 |
0:20:00.65, |
and tell her she was right all along. |
告诉她 她一直是对的 |
0:20:02.65, |
Happy trails, Phil. |
一路顺风 菲尔 |
0:20:05.33, |
Heath? |
希斯 |
0:20:06.03, |
I might just stay here a while. |
我还想继续待一会儿 |
0:20:10.40, |
Phil. Phil, I have to show you something. |
菲尔 菲尔 我得告诉你一些事 |
0:20:12.07, |
Don't gloat. I get it. |
别得意洋洋 我知道了 |
0:20:13.12, |
I keep trying to push this family closer together, |
我尝试令家人亲近 |
0:20:14.92, |
but they need their space. No, no, no. |
但他们各自需要空间 不 |
0:20:16.80, |
We have too much space. |
我们的空间太多了 |
0:20:17.91, |
Being in trapped in one room has forced us |
被困在一间屋子里却令我们 |
0:20:19.51, |
to actually talk to one another, |
能彼此交谈 |
0:20:20.80, |
and I have found out some incredible things about our kids. |
我发现了孩子们的一些不可思议的事情 |
0:20:23.17, |
Wait. Incredible good? |
等等 不可思议的好吗 |
0:20:25.40, |
You tell me. |
你说呢 |
0:20:29.30, |
Oh, my god. |
我的天 |
0:20:31.21, |
Dream come true! I don't even need context! |
梦想成真 我甚至不需要了解来龙去脉 |
0:20:34.70, |
What is this?! |
这是什么情况 |
0:20:36.07, |
So our trip's back on? We're in if Jolene's in. |
我们继续旅行吗 只要乔琳没意见就行 |
0:20:38.93, |
Come on. Do it! Yeah! |
快点来吧 好耶 |
0:20:46.58, |
Why can't I get this? |
为什么我就是不会呢 |
0:20:47.74, |
You just gotta focus. Clear your mind. |
你需要集中精神 心无杂念 |
0:20:49.96, |
Loosen up. Get in the zone. You know this. |
放轻松 进入状态 你会的 |
0:20:52.00, |
Okay, we're gonna walk through this together, |
我们一起来过一遍 |
0:20:53.33, |
step by step. |
一步步的 |
0:20:54.47, |
Five, six, seven, eight... |
五六七八 |
0:20:56.90, |
One, two, three, four, |
一二三四 |
0:20:59.39, |
Five and six, seven and eight... 56.1 plus or minus 8.25. |
五六七八 56.1加上或减去8.25 |
0:21:03.09, |
That's the first one. One, two, three, four, |
这是第一题 一二三四 |
0:21:04.73, |
Five, six, two, five Okay, number 2 X plus 2 over 4 |
五六二五 第二题 X加上2除以4 |
0:21:06.55, |
equals 3 plus 3 Minus damn it, |
等于3加3 减 见鬼 |
0:21:08.33, |
Alex, do you mind? |
艾丽克斯 小声点行吗 |
0:21:09.55, |
We're doing something important here. |
我们这里正在做正事呢 |
0:21:13.21, |
Okay. |
好了 |
0:21:14.40, |
Once more. From the tippy, like nobody's watching. |
再来一遍 从头开始 就当旁边没人 |
0:21:17.21, |
Five, six, seven, eight. One two... |
五六七八 一二 |