1. Young Swain sneaked into the gallery one afternoon and blushed to the top of his ears when he saw “Trees Dressed in White”, a loud raucous splash on the wall.
本句包含的动作有:sneaked, blushed, saw。按“先发生在前,后发生在后”的原则,本句可译为:一天下午,年轻的斯威恩悄悄地溜进画廊。走到一幅题为“银妆之树”的画前,他发现那不过是一滩挂在墙上的墨迹,耳朵仿佛也被刺得嗡嗡直响。他的脸一下子红到了耳根。
2. There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride.
1. A long standing reticence, perhaps born of national abhorrence of monarchies and kings, kept faces and portraits off United States coins as a regular practice until 1909, the centennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth.
句中的“reticence”和“silence”是近义词,意为“reluctance”。句子的主干结构是:reticence kept faces and portraits off United States coins。在句子的前半部分中,“perhaps born of national abhorrence …”和“A long standing reticence”是因果关系,可以按论理原则来安排;综观整个句子,又可以用叙事原则来安排:或许是出于国民长期以来对独裁和君主的憎恨,美国人一直不情愿在钱币上刻印肖像和人物。这一惯例一直持续到1909年,即亚伯拉罕·林肯诞辰100周年时,才被打破。
2. Attracting specialized, career-focused students is one reason Stanford University Medical Center overhauled its curriculum and required students to pick a concentration by the end of their first year.