0:00:04.59, |
As great as it is bringing a baby home from the hospital, |
尽管把宝宝从医院带回家是件幸福的事 |
0:00:08.15, |
there's one sound you absolutely dread waking up to... |
有种声音绝对是你醒来时恐惧面对的 |
0:00:15.22, |
Relatives. |
亲戚们 |
0:00:19.85, |
I really never saw these wedding pictures, mamá. |
我还真没见过这些婚礼照片 妈妈 |
0:00:22.98, |
How handsome and young papa looks. |
爸爸看起来多年轻潇洒啊 |
0:00:25.65, |
Ay, it makes me sad. |
看得我好伤感 |
0:00:27.86, |
Ay, I know that you miss him. |
我知道你想念他 |
0:00:29.65, |
No. Look at my ass. |
不是 你看我的翘臀 |
0:00:31.39, |
There are two things in that picture I don't have anymore. |
照片里有两样东西 现在我都失去了 |
0:00:33.59, |
Ay, mama, que loca. |
妈妈 您太搞笑了 |
0:00:35.14, |
Sonia, can I help you? |
桑娅 需要我帮忙吗 |
0:00:36.58, |
No, no, she's fine. It keeps her busy. |
没事 没事 让她忙去吧 |
0:00:38.71, |
We need more corn. Gloria, where is your garden? |
得再来点玉米 歌洛莉亚 菜园在哪 |
0:00:40.85, |
I will harvest some. |
我去摘点儿 |
0:00:41.91, |
They don't live that way, honey. |
宝贝儿 城里人家里可没菜园 |
0:00:43.32, |
Gloria, give me the keys. We'll go to the market. |
歌洛莉亚 给我车钥匙 我们去趟超市 |
0:00:45.36, |
Hey, you're all awake. I didn't hear you. |
嘿 你们都起床啦 我都没听见你们的动静 |
0:00:47.17, |
Oh, look at my two handsome men. |
看看我们家两个帅哥 |
0:00:49.54, |
Mi nio, my little Fulgencio Umberto. |
我的宝贝 我的小弗汉希欧·翁贝托 |
0:00:52.19, |
You know, about the name, we're not entirely sure... |
说到名字 我们还没完全确定... |
0:00:53.61, |
Sonia, vámonos. Good-bye, Fulgencio. |
桑娅 走啦 再见哟 弗汉希欧 |
0:00:57.09, |
Say good-bye to Fulgencio. |
跟弗汉希欧再见 |
0:00:59.10, |
Good-bye, Fulgencio. |
再见 弗汉希欧 |
0:01:00.48, |
His name is Joe. |
他的名字叫乔 |
0:01:01.72, |
You tell her that we're not naming him |
你去告诉她我们不会用她去世的老公 |
0:01:03.88, |
after her dead husband or his father before him. |
或他爹的名字给孩子取名 |
0:01:06.83, |
- His name was-- - Please don't say it again. |
他的名字是-别说了 |
0:01:08.67, |
Jay, I cannot go against my mother's will. |
杰 我不能违背我妈妈的愿望 |
0:01:12.00, |
But she likes you. |
但她喜欢你 |
0:01:13.52, |
Maybe if you convince her... |
如果你去劝她 |
0:01:15.33, |
[即FUCK You Pritchett"操你普里契特"] |
0:01:15.33, |
Fulgencio Umberto-- the initials are F.U. Pritchett, |
弗汉希欧·翁贝托--缩写是F.U.普里契特 |
0:01:18.93, |
which is exactly the way it feels right now. |
我现在就是这种操蛋的感觉 |
0:01:30.79, |
第四季 第十三集 |
0:01:33.90, |
Is there some kind of dress code for godparents? |
教父教母有什么着装要求吗 |
0:01:36.48, |
You're not wearing a fedora, Phil. |
不许戴你那顶大傻帽子 菲尔 |
0:01:37.76, |
Can you pick up the dry cleaning? |
你能去取下干洗的衣服吗 |
0:01:38.90, |
That sounds like an offer I can't refuse. |
听起来我好像不能拒绝啊 |
0:01:41.85, |
Yeah, we're not doing that. |
别 我们不搞这一套 |
0:01:43.52, |
So I got delayed picking up Lily from dance class. |
我接莉莉下舞蹈课已经迟到了 |
0:01:45.84, |
Now Gloria's got me running around |
现在歌洛莉亚又叫我到处跑 |
0:01:47.10, |
doing a thousand things for christening. |
准备一堆洗礼的事 |
0:01:48.61, |
Son of a bitch. |
操他妈的 |
0:01:50.01, |
It's not that bad, really. I'm just--I'm venting. |
别激动 我只是发发牢骚而已 |
0:01:52.63, |
I couldn't believe it. Somebody's balloons |
难以置信 有人把气球 |
0:01:54.09, |
were blocking my billboard. Philboard. |
挡到我的广告牌了 菲尔牌 |
0:01:55.94, |
My Philboard. |
我的菲尔牌 |
0:01:58.44, |
Can we wear the same outfits at Crispin's party |
我们能把穿去参加洗礼的衣服 |
0:02:00.50, |
that we're wearing to the baptism? |
穿到克里斯宾的派对上吗 |
0:02:02.03, |
Oh, you know what? I don't know. |
这个啊 我也不知道 |
0:02:03.13, |
Because you wanna be subdued at church |
因为你想在教堂低调 |
0:02:04.74, |
and then fabulous at night. |
到了晚上却很华丽 |
0:02:06.09, |
You know who would make a fortune? |
你知道谁会狠赚一笔吗 |
0:02:07.08, |
The designer who comes up with the little black dress for men. |
给男人设计小黑裙的设计师 |
0:02:10.28, |
I'm bored. |
我好无聊 |
0:02:11.40, |
I know, sweetie, but daddies are talking |
我知道 小甜心 但是爸爸们在讨论 |
0:02:13.12, |
about what we're gonna wear tonight, |
我们晚上要穿什么 |
0:02:14.77, |
and that's a difficult conversation. |
那可是很难做决定的 |
0:02:16.40, |
- Cry me a river. - Lily. |
难死了也跟本小姐无关-莉莉 |
0:02:19.04, |
I-I'm not loving this attitude. |
我不喜欢你这样哦 |
0:02:20.72, |
You seem a little mean. |
你这样显得有点刻薄 |
0:02:21.78, |
Sorry. Should I call you a wah-mbulance? |
对不起 需要我帮你们叫辆"救父车"吗 |
0:02:21.78, |
[认为对方在为一些愚蠢的事而哀号抱怨] |
0:02:26.21, |
Oh, my gosh. She has been so snarky lately. |
我的天啊 她最近好毒舌啊 |
0:02:28.69, |
I know. I've actually been getting nervous |
是啊 现在只要一害她迟到 |
0:02:30.25, |
when we're making her late for something. |
我的神经就很紧张 |
0:02:31.67, |
Because of what she said the other day? |
因为她那天说的话吗 |
0:02:33.00, |
"Today, ladies."-Hurtful. |
"抓紧时间 小姐们"-真伤人 |
0:02:35.23, |
You know, she hears us doing it, |
你也知道 她听到我们那样说话 |
0:02:37.93, |
So we--we should try and be less negative. |
所以我们 我们不该造成那么多负面影响 |
0:02:40.65, |
Model some better behavior. |
做好榜样 |
0:02:42.21, |
[Model: 模范-模特] |
0:02:42.21, |
Yeah. Well, you know, if it's a model she needs, |
是啊 如果她需要的是一名模特 |
0:02:44.57, |
She's come to the right place. |
那她就来对地方了 |
0:02:45.61, |
- Oh, boy. - Hmm. |
妈呀-哼 |
0:02:48.27, |
I wish Lily was in here, |
要是莉莉在就好了 |
0:02:49.45, |
so she could hear me not comment on that. |
她就可以看到我对这事不予置评 |
0:02:51.68, |
I get it. You're modeling. |
知道啦 你在扮模特走秀 |
0:02:53.92, |
Hey, it's Phil Dunphy again. |
嘿 又是我 菲尔·邓菲 |
0:02:56.99, |
I-I got cut off by your machine. |
你的电话断线了 |
0:02:58.50, |
I'm, uh, not sure where I left off there, |
不知道刚刚说到哪了 |
0:03:00.38, |
but I'll attempt to be brief, |
但我尽量长话短说 |
0:03:01.51, |
As I do appreciate when people do the same for me. |
因为别人这么做我也会很感激 |
0:03:04.71, |
Anyhoo, uh, your balloons are co--damn it! |
话说回来 你的气球挡住--妈的 |
0:03:08.18, |
Is anyone home? Mom! |
有人在家吗 妈 |
0:03:10.11, |
I need her first. Mom! |
我先找她的 妈 |
0:03:11.51, |
She's out. |
她出去了 |
0:03:11.96, |
Why is she always gone when we need an adult? |
我们需要一个成年人的时候她怎么老不在 |
0:03:13.83, |
- I can help. - What's with the cage? |
我可以帮忙-盒子里是什么 |
0:03:15.65, |
- Science project. - Mom, where are you? |
科研项目-妈 你在哪里 |
0:03:17.56, |
- Out. It's just the three of us. - Four. |
-出去了 就我们三个在 -四个 |
0:03:19.39, |
- I need her. - Rats. |
我需要她-是老鼠 |
0:03:21.03, |
I know, right? |
我知道 好吧 |
0:03:22.05, |
Guys, I'm right here. What do you need? |
同志们 我就在这里 你们需要什么 |
0:03:24.09, |
No, it's okay. We're good. |
没事 我们没事 |
0:03:24.60, |
- Okay, never mind. - No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. |
没事-不 不不不不不 |
0:03:26.72, |
Family meeting. Everybody grab some 'za. |
家庭会议 每人抓块披萨 |
0:03:28.61, |
We're gonna talk about this. |
一起讨论下这个问题 |
0:03:31.79, |
Listen, I know you guys like to go to mom, |
听着 我知道你们喜欢找妈妈 |
0:03:34.40, |
because she's Mr.Tough guy problem-solver. |
因为她是问题解决小能手 |
0:03:36.55, |
She gets results. |
她办事有结果 |
0:03:37.48, |
Yeah, she does. She does. You're right. |
对 她有 她有 你没错 |
0:03:40.12, |
Like the last time we got pizza from our favorite place here. |
比如上次 我们买到了最喜欢吃的披萨 |
0:03:42.26, |
Remember that? We got shortchanged, |
还记得那次吗 他们少找了我们零钱 |
0:03:43.90, |
She cursed a blue streak and got our money back? |
她连珠炮似的骂了一通 把钱要回来了 |
0:03:46.66, |
How's that pizza, by the way? |
顺便问下 披萨好吃吗 |
0:03:48.15, |
- Pretty good. It's okay. - Liars! |
-挺好的 不错 -撒谎 |
0:03:50.09, |
It's garbage. |
难吃死了 |
0:03:51.31, |
That's not Scardino's, it's Scandoni's. |
那不是斯卡迪诺家的披萨 是斯卡多尼的 |
0:03:53.90, |
You know why? |
你们知道为什么吗 |
0:03:55.19, |
cause your mom's little blow-up |
因为你们老妈的小脾气得罪他家了 |
0:03:56.73, |
got us banned from Scardino's for life. |
我们这辈子都吃不到斯卡迪诺家的披萨了 |
0:04:01.10, |
So maybe your mom's way isn't always the best way. |
所以 也许老妈的办法并非总是最好的 |
0:04:03.62, |
Now why don't you guys tell me what's going on? |
现在 你们跟我说说发生什么事了 |
0:04:05.77, |
I'm having a '60s-themed birthday party next week. |
我本来打算下周办一场60年代主题生日派对 |
0:04:08.25, |
Hippies, bell-bottoms, tie-dye. |
嬉皮士 喇叭裤 扎染什么的 |
0:04:10.48, |
Karen Sullivan heard about it, |
凯伦·苏利文知道了 |
0:04:11.68, |
and decided to have the same party... tonight. |
决定办一场同样的派对 就在今晚 |
0:04:14.96, |
Not groovy. |
情况不妙 |
0:04:16.35, |
I accidentally called my teacher "Mommy". |
我一不留神把我"老师"叫成了"老妈" |
0:04:18.42, |
My "Friend" Reuben went around and told everyone. |
我"朋友"罗本到处宣传 全校都知道了 |
0:04:21.67, |
Oh, hey, Reuben, |
我说 罗本 |
0:04:22.85, |
do you remember that class field trip to the zoo |
你还记不记得那次全班到动物园郊游 |
0:04:24.93, |
when the zebra rushed the fence and you peed your pants? |
有只斑马从栅栏里冲出来 你都尿裤子了 |
0:04:27.71, |
I didn't tell anyone, not even on the bus ride home |
我都没告诉任何人 就算他在坐车回家的时候 |
0:04:30.42, |
when he had to sit next to mom-- |
不得不坐在老妈旁边... |
0:04:31.82, |
Ms. Bockman! Damn it! |
不对 是鲍克曼老师 该死 |
0:04:33.74, |
Our neighbor's out of town, |
我们邻居出远门了 |
0:04:34.90, |
and she's paying me to move her car on street cleaning days. |
所以她雇我在街道清扫日那天替她挪车 |
0:04:37.62, |
Now I would just park it in her driveway, |
我倒想只是把车停在车道上 |
0:04:39.29, |
but she already has a camper and a cord of wood there. |
可那里已经停了一台露营车 还种了很多树 |
0:04:41.71, |
Pretty sure she's a lesbian. |
她肯定是女同性恋 |
0:04:43.54, |
Anyway, easy money, right? |
不管怎么说 这钱容易挣 对吧 |
0:04:45.83, |
Oh, my god, I can't see anything! |
我的神呐 我什么也看不见 |
0:04:47.47, |
Hard starboard! |
右满舵 |
0:04:48.73, |
What does that even mean?! |
那是什么意思啊 |
0:04:50.20, |
How much longer do I have to block people? |
我还要在这里堵人堵多久啊 |
0:04:52.68, |
I'm late for the airport. |
我赶飞机要迟到了 |
0:04:54.30, |
Dylan, you are being no help right now! |
迪兰 你现在一点忙都没帮上 |
0:04:55.97, |
Sorry, but I'm already in trouble with dispatch |
对不起 但是我自己也遇到"分流"麻烦 |
0:04:58.46, |
for drinking all those little waters. |
我之前喝太多水了 |
0:05:00.37, |
Drive! Do it now! |
开车 快开 |
0:05:04.67, |
How do I tell her I snapped a branch |
我要怎么告诉她 她心爱的柠檬树 |
0:05:06.24, |
on her beloved lemon tree? |
树枝被我撞折了 |
0:05:07.79, |
I mean, she boils the leaves |
那些叶子她是要煮来 |
0:05:09.07, |
to add a scent to her own work boot oil. |
给她自制的靴子油添加香味的 |
0:05:11.61, |
Did I mention she plays in two softball leagues? |
我有没有提到她效力于两个垒球联盟 |
0:05:14.09, |
Now what are you guys gonna do? |
你们这些家伙要怎么办 |
0:05:14.91, |
You gonna have your mom go around |
你们是希望让你们老妈四处转转 |
0:05:16.15, |
and yell at all these people and burn a bunch of bridges? |
跟这些人大喊一通 毁坏一批友谊的桥梁 |
0:05:19.70, |
Or are you gonna talk to your Reubens, |
还是 去和你们的罗本们 |
0:05:22.18, |
your Karens, your lemon... lady, |
凯伦们 还有你的柠檬...女士谈谈 |
0:05:26.06, |
tell 'em how you feel, |
和他们谈谈你们的感受 |
0:05:27.25, |
appeal to their human side? |
唤起他们人性的一面 |
0:05:30.65, |
The choice is pretty simple, huh? |
这选择显而易见 对吧 |
0:05:35.28, |
So she's out all day? |
就是说她今天不会回来了 |
0:05:36.24, |
- I'll try her cell. - It's off. |
我再试试打她的手机吧-关机了 |
0:05:37.84, |
I texted her while dad was talking. |
老爸说话的时候我给她发短信了 |
0:05:42.07, |
Pilar, I brought you a coffee. |
皮娜 我给你带了杯咖啡 |
0:05:43.68, |
Oh. I put a little something extra in it. |
我往里面加了点儿料 |
0:05:46.49, |
Jay, you devil. |
杰 你耍坏 |
0:05:49.04, |
Hey, by the way, look... |
顺便说一下 你看 |
0:05:52.58, |
it's beautiful, no? |
漂亮不 |
0:05:54.22, |
It's the dressing gown for Fulgencio's christening. |
这是为弗汉希欧洗礼准备的袍子哦 |
0:05:56.93, |
All the men in our family wear this. |
我们家所有男丁都穿过它 |
0:05:58.97, |
What's one more son in a dress? |
不会又给我来个基佬儿子吧 |
0:06:00.53, |
Oh, tradition. Oh, it's so important. |
这是传统 那可是很重要的 |
0:06:03.89, |
I have a gift in here for little Fulgencio. |
我为小弗汉希欧准备了一个礼物 放在这里 |
0:06:07.65, |
That has been in my family for three generations. |
这东西在我们家族里传了三代人了 |
0:06:10.24, |
You know, about this naming thing-- |
关于给孩子起名的事情 |
0:06:12.00, |
In America, it's not real common to hear the name Fuljencio. |
在美国 福建西欧这个名字可真不常见 |
0:06:15.65, |
It's "Ful-hen-cio." |
应该是"弗-汉-希欧" |
0:06:17.17, |
Hen?-Hen. |
汗-汉 |
0:06:18.52, |
I don't need to practice it 'cause I can't name my son that. |
我不用练这个 我不会给我儿子起这名字的 |
0:06:21.56, |
I'm just being honest with you. |
我只是和你实话实说 |
0:06:23.53, |
No. No, no, no, no, that's good. |
不 没关系 这样很好 |
0:06:25.51, |
That's good. I should be more honest with you sometimes. |
这样很好 有时候我也该和你说说实话 |
0:06:27.46, |
Well, we've known each other a few years. |
是啊 我们彼此相识也有些年头了 |
0:06:29.11, |
I don't like you, Jay. |
我不喜欢你 杰 |
0:06:30.45, |
nah. We can act like everything is fine for the family, |
我们可以看在家庭的份上 装作一切都好 |
0:06:33.57, |
But, you know, I have never liked you. |
但是 你知道的 我从来没喜欢过你 |
0:06:35.41, |
The way you take whatever looks good to you-- |
你那种见到好东西就要占的嘴脸 |
0:06:38.67, |
you know, like my daughter or the last piece of meat. |
比如 我女儿或者最后一块肉 |
0:06:43.22, |
You're always too busy to pick me up at the airport. |
你总是很忙 忙到不能去机场接我 |
0:06:45.51, |
You send a total stranger with a cardboard sign. |
只派来一个完全陌生的人举块纸牌子 |
0:06:48.55, |
- Hi, grandma. - Hey. |
-嗨 外婆 -你好 |
0:06:49.82, |
Hey, buddy. Get over here. |
伙计 到这儿来 |
0:06:51.73, |
I sure do love the cross you got me. |
我是真的很喜欢你送我的十字架 |
0:06:53.80, |
But do I have to wear it today? |
可是我今天必须带着它吗 |
0:06:55.19, |
It's kinda hard to close my shirt over it. |
我的衬衫都因此扣不上了 |
0:06:57.16, |
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. |
不 不用 |
0:06:58.69, |
You do whatever you want, Padrecito. |
你想怎么样都行 |
0:07:00.58, |
I know that's the way in this house. |
我知道这个家里就是这种行事风格 |
0:07:02.48, |
But if you wear it, ooh, you'll make me proud. |
不过你要是带上它 会让我非常骄傲的 |
0:07:05.73, |
It's been in my family for five generations. |
那已经在我们家族里传了五代人了 |
0:07:08.02, |
- Okay. I'll walk you out, buddy. |
好吧-我送你出去 小弟 |
0:07:10.77, |
Is anything in her family new? |
她家里有没有什么东西是新的 |
0:07:14.00, |
Just you. |
就是你呗 |
0:07:24.43, |
Okay. Excuse me. Sorry. |
好的 让一让 不好意思 |
0:07:26.75, |
All right. Here we've got the deli platter, |
好了 我们有熏腌大拼盘了 |
0:07:29.53, |
and there's more in my car. |
我车里还有更多 |
0:07:31.33, |
But those are not from Rumpernook's. |
但这些不是从兰伯努克家买的 |
0:07:33.02, |
No, because the cheese at Rump... |
没错 因为我得罪他们家... |
0:07:35.22, |
I don't go there anymore. |
因为我再也不去他家买了 |
0:07:36.86, |
I'm going to do the laundry. |
我去洗衣服了 |
0:07:38.18, |
Okay, Sonia. I love you so much. |
好的 桑娅 好爱你哦 |
0:07:41.03, |
Wow. Pretty cozy with the new housekeeper, huh? |
你对这新管家挺有爱的哈 |
0:07:43.03, |
She's my sister. |
她是我妹妹 |
0:07:45.07, |
Wow. Pretty weird with your sister. |
哇 你这么使唤你妹妹啊 |
0:07:47.16, |
She likes to keep busy. But I feel bad for her. |
她喜欢忙前忙后 但我挺同情她的 |
0:07:50.21, |
I have so much, and she has nothing. |
我拥有这么多 她却一无所有 |
0:07:52.16, |
Okay. Well, people make their own choices. |
好吧 人们选择自己的命运 |
0:07:54.17, |
It's not like you're responsible. |
你不需要为此负责 |
0:07:55.37, |
No, no. |
不 不是的 |
0:07:57.57, |
Maybe just a little bit. |
好像还是有一点 |
0:07:59.68, |
I was older and I had opportunities to travel, |
我比较年长 有机会出去旅行 |
0:08:02.62, |
and I took them. |
我就抓住一切机会 |
0:08:03.77, |
Well, it didn't prevent her from going anywhere. |
那也不会阻止她去任何地方啊 |
0:08:05.92, |
No, no. |
不不不 |
0:08:07.61, |
Maybe just one time. |
只是有一次 |
0:08:09.30, |
There was a letter that arrived from America |
有一封来自美国的信 |
0:08:11.39, |
about a job opportunity. |
提供了一个工作机会 |
0:08:13.36, |
And it was only for one person, |
但只有一人能去 |
0:08:15.61, |
And I went. |
于是我就去了 |
0:08:16.62, |
But it's not like the envelope was addressed to her, |
但那又不是写给她的信 |
0:08:19.64, |
And you opened it and... |
你偷偷打开 然后 |
0:08:21.61, |
you're evil. |
你太坏了 |
0:08:22.40, |
I had to get out of there, Claire. |
我必须离开那里 克莱尔 |
0:08:24.82, |
You just strapped on those high heels |
你蹬上了高跟鞋 |
0:08:26.49, |
and walked right over her back, didn't you? |
踩着她的背走过去 不是吗 |
0:08:29.13, |
Maybe a little bit. |
好像是 |
0:08:31.20, |
Where is the river? |
哪儿有小溪给我洗衣服 |
0:08:34.98, |
Hey, boys! |
嘿 二位帅哥 |
0:08:36.69, |
Crispin. |
克里斯宾 |
0:08:37.71, |
Hey, shouldn't you be preparing |
你不是应该在准备 |
0:08:39.08, |
for your annual party of the century? |
你们的世纪大年会吗 |
0:08:40.66, |
It's done and it's perfect. |
已经收工了 非常完美 |
0:08:41.59, |
In my mind, I'm already into next year's. |
我都已经开始策划明年的了 |
0:08:43.08, |
Listen, I'm here with Brett. |
听着 我和布雷特一起来的 |
0:08:44.31, |
I don't know if you've seen his new look, |
不知道你们有没有看过他的新造型 |
0:08:45.50, |
But you are going to have a heart attack and die. |
但你们肯定要被吓得心脏病发作而死的 |
0:08:47.34, |
No one's dying. |
没人会死的 |
0:08:48.00, |
- It's just an expression. - Yeah. |
只是一种表达方式-没错 |
0:08:49.97, |
Hey, handsome. |
帅哥你好啊 |
0:08:51.70, |
Yep, I did it. |
没错 我做到了 |
0:08:52.92, |
Pulled the trigger and got a perm. |
下定决心 烫了个头 |
0:08:54.53, |
You sure did. |
你还真去做了 |
0:08:55.83, |
Did it myself, right in the kitchen. |
我自己在厨房里做的 |
0:08:57.86, |
You don't need to spend a million |
哥不需要花大价钱 |
0:08:59.35, |
to look like a million. |
就能弄出大价钱的效果 |
0:09:01.02, |
Uh, you know, my coffee's probably ready, so... |
我的咖啡应该快好了 |
0:09:04.77, |
Bye. |
再见 |
0:09:06.56, |
Okay, that's like a chia pet, right? |
他就跟个草头娃娃似的 对吧 |
0:09:08.40, |
Maybe a drag production of "Annie"? |
或许是异装癖版的"安妮"[百老汇剧目] |
0:09:10.31, |
Oh, actually, Lily, |
其实嘛 莉莉 |
0:09:11.47, |
I-I think Uncle Crispin's forgetting |
我 我想克里斯宾叔叔忘了 |
0:09:13.15, |
that Brett has feelings, |
布雷特也是会伤心的 |
0:09:14.60, |
and we need to try and not hurt them. |
所以我们应该努力不去伤害 |
0:09:16.08, |
Yes, and maybe we should remind Uncle Crispin |
对 也许我们该提醒克里斯宾叔叔 |
0:09:17.82, |
that when you say nice things to people, |
只有当你对人们友好时 |
0:09:19.55, |
they say nice things back. |
他们才会对你友好 |
0:09:21.72, |
Well... Consider me reminded. |
好吧 多谢提醒 |
0:09:24.83, |
Gotta run. |
得赶紧走了 |
0:09:25.49, |
Yeah, we'll see you tonight. Bye. |
好的 今晚见 再见 |
0:09:26.69, |
Okay. Yeah, can't wait. Can't wait. |
好的 迫不及待 迫不及待 |
0:09:27.74, |
He's funny. |
他真有趣 |
0:09:28.73, |
Yes, he is, but he can also be biting. |
是啊 但有时候也很伤人[咬人] |
0:09:30.86, |
- He bites people? - Well, with his words, |
他会咬人吗-当然是用他的话语 |
0:09:33.18, |
Not with his teeth like Xander from art class. |
不是像美术班的山德那样用牙齿咬 |
0:09:34.92, |
We need to confirm he got his shot. |
我们得确认他有没有打疫苗 |
0:09:36.36, |
Yeah. |
好的 |
0:09:37.29, |
Oh, my god. Okay, Crispin-- |
我的天呐 克里斯宾说 |
0:09:39.78, |
Too many rsvps. Have to make cuts to party. |
太多人报名了 不得不减少参加人数 |
0:09:42.49, |
Maybe next time." Sad face. |
下次再请你们吧" 伤心脸 |
0:09:46.01, |
Because we refuse to abuse, |
因为我们拒绝侮辱别人 |
0:09:47.46, |
we get banned from the party of the century? |
他就禁止我们参加世纪大派对 |
0:09:49.84, |
Does somebody need a wah-mbulance? |
二位父亲大人需要"救父车"吗 |
0:09:53.46, |
No.I do not need a wah-mbulance. |
不用 我不需要什么"救父车" |
0:09:56.84, |
Hey, kids. How was your day? |
孩子们好啊 今天过得怎么样 |
0:10:00.04, |
I knew the answer to that question. |
我心里早有答案 |
0:10:02.17, |
I'd had kind of a busy day |
我今天挺忙的 |
0:10:03.48, |
going around solving everyone's problems. |
四处奔波 解决各种问题 |
0:10:06.02, |
I started by going to see my buddy Stavros the florist. |
我先去了我邻居斯塔夫罗斯的花店 |
0:10:10.27, |
Stavros, I assume? |
你是斯塔夫罗斯 对吧 |
0:10:11.55, |
Yes? |
有事吗 |
0:10:12.18, |
I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. |
我是来欢迎你成为我们的邻居 |
0:10:14.31, |
Oh, thank you. |
谢谢 |
0:10:14.82, |
Yeah, I brought you some sandwiches, by the way. |
对了 我还给你带了点三明治 |
0:10:17.24, |
How good is lamb, huh? |
羊羔肉相当不错哦 |
0:10:19.76, |
- Nikos! - Oh! Gotcha. |
尼克斯-我接住你了 |
0:10:22.93, |
Get back in there. |
快回屋去 |
0:10:24.46, |
I'm so sorry. |
真不好意思 |
0:10:25.93, |
Is there anything I can do for you? |
有什么能为你效劳的吗 |
0:10:27.68, |
Oh, no. No. I... |
没有 没有 我 |
0:10:32.32, |
That's when I realized my kids didn't understand |
当时我突然意识到我的孩子们还不理解 |
0:10:34.68, |
the concept of killing with kindness |
以德"伏"人的意思 |
0:10:36.32, |
because they'd never seen it. |
因为他们从未亲眼见过 |
0:10:38.18, |
So I decided I'd prove it to them |
于是我决定证明给他们看 |
0:10:41.12, |
by going on a huggacidal rampage. |
看我怎么以德"伏"人 |
0:10:44.46, |
Is that Reuben rockin' the Potter specs? |
那不是戴着哈利·波特眼镜的罗本嘛 |
0:10:46.90, |
Quiddiculous! |
魁地大奇葩 |
0:10:49.05, |
Hey, listen, buddy, |
听我说 哥们 |
0:10:49.91, |
I heard about Luke calling his teacher "Mommy." |
我听说了卢克叫他老师"妈咪"的事 |
0:10:51.78, |
Epic fail, by the way. |
的确是史上最囧啊 |
0:10:53.62, |
But, you know, since you're one of the cool kids, |
但是 既然你是学校里受欢迎的孩子 |
0:10:55.24, |
maybe you could get the other ones to ease off a little? |
也许你能劝劝其他孩子别取笑他了好吗 |
0:10:58.54, |
Cool. Air bump. |
好 隔空对个拳 |
0:11:00.60, |
Hey, Lee, it's Phil Dunphy from down the street. |
你好 李 我是住在街尾的菲尔·邓菲 |
0:11:02.65, |
We haven't met. I was actually calling |
我们没见过面 我打给你其实是 |
0:11:04.01, |
to leave a message for your wife, |
想给你老婆留个言 |
0:11:05.31, |
just to say thanks for hiring my daughter Haley. |
感谢她雇我女儿海莉做事 |
0:11:08.17, |
Listen, we'd love to have you and the missus over for a glass of wine, |
我们想请你和你太太过来喝杯酒 |
0:11:11.18, |
or--or, uh, maybe you and I could go out for a boys' night. |
或者我们两个爷们可以一起出去喝两杯 |
0:11:13.25, |
But anyway, if you could-- |
总之 如果你可以... |
0:11:14.61, |
Damn it! |
该死 |
0:11:17.20, |
Hey, Karen Sullivan. Alex's dad. |
你好凯伦·苏利文 我是艾丽克斯的父亲 |
0:11:19.71, |
Well, look whose teeth got so nice and straight. |
看看谁把牙齿整得如此洁白又整齐啊 |
0:11:24.00, |
Who wants to go first? |
谁先说 |
0:11:25.70, |
- Are you kidding? - Are you crazy? |
你开什么玩笑-你疯了吗 |
0:11:26.79, |
What are you trying to-- |
你到底想干什么 |
0:11:28.77, |
One at a time! |
一个一个说 |
0:11:30.00, |
You called Ms. Cooper a man! |
你称呼库珀小姐为一个男人 |
0:11:31.87, |
No, I didn't. |
不 我没有啊 |
0:11:32.68, |
- I got her husband Lee on the machine. - There is no husband! |
答录机上是她老公李-她没老公 |
0:11:35.19, |
She's Lee! |
她就是李 |
0:11:36.20, |
Weirdly deep-voiced, alcoholic, gay Lee Cooper |
声音异常低沉的同性恋酒鬼李·库珀 |
0:11:38.57, |
who you invited out for a glass of wine! |
而你却邀请她去喝酒 |
0:11:40.92, |
Thanks to your little charm offensive with Karen, |
感谢你迷人地冒犯了凯伦 |
0:11:42.85, |
one thing did change about her party-- |
她的派对内容的确改变了一点 |
0:11:44.32, |
I'm not invited! |
就是将我除名了 |
0:11:45.41, |
Quiddiculous? "Epic fail"? |
魁地大奇葩 "史上最囧" |
0:11:47.32, |
Now the whole school is just laughing at both of us. |
现在整个学校在取笑我们父子俩了 |
0:11:53.42, |
Stavros, hey! |
斯塔夫罗斯 你好 |
0:11:56.84, |
Why not?! |
为什么不行 |
0:12:01.53, |
What? |
干什么 |
0:12:02.54, |
Change of plans. |
计划有变 |
0:12:04.33, |
This isn't over. |
这事儿还没完 |
0:12:06.24, |
I want you to wear something beautiful tonight. |
我想让你今晚打扮得漂漂亮亮 |
0:12:08.56, |
So please, choose. |
尽管挑吧 |
0:12:10.74, |
What is this room? |
这屋子是干什么用的 |
0:12:12.10, |
This is the closet. |
这是衣帽间 |
0:12:14.26, |
So all the people of the town, |
那镇上所有的居民 |
0:12:15.76, |
they leave their nice clothes with you? |
都把漂亮衣服寄存在你这里吗 |
0:12:17.63, |
No. These are all my clothes. |
不 这些都是我的衣服 |
0:12:20.04, |
But... I do miss the simple things at home. |
但是 我其实很怀念家乡的简朴风俗 |
0:12:24.56, |
So tell me, how-- how are things in the village? |
跟我说说 村子里都还好吗 |
0:12:27.57, |
We had a flood. |
家乡发洪水了 |
0:12:28.71, |
Ay, but it--it wasn't a bad one, right? |
但不是特别严重 对吧 |
0:12:31.70, |
We had a boat. |
我们曾有条船 |
0:12:32.77, |
Ay, that's great. |
那就好 |
0:12:34.56, |
We had a boat. |
是"曾经"有条船 |
0:12:37.10, |
Are you dating anyone? |
你有对象了吗 |
0:12:38.84, |
You remember Antonio Marquez? |
你记得安东尼奥·马奎斯吗 |
0:12:41.17, |
Yes, of course. |
当然记得 |
0:12:42.23, |
The most handsome boy in the school |
学校里的校草 |
0:12:44.29, |
with those beautiful eyes. |
有一双迷人的眼睛 |
0:12:46.36, |
His father with the wooden leg... |
我在和他的瘸腿老爹谈恋爱 |
0:12:48.71, |
He lost it in the flood. |
洪水把他的木腿冲走了 |
0:12:51.33, |
So is it serious? |
你俩是认真的吗 |
0:12:56.71, |
Don't look at that. |
别看 |
0:12:57.58, |
I won't. Trust me. |
我不会看的 相信我 |
0:12:58.89, |
Please. It's pathetic. |
他们太贱了 |
0:12:59.89, |
Crispin's been getting all of our friends |
克里斯宾让所有闺蜜给我们发短信 |
0:13:01.25, |
to text us the details of his great party. |
报告他那盛大派对的各种细节 |
0:13:03.56, |
Such torture, huh? |
折磨死人了 是吧 |
0:13:05.83, |
Oh, catering by Amelia's. |
餐饮由阿米莉亚餐厅提供 |
0:13:07.99, |
Topless valet parkers. |
上身赤裸的泊车员 |
0:13:09.84, |
Sting.-Exactly. |
-斯汀[糟透了] -就是啊 |
0:13:11.26, |
No, Sting is at the party. |
不是 我是说斯汀也在派对上 |
0:13:12.68, |
Mitchell, I wanna be there. |
米奇尔 人家真的好想去 |
0:13:14.21, |
Cam.-No,come on. |
小卡-不 拜托 |
0:13:15.41, |
Who are we kidding? You do, too. |
别自欺欺人了 你也想去的 |
0:13:16.80, |
Today, ladies! |
抓紧时间啊 小姐们 |
0:13:18.19, |
Okay, right there. That. |
听好了 就是这句 |
0:13:19.28, |
That is why we are making the sacrifice-- |
正因为这个我们必须要做出牺牲 |
0:13:20.90, |
For our daughter. |
为了我们的闺女 |
0:13:21.69, |
Oh, yeah, you're right. |
是啊 你说得对 |
0:13:22.57, |
I mean, I'm the last one who should be complaining |
我最没资格抱怨了 |
0:13:24.74, |
when, let's face it, |
毕竟 面对现实吧 |
0:13:25.69, |
Lily's snarkiness is my doing. |
莉莉变成毒舌妇是我的过错 |
0:13:27.59, |
Well, what's done is done. |
木已成舟 |
0:13:29.25, |
Let's just get ready for church. |
快打扮整齐出发去教堂吧 |
0:13:31.49, |
Yeah, I mean, it's just hard to not feel guilty, |
是啊 只是很难不感到惭愧 |
0:13:33.21, |
you know, when it's mostly my fault. |
毕竟大部分是由我造成的 |
0:13:34.98, |
I get it. Just don't beat yourself up. |
我理解 别太自责了 |
0:13:37.19, |
Hey. Pocket square? No pocket square? |
要带手帕吗 还是不带比较好呢 |
0:13:39.36, |
Really? You're taking zero of the responsibility, or... |
真的吗 你觉得自己一点责任都没有吗 |
0:13:42.56, |
Oh. Were you trying to get me to take the blame? |
你想把这事怪到我身上来吗 |
0:13:45.16, |
Maybe just a little. |
也许有一点 |
0:13:46.67, |
Oh, and deny you the chance to play the martyr? |
然后剥夺你做烈士的机会吗 |
0:13:49.23, |
Look, Cam, if you're looking for me to be the bad guy, |
听着 小卡 你要是想让我来当罪人 |
0:13:51.28, |
you're snarking up the wrong tree, okay? |
你找错对象了 懂吗 |
0:13:53.50, |
You are the one who can't let a single situation pass |
你才是那个遇事不吐槽 |
0:13:56.32, |
without making a comment. |
就不罢休的人 |
0:14:00.25, |
Oh, well, maybe I'll just start today. |
也许我可以从今开始改变 |
0:14:02.34, |
I think it'll make you feel better. |
我想那样会让你开心些的 |
0:14:03.76, |
I think I already do. |
我已经感到开心了 |
0:14:05.29, |
Right to my face, "I don't like you." |
她当着我的面就说 "我不喜欢你" |
0:14:07.60, |
Nobody doesn't like me. |
没有人不喜欢我 |
0:14:08.63, |
I'm Jay. I'm-- I'm salt of the earth. |
我是杰 人见人爱的杰 |
0:14:11.48, |
Why are you inhaling my baby? |
你为什么拼命闻我的孩子 |
0:14:12.90, |
Oh, they only smell perfect like this for a little while. |
他们只会好闻一段时间 |
0:14:15.17, |
Yeah. That's the stuff. |
就是这味 |
0:14:16.87, |
From day one, I've treated this woman like a queen. |
从第一天开始 我就把她当女王来对待 |
0:14:19.27, |
I've flown her back and forth, |
我处处围着她转 |
0:14:20.85, |
I've... I've tasted her native food. |
我还尝了她的土特产 |
0:14:23.02, |
You know what chin tastes like? |
你知道下巴是什么味吗 |
0:14:24.43, |
Mm. 'cause I do. |
我可知道 |
0:14:25.77, |
And now to find out... |
现在我发现 |
0:14:28.56, |
What? I'm listening. |
怎么了 我听着呢 |
0:14:29.56, |
You're rubbing yourself with the baby. |
你在用婴儿蹭自己 |
0:14:31.13, |
I have seen you french kiss your dog. |
我还看过你和你的狗湿吻呢 |
0:14:33.05, |
She was taking a treat out of my mouth. |
她在我嘴里找食物 |
0:14:34.94, |
That's a trick. |
那是个训狗技巧 |
0:14:35.79, |
I am sure you know |
我敢肯定你知道 |
0:14:37.03, |
what I find funny about this situation. |
我觉得这件事有趣在哪 |
0:14:38.86, |
What? |
在哪 |
0:14:39.72, |
You have an in-law who, no matter what you do, |
你有一个无论你多么努力 |
0:14:42.37, |
No matter how hard you try, you can't win over. |
也没法讨好的丈母娘 |
0:14:45.15, |
What about it? |
那怎么了 |
0:14:46.78, |
Wait. That doesn't sound familiar? |
等等 听着不耳熟吗 |
0:14:50.26, |
You're not saying... |
你不是说 |
0:14:51.92, |
Yeah, I am. |
我是的 |
0:14:54.03, |
Son of a bitch, I'm Phil. |
擦 我成菲尔了 |
0:15:02.23, |
Hey, Pilar, it's awfully cold. |
皮娜 天太冷了 |
0:15:03.52, |
Here. Why don't you take my jacket? |
你穿我的外套吧 |
0:15:05.10, |
Sure, yeah. Make me the rude one. |
真行 让我显得没礼貌是吧 |
0:15:06.80, |
Look, I'm sorry that I pointed out |
很抱歉我指出了 |
0:15:08.54, |
that we're both to blame here, all right? |
我们两个都应该受责备 好吗 |
0:15:10.47, |
But let's not turn this lovely event |
但是我们不要把这么美好的事 |
0:15:12.29, |
into a competition. Here you go, sweetie. |
变成竞争好吗 穿我的 亲爱的 |
0:15:14.58, |
Oh, you know what? You're right. I shouldn't be picking at you. |
你说得对 我不应该挑你毛病 |
0:15:16.63, |
But don't forget to light your candle. |
但是别忘了去点燃你的蜡烛 |
0:15:18.13, |
I think everyone in the immediate family's doing it. |
我看所有直系亲属都点了 |
0:15:19.69, |
Oh, yeah? Okay. Good--good idea. |
好的 好主意 |
0:15:24.86, |
What the hell is that? |
那是什么玩意 |
0:15:25.65, |
Some kind of gay protest thing? |
同性恋抗议什么的吗 |
0:15:28.35, |
It's a candle, dad. What are you talking about? |
是蜡烛 爸 你说什么呢 |
0:15:30.21, |
You' purple panty tail. |
你的紫色裤衩尾巴 |
0:15:31.83, |
Oh, no. Oh, come on. |
不是吧 |
0:15:33.34, |
We're in church, Mitchell, not some disco. |
我们是在教堂里 不是在夜店 |
0:15:37.70, |
You did that on purpose! |
你故意的 |
0:15:38.79, |
Oh, this stained glass is beautiful. |
教堂的彩色玻璃真美 |
0:15:40.55, |
Now listen, before we dunk the kid, |
在为孩子洗礼之前 |
0:15:41.89, |
You mind if I make a few casual remarks? |
我能简单说两句吗 |
0:15:43.87, |
I think you already did. |
我以为你已经说了呢 |
0:15:45.44, |
Claire asked me a good question-- |
克莱尔问了我一个很好的问题 |
0:15:47.07, |
How did Phil win me over? |
菲尔是怎么讨得我欢心的 |
0:15:49.72, |
Well, he hasn't yet. |
好吧 他还没有 |
0:15:51.01, |
But when he stops trying so hard, |
但是 当他不再刻意讨好的时候 |
0:15:53.46, |
and he acts like a real person, he comes close. |
像个正常人一样 就离目标近一些了 |
0:15:55.95, |
That's what I needed to do with Pilar. |
我就应该这么对皮娜 |
0:15:58.40, |
I'd like to tell you the story |
我想告诉你们 |
0:16:00.13, |
of how I came to meet my incredible wife, |
我是怎么遇见我可爱的妻子的 |
0:16:02.17, |
Because up until the birth of this child, |
因为 除了这个孩子的降临 |
0:16:04.08, |
It's the best thing that ever happened to me. |
那是我一生中最美的事 |
0:16:06.26, |
Mm, that feels good huh? |
这话听起来真"舒服" |
0:16:07.26, |
So it's morning. My car's getting waxed. |
一天早上 我的汽车送去打蜡了 |
0:16:09.47, |
I hop in the diner. |
我吃了个午饭 |
0:16:10.86, |
I hear this adorable accent. |
我听见了一个可爱的口音 |
0:16:12.21, |
I turn. I see this pretty girl talking to her friend. |
我转过身 看见一个美女正和她朋友说话 |
0:16:14.83, |
I send over a piece of pie. |
我送过去一个派 |
0:16:16.47, |
All class. |
真经典 |
0:16:17.80, |
Couple of minutes later, |
几分钟过后 |
0:16:18.94, |
who comes over to thank me but Gloria, |
歌洛莉亚过来谢谢我 |
0:16:22.58, |
the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. |
她是我见过的最美丽的女人 |
0:16:24.40, |
Amen. |
阿门 |
0:16:25.22, |
She sits down, we start talking, |
她坐下 我们开始聊天 |
0:16:27.25, |
And we haven't stopped talking since. |
从此我们就再也没停过 |
0:16:30.20, |
But here's the crazy part-- |
但是疯狂的是 |
0:16:31.58, |
I didn't send the pie to Gloria. |
我不是给歌洛莉亚送的派 |
0:16:33.76, |
Her back was to me. |
她背对着我 |
0:16:35.04, |
I sent it to her friend, |
我是送给她朋友的 |
0:16:36.39, |
who went to the bathroom and missed it. |
但是她去厕所了就错过了 |
0:16:38.60, |
And that person is here today-- |
那个人今天也在场 |
0:16:40.33, |
Gloria's sister Sonia. |
她就是歌洛莉亚的妹妹桑娅 |
0:16:42.84, |
Isn't it funny how a simple twist of fate |
真有趣 生命中一个小小的改变 |
0:16:44.82, |
can change the whole-- |
就可以改变一个人的命运 |
0:16:45.99, |
You stole my life! |
你偷了我的生活 |
0:16:47.35, |
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on. |
等等 等等 |
0:16:50.20, |
I got Sonia! |
我抓住桑娅了 |
0:16:54.22, |
No more. I want my own life, my own bed, |
别说了 我要我的生活 我的床 |
0:16:56.57, |
my own e-mail account! |
还有我的电子邮箱 |
0:16:58.17, |
Yeah, leave your poor old mother alone. |
是啊 抛弃你的亲娘吧 |
0:17:00.24, |
Don't worry, mama. You can come and live with us. |
别担心 妈妈 你可以跟我们一起住 |
0:17:02.36, |
Whoa. Pump the brakes here. |
等等 想清楚再说 |
0:17:03.98, |
What? Do you have a problem with my mother? |
怎么了 你对我妈有意见吗 |
0:17:05.60, |
No. Your mother has a problem with me. |
不是 是你妈对我有意见 |
0:17:07.14, |
You think she's helpless. Ask her what's in that box. |
你认为她很无助 你问问她盒子里的是什么 |
0:17:09.66, |
It's not the family gun? |
不是我们家祖传的枪吗 |
0:17:11.04, |
Jay, if anything should happen to Gloria, |
杰 如果歌洛莉亚有什么不测 |
0:17:13.92, |
I am there for you. |
我随时补上 |
0:17:15.01, |
What, Sonia? What's going to happen to me? |
什么 桑娅 我会有什么不测 |
0:17:17.03, |
You might go for a walk in your closet one day |
你可能有一天走进你的衣帽间 |
0:17:19.16, |
And never come back! |
然后一去不复返 |
0:17:23.49, |
See what you're missing? Huh? |
知道自己错过什么了吧 |
0:17:27.83, |
Where is Luke? |
卢克在哪里 |
0:17:29.22, |
I think he's the one standing next to Matthew. |
站在马修旁的就是他啊 |
0:17:31.05, |
Phil. |
菲尔 |
0:17:32.44, |
He was feeling a little under the weather. |
他心情不太好 |
0:17:33.80, |
I let him stay home. |
我让他待在家里了 |
0:17:34.69, |
Or is he just too embarrassed to leave the house? |
也许他是觉得太丢人 不好意思出门 |
0:17:36.57, |
Why would he be embarrassed? |
他为什么会觉得丢人 |
0:17:38.03, |
Because dad tried to fix all our problems, |
因为老爸想帮忙解决我们的问题 |
0:17:39.77, |
and instead, ruined all our lives. |
却帮了倒忙 毁了我们的人生 |
0:17:41.61, |
Nightmare. |
恶梦一场 |
0:17:42.85, |
You girls are so dramatic. |
你们这些小姑娘太夸张了 |
0:17:44.76, |
Do I need to call you a wah-mbulance? |
需要我给你们叫辆"救父车"吗 |
0:17:51.28, |
- Did you hear that? - Yes! |
你听到了吗-当然 |
0:17:52.93, |
Claire's been driving Lily to dance class all week. |
这周都是克莱尔送莉莉去上舞蹈课 |
0:17:54.78, |
That's where she gets it from! |
莉莉全是跟她学的 |
0:17:55.84, |
We're not bad parents. Claire is. |
我们为人父母不算失败 失败的是克莱尔 |
0:17:59.01, |
I said I wasn't gonna cry, |
我说过我不会哭的 |
0:18:00.07, |
but, oh, boy, here it comes. |
但是 老天爷 眼泪止不住哗哗的 |
0:18:03.23, |
No, no, Cam. Not with those. |
不 小卡 别用这个 |
0:18:07.54, |
Okay! That's it! |
好啦 别吵了 |
0:18:09.21, |
We're in a house of god, damn it. |
我们现在是在神的教堂 他妈的 |
0:18:11.46, |
Fine. Everyone just abandon me. |
行啊 所有人都弃我而去吧 |
0:18:14.46, |
Pilar, all due respect, |
皮娜 无意冒犯 |
0:18:15.96, |
no one's buying the martyr act. |
你装可怜这套没人会信的 |
0:18:17.44, |
Not even this guy. |
连这家伙都不会信 |
0:18:18.77, |
You ask me, you've been keeping this one under your thumb |
你一直将桑娅留在自己身边 |
0:18:20.97, |
cause you're afraid of going on with your life. |
是因为你害怕继续你的人生 |
0:18:22.88, |
But you're an attractive woman with a lot to offer. |
但你是位迷人的女性 魅力无限 |
0:18:25.67, |
This could be an opportunity. |
那或许就是个大大的机会 |
0:18:27.10, |
I don't even think I knew what happiness was till I was 60. |
我直到60岁时才明白幸福的含义 |
0:18:29.89, |
And the hits just keep coming. Okay. |
打击还在继续 走吧 |
0:18:31.21, |
Sonia, we're gonna help you get your own place, |
桑娅 我们会帮你找到自己的一片天地 |
0:18:33.46, |
have some independence. |
帮助你独立 |
0:18:34.88, |
And if you ever get lonely, |
如果你感到孤单 |
0:18:36.14, |
you come visit us as much as you want... |
你随时想来看我们都行 |
0:18:38.41, |
With--within reason. |
在合理的范围内 |
0:18:40.05, |
- And we'll send this one down to visit you. - What? |
我们也会让这小家伙去看你-什么 |
0:18:42.52, |
But he's not gonna become a priest 'cause he likes girls. |
但他不会当神父的 因为这家伙好色 |
0:18:45.35, |
Can't get 'em, but he likes 'em. |
追不到女生 可是非常喜欢 |
0:18:47.31, |
So... Everybody think about it. |
所以 大家好好想想 |
0:18:49.94, |
But not for too long. |
别想太久 |
0:18:50.80, |
There's an A.A. Meeting here at 6:00. |
这儿六点还要办戒酒互助会呢 |
0:18:54.01, |
Sonia, please, let us do this for you. |
桑娅 拜托 让我们帮你吧 |
0:18:56.23, |
I really want you to be happy. |
我真的希望你开心 |
0:18:58.53, |
Can you forgive me? |
你能原谅我吗 |
0:19:00.28, |
It will take some time. |
需要花些时间 |
0:19:01.62, |
As much as you need. |
花多长时间都行 |
0:19:03.23, |
And some dresses. |
还要加上些衣服 |
0:19:04.33, |
As many as you want. |
要多少都行 |
0:19:05.57, |
And some shoes. |
还要加上些鞋子 |
0:19:07.37, |
You're angry now. |
你现在说的是气话 |
0:19:10.37, |
Whatever happened with the kids, |
无论你和孩子们之间发生了什么事 |
0:19:11.83, |
I don't want you to feel bad about it. |
我不希望你心里不好受 |
0:19:13.89, |
I don't. |
我没有 |
0:19:16.04, |
I now invite The godfather and the godmother to join us. |
现在请教父教母上来 |
0:19:20.05, |
Don't worry. |
别担心 |
0:19:21.08, |
I will take care of everything tomorrow. |
明天我会搞定一切的 |
0:19:22.80, |
That may not be necessary, my wife. |
也许没这个必要了 我的爱妻 |
0:19:26.61, |
Phil and Claire, as godparents, |
菲尔与克莱尔 作为教父母 |
0:19:29.12, |
Are you ready to help |
你们准备好帮助 |
0:19:30.23, |
the parents of this child in their duties? |
孩子的父母完成他们的职责了吗 |
0:19:32.81, |
- We are. - We are. |
准备好了-准备好了 |
0:19:34.57, |
Do you renounce satan? |
你愿意弃绝恶魔吗 |
0:19:41.08, |
- I do renounce him. - I do renounce him. |
我愿意-我愿意 |
0:19:48.04, |
And all his works? |
以及他的所有罪行吗 |
0:19:54.48, |
I do renounce them. |
我愿意抛弃 |
0:20:07.15, |
And all his empty promises? |
抛弃他所有虚空的承诺吗 |
0:20:14.60, |
Oh, my god! |
我的天啊 |
0:20:17.38, |
I do renounce them. |
我愿意抛弃 |
0:20:21.48, |
Godfather, is it your wish that this child be baptized? |
教父 你希望这孩子受洗吗 |
0:20:25.47, |
It is. |
希望 |
0:20:42.19, |
In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, |
以圣父圣子圣灵之名 |
0:20:46.11, |
what name have you given the child? |
你们给这孩子取什么名字 |
0:20:48.05, |
Fulgencio Joseph Pritchett. |
弗汉希欧·乔瑟夫·普里契特 |
0:20:51.90, |
May god be with you all. |
愿上帝保佑诸位 |
0:20:54.62, |
Thank you, Jay. |
谢谢你 杰 |
0:20:55.59, |
We're never gonna call him that. |
我们永远不会这样叫他 |
0:21:07.00, |
So I heard that somebody |
我听说那天有人 |
0:21:08.70, |
released a bunch of rats into Karen Sullivan's party the other night. |
在凯伦·苏利文的派对上放了一群老鼠 |
0:21:12.41, |
And Lee Cooper's camper just rolled into her lemon tree. |
李·库珀的露营车撞倒了她的柠檬树 |
0:21:17.11, |
Luke isn't having any problem at school anymore, |
卢克在学校也没有麻烦了 |
0:21:18.69, |
because Reuben admitted he made the whole thing up. |
因为罗本在学校承认 整件事是他编的 |
0:21:21.59, |
Isn't that crazy, |
是不是很疯狂 |
0:21:22.48, |
how all our of kids' problems just disappeared? |
孩子们的麻烦全都解决了 |
0:21:25.51, |
Don't ever ask me about my business, Claire. |
永远别过问我的事 克莱尔 |
0:21:28.69, |
What are you talking about? |
你说什么呢 |
0:21:30.19, |
Don't ask me about my business. |
别过问我的事 |
0:21:31.88, |
I wasn't. |
我没有 |
0:21:33.07, |
Good. |
很好 |
0:21:34.80, |
Don't. |
别问 |