0:00:01.65, |
Oh, great. we've got the Prius that can |
真不错 我们买了辆 |
0:00:03.22, |
make dinner reservations, buy movie tickets, |
能预订餐厅 买电影票 |
0:00:05.31, |
tell us the weather. |
预报天气的丰田普锐斯 |
0:00:06.18, |
I just want one that opens. |
我只想要一辆门能打得开的车 |
0:00:08.92, |
Maybe we should've got that one. |
也许我们该买那辆 |
0:00:11.78, |
Mitchell! |
米奇尔 |
0:00:12.77, |
Oh, oh, my God! Teddy! |
天呐 泰迪 |
0:00:13.89, |
Cam, this is Teddy. |
小卡 这是泰迪 |
0:00:15.20, |
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy. |
泰迪 泰迪 泰迪 |
0:00:17.04, |
DocDoctor Teddy! |
医生 泰迪医生 |
0:00:18.95, |
Teddy was Mitch's one significant |
泰迪是米奇在我之前的 |
0:00:21.00, |
boyfriend before me. |
一个比较重要的男友 |
0:00:22.83, |
Uh, Mitch had recently just come out. |
那时米奇刚出柜 |
0:00:25.27, |
And as he put it, |
就如他自己说的 |
0:00:26.50, |
it was hard to love someone else if he couldn't love himself. |
一个人如果不爱自己 就很难爱上别人 |
0:00:30.62, |
I actually said those words? |
我真说过那种话吗 |
0:00:33.00, |
Ugh. It's kind of hard to love myself right now. |
现在倒是很难爱我自己了 |
0:00:34.99, |
You were the one who said, "I need some time. |
当年是你说 "我需要点时间 |
0:00:37.33, |
I'll call you when I heal more." |
我疗好心伤后会再联系你的" |
0:00:38.64, |
Ten years later... |
一晃都过去十年了 |
0:00:40.29, |
I never said that. |
我从没那么说过 |
0:00:41.26, |
Time to heal more! That's so sweet and sensitive. |
需要时间疗伤 真是甜蜜又敏感啊 |
0:00:44.62, |
Why did you kill that part of yourself? |
你为什么要扼杀掉这种天性 |
0:00:46.32, |
You know, I'm hosting a fundraiser for the hospital this weekend |
我这周末要为医院举办一个募捐集会 |
0:00:49.13, |
at that roller rink on South Main. |
就在南大街的旱冰场 |
0:00:50.67, |
Any chance you guys can come? |
你们能来吗 |
0:00:51.80, |
Yeah. Absolutely. Possibly. |
当然 可能吧 |
0:00:52.78, |
We'll be there. Okay. |
我们一定去 好吧 |
0:00:53.75, |
Great. So 4:00 Saturday. |
太好了 周六4点见 |
0:00:55.80, |
I'm so glad I bumped into y'all. |
我真的很高兴碰到你们 |
0:00:57.88, |
Us, too. Say bye, Lily! |
我们也是 说再见 莉莉 |
0:00:59.89, |
Bye, Lily. |
再见 莉莉 |
0:01:02.15, |
I taught her that, so... |
我教她这样说的 |
0:01:03.40, |
Bye, Lily. Bye. Bye, Teddy. |
再见 莉莉 再见 泰迪 |
0:01:05.73, |
Oh, my gosh, he's great! |
天呐 他人真不错 |
0:01:08.13, |
You're okay making plans with my exboyfriend? |
你不介意跟我前男友共度周末吗 |
0:01:10.45, |
Um, yes. It's been a hundred years. |
不介意 都过去那么久了 |
0:01:12.57, |
Plus, this is one of the many benefits of being gay. |
而且这也是当基佬的众多好处之一 |
0:01:15.29, |
We can be friends with our exes |
我们能跟前任做朋友 |
0:01:16.72, |
without all the petty jealousy |
而不像直男直女们那样 |
0:01:18.12, |
straight people go through. |
饱受妒火的煎熬 |
0:01:19.37, |
Well, I guess I am friends with Pepper, so... |
我跟胡娇算是朋友 所以 |
0:01:21.37, |
I went on one date with Pepper. One. |
我只跟胡娇约会过一次 就一次 |
0:01:23.69, |
When are you gonna stop bringing it up? |
你什么时候才能不提这茬 |
0:01:25.81, |
When you stop reacting like that. |
你反应不这么激烈的时候 |
0:01:28.37, |
Daddy loves Pepper. |
爸爸爱胡娇 |
0:01:30.01, |
I taught her that. |
我教她的 |
0:01:40.93, |
第四季 第二十二集 |
0:01:45.83, |
That's private. |
那是隐私 |
0:01:46.58, |
Oh, sorry. But why do you have all of our names down on a list? |
抱歉 但为什么上面列了我们的名字 |
0:01:49.23, |
It's for my school essay |
为了写作文 |
0:01:49.93, |
pick a hero in your family |
要求是在家人中选一个英雄 |
0:01:51.88, |
and write about why you've chosen him or her. |
并写出你为什么选择他 |
0:01:54.09, |
You're still in the running, |
你还是有望入选的 |
0:01:55.34, |
But I'm not loving that you're drinking wine while watching my brother. |
但我不喜欢你照看我弟弟时喝葡萄酒 |
0:01:57.81, |
Well, it was from an open bottle of white in your fridge, so... |
是你家冰箱里有一瓶已经打开了的酒 |
0:02:01.34, |
It's about judgment, Claire. |
这事关判断力 克莱尔 |
0:02:02.34, |
It's not the 70's. We know better. |
现在不是70年代了 我们都有常识的 |
0:02:03.96, |
There was lipstick on the bottle. |
瓶子上有口红印 |
0:02:05.61, |
There are my babies! |
我的宝贝们 |
0:02:07.69, |
How was dinner? Perfect. |
晚餐怎么样 非常完美 |
0:02:09.33, |
I had a steak, I had some ice cream, |
我吃了一份牛排 还有一些冰淇淋 |
0:02:11.03, |
Gloria found a hair in her fish, |
歌洛莉亚在她的鱼里发现了一根头发 |
0:02:12.50, |
and it didn't cost us a penny! |
结果餐厅给我们免单了 |
0:02:13.91, |
It might have been my own hair, |
也可能是我自己的头发 |
0:02:15.47, |
but Jay was so happy that I didn't say anything. |
但杰很高兴我什么也没说 |
0:02:19.29, |
What? |
怎么了 |
0:02:20.40, |
Honey, you got a second before you go? |
乖女儿 你走之前能抽点空吗 |
0:02:22.77, |
I wanna talk to you about something. |
我想跟你说点事 |
0:02:23.74, |
All right. Why is she smiling at me like that? |
好吧 她为什么那样对我笑 |
0:02:26.01, |
It's good news. |
是个好消息 |
0:02:26.99, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:02:27.86, |
You remember Bob from my office? |
你记得我办公室的鲍勃吗 |
0:02:29.96, |
Yeah, uncle Bob. The one who did the trick |
记得啊 鲍勃叔叔 他变魔术 |
0:02:31.58, |
where he pulled a quarter out of my ear. |
从我的耳朵里拿出一枚25分硬币 |
0:02:32.70, |
He learned another trick. |
他后来又学了个魔术 |
0:02:33.71, |
He pulled 50 grand out of our pension fund. |
从我们的养老金里掏走了5万美元 |
0:02:35.73, |
Oh. I fired him. |
我把他炒了 |
0:02:36.51, |
But the worst part is, |
但最糟糕的是 |
0:02:37.62, |
I was grooming him to take over the company. |
我当时正培养他接管公司 |
0:02:39.86, |
But there's an upside. |
但这事也有好的一面 |
0:02:40.77, |
He wants you to work for him. |
他想让你为他工作 |
0:02:42.64, |
I know it's just a job right now, |
我知道现在只是普通工作而已 |
0:02:44.15, |
but you know that he has this thing going on in his chest, |
但你知道他胸腔里不知得了什么毛病 |
0:02:46.21, |
so you never know where |
所以说不准什么时候 |
0:02:47.59, |
you're going to end up, Claire. |
你就上位了 克莱尔 |
0:02:49.12, |
Gloria. Gloria, it's a cold. |
歌洛莉亚 我只是感冒而已 |
0:02:50.54, |
Anyway, look, |
总之 听着 |
0:02:51.58, |
I know you've been wanting to get back out there, |
我知道你一直想回归职场 |
0:02:53.41, |
and I always kind of thought that if you did go back to work, |
而我总是觉得 你要是重新开始工作 |
0:02:55.99, |
you'd come back to work with me. |
就该来跟我一块儿干 |
0:02:57.30, |
II worked there for half a summer 20 years ago. |
我20年前在那里工作过半个暑假而已 |
0:02:59.85, |
And it it was terrific, honey. |
那时你干得非常棒 乖女儿 |
0:03:01.11, |
Listen, obviously, we'll start you out slow. |
听我说 显然 我们会慢慢培养你 |
0:03:03.48, |
We'll give you time to relearn about the place, |
给你时间去重新了解这个公司 |
0:03:05.70, |
and then maybe move you up. You know, you do know a guy. |
然后再提拔你 你是认识个关键人物的 |
0:03:08.36, |
He means him! |
他说的是他 |
0:03:09.46, |
It's a wonderful opportunity, dad. Thanks. |
这机会太棒了 老爸 谢谢 |
0:03:11.30, |
Could Icould I think about it, |
我能 我能考虑一下 |
0:03:12.39, |
talk to Phil? Oh, sure. |
问问菲尔的意见吗 当然 |
0:03:13.13, |
I'll call you tomorrow. All right. All right. All right. |
我明天再打给你 好好好 |
0:03:15.08, |
Where's my boy? Give me my boy. Here's your man. |
我儿子呢 还我儿子 儿子还你 |
0:03:16.35, |
Here's your little man. Oh, love him. |
小家伙还给你 真爱他 |
0:03:19.00, |
What did I say about these flowered blankets for him? |
关于这种"花"毯子我是怎么说的 |
0:03:23.25, |
He's starting to take after Hugh Hefnerd over there. |
把他扮得越来越像那位"花花公子"了 |
0:03:25.94, |
Very amusing, Jay. |
非常好笑 杰 |
0:03:27.29, |
Let me just get your name down here. |
就让我把你的名字从这里划掉吧 |
0:03:31.92, |
Another brochure from a community college. |
又是社区大学寄来的宣传册 |
0:03:34.08, |
You know, I bet mom is having them send these. |
我赌这些都是老妈让他们寄来的 |
0:03:36.15, |
Really? You don't think they've targeted you |
是吗 你不觉得他们已经将你 |
0:03:37.90, |
as a musthave recruit? |
锁定为必须招收的对象了吗 |
0:03:39.73, |
At least this one doesn't have that fakey lunchtime shot |
至少这一份没有矫揉造作的 |
0:03:41.96, |
of the black guy, asian girl, and an indian |
黑人亚裔妞儿印度人一起吃午餐的照片 |
0:03:44.22, |
Oh, wait! There it is. |
等一下 在这儿呢 |
0:03:45.87, |
Wow, that wheelchair kid is really cracking everybody up. |
那坐轮椅的孩子把其他人都逗乐了 |
0:03:48.87, |
girls, your mom's on her way home with dinner! |
闺女们 你们的妈妈就要带晚餐回来了 |
0:03:51.15, |
I never got this. |
就当我从没收到过这个 |
0:03:51.91, |
If he sees it, we'll have to talk about it. |
要是被他看见 又要找我谈话了 |
0:03:56.81, |
What? |
怎么了 |
0:03:57.93, |
What what? |
什么怎么了 |
0:04:06.23, |
If grandpa calls, I'm not home. |
如果外公打电话来 就说我不在家 |
0:04:08.35, |
What happened? |
怎么了 |
0:04:09.26, |
He wants me to work for him. |
他想让我为他工作 |
0:04:11.03, |
Like, groom me to take over or something. |
培养我接管他的生意什么的 |
0:04:13.49, |
I don't know how I'm gonna say no. |
我不知道该怎么拒绝 |
0:04:14.82, |
Why would you say no? |
你为什么要拒绝 |
0:04:15.67, |
I thought you were looking for something. |
你不是正要找工作吗 |
0:04:17.57, |
We could use the money, too, |
而且我们也能增加收入啊 |
0:04:18.55, |
especially if Haley decides to go back to school. |
尤其是万一海莉决定回去念书的话 |
0:04:20.36, |
Oh, is she still throwing out those college brochures? |
她还是把那些学校的宣传册都扔掉吗 |
0:04:22.37, |
Just tossed one now. |
刚才还扔了一份 |
0:04:23.63, |
Who does she think empties the trash? |
她以为是谁在负责倒垃圾啊 |
0:04:25.51, |
You know what really sucks? |
知道最惨的是什么吗 |
0:04:26.70, |
That job could be great. |
那份工作本来挺不错的 |
0:04:28.29, |
But my dad is a terrible boss. He is so mean. |
但我爸是个糟糕的老板 他太刻薄了 |
0:04:31.08, |
Princess, coffeepot's not gonna wash itself. |
大小姐 咖啡壶是不会给自己洗澡的 |
0:04:33.22, |
That's where you got that? |
原来你是从他那里学的 |
0:04:34.66, |
I said it to you one time. |
我就跟你说过一次 |
0:04:36.52, |
Well, you just gotta tell him straight up, man to man. |
那你直接告诉他好了 开诚布公 |
0:04:38.85, |
Woman to man. You're very shapely. |
开诚布"母" 你的身材真棒 |
0:04:40.42, |
I know. I will. |
我知道 我会说的 |
0:04:41.87, |
It's just I hate it so much. |
我只是非常讨厌那种感觉 |
0:04:43.76, |
Thethe four big times that I disappointed him, |
我让他非常失望的那4次 |
0:04:46.40, |
it devastated me. |
让我很难受 |
0:04:48.44, |
I mean, the first time, I cut off all my hair. |
第一次是我剪短了我的头发 |
0:04:50.87, |
I went to college out of state. |
我去了别的州上大学 |
0:04:52.64, |
I crashed his vintage jag into a wall. |
我把他的复古车撞到了墙上 |
0:04:57.91, |
That's only three. |
才三次啊 |
0:04:59.58, |
Kids, dinner! |
孩子们 吃饭了 |
0:05:04.66, |
Oh, loving this already. |
已经开始爱上这个了 |
0:05:06.47, |
If no one gets a concussion, |
如果没人摔成脑震荡的话 |
0:05:07.70, |
we're totally coming back. |
我们一定会再来的 |
0:05:08.72, |
So listen, if at any point you're not okay |
听着 如果你觉得看到我和泰迪在一起 |
0:05:10.78, |
with seeing me and Teddy together, |
有什么不舒服的感觉 |
0:05:12.21, |
just please let me know, and we can go. |
就直接告诉我 我们可以走的 |
0:05:13.88, |
Oh, well, thank you. And if at any point |
好的 谢谢你 如果你觉得 |
0:05:16.09, |
you're not okay with me being so okay with it, |
我对这事如此坦然 让你有些不舒服的话 |
0:05:18.72, |
you let me know. |
你也要告诉我 |
0:05:20.15, |
Teddy! Teddy! Hey! |
泰迪 泰迪 你好 |
0:05:23.20, |
Aw, look at you! |
看看你 |
0:05:25.26, |
This shirt is fantastic. You're adorable. |
这件T恤太美了 你真可爱 |
0:05:27.81, |
You're adorable! |
你更可爱 |
0:05:29.79, |
Oh, I think somebody has a crush! |
我觉得有人被迷住喽 |
0:05:32.35, |
Thank you so much for having us. |
非常感谢你请我们来 |
0:05:33.53, |
I don't know which one of my girls is more excited. |
我都分不出我的两个妞儿谁更兴奋了 |
0:05:35.50, |
okay. Come on, let's get you some skates. |
好了 过来 我们给你找双旱冰鞋 |
0:05:37.12, |
I want Teddy to come. |
我想让泰迪一起来 |
0:05:38.36, |
Oh, honey, II'm sure Teddy has other things |
亲爱的 我想泰迪一定还有别的事 |
0:05:40.59, |
No, no! You guys go! Catch up. |
没关系 你们去吧 叙叙旧 |
0:05:42.62, |
I'll lace up. Okay. |
我先穿鞋 好的 |
0:05:44.55, |
Okay, ready? |
可以走了吗 |
0:05:46.03, |
Have fun, okay! Hey, uncle Cam! |
玩开心点 小卡舅夫 |
0:05:48.09, |
Oh, my gosh! Hey! What'swhat's going on? |
我的天 怎么回事 |
0:05:50.37, |
Whatwhat are you guys doing here? |
你们怎么会在这里 |
0:05:51.98, |
Teddy invited us. You guys know Teddy. |
泰迪邀请我们来的 你们认识泰迪 |
0:05:54.21, |
Yeah, totally. Yeah, Teddy's great. |
那是当然 没错 泰迪棒极了 |
0:05:55.33, |
Heads up, amateurs! |
注意了 业余爱好者们 |
0:05:57.39, |
It's time to rock 'n' roll! Do you get it? |
摇滚时间到 你们听到了没 |
0:06:01.53, |
Cam, what are you doing here? |
小卡 你在这里做什么 |
0:06:02.80, |
Oh, hell, it's dad. |
见鬼 爸爸来了 |
0:06:04.88, |
Whose dad? Not your dad. |
谁爸爸 不是你爸爸吧 |
0:06:06.06, |
I have been avoiding his calls all day. |
我一整天都没接他的电话 |
0:06:07.83, |
Quick, Phil, slingshot me. All right. |
快 菲尔 把我推远点 走你 |
0:06:09.94, |
Oh. Limbo skate, kids. |
孩子们 林波舞滑法[后仰穿过横杆] |
0:06:12.42, |
How low can you go? |
你的身段能放多低 |
0:06:15.12, |
I'm at a roller rink with my family |
周六晚上 我居然和家人在 |
0:06:16.59, |
on a Saturday night. I win. |
旱冰场玩 还能更低吗 |
0:06:18.91, |
I have got to get a photo of Lily. |
我得给莉莉照张相 |
0:06:21.07, |
Teddy's making her giggle so hard. |
泰迪把她逗得前仰后合的 |
0:06:22.78, |
Oh, well, everybody loves... Teddy, so... |
人人都爱...泰迪 |
0:06:26.05, |
But you'll let me know if you're not okay. |
但你要是介意的话 就告诉我 |
0:06:27.71, |
Mitchell, do you know your entire family's here, |
米奇尔 你知道你全家人都被你前男友 |
0:06:29.93, |
invited by your exboyfriend? |
邀请来了吗 |
0:06:32.09, |
Phil and Claire, Jay and Gloria, |
菲尔和克莱尔 杰和歌洛莉亚 |
0:06:33.99, |
your cousin Pete. |
还有你堂兄皮特 |
0:06:37.28, |
Cit's a it's a fundraiser, all right? |
小卡 这是场募捐活动 好吗 |
0:06:39.07, |
I'm sure he just invited everyone on his contact list. |
我想他一定是把自己所有联系人都请来了 |
0:06:43.51, |
Oh, well, that makes sense. |
那倒是能说得通 |
0:06:44.43, |
Yes, of course it does. |
是啊 当然了 |
0:06:46.46, |
and... I'm flattered. |
还有 我受宠若惊 |
0:06:48.85, |
Why are you flattered? |
为什么你会受宠若惊 |
0:06:50.15, |
You know. I don't. |
你懂的啦 我不懂 |
0:06:52.06, |
You do! |
你懂的 |
0:06:55.38, |
I really don't! |
我真不懂 |
0:07:00.75, |
Gloria, throw on those skates and take a whirl with me. |
歌洛莉亚 穿上溜冰鞋跟我去冰上旋转 |
0:07:03.25, |
Oh, I totally would, |
我非常想去 |
0:07:04.10, |
but I'm taking care of Lily and she doesn't want to. |
但我在照顾莉莉 她不想滑冰 |
0:07:06.48, |
Oh. Yes, I do. |
我想滑 |
0:07:07.36, |
No, you don't. You told me before. |
不 你不想 你之前告诉过我的 |
0:07:09.23, |
You don't remember? Why would I lie? |
你不记得了吗 我怎么会撒谎呢 |
0:07:12.24, |
Gloria. |
歌洛莉亚 |
0:07:13.87, |
You don't know how to rollerskate. |
你不会滑旱冰 |
0:07:15.44, |
Of course I do. I know how to do everything. |
我当然会了 我没什么不会的 |
0:07:21.23, |
I can't lie to that face. |
对着你我真是撒不了谎 |
0:07:23.08, |
It's a good thing that we're not married. |
幸好我嫁的人不是你 |
0:07:24.82, |
Well, I don't... |
我不... |
0:07:25.80, |
I can't skate. I am an elegant woman. |
我不会滑冰 我是个优雅的女子 |
0:07:28.83, |
That means that I never do |
那意味着我永远也不去做 |
0:07:30.82, |
the few things that I don't really do that good. |
那少数几件我做得不太完美的事情 |
0:07:33.21, |
But I'm a natural teacher. |
可我是个天生的滑冰老师 |
0:07:34.89, |
But I'm going to look stupid. |
但我会看起来很蠢 |
0:07:36.80, |
Gloria... |
歌洛莉亚 |
0:07:38.62, |
Trust me. |
相信我 |
0:07:40.26, |
As long as you're standing next to me, |
只要站在我身边 |
0:07:41.66, |
you will not look stupid. |
你就不会看起来很蠢 |
0:07:44.14, |
Oh, thank god! There is no place to sit. |
太好了 都没地方坐了 |
0:07:46.30, |
Always room at my table for my darling nieces. |
我总会给亲爱的侄女们留位置的 |
0:07:48.82, |
Uhh... You beat us to it. |
被你们先抢了 |
0:07:50.60, |
We were gonna ask this kid if we could share. |
我们正准备问这小孩能不能一起坐呢 |
0:07:52.26, |
Well, he was just leaving. |
他就要走了 |
0:07:53.51, |
Yeah, you can totally sit with us. |
你们完全可以过来一起坐 |
0:07:55.05, |
You know, I debated even putting you two on here. |
我当时甚至不想把你们两个写进名单 |
0:08:00.67, |
Whoa, fancy. |
漂亮哦 |
0:08:02.07, |
Yeah, I know. Well, I did used to work here. |
我知道 我可是曾在这里工作过的 |
0:08:04.33, |
Wwwait. You're the Claire from the bathroom? |
等等 你是洗手间墙上照片里那个克莱尔 |
0:08:07.47, |
Oh, is it still here? |
那照片还在呢 |
0:08:08.65, |
Yyeah... oh... |
是的 |
0:08:10.39, |
Oh! Hey! Look at you two catching up |
看看你俩 多年未见 |
0:08:11.98, |
after all these years. Well, it hasn't been that long. |
聊得真欢乐 没那么久 |
0:08:14.12, |
It's been like a month since you came by |
也就一个月前 艾丽克斯得了流感 |
0:08:15.51, |
when Alex had the flu, right? Oh, no kidding! |
他还来过呢 对吧 没开玩笑吧 |
0:08:17.43, |
Well, I do get a homecooked meal out of it. |
我还在她家吃了顿家常饭呢 |
0:08:19.40, |
Plus I owe these guys. |
而且我欠他们个人情 |
0:08:20.32, |
Phil helped me buy my last two houses. |
我最近两次买房 菲尔帮了不少忙 |
0:08:21.99, |
Oh. So good. Such great stories. |
真棒 多好的一段故事 |
0:08:24.11, |
Yeah. Hey, you! |
是啊 叫你呢 |
0:08:26.10, |
You owe me a phone call! |
你怎么不给我回电话 |
0:08:27.45, |
I know! I'm gonna call you! |
我知道 我会打给你的 |
0:08:29.44, |
Hey! Teddy's here, huh? |
泰迪在这里 |
0:08:31.72, |
Hey, you deadbeat, you owe me 50 bucks for the golf. |
你个赖账的 打高尔夫还欠我50块呢 |
0:08:34.34, |
Well, maybe I'll slip it to you during your next prostate exam. |
等你下次前列腺检查时我再塞给你 |
0:08:36.88, |
I'll bet you're counting the days, you perv. |
我打赌你就盼着那天了 小变态 |
0:08:39.32, |
Oh. So funny. |
真有趣啊 |
0:08:41.20, |
You and Jay really seem to have a thing, don't ya? |
你和杰还真有话说呀 是吧 |
0:08:43.52, |
And Gloriawhat's the nature of your relationship with her? |
你和歌洛莉亚关系怎么样 |
0:08:45.99, |
Well, actually, we just met tonight. |
事实上 我们今晚第一次见面 |
0:08:47.59, |
You know, I'm not so sure she likes me. |
我不是很确定她喜不喜欢我 |
0:08:49.24, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
0:08:50.78, |
Uh, well, I mean, she just takes a little time to warm up. |
我是说 她需要点时间才能熟络 |
0:08:53.77, |
Oh, thanks. And thank you, again, for coming tonight. |
谢谢 也谢谢你今晚能过来 |
0:08:56.55, |
With the money we raised, we'll be able |
利用筹集的这些钱 我们可以 |
0:08:58.29, |
to inoculate over 4,000 needy kids |
给4千多个有需要的孩子接种疫苗 |
0:09:00.61, |
against some truly awful diseases. |
抵御一些非常可怕的疾病 |
0:09:03.76, |
And how well do you know Luke? |
你跟卢克关系怎么样 |
0:09:05.73, |
I love that movie, too! |
我也喜欢那部电影 |
0:09:07.43, |
Yeah, that cool fight scene on that skyscraper in Shanghai |
在上海摩天大楼上的那场打斗戏太帅了 |
0:09:10.01, |
It really made me want to go to Japan. |
让我好想去日本 |
0:09:11.72, |
Why? Shanghai's in China. |
为什么 上海在中国 |
0:09:13.70, |
I'm just saying, you don't want to fly to Japan, |
我是说 你可不想飞到日本 |
0:09:15.31, |
get in a cab and say, "Take me to downtown Shanghai." |
然后打车说 "送我去上海市中心" |
0:09:17.70, |
It's a pretty expensive ride. |
那可太贵了 |
0:09:20.97, |
Uh, um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. |
我要去趟厕所 |
0:09:22.56, |
Come with me. |
跟我一起去 |
0:09:23.73, |
Be right back, guys. |
马上回来哦 帅哥们 |
0:09:27.59, |
Uh, what do you think you're doing out there? |
你在干什么 |
0:09:29.29, |
I'm flirting. That's what I was afraid of. |
我在勾搭啊 这就是我担心的 |
0:09:31.75, |
Look, I'm not gonna pretend I'm stupid |
我可不会为了让一个男生喜欢我 |
0:09:33.30, |
just so a boy will like me. Of course not. |
就故意装傻 当然不 |
0:09:35.50, |
But you don't have to put the poor guy to shame. |
但你不一定要贬低那可怜的男孩 |
0:09:37.67, |
Flirting with boys is about increasing your value, |
勾搭男人是要增加你自己的魅力 |
0:09:40.33, |
not decreasing theirs. |
不是去打压他们 |
0:09:41.67, |
That's a complicated thought. What magazine taught you that? |
真是复杂 你在哪本杂志里学到的 |
0:09:45.17, |
You're doing it again! The mean thing. |
你又来了 又贬低他人 |
0:09:46.83, |
Can you even hear it or what?! |
你自己有没有意识到啊 |
0:09:49.10, |
I heard it. Good. |
我意识到了 好 |
0:09:51.34, |
So now that he knows that you're smart, |
现在他知道你很聪明了 |
0:09:53.42, |
let's work on being nice. |
我们来试着表现得温柔些 |
0:09:55.16, |
Wanna ditch the hoodie? No. |
把帽衫脱掉好吗 不 |
0:09:56.86, |
That's all good. It's a process. |
没事没事 慢慢来 |
0:09:59.18, |
Man, tough finding a hero in this family, huh? |
哥们 在这家里想找出个英雄很难吧 |
0:10:02.16, |
You know, I've got problems of my own. |
我自己也有很多麻烦事 |
0:10:04.53, |
I can't always be the lovable sidekick on "The Manny show." |
我不可能总是配合你演出 |
0:10:07.63, |
Did you even notice I'm bingeeating? |
你难道没有发现我在暴饮暴食吗 |
0:10:10.73, |
You're really going through something. |
看来你真的有心事 |
0:10:12.71, |
Wanna talk about it? |
想谈谈吗 |
0:10:13.58, |
Not even a little bit. |
一点也不想 |
0:10:14.98, |
And don't go hounding me like you always do. |
也别像往常一样烦我 |
0:10:17.56, |
Well, thanks for restoring my faith in this family. |
多谢你重建我对这个家庭的信心 |
0:10:20.01, |
Too bad I'm not related to Teddy. |
我要是泰迪的亲戚就好了 |
0:10:21.51, |
He seems terrific. Doesn't he, though? |
他这人似乎很棒 可不是嘛 |
0:10:24.22, |
Knees bent. |
屈膝 |
0:10:25.79, |
Arms loose. Chin up. |
放松手臂 挺胸 |
0:10:28.24, |
Butt out. |
提臀 |
0:10:29.81, |
Ay, no, Phil. This is too much. |
不行 菲尔 太难了 |
0:10:31.60, |
No, just remember, "Kbalcubo." |
记住口诀 "屈松挺提" |
0:10:32.95, |
Kbalcubo. |
屈 松 挺 提 |
0:10:34.30, |
Koala bears always lose cherries under big overpasses. |
就是"屈膝放松手臂挺胸提臀" |
0:10:36.55, |
Ay, no! How am I gonna remember all that?! |
这么长 我怎么记得住啊 |
0:10:39.22, |
I gotcha. |
我扶住你了 |
0:10:41.81, |
Ay, Teddy... Teddy, you're amazing! |
泰迪 你真帅呆了 |
0:10:43.64, |
Thank you for saving me! |
谢谢你救了我 |
0:10:46.16, |
Let me get in there, boys. Excuse me. |
小子 让一让 让我来一拳 |
0:10:49.41, |
Boom! |
走你 |
0:10:51.13, |
Okay! |
好啦 |
0:10:52.15, |
Okay, clearly it's time to talk. |
好啦 是时候聊聊了 |
0:10:54.07, |
All right, Cam, Cam, you're obviously upset. |
小卡 你显然是生气了 |
0:10:56.80, |
But trust me |
但你要相信我 |
0:10:57.70, |
there are no lingering feelings between me and Teddy. |
我和泰迪绝对没有藕断丝连 |
0:11:00.21, |
I don't care about you and Teddy. |
我才不在乎你和泰迪的事 |
0:11:01.60, |
I don't like what's lingering between him and your family. |
我是不喜欢他和你们家人藕断丝连 |
0:11:04.13, |
What? Mitchell, look around. |
什么 米奇尔 你看看 |
0:11:06.02, |
Your family is cheating on me with your exboyfriend. |
你家人都在背叛我 和你的前男友厮混 |
0:11:08.43, |
Cheatingokay, yes. Ththere is a bit more contact |
背叛 好吧 他们的关系确实 |
0:11:10.98, |
between them than I realized, but |
比我知道的要更亲密一点 但是 |
0:11:12.38, |
Oh, ooh, yeah. Now this is where we make Cam |
是嘛 你又要怪我太敏感 |
0:11:14.20, |
the oversensitive drama queen. |
怪我小题大做了 |
0:11:15.61, |
God forbid we take any action to make things right for me. |
就是不能为了我做出些改变 |
0:11:18.77, |
Well, okay, okay. Okay, what do you want me to do? |
好好好 那你想要我怎么做 |
0:11:20.66, |
Would you like me to ask them to break up with Teddy? |
要我叫他们跟泰迪"分手"吗 |
0:11:24.60, |
Is that what you're asking? |
你是想让我这么做吗 |
0:11:25.65, |
Of course not. I would never ask that. |
当然不是 我绝不会提那种要求 |
0:11:27.18, |
That would be insane. Well, good. |
那样也太疯狂了 那就好 |
0:11:29.00, |
It would be as insane for me to ask that |
我如果那样要求 就太疯狂了 |
0:11:30.78, |
as it would be sane for you to offer it. |
但你主动提出来 就非常识趣 |
0:11:33.41, |
So that is what you're asking. |
所以你就是要我那么做 |
0:11:34.58, |
No, that's what I'm not asking. |
不 我才没要你那么做 |
0:11:36.22, |
But if you decide to do it, I want it to come from you, |
但如果你要那么做 我希望你是自愿的 |
0:11:38.40, |
Not me, |
而不是我逼你的 |
0:11:39.30, |
because I'm clearly not asking for it. |
因为我显然没有那样要求你 |
0:11:41.09, |
Okay, this is nuts. Is it? |
好吧 真是无理取闹 是吗 |
0:11:43.19, |
I worked my fingers to the bone |
我千方百计 辛辛苦苦 |
0:11:44.69, |
to get these jumpy protestants to love me, |
讨你家的老顽固们的欢心 |
0:11:46.58, |
and now I find out they're holding a torch |
现在却发现 他们和你的前男友 |
0:11:48.96, |
for the man who came before me? |
打得火热 不可开交 |
0:11:50.77, |
It's not nuts. It's actually quite painful. |
我不是无理取闹 我很痛心 |
0:11:53.93, |
Excuse me, sir? You just won a prize |
先生 打扰一下 您得奖了 |
0:11:56.34, |
for setting a rink record on the boxing machine. |
您刚刚在拳击游戏机上创造了新记录 |
0:11:58.26, |
If you wouldn't mind taking a picture |
可以给您照张相 |
0:11:59.04, |
for our wall of fame? |
贴在我们的光荣榜上吗 |
0:12:00.39, |
Oh, yeah, sure. Absolutely. Just one second. |
当然可以 我一会儿就来 |
0:12:02.47, |
That's exciting. |
开心吧 |
0:12:04.31, |
Mitchell, I know you'll do what's right. |
米奇尔 我知道你会做正确的事 |
0:12:06.14, |
Unless you like seeing me humiliated. |
除非你喜欢看着我受辱 |
0:12:09.85, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
0:12:19.04, |
Everybody was staring, Phil. |
菲尔 大家都在盯着我 |
0:12:20.97, |
Well, what if we practice outside where no one can see us? |
要不我们到外面没人能看见的地方练习 |
0:12:25.00, |
Ay, and now I have the nervous burps! |
我都紧张得打嗝了 |
0:12:27.61, |
Oh... Claire. |
克莱尔 |
0:12:28.98, |
Dad? Whwhat are you doing out here? |
爸 你在这儿干嘛 |
0:12:30.92, |
Apparently this is the only way we'll get to talk tonight. |
显然这是今晚找你聊聊的唯一办法 |
0:12:33.17, |
About this job. |
关于工作的事 |
0:12:34.33, |
Hey, guys. |
同志们 |
0:12:34.85, |
This sounds really important, dad. Hang on. |
好像有要紧事 爸 等会儿聊 |
0:12:37.15, |
Go ahead, Mitchell. |
米奇尔 你继续 |
0:12:38.09, |
Okay, so listen. This is coming from me. |
听我说 这是我本人的想法 |
0:12:39.75, |
No one else. But I need you to do something, |
没人逼我 我需要你们帮个忙 |
0:12:42.19, |
And I don't want you to give me any flack. Oh, jeez. |
而且我不想你们吐槽我 老天爷 |
0:12:44.17, |
That's flack. II think it's a little weird |
你这就是在吐槽 我觉得你们 |
0:12:46.11, |
how you all still hang out with Teddy so much... |
还和泰迪那么亲近很奇怪 |
0:12:48.16, |
Told you. |
我早说嘛 |
0:12:48.77, |
And I think it'd be appropriate if maybe you all, |
我觉得 你们以后最好还是 |
0:12:51.56, |
you know, stopped seeing him. |
别再跟他来往了 |
0:12:52.78, |
This is coming from Cam, isn't it? |
这话是小卡让你说的 对吧 |
0:12:55.04, |
No, it's not. |
不 不是 |
0:12:56.78, |
Wait a second. |
慢着 |
0:12:57.66, |
Cam doesn't think we can love him and Teddy at the same time? |
小卡觉得我们不能同时喜欢他和泰迪吗 |
0:13:00.94, |
And you just sold Cam out like that? |
而且你就这么出卖了小卡 |
0:13:05.14, |
Wait. What is that? |
等等 那是什么 |
0:13:06.18, |
I'll tell you what it is. It's sad. |
我告诉你是什么 是悲剧 |
0:13:08.15, |
Hey, skaters! Not an emergency, |
各位顾客 请别慌张 |
0:13:10.61, |
but we do have a small fire in the snack bar. |
我们的小吃店发生了小火灾 |
0:13:13.04, |
We'd like everyone to calmly file outside. Thanks. |
请大家有秩序地离开现场 谢谢 |
0:13:15.94, |
Okay, everyone, the exit's over here. |
各位 出口在这边 |
0:13:17.57, |
Come this way, please. |
大家往这边走 |
0:13:19.02, |
Hey, this way, to the exit. |
走这边出来吧 |
0:13:20.22, |
All right, everybody over here. |
来吧 大家快从这边出来 |
0:13:22.30, |
Come on. You guys, just do this for me. |
快啊 你们帮帮我吧 |
0:13:23.87, |
But... he's all the way over there. |
可是他离我们那么远 |
0:13:26.18, |
There's no hurry. |
你们"不用急" |
0:13:27.40, |
We're in a wooden box built in 1970. |
我们可是在70年代建造的木建筑里 |
0:13:28.89, |
Let's go! Ohall right, let's go. |
快走吧 好 走吧 |
0:13:30.01, |
Okay, thank you. That's very nice. |
谢谢你们 你们真"好" |
0:13:31.90, |
Sweet of you. |
真是太"贴心"了 |
0:13:32.72, |
Hey, skaters, good news! |
各位 好消息 |
0:13:34.86, |
Fire's out! |
火已经被扑灭了 |
0:13:36.34, |
Sorry for the scare. |
抱歉让你们受惊了 |
0:13:39.26, |
All rightall right, before you get upset, |
好啦好啦 先别生气 |
0:13:41.07, |
this was just about convenience. |
这只是因为那边比较方便 |
0:13:42.46, |
Was it? |
是吗 |
0:13:43.74, |
Or was it a perfect metaphor? |
还是在暗中向我表态 |
0:13:45.86, |
Congratulations, Mitchell. |
米奇尔 恭喜你 |
0:13:47.20, |
This is the saddest I've ever been in roller skates. |
这是我有生以来最难过的一次滑旱冰经历 |
0:13:52.81, |
Okay, be careful. |
小心点 |
0:13:54.43, |
I don't want to get hurt, okay? |
我不想受伤 |
0:13:56.14, |
No one's gonna get hurt. Hold on! |
没人会受伤的 抓紧我 |
0:13:58.22, |
Aah! That hurts! |
疼死我了 |
0:13:59.38, |
Okay, if we could just... |
我们能不能 |
0:14:01.24, |
Son of a Mitchell! |
我"米"了个"奇"的 |
0:14:03.32, |
Do not worry one bit. |
一点也别担心 |
0:14:05.66, |
You are gettin' it! |
你就快学会了 |
0:14:08.25, |
Let's get away from the cars, huh? |
我们还是离车远点 行不 |
0:14:12.39, |
Disgusting. |
好恶心 |
0:14:14.65, |
Claire Pritchett? |
克莱尔·普里契特 |
0:14:16.23, |
Jeff? No way! |
杰夫 真的是你 |
0:14:17.46, |
I haven't seen you since you worked here. |
你从这里辞职后我就再没见过你 |
0:14:19.01, |
You... you still do. |
你 你还在这工作啊 |
0:14:21.71, |
Yeah, do what you love, |
是的 做自己喜欢的工作 |
0:14:22.82, |
you never work a day in your life, right? Right. |
工作也就不再是苦差事了 对吧 对 |
0:14:24.88, |
This is perfect. |
碰到你太好了 |
0:14:25.45, |
Some civilian just yakked in the rink. |
刚才有个人在溜冰场上吐了 |
0:14:27.09, |
Can you take over for a minute? |
你能不能帮我照看一下柜台 |
0:14:28.20, |
Um... no. |
不能 |
0:14:29.87, |
Ah, it's kind of where I make most of my money. |
这是我赚钱最多的地方 |
0:14:31.59, |
You know, I hate to shut it down. |
我不想把它关了 |
0:14:33.83, |
Ah, I got a girl pregnant. It's a whole thing. |
我把一姑娘肚子搞大了 这事说来话长 |
0:14:36.65, |
All right. I'll do it for a minute, sure. Great. |
好吧 我暂时照看一下 太好了 |
0:14:38.15, |
Thank you. Thank you. Okay. |
太谢谢你了 行了 |
0:14:39.31, |
Oh, hey... Yeah? |
对了 什么事 |
0:14:41.58, |
I still think about that kiss. |
我还在回味那个吻 |
0:14:47.23, |
Oh, god. |
老天啊 |
0:14:49.47, |
Gross. |
太恶心了 |
0:14:51.16, |
Mom, I threw up. |
妈妈 我刚刚吐了 |
0:14:52.63, |
Oh, honey, that was you? You're gonna be okay. |
亲爱的 那人是你啊 你会没事的 |
0:14:55.67, |
Let me get you something for your tummy. |
我来找点东西安抚一下你的肚肚 |
0:14:57.51, |
I'm just so stressed out. |
我压力太大了 |
0:14:59.25, |
You know that hero essay I have to write? |
你知道我要写的那篇英雄的作文吗 |
0:15:02.14, |
Well, dad kind of assumed I wrote it about him... |
爸爸想当然地以为我写的是他 |
0:15:04.79, |
But I didn't. |
但我没写他 |
0:15:06.06, |
And now he wants to read it, |
他现在要读我的作文 |
0:15:07.46, |
and I don't know what to do. |
我不知道该怎么办 |
0:15:09.01, |
Don't worry about your father. I am sure he'll understand. |
别担心你爸 我相信他会理解的 |
0:15:11.68, |
Claire, I need some ice for Cameron. |
克莱尔 我来给卡梅隆拿点冰块 |
0:15:13.84, |
And we have to talk about the job. |
还有 我们得谈谈工作的事情 |
0:15:16.27, |
Unless you've taken back this one. |
除非你决定回到这里工作了 |
0:15:17.90, |
Dad, I'm with a customer right now. |
爸 我在招呼顾客呢 |
0:15:19.50, |
I'll be with you in just a moment. |
马上就来跟你谈 |
0:15:24.01, |
Honey, I'll talk to your dad. |
亲爱的 我会跟你爸爸谈 |
0:15:25.33, |
You don't think he'll be upset I wrote it about you? |
你觉得他不会因为我写的是你而生气吧 |
0:15:28.52, |
You wrote it about me? |
你写的是我吗 |
0:15:29.91, |
Mom, you know me and homework. |
妈妈 你知道我一般怎么做作业 |
0:15:31.72, |
I didn't give it much thought. What's a hero? |
我没太动脑子 什么是英雄 |
0:15:34.49, |
Someone who's not afraid of anything, |
一个无所畏惧的人 |
0:15:36.08, |
and who's strong that's you. |
一个强大的人 那就是你啊 |
0:15:38.98, |
But dad's so great, too. |
可爸爸也很棒 |
0:15:41.04, |
Here it comes. Okay. All right. |
我又要吐了 好了好了 |
0:15:42.30, |
You just sit down. Sit down, sweet pea. |
你赶紧坐下来 坐下 宝贝 |
0:15:43.90, |
Have your drink. You're gonna be fine. |
把这个喝了 你会没事的 |
0:15:49.12, |
Here goes. Um... |
真心话时间到 |
0:15:51.02, |
So, dad, the last time we worked together, |
爸爸 上次我们一起工作的时候 |
0:15:54.83, |
it was tense between us. What? |
我们的关系很紧张 什么 |
0:15:56.89, |
No, it wasn't. Yes, it was. |
没有啊 有的 |
0:15:59.01, |
You wereyou're really hard on me, |
你对我非常严厉 |
0:16:00.73, |
and you talk down to me. |
你说话时居高临下 |
0:16:01.97, |
You don't know what you're talking about. Right. |
你又胡说八道了 好吧 |
0:16:04.22, |
And when I confronted you, like I am doing now, |
当我和你当面对质时 就像现在这样 |
0:16:06.97, |
you were insensitive, like you are being now. |
你无动于衷 就像你现在一样 |
0:16:09.95, |
And while I really appreciate the opportunity, |
我谢谢你给我这个机会 |
0:16:12.18, |
and I do love you very much, |
我很爱你 |
0:16:13.72, |
I don't think that working together is a very good idea. |
但我觉得我们最好不要一起工作 |
0:16:19.18, |
All right, fine. |
好吧 |
0:16:20.63, |
I'm not gonna lie. I'm very disappointed. |
说实话 我很失望 |
0:16:29.71, |
We won! Man, that sucks! |
我们赢了 太逊了 |
0:16:31.45, |
[正确表达是Emasculating] |
0:16:31.45, |
Yeah, totally unmasculating. |
是啊 我们太没男子气概了 |
0:16:33.74, |
Well, at least you guys look cool when you play. |
至少你们玩的时候样子很酷 |
0:16:35.48, |
Let's play again. This never happened. |
我们再玩一局 这局就当没发生 |
0:16:37.85, |
Actually, we need to go hang out with our family for a while. |
实际上 我们得去找我们的家人了 |
0:16:40.48, |
Really? Now? |
真的吗 现在吗 |
0:16:41.76, |
Yeah, but we'll be around. We'll see you guys. |
对 但我们不会走远 等会儿见 |
0:16:45.84, |
What happened? Did I mess up? |
怎么了 我又做错事了吗 |
0:16:47.01, |
No, you did great. So he didn't like me? |
你做得很好 那他不喜欢我吗 |
0:16:48.63, |
No, he totally liked you. Then why'd we walk away? |
他可喜欢你了 那我们干嘛要走开 |
0:16:50.89, |
This was never about him. |
他本来就不是重点 |
0:16:52.32, |
This was about getting you some confidence. |
这是为了给你增加点自信 |
0:16:54.12, |
Guys will pick up on that. Better guys. |
男生们会意识到你这点的 更优秀的男生 |
0:16:55.99, |
Guys who can lose to a girl |
那种即使输给女生 |
0:16:57.05, |
without feeling emasculated. |
也不会觉得有损男子气概的人 |
0:17:00.88, |
Okay, try not to throw this in my face one day, |
但愿你以后不会用我接下来的话反击我 |
0:17:03.40, |
but sometimes you're actually really smart. |
但我有时觉得你其实挺聪明 |
0:17:05.79, |
Like, smart smart. I hope you know that. |
真正意义上的聪明 希望你知道 |
0:17:12.84, |
Thanks. |
谢谢 |
0:17:16.89, |
And I'm totally throwing that in your face one day. |
我以后当然会拿这话来反击你 |
0:17:18.64, |
Are you kidding? |
你开玩笑呢吧 |
0:17:22.09, |
Oh, thank you so much. Everything go okay? |
太感谢了 一切正常吗 |
0:17:23.77, |
No. Actually, I was trapped back here, |
不 我被困在柜台后面 |
0:17:25.95, |
my dad and I got in a whole thing. |
又跟我爸吵了一架 |
0:17:27.38, |
now he's mad at me. |
现在他生气了 |
0:17:28.99, |
Whoa, where'd you find that? |
你在哪儿找到那个的 |
0:17:30.14, |
I know where you keep the beer, Jeff. |
我知道你把啤酒放在哪儿 杰夫 |
0:17:32.24, |
I hate this feeling! |
我太恨这感觉了 |
0:17:33.66, |
I swear, it started when I was 12 years old |
我发誓 这从我12岁那年就开始了 |
0:17:35.99, |
and I got a "C" in social studies. |
我在社会研究课考试中得了个C |
0:17:37.94, |
The way my dad looked at me, you would have thought |
我爸看我的眼神 别人看到会以为 |
0:17:39.50, |
I'd worn a tube top in church. |
我穿着抹胸装去了教堂 |
0:17:41.38, |
He knew it crushed me. |
他知道我会非常伤心 |
0:17:43.22, |
He didn't care. |
他不在乎 |
0:17:45.07, |
That's why I can't work for him. |
这就是我不能为他工作的原因 |
0:17:46.35, |
He was hard on me then. He's gonna be hard on me now. |
他以前对我很严厉 现在也一样会 |
0:17:49.01, |
I'm telling you, people don't change. |
告诉你 人是不会变的 |
0:17:52.26, |
I've changed. |
我改变了 |
0:17:53.62, |
I don't wanna put up with this stuff. |
我不想再忍受这些 |
0:17:55.27, |
I am a completely different person than I was 20 years ago. |
和20年前相比 我现在完全不一样了 |
0:17:58.76, |
All right, kids, that's gonna be $18.50. |
孩子们 一共是18.5美元 |
0:18:01.97, |
Out of $20? |
收20 |
0:18:02.92, |
There's your $1.50... |
找你1.5美元 |
0:18:06.40, |
I thought so. |
我想也是 |
0:18:10.18, |
Well, I mean, |
我想说 |
0:18:11.81, |
do you feel good that you were at least honest with him? |
你跟他说了实话 心里舒服些了吗 |
0:18:14.27, |
No. And... Super no. |
没有 想都别想 |
0:18:17.03, |
Because I'm the one who's left with this awful feeling |
因为每次我令他失望 |
0:18:18.91, |
every time I disappoint him. |
深感愧疚的人却是我 |
0:18:20.08, |
It's not fair. |
这不公平 |
0:18:21.12, |
cause I'm not the bad guy here. |
做恶人的不是我 |
0:18:23.39, |
He needs to know that. |
他需要知道这点 |
0:18:30.17, |
How's that? |
怎么样 |
0:18:31.57, |
That better? Yeah, much better. |
好些了吗 好多了 |
0:18:34.38, |
Thank you, Teddy. |
谢谢你 泰迪 |
0:18:35.67, |
You're fixed. Skate with me. |
你好了 和我去溜冰 |
0:18:37.47, |
I think it's a little soon, sweetie. |
我觉得还没好到那种程度 宝贝 |
0:18:39.15, |
No. Teddy. |
不 我是叫泰迪 |
0:18:40.51, |
Butoh, sure thing, kiddo. |
没问题 孩子 |
0:18:42.02, |
Hey, lots of ice, no cartwheels for three days. |
尽量冰敷 三天不要做侧手翻 |
0:18:44.75, |
Yeah. Ready? Come on. |
好的 准备好了吗 来吧 |
0:18:47.29, |
Good guy. |
很好的小伙子 |
0:18:48.55, |
WhoTeddy? Yeah. Yeah, he's the best. |
泰迪吗 是啊 他最好了 |
0:18:51.18, |
Nuts he can't find anybody, huh? |
真不敢相信他居然找不到伴儿 |
0:18:53.86, |
Gotta be something a little off there. |
肯定有什么问题 |
0:18:56.18, |
He definitely did not bring out the best in Mitchell, |
反正他没让米奇尔表现出最好的一面 |
0:18:58.43, |
I can tell you that right now. |
这点我能肯定 |
0:18:59.60, |
Oh, really? |
是吗 |
0:19:01.67, |
Well, you know, not that it matters... |
并不是说这有什么关系 |
0:19:03.26, |
but in what way exactly? |
不过能不能说具体些 |
0:19:04.43, |
Honestly? When they were together, |
说实话 他们在一起的时候 |
0:19:07.29, |
Mitchell could be a bit of a pill. |
米奇尔相当令人头痛 |
0:19:09.46, |
Now, I like Teddy, |
我喜欢泰迪 |
0:19:10.87, |
but when they broke up, I was actually kinda glad. |
但他们分手时 其实我有些庆幸 |
0:19:14.48, |
Of course, Mitchell thought that I was |
当然了 米奇尔觉得 |
0:19:16.52, |
uncomfortable because of the gay thing, |
我心里不舒服是因为不接受同性恋 |
0:19:18.58, |
and maybe I was, but... |
也许我当时是的 但是 |
0:19:20.13, |
I really just wanted him to be happy. |
我真的只是想让他开心 |
0:19:22.74, |
Like he is now. |
像他现在这样 |
0:19:25.17, |
And when you two started up, everyone thought, |
你们在一起后 大家都想 |
0:19:27.05, |
Well, there it is. |
就是他了 |
0:19:31.02, |
Okay, kids. Couples skate. |
孩子们 双人溜冰开始 |
0:19:33.42, |
Grab someone you love and get out there. |
拉上你爱的人 开溜吧 |
0:19:36.45, |
Jay, you can be so... |
杰 你真是... |
0:19:38.68, |
I'm not skating with you, Cam. Yeah. |
我不会和你溜冰的 小卡 好吧 |
0:19:41.16, |
What about me, dad? You wanna skate with me? |
我呢 爸 你要和我一起溜冰吗 |
0:19:46.87, |
What qualifies someone as a hero? |
什么样的人才有资格被称为英雄 |
0:19:51.34, |
Obviously, a hero has to be someone we respect. |
显然 英雄必须是我们尊敬的人 |
0:19:54.63, |
A person we look up to. |
我们敬仰的人 |
0:19:56.86, |
A person who is generous of spirit. |
心胸宽广的人 |
0:20:03.09, |
Who's willing to grow and learn. |
愿意成长与学习的人 |
0:20:04.57, |
So... Dad, |
爸 |
0:20:06.57, |
if that offer still stands... |
如果提议还有效的话 |
0:20:08.20, |
Really? What changed? |
真的吗 为什么改变主意 |
0:20:11.98, |
A couple of things. |
有些事不同了 |
0:20:13.23, |
Maybe it's the person you love most in the world |
也许是这世上你最爱的人 |
0:20:15.68, |
or the guy who makes the most out of life, |
或是尽力享受生活的人 |
0:20:17.68, |
no matter what anyone thinks. |
不管别人怎么想 |
0:20:19.27, |
It's cool! No, everybody's laughing at me! |
没事的 大家都在笑我 |
0:20:21.11, |
Keep rolling! This is your chance! No! No! |
继续溜 机会来了 不 |
0:20:24.23, |
Yeah! |
太好了 |
0:20:27.13, |
Phil! I know! |
菲尔 我知道 |
0:20:29.56, |
For me, though... Go, dad! |
不过对我来说 加油 爸 |
0:20:31.68, |
The hero in my family is my family, |
我家里的英雄就是我的家人 |
0:20:34.43, |
because of who we are together. |
我们在一起才是真英雄 |
0:20:44.17, |
Cminus. |
C |
0:20:45.18, |
This was not the assignment. |
作业要求不是这样的 |
0:20:47.05, |
I'll tell you who is not my hero. |
我告诉你谁不是我的英雄 |
0:20:48.42, |
Mrs. Rita Mcnabb. |
丽塔·米克纳布老师 |
0:20:56.05, |
Oh, thank you! Thank you! |
谢谢 谢谢 |
0:20:58.60, |
What is everybody looking at? |
大家在看什么 |
0:20:59.63, |
Oh, I guess I can tell the story one more time. |
我再说一次也没关系 |
0:21:01.24, |
Sure, yeah. Well, I was mad about something. |
是的 我当时正在生气 |
0:21:03.50, |
I don't even remember what. |
我甚至不记得在气什么了 |
0:21:04.84, |
I turned. Now at this point, |
我转过身 这一刻 |
0:21:06.39, |
I'm more animal than I am man. |
我更像是野兽 而不是人 |
0:21:08.48, |
Strike the punching machine, |
猛击拳击游戏机 |
0:21:10.20, |
and apparently I broke some sort of world record. |
显然我是打破了什么世界纪录 |
0:21:12.91, |
I guess the thing that I'll never forget |
我想我永远不会忘记的就是 |
0:21:14.31, |
is the sound that it made. |
破纪录时游戏机发出的声音 |
0:21:15.79, |
It was, like, bells and whistles and sirens. |
好像有敲钟声 口哨 汽笛 |
0:21:19.07, |
It's impossible to describe. |
不太可能描述清楚 |
0:21:22.25, |
Oh, no! |
不是吧 |
0:21:23.33, |
That was literally the first punch I've ever thrown! |
这可是我生平打出的第一拳 |
0:21:27.27, |
You are never to see him again. |
你这辈子都不准再见他了 |
0:21:28.47, |
Yes, I know. |
是 我知道 |