Look,Listen and Learn! ;
Book 3 Lesson 65-Lesson 119 ;
Lesson 65 Television Day:Mozart ;第65课 电视课:莫扎特
Would you like to be able to play a musical instrument really well? ;你希望能熟练地 演奏某种乐器吗?
Who wouldn't! ;谁不想呢?
Perhaps you are learning to play an instrument now. ;或许你现在就在学 奏一种乐器.
Perhaps your mother tells you to practise --and perhaps you don't enjoy it! ;或许是你母亲要你练习, 而你并不喜欢.
We'd all like to play easily and well. ;我们都想演奏得轻松, 出色.
Mozart could.His parents never told him to practise ;莫扎特就行.他的父母 从不强迫他练,
They couldn't stop him ;他们阻止不了他练习.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756. ;沃尔夫冈.阿马德乌斯. 莫扎特生于1756年.
He learnt to play the violin at the age of four. ;4岁就开始学拉小提琴.
In his short life he wrote a tremendous amount of music. ;在他短暂的一生中他写了 大量的音乐作品.
Everybody praised Mozart for his wonder- ful music,but nobody paid him any money. ;人人都赞扬莫扎特的优美 曲子,但没人付他一分钱.
He got poorer and poorer and couldn't pay his bills. ;他越来越穷, 连帐单都无法支付,
In the end he became ill and died.He was only 35 years old. ;最后他病死了 只活了35岁.
He is one of the greatest musicians of all time. ;他是历代最伟大的 音乐家之一.
Lesson 67 Green stripes ; 第67课 绿色条纹
Narrator:Sandy,Sue and Alan are going to the park. ;旁白:桑迪,苏和艾伦 正到公园去.
Sue:Let's play on the grass. ;苏:咱们到草坪上去玩吧.
Alan:We're not allowed to,Sue. Look at that sign. It says:KEEP OFF! ;艾伦:不行,苏. 看那块牌子, 上面写着 "禁止入内!"
Sandy:Let's feed the ducks. ;桑迪:咱们来喂鸭子吧.
Sue:We're not allowed to.Look at that sign. It says: DON'T FEED THE DUCKS! ;苏:那也不行. 看那块牌子, 上面写着 "禁止喂鸭!"
Alan:Let's sit here. ;艾伦:咱们就坐在这儿吧.
Sandy:We're not allowed to. Look at that sign. It says:WET PAINT. ;桑迪:不允许坐在这儿. 看那块牌子, 上面写着 "油漆未干"
Man in white suit: Don't sit there, children. ;穿白衣服的人:孩子们, 别坐在那儿.
I sat there a moment ago.I didn't see the sign. ;刚才我坐在那儿, 因为没看到牌子.
And now I've got green stripes on my suit! ;现在我的衣服上沾上了 绿色条纹了.
Lesson 69 Wrong number ; 第69课 号码错了
Sue:Put a coin in the slot Sandy,and dial our number. ;苏:桑迪,先把硬币塞入 槽里,然后拨号码.
Sandy:All right,Sue. (dialling): ;桑迪:好的,苏.(拨号)
Sandy:May I speak to Mrs Clark please? ;桑迪:叫克拉克女士 接电话,好吗?
Voice:Mrs Who? Sandy:Mrs Clark. ;声音:哪位女士? 桑迪:克拉克女士.
Voice:You've dialled the wrong number. ;声音:你拨错号了.
Sue:Is that mum,Sandy? ;苏:是妈妈吗,桑迪?
Sandy:No,it's a lady. ;桑迪:不,是一位小姐的 声音.
She says that I've dialled the wrong number.She sounds rather cross. ;她说我拨错了号. 听声音,她非常生气.
Sue:Say that you're sorry. Sandy:I'm sorry. ;苏:说声对不起嘛. 桑迪:对不起.
Sue:Try again and be careful! ;苏:再试试,这次小心点.
Sandy:All right. ;桑迪:好的.
Sandy:May I speak to Mrs Clark please? ;桑迪:叫克拉克女士 接电话好吗?
Voice:It's you again, is it?(crossly) You're dialled the wrong number again! ;声音:又是你,是吗? (发怒地)又拨错号了.
Sandy:Sorry. ;桑迪:对不起.
Sue:Which number did you dial,Sandy? ;苏:你拨的是哪一个号码, 桑迪?
Sandy:434-0278. ;桑迪:434-0278.
Sue:Don't you know that our number is 435-0278? ;苏:你难道不知道我们家 的号码是,435-0278吗?
Lesson 71 The ticket machine ; 第71课 售票机
Narrator:Sandy and Sue are at a railway-station. ;旁白:桑迪和苏在火车站.
They want to buy their tickets from a ticket machine. ;他们想在售票机里买车票
Sandy:What must we do, Sue? ;桑迪:苏,我们怎么买?
Sue:We must put two coins in the slot. ;苏:我们必须把两个硬币 投入槽里.
Sandy:I'm glad that I've got some small change. ;桑迪:真高兴, 我正好有零钱.
Sandy:What must we do now? ;桑迪:现在该做什么呢?
Sue:Now we must press this button. Look:it says,PRESS. ;苏:现在要按电钮. 看,上面写着 "按".
Sandy:I've pressed it, but nothing's happening. ;桑迪:我按过了, 但什么也没出来.
I'm sure that machine it's empty.(sandy bangs the machine.) ;我敢肯定,机器里是空的. (桑迪敲打售票机)
Porter:You mustn't bang that machine. I'm sure that it's empty. ;搬运工人:不要敲机器. 我肯定里面是空的.
Sue:No,it isn't. Look!It's giving us lots of tickets! ;苏:不,不对. 看,出来许多车票.
Lesson 73 Guess what! ;第73课 猜猜看为什么
Sue:Look,Sandy! Mum's looking out of the kitchen window. She's crying. ;苏:看,桑迪,妈妈正朝 厨房的窗外看.她在哭.
Sandy:Poor mum! What's the matter with her,Sue? ;桑迪:可怜的妈妈! 她怎么啦,苏?
Sue:I'll go in and ask her Sandy. You wait here. ;苏:桑迪,我进去问问她. 你等在这儿.
Sandy:Did you ask her,Sue? ;桑迪:你问了吗?苏?
Sue:Yes,I did. Guess what she says! ;苏:是的.猜猜看, 她怎么说.
Sandy:She says she's cut her finger. ;桑迪:她说她割破了手指.
Sue:No!You're wrong. ;苏:不对,猜错了.
Sandy:She says she feels sad. ;桑迪:她说她感到很不 高兴.
Sue:No!You're wrong. ;苏:不,错了.
Sandy:Oh,I give up. What does she say, then? ;桑迪:哦,我不猜了. 那么,她说了些什么?
Sue:She says she's peeling onions! ;苏:她说她在剥洋葱.
Lesson 75 Television Day: Don't complain about arithmetic! ;第75课 电视课:别抱怨算术
I'm sure some of you like arithmetic very much. ;我敢肯定你们中有些人 非常喜欢算术.
Perhaps it's your favourite subject. ;也许这是一门你们最 喜欢的科目.
But I'm certain some of you don't like it at all. ;但是我也知道你们中有 些人一点都不喜欢算术.
Perhaps you do sums because you have to do them! ;也许你们做算术是因为 你们不得不做.
Can you add DCCLXVII and CCLVI? ;你们会做 DCCLXVII加CCLVI吗?
A Roman child couldn't do this sum.He had to use a counting-board. ;罗马的小孩也不会做 这种算术.他必须借助 计算板.
But it is a simple sum really. ;但事实上这是一道简单 的算术题.
Here it is in Roman numbers: ;这儿是罗马数字:
And here it is in Arabic numbers: ;这儿是阿拉伯数字:
767 plus 256 Answer:1023 ;767+256=1023
Easy,isn't it?Who says arithmetic is difficult? ;简单得很,是不是? 谁说算术难?
We don't have to use Roman numbers and we must thank the Arabs for this. ;我们不必用罗马数字. 为这点我们就得感谢 阿拉伯人.
They gave the world simple numbers. So don't complain about arithmetic! ;他们为全世界 提供了简单的数字. 所以不要抱怨算术.
Lesson 77 No litter! ;第77课 勿乱扔废物
Narrator:Sandy and Sue are at the zoo. ;旁白:桑迪和苏在 动物园里.
They are with their parents.They have just had a picnic lunch. ;他们和父母一起. 他们刚刚用完野餐.
Sandy:I don't want to finish this sandwich ;桑迪:我不想把这块 三明治全吃了.
I'm full.(He throws the sandwich away) ;我饱了. (他把三明治丢掉了)
Mother:You mustn't throw it there, Sandy! ;母亲:桑迪,你不能把它 丢在那儿.
Sue:You're not allowed to throw litter on the grass. ;苏:不允许把废物扔在 草坪上.
Look at that sign. It says,NO LITTER! PLEASE BE TIDY! ;看那牌子,上面写着"勿乱 丢瓜皮,纸屑,保持整洁!"
Mother:Put it in that litter-basket. ;母亲:把它丢进废物箱.
Sandy:It's too far away,mum. ;桑迪:太远了,妈妈.
Mother:Lazybones! Sue:It's all right, Sandy. ;母亲:懒骨头! 苏:那也行,桑迪.
You don't have to walk to the litter-basket. It isn't necessary. ;你不必到废物箱那儿去了 没必要.
Sue:You needn't throw the sandwich away. ;苏:你不必把三明治丢掉.
Give it to Jumbo, the elephant. He loves sandwiches! ;给琼布那头大象. 他喜欢吃三明治.
Lesson 79 Mrs Dumpling's on a diet! ;第79课 邓普林夫人在节食
Narrator:Mrs Dumpling is Mrs Blake's friend. ;旁白:邓普林太太是 布莱克夫人的朋友.
She's having tea with the Blakes. ;她同布莱克家里人一起 在喝茶.
Mrs Dumpling's on a diet but she's very fat. ;邓普林太太在节食, 但她还是很胖.
Mrs Blake:Have another sandwich,Mrs Dumpling. ;布莱克太太:再来一块 三明治,邓太太.
Mrs Dumpling:Well,I shouldn't really.I'm on a diet,you know. ;邓普林太太:我真的不该 再吃了.我在节食, 你知道吗?
Oh,all right,then. ;哦,好吧, 那么再来一块也行.
Mrs Blake:Have another biscuit,Mrs Dumpling ;布莱克太太:再吃块饼干, 邓太太.
Mrs Dumpling:Well,I oughtn't to,but I'll just have a little one. ;邓普林太太:嗯, 我不该吃了, 要么就来一小块.
Mrs Blake:Have another slice of cake. ;布莱克太太:再吃块饼.
Mrs Dumpling: No,thank you. I shouldn't. ;邓普林太太:不了,谢谢. 我不该再吃了.
Mrs Blake:Are you sure? ;布莱克太太:真的吗?
Mrs Dumpling:Well,I'll just have a small slice. ;邓普林太太:嗯,我就吃 一小块.
I oughtn't to,really. I've already had two slices. ;其实我真不该吃了. 我已经吃了两块了.
Timmy:No,you haven't. You've already had five.I've counted them. ;蒂咪:不,不对. 你已吃了5块了. 我数的.
Mrs Blake:Timmy! ;布莱克太太:蒂咪!
Lesson 81 Service with a smile! ; 第81课 微笑服务
Mother:You look busy, Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,看来你很忙.
Father:Yes,I've just watered the garden. ;父亲:是的,我刚给花园 浇了水.
Mother:You needn't have.The children watered it this morning. ;母亲:你不必浇,今天早晨 孩子们浇过了.
Father:Really? Then I watered it for nothing. ;父亲:真的吗? 那么我白干了.
Father:I'm going to clean the car now. ;父亲:现在我去洗车子了.
Mother:All right,Jim. ;母亲:好吧,吉姆.
Mother:That was quick, Jim.Have you cleaned the car already? ;母亲:好快,吉姆! 车子已经洗好了吗?
Father:No,I didn't have to. The children are cleaning it for me. ;父亲:不,我用不着再洗了 孩子们在帮我洗.
Father:They're very busy today. What's the matter with them? ;父亲:他们今天很忙. 他们今天怎么啦?
Mother:They want to earn some extra pocket-money. ;母亲:他们想赚点外快.
Sandy:Your car's ready,dad. ;桑迪:车子洗干净了, 爸爸.
Mother:You see,Jim. Service with a smile! ;母亲:你看,吉姆. 微笑服务.
Lesson 83 Something's burning! ;第83课 什么东西烧着了
Father:You look tired, dear. ;父亲:亲爱的, 你看上去累了.
Mother:Yes.I had to iron these clothes. ;母亲:是的.我必须把这些 衣服烫好.
Mother:Here are your shirts,Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,这是你的衬衣
Father:Thank you Betty Where's my new blue shirt? ;父亲:谢谢,贝蒂. 我新的蓝衬衫在哪儿?
Mother:I haven't ironed it yet. ;母亲:还没烫好呢!
Father:Betty! Something's burning! Can you smell it? ;父亲:贝蒂! 什么东西烧着了. 你闻到了没有?
Mother:You're right. ;母亲:对, 是有东西烧着了.
Father:Look! The iron's still on! ;父亲:看! 烫斗还通着电呢!
Mother:I should have turned it off, but I forgot. I'll turn it off now ;母亲:我应该把它拔掉的. 但是我忘了. 我现在去把它拔掉.
Father:Look at my nice blue shirt!There's a big hole in it! ;父亲:瞧我这件漂亮的 蓝衬衫!这上面烫了 个大洞.
Mother:I'm sorry,Jim. Father:Never mind,dear ;母亲:对不起,吉姆. 父亲:没关系,亲爱的.
Lesson 85 Television Day: The Lascaux Cave ;第85课 电视课:拉斯瓜山洞
Have you heard of the Lascaux Cave and the famous pictures there? ;你听说过拉斯瓜山洞 和那里有名的壁画吗?
In 1941,a French schoolboy,Marcel Raviday,and three of his friends ;1941年,一位法国小孩, 马塞尔.雷维戴特 和他的三个朋友
explored a hill near the village of Montignac. ;探察了一座靠近叫做 蒙蒂纳克乡村的小山.
Suddenly,Marcel's dog disappeared down a hole in the rocks. ;忽然马塞尔的一只狗 掉进岩石洞里不见了.
The hole was dark. Perhaps it was dangerous down there. ;洞里很暗, 也许底下很危险.
Marcel shouldn't have gone into it alone, but he did. He rescued the dog. ;马塞尔不该独自一人下 洞,但他下去了. 他救出了狗.
Marcel and his friends decided to go down the hole together the next day. ;马塞尔和他的朋友们决定 第二天一起下洞里去.
The boys returned the next morning with ropes and candles ;第二天早晨,孩子们带着 绳子和蜡烛又来到洞前.
They climbed into the hole and came to a big cave. ;他们爬进洞里, 进入一个大山洞.
They accidentally made a great discovery ;他们意外地得到一大发现
They found pictures of animals on the walls. ;他们看到了画在墙上的 动物画,
Prehistoric men painted these pictures more than 20,000 years ago. ;是早在20,000多年前史前 人画的.
The Lascaux Gave has been famous ever since --just because of four boys and a dog! ;从此拉斯瓜山洞就出名了 全靠4个小孩和一条狗 发现了它.
Lesson 87 Don't waste electricity and water! ;第87课 别浪费水电!
Narrator:Father's going into the bathroom.He's going to have a shave. ;旁白:父亲走进洗澡间. 他想刮胡子.
Father:Who left the light on? ;父亲:谁把灯开了没关掉?
Sue:I did,dad. ;苏:是我,爸爸.
Father:You mustn't waste electricity, Sue.You must always turn the light off. ;父亲:你不该浪费电,苏. 你应该把灯关掉.
Sue:Yes,dad. ;苏:是爸爸.
Sue:I should turn it off,but I often forget.Shall I turn it off now,dad? ;苏:我应该把灯关掉,但我 常常忘记.我现在把灯 关掉好吗,爸爸?
Father:No,I'm going to have a shave. ;父亲:别,现在我要 刮胡子了.
Sandy:Have you finished,dad?I want to have a wash. ;桑迪:刮好了没有,爸爸? 我想洗个澡.
Father:Yes,come in, Sandy. ;父亲:好了,进来吧,桑迪.
Sandy:Who left the tap on? Father:Er...I did, Sandy. ;桑迪:谁把自来水开了 没关? 父亲:哦…是我,桑迪.
Sandy:You mustn't waste water,dad. You must always turn the tap off. ;桑迪:你不该浪费水, 爸爸.你应该把水龙头 关掉.
Lesson 89 A very kind waiter ; 第89课 好心的招待
Narrator:Last week father took the family to a restaurant as a special treat. ;旁白:上星期,作为一次 特殊的款待,父亲请全 家到饭馆里吃了一顿.
Father:May we see the menu please? Waiter:Of course,sir. ;父亲:我们能看一下 菜单吗? 招待:当然可以,先生.
Father:Would you all like to begin with soup? All:Yes,please. ;父亲:大家都先喝点汤, 怎么样? 全体:好的.
Father:Four soups please. Waiter:Very good,sir. ;父亲:请来四份汤. 招待:很好,先生.
Mother:Sandy!What are you doing? Sandy:I'm putting some salt in my soup. ;母亲:桑迪,你在干什么? 桑迪:我在汤里放盐.
Sandy:Ugh!It tastes salty! ;桑迪:咄,咸了!
Mother:You shouldn't have put any salt in it.You should have tasted it first. ;母亲:你不该放盐, 你应该先尝一尝.
Waiter:Never mind. I'll bring another plate of soup. ;招待:没关系, 我另外再给你一盘.
Father:That's very kind of you. ;父亲:你真是太好了.
Lesson 91 Make up your mind! ; 第91课 下决心吧
Narrator:Mother and father are at a department-store. ;旁白:母亲和父亲在百货 商店里.
They're in the hat department.Mother is buying a hat. ;他们在帽子部. 母亲要买顶帽子.
Mother:I like this white hat very much. I may buy it, but I'm not sure. ;母亲:我非常喜欢这顶 白帽子.我也许要这顶 了,但还拿不定主意.
Mother:I like this black one,too. ;母亲:我也喜欢这顶 黑帽子.
Father:Will you buy it,dear? ;父亲:你买这顶吗, 亲爱的?
Mother:I don't know. I might. ;母亲:我也不知道, 也许要买.
Mother:Which one do you like,Jim? ;母亲:你喜欢哪一顶, 吉姆?
Father:I don't know. They both suit you. ;父亲:我不知道, 两顶你戴都合适.
Mother:I like this white hat very much. ;母亲:我很喜欢这顶白的.
Father:Make up your mind please,Betty! Are you going to buy it,or not? ;父亲:拿主意吧,贝蒂! 买还是不买?
Mother:Perhaps I shall perhaps I shan't. ;母亲:也许买,也许不买.
Mother:I've just had a good idea,Jim! ;母亲:我有好主意了, 吉姆!
Father:What? ;父亲:什么好主意?
Mother:I'm going to buy both of them. Father:Oh! ;母亲:我两顶都买. 父亲:哦!
Lesson 93 Too good to be true! ;第93课 价格低得难以置信
Mother:How much is that handbag,Sue?I can't see the price. ;母亲:苏, 那只手提包多少钱? 我看不清标价.
Sue:I'm not sure. It may be 50 pence. ;苏:我也看不大清楚, 大概是50个便士.
Mother:50 pence! It can't be! Surely it isn't! ;母亲:50个便士?不可能! 肯定不对!
Sue:Let's go in and ask. ;苏:咱们进去问问.
Mother:How much is that handbag? ;母亲:那只手提包多少钱?
Assistant:Which one? Mother:The one in the window. ;售货员:哪个? 母亲:就是橱窗里的那个.
Assistant:50 pence! (holding bag) It can't be! ;售票员:50个便士! (拿着那只包)不可能!
It's made of leather, not plastic.This must be a mistake. I'll ask the manager. ;是皮制的又不是塑料的. 肯定是错了. 我去问问经理.
Assistant:How much is this handbag? ;售货员:这只包多少钱?
Manager:It's `5, not 50 pence. This is a mistake. ;经理:5镑,不是50个便士. 是搞错了.
Assistant:I'm sorry, madam. Mother:I knew it! ;售货员:对不起,夫人. 母亲:我知道是错了.
Sue:It was too good to be true! ;苏:便宜得使人无法相信.
Lesson 95 Television Day: "General Sherman" ; 第95课 电视课:舍曼将军
You are looking at the biggest tree in the World.Its name is "General Sherman". ;你们现在看到的是世界上 最大的树,它的名字叫 舍曼将军.
General Sherman is growing on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. ;舍曼将军长在美国 落基山的山坡上.
General Sherman is about 11 metres across and about 35 metres round. ;舍曼将军直径大约有 11米,树围约35米.
During playtime join hands with 25 of your friends and make a circle. ;玩的时候,你们25个朋友 手拉手才能合抱住,
This will give you an idea of General Sherman's size. ;你可以想一下舍曼将军 有多大.
General Sherman is also very tall.It it over 80 metres high. ;舍曼将军也很高, 有80多米.
It began as a tiny seed many years ago. Imagine! ;多年前它只不过像一颗小 小的米粒种子,设想一下,
It has been growing since about 2000 B.C. ;大约从公元前2000年 开始长,
It had been growing for almost 4000 years and it is still growing! ;它已经生长了约4000年了 而且仍然在长.
General Sherman is as old as the Pyramids. It may live for another 2000 years. ;舍曼将军同金字塔一样 古老,它也许还要生长 2000年.
What will the world be like in 4000 A.D.? ;公元4000年世界将是个 什么样子?
General Sherman will know! ;舍曼将军会知道的!
Lesson 97 "A bank robbery" ;第97课 一起银行抢劫案
When Sandy and Sue were coming home from school yesterday afternoon, ;昨天下午,桑迪和苏在 放学回家路上
they saw a crowd of people near a bank. ;看见银行附近有一群人.
Sandy and Sue joined the crowd.They were surprised to see two thieves in the street. ;桑迪和苏也挤进了人群, 他们惊讶地看到街上有 两个小偷.
The thieves were running out of the bank. ;两个小偷从银行里 奔出来.
They were holding bags full of money. ;他们手里提着装满钱的 袋子.
The bank manager was running after them. ;银行经理在后面追他们.
A policeman was standing among the crowd,but he didn't do anything! ;一名警察站在人群里, 但他无动于衷.
"Quick!"Sandy shouted to the policeman. "Can't you see those thieves?" ;"快!"桑迪对那警察叫道. "你难道没看见那两个 小偷吗?
The policeman smiled. ;警察笑笑.
He pointed at a big camera."We're making a film,"he said. ;他指着那架大摄像机. "我们在拍电影,"他说.
"Those men aren't real thieves.They're actors ;"那两个人不是真的小偷, 他们是演员.
And I'm not a real policeman,either. I'm an actor,too!" ;我也不是真警察, 我也是演员."
Lesson 99 Sandy reads a joke ;第99课 桑迪读一个笑话
Narrator:Sandy is reading a comic. ;旁白:桑迪在读一本 笑话集.
"Listen to this joke, Sue,"he says."I'll read it to you." ;他说"苏,听听这个笑话" '我来读给你听.
Sandy:Two explorers were crawling across the desert.They were dying of thirst. ;桑迪:两位勘探队员在沙 漠里爬行,他们快渴死了
Sandy:Suddenly,one of them looked up and said, ;桑迪:忽然,他们中有一人 抬头看了看然后说:
"Look!Did you see that?It was an oasis!" ;"看!你看见那个了吗? 那是一片绿洲!"
Sandy:"An oasis!" the other man cried. ;"一片绿洲!" 另外一人叫道,
"It can't have been! Surely it wasn't! It must have been a mirage." ;"这不可能!肯定不是! 那一定是幻觉!"
Sandy:The explorers crawled towards the "oasis". ;桑迪:勘探者朝着"绿洲" 爬去.
Sandy:Suddenly they banged their heads into something. ;桑迪:忽然他们的头撞到 了什么东西,
It wasn't an oasis,and it wasn't a mirage. It was an oil-pipe! ;那不是绿洲,也不是幻觉, 那是根油管.
Lesson 101 The sales ; 第101课 大减价
The sales began last week.Mother and Sue went to the shops. ;上星期开始减价买卖. 母亲和苏去商店买东西.
They walked down Oxford Street. ;他们去牛津街.
Suddenly,they met Mrs Dumpling. ;忽然他们碰上了 邓普林太太.
Mrs Dumpling was very excited. ;她很兴奋.
"Oh,Mrs Clark," she said. ;"哦,克拉克太太",她说.
"Look at this beautiful fur coat. ;"看,这件漂亮的皮大衣,
I bought it at the sales for only `5!" ;我只花了5英镑,是在 这次大减价时买的."
"`5 !"mother cried. ;"5英镑!" 母亲惊叫道.
"It can't have cost `5 It must have cost more than that." ;"不可能只要5英镑, 一定还要贵点."
"It didn't,"Mrs Dumpling said. "Look at the price." ;"是5英镑,看价格." 邓普林太太说.
"Where did you buy it?" mother asked. ;"在哪儿买的?"母亲问.
"In that shop,"Mrs Dumpling said and pointed down the street. ;"在那家商店."邓普林 太太指着那条街说.
"We can't get in there!"Sue cried. "It's like a football-match!" ;"我们进不去."苏叫道. "这好像在进行足球赛."
Lesson 103 Sandy takes some photos ;第103课 桑迪拍了几张照片
Sandy has a camera. Last week he took some photos of Sue and Timmy. ;桑迪有一架照相机, 上星期他给苏和蒂咪拍 了几张照片.
"Stand there please, Sue.Stand beside her please,Timmy," Sandy said. ;"请站在那儿,苏; 蒂咪,你站在她旁边", 桑迪说.
"Now both smile please.Say,'cheese'!" ;"你们俩都笑一笑, 说 "嘻".
Sue and Timmy said "cheese"loudly. ;苏和蒂咪都大声说 "嘻".
"That's the end of the film,"Sandy said. ;"胶卷拍完了",桑迪说.
"I must have it developed and printed." ;我必须把它洗出来, 印好."
Sandy took his film to the chemist's. ;桑迪把胶卷送到冲相店.
"I want to have it developed and printed please,"he said. ;"我要把这胶卷冲洗一下 再印出来."他说.
He collected the negatives and prints a few days later. ;几天以后他去取 底片和照片.
He showed the photos to Sue.She looked very pretty. ;他给苏看照片. 苏拍得很好,很漂亮.
But Timmy looked funny.He hasn't any front teeth! ;但蒂咪看上去很怪. 他没有门牙.
Lesson 105 Television Day:...four three,two,one,zero! ; 第105课 电视课: …四,三,二,一,放!
Ten,nine,eight,seven, six,five,four,three, two,one,zero!Whoosh! ;十,九,八,七,六,五, 四,三,二,一,放!呼!
There is a great roar and a rocket starts its journey into space ;一声巨响,一架火箭开始 了宇宙的旅程.
Who was the first man to go up into space? Do you know? ;是谁第一个进入宇宙的 呢?你知道吗?
A Russian,Yuri Gagarin was the first man who went up. ;是个俄国人,叫尤利.加 加林,他第一个进入宇宙.
That was on April 4th,1961. ;那是1961年4月4日.
He travelled once round the earth and his journey lasted 108 minutes. ;他绕地球转了一圈. 全程用了108分钟.
The next man that went up was an American, John Glenn. ;接着一个进入宇宙的是个 美国人,叫约翰.格伦,
He went round the earth three times. ;他绕地球3圈,
That was on February 20th,1962. ;那是1962年2月20日,
His journey lasted 4 hours,56 minutes. ;那次行程持续了4小时 56分钟.
There have been many flights into space since 1961. ;从1961年到现在人们已 多次飞入宇宙.
Since that time astronauts have been to the moon. ;从那时起,太空旅行者 登上过月球.
But we shall always remember ;但我们将永远记住
the first men who went on this dangerous and exciting journey. ;第一批冒着危险完成这一 危险而令人兴奋的旅行的 人们.
Lesson 107 A lucky tramp ; 第107课 幸运的流浪汉
Tramp:Good afternoon, Mrs.Have you got any old clothes? ;流浪汉:下午好,太太. 你有旧衣服吗?
Mother:Just a minute please. ;母亲:请等一下.
Mother:Jim!There's a tramp at the door. He wants some old clothes. ;母亲:吉姆,门口有个流 浪汉.他想要些旧衣服.
Father:You can give him my old jacket. ;父亲:把我那件旧外套 给他吧.
Mother:Here you are. You can have this old jacket. ;母亲:给, 这件旧外套给你.
Tramp:Thank you,Mrs. That's very kind of you. ;流浪汉:谢谢,太太. 你心真好.
Father:Which jacket did you give him, Betty? ;父亲:贝蒂,你把哪件 外套给他了?
Mother:The jacket which was in the wardrobe.The brown one. ;母亲:大衣橱里那件. 咖啡色的那件.
Father:The brown one! ;父亲:咖啡色那件?
Mother:Yes.What's the matter,Jim? ;母亲:是的,怎么啦,吉姆?
Father:You've given him my best jacket! ;父亲:你把我最好的一件 给他了.
Father:This is my old jacket.This is the jacket that you should have given him ;父亲:这才是我的那件旧 外套呢!你应该给他这件
Lesson 109 Not good enough ; 第109课 不够好!
Narrator:Mick is the name of the tramp who has father's new jacket. ;旁白:那个穿着他父亲新 外套的流浪汉叫米克.
He's talking to his friend,Harry. ;他正同他的朋友哈里在 谈话.
Mick:How do you like this jacket,Harry? ;米克:哈里,你觉得这件 外套怎么样?
Harry:Very nice,Mick. Who gave it to you? ;哈里:很漂亮,米克. 是谁给你的?
Mick:The lady who lives in that house. ;米克:住在那间房子里的 太太给的.
Harry:Which house is that? Mick:The house on the corner. ;哈里:是哪家? 米克:在拐弯角上那幢.
Harry:I'll go and ask for a jacket,too. ;哈里:我也去找她讨一件.
Harry:Good morning,Mrs Have you got any old clothes please? ;哈里:早上好,夫人.请问 有多余的旧衣服吗?
Mother:You can have this jacket. ;母亲:你把这件拿走吧.
Harry:May I see it please? ;哈里:请问,我可以看一看 吗?
Harry:No thanks,Mrs. It's too old for me. ;哈里:不要了,谢谢. 太旧了.
I want a jacket like the one you gave my friend yesterday. ;我要像你昨天给我朋友 那件一样的.
Lesson 111 People are so forgetful? ;第111课 人们那么健忘
Narrator:Father travelled to work by train.This is the train he travelled on ;旁白:父亲乘火车去上班. 这辆就是他刚乘坐的 火车.
He left his umbrella in one of the compartments. ;他把他的伞遗忘在车厢 里了.
Father:I left my umbrella on this train. ;父亲:我把伞忘在这列 火车上了,
Porter:Is this the train you travelled on,sir? ;搬运工:先生,你刚乘的 是这列车吗?
Father:I'm sure it is. ;父亲:肯定是这列.
Porter:Which compartment did you leave your umbrella in,sir? ;搬运工:先生,你把伞忘 在哪节车厢里了?
Father:I can't remember. ;父亲:我记不得了.
Father:I think I sat there. ;父亲:我想我坐在那儿的.
Porter:Here's an umbrella.Is this the one you're looking for? ;搬运工:这儿有把伞. 你找的是这把伞吗?
Father:Of course not! This is a lady's umbrella. ;父亲:肯定不是,这是女人 用的伞!
Father:I think this is the compartment I travelled in. ;父亲:我想我坐的是 这节车厢.
Porter:Here's another umbrella.Is it yours? ;搬运工:这里又有一把伞. 是你的吗?
Father:No,it isn't. ;父亲:不是的.
Father:This is the right compartment. And here's my umbrella. ;父亲:是这节车厢. 我的伞在这儿.
Porter:We were looking for one umbrella and we found three!People are so forgetful! ;搬运工:我们找一把伞. 现在找到了三把伞. 人们那么健忘.
Lesson 113 Still pretty good! ;第113课 仍然踢得很好
Old Man:Look at those boys playing football ;第一位老人:看,那些孩子 在踢足球.
Old Man:Did you ever play football,Dan? ;第二位老人:丹,你踢过 足球吗?
Old Man:Oh,yes.I used to play football a long time ago,but I don't play any more. ;第一位老人:哦,踢过的. 很久以前我踢过, 但现在不踢了.
Old Man:I used to be centre-forward When I was a boy. Did you use to play? ;第一位老人:我是孩子的 时候,踢过中锋. 你过去踢过球吗?
Old Man:Yes,I used to be goal-keeper. ;第二位老人:是的, 我以前是守门员.
Old Man:Look!The ball's coming towards us. ;第一位老人:看, 球朝咱们滚过来了.
Old Man:Pick it up. ;第一位老人:把它拣起来.
Sandy:May we have our ball please? ;桑迪:请把球还给我们 好吗?
Old Man:I'll kick it to you,son. ;第一位老人:孩子, 我踢给你.
Old Man:Well done! You're still pretty good! ;第二位老人:好球, 你仍然踢得很好.
Old Man:But not as good as I used to be. ;第一位老人:但踢得没 以前那么好了.
Lesson 115 Television Day: Captain Cook ; 第115课 电视课:库克船长
The great explorer, Captain Cook, ;伟大的探险家库克船长
set out from England in 1768 in his ship, Endeavour. ;1768年乘坐他自己的船 "努力号"从英国出发, 开始了他的航行.
He wanted to explore the South Pacific. ;他想考察南太平洋.
After he had sailed round the two islands of New Zealand, ;驶过新西兰的两个岛屿后
he travelled up the east coast of Australia. ;他驶向澳大利亚东部海岸
The Dutch explorer, Tasman, ;荷兰探险家塔斯门
had discovered the west coast of Australia in the 17th century. ;17世纪发现了澳大利亚西 岸.
He had also been to New Zealand,but he hadn't brought back much information. ;他也去过新西兰,但他 没带回来多少情况.
Tasman didn't discover that New Zealand was really two islands. ;塔斯门没有发现新西兰 就是两个岛屿.
He didn't know that Australia was an enormous continent. ;他不知道澳大利亚是 一块很大很大的陆地.
Captain Cook make maps of the coastline of New Zealand and Australia. ;库克船长画了新西兰和 澳大利亚海岸线地区图.
His great journey took nearly three years. ;他这次航行花了近3年的 时间.
The Endeavour returned to England on July 13th,1771. ;"努力号"于1771年 7月13日返回英国.
Ninety-three men had sailed with Captain Cook ;有93人同库克船长一起 出航,
and thirty-eight of them had died on the journey. ;途中死了38人.
Lesson 117 Father used to be a Boy Scout ; 第117课 父亲以前是个童子军
Narrator:The Clarks went camping last week-end.They put up their tent in a field ;旁白:上周克拉克一家 外出宿营.他们在田野 里搭起了营帐.
Father:If you collect some sticks,children, I shall light a fire. ;父亲:孩子,假如你们 拣些树枝,我就来生 堆火.
Sandy:Here you are, dad. ;桑迪:给,爸爸.
Sue:We've brought lots of dry sticks. ;苏:我们拣了好多干树枝.
Mother:Here's a box of matches,Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,这是火柴.
Father:I don't want any matches! ;父亲:我不需要火柴.
I used to be a Boy Scout.If rub these two sticks together,I can light a fire. ;我当过童子军. 我把这两根树枝 相互摩擦就能生火.
Sue:What's the matter, dad? ;苏:怎么啦,爸爸?
Father:I've been rubbing these two sticks together for a long time ;父亲:我已经磨了好久,
but nothing's happened yet! ;但是不起作用.
Mother:I'll light it, Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,我来点吧.
It's easy to light a fire with two sticks-- if one of the sticks is a match! ;用两根树枝点火很容易, 假如两根树枝中有一根 是火柴.
Lesson 119 Who's silly? Boys or girls? ; 第119课 谁磨蹭,男孩还是女孩?
Narrator:It's the end of term. Sandy and Sue are going to a school party. ;旁白:学期结束了. 桑迪和苏将去参加 结业典礼.
Sandy says he's ready, but Sue isn't ready yet. ;桑迪说他准备好了, 但苏还没准备好.
Sandy:Hurry up,Sue! Aren't you ready yet? ;桑迪:快点,苏!你准备 好了没有?
Sue:No,I've got to put on my party dress. And I've got to comb my hair. ;苏:还没好, 我得穿上礼服. 我还得梳头.
Sandy:Come on,Sue! Hurry up! ;桑迪:快点,苏!抓紧点!
Sue:Be quiet,Sandy! When I'm ready, I'll tell you. ;苏:安静,桑迪!我准备 好了会告诉你的.
Sue:Which dress shall I wear,mum? The red one or the blue one? ;苏:妈,我穿哪条裙子? 红的还是蓝的?
Mother:The red one, Sue. ;母亲:穿红的,苏.
Father:What's the matter,Sandy? ;父亲:怎么啦,桑迪?
Sandy:I'm waiting for Sue.I've been waiting for hours! Aren't girls silly! ;桑迪:我在等苏. 我已经等了好久了. 女孩真磨蹭!
Sue:I'm ready now. Sandy:At last! ;苏:现在我好了. 桑迪:总算完了.
Mother:Sandy!You haven't put your shoes on yet. ;母亲:桑迪, 你还没穿鞋呢.
Sue:Aren't boys silly! ;苏:男孩真磨蹭!
Book 3 Lesson 65-Lesson 119 ;
Lesson 65 Television Day:Mozart ;第65课 电视课:莫扎特
Would you like to be able to play a musical instrument really well? ;你希望能熟练地 演奏某种乐器吗?
Who wouldn't! ;谁不想呢?
Perhaps you are learning to play an instrument now. ;或许你现在就在学 奏一种乐器.
Perhaps your mother tells you to practise --and perhaps you don't enjoy it! ;或许是你母亲要你练习, 而你并不喜欢.
We'd all like to play easily and well. ;我们都想演奏得轻松, 出色.
Mozart could.His parents never told him to practise ;莫扎特就行.他的父母 从不强迫他练,
They couldn't stop him ;他们阻止不了他练习.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756. ;沃尔夫冈.阿马德乌斯. 莫扎特生于1756年.
He learnt to play the violin at the age of four. ;4岁就开始学拉小提琴.
In his short life he wrote a tremendous amount of music. ;在他短暂的一生中他写了 大量的音乐作品.
Everybody praised Mozart for his wonder- ful music,but nobody paid him any money. ;人人都赞扬莫扎特的优美 曲子,但没人付他一分钱.
He got poorer and poorer and couldn't pay his bills. ;他越来越穷, 连帐单都无法支付,
In the end he became ill and died.He was only 35 years old. ;最后他病死了 只活了35岁.
He is one of the greatest musicians of all time. ;他是历代最伟大的 音乐家之一.
Lesson 67 Green stripes ; 第67课 绿色条纹
Narrator:Sandy,Sue and Alan are going to the park. ;旁白:桑迪,苏和艾伦 正到公园去.
Sue:Let's play on the grass. ;苏:咱们到草坪上去玩吧.
Alan:We're not allowed to,Sue. Look at that sign. It says:KEEP OFF! ;艾伦:不行,苏. 看那块牌子, 上面写着 "禁止入内!"
Sandy:Let's feed the ducks. ;桑迪:咱们来喂鸭子吧.
Sue:We're not allowed to.Look at that sign. It says: DON'T FEED THE DUCKS! ;苏:那也不行. 看那块牌子, 上面写着 "禁止喂鸭!"
Alan:Let's sit here. ;艾伦:咱们就坐在这儿吧.
Sandy:We're not allowed to. Look at that sign. It says:WET PAINT. ;桑迪:不允许坐在这儿. 看那块牌子, 上面写着 "油漆未干"
Man in white suit: Don't sit there, children. ;穿白衣服的人:孩子们, 别坐在那儿.
I sat there a moment ago.I didn't see the sign. ;刚才我坐在那儿, 因为没看到牌子.
And now I've got green stripes on my suit! ;现在我的衣服上沾上了 绿色条纹了.
Lesson 69 Wrong number ; 第69课 号码错了
Sue:Put a coin in the slot Sandy,and dial our number. ;苏:桑迪,先把硬币塞入 槽里,然后拨号码.
Sandy:All right,Sue. (dialling): ;桑迪:好的,苏.(拨号)
Sandy:May I speak to Mrs Clark please? ;桑迪:叫克拉克女士 接电话,好吗?
Voice:Mrs Who? Sandy:Mrs Clark. ;声音:哪位女士? 桑迪:克拉克女士.
Voice:You've dialled the wrong number. ;声音:你拨错号了.
Sue:Is that mum,Sandy? ;苏:是妈妈吗,桑迪?
Sandy:No,it's a lady. ;桑迪:不,是一位小姐的 声音.
She says that I've dialled the wrong number.She sounds rather cross. ;她说我拨错了号. 听声音,她非常生气.
Sue:Say that you're sorry. Sandy:I'm sorry. ;苏:说声对不起嘛. 桑迪:对不起.
Sue:Try again and be careful! ;苏:再试试,这次小心点.
Sandy:All right. ;桑迪:好的.
Sandy:May I speak to Mrs Clark please? ;桑迪:叫克拉克女士 接电话好吗?
Voice:It's you again, is it?(crossly) You're dialled the wrong number again! ;声音:又是你,是吗? (发怒地)又拨错号了.
Sandy:Sorry. ;桑迪:对不起.
Sue:Which number did you dial,Sandy? ;苏:你拨的是哪一个号码, 桑迪?
Sandy:434-0278. ;桑迪:434-0278.
Sue:Don't you know that our number is 435-0278? ;苏:你难道不知道我们家 的号码是,435-0278吗?
Lesson 71 The ticket machine ; 第71课 售票机
Narrator:Sandy and Sue are at a railway-station. ;旁白:桑迪和苏在火车站.
They want to buy their tickets from a ticket machine. ;他们想在售票机里买车票
Sandy:What must we do, Sue? ;桑迪:苏,我们怎么买?
Sue:We must put two coins in the slot. ;苏:我们必须把两个硬币 投入槽里.
Sandy:I'm glad that I've got some small change. ;桑迪:真高兴, 我正好有零钱.
Sandy:What must we do now? ;桑迪:现在该做什么呢?
Sue:Now we must press this button. Look:it says,PRESS. ;苏:现在要按电钮. 看,上面写着 "按".
Sandy:I've pressed it, but nothing's happening. ;桑迪:我按过了, 但什么也没出来.
I'm sure that machine it's empty.(sandy bangs the machine.) ;我敢肯定,机器里是空的. (桑迪敲打售票机)
Porter:You mustn't bang that machine. I'm sure that it's empty. ;搬运工人:不要敲机器. 我肯定里面是空的.
Sue:No,it isn't. Look!It's giving us lots of tickets! ;苏:不,不对. 看,出来许多车票.
Lesson 73 Guess what! ;第73课 猜猜看为什么
Sue:Look,Sandy! Mum's looking out of the kitchen window. She's crying. ;苏:看,桑迪,妈妈正朝 厨房的窗外看.她在哭.
Sandy:Poor mum! What's the matter with her,Sue? ;桑迪:可怜的妈妈! 她怎么啦,苏?
Sue:I'll go in and ask her Sandy. You wait here. ;苏:桑迪,我进去问问她. 你等在这儿.
Sandy:Did you ask her,Sue? ;桑迪:你问了吗?苏?
Sue:Yes,I did. Guess what she says! ;苏:是的.猜猜看, 她怎么说.
Sandy:She says she's cut her finger. ;桑迪:她说她割破了手指.
Sue:No!You're wrong. ;苏:不对,猜错了.
Sandy:She says she feels sad. ;桑迪:她说她感到很不 高兴.
Sue:No!You're wrong. ;苏:不,错了.
Sandy:Oh,I give up. What does she say, then? ;桑迪:哦,我不猜了. 那么,她说了些什么?
Sue:She says she's peeling onions! ;苏:她说她在剥洋葱.
Lesson 75 Television Day: Don't complain about arithmetic! ;第75课 电视课:别抱怨算术
I'm sure some of you like arithmetic very much. ;我敢肯定你们中有些人 非常喜欢算术.
Perhaps it's your favourite subject. ;也许这是一门你们最 喜欢的科目.
But I'm certain some of you don't like it at all. ;但是我也知道你们中有 些人一点都不喜欢算术.
Perhaps you do sums because you have to do them! ;也许你们做算术是因为 你们不得不做.
Can you add DCCLXVII and CCLVI? ;你们会做 DCCLXVII加CCLVI吗?
A Roman child couldn't do this sum.He had to use a counting-board. ;罗马的小孩也不会做 这种算术.他必须借助 计算板.
But it is a simple sum really. ;但事实上这是一道简单 的算术题.
Here it is in Roman numbers: ;这儿是罗马数字:
And here it is in Arabic numbers: ;这儿是阿拉伯数字:
767 plus 256 Answer:1023 ;767+256=1023
Easy,isn't it?Who says arithmetic is difficult? ;简单得很,是不是? 谁说算术难?
We don't have to use Roman numbers and we must thank the Arabs for this. ;我们不必用罗马数字. 为这点我们就得感谢 阿拉伯人.
They gave the world simple numbers. So don't complain about arithmetic! ;他们为全世界 提供了简单的数字. 所以不要抱怨算术.
Lesson 77 No litter! ;第77课 勿乱扔废物
Narrator:Sandy and Sue are at the zoo. ;旁白:桑迪和苏在 动物园里.
They are with their parents.They have just had a picnic lunch. ;他们和父母一起. 他们刚刚用完野餐.
Sandy:I don't want to finish this sandwich ;桑迪:我不想把这块 三明治全吃了.
I'm full.(He throws the sandwich away) ;我饱了. (他把三明治丢掉了)
Mother:You mustn't throw it there, Sandy! ;母亲:桑迪,你不能把它 丢在那儿.
Sue:You're not allowed to throw litter on the grass. ;苏:不允许把废物扔在 草坪上.
Look at that sign. It says,NO LITTER! PLEASE BE TIDY! ;看那牌子,上面写着"勿乱 丢瓜皮,纸屑,保持整洁!"
Mother:Put it in that litter-basket. ;母亲:把它丢进废物箱.
Sandy:It's too far away,mum. ;桑迪:太远了,妈妈.
Mother:Lazybones! Sue:It's all right, Sandy. ;母亲:懒骨头! 苏:那也行,桑迪.
You don't have to walk to the litter-basket. It isn't necessary. ;你不必到废物箱那儿去了 没必要.
Sue:You needn't throw the sandwich away. ;苏:你不必把三明治丢掉.
Give it to Jumbo, the elephant. He loves sandwiches! ;给琼布那头大象. 他喜欢吃三明治.
Lesson 79 Mrs Dumpling's on a diet! ;第79课 邓普林夫人在节食
Narrator:Mrs Dumpling is Mrs Blake's friend. ;旁白:邓普林太太是 布莱克夫人的朋友.
She's having tea with the Blakes. ;她同布莱克家里人一起 在喝茶.
Mrs Dumpling's on a diet but she's very fat. ;邓普林太太在节食, 但她还是很胖.
Mrs Blake:Have another sandwich,Mrs Dumpling. ;布莱克太太:再来一块 三明治,邓太太.
Mrs Dumpling:Well,I shouldn't really.I'm on a diet,you know. ;邓普林太太:我真的不该 再吃了.我在节食, 你知道吗?
Oh,all right,then. ;哦,好吧, 那么再来一块也行.
Mrs Blake:Have another biscuit,Mrs Dumpling ;布莱克太太:再吃块饼干, 邓太太.
Mrs Dumpling:Well,I oughtn't to,but I'll just have a little one. ;邓普林太太:嗯, 我不该吃了, 要么就来一小块.
Mrs Blake:Have another slice of cake. ;布莱克太太:再吃块饼.
Mrs Dumpling: No,thank you. I shouldn't. ;邓普林太太:不了,谢谢. 我不该再吃了.
Mrs Blake:Are you sure? ;布莱克太太:真的吗?
Mrs Dumpling:Well,I'll just have a small slice. ;邓普林太太:嗯,我就吃 一小块.
I oughtn't to,really. I've already had two slices. ;其实我真不该吃了. 我已经吃了两块了.
Timmy:No,you haven't. You've already had five.I've counted them. ;蒂咪:不,不对. 你已吃了5块了. 我数的.
Mrs Blake:Timmy! ;布莱克太太:蒂咪!
Lesson 81 Service with a smile! ; 第81课 微笑服务
Mother:You look busy, Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,看来你很忙.
Father:Yes,I've just watered the garden. ;父亲:是的,我刚给花园 浇了水.
Mother:You needn't have.The children watered it this morning. ;母亲:你不必浇,今天早晨 孩子们浇过了.
Father:Really? Then I watered it for nothing. ;父亲:真的吗? 那么我白干了.
Father:I'm going to clean the car now. ;父亲:现在我去洗车子了.
Mother:All right,Jim. ;母亲:好吧,吉姆.
Mother:That was quick, Jim.Have you cleaned the car already? ;母亲:好快,吉姆! 车子已经洗好了吗?
Father:No,I didn't have to. The children are cleaning it for me. ;父亲:不,我用不着再洗了 孩子们在帮我洗.
Father:They're very busy today. What's the matter with them? ;父亲:他们今天很忙. 他们今天怎么啦?
Mother:They want to earn some extra pocket-money. ;母亲:他们想赚点外快.
Sandy:Your car's ready,dad. ;桑迪:车子洗干净了, 爸爸.
Mother:You see,Jim. Service with a smile! ;母亲:你看,吉姆. 微笑服务.
Lesson 83 Something's burning! ;第83课 什么东西烧着了
Father:You look tired, dear. ;父亲:亲爱的, 你看上去累了.
Mother:Yes.I had to iron these clothes. ;母亲:是的.我必须把这些 衣服烫好.
Mother:Here are your shirts,Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,这是你的衬衣
Father:Thank you Betty Where's my new blue shirt? ;父亲:谢谢,贝蒂. 我新的蓝衬衫在哪儿?
Mother:I haven't ironed it yet. ;母亲:还没烫好呢!
Father:Betty! Something's burning! Can you smell it? ;父亲:贝蒂! 什么东西烧着了. 你闻到了没有?
Mother:You're right. ;母亲:对, 是有东西烧着了.
Father:Look! The iron's still on! ;父亲:看! 烫斗还通着电呢!
Mother:I should have turned it off, but I forgot. I'll turn it off now ;母亲:我应该把它拔掉的. 但是我忘了. 我现在去把它拔掉.
Father:Look at my nice blue shirt!There's a big hole in it! ;父亲:瞧我这件漂亮的 蓝衬衫!这上面烫了 个大洞.
Mother:I'm sorry,Jim. Father:Never mind,dear ;母亲:对不起,吉姆. 父亲:没关系,亲爱的.
Lesson 85 Television Day: The Lascaux Cave ;第85课 电视课:拉斯瓜山洞
Have you heard of the Lascaux Cave and the famous pictures there? ;你听说过拉斯瓜山洞 和那里有名的壁画吗?
In 1941,a French schoolboy,Marcel Raviday,and three of his friends ;1941年,一位法国小孩, 马塞尔.雷维戴特 和他的三个朋友
explored a hill near the village of Montignac. ;探察了一座靠近叫做 蒙蒂纳克乡村的小山.
Suddenly,Marcel's dog disappeared down a hole in the rocks. ;忽然马塞尔的一只狗 掉进岩石洞里不见了.
The hole was dark. Perhaps it was dangerous down there. ;洞里很暗, 也许底下很危险.
Marcel shouldn't have gone into it alone, but he did. He rescued the dog. ;马塞尔不该独自一人下 洞,但他下去了. 他救出了狗.
Marcel and his friends decided to go down the hole together the next day. ;马塞尔和他的朋友们决定 第二天一起下洞里去.
The boys returned the next morning with ropes and candles ;第二天早晨,孩子们带着 绳子和蜡烛又来到洞前.
They climbed into the hole and came to a big cave. ;他们爬进洞里, 进入一个大山洞.
They accidentally made a great discovery ;他们意外地得到一大发现
They found pictures of animals on the walls. ;他们看到了画在墙上的 动物画,
Prehistoric men painted these pictures more than 20,000 years ago. ;是早在20,000多年前史前 人画的.
The Lascaux Gave has been famous ever since --just because of four boys and a dog! ;从此拉斯瓜山洞就出名了 全靠4个小孩和一条狗 发现了它.
Lesson 87 Don't waste electricity and water! ;第87课 别浪费水电!
Narrator:Father's going into the bathroom.He's going to have a shave. ;旁白:父亲走进洗澡间. 他想刮胡子.
Father:Who left the light on? ;父亲:谁把灯开了没关掉?
Sue:I did,dad. ;苏:是我,爸爸.
Father:You mustn't waste electricity, Sue.You must always turn the light off. ;父亲:你不该浪费电,苏. 你应该把灯关掉.
Sue:Yes,dad. ;苏:是爸爸.
Sue:I should turn it off,but I often forget.Shall I turn it off now,dad? ;苏:我应该把灯关掉,但我 常常忘记.我现在把灯 关掉好吗,爸爸?
Father:No,I'm going to have a shave. ;父亲:别,现在我要 刮胡子了.
Sandy:Have you finished,dad?I want to have a wash. ;桑迪:刮好了没有,爸爸? 我想洗个澡.
Father:Yes,come in, Sandy. ;父亲:好了,进来吧,桑迪.
Sandy:Who left the tap on? Father:Er...I did, Sandy. ;桑迪:谁把自来水开了 没关? 父亲:哦…是我,桑迪.
Sandy:You mustn't waste water,dad. You must always turn the tap off. ;桑迪:你不该浪费水, 爸爸.你应该把水龙头 关掉.
Lesson 89 A very kind waiter ; 第89课 好心的招待
Narrator:Last week father took the family to a restaurant as a special treat. ;旁白:上星期,作为一次 特殊的款待,父亲请全 家到饭馆里吃了一顿.
Father:May we see the menu please? Waiter:Of course,sir. ;父亲:我们能看一下 菜单吗? 招待:当然可以,先生.
Father:Would you all like to begin with soup? All:Yes,please. ;父亲:大家都先喝点汤, 怎么样? 全体:好的.
Father:Four soups please. Waiter:Very good,sir. ;父亲:请来四份汤. 招待:很好,先生.
Mother:Sandy!What are you doing? Sandy:I'm putting some salt in my soup. ;母亲:桑迪,你在干什么? 桑迪:我在汤里放盐.
Sandy:Ugh!It tastes salty! ;桑迪:咄,咸了!
Mother:You shouldn't have put any salt in it.You should have tasted it first. ;母亲:你不该放盐, 你应该先尝一尝.
Waiter:Never mind. I'll bring another plate of soup. ;招待:没关系, 我另外再给你一盘.
Father:That's very kind of you. ;父亲:你真是太好了.
Lesson 91 Make up your mind! ; 第91课 下决心吧
Narrator:Mother and father are at a department-store. ;旁白:母亲和父亲在百货 商店里.
They're in the hat department.Mother is buying a hat. ;他们在帽子部. 母亲要买顶帽子.
Mother:I like this white hat very much. I may buy it, but I'm not sure. ;母亲:我非常喜欢这顶 白帽子.我也许要这顶 了,但还拿不定主意.
Mother:I like this black one,too. ;母亲:我也喜欢这顶 黑帽子.
Father:Will you buy it,dear? ;父亲:你买这顶吗, 亲爱的?
Mother:I don't know. I might. ;母亲:我也不知道, 也许要买.
Mother:Which one do you like,Jim? ;母亲:你喜欢哪一顶, 吉姆?
Father:I don't know. They both suit you. ;父亲:我不知道, 两顶你戴都合适.
Mother:I like this white hat very much. ;母亲:我很喜欢这顶白的.
Father:Make up your mind please,Betty! Are you going to buy it,or not? ;父亲:拿主意吧,贝蒂! 买还是不买?
Mother:Perhaps I shall perhaps I shan't. ;母亲:也许买,也许不买.
Mother:I've just had a good idea,Jim! ;母亲:我有好主意了, 吉姆!
Father:What? ;父亲:什么好主意?
Mother:I'm going to buy both of them. Father:Oh! ;母亲:我两顶都买. 父亲:哦!
Lesson 93 Too good to be true! ;第93课 价格低得难以置信
Mother:How much is that handbag,Sue?I can't see the price. ;母亲:苏, 那只手提包多少钱? 我看不清标价.
Sue:I'm not sure. It may be 50 pence. ;苏:我也看不大清楚, 大概是50个便士.
Mother:50 pence! It can't be! Surely it isn't! ;母亲:50个便士?不可能! 肯定不对!
Sue:Let's go in and ask. ;苏:咱们进去问问.
Mother:How much is that handbag? ;母亲:那只手提包多少钱?
Assistant:Which one? Mother:The one in the window. ;售货员:哪个? 母亲:就是橱窗里的那个.
Assistant:50 pence! (holding bag) It can't be! ;售票员:50个便士! (拿着那只包)不可能!
It's made of leather, not plastic.This must be a mistake. I'll ask the manager. ;是皮制的又不是塑料的. 肯定是错了. 我去问问经理.
Assistant:How much is this handbag? ;售货员:这只包多少钱?
Manager:It's `5, not 50 pence. This is a mistake. ;经理:5镑,不是50个便士. 是搞错了.
Assistant:I'm sorry, madam. Mother:I knew it! ;售货员:对不起,夫人. 母亲:我知道是错了.
Sue:It was too good to be true! ;苏:便宜得使人无法相信.
Lesson 95 Television Day: "General Sherman" ; 第95课 电视课:舍曼将军
You are looking at the biggest tree in the World.Its name is "General Sherman". ;你们现在看到的是世界上 最大的树,它的名字叫 舍曼将军.
General Sherman is growing on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. ;舍曼将军长在美国 落基山的山坡上.
General Sherman is about 11 metres across and about 35 metres round. ;舍曼将军直径大约有 11米,树围约35米.
During playtime join hands with 25 of your friends and make a circle. ;玩的时候,你们25个朋友 手拉手才能合抱住,
This will give you an idea of General Sherman's size. ;你可以想一下舍曼将军 有多大.
General Sherman is also very tall.It it over 80 metres high. ;舍曼将军也很高, 有80多米.
It began as a tiny seed many years ago. Imagine! ;多年前它只不过像一颗小 小的米粒种子,设想一下,
It has been growing since about 2000 B.C. ;大约从公元前2000年 开始长,
It had been growing for almost 4000 years and it is still growing! ;它已经生长了约4000年了 而且仍然在长.
General Sherman is as old as the Pyramids. It may live for another 2000 years. ;舍曼将军同金字塔一样 古老,它也许还要生长 2000年.
What will the world be like in 4000 A.D.? ;公元4000年世界将是个 什么样子?
General Sherman will know! ;舍曼将军会知道的!
Lesson 97 "A bank robbery" ;第97课 一起银行抢劫案
When Sandy and Sue were coming home from school yesterday afternoon, ;昨天下午,桑迪和苏在 放学回家路上
they saw a crowd of people near a bank. ;看见银行附近有一群人.
Sandy and Sue joined the crowd.They were surprised to see two thieves in the street. ;桑迪和苏也挤进了人群, 他们惊讶地看到街上有 两个小偷.
The thieves were running out of the bank. ;两个小偷从银行里 奔出来.
They were holding bags full of money. ;他们手里提着装满钱的 袋子.
The bank manager was running after them. ;银行经理在后面追他们.
A policeman was standing among the crowd,but he didn't do anything! ;一名警察站在人群里, 但他无动于衷.
"Quick!"Sandy shouted to the policeman. "Can't you see those thieves?" ;"快!"桑迪对那警察叫道. "你难道没看见那两个 小偷吗?
The policeman smiled. ;警察笑笑.
He pointed at a big camera."We're making a film,"he said. ;他指着那架大摄像机. "我们在拍电影,"他说.
"Those men aren't real thieves.They're actors ;"那两个人不是真的小偷, 他们是演员.
And I'm not a real policeman,either. I'm an actor,too!" ;我也不是真警察, 我也是演员."
Lesson 99 Sandy reads a joke ;第99课 桑迪读一个笑话
Narrator:Sandy is reading a comic. ;旁白:桑迪在读一本 笑话集.
"Listen to this joke, Sue,"he says."I'll read it to you." ;他说"苏,听听这个笑话" '我来读给你听.
Sandy:Two explorers were crawling across the desert.They were dying of thirst. ;桑迪:两位勘探队员在沙 漠里爬行,他们快渴死了
Sandy:Suddenly,one of them looked up and said, ;桑迪:忽然,他们中有一人 抬头看了看然后说:
"Look!Did you see that?It was an oasis!" ;"看!你看见那个了吗? 那是一片绿洲!"
Sandy:"An oasis!" the other man cried. ;"一片绿洲!" 另外一人叫道,
"It can't have been! Surely it wasn't! It must have been a mirage." ;"这不可能!肯定不是! 那一定是幻觉!"
Sandy:The explorers crawled towards the "oasis". ;桑迪:勘探者朝着"绿洲" 爬去.
Sandy:Suddenly they banged their heads into something. ;桑迪:忽然他们的头撞到 了什么东西,
It wasn't an oasis,and it wasn't a mirage. It was an oil-pipe! ;那不是绿洲,也不是幻觉, 那是根油管.
Lesson 101 The sales ; 第101课 大减价
The sales began last week.Mother and Sue went to the shops. ;上星期开始减价买卖. 母亲和苏去商店买东西.
They walked down Oxford Street. ;他们去牛津街.
Suddenly,they met Mrs Dumpling. ;忽然他们碰上了 邓普林太太.
Mrs Dumpling was very excited. ;她很兴奋.
"Oh,Mrs Clark," she said. ;"哦,克拉克太太",她说.
"Look at this beautiful fur coat. ;"看,这件漂亮的皮大衣,
I bought it at the sales for only `5!" ;我只花了5英镑,是在 这次大减价时买的."
"`5 !"mother cried. ;"5英镑!" 母亲惊叫道.
"It can't have cost `5 It must have cost more than that." ;"不可能只要5英镑, 一定还要贵点."
"It didn't,"Mrs Dumpling said. "Look at the price." ;"是5英镑,看价格." 邓普林太太说.
"Where did you buy it?" mother asked. ;"在哪儿买的?"母亲问.
"In that shop,"Mrs Dumpling said and pointed down the street. ;"在那家商店."邓普林 太太指着那条街说.
"We can't get in there!"Sue cried. "It's like a football-match!" ;"我们进不去."苏叫道. "这好像在进行足球赛."
Lesson 103 Sandy takes some photos ;第103课 桑迪拍了几张照片
Sandy has a camera. Last week he took some photos of Sue and Timmy. ;桑迪有一架照相机, 上星期他给苏和蒂咪拍 了几张照片.
"Stand there please, Sue.Stand beside her please,Timmy," Sandy said. ;"请站在那儿,苏; 蒂咪,你站在她旁边", 桑迪说.
"Now both smile please.Say,'cheese'!" ;"你们俩都笑一笑, 说 "嘻".
Sue and Timmy said "cheese"loudly. ;苏和蒂咪都大声说 "嘻".
"That's the end of the film,"Sandy said. ;"胶卷拍完了",桑迪说.
"I must have it developed and printed." ;我必须把它洗出来, 印好."
Sandy took his film to the chemist's. ;桑迪把胶卷送到冲相店.
"I want to have it developed and printed please,"he said. ;"我要把这胶卷冲洗一下 再印出来."他说.
He collected the negatives and prints a few days later. ;几天以后他去取 底片和照片.
He showed the photos to Sue.She looked very pretty. ;他给苏看照片. 苏拍得很好,很漂亮.
But Timmy looked funny.He hasn't any front teeth! ;但蒂咪看上去很怪. 他没有门牙.
Lesson 105 Television Day:...four three,two,one,zero! ; 第105课 电视课: …四,三,二,一,放!
Ten,nine,eight,seven, six,five,four,three, two,one,zero!Whoosh! ;十,九,八,七,六,五, 四,三,二,一,放!呼!
There is a great roar and a rocket starts its journey into space ;一声巨响,一架火箭开始 了宇宙的旅程.
Who was the first man to go up into space? Do you know? ;是谁第一个进入宇宙的 呢?你知道吗?
A Russian,Yuri Gagarin was the first man who went up. ;是个俄国人,叫尤利.加 加林,他第一个进入宇宙.
That was on April 4th,1961. ;那是1961年4月4日.
He travelled once round the earth and his journey lasted 108 minutes. ;他绕地球转了一圈. 全程用了108分钟.
The next man that went up was an American, John Glenn. ;接着一个进入宇宙的是个 美国人,叫约翰.格伦,
He went round the earth three times. ;他绕地球3圈,
That was on February 20th,1962. ;那是1962年2月20日,
His journey lasted 4 hours,56 minutes. ;那次行程持续了4小时 56分钟.
There have been many flights into space since 1961. ;从1961年到现在人们已 多次飞入宇宙.
Since that time astronauts have been to the moon. ;从那时起,太空旅行者 登上过月球.
But we shall always remember ;但我们将永远记住
the first men who went on this dangerous and exciting journey. ;第一批冒着危险完成这一 危险而令人兴奋的旅行的 人们.
Lesson 107 A lucky tramp ; 第107课 幸运的流浪汉
Tramp:Good afternoon, Mrs.Have you got any old clothes? ;流浪汉:下午好,太太. 你有旧衣服吗?
Mother:Just a minute please. ;母亲:请等一下.
Mother:Jim!There's a tramp at the door. He wants some old clothes. ;母亲:吉姆,门口有个流 浪汉.他想要些旧衣服.
Father:You can give him my old jacket. ;父亲:把我那件旧外套 给他吧.
Mother:Here you are. You can have this old jacket. ;母亲:给, 这件旧外套给你.
Tramp:Thank you,Mrs. That's very kind of you. ;流浪汉:谢谢,太太. 你心真好.
Father:Which jacket did you give him, Betty? ;父亲:贝蒂,你把哪件 外套给他了?
Mother:The jacket which was in the wardrobe.The brown one. ;母亲:大衣橱里那件. 咖啡色的那件.
Father:The brown one! ;父亲:咖啡色那件?
Mother:Yes.What's the matter,Jim? ;母亲:是的,怎么啦,吉姆?
Father:You've given him my best jacket! ;父亲:你把我最好的一件 给他了.
Father:This is my old jacket.This is the jacket that you should have given him ;父亲:这才是我的那件旧 外套呢!你应该给他这件
Lesson 109 Not good enough ; 第109课 不够好!
Narrator:Mick is the name of the tramp who has father's new jacket. ;旁白:那个穿着他父亲新 外套的流浪汉叫米克.
He's talking to his friend,Harry. ;他正同他的朋友哈里在 谈话.
Mick:How do you like this jacket,Harry? ;米克:哈里,你觉得这件 外套怎么样?
Harry:Very nice,Mick. Who gave it to you? ;哈里:很漂亮,米克. 是谁给你的?
Mick:The lady who lives in that house. ;米克:住在那间房子里的 太太给的.
Harry:Which house is that? Mick:The house on the corner. ;哈里:是哪家? 米克:在拐弯角上那幢.
Harry:I'll go and ask for a jacket,too. ;哈里:我也去找她讨一件.
Harry:Good morning,Mrs Have you got any old clothes please? ;哈里:早上好,夫人.请问 有多余的旧衣服吗?
Mother:You can have this jacket. ;母亲:你把这件拿走吧.
Harry:May I see it please? ;哈里:请问,我可以看一看 吗?
Harry:No thanks,Mrs. It's too old for me. ;哈里:不要了,谢谢. 太旧了.
I want a jacket like the one you gave my friend yesterday. ;我要像你昨天给我朋友 那件一样的.
Lesson 111 People are so forgetful? ;第111课 人们那么健忘
Narrator:Father travelled to work by train.This is the train he travelled on ;旁白:父亲乘火车去上班. 这辆就是他刚乘坐的 火车.
He left his umbrella in one of the compartments. ;他把他的伞遗忘在车厢 里了.
Father:I left my umbrella on this train. ;父亲:我把伞忘在这列 火车上了,
Porter:Is this the train you travelled on,sir? ;搬运工:先生,你刚乘的 是这列车吗?
Father:I'm sure it is. ;父亲:肯定是这列.
Porter:Which compartment did you leave your umbrella in,sir? ;搬运工:先生,你把伞忘 在哪节车厢里了?
Father:I can't remember. ;父亲:我记不得了.
Father:I think I sat there. ;父亲:我想我坐在那儿的.
Porter:Here's an umbrella.Is this the one you're looking for? ;搬运工:这儿有把伞. 你找的是这把伞吗?
Father:Of course not! This is a lady's umbrella. ;父亲:肯定不是,这是女人 用的伞!
Father:I think this is the compartment I travelled in. ;父亲:我想我坐的是 这节车厢.
Porter:Here's another umbrella.Is it yours? ;搬运工:这里又有一把伞. 是你的吗?
Father:No,it isn't. ;父亲:不是的.
Father:This is the right compartment. And here's my umbrella. ;父亲:是这节车厢. 我的伞在这儿.
Porter:We were looking for one umbrella and we found three!People are so forgetful! ;搬运工:我们找一把伞. 现在找到了三把伞. 人们那么健忘.
Lesson 113 Still pretty good! ;第113课 仍然踢得很好
Old Man:Look at those boys playing football ;第一位老人:看,那些孩子 在踢足球.
Old Man:Did you ever play football,Dan? ;第二位老人:丹,你踢过 足球吗?
Old Man:Oh,yes.I used to play football a long time ago,but I don't play any more. ;第一位老人:哦,踢过的. 很久以前我踢过, 但现在不踢了.
Old Man:I used to be centre-forward When I was a boy. Did you use to play? ;第一位老人:我是孩子的 时候,踢过中锋. 你过去踢过球吗?
Old Man:Yes,I used to be goal-keeper. ;第二位老人:是的, 我以前是守门员.
Old Man:Look!The ball's coming towards us. ;第一位老人:看, 球朝咱们滚过来了.
Old Man:Pick it up. ;第一位老人:把它拣起来.
Sandy:May we have our ball please? ;桑迪:请把球还给我们 好吗?
Old Man:I'll kick it to you,son. ;第一位老人:孩子, 我踢给你.
Old Man:Well done! You're still pretty good! ;第二位老人:好球, 你仍然踢得很好.
Old Man:But not as good as I used to be. ;第一位老人:但踢得没 以前那么好了.
Lesson 115 Television Day: Captain Cook ; 第115课 电视课:库克船长
The great explorer, Captain Cook, ;伟大的探险家库克船长
set out from England in 1768 in his ship, Endeavour. ;1768年乘坐他自己的船 "努力号"从英国出发, 开始了他的航行.
He wanted to explore the South Pacific. ;他想考察南太平洋.
After he had sailed round the two islands of New Zealand, ;驶过新西兰的两个岛屿后
he travelled up the east coast of Australia. ;他驶向澳大利亚东部海岸
The Dutch explorer, Tasman, ;荷兰探险家塔斯门
had discovered the west coast of Australia in the 17th century. ;17世纪发现了澳大利亚西 岸.
He had also been to New Zealand,but he hadn't brought back much information. ;他也去过新西兰,但他 没带回来多少情况.
Tasman didn't discover that New Zealand was really two islands. ;塔斯门没有发现新西兰 就是两个岛屿.
He didn't know that Australia was an enormous continent. ;他不知道澳大利亚是 一块很大很大的陆地.
Captain Cook make maps of the coastline of New Zealand and Australia. ;库克船长画了新西兰和 澳大利亚海岸线地区图.
His great journey took nearly three years. ;他这次航行花了近3年的 时间.
The Endeavour returned to England on July 13th,1771. ;"努力号"于1771年 7月13日返回英国.
Ninety-three men had sailed with Captain Cook ;有93人同库克船长一起 出航,
and thirty-eight of them had died on the journey. ;途中死了38人.
Lesson 117 Father used to be a Boy Scout ; 第117课 父亲以前是个童子军
Narrator:The Clarks went camping last week-end.They put up their tent in a field ;旁白:上周克拉克一家 外出宿营.他们在田野 里搭起了营帐.
Father:If you collect some sticks,children, I shall light a fire. ;父亲:孩子,假如你们 拣些树枝,我就来生 堆火.
Sandy:Here you are, dad. ;桑迪:给,爸爸.
Sue:We've brought lots of dry sticks. ;苏:我们拣了好多干树枝.
Mother:Here's a box of matches,Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,这是火柴.
Father:I don't want any matches! ;父亲:我不需要火柴.
I used to be a Boy Scout.If rub these two sticks together,I can light a fire. ;我当过童子军. 我把这两根树枝 相互摩擦就能生火.
Sue:What's the matter, dad? ;苏:怎么啦,爸爸?
Father:I've been rubbing these two sticks together for a long time ;父亲:我已经磨了好久,
but nothing's happened yet! ;但是不起作用.
Mother:I'll light it, Jim. ;母亲:吉姆,我来点吧.
It's easy to light a fire with two sticks-- if one of the sticks is a match! ;用两根树枝点火很容易, 假如两根树枝中有一根 是火柴.
Lesson 119 Who's silly? Boys or girls? ; 第119课 谁磨蹭,男孩还是女孩?
Narrator:It's the end of term. Sandy and Sue are going to a school party. ;旁白:学期结束了. 桑迪和苏将去参加 结业典礼.
Sandy says he's ready, but Sue isn't ready yet. ;桑迪说他准备好了, 但苏还没准备好.
Sandy:Hurry up,Sue! Aren't you ready yet? ;桑迪:快点,苏!你准备 好了没有?
Sue:No,I've got to put on my party dress. And I've got to comb my hair. ;苏:还没好, 我得穿上礼服. 我还得梳头.
Sandy:Come on,Sue! Hurry up! ;桑迪:快点,苏!抓紧点!
Sue:Be quiet,Sandy! When I'm ready, I'll tell you. ;苏:安静,桑迪!我准备 好了会告诉你的.
Sue:Which dress shall I wear,mum? The red one or the blue one? ;苏:妈,我穿哪条裙子? 红的还是蓝的?
Mother:The red one, Sue. ;母亲:穿红的,苏.
Father:What's the matter,Sandy? ;父亲:怎么啦,桑迪?
Sandy:I'm waiting for Sue.I've been waiting for hours! Aren't girls silly! ;桑迪:我在等苏. 我已经等了好久了. 女孩真磨蹭!
Sue:I'm ready now. Sandy:At last! ;苏:现在我好了. 桑迪:总算完了.
Mother:Sandy!You haven't put your shoes on yet. ;母亲:桑迪, 你还没穿鞋呢.
Sue:Aren't boys silly! ;苏:男孩真磨蹭!