0:00:01.20, |
We got some bad news yesterday. |
我们昨天得知了一个坏消息 |
0:00:03.47, |
Phil's mom died. |
菲尔的妈妈去世了 |
0:00:05.35, |
It wasn't unexpected. |
倒也不是意料之外 |
0:00:07.18, |
He was with her. |
菲尔陪在她身边 |
0:00:08.40, |
And she went very peacefully and asleep. |
她在睡梦中平静地走了 |
0:00:10.48, |
She and I had a special connection. |
我跟她有种特殊的感情 |
0:00:12.54, |
We all did. |
我们都有 |
0:00:13.47, |
But mostly me. |
但主要是我 |
0:00:14.89, |
She said I was just like her. |
她说我和她很像 |
0:00:16.44, |
What? Is she weirdly competitive too? |
怎么 她也争强好胜到古怪的地步吗 |
0:00:18.54, |
The whole family is going down to Florida tomorrow |
明天全家人都要去佛罗里达 |
0:00:21.21, |
to be with Phil for the service. |
陪菲尔参加葬礼 |
0:00:22.92, |
Such a relieve. |
真是莫大的安慰 |
0:00:24.22, |
I can feel how much he needs me right now. |
我能感觉到他现在是多么需要我 |
0:00:28.22, |
There they are. |
终于来了 |
0:00:30.82, |
Hey, guys. |
小家伙们好啊 |
0:00:33.27, |
Oh, you brought my nap pillow. |
你把我的护颈枕都带来了 |
0:00:34.70, |
I missed you so much. |
我好想你啊 |
0:00:37.35, |
Phil, I'm so sorry. |
菲尔 我真遗憾 |
0:00:39.64, |
Thanks. |
谢谢 |
0:00:40.31, |
Grace was such a kind and whimsical soul. |
格蕾丝是个善良又古怪的女人 |
0:00:43.08, |
The different animals she put antlers on for christmas cards |
她给动物戴鹿角拍照片做成的圣诞贺卡 |
0:00:46.34, |
Inspired. |
太有创见了 |
0:00:47.15, |
Not a single one was photoshopped. |
每张都是实拍 绝无PS伪造 |
0:00:48.78, |
Not even the alligator? |
鳄鱼的也是吗 |
0:00:49.61, |
Cost her the tip of her pinkie, |
害她被咬掉了小拇指尖 |
0:00:51.16, |
but she had no regrets. |
但她无怨无悔 |
0:00:53.55, |
I'm so glad you guys are here. |
你们能来我真的很高兴 |
0:00:54.58, |
I hope it wasn't too hard to get away from work. |
希望请假没有让你为难 |
0:00:56.41, |
No. Please, anything for family. |
不会 拜托 为家人做任何事都可以 |
0:00:58.55, |
Anything to get me out of that office. |
能离开办公室 让我做任何事都可以 |
0:01:00.89, |
It's all boring paperwork and endless meetings. |
无聊的文件 开不完的会 |
0:01:04.17, |
Honestly, this funeral could not have come at a better time. |
说真的 这场葬礼来得太是时候了 |
0:01:06.71, |
Aw, that's sweet. You should put that on the flowers. |
真会说话 你该把这句话写在花签上 |
0:01:10.36, |
Gloria, you must be so hot in that. |
歌洛莉亚 穿成这样一定很热吧 |
0:01:12.25, |
I am in mourning. |
我这是服丧 |
0:01:13.22, |
In Columbia, we take death very seriously. |
在哥伦比亚 丧礼是很严肃的事情 |
0:01:15.76, |
Where don't they? |
在哪儿不是呢 |
0:01:16.42, |
Can we lose the veil? |
能把面纱摘了吗 |
0:01:17.24, |
Nobody's looking for you, Gloria. |
没有人要抓你 歌洛莉亚 |
0:01:18.87, |
Who is Gloria? |
谁是歌洛莉亚 |
0:01:20.63, |
I am a wanted woman in Florida. |
我在佛罗里达被通缉 |
0:01:23.03, |
I used to live there, and when I left, |
我曾在那里居住过 我离开时 |
0:01:25.14, |
my roommate made our apartment into a house of prostitution, |
我的室友把我们的公寓改造成了妓院 |
0:01:29.96, |
and my name was still on the lease. |
而那时租约上留的还是我的名字 |
0:01:31.49, |
It's like a traffic ticket. |
其实就跟个交通罚单差不多 |
0:01:32.47, |
You walk into court, pay a fine, it's done. |
去趟法院 交个罚款 就完事儿了 |
0:01:34.46, |
Quick and easy. |
快速又"简单" |
0:01:35.29, |
Yes, that was the name of the whorehouse. |
是啊 那家妓院就叫这名字 |
0:01:38.27, |
Mitchell, can you go with her to court? |
米奇尔 你能陪她上法院吗 |
0:01:39.88, |
She's gonna need some sort of lawyer. |
她需要个像样点的律师 |
0:01:41.47, |
Uh, you know, Jay, Mitchell is so burnt out right now. |
杰 米奇尔现在真是疲惫不堪 |
0:01:43.67, |
He is in desperate need of a break. |
他十分需要休息 |
0:01:45.35, |
Bench warrants are a nobrainer. And, I mean, come on. |
法院传票不用脑子也能应付 拜托 |
0:01:47.40, |
Does Gloria really look like the kind of woman |
歌洛莉亚看起来像那种 |
0:01:49.14, |
who would run a brothel? |
开妓院的女人吗 |
0:01:53.00, |
Yeah, I better go with her. You should go. |
我还是陪她去吧 你还是去吧 |
0:01:54.08, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
0:02:04.29, |
第四季 第二十四集 |
0:02:08.42, |
There they are! |
你们来了 |
0:02:11.48, |
Oh, you look beautiful. Hi, claire. |
你真美 你好 克莱尔 |
0:02:12.77, |
How are you holding on, hmm? |
你还好吗 |
0:02:13.93, |
Oh, well, you know... |
还好吧 |
0:02:14.68, |
We're getting through it. Huh, dad? |
我们会挺过去的 对吧 老爸 |
0:02:16.67, |
Ah. I'm doing okay. A little trouble sleeping. |
我现在还好 就是有点失眠 |
0:02:18.83, |
I'm so used to her snoring, |
我习惯她的鼾声了 |
0:02:19.89, |
I may have to borrow the neighbor's bulldog. |
我可能得借一下邻居的牛头犬了 |
0:02:23.51, |
Morning, Charlotte! |
早上好 夏洛特 |
0:02:24.42, |
This is my family from California! |
这是我从加州来的亲戚们 |
0:02:27.44, |
I can tell. They all look like movie stars. |
看得出来 看起来都跟电影明星似的 |
0:02:30.28, |
Ah. Oh, thank you. |
谢谢 |
0:02:31.31, |
That's nuts. I know that woman, |
真奇怪 我认识那女人 |
0:02:32.78, |
but I have no idea from where. |
但忘了在哪儿认识的 |
0:02:34.25, |
Yeah. This place is full of stories like that. |
是啊 这地方充满了这样的故事 |
0:02:38.48, |
Good morning, Mr. Dunphy, visitors. |
早上好 邓菲先生 客人们 |
0:02:40.13, |
Please, Shelley, call me Frank. |
拜托 雪莉 叫我弗兰克就好了 |
0:02:41.77, |
No, sir. |
不 先生 |
0:02:42.37, |
That might be the way they do things at Whistling Pines, |
可能"呼啸松"那边会这么称呼业主 |
0:02:44.40, |
But we run a tight ship here at Leisure Park. |
但我们"休闲园"的管理很规范严谨 |
0:02:46.58, |
As per your request, I have reserved |
根据你的要求 我预订了 |
0:02:48.15, |
the lakeside promenade this evening for one hour, |
今晚的湖滨广场 时间为一小时 |
0:02:50.51, |
Beginning at 5:00 p.m., for your memorial service. |
从下午5点开始 供您开追悼会 |
0:02:52.66, |
May I remind you that there's no smoking on the grounds, |
顺便提醒您 广场上不能吸烟 |
0:02:54.69, |
no glass near the lake, no feeding the ducks? |
湖边不能带玻璃制品 不能喂鸭子 |
0:02:56.91, |
And I'm sorry for your loss. |
请您节哀顺变 |
0:02:57.60, |
Thank you. No feeding the ducks. |
谢谢 不能喂鸭子 |
0:02:59.91, |
What are you looking at me for? |
你盯着我干什么 |
0:03:09.89, |
I love it here |
我真喜欢这里 |
0:03:11.04, |
manicured lawns, |
修剪平整的草坪 |
0:03:12.18, |
planned activities, early dinners. |
活动计划周详 晚餐及时 |
0:03:14.06, |
What more does a kid need? |
一个孩子还能要求什么呢 |
0:03:15.35, |
Oh, yeah. And everyone's so polite and considerate |
是啊 每个人都这么有礼貌又体贴 |
0:03:17.13, |
Nothing like the constant catfights in my circle, |
不像基圈里那些无休止的明争暗斗 |
0:03:19.22, |
where every week, |
每一周 |
0:03:20.44, |
somebody's mad at somebody for god knows who what, |
都有人会莫名其妙地生另一个人的气 |
0:03:22.81, |
and I'm always thrown into the middle. |
而我总是被卷入其中 |
0:03:24.74, |
You seem tense. You know, they have a steam room. |
你好像很焦躁 他们这里有蒸汽房 |
0:03:26.83, |
Wanna join me for a schvitz? |
要跟我一起出出汗吗 |
0:03:27.80, |
Please, it's Florida. |
拜托 这里可是佛罗里达 |
0:03:28.70, |
If I wanna sweat more, I'll just move my arms. |
我想流汗的话 只要动动胳膊就行了 |
0:03:30.49, |
You go have fun. |
你去享受吧 |
0:03:32.13, |
Hey, you. |
嘿 你 |
0:03:33.56, |
Are you liking that book? |
你喜欢那本书吗 |
0:03:34.83, |
Well, it's not the worst thing I've picked up at an airport, |
虽然这不是我在机场买过的最差劲的东西 |
0:03:36.90, |
but close. |
但也差不多了 |
0:03:38.16, |
What is this, |
这是什么情况 |
0:03:39.11, |
a book club or a Miss America Pageant? |
是读书会还是选美大会啊 |
0:03:43.05, |
We're looking for our next book. |
我们在找下一本要读的书 |
0:03:44.45, |
Oh, what are you reading now? |
你们现在读的是什么书 |
0:03:45.41, |
Tempted by her innocent kiss. |
《无辜香吻之诱惑》 |
0:03:47.80, |
II'm sure you don't know it. |
你一定没听说过 |
0:03:48.89, |
Oh, please. Devon Carter was Ashley's first, |
拜托 达文·卡特是艾希莉的第一个男人 |
0:03:51.44, |
she wants their passion to last, |
她希望他们能激情永驻 |
0:03:53.08, |
but her hopes of true love are crushed when she finds out |
可当她发现他们的婚姻只是父亲的 |
0:03:55.42, |
their marriage is just another one of daddy's business deals. |
另一笔交易 她对于真爱的幻想破灭了 |
0:03:58.57, |
I'm gay. |
我可是同性恋 |
0:03:59.49, |
Oh! My grandson is gay. |
我孙子也是同性恋 |
0:04:01.52, |
His name is Daniel Schulman. Uh, do you know him? |
他叫丹尼尔·舒曼 你认识吗 |
0:04:04.24, |
Oh! Is he about this tall, dark hair, |
他是不是这么高 深色头发 |
0:04:06.41, |
circumcised? |
割过包皮 |
0:04:08.89, |
Terrible. |
你真坏 |
0:04:10.66, |
Don't be nervous, all right? |
不要紧张 好吗 |
0:04:11.66, |
I'll explain your situation. |
我会把你的情况说清楚 |
0:04:12.83, |
We'll have you out of here in no time. |
很快就能离开这里了 |
0:04:13.98, |
30 days in county jail. |
县监狱关押30天 |
0:04:17.05, |
What? Ooh, she's tough. |
什么 她好强硬 |
0:04:19.58, |
Next. |
下一个 |
0:04:21.03, |
Anita Menchaca. Petty theft. |
安妮塔·曼查卡 偷窃 |
0:04:25.05, |
Mister, you're a lawyer? |
先生 您是律师吗 |
0:04:26.10, |
Help me, please. |
帮帮我 拜托了 |
0:04:27.26, |
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm her lawyer. |
不好意思 我是她的律师 |
0:04:28.83, |
No, no, help her, so this will go faster. |
不不 帮帮她 这样能进行得快一些 |
0:04:32.02, |
And she reminds me of my abuela, |
而且她让我想起了我外婆 |
0:04:33.39, |
with her head scarf and her petty theft charges. |
她也带这样的头巾 也曾偷窃 |
0:04:37.36, |
Here, your honor. |
在这里 法官阁下 |
0:04:38.60, |
I'm mitchell pritchett, attorney to miss Manchego. |
我是米奇尔·普里契特 "曼查勾"小姐的律师 |
0:04:40.91, |
Menchaca. Ah, yeah... |
是曼查卡 好的 |
0:04:42.10, |
Are you ready to enter a plea? |
你们准备好辩诉了吗 |
0:04:43.51, |
Absolutely. |
当然准备好了 |
0:04:44.61, |
I see no reason why this matter should |
我认为这种事件完全没有理由 |
0:04:46.24, |
take up any more of the court's valuable time. |
占用更多贵法庭宝贵的时间了 |
0:04:48.66, |
Not guilty, your honor. |
无罪 法官大人 |
0:04:49.66, |
Why? |
为什么 |
0:04:52.03, |
Gonna need a minute. |
我需要点时间准备一下 |
0:04:58.94, |
Look what my dad just gave me. |
看我爸给了我什么 |
0:05:01.11, |
Please tell me that's not your mom. |
拜托你告诉我盒子里装的不是你妈 |
0:05:02.66, |
No, no. She picked out her own urn. |
不是 她已经给自己选好骨灰罐了 |
0:05:05.00, |
My dad keeps saying |
我爸一直都说 |
0:05:05.58, |
it's a size too small but she squeezed into it. |
那罐子小一码 不过她还是挤进去了 |
0:05:08.98, |
No, this is stuff she left for the kids. |
这些东西是她留给孩子们的 |
0:05:11.88, |
Can I... open it? Yeah. |
我能打开吗 能啊 |
0:05:14.13, |
Wow. There's a note for you. |
里面有张纸条是给你的 |
0:05:16.55, |
I can't read it. |
我不敢看 |
0:05:18.00, |
Okay. Would you? |
好吧 你来好吗 |
0:05:18.99, |
All right. |
好的 |
0:05:23.03, |
Dear phil, |
亲爱的菲尔 |
0:05:24.34, |
you've always been the most wonderful son, |
你一直都是最棒的儿子 |
0:05:26.88, |
and now I need you to do one last thing for me." |
而我现在需要你为我做最后一件事" |
0:05:29.11, |
Oh, no! |
不 |
0:05:29.89, |
She's gonna ask me to throw her ashes in the pope's face. |
她一定是让我把她的骨灰泼到牧师脸上 |
0:05:34.06, |
Don't say anything to your father |
不要告诉你父亲 |
0:05:35.59, |
because he'll just resist, |
因为他一定会反对 |
0:05:37.06, |
but there's a woman named Annie Fitzsimmons |
但是有一位名叫安妮·菲茨曼斯的女士 |
0:05:39.06, |
who lives a few streets over. |
她就住在几条街外 |
0:05:40.63, |
We don't know her very well, but I've always admired her, |
我们和她并不太熟 但我一向很欣赏她 |
0:05:43.04, |
and I think she'd be perfect for your dad. |
我觉得她会和你父亲很般配 |
0:05:45.94, |
So before you go home, |
因此 在你回家前 |
0:05:47.07, |
I want you to fix him up with her." |
我希望你能撮合他们" |
0:05:48.44, |
That is crazy! |
这太疯狂了 |
0:05:49.52, |
I know this sounds crazy, |
我知道这听起来很疯狂 |
0:05:51.12, |
but single men are in short supply here. |
但这里的单身男士很紧俏 |
0:05:53.22, |
And a lot of scheming harpies will swoop in |
会有一群工于心计的狐狸精 |
0:05:54.96, |
before your father knows what hit him. |
在你父亲尚未察觉的情况下蜂拥而至 |
0:05:56.90, |
I love Frank, |
我爱弗兰克 |
0:05:57.74, |
but he'll follow anything with a casserole." |
但任何会做饭的女人都能牵着他鼻子走" |
0:05:59.20, |
I don't believe this. |
我真觉得难以置信 |
0:06:01.03, |
It's too soon, |
这也太快了 |
0:06:01.78, |
and my dad's not a cartoon bear. |
何况我爸又不是动画片里的熊熊 |
0:06:03.27, |
He's perfectly capable of making intelligent decisions. |
他有足够的能力作出理智的判断 |
0:06:05.98, |
Hey, guys? I made cookies. |
爸妈 我做了饼干 |
0:06:07.77, |
Oh, good. I thought that was a neighbor. |
太好了 我还以为是邻居家做的 |
0:06:15.10, |
Hey, kids, your grandma left each of you something. |
孩子们 奶奶给你们每个人留了些东西 |
0:06:17.89, |
Cool! Rockports! |
太棒了 是乐步鞋 |
0:06:19.41, |
It's just the box. |
只是用了鞋盒子而已 |
0:06:22.40, |
oh, my god. There's a letter. |
我的天 有一封信 |
0:06:24.06, |
I don't know if I'm ready for this. |
我觉得我还没做好心理准备 |
0:06:25.47, |
Although if grandma wrote it, |
尽管如果这是奶奶写的 |
0:06:26.50, |
she must have sensed I was ready. |
她一定事先感觉到我已经准备好了 |
0:06:27.29, |
Because you had such a bond? |
因为你俩有特殊的感情纽带吗 |
0:06:29.30, |
You felt it, too? |
你也感觉到了吗 |
0:06:30.12, |
Haley, why don't you tell us what yours says? |
海莉 跟我们说说你那封信的内容 |
0:06:31.65, |
Well, it's so sweet. |
写得真贴心 |
0:06:32.86, |
It's about how beautiful I am inside and |
是关于我的内在是多么美丽 还有 |
0:06:35.13, |
Score! Jewelry |
帅啊 首饰 |
0:06:37.35, |
Check it out! |
快来看 |
0:06:38.59, |
Oh, look at that. |
看看 |
0:06:39.68, |
Your grandma loved pocket watches. |
你奶奶可喜欢怀表了 |
0:06:41.33, |
Aw! She said they made a man look dignified. |
她说过怀表让人看起来很高贵 |
0:06:42.99, |
Is this chain in case you swallow it? |
这条链子是为了防止有人吞下它吗 |
0:06:44.62, |
No, but suddenly I'm glad it's there. |
不是 但我突然好庆幸有这条链子 |
0:06:46.37, |
A lighter? Huh. What does the note say? |
打火机 信里怎么说 |
0:06:51.06, |
This is a lighter. |
这是一个打火机 |
0:06:53.16, |
I don't understand. |
我不明白 |
0:06:54.78, |
How much clearer could she have been? |
你还要她说得多清楚呢 |
0:06:56.46, |
I wouldn't read too much into it. |
我觉得你不要想太多了 |
0:06:57.99, |
Your grandma loved you very much. |
奶奶一直很爱你们 |
0:06:59.38, |
She just did a couple of bizarre things towards the end. |
她只是在生命最后做了些奇怪的事情 |
0:07:02.77, |
Here, Alex, I can help you out with that. |
艾丽克斯 我可以帮你 |
0:07:05.26, |
You are getting very sleepy. |
你现在很困很困想睡觉 |
0:07:07.65, |
A crappy old lighter is not a sucky gift. |
破烂旧打火机并不是个很糟的礼物 |
0:07:10.37, |
Honey, hey, hey. So you're not gonna do what your mom asked? |
亲爱的 你不打算完成你妈妈的遗嘱吗 |
0:07:13.63, |
Marry off my dad to a complete stranger |
在她葬礼这天把我爸 |
0:07:15.59, |
on the day of her funeral? I think not. |
许配给一个陌生人吗 我想不会 |
0:07:17.29, |
It was her last wish. |
这可是她的遗愿 |
0:07:18.60, |
When my dad is ready, |
等我爸准备好了 |
0:07:19.57, |
he gets to pick his own girlfriend. |
他会去挑他喜欢的女友 |
0:07:21.23, |
That's the big upside to your wife dying. |
这可是妻子去世的一大好处 |
0:07:24.49, |
Also, not having to think before you speak. |
再就是 以后说话不用脑子也没事了 |
0:07:26.30, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
0:07:28.56, |
Your honor, it all boils down to this. |
法官阁下 这一切都归结于此 |
0:07:30.49, |
The motel owes Miss Menchengo |
这家旅馆欠"曼查勾"小姐的 |
0:07:32.75, |
Menchaca. Damn it. Every time. |
曼查卡 该死 每次都错 |
0:07:34.22, |
more in wages than she ever could've taken |
薪水高于她拿走的 |
0:07:36.44, |
in soaps and tiny shampoos. |
香皂和超小瓶洗发水的价值 |
0:07:38.75, |
Fine. Case dismissed. |
好吧 案件驳回 |
0:07:40.39, |
Yes! |
太好了 |
0:07:42.58, |
Oh! Gracias! Muchas gracias! |
谢谢 太谢谢了 |
0:07:44.25, |
De nada. De nada. Muchas gracias. |
不客气 不客气 太谢谢了 |
0:07:45.73, |
Did you see that? I won! |
看见没 我胜诉了 |
0:07:47.42, |
II can't believe it! Yeah. |
真是不敢相信 看到了 |
0:07:49.14, |
It scares me that winning is such a surprise for you. |
你赢一次这么高兴 我很怕你胜诉率很低 |
0:07:51.70, |
Next! Matthew Plonsker. Parking violations. |
下一个 马修·普乐斯科 违规停车 |
0:07:55.76, |
I thought I'd be a little rusty, but apparently not. |
我还以为会有点生疏 但显然没有 |
0:07:59.90, |
Oh! Really? Sweet. |
又来找我吗 真"好"呢 |
0:08:02.25, |
Yes! Go make your mistakes with him. |
去吧 把错误都犯在他身上 |
0:08:04.20, |
I don't want to go to jail for prostitution. |
我可不想因为卖淫坐牢 |
0:08:08.82, |
Like you could afford me. |
你以为你能嫖得起我吗 |
0:08:10.83, |
It seems to me it wasn't only the meter |
在我看来 在那个重要的下午 |
0:08:12.75, |
that was broken that fateful afternoon. |
并不只是停车计费表坏了 |
0:08:15.27, |
Nay! |
不仅如此 |
0:08:16.88, |
It was the entire criminal justice system. |
是整个刑事司法系统坏了 |
0:08:19.59, |
Therefore I submit to you, |
因此我要提出的是 |
0:08:21.77, |
the only "Influence" my client was under that night |
那晚影响我的客户判断力的唯一一样东西 |
0:08:24.33, |
was his love of boating. |
就是他对划船的热爱 |
0:08:27.92, |
Shame! |
可耻啊 |
0:08:31.94, |
I just don't get it. Why would she give me a lighter? |
我只是不懂 她为什么给我一个打火机 |
0:08:34.34, |
Maybe she wants you to burn all your clothes. |
也许她希望你把你所有丑衣服都烧掉 |
0:08:36.98, |
Is it possible we didn't have the connection I thought we did? |
是不是我们并不像我想的那样有特殊的感情纽带 |
0:08:39.66, |
I don't know. You heard dad. |
我不知道 你也听老爸说了 |
0:08:41.94, |
She was on all that medication towards the end. |
她去世前一直在接受药物治疗 |
0:08:43.78, |
People do weird things when they're on drugs. |
人们服药期间总会做些诡异的事 |
0:08:46.22, |
When Dylan was on vicodin after his root canal, |
迪兰在牙根管治疗后服了止痛药 |
0:08:48.40, |
he bought the complete DVD set of "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman." |
他买了一整套《女医生》光盘 |
0:08:55.37, |
Get going, ladies. |
女孩们 请离开 |
0:08:56.24, |
The pool's for residents only. |
泳池只对当地居民开放 |
0:08:57.55, |
Oh, okay. Sorry. We'll leave. |
好的 对不起 我们这就走 |
0:08:59.18, |
Uh, no, we won't. There's nobody here. |
不 我们不走 这里又没人 |
0:09:01.18, |
Haley! Why can't we use the pool? |
海莉 为什么我们不能用这泳池 |
0:09:03.06, |
Because those are the rules. |
这是规定 |
0:09:04.84, |
Are we gonna have a problem here? |
有什么问题吗 |
0:09:06.34, |
You don't scare me. I've been in real jail. |
你可吓不着我 我蹲过真正的监狱 |
0:09:09.71, |
Oh, you two are pretty smart, aren't you? |
你俩是聪明人 不是吗 |
0:09:11.87, |
No. Only she is. |
不 只有她聪明 |
0:09:18.58, |
North. |
北风 |
0:09:19.61, |
Flowers. |
花牌 |
0:09:20.68, |
Red. |
红中 |
0:09:22.78, |
One dot. |
一筒 |
0:09:24.56, |
Two bam. |
二条 |
0:09:27.27, |
I have mahj! |
我和了 |
0:09:28.64, |
Hee hee! Again?! |
嘻嘻 你又和了 |
0:09:30.44, |
Wow, you're really on some streak, Edith. |
你今天手气真好啊 伊迪丝 |
0:09:32.56, |
Luck of the tiles. |
走牌运啊 |
0:09:34.33, |
Anyone else want some punch? |
还有人要来点潘趣酒吗 |
0:09:36.90, |
Yeah. I'll join you. |
好啊 我也来点 |
0:09:42.85, |
You are very good. |
你打得真不错 |
0:09:44.64, |
Where'd a farm boy like you learn to play mahjong? |
你这样的农场男孩是在哪里学的麻将 |
0:09:47.14, |
Oh, well, one summer, |
在一个夏天 |
0:09:48.46, |
[美籍犹太人互助协会] |
0:09:48.46, |
I worked at the Central Missouri b'nai b'rith. |
我在中央密苏里圣约之子会工作 |
0:09:50.16, |
It's the nation's smallest chapter. |
是全国最小的分会 |
0:09:52.90, |
Listen, Marilyn, |
听我说 玛丽莲 |
0:09:54.05, |
I don't mean to stir things up, |
我不想挑拨离间的 |
0:09:56.02, |
But I just saw Edith take the winning tile out of her jacket pocket. |
但我看到伊迪丝从她口袋里拿了那张吊牌 |
0:10:00.67, |
I knew it! |
我就知道 |
0:10:01.89, |
Nobody's that good! |
没人会手气那么好 |
0:10:03.11, |
Listen, I'm as shocked as you are. |
我也跟你一样震惊 |
0:10:04.23, |
It just doesn't seem like Edith. |
只是伊迪丝看上去不是那种人 |
0:10:06.31, |
Yeah, well, it goes to show, you think you know someone... |
是 就是这样 知人知面不知心 |
0:10:16.23, |
What happened to all the cookies? |
饼干都去哪里了 |
0:10:18.62, |
Oh, well, you know I hate to stir things up... |
我真的不想挑拨离间的 |
0:10:24.36, |
Excuse me. Yes? |
抱歉 什么事 |
0:10:25.83, |
Jay Pritchett. |
我是杰·普里契特 |
0:10:27.07, |
Frank Dunphy's son is married to my daughter. |
弗兰克·邓菲是我亲家 |
0:10:28.91, |
Oh, I'm so sorry. |
真是遗憾 |
0:10:30.11, |
Ah, he grows on you. |
他那套幽默果然会传染身边人 |
0:10:32.02, |
Oh, you're talking about the death. Thank you. |
你是说很遗憾我亲家母过世 谢谢关心 |
0:10:34.20, |
You look very familiar to me. Did you ever live in Ohio? |
我看你非常脸熟 你在俄亥俄生活过吗 |
0:10:38.97, |
No. I'm from Pensacola. |
没 我是彭萨科拉人 |
0:10:41.99, |
And then it hit me. |
然后我突然就想到了 |
0:10:43.26, |
I had done my basic training in Pensacola. |
我新兵入伍时 在彭萨科拉受过训 |
0:10:46.26, |
She was my first. |
她是我的初夜 |
0:10:47.96, |
I'll never forget her Charlotte somebody. |
我永远忘不了她 夏洛特什么的 |
0:10:49.89, |
I was 18, and she was 31. |
我当年18岁 她31岁 |
0:10:52.57, |
And we fell pretty hard for each other. |
我们当时爱得死去活来 |
0:10:55.06, |
I always felt bad I never called her |
我从越战回来后就再没联系她 |
0:10:56.43, |
when I got back from Vietnam. |
心里一直很难受 |
0:10:58.07, |
Especially because by then I had, you know... |
尤其是因为当时我已经 你懂的 |
0:11:01.16, |
learned a few things. |
已经开拓了新的眼界 |
0:11:02.87, |
I'm sorry. You'll have to forgive me. |
不好意思 请你谅解 |
0:11:04.58, |
My memory isn't what it used to be. |
我岁数大了 记性不好了 |
0:11:06.13, |
I was in the navy. Jay Pritchett. |
我当时在海军 杰·普里契特 |
0:11:09.60, |
Little more up here, |
当年头发多些 |
0:11:11.16, |
little less down here. |
赘肉少些 |
0:11:12.23, |
I'm sure you're a very nice man, |
我敢说你一定是个好男人 |
0:11:13.77, |
but II think you may have mistaken me for someone else. |
但我觉得你把我错认成别人了 |
0:11:17.20, |
I was shipping off to vietnam. |
我当时就快要被派往越南 |
0:11:18.30, |
You had the ass of a young Ann Margret. |
你当年的屁股就跟年轻女星安·玛格丽特一样 |
0:11:20.31, |
Yeah, that was me. |
好吧 那确实是我 |
0:11:22.50, |
Grandma looks so happy here. |
这张照片里奶奶真高兴 |
0:11:25.04, |
Yeah. We were pretty hammered. |
是啊 当时我们喝得烂醉 |
0:11:27.87, |
That was last 4th of July grandma's favorite holiday. |
那是去年的国庆节 你奶奶最喜欢的节日 |
0:11:31.62, |
The Plimptons had a barbecue, |
普林朴顿家搞了烧烤 |
0:11:33.17, |
and Gram and I got a little tipsy on ginger margaritas. |
你奶奶和我喝姜汁玛格丽特喝多了 |
0:11:35.82, |
We came home for a catnap |
我们就回家打了个盹 |
0:11:38.09, |
and slept right through the big fireworks show. |
结果错过了那晚的烟花表演 |
0:11:40.48, |
First one she ever missed. |
她头一回错过 |
0:11:42.41, |
Boy, was she mad. |
她当时特别生气 |
0:11:44.20, |
I made it up to her |
我为了补偿她 |
0:11:44.92, |
with a little fireworks show of our own later. |
当天晚些时候特意为她办了一场烟火表演 |
0:11:47.04, |
Grandpa! |
爷爷 |
0:11:48.22, |
A couple of glow sticks and a slingshot in the backyard. |
只是在后院用弹弓发射荧光棒而已 |
0:11:53.14, |
Which led to some pretty memorable lovemaking. |
但接下来的性爱值得我们回味一生 |
0:11:57.26, |
Not to change the subject, |
我不是故意转移话题 |
0:11:59.46, |
but I don't really get the gift grandma left me. |
但我真不懂奶奶送这个给我的意义 |
0:12:01.72, |
Well, didn't she explain it in the note? |
她在信里没解释吗 |
0:12:03.63, |
No. The note's four words. |
没 信里就几个字 |
0:12:07.06, |
You know it opens, right? |
你知道这纸还要展开的吧 |
0:12:09.02, |
It does? |
是吗 |
0:12:10.39, |
Sure. Look, it's Florida. Everything sticks together. |
当然 佛罗里达太潮湿了 东西都黏一块了 |
0:12:17.89, |
It's all so weird. |
真是太诡异了 |
0:12:19.84, |
This thing you dread in the back of your mind |
心里一直害怕面对的事 |
0:12:21.32, |
suddenly becomes real. |
突然就成真了 |
0:12:22.78, |
I know. |
我懂 |
0:12:24.74, |
I feel better having you here, though. |
不过有你在 我感觉好多了 |
0:12:26.35, |
Oh, I'm always here for you. |
我会永远在你身边 |
0:12:28.95, |
Look at that house. |
看那房子 |
0:12:30.27, |
That is a cute house. |
真漂亮啊 |
0:12:31.47, |
I wonder who lives there. |
我想知道谁住这儿 |
0:12:33.47, |
I don't know. |
我不知道 |
0:12:35.73, |
Claire, what are you doing? |
克莱尔 你要干嘛 |
0:12:37.34, |
I love this house. |
我喜欢这房子 |
0:12:38.61, |
I bet you anything I would love whoever lives here. |
我敢肯定不管是谁住这儿 我都会喜欢那人 |
0:12:40.67, |
Wait a minute. |
等等 |
0:12:41.29, |
That lady from my mom's letter lives here,doesn't she? |
我妈信上说的人就住这儿 是吧 |
0:12:43.17, |
Annie Fitzsimmons. |
安妮·菲茨曼斯 |
0:12:44.33, |
Phil, listen to me. |
菲尔 听我说 |
0:12:45.79, |
You may have your reasons for not wanting to do this, |
你也许有理由不想这么做 |
0:12:47.97, |
but your mother was a very wise woman. |
但你母亲是个很英明的女人 |
0:12:50.54, |
She believed that whoever is behind that door |
她相信这扇门背后的那个人 |
0:12:53.02, |
would make your father happy for the rest of his life. |
能让你父亲拥有幸福的余生 |
0:12:57.42, |
Yeah. What can I do for you? |
你们好 有事吗 |
0:12:59.41, |
She's perfect. |
她真"完美" |
0:13:00.89, |
I thought Annie Fitzsimmons lived here. |
我以为安妮·菲茨曼斯住这儿 |
0:13:02.41, |
She does. Annie, honey! |
是的 安妮 亲爱的 |
0:13:04.54, |
There's people here to see ya! |
有人想见你 |
0:13:06.60, |
Hi. Hi. |
你好 你好 |
0:13:08.16, |
Can I help you? |
有事吗 |
0:13:09.90, |
We're selling vacuum cleaners. |
我们是推销吸尘器的 |
0:13:11.31, |
That is strange. |
那可真奇怪 |
0:13:13.05, |
I know. |
我知道 |
0:13:13.57, |
Because just this morning, my vacuum cleaner broke. |
因为我家吸尘器早上正好坏了 |
0:13:16.22, |
That's on me. I shed like a collie. |
都怪我 我的体毛脱落像牧羊犬那么多 |
0:13:19.07, |
Let's see what you got. |
我看看你们的货 |
0:13:19.93, |
Yes, Claire, let's see what you got. |
对啊 克莱尔 来看看你的货 |
0:13:21.99, |
I didn't bring it. |
我没带来 |
0:13:23.08, |
You didn't bring it? No. |
你没带 是的 |
0:13:24.06, |
You had it when we left the vacuum cleaner office. |
我们出门时你还带着的啊 |
0:13:26.55, |
I guess it's fair to say you've made a huge mistake. |
我看这下你要好好认错了 |
0:13:30.19, |
No. Say it. |
不行 要说出来 |
0:13:32.13, |
I'm sorry to do that. It's part of the training. |
我也不想为难她 可这就是培训 |
0:13:34.77, |
I've made a huge mistake. |
我犯了个大错 |
0:13:38.30, |
I don't think she's gonna work out. |
我觉得她是不适合干这行的 |
0:13:45.87, |
That's mahj again! Oh! Well, shocker. |
我又和了 真厉害 |
0:13:48.34, |
That's it. You're cheating. I am not. |
够了 你出老千 我没有 |
0:13:50.48, |
Oh, please! You've stashed more tiles |
得了吧 你藏的牌 |
0:13:52.70, |
than Marilyn has cookies! |
比玛丽莲藏的饼干还多 |
0:13:55.10, |
Ookay. Uh, let's just take a breath. |
好了 大家先歇歇 |
0:13:56.77, |
Who cares about tiles or cookies |
谁在乎麻将牌啊 饼干啊 |
0:13:58.69, |
Or whatever Hattie's slipping into her coffee? |
或者海蒂偷偷往她的咖啡里倒的什东西 |
0:14:00.99, |
I knew you were drinking again! |
我就知道你又开始酗酒了 |
0:14:02.39, |
That's how she lost her license. |
她的驾照就是这么被吊销的 |
0:14:03.51, |
You shut your traps! |
闭上你们的臭嘴 |
0:14:04.99, |
Drop dead! Screw you! |
去死吧 去你的 |
0:14:06.01, |
Yeah, you, too! Ladies. |
你也是 女士们 |
0:14:06.95, |
And you! Ladies. |
你也是 女士们 |
0:14:08.59, |
Stop it! Youstop it. |
别说了 别吵了 |
0:14:10.15, |
You have been friends for 20 years. |
你们都当了20年的闺蜜了 |
0:14:11.93, |
What on earth has gotten into you all? |
你们这是怎么回事啊 |
0:14:15.96, |
Why does drama keep following me everywhere I go? |
为什么我到哪都会碰上极品事呢 |
0:14:19.10, |
It just keeps popping up out of nowhere. |
总是无缘无故就冒一出 |
0:14:21.60, |
like Crispin's hair plugs. |
跟克里斯宾脑袋上冒出来的头发似的 |
0:14:24.25, |
And so we went to your apartment. |
然后我们去了你的公寓 |
0:14:26.67, |
It's still embarrassing. |
到现在我还是觉得很丢人 |
0:14:28.03, |
I told you I had never been with a woman. |
我当时告诉你我从没跟女人做过 |
0:14:30.69, |
And you took me by the hand and you led me into the bedroom. |
你牵着我的手 带我进了卧室 |
0:14:33.37, |
You were so sweet and beautiful. |
你是那么温柔美丽 |
0:14:35.56, |
I thought I'd gone to heaven. |
那一刻我感觉自己到了天堂 |
0:14:37.72, |
Jay pritchett. Yes! Yes! |
杰·普里契特 是我 就是我 |
0:14:40.56, |
I remember that. |
我想起来了 |
0:14:42.71, |
You were so handsome. |
你那会可真帅呀 |
0:14:44.26, |
I don't know about that. |
我可不敢说自己帅 |
0:14:45.06, |
I mean, cute, maybe. |
可能还算讨人喜欢 |
0:14:46.19, |
Ipeople talk about my eyes. |
是常有人夸我的眼睛迷人来着 |
0:14:48.09, |
But I always regretted not getting in touch with you when I got back, |
我一直很后悔回来后没再联系你 |
0:14:52.74, |
Because you had given me something |
因为你带给我的美好回忆 |
0:14:54.19, |
that I cherished for almost 50 years. |
我已经珍惜了差不多50年了 |
0:14:57.83, |
You gave me something, too. |
你也给了我些东西 |
0:15:00.00, |
I did? |
是吗 |
0:15:00.93, |
You wait right there. |
你在这儿乖乖等着 |
0:15:03.26, |
I'm down there for a funeral |
我去那是为了参加一个葬礼 |
0:15:04.69, |
It's such a sad event |
原本是很悲伤的一件事 |
0:15:06.52, |
And I end up finding something that I thought was lost forever. |
我却找到了本以为已经永远失去了的东西 |
0:15:09.59, |
This beautiful moment |
当年那美妙的"小插曲" |
0:15:10.88, |
that meant so much to both of us, |
对我们都有着难以取代的意义 |
0:15:13.03, |
set against the backdrop of fighting commies. |
尤其是在反击越共的时代大背景下 |
0:15:16.18, |
There's your movie. |
简直能拍部电影啊 |
0:15:17.91, |
I remember exactly where I was when you gave it to me. |
我清楚地记得你把这东西给我时我在哪儿 |
0:15:21.96, |
You said, "Wear this bec" |
你当时说"戴上这个手..." |
0:15:23.47, |
No, no. This isn't mine. |
不 这不是我的 |
0:15:25.31, |
And I never went to Jefferson High. |
我从来没上过杰弗逊高中 |
0:15:27.18, |
Oh. My mistake. |
噢 是我搞错了 |
0:15:30.09, |
Here it is. |
是这个 |
0:15:32.04, |
You said, "Pin this" No, no. Nno. |
你当时说"戴上这个..." 不对不对 |
0:15:33.27, |
Never got a medal. |
我从来没得过什么奖牌 |
0:15:35.21, |
And, uh... |
而且... |
0:15:36.83, |
This is the wrong branch of service. |
我参的也不是这支军 |
0:15:39.10, |
Of course. |
当然了 |
0:15:41.06, |
These are th |
这些是... |
0:15:42.09, |
Never wrote. |
从没写过信 |
0:15:45.35, |
Why don't you look through here? |
你要不自己找吧 |
0:15:47.72, |
Turns out she sent more men off to war |
原来她送上战场的军人 |
0:15:47.72, |
[美国第36任总统 不断增兵越南战场] |
0:15:49.48, |
than Lyndon Johnson. |
比林顿·约翰逊还要多 |
0:15:52.77, |
Well, we're here. |
到家了 |
0:15:53.41, |
You wanna try to sell my dad a vacuum? |
你要不要试试向我爸推销个吸尘器 |
0:15:55.19, |
Tease me all you want. |
你就嘲笑我吧 |
0:15:56.31, |
I am glad that we at least tried. |
我很高兴至少我们试过了 |
0:15:57.89, |
I know you mean well, but he's gonna be fine on his own. |
我知道你是好心 但他一个人也会过得很好 |
0:16:00.72, |
So funny. |
太好笑了 |
0:16:02.76, |
Ooh! Here. Try mine, Frank. |
来 尝尝我做的 弗兰克 |
0:16:04.66, |
I bet it's delicious. |
我敢说一定很好吃 |
0:16:06.11, |
If your taste buds are dead. |
除非你味觉挂了 |
0:16:07.59, |
Dead? Real sensitive, Myra. |
挂了 你真会照顾别人的心情 米娜 |
0:16:09.07, |
The woman's not even cold... |
他妻子尸骨都未寒呢 |
0:16:10.12, |
unlike your eggplant parm. |
当然你的奶酪茄子是早凉了 |
0:16:11.61, |
What is going on? |
这演的是哪出 |
0:16:13.08, |
Oh, it's a feeding frenzy. They're all over him. |
鲨鱼群争食呢 你爸爸就是那可怜的食物 |
0:16:15.38, |
They're practically measuring the windows for new drapes. |
她们还量了窗户的尺寸 想换新窗帘呢 |
0:16:17.18, |
It's disgusting. |
真把我恶心坏了 |
0:16:18.20, |
I must get this recipe, Myra. |
你一定要把这个食谱给我 米娜 |
0:16:20.22, |
Oh, sure. |
当然 |
0:16:21.03, |
You want the recipe? It's thaw, heat, and serve. |
你要那食谱吗 解冻 加热 端上来就行了 |
0:16:23.34, |
My mom was right. They're gonna eat him alive. |
我妈妈说得对 她们会把他生吞了 |
0:16:26.37, |
Do you think we can break up |
你觉得我们有能力拆散 |
0:16:27.29, |
Annie fitzsimmons and her boyfriend? |
安妮·菲茨曼斯和她男朋友吗 |
0:16:28.85, |
Boyfriend? |
男朋友 |
0:16:29.74, |
Oh, you mean Marv? Oh, that's hilarious. |
你是说马维 哎呀妈 太好笑了 |
0:16:32.73, |
Marv's her brother, visiting from Pompano. |
马维是她哥哥 从庞帕诺来玩的 |
0:16:34.84, |
he's here for the week, |
他仅仅是过来度周末的 |
0:16:35.68, |
Slept with half the women in this place. |
这地方一半的女人都跟他有一腿 |
0:16:37.73, |
She's single? This is fantastic. |
她现在单身 真是太棒了 |
0:16:39.42, |
Cam, how do you know that? |
小卡 你都是打哪知道的 |
0:16:40.63, |
This place is lousy with gossips. |
这地方的八卦简直满天飞 |
0:16:44.07, |
Next. Gloria Delgado? |
下一个 歌洛莉亚·迪尔加多 |
0:16:45.94, |
I'm here! |
我在这儿 |
0:16:46.87, |
Conspiring to promote prostitution. How do you plead? |
协同卖淫罪 你打算怎么辩护 |
0:16:50.32, |
Not guilty, your honor. Oh, good. It's you. |
无罪 法官大人 老天 又是你 |
0:16:53.13, |
Your Majesty, I didn't do anything wrong. |
陛下 我什么坏事都没干 |
0:16:56.13, |
But I will say that I am guilty |
但我愿意认罪 |
0:16:58.02, |
if I can just pay the fine and go home. |
如果交了罚金就能让我回家的话 |
0:17:00.39, |
No, you won't. |
不 你不能 |
0:17:01.49, |
You're innocent, and I can prove it. |
你是清白的 我能证明这点 |
0:17:03.15, |
Your honor, this document here shows |
法官大人 这份文件表明 |
0:17:05.47, |
that my client was a resident of California at the time. |
我的当事人当时正住在加利福尼亚 |
0:17:08.30, |
And these canceled checks prove |
这些已兑支票表明 |
0:17:10.05, |
that she was legally subletting the apartment in question. |
她合法转租了本案所指的那套公寓 |
0:17:13.20, |
I might be a simple man, but I do know one thing... |
我这人挺单纯的 但我知道一件事 |
0:17:16.31, |
if a dog don't bark |
如果狗不吠 |
0:17:17.72, |
Okay, I can't listen to him anymore. |
够了 我再也不想听他扯犊子了 |
0:17:19.57, |
Case dismissed. Court adjourned. |
此案驳回 休庭 |
0:17:22.83, |
Gracias, Mitchell! You're wonderful! |
谢谢你 米奇尔 你太厉害了 |
0:17:26.23, |
You know what? We got lucky |
其实 算我们走运 |
0:17:27.53, |
because I had no ending to that dog thing. |
狗不吠那句我都不知道怎么往下接 |
0:17:29.78, |
If you don't have anything to do next week, |
如果你下周不忙的话 |
0:17:31.56, |
maybe you can go with me to Texas. |
也许可以陪我去趟德州 |
0:17:36.17, |
Hello again. |
再次打扰 |
0:17:36.91, |
Oh, no. You're alone. |
不是吧 你一个人 |
0:17:38.99, |
Did you fire that nice girl? |
你炒掉了那个可爱姑娘吗 |
0:17:40.89, |
No. She's not a nice girl. She's my wife. |
不 她不是什么可爱姑娘 她是我老婆 |
0:17:43.43, |
And we don't sell vacuums. |
我们也不是卖吸尘器的 |
0:17:44.95, |
Thank god. You'd starve. |
谢天谢地 否则你们会饿死的 |
0:17:48.19, |
III'm actually Phil Dunphy. |
其实我是菲尔·邓菲 |
0:17:50.04, |
II'm Frank and Grace Dunphy's son. |
我是弗兰克和格蕾丝·邓菲的儿子 |
0:17:52.01, |
Oh, I heard about your mom. I'mI'm so sorry. |
我听说了你母亲去世的事 太遗憾了 |
0:17:54.88, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
0:17:55.75, |
I only met her a few times, |
我只见过她几次 |
0:17:57.58, |
but she seemed like a lovely woman. |
但她看起来是个非常好的人 |
0:18:01.17, |
but I'm still confused. |
但我还是不太明白你的来意 |
0:18:03.19, |
Well, this probably won't help, but, um... |
也许我的解释只会令你更困惑 但是 |
0:18:08.02, |
Her last request was for me to fix you up with my dad. |
她的遗愿就是叫我撮合你和我爸 |
0:18:13.27, |
Oh, my. |
我的天 |
0:18:14.51, |
Yeah. I really wish I sold vacuums. |
是啊 我真希望自己是卖吸尘器的 |
0:18:17.40, |
So earlier... |
所以之前 |
0:18:18.89, |
We were thrown when your brother answered the door. |
我们看到你哥哥来开门 十分震惊 |
0:18:20.81, |
We thought he was your boyfriend. |
我们以为他是你的男友 |
0:18:23.03, |
I don't know what to say. |
我不知道说什么好 |
0:18:24.84, |
Really? This is such aa normal request I'm making. |
是吗 我这个要求再正常不过了 |
0:18:28.22, |
Please, by the way, don't feel pressured at all. |
顺便说下 请不要感觉有任何压力 |
0:18:30.84, |
My dad doesn't even know about this. |
我爸根本不知道这件事 |
0:18:32.86, |
II justI had to tell you. It's what she wanted. |
但我必须告诉你 这是我母亲的遗愿 |
0:18:36.13, |
She was always doing crazy stuff like this... |
她总是会做这样疯狂的事 |
0:18:38.34, |
going out of her way to take care of us. |
不遗余力地照顾我们 |
0:18:42.91, |
I coughed on the phone once, |
有次我在电话里咳嗽 |
0:18:44.22, |
and she overnighted me soup. |
她就熬汤连夜快递给我 |
0:18:46.23, |
When I wanted to learn how to ski, she knit me a sweater. |
我想学滑雪 她就给我织毛衣 |
0:18:50.31, |
When I wanted to be a marine biologist, |
我想做海洋生物学家 |
0:18:51.79, |
she knit me a sweater with a whale on it. |
她就给我织了件鲸鱼图案的毛衣 |
0:18:56.57, |
Who does that? |
谁会这样做啊 |
0:18:59.70, |
That's just the kind of person she is. |
她就是这样的人 |
0:19:01.95, |
Was. |
生前是 |
0:19:03.27, |
Oh, sweetie. |
亲爱的 |
0:19:06.51, |
You're a good son. |
你是个好儿子 |
0:19:10.01, |
She was right. You are very nice. |
她说的对 你是个非常好的人 |
0:19:24.12, |
It's a beautiful service. |
仪式太感人了 |
0:19:25.19, |
It really makes you think about how you wanna live your life. |
让人思考要如何度过这一生 |
0:19:28.73, |
I wanna quit my job and get back into the courtroom. |
我想辞职 重返法庭 |
0:19:30.85, |
What? |
什么 |
0:19:31.95, |
Justjust don't say anything to anyone. |
先别对任何人说起这事 |
0:19:33.64, |
Well, who am I gonna tell? |
我能告诉谁啊 |
0:19:37.05, |
Thank you, Mel. |
谢谢 梅尔 |
0:19:38.80, |
That was beautiful. |
你吹奏得很美 |
0:19:43.35, |
Um, before we say good night, |
在我们道晚安前 |
0:19:44.94, |
my daughter Alex would like to pay tribute. |
我女儿艾丽克斯想致以悼念 |
0:19:51.01, |
Thanks, sweetie. |
谢谢 宝贝 |
0:19:59.06, |
My grandmother and I had a very special bond. |
奶奶和我有着特殊的感情纽带 |
0:20:01.85, |
Seriously? Again? |
不是吧 又来 |
0:20:03.57, |
This may not make sense to everyone, |
也许大家不理解 |
0:20:06.01, |
but I'm pretty sure she would've loved it. |
但我肯定 奶奶会喜欢的 |
0:20:19.91, |
This is a lighter. |
这是一个打火机 |
0:20:22.07, |
It belonged to my favorite actor, Paul Newman. |
原本属于我最喜欢的演员 保罗·纽曼 |
0:20:25.04, |
One day, he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing |
有一天 他来我做服务员的餐厅就餐 |
0:20:27.45, |
and accidentally left it behind. |
不小心落下了 |
0:20:29.67, |
For the first time in my life, |
我这辈子第一次 |
0:20:31.65, |
I did something I wasn't supposed to |
做了不应该做的事 |
0:20:33.24, |
and slipped it into my pocket. |
将之据为己有 |
0:20:35.82, |
One of the customers saw |
有一位客人看到了 |
0:20:37.24, |
and said, 'don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.' |
说 "别担心 我会帮你保守秘密" |
0:20:40.29, |
That customer turned out to be the love of my life, |
那位客人后来成为了我的毕生挚爱 |
0:20:43.26, |
your grandfather. |
你的爷爷 |
0:20:44.86, |
So, my Alex, who I love so dearly, |
所以 我最爱的艾丽克斯 |
0:20:47.30, |
who is probably too much like me for her own good, |
可能你太像我了 虽然这也挺好 |
0:20:50.51, |
every once in a while, |
但偶尔的 |
0:20:51.79, |
don't be afraid to break the rules. |
不要害怕打破常规 |
0:20:54.66, |
You never know what can happen." |
你永远不知道会发生什么好事 |
0:21:01.43, |
How 'bout this weather? |
天气怎么样 |
0:21:03.16, |
Yep. They say it's supposed to rain. |
还行 他们说要下雨了 |
0:21:05.84, |
We need it. |
确实需要来场雨 |
0:21:07.00, |
Muriel. |
穆丽尔 |
0:21:08.83, |
Are you two packed up and ready to go? |
你们两个收拾好准备走了吗 |
0:21:10.93, |
Yep. |
是的 |
0:21:13.16, |
Where does the time go? |
时间怎么过得这么快 |
0:21:14.63, |
Darned if I know. |
鬼才知道 |
0:21:16.23, |
Everyone's always in such a hurry. |
大家总是匆匆忙忙的 |
0:21:18.24, |
And why? We're all gonna end up in the same place. |
何必如此 我们最后的归宿还不都一样 |
0:21:22.41, |
Well, I guess we better mosey. |
我觉得我们还是走吧 |