服务英语·地铁 知识加油站
Hello, every passenger, please put your belongings under the security check. 乘客您好,请把随身携带物品放到安检区域。
Hello, every passenger, please take your belongings away and go ahead. Don't be crowded here. 乘客您好,请拿起您的行李向前走,不要在这里拥堵。
Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically. 当心!地铁车门是自动开关的。
All passengers, please be careful and stay back. 乘客注意安全,往后站。
Please wait behind the yellow safety line while waiting for the train. 请您站在黄色安全线以内排队候车。
It is rush hour right now. Please pay attention to your belongings. Don't be crowded and get on the train in order. 现在是乘车高峰时期,请注意好您的随身携带物品,不要拥挤,有序乘车。
You can take the line 5 and then transfer to the line 2 at the station of the Museum. 你可以乘坐5号线然后在博物馆站换乘2号线。
There are 4 stops in total, and it will take about 15 minutes. 一共有4站地,大概要花费15分钟左右。
There are ticket offices and the ticket vending machines over there, where you can buy your ticket. 那边有人工售票处,也有自动售票机,你从那两个地方都可以买票。