0:00:03.00, |
Okay, hold still, honey. |
好了 别动 宝贝 |
0:00:04.44, |
I'm afraid you're going to hit me again. |
我怕你又打到我身上 |
0:00:06.50, |
Don't worry. I'm just putting this time. |
别担心 我这次只练推杆 |
0:00:08.29, |
I'm not the strongest golfer, |
我不是最厉害的高尔夫球手 |
0:00:09.78, |
and I think it's holding me back in business. |
我觉得那拖累了我的生意 |
0:00:12.20, |
Too bad deals aren't closed in a trampoline park. |
真遗憾卖房合同不是在蹦床公园谈成的 |
0:00:14.17, |
[鲁道尔夫 哥特夫斯均为蹦床动作名称] |
0:00:14.39, |
I'd just lazy-back into a Rudolph |
我可以先屈体做一个鲁道尔夫 |
0:00:16.17, |
into a quadriffus right up the corporate ladder. |
然后做个哥特夫斯 在公司一步高升 |
0:00:21.55, |
Hey, dad, you coming to my play tonight? |
老爸 你今晚要来看我的歌剧吗 |
0:00:23.35, |
Your Play? You only painted the sets. |
你的歌剧 你不过是个画布景的 |
0:00:25.28, |
Yeah, and Michelangelo "Only" painted the Sixteenth Chapel. |
是啊 米开朗奇罗也不过画了西斯廷教堂 |
0:00:29.18, |
Maybe don't keep your face so close to the paint cans. |
或许你不该把脸凑得离油漆罐太近[毒晕] |
0:00:31.48, |
Sorry, buddy, I'm getting a golf lesson |
抱歉 伙计 我要上高尔夫课 |
0:00:32.89, |
and then I'm playing with a client, |
然后得和一位客户打球 |
0:00:33.95, |
But I'll try to make your next performance. |
但你下次表演我会尽力去看的 |
0:00:37.11, |
-Phil! - Little busy. |
菲尔-小忙哦 |
0:00:38.51, |
Oh, you always do this. |
你总是这样 |
0:00:39.50, |
You cram stuff in the freezer without thinking about it. |
完全不动脑子就把东西塞进冰箱里 |
0:00:42.12, |
I opened the door, and a frozen turkey almost fell on my foot. |
我一打开门 冰冻的火鸡差点砸我脚上 |
0:00:44.89, |
I keep pulling it to the left. |
我老是打得偏左 |
0:00:45.98, |
Are we sure the house is level? |
你确定这房子是水平的吗 |
0:00:47.32, |
Are you not the least bit sorry? |
你一点都不感到抱歉吗 |
0:00:48.97, |
I could have broken a toe. |
我的脚趾头差点断了 |
0:00:50.27, |
Honey, I'm sorry for dozens of things |
亲爱的 我每天都要为一堆 |
0:00:52.14, |
every day that actually happen. |
实际发生的事情道歉 |
0:00:53.73, |
If I start apologizing for things that don't happen, |
如果我连没发生的事情都要道歉 |
0:00:55.75, |
how productive of a person would I be? |
我还能干成什么事儿啊 |
0:00:57.88, |
Hey, your golf pro's here! |
你的高尔夫教授来了 |
0:01:00.29, |
- Hola, hola. - Hello, everybody! |
大家好啊-大家好啊 |
0:01:03.50, |
Thanks so much for the quick lesson, Jay. |
非常感谢你来给我上速成课 杰 |
0:01:06.11, |
Just think of me as a blob of clay, |
把我当作一块粘土 |
0:01:07.74, |
waiting for your experienced hands |
静候你那经验丰富的双手 |
0:01:09.62, |
to caress and coax me-- |
来爱抚 雕琢 |
0:01:11.31, |
First rule of golf-- shh. |
高尔夫第一法则 别废话 |
0:01:13.23, |
Okay.-Good. |
好吧-很好 |
0:01:14.49, |
If you're going to be a grump all day, |
如果你打算这么臭脾气一整天 |
0:01:16.41, |
why did you even say that you were going to teach him? |
当初为什么要答应来教他 |
0:01:18.24, |
Because he's how my grandkids get food. |
因为我那些外孙就靠他吃饭了 |
0:01:20.45, |
There he is. |
他在这啊 |
0:01:21.75, |
Ay, thank you so much for taking care of the baby. |
太感谢你答应照顾宝宝了 |
0:01:24.28, |
Cam has me running all kinds of errands for the play. |
小卡让我帮他的歌剧打杂 |
0:01:27.55, |
Yeah, well, you gotta keep your eye on the caller I.D. |
是吗 那你得时刻注意来电显示了 |
0:01:29.79, |
I have to go to the dry cleaners to pick up the costumes... |
我得去干洗店拿戏服 |
0:01:32.43, |
Then I have to go get the dry ice for the fog machine. |
然后去拿干冰用来造雾 |
0:01:35.30, |
And maybe I'll go get Cam some flowers. |
可能还得给小卡买些花 |
0:01:37.38, |
Oh, Alex can help you with all that. |
艾丽克斯可以帮你 |
0:01:39.16, |
Oh, perfect. Okay, let's go. |
太棒了 好了 走吧 |
0:01:40.62, |
We can't be late, |
我们不能迟到 |
0:01:41.32, |
or there won't be any dry ice in the house. |
不然可就没有干冰 只能泪流满面了 |
0:01:41.32, |
[音似:No dry eyes in the house |
形容众人都为某事垂泪 没有一人眼睛是干的] |
0:01:44.28, |
- Good one. - What? |
说得不错-什么 |
0:01:45.51, |
You guys have fun. Go on. Nothing to worry about. |
你们都去好好玩吧 去吧 别担心 |
0:01:47.90, |
I got it handled here. |
我这里没问题 |
0:01:48.72, |
Be careful. |
小心点 |
0:01:49.66, |
Don't worry, just keep your mouth open. |
别担心 嘴巴张着就行 |
0:01:53.25, |
We're fine. It's fine. |
没事 真的没事 |
0:02:04.69, |
第四季 第十四集 |
0:02:08.80, |
Okay, can I have everyone's attention, please? |
好了 大家能静一静听我说吗 |
0:02:11.52, |
Reuben? Hit me with a spot. |
罗本 我这里打个灯光 |
0:02:13.85, |
That's a little harsh. Throw a pink gel on that. |
太刺眼了 放个粉色滤光板上去 |
0:02:16.04, |
That's great. Perfect. |
太棒了 很好 |
0:02:17.23, |
All right, I will be recording today's rehearsal, |
好了 我会录下今天的排练 |
0:02:20.16, |
but don't let that make you self-conscious. |
但你们别在镜头前感觉不自在 |
0:02:22.50, |
I'm only using it to pinpoint your mistakes. |
我只会用这个来指出你们的错误 |
0:02:24.85, |
Secondly, I have granted full set access |
第二 我让全体剧组成员 |
0:02:27.66, |
to Maureen Schick, |
都能见到莫琳·希克 |
0:02:28.68, |
who will be reviewing your show tonight. |
她今晚将来看你们的表演 |
0:02:30.73, |
Uh-oh, she's vicious. |
完了 她很恶毒的 |
0:02:32.11, |
Our last music teacher, Mr. Namagachi, |
我们的前任音乐老师纳玛奇先生 |
0:02:34.43, |
never recovered from her article, "Anything blows." |
读了她的文章《烂得一团糟》 心碎难平 |
0:02:36.95, |
But in fairness, I saw that production, |
但公平地说 我看过那场表演 |
0:02:38.70, |
and the lead soprano was an absolute disaster. |
女高音主角绝对是灾难 |
0:02:42.03, |
No offense, Sophie. |
无意冒犯 苏菲 |
0:02:43.14, |
You've blossomed since then, sweetie, okay? |
你从那以后就全面绽放了 亲爱的 |
0:02:45.18, |
No batteries in her mic, okay? Great. |
不要给她的麦克风装电池 好吗 很好 |
0:02:46.92, |
And lastly, Marcus Talbot. |
最后 马库斯·塔伯特 |
0:02:48.82, |
Guys, he's feeling a little under the weather. |
伙计们 他感觉不太舒服 |
0:02:51.19, |
Fear not. He's home resting his instrument, |
不要怕 他在家养精蓄"嗓"呢 |
0:02:53.51, |
and he will be ready for the show tonight. |
他今晚还是能登台表演 |
0:02:55.52, |
But I will need a phantom for this rehearsal. |
但现在需要一个替身来排练 |
0:02:57.26, |
So, anyone... |
所以 谁上 |
0:02:58.49, |
I guess I could help. |
我想我能试试 |
0:03:00.42, |
I don't know how Marcus ever got the lead. |
我不知道马库斯是怎么当上主角的 |
0:03:02.38, |
But I know how he got sick-- |
但我知道他是怎么生病的 |
0:03:03.60, |
from chewing all that scenery. |
就因为他那矫揉造作的恶心表演 |
0:03:05.58, |
This was my chance to earn it back |
现在是我从那个虚伪的冒牌货手中 |
0:03:07.09, |
from that insincere phony. |
夺回主角的机会 |
0:03:08.54, |
But first, a silent prayer for our fallen captain marcus. |
但首先 先为可怜的马库斯做个默祷吧 |
0:03:12.04, |
Godspeed, old friend. |
祝好运 老朋友 |
0:03:15.20, |
This is boring. Is he dead? |
好无聊啊 他死了吗 |
0:03:17.55, |
No, he's not dead. He's just sleeping. |
没有 他没死 他在睡觉呢 |
0:03:19.96, |
Babies need to sleep a lot |
婴儿需要很多睡眠 |
0:03:20.89, |
so they grow bigger and stronger and smarter. |
才能长得更大 更强壮 更聪明 |
0:03:23.47, |
Hey, Mrs. D. Hey, Lucy. |
邓太太好 露西你好啊 |
0:03:25.43, |
Every time. |
每次都叫错 |
0:03:27.67, |
Well, that's a nice shirt. |
T恤不错嘛 |
0:03:28.99, |
Thanks. I designed it myself. |
谢谢 我自己设计的 |
0:03:30.72, |
It's my best seller. |
是最畅销的一款 |
0:03:32.00, |
I'm so jealous you know what you want to do with your life. |
我真嫉妒你的生活如此有目标 |
0:03:34.36, |
I wish I was inspired like you. |
我要是想你一样志向远大就好了 |
0:03:36.44, |
Or, you know, aim higher. |
或者 目标更高远一些 |
0:03:39.22, |
Open yourself up to some new experiences |
你得去体验些新鲜事物 |
0:03:40.78, |
and find out what-- |
然后发现什么 |
0:03:42.25, |
- Oh, my g-- - are you okay? |
我的天-你还好吗 |
0:03:43.84, |
Fine. Just... |
没事 只是 |
0:03:45.00, |
slipped on one of your father's stupid golf balls. |
又踩到你爸该死的高尔夫球了 |
0:03:46.88, |
Good, you woke him up. |
很好 你吵醒他了 |
0:03:48.64, |
Maybe he's hungry. I just fed him, |
他可能是饿了 我刚刚喂了他 |
0:03:50.21, |
but I don't think bottles can live up to the real thing. |
但我觉得奶粉总是比不上母乳 |
0:03:52.32, |
Maybe I can calm him down. |
也许我能让他安静下来 |
0:03:54.11, |
Oh, that's very sweet of you, but he's super fussy today. |
你真贴心 但他今天超级烦躁 |
0:03:56.61, |
And when babies are fussy, they--they... |
宝宝一旦烦躁 他们 他们 |
0:04:00.71, |
Yeah, I'm good with babies. |
对啊 我超擅长哄宝宝的 |
0:04:02.67, |
You should see him play peek-a-boo. He's amazing. |
你应该看他玩躲猫猫 他超级厉害 |
0:04:05.34, |
No. I'm good. |
没有啦 只是不错而已 |
0:04:06.98, |
I know a guy in Chicago-- he's amazing. |
我认识一个芝加哥的家伙 他才厉害 |
0:04:12.50, |
Dang it! |
该死 |
0:04:13.82, |
Are you kiddin' me? That divot flew out of there like a rocket. |
开什么玩笑 草皮像火箭一样飞出去了 |
0:04:17.31, |
I decided to go gentle with Phil, |
我决定对菲尔友好些 |
0:04:19.49, |
which didn't come easy to me, |
那对我来说不容易 |
0:04:20.59, |
because I've always been a bit of a drill sergeant |
因为一旦涉及运动 |
0:04:22.20, |
when it comes to sports. |
我就变得像操练军士一样严格 |
0:04:24.21, |
And with the new baby, |
但对于新宝宝 |
0:04:25.11, |
Gloria's been buggin' me to have more patience. |
歌洛莉亚总是埋怨我不够耐心 |
0:04:26.89, |
But come on. He's been alive a month. |
拜托 他都好好存活一个月了 |
0:04:28.71, |
How hard is it to support your own head? |
支撑着小脑袋不掉能有多难 |
0:04:32.43, |
What the hell? |
搞什么鬼 |
0:04:34.83, |
Hello, boys. |
好啊 小伙子们 |
0:04:35.94, |
What a sweet ride, Pepper. |
车不错啊 胡娇 |
0:04:37.75, |
What are you guys doing here? |
你们在这里干嘛 |
0:04:38.96, |
I've been golfing for a few weeks. |
我已经练习高尔夫几周的时间了 |
0:04:41.06, |
Pepper's been teaching me. |
胡娇一直在教我 |
0:04:42.43, |
I grew up golfing with my father, |
我从小就和我父亲一起打高尔夫 |
0:04:44.38, |
the great Chaim Saltzman. |
伟大的海亚姆·萨尔茨曼 |
0:04:46.90, |
Or as he was known around the clubhouse, |
他在俱乐部广为人知的名字就是 |
0:04:48.34, |
Chad Treadwell. |
查德·特德维尔 |
0:04:49.38, |
Well, we should play together as a foursome. |
我们该来一个"四人行" |
0:04:51.43, |
First time that word's creeped me out, but okay. |
我第一次被这词吓着了 不过好吧 |
0:04:53.55, |
Care to make it interesting? |
你介意我增加点趣味吗 |
0:04:54.48, |
I think your pants have already done that. |
我觉得你的裤子已经很够"趣味"了 |
0:04:56.00, |
How 'bout a hundred bucks? |
赌100美元怎么样 |
0:04:57.28, |
Me and Phil will play you and Mitch. |
我和菲尔对阵[玩弄]你和米奇 |
0:04:58.67, |
Fun. Mitchell, care to go first? |
行啊 米奇尔 你先上好吗 |
0:05:00.41, |
Oh, I... |
我... |
0:05:01.64, |
Okay. Yeah. I'll-- I'll give it a whirl. |
好的 我 我挥一个试试 |
0:05:03.57, |
Running into my dad was no accident. |
碰上我爸绝非偶然 |
0:05:06.03, |
I wasn't the best athlete growing up, |
我天生就不擅长体育运动 |
0:05:08.00, |
and my dad never missed an opportunity |
而我爸绝不会错过任何一次 |
0:05:09.90, |
to point that out. |
指出这一点的机会 |
0:05:11.19, |
Nice throw, Nancy! |
扔的不错 南茜 |
0:05:14.13, |
Nancy was our neighbor. |
南茜是我们的邻居 |
0:05:15.29, |
I could never throw as well as she could. |
我扔球永远不如她 |
0:05:17.18, |
I'd pretty much given up on beating my dad at anything |
我几乎放弃了在任何事上打败我爸的想法 |
0:05:19.67, |
until Pepper dragged me to a golf course one day. |
直到某天 胡娇把我拉到高尔夫球场 |
0:05:22.00, |
Turns out I wasn't half bad. |
事实表明 我打得很好 |
0:05:25.15, |
Six months' practice later, |
经过六个月的练习 |
0:05:26.41, |
I was ready to kick my dad's ass. |
我已经准备好打败我爸 |
0:05:28.36, |
I knew just how I was gonna do it, too. |
我都想好了打败他的过程 |
0:05:30.75, |
I'd walk up to the tee all nervous, |
我会很紧张地走到球座旁 |
0:05:33.41, |
do a few clumsy practice swings, |
笨拙地练习几下挥杆 |
0:05:36.06, |
and then I'd hit that ball dead center, |
然后直击球的中部 |
0:05:38.24, |
watch it arc through the sky, land on the green, |
目送它划过天际 直落在草坪之上 |
0:05:40.94, |
and totally wow my dad. |
让我爸赞叹地喊出"哇" |
0:05:43.31, |
Oh, no. |
噢不 |
0:05:47.28, |
Wow. |
哇 |
0:05:48.72, |
*It's over now, the music of the night |
夜的乐章 已经结束* |
0:05:57.00, |
Okay. Great job, everyone. |
好的 做得好 所有人 |
0:05:58.66, |
Thank you. But it was really everyone. |
谢谢你 但真是靠所有人的共同努力 |
0:06:00.68, |
Give yourself a round. |
为自己喝彩吧 |
0:06:03.55, |
Oh, Marcus's mom. Shh. |
马库斯的母亲 嘘 |
0:06:05.09, |
Fingers crossed. |
祈求好运吧 |
0:06:08.57, |
Why is it taking you so long? |
你怎么还没干完 |
0:06:10.23, |
How hard is it to paint a wall? |
漆个墙面能有多难 |
0:06:11.71, |
A lot harder than your so-called singing. |
可比你们所谓的演唱难多了 |
0:06:13.82, |
At least this is supposed to be flat. |
至少墙漆出来就该是平的[音不准] |
0:06:15.98, |
I once saw a monkey paint a wall. |
我以前看过猴子漆墙 |
0:06:17.58, |
Yeah? Did you say, "Good job, mom"? |
是吗 那你有没有说 "干得好 妈妈" |
0:06:20.46, |
Mono? But he's my lead. |
单核血球增多症 可他是我的主角 |
0:06:22.91, |
My career depends upon this. |
我的事业全靠这部剧了 |
0:06:24.95, |
The district is this close to cutting my funding, |
区政府差这么一点儿就要削减我的经费了 |
0:06:27.14, |
and my fingers are very close together right now. |
我的两根手指现在比划得很靠近 |
0:06:28.92, |
- *Nighttime* - Just let me talk to Marcus. |
-*夜晚* -让我和马库斯谈谈 |
0:06:30.46, |
- *Sharpens* -he would never turn his back on this company. |
-*加剧* -他绝不会背弃这些同伴的 |
0:06:32.47, |
We are like family here. |
我们就像一家人一样 |
0:06:34.32, |
*Stirs imagination |
让人浮想联翩* |
0:06:38.06, |
I'm sorry. We're going another way. |
不好意思 我们另想办法 |
0:06:39.39, |
*Silently the senses |
感官悄无声息* |
0:06:43.51, |
*Abandon their defenses |
放下它的防备* |
0:06:56.73, |
Any news about Marcus? |
马库斯有什么消息吗 |
0:06:58.07, |
- Why are you whispering? - Saving my voice, just in case. |
你为什么小声说话-保护嗓子以防万一 |
0:07:00.49, |
Oh. Well, marcus is out. |
马库斯已经出局了 |
0:07:01.98, |
But luckily, I found an even better phantom right here. |
幸运的是我在这里找到了一位更出色的魅影 |
0:07:05.22, |
I wouldn't say better, but since you did... |
我不会说自己更好 不过既然你说了... |
0:07:07.16, |
Luke. I was just about to ask him. |
卢克 我正要去问他 |
0:07:08.91, |
=-Luke?-He knows the show, |
卢克-他了解剧情 |
0:07:10.07, |
he sings like a nightingale, |
他唱得如夜莺般动人 |
0:07:11.84, |
and he has a certain theatrical madness in his eyes |
而且他眼中有一种对戏剧的疯狂 |
0:07:14.17, |
you cannot teach. |
那是教不来的 |
0:07:15.07, |
That's just from all the paint. |
那是油漆造成的吧 |
0:07:16.18, |
Oh. Uh, Luke? |
卢克 |
0:07:17.19, |
Stop it. Are you trying to spook him? |
停下 你难道想吓到他吗 |
0:07:18.90, |
What are you talking about? |
你在说什么呢 |
0:07:19.87, |
He's already intimidated by you after you criticized his sets. |
你批评完他画的布景 他就已经被你吓到了 |
0:07:22.64, |
Oh, please. I could not be the only person |
拜托 不会只有我一个人觉得 |
0:07:24.45, |
that found his unicorns distracting. |
他画的独角兽会让人分神吧 |
0:07:26.46, |
Let me talk to him first. |
让我先跟他说吧 |
0:07:28.24, |
If I can't get the job done, then you step in... |
要是我说服不了他 你再来 |
0:07:31.26, |
Kind of like the way an understudy |
现在的情况有点像替补演员 |
0:07:32.33, |
would traditionally take over when the lead finds himself-- |
在主演出状况时候挺身而出什么的 |
0:07:34.69, |
Yeah. Just do it. |
行了 去吧 |
0:07:36.60, |
Hey there, luke. Or should I say, phantom? |
卢克 或者我应该叫你 魅影 |
0:07:39.51, |
You wanna get to the point? |
你有话直说好吗 |
0:07:40.30, |
cause I'm kind of on a schedule, |
因为我还有事要忙 |
0:07:41.87, |
and this paint keeps making me fall down. |
而且那油漆味总让我闻着摔倒 |
0:07:44.49, |
Marcus is out, and Cam wants you to take over. |
马库斯出局了 小卡希望由你顶替他 |
0:07:46.55, |
Really? Well, I do know all the songs. |
真的吗 所有的歌曲我还真都会 |
0:07:49.75, |
Stop trying to talk yourself out of it. You're doing it. |
不要试图让自己放弃 你一定要做 |
0:07:51.63, |
It's only for two nights. |
只不过两晚而已 |
0:07:53.38, |
You're doing it again, looking at the negatives. |
你又来了 只知道看消极因素 |
0:07:55.94, |
Look at the bright side. What if you don't screw up, |
看好的方面 万一你没有搞砸 |
0:07:58.86, |
humiliate yourself, and get mocked forever? |
没有丢脸 或是被永远嘲笑 |
0:08:00.89, |
- I'd get mocked? - Only by the cool kids. |
我会被人嘲笑吗-只是被那些酷小孩而已 |
0:08:03.23, |
But who needs them? |
不过谁需要他们 |
0:08:04.30, |
You're one of us now. |
你现在已经属于我们的队伍了 |
0:08:06.20, |
The theater geeks. |
歌剧奇客 |
0:08:10.15, |
*Vermont is snowy |
佛蒙特州雪满天* |
0:08:11.69, |
*Las vegas is showy |
拉斯维加斯太耀眼* |
0:08:13.67, |
*And those are the capitals I remember |
那就是我记得的大城市* |
0:08:19.05, |
what if this had been at the top of the stairs? |
如果这个放在楼梯最上一阶会怎样 |
0:08:21.18, |
I mean, I really could have gotten hurt, right? |
我一定会伤得很严重 对吧 |
0:08:23.46, |
Uh-huh. Lily, I made you lunch. |
对 莉莉 我给你做了午饭 |
0:08:25.45, |
Peanut butter. My favorite. |
花生酱 我的最爱 |
0:08:27.08, |
It's just hard to believe |
真难让人相信 |
0:08:27.89, |
that somebody could be so oblivious |
居然有人会对如此显眼的 |
0:08:29.89, |
to a situation that is clearly dangerous. |
安全隐患视而不见 |
0:08:32.25, |
Look at us. We're like a little family. |
看看我们 我们就像一个小家庭 |
0:08:35.01, |
I know. |
我知道 |
0:08:36.32, |
- We're the parents. - I know! |
我们是一对家长-我知道 |
0:08:38.64, |
I know what his response would be-- |
我知道他的反应一定是 |
0:08:41.01, |
But you're fine. Why you getting all bent out of shape? |
可你又没什么事 为什么要大发雷霆 |
0:08:43.46, |
But what if I wasn't fine? |
不过万一我出了什么事呢 |
0:08:45.32, |
What if he walked through the door, |
万一他一进家门 |
0:08:46.21, |
And he thought he had created a horrible accident? |
就以为自己制造了一场可怕的事故呢 |
0:08:49.48, |
Oh, this is so fun. |
这可太好玩了 |
0:08:51.87, |
Good. She's gone. |
太好了 她走了 |
0:08:53.31, |
Grab your camera. |
拿你的相机来 |
0:08:54.33, |
I'm gonna make his little hand flip us off again. |
我要再让他竖个小中指 |
0:08:58.32, |
No, it's not just me. |
不 不只我一个人 |
0:08:59.55, |
Three mothers are giving the party, |
三位妈妈一起办的这个派对 |
0:09:01.00, |
and we need all our names in the card-- |
我们的名字都要在卡片上 |
0:09:03.01, |
Gloria Pritchett, Sara Leonard, Dee Cho... |
歌洛莉亚·普里契特 莎拉·莱纳德 迪·乔 |
0:09:07.03, |
What do you mean that there's no more room? |
什么叫没地方写了 |
0:09:08.34, |
Dee Cho must go on. |
迪·乔必须写上去 |
0:09:09.98, |
Okay, come on. That one had to be on purpose. |
得了吧 那家伙显然是故意的 |
0:09:12.06, |
Okay, we'll be there then. |
好吧 那我们等会到 |
0:09:14.48, |
They won't be ready until one more hour. |
他们还要一个小时才能做好 |
0:09:17.46, |
You maybe wanna take a shift carrying this dry ice? |
要不要换你来拿干冰 |
0:09:19.53, |
No, I just had a baby. |
不要 我刚生完宝宝 |
0:09:20.99, |
I've watched you carry Manny to bed. |
我都看到你把曼尼扛上床了 |
0:09:23.42, |
I know what we can do to kill time. |
我知道我们要怎么打发时间了 |
0:09:24.73, |
My psychic is around the corner. |
我的灵媒就住拐角那里 |
0:09:26.83, |
Please tell me you just said "sidekick." |
求你告诉我你刚说的是"密友" |
0:09:29.10, |
I used to think that I knew everything, too. |
曾经我也以为我是无所不知的 |
0:09:32.01, |
We're going for a reading. |
我们去算个命吧 |
0:09:33.05, |
I'll let her know that we're coming. |
我先通知她我们马上就到 |
0:09:37.02, |
You have got to be kidding me. |
你逗我玩儿吧 |
0:09:39.06, |
I'm trying to remember the telephone number. |
我是在想电话号码是多少 |
0:09:43.24, |
What is happening to me? |
我是怎么回事 |
0:09:45.08, |
All right, what are we, 3 strokes down now? |
好吧 我们输了3杆了吗 |
0:09:47.61, |
I think someone needs a Pepper talk. |
我觉得某人需要听听"胡言娇语" |
0:09:52.62, |
How is that a Pepper talk? |
那怎么算是"胡言娇语" |
0:09:53.96, |
You need to get angry. Play aggressive. |
你得愤怒起来 野蛮一点 |
0:09:56.07, |
That man's been mitch-slapping you and your entire life. |
那男人几乎扇了你一辈子的耳光 |
0:09:58.55, |
I know, but... he's being so nice to Phil, |
我知道 但是 他现在对菲尔真好 |
0:10:01.63, |
and Phil is way worse than I ever was. |
而菲尔可比我糟糕多了 |
0:10:04.05, |
I don't know. |
我不知道 |
0:10:05.77, |
Maybe he's not the unsympathetic jerk he used to be. |
也许他不是曾经那个没有同情心的混球了 |
0:10:08.37, |
Okay, so you got off to a rough start. |
好吧 你刚刚开局不利 |
0:10:11.13, |
Let's simplify. |
简要地说 |
0:10:12.18, |
On this shot, I want you to just concentrate |
在这一球 我要你把注意力集中在 |
0:10:15.12, |
on bending your knees. |
弯曲膝盖上 |
0:10:16.82, |
- You got it? - Bend my knees. |
懂了吗-弯曲膝盖 |
0:10:19.45, |
Bend my-- |
弯曲-- |
0:10:20.17, |
Dang it! Straighten my knees. |
见鬼 伸直膝盖 |
0:10:21.83, |
Son of a bitch, you're a hopeless embarrassment. |
妈的 你就是个扶不起的阿斗 |
0:10:23.82, |
You're kickin' up more sand than a sea turtle layin' eggs. |
你踢起来的沙子 比海龟下蛋踢得还多 |
0:10:29.34, |
Did you see that?! |
你看见了没 |
0:10:30.87, |
Yeah, that wasn't half bad. |
嗯 不算糟嘛 |
0:10:33.20, |
Hey, listen, I'm sorry I yelled. |
嘿 抱歉刚才对你吼了 |
0:10:34.53, |
No, no, no. That's what I needed. |
不 不 不 我需要的就是这个 |
0:10:35.65, |
My old tumbling master in college used to yell at me all the time. |
我大学时代的摔跤教练总是吼我 |
0:10:37.85, |
It just made me better. |
那会让我变得更强 |
0:10:39.03, |
Really?-Oh,Yeah. |
真的吗-真的 |
0:10:39.91, |
He'd say terrible things about my manhood, |
他强烈侮辱我的男子汉气概 |
0:10:41.66, |
He'd throw the chalk bag at me, |
他还拿粉袋扔我 |
0:10:43.04, |
He'd call me and taunt me over the summer to keep me sharp. |
他奚落了我一整个夏天 让我变猛 |
0:10:45.25, |
So bring it, Jay! |
所以放马过来吧 杰 |
0:10:47.05, |
You stink, Phil. |
你太逊了 菲尔 |
0:10:48.13, |
You're the worst thing to happen to golf |
你是高尔夫史上 自允许穿短裤以来 |
0:10:49.64, |
since they let people wear shorts. |
最糟糕的存在 |
0:10:52.37, |
You just told me to-- |
你刚刚让我-- |
0:10:53.24, |
No, that's part of it. |
不 流泪也是其中一部分 |
0:10:56.32, |
Did you hear that? |
听到了没 |
0:10:57.66, |
And he wasn't just talking to Phil. |
并且他不只是在训菲尔 |
0:10:59.12, |
He was talking to 10-year-old you |
他也是在训10岁的你 |
0:11:00.45, |
and 12-year-old you and... |
12岁的你 |
0:11:02.34, |
Suck it, Nancy! |
去你妈的 南茜 |
0:11:05.05, |
I was just trying to help. |
我只不过想帮帮忙而已 |
0:11:07.38, |
Just listen with an open mind. |
打开心扉好好听 |
0:11:10.45, |
She doesn't believe in psychics. |
她不相信灵媒 |
0:11:12.23, |
It's not just psychics. |
不只是灵媒 |
0:11:13.49, |
It's all unquantifiable phenomena. |
所有无法量化的现象我都不信 |
0:11:15.85, |
I'm going to save you some time. |
我还是给你省点时间吧 |
0:11:17.43, |
She doesn't have a boyfriend. |
她没有男朋友 |
0:11:19.33, |
Maybe not now, but soon. |
可能现在没有 但很快就有了 |
0:11:21.55, |
You see? |
看到没 |
0:11:22.15, |
- That means-- - Shh. Go on. |
那说明-嘘 继续 |
0:11:23.43, |
You are going to meet someone special. |
你会遇见一个特别的人 |
0:11:26.50, |
I see a handsome man on a horse, |
我看到一个英俊的男人 骑着马 |
0:11:28.90, |
like a knight. |
就像一位骑士 |
0:11:30.63, |
Well, I am going to a renaissance fair this weekend. |
我这个周末要去参加文艺复兴集会 |
0:11:33.50, |
Yes, I know. |
是啊 我知道 |
0:11:34.83, |
There's no renaissance fair. |
根本就没有什么文艺复兴集会 |
0:11:36.13, |
Even if there was, I wouldn't go. |
就算有 我也不会去 |
0:11:37.95, |
I'd be the laughingstock of the young astronomer's club. |
不然会成为小天文学家俱乐部的笑柄 |
0:11:41.24, |
But I couldn't tell Gloria her fortune-teller was a fake... |
可我不能告诉歌洛莉亚她的预言家是骗子 |
0:11:44.62, |
Not until I had a little more fun. |
至少在我找到更多乐子之前 |
0:11:46.44, |
I see that you're smiling. You're enjoying yourself. |
我看到你笑了 你很享受哦 |
0:11:49.86, |
I know it sounds crazy, |
我知道这听起来很疯癫 |
0:11:50.80, |
But could you please tell me what happened to |
你能告诉我 在我5岁那年 |
0:11:52.05, |
myy bunny Buttons, who ran away when I was 5? |
跑了的兔子"小纽扣" 它怎么了吗 |
0:11:54.46, |
Never had a bunny. Hate bunnies. |
根本就没有什么兔子 我讨厌兔子 |
0:11:56.71, |
I see a farm... |
我看到一个农场 |
0:11:58.45, |
with a red barn. |
有个红色的谷仓 |
0:11:59.78, |
I know who's in the barn! |
我知道谁在谷仓里 |
0:12:01.01, |
It's like scrabble with Haley. |
那就像跟海莉玩拼字游戏 |
0:12:02.83, |
After a while, you're just playing against yourself. |
玩了一会 你就是在和自己玩了 |
0:12:06.18, |
Okay, everyone, look sharp, please! |
好了大家 都打起精神 |
0:12:08.00, |
The press is here! |
媒体过来了 |
0:12:09.15, |
As I was saying, Maureen, I was really at an advantage |
如我所说 莫琳 我真的很沾光 |
0:12:11.41, |
having seen the broadway production. |
我看过百老汇版本 |
0:12:12.78, |
I was able to learn from their mistakes. |
我能从他们的错误里吸取教训 |
0:12:14.88, |
For example, in my production, |
比如 在我的作品中 |
0:12:16.15, |
The phantom appears in the first scene, |
魅影在第一幕中出场 |
0:12:17.70, |
because after all, it's not called |
因为它毕竟不是叫做 |
0:12:19.12, |
Christine and Raoul of the opera. |
歌剧克里斯蒂和拉乌尔 |
0:12:20.77, |
I have two sources telling me |
我有两个线人报告说 |
0:12:21.95, |
your lead is home with chicken pox. |
你的主角得了水痘在家休息 |
0:12:23.25, |
- Uh, mono. - Make that three sources. |
是单核血球增多症-那你就是第三个线人了 |
0:12:24.99, |
Oh, damn, you're good. |
可恶 你真行啊 |
0:12:25.98, |
Um, permission to speak... off the record? |
我可以 私底下透露个消息吗 |
0:12:28.49, |
Denied. |
不可以 |
0:12:29.29, |
Okay, fine. Well, then... |
好吧 那么 |
0:12:31.46, |
See for yourself in just a moment. |
你自己等着看吧 |
0:12:32.64, |
Tonight a star will be born. |
今晚将有巨星横空出世 |
0:12:33.89, |
- Cam? - Not now, Manny. I'm birthing something. |
小卡-等等 曼尼 我在造星呢 |
0:12:36.65, |
Sometimes in the theater, |
有时候在剧场里 |
0:12:37.71, |
the real drama happens before the curtain rises. |
真正的戏剧在帷幕升起之前就上演了 |
0:12:40.69, |
Observe. |
看好了 |
0:12:43.63, |
Luke Dunphy, |
卢克·邓菲 |
0:12:45.08, |
How would you like to play the starring role |
你要不要演卡梅隆·塔克拍的 |
0:12:46.75, |
in Cameron Tucker's Andrew Lloyd Webber's |
安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的 |
0:12:49.15, |
Phantom of the Opera? |
《歌剧魅影》的主角 |
0:12:50.80, |
Nope. |
不想 |
0:12:52.21, |
Luke Dunphy, is it true you passed |
卢克·邓菲 你拒绝的原因 |
0:12:53.80, |
because of creative differences with an overbearing director? |
是你和蛮横的导演之间存在创意分歧吗 |
0:12:56.35, |
Say nothing to that jackal! |
别理那个挑事的记者 |
0:12:57.99, |
Manny, what happened? |
曼尼 怎么回事 |
0:12:58.99, |
I tried my best. |
我尽力了 |
0:12:59.97, |
He started hyperventilating just thinking about it. |
但他光是想想就已经喘不过气来了 |
0:13:02.32, |
I guess some people just aren't comfortable taking center stage. |
我想有些人就是承受不了成为焦点的压力 |
0:13:04.84, |
Okay. Well, maybe we can pump Marcus |
好吧 也许我们可以给马库斯打一针 |
0:13:06.57, |
full of whatever they gave those bike riders. |
那种给自行车手们打的东西 |
0:13:08.57, |
He's too sick. |
他病得太重了 |
0:13:09.16, |
But don't worry, Cam, you'll think of something. |
但别担心 小卡 你会想到办法的 |
0:13:11.05, |
It's always darkest right before the... |
黎明前总是最黑暗的 |
0:13:13.20, |
Reuben, could you keep that thing still?! |
罗本 你能把聚光灯拿稳了吗 |
0:13:15.24, |
Okay, well, I guess we only have one option. |
好吧 看来我们只有一个办法了 |
0:13:17.81, |
- I'll do it. - Hmm? |
我愿意-什么 |
0:13:19.19, |
I was gonna say play the role myself, |
我本来是想说自己来演的 |
0:13:21.16, |
but, you know, I guess it really should be about the kids. |
但我想还是该给孩子们一个机会 |
0:13:24.45, |
Now if I had tripped on your father's golf ball, |
现在假设我被你爸的高尔夫球绊倒 |
0:13:27.81, |
say... top of the stairs, |
比如...从楼梯上摔了下去 |
0:13:29.48, |
probably would have--oh, no! |
也许会...噢不 |
0:13:31.53, |
Taken out some pictures. |
碰掉几幅相框 |
0:13:32.72, |
Look what you've done, Phil! |
瞧你干的好事 菲尔 |
0:13:33.98, |
Mom! |
妈 |
0:13:34.98, |
It's okay. It's finally sleeping. |
没事 他总算睡着了 |
0:13:37.04, |
Hey, we should take a picture of all of us. |
我们来拍张合照吧 |
0:13:39.32, |
Then once you get going, you know, you just can't stop. |
一旦你摔下来 就控制不了自己了 |
0:13:42.12, |
You're taking everything down with you. |
看见什么抓什么 |
0:13:45.88, |
And then, to make it perfectly clear |
然后 为了让你爸清楚地知道 |
0:13:47.78, |
to your father what happened, |
到底是怎么回事 |
0:13:49.41, |
I'll put the golf ball right here, |
我要把高尔夫球放在这里 |
0:13:50.46, |
because some people can't see the danger |
因为有些人就是 |
0:13:52.07, |
unless it's right under their nose. |
不亲眼看见就意识不到危险的存在 |
0:13:55.34, |
Having kids is fun. |
养孩子真好玩 |
0:13:57.27, |
And easy. |
也很容易 |
0:13:58.70, |
Maybe this is what I should do with my life. |
也许我的人生目标就是相夫教子 |
0:14:09.15, |
Oh, he's such a little angel. I want one. |
他真是个小天使 我也想生一个 |
0:14:12.39, |
Haley, little dude needs his sleep. |
小点声 海莉 小家伙需要睡眠 |
0:14:15.29, |
I wanted to tell Haley |
我本想告诉海莉 |
0:14:16.22, |
about the dangers of starting a family too early, |
太早结婚生子的危害有多大 |
0:14:18.83, |
but what could I say |
但我说什么 |
0:14:20.38, |
that couldn't be said better by a screaming baby? |
能比婴儿的哭闹声更奏效呢 |
0:14:25.16, |
Mom! |
妈 |
0:14:26.20, |
Oh, sorry. |
抱歉 |
0:14:27.55, |
I don't know what's wrong with me today. |
我也不知道我今天是怎么了 |
0:14:30.77, |
- Mom! - Still good. |
妈-照睡不误 |
0:14:32.26, |
Sorry.-Would you Just get out of here? |
抱歉-你能离开这间屋子吗 |
0:14:34.25, |
Yeah. Yeah. Totally sorry. |
可以 可以 真抱歉 |
0:14:36.16, |
It's my-- |
我... |
0:14:37.68, |
Sorry. |
抱歉 |
0:14:40.13, |
When he wakes up, we should all go out for ice cream. |
等他醒了 我们一起出去买冰激凌吃吧 |
0:14:43.03, |
I was thinking the same thing. |
我也是这么想的 |
0:14:47.91, |
What are you doing? |
你在干什么 |
0:14:49.08, |
Minding my own business. |
不关你的事 |
0:14:50.93, |
Wait. Ice cream might ruin Lily's dinner. |
等等 莉莉吃了冰激凌就吃不下晚饭了 |
0:14:54.05, |
So? |
所以呢 |
0:14:55.17, |
So I spent all afternoon cooking. |
我花了整个下午的时间做晚饭 |
0:14:57.31, |
I thought ice cream would be fun. |
我觉得去吃冰激凌比较欢乐 |
0:14:58.81, |
All you've done today is have fun |
你一整天都在找乐子 |
0:15:00.16, |
while I did all the work. |
脏活累活都是我干的 |
0:15:01.29, |
I'm just trying to make the most of it with these kids. |
我只是想尽量享受和孩子们在一起的时间 |
0:15:03.48, |
I don't have as much time with them as you do. |
我不像你总能和他们在一起 |
0:15:05.69, |
What, by spoiling them? |
所以你就溺爱他们是吗 |
0:15:08.26, |
Who's that? Who's texting you? |
是谁 谁给你发的短信 |
0:15:10.09, |
It's just about work. |
只是工作上的事 |
0:15:11.28, |
Typical. Even when you're here, you're not here. |
你总是这样 就算在家里也心不在焉的 |
0:15:13.67, |
Why are you this upset about ice cream? |
吃个冰激凌你干嘛生这么大气 |
0:15:16.15, |
If that's what you think this is about, |
你要是觉得我是因为冰激凌而生气 |
0:15:17.26, |
then you haven't heard a word I've said! |
说明你根本没有听我说话 |
0:15:19.10, |
I-I'm confused. Why do we even have these kids? |
我被你绕晕了 我们为什么要管这些孩子 |
0:15:21.63, |
I don't know! |
我不知道 |
0:15:23.36, |
I'm going home! |
我回家了 |
0:15:24.35, |
Good! |
太好了 |
0:15:29.59, |
Oh, fantastic. |
真"好" |
0:15:33.13, |
One stroke down on the final hole. |
离球洞还有最后一击 |
0:15:35.22, |
It's such a big putt. Such a big, big putt. |
真是个大推杆 真是个大大的推杆 |
0:15:38.73, |
I like big putts, and I cannot lie. |
我喜欢"大屁屁" 我无法否认 |
0:15:38.73, |
[Putt(轻击)与Butt(屁股)音似] |
0:15:41.17, |
Money. |
说得好 |
0:15:42.14, |
You know what'll be sad? You doing all that practicing |
你知道什么很可悲吗 你努力地练习 |
0:15:44.73, |
to finally be able to beat your old man, |
就为了能击败你老爸 |
0:15:46.77, |
And coming up just short. |
结果还是没成功 |
0:15:48.27, |
I almost... |
我真是 |
0:15:49.92, |
can't watch. |
不忍心看了 |
0:15:53.45, |
You're up, ace. |
你该上了 高手 |
0:15:58.26, |
I was the same way with my father. |
我和我爸也像他们这样 |
0:16:00.36, |
It's always complicated. |
我们的关系总是很复杂 |
0:16:01.91, |
Not for mine. My dad was just supportive. |
我和我爸没有 他什么事都支持我 |
0:16:03.72, |
Never missed a tumbling meet |
从没错过一场我的摔跤表演 |
0:16:05.46, |
or a break-dance brawl. |
或是霹雳舞比赛 |
0:16:06.31, |
Heck, I'd set up the sound system for our school assembly, |
我如果为我们的学校集会设置音响系统 |
0:16:08.75, |
he'd be the loudest voice in the crowd. |
他一定是人群中声音最大的 |
0:16:10.71, |
Hey, everybody! Check out my son's equipment! |
各位 来瞧瞧我儿子的设备 |
0:16:14.08, |
Aw.-Yeah. |
哇-是啊 |
0:16:15.48, |
Hey, seriously, good luck. |
说真的 祝你好运 |
0:16:16.94, |
You played good. I'm proud of you. |
你打得不错 我为你骄傲 |
0:16:18.41, |
Really?-we should do this again sometime. |
真的吗-我们应该多出来一起打球 |
0:16:21.04, |
Don't listen to him. |
别听他的 |
0:16:21.63, |
He's "Cat's in the Cradling" you. |
他在对你施展"摇篮里的猫"战术 |
0:16:23.22, |
- What? - He's playing on your emotions |
什么-他在影响你的情绪 |
0:16:24.96, |
so you lose your edge. |
好让你失去斗志 |
0:16:26.09, |
I do it to my son all the time. |
我也总那样对我儿子 |
0:16:27.73, |
Did he say "Son"? |
他刚刚是说他有儿子吗 |
0:16:28.66, |
Yes. He's a Navy Seal. |
是的 他是海豹突击队的 |
0:16:31.02, |
Oh, I've said too much. |
我透露得太多了 |
0:16:32.54, |
What's "Cats in the Cradle"? |
摇篮里的猫是什么意思 |
0:16:33.72, |
You know, that song about the dad who misses |
就是那首关于一个父亲的歌 |
0:16:35.18, |
all the important moments in his kid's life? |
他错过了儿子人生中每个重要时刻 |
0:16:36.91, |
Stay strong, |
你要坚强不屈 |
0:16:38.23, |
just like Kyle did in Yemen. |
就像我家凯尔在也门时那样 |
0:16:41.14, |
Oh, my god, I'm a sieve. |
天呐 我真是个大嘴巴 |
0:16:42.61, |
All right, Mitch. Showtime. |
好了 米奇 上吧 |
0:16:44.87, |
Five. Six. |
五 六 |
0:16:46.22, |
A-five, six, seven, eight. |
五 六 七 八 |
0:16:48.97, |
Yes! |
好耶 |
0:16:51.29, |
A hundred bucks! |
一百块到手 |
0:16:52.89, |
Oh, we did it! |
我们成功了 |
0:16:54.10, |
Now I can afford the shirt that matches these pants. |
我总算能买得起配这条裤子的上衣了 |
0:16:57.99, |
So... drinks in the clubhouse? |
要去会所喝两杯吗 |
0:16:59.50, |
Can't. My kid's in a play. |
不行 我儿子在演出呢 |
0:17:00.96, |
Yeah, I'm meeting a client for another round of golf. |
我约了个客户来再打一轮高尔夫 |
0:17:02.94, |
Hey, if you see Luke, will you give him a hug for me? |
你如果看到卢克 替我给他个拥抱好吗 |
0:17:05.38, |
Will do. Hey, I was serious |
当然 我说真的 |
0:17:06.76, |
about we should play again sometime. |
我们改天一起打球 |
0:17:08.00, |
It's a crazy thing |
想来挺傻的 |
0:17:09.38, |
that if I'd been less of a hard head when you were a kid, |
如果你小时候我对你没那么严厉 |
0:17:11.49, |
we could have had 20 years in this dumb game. |
这20年来 我们本可以父子齐上阵的 |
0:17:13.09, |
No, it was half my fault. |
不 我也有一半责任 |
0:17:14.54, |
I mean, I-I used to be pretty sensitive. |
我以前内心太脆弱了 |
0:17:17.58, |
So y-you really weren't |
你真的没有对我施展 |
0:17:18.67, |
Cat's in the cradling me back there? |
《摇篮里的猫咪》战术吗 |
0:17:20.03, |
Of course not. |
当然没有 |
0:17:20.88, |
How have I not heard of this song you keep talking about? |
你们说的这首歌 我怎么从来没听过 |
0:17:23.10, |
- You have. It's the worst. - It's the schmaltziest. |
-不听也罢 太难听了 -太伤感了 |
0:17:25.20, |
Unbearable. |
难以忍受 |
0:17:25.88, |
I'll play it on the way back. I have it on my iPod phone. |
我回去的路上放给你听 我的iPod上有 |
0:17:29.45, |
*And the cat's in the cradle |
摇篮里的猫咪* |
0:17:31.17, |
*And the silver spoon |
含着金匙出生* |
0:17:32.82, |
*Little boy blue and the man on the moon |
小男孩很伤感 爸爸要出远门* |
0:17:36.13, |
*When you coming home, dad? |
你什么时候回家 爸爸* |
0:17:37.45, |
*I don't know when, |
我不知道什么时候* |
0:17:39.25, |
*But we'll get together then. |
但回来时父子便能相聚* |
0:17:42.22, |
*You know we'll have a good time then |
回来时我们便能共度好时光* |
0:17:45.62, |
I should have golfed with you sooner, dad. |
我应该早点和你一起打高尔夫的 爸 |
0:17:47.51, |
I never made the time. |
我总是没空 |
0:17:49.15, |
Luke! |
卢克 |
0:17:51.00, |
I need to call my son. |
我要打电话给我儿子 |
0:17:53.05, |
What time is it in Damascus? |
现在大马士革是几点 |
0:17:54.98, |
Why don't I just draw them a map? |
我还是画张地图算了 |
0:17:58.05, |
Ready to play, Phil? |
准备好了吗 菲尔 |
0:17:59.04, |
I can't, Carl! My boy's sets are in a play! |
我没空 卡尔 我儿子画布景的歌剧要开演了 |
0:18:03.88, |
I get the feeling that something wonderful |
我感觉到你认识的人 |
0:18:06.26, |
has happened to someone you know. |
最近碰到了好事 |
0:18:07.75, |
Yes, it's Manny. |
对 是曼尼 |
0:18:09.15, |
He got the lead role in the school play. |
他在学校歌剧中做主角 |
0:18:11.60, |
Yes, that's it. |
对 就是这个 |
0:18:13.35, |
Okay, I think you might have met her halfway on that one. |
好吧 我觉得你已经取悦她一半了 |
0:18:15.56, |
Do you feel that? |
你们感觉到了吗 |
0:18:17.37, |
A presence has just entered the room. |
一个鬼魂刚刚进入了房间 |
0:18:19.65, |
Or the A.C. kicked in. |
可能是空调的凉风吹过 |
0:18:20.94, |
Gloria, I have to say something. |
歌洛莉亚 我有话要说 |
0:18:22.73, |
It's your abuela. |
是你的祖母 |
0:18:25.04, |
Which one? |
哪一位 |
0:18:26.02, |
Is she smoking a pipe, or is she smoking a cigar? |
她抽的是烟斗还是雪茄 |
0:18:28.48, |
A cigar. |
雪茄 |
0:18:29.46, |
My mother's mother. |
是我的外祖母 |
0:18:31.81, |
I miss her so much. |
我好想她 |
0:18:33.24, |
She says she misses you, too. |
她说她也想你 |
0:18:35.06, |
I wish that she was here now to see Fulgencio Joe. |
我真希望她能见见我那刚出生的小儿子 |
0:18:38.29, |
She has seen him, |
她见到了 |
0:18:40.05, |
and she says he is beautiful. |
而且她说孩子好漂亮 |
0:18:42.58, |
He is, isn't he? |
他的确漂亮吧 |
0:18:44.32, |
Tell her that I love her. |
告诉她我爱她 |
0:18:46.67, |
She knows. |
她知道 |
0:18:49.21, |
Thank you so much for that. |
非常感谢 |
0:18:52.07, |
You see now? |
瞧见了吗 |
0:18:54.76, |
I think I do. |
我想我都瞧见了 |
0:18:57.35, |
*The music of the night |
夜之乐章* |
0:19:02.54, |
Okay, Manny, quick question. |
曼尼 我问个问题 |
0:19:03.37, |
Did you forget the notes I gave you |
你是忘了我说的要点 |
0:19:04.96, |
or just choose to ignore them? |
还是选择无视它们 |
0:19:06.23, |
Where are you going with that? |
你这是做什么 |
0:19:07.15, |
We need an extra one up front. |
前排要加个座位 |
0:19:08.33, |
Mr. Namagachi decided to come. |
纳玛奇老师决定来看演出 |
0:19:09.75, |
Oh, you mean the disgraced teacher I replaced |
你是说我顶替的那位不为人师表的老师 |
0:19:11.44, |
suddenly has an interest in this production? |
突然对这出歌剧有兴趣吗 |
0:19:13.19, |
He's parking his peugeot right now. |
他正在停车 |
0:19:14.58, |
Wow, the vultures are officially circling. |
哇 等着看我出丑的秃鹰正式杀到了 |
0:19:17.03, |
Okay, Manny, it's no secret |
曼尼 我就不隐瞒了 |
0:19:19.05, |
that you were not my first choice for this, |
你并不是我的第一人选 |
0:19:20.78, |
or my second. |
也不是第二 |
0:19:21.86, |
But it's not too late for you |
但现在对你来说还不算迟 |
0:19:23.63, |
to make this your very own phantom. |
你还有机会唱出属于自己的魅影 |
0:19:25.10, |
So I want you to watch what Luke did, |
所以我要你看卢克的演唱 |
0:19:27.08, |
and copy that. |
模仿就行 |
0:19:28.10, |
*Silently the senses |
感官悄无声息* |
0:19:32.10, |
- *Abandon their...* - He was glorious. |
-*放下它的防备* -他太出色了 |
0:19:34.65, |
Every note, every nuance... I was transported, |
每一个音符 每一处神韵 我如入天堂 |
0:19:37.87, |
and I was furious. |
我也无比生气 |
0:19:39.39, |
But my quarrel wasn't with Luke. |
但我不是生卢克的气 |
0:19:41.56, |
It was with god. |
而是上帝 |
0:19:44.20, |
Save a seat for your sister. |
帮你姐占个座位 |
0:19:47.47, |
Excuse me. I think that's my seat. |
抱歉 我想那是我的座位 |
0:19:49.90, |
Dad! What are you doing here? |
爸 你怎么来了 |
0:19:52.11, |
Are you kiddin' me? |
开什么玩笑 |
0:19:52.75, |
My grandson paints the sets for a play, |
这出歌剧里的布景是我孙子画的 |
0:19:54.95, |
and I'm not gonna drive in from Florida, hmm? |
我岂有不从弗州开车来的道理 |
0:19:57.96, |
Is this one taken? |
这个座位有人吗 |
0:19:59.49, |
All yours. |
请坐 |
0:20:01.56, |
That sweatshirt... |
这件运动衫 |
0:20:02.88, |
I'm on the tennis team. |
我是网球队的 |
0:20:04.42, |
We're the valley science knights. |
我们是山谷科学骑士队 |
0:20:06.90, |
The knights? |
骑士 |
0:20:08.70, |
*Nighttime sharpens |
夜已深* |
0:20:14.40, |
*Heightens each sensation |
感情升温* |
0:20:19.78, |
- What? - *Darkness stirs |
-什么 -*黑暗让...* |
0:20:23.07, |
- That's Luke. - No. |
那是卢克-不会吧 |
0:20:24.67, |
*And wakes imagination |
心灵放飞* |
0:20:28.58, |
*Silently the senses |
感官悄无声息* |
0:20:32.91, |
- *Abandon their defenses* - That could have been you out there. |
-*放弃防备之心* -台上的本应是你 |
0:20:36.19, |
No, it wouldn't have been right. |
算了 那样不对 |
0:20:38.10, |
I'm sure you would've gotten some of it right. |
我肯定你还是可以唱对几个音的 |
0:20:41.45, |
Not what I meant. |
我不是这个意思 |
0:20:50.14, |
Hey, thanks for meeting me here. |
多谢你愿意在这里见我 |
0:20:51.41, |
No reason we can't mix business |
把生意与娱乐合二为一 |
0:20:52.45, |
with a little pleasure. Am I right? |
并没有什么不好啊 |
0:20:54.67, |
I'm just excited to find someone who enjoys this sport |
我只是很高兴能碰到一个人和我一样 |
0:20:56.28, |
as much as I do. |
喜欢这项运动 |
0:20:58.19, |
I'm gonna be straight with you, Carl. |
我就开门见山吧 卡尔 |
0:20:59.60, |
You got a ton of inventory to move, |
你有不少资产要出售 |
0:21:01.10, |
and you're in need of a serious realtor. |
你需要一个能干的地产经纪 |
0:21:02.83, |
Hup hup! |
上去 |
0:21:05.13, |
So how firm are you on your commission? |
在佣金方面 你有多坚持[稳定] |
0:21:07.09, |
As I think you can see, I'm quite flexible. |
我想你可以看出来 我相当有"弹性" |
0:21:09.74, |
I'll be honest, Phil, I like you. |
说实话 菲尔 我喜欢你 |
0:21:11.22, |
I think I'm ready to move forward with this. |
我想我愿意与你合作 |
0:21:12.71, |
Really? Well, I'm thrilled. |
真的吗 我太高兴了 |
0:21:15.95, |
Hey, you know, we could make this official. |
知道吗 我们这就定下来吧 |
0:21:18.09, |
Nice form, son! |
表现得真好 儿子 |
0:21:19.53, |
I'm talking about that contract, of course. |
别误会 我是指那份合同 |
0:21:22.08, |
You still got it, dad. |
你还是这么风趣 爸 |
0:21:23.82, |
That's my dad. |
那是我爸 |
0:21:24.98, |
Hi. |
你好 |