Look,Listen and Learn! ;
Book 4 Lesson 95-Lesson 119 ;
Lesson 95 Television Day: Stonehenge ;第95课 电视日:巨石阵
The circle of stones that can be seen at S- tonehenge on the Sali- sbury Plain in England ;在英国索尔兹伯里平原的 巨石阵能看到有用石头 围成的圈
is one of the oldest and most mysterious monuments in the world ;这是世界上最古老最神秘 的纪念碑之一.
The monument was probably put up between 1800 B.C. and 1400 B.C. ;这一纪念碑很可能建于 公元前1800年到1400年 之间.
When it was completed it consisted of a double circle of stones, ;建成的时候,它由两层石 头组成.
with two more groups of stones outside the circles. ;在圈圈外面还有2圈石头.
Many of the stones used in this monument ;许多用来造此纪念碑的 石头
must have been transported over 250 miles to Stonehenge. ;大概是从250英里以外运 到巨石阵的.
Single stones,some of them weighing about four tons, ;有的石头一块就重达4吨,
must have been sent on rivers and rolled over land on tree trunks. ;大概是通过水路运来或者 走陆路通过树干滚运而来
They can't have been carried!The men who moved the stone didn't have wheels or horses. ;它们不可能是搬运来的. 那时,运石人没有车 又没有马.
Each stone had to be moved by hand and placed in position. ;每块石头都得用手搬放 到它的位置上.
They were fitted together with great technical skill ;这些石块很精巧地堆放 成形.
There are many theories about the purpose of the stones. ;关于这些石块的 用途有多种说法.
Stonehenge was certainly a meeting-place. ;巨石阵肯定是个汇集点.
The stones have been arranged in a particular way ;石块以特殊方式排列起来
to mark sunrise and sunset at certain times during the year. ;标志1年里某些时刻的 日升日落.
This may have been a place of worship of the sun and also an observatory. ;这可能是朝拜太阳的地方 也可能是天文台.
One interesting theory suggests ;有个有趣的说法:
that the stones were some kind of computer ;这些石头是一种计算机
which was used to predict eclipses of the sun and moon. ;用来预测日、月蚀的.
Lesson 97 At the cloakroom ;第97课 在衣帽间
Narrator:Mother and father went to the theatre last night. ;旁白:父亲和母亲昨晚 去看戏.
Mother left her coat at the cloakroom. ;母亲把上衣寄放在衣帽间
When she went to collect it,she couldn't find her ticket. ;等去取的时候, 她找不到取衣牌了.
Mother:Excuse me.I left a coat here when I came in,but I've lost my ticket. ;母亲:对不起,我进来时把 上衣存放在这儿,可是 我把取衣牌给丢了.
Attendant:If your coat's here,madam, it will be found. ;服务员:夫人,您的上衣 要是在这里的话, 是能找到的.
Attendant:What colour is it? ;服务员:上衣是什么颜色 的?
Mother:It's a black woollen coat. ;母亲:是黑色呢大衣.
Attendant:There are lots of black coats, I'm afraid. ;服务员:恐怕有很多黑大 衣,
If it were some other colour,it would be easy to find. ;要是其他颜色的话, 那就容易找了.
Attendant:Anything special about it? ;服务员:大衣有什么特征 吗?
Mother:Yes.There's some fur round the collar. ;母亲:有.领子的一圈是 毛皮的.
Attendant:All these coats have fur round the collar. ;服务员:所有这些大衣的 领子全是毛皮的.
Attendant:Can you see it among these? ;服务员:在这些大衣中 您认得出您的吗?
Mother:No,I'm afraid I can't.All these coats look the same to me. ;母亲:恐怕不能.这些大衣 看上去全一个样.
Attendant:What else can you tell me about it? ;服务员:您能告诉我它 还有什么特征吗?
Mother:There's a dirty Kleenex in one of the pockets. ;母亲:大衣口袋里有张 脏手纸.
Attendant:Madam,I wouldn't be surprised ;服务员:太太,我也不会感 到吃惊
if there was a dirty Kleenex in all these coats. ;要是所有这些上衣的口袋 里都有脏手纸.
Lesson 99 Homework ; 第99课 家庭作业
"Finished!"Sandy cried "Me too!"Sue cried. ;"做完了!"桑迪大声嚷着. "我也做完了"苏大声嚷着
Gretel has often noticed that Sandy and Sue don't have very much homework. ;格莱托经常注意到 桑迪和苏的作业不多.
She raised the subject at dinner the other evening. ;一天晚上吃饭时, 她提出了这个问题.
and Mr Clark tried to explain."In some countries,"he said, ;克拉克先生解释说:"在 有些国家,
"children are made to do a lot of homework from the moment they begin school. ;孩子们一上学就得做大量 作业.
They're often obliged to learn their lessons by heart ;他们经常得背书,
and they are tested each day by their teachers. ;每天教师都要考他们.
The children learn from exactly the same books ;孩子们用的是同一教材,
and follow a strict state programme. ;按照一个严格的全国性 计划学习.
It's quite the opposite in England. ;在英国恰巧相反.
Teachers rarely make very young children do any homework. ;教师很少要小孩子做作业
They rarely get their pupils to learn lessons by heart. ;很少要学生背课文,
The teachers themselv- es are usually free to choose the books they will use. ;教师一般自由选择教科书
Some teachers don't use books at all! ;有的教师压根儿不用 教科书.
After the age of 11 or 12,of course, ;当然孩子们到了十一二岁
children are generally made to do some homework,but never very much. ;通常要做些作业, 但作业量不大.
From the age of 14 onwards they usually have quite a lot, ;从14岁开始,他们一般 要做很多作业,
as they will be taking important examinations ;因为他们要参加重要的考 试.
But even then,the question of homework is largely their own responsibility. ;不过即使这时, 做不做作业很大程度上 还是他们自己的事.
Gretel thought English children were very lucky, ;格莱托觉得英国的孩子非 常幸运,
but Sandy and Sue didn't agree --which is hardly surprising! ;但桑迪和苏不同意--这 不会令人感到惊讶!
Lesson 101 Television Day: Lewis Carroll ; 第101课 电视日:路易斯.卡罗尔
Which would you rather be?A mathematician or an author? ;你想当什么, 数学家还是作家?
Perhaps you will never be faced with this kind of choice. ;可能你永远不会 面临这种选择.
Lewis Carroll was both a mathematician and an author. ;路易斯.卡罗尔 既是数学家又是作家.
He was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University. ;他是牛津大学数学讲师.
But he is better known ;不过他更广为人之
as the author of two of the most famous children's books that have ever been written ;作为2本最著名的儿童书 籍的作者.
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. ;他写了<<爱丽丝历险记>> 和<<透过镜子看>>.
The author's real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, ;这位作家的真实姓名是 查理.卢特威治.道奇逊,
but he preferred to use the pen-name"Lewis Garroll" when he wrote Alice ;但他喜欢用他写 <<爱丽丝>>时的笔名 路易斯.卡罗尔.
and this is the name we remember him by. ;我们也以这个姓名 记住了他.
Alice in Wonderland was published in 1865, when its author was 33 years old; ;<<爱丽丝历险记>>出版 于1865年.那时作家33岁.
it was followed by Through the Looking- Glass in 1871. ;接着于1871年出版了 <<透过镜子看>>.
Both books were written for a real girl called Alice, ;这两本书写的均是一个 真实的女孩爱丽丝.
but they have been read by millions of children since they were first published. ;但出版以来,数以百万计 的儿童读过这两本书.
These stories are about a dream world ;这些故事都是关于一个 梦幻世界,
in which Alice meets strange creatures and has interesting adventures ;爱丽丝在那儿遇到奇怪 的人物,经历了有趣的 事情.
I'm sure you know this already, ;我相信你己经知道了.
but if you don't you had better read the stories yourselves ;但倘若你还不知道, 最好亲自读读这些故事.
The poem Jabberwocky which you are learning ;你正在学的"无稽之谈" 这首诗,
has been taken from through the Looking-Glass. ;它选自<<透过镜子看>>.
Here is the next verse: ;下面是"无稽之谈"后面 的一首诗:
He took his vorpal sword in hand: ;他手中握着剑,
Long time the manxome foe he sought-- ;久久要把敌人来搜寻,
So rested he by the Tumtum tree. ;他憩息在树边,
And stood awhile in thought. ;深思站在一边.
Lesson 103 Mrs Gasbag minds her own business ; 第103课 盖斯伯太太自管自
Mrs Gasbag:Well,there I was looking out of the window ;盖斯伯太太:晤,我往窗外 看,
and minding my own business,as usual, ;像往常一样, 我只管自己的事.
when I noticed this man coming down the street.He was wearing a hat and a big coat. ;我注意到这个人从大街 那头过来,戴着帽子, 穿着大衣.
I saw him go to the house next door. ;我见到他走进隔壁的房子
I watched him try to open the front door. ;我看到他想打开前门.
He pushed hard,but he couldn't open it. ;他用力推,可又推不开.
Then I heard him swearing. ;后来我听见他在 骂骂例例的.
After that,I saw him go round to the back of the house. ;后来我见他绕到房后.
I heard him wandering about. ;我听见他的徘徊声.
Then I saw him carry a ladder round to the front. ;然后我见他搬了把梯子 到门前.
I caught a glimpse of him climbing up the ladder towards an open window. ;我看见他登上梯子朝一 扇开着的窗户爬去.
Then he went in, head first. ;然后他头先身子后 爬进了屋.
I heard him shutting the window after that. ;后来我又听到他关窗的 声音.
So,of course,I telephoned the police. ;所以,我当然要打电话 给警方.
I mean,I always mind my own business ;我是说我总是自管自的,
but you must admit this man's behaviour was very suspicious. ;不过您得承认这家伙行 径很可疑.
The police arrested him,but,unfortunately, it wasn't a thief at all. ;警察逮着了他,但遗憾的 是他根本不是什么小偷.
It was my next-door neighbour,Mr Clark. ;他是我隔壁邻居 克拉克先生.
His wife was out and he had forgotten his key! ;他夫人不在家, 而他又忘带了钥匙!
Lesson 105 Speakers' Corner ;第105课 演讲角
Gretel thinks it's fun exploring London. ;格莱托感到了解伦敦 是种乐趣.
She's often pleasantly surprised. ;她常常愉快地感到吃惊.
Yesterday she went shopping in Knights bridge ;昨天她去骑士桥街买东西
and then she decided to walk through Hybe Park. ;后来她决定去海德公园 逛逛,
After she had been walking for some time she saw a crowd of people ;走了不一会儿 就看到一群人,
and went towards them. ;便朝他们走去.
She didn't realize it at the time,but she had come to Speakers' Corner. ;当时她还没意识到 她己到了演讲角.
Here people are free to express their opinions about any subject under the sun ;在这儿人们可以自由发表 他们对任何事情的观点.
and they can say just what they like. ;他们想说什么就说什么.
It was interesting listening to the speakers. ;听演讲人发言非常有意思
Gretel heard a man with a long red beard violently attacking the present government ;格莱托听到一个蓄长红胡 须的人猛烈抨击现政府.
She heard members of the audience interrup- ting the speaker and asking him questions. ;她听到听众中有人打断 演讲人的发言向他提问.
The man was very rude about the Prime Minister. ;他用很粗鲁的话攻击首相
A policeman who happened to be walking past at the time ;一个碰巧路过的警察
didn't pay the slightest attention. ;丝毫不在意.
Nearby,another man was supporting the government ;旁边另外一位男子则是在 支持政府的,
and he,too,was being interrupted. ;他也被打断.
Further away, a middle-aged lady was criticizing television programmes, ;再往前走, 有一位中年妇女 正在批评电视节目.
which she claimed, did a lot of harm. ;她声称这些节目非常有害
Meanwhile,an old man was singing hymns to himself. ;与此同时,有个老头在 自唱着赞美诗.
"Walking round London is really enjoyable," Gretel told Sue later. ;"在伦敦到处走走真高 兴,"后来格莱托告诉苏.
"There's such a variety of things going on!" ;"什么事都有."
Lesson 107 Television Day: Fire--friend and enemy ; 第107课 电视日: 火--既是朋友又是敌人
Who doesn't love sitting beside a cosy fire on a cold winter's night? ;谁不喜欢在寒冬夜晚坐 在暖暖和和的火炉旁?
Who doesn't love to watch flames curling up a chimney? ;谁不喜欢看火苗沿着 烟囱缕缕升起?
Fire is one of man's greatest friends,but also one of his greatest enemies. ;火是人类最好的朋友之一 又是人类最危险的敌人 之一.
Many big fires are caused by carelessness ;许多大火因不慎引起的.
A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window ;一个点着的烟蒂从汽车 或从火车窗户扔出来
or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can start a fire. ;或者一个干草上的破瓶 都可能引起一场火灾.
Sometimes,though,a fire can start on its own. ;然而,有时火灾是自燃 引起.
Wet hay can begin burning by itself. ;潮湿的草会自燃.
This is how it happens ;自燃是这么发生的:
the hay starts to rot and begins to give off heat which is trapped inside it. ;先是草腐烂,并开始散发 裹在里面的热量.
Finally,it bursts into flames. ;最后草就着火了.
That's why farmers cut and store their hay when it's dry. ;所以农民割完草要等草干 才贮藏起来.
Fires have destroyed whole cities. ;火毁掉过整座城市.
In the 17th century,a small fire which began in a baker's shop ;17世纪一场小火从一家面 包房开始
burnt down nearly every building in London. ;几乎把伦敦所有 楼屋全化为灰烬.
Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon. ;在反抗拿破仑战争时, 莫斯科起了火.
This fire continued burning for seven days. ;这场火连续烧了7天.
And,of course,in 64 A.D.Nero fiddled while Rome burned! ;当然在公元64年,当罗马 城正大火燃烧时,尼罗却 还在拉提琴呢.
Even today,in spite of modern fire-fighting methods, ;即使今天已经有了现代化 的灭火方法,
fire causes millions of pounds' worth of damage each year ;每年造成数以百万英镑计 的损失
both in our cities and in the countryside. ;在城乡的火灾.
It had been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master. ;有人说得好: 火是个好的奴仆 也是个坏主人.
Lesson 109 Busy as usual ;第109课 像往常一样忙
Harry:Fancy meeting you here,Mick!How have you been keeping? ;哈里:米克,想不到在 这儿遇到你.你好吗?
Mick:Fine thanks, Harry.How about you? ;米克:很好,哈里, 谢谢.你呢?
Harry:Very well, thanks. ;哈里:很好,谢谢.
Mick:Busy? ;米克:忙吗?
Harry:As usual. ;哈里:和往常一样.
Mick:See how that crane picked up all those bricks! ;米克:看那辆吊车把那些 砖全吊起来了.
I can't help admiring the way they do that! ;对他们干活那股劲, 我是赞叹不已!
Harry:Imagine digging a hole that deep! ;哈里:他们挖那么深一个 洞,不敢想象.
They began digging three months ago and they haven't finished digging yet! ;他们3个月前开始挖的, 还没完成.
Mick:It's amazing, isn't it? ;米克:真令人惊讶!
Harry:It'll be a tall building when it's finished. ;哈里:完工后那将是座 高楼.
Mick:I wouldn't mind betting it'll be more than ten storeys high ;米克:我敢打赌它不止 10层.
Harry:A block of offices,I expect. ;哈里:我想是座办公楼.
Mick:Look at all these people behind us. ;米克:你看我们背后 那些人.
Harry:I wish they'd stop pushing. ;哈里:但愿他们别再 推来推去的.
Mick:(to the people behind):Hey!Would you mind?I can't stand pushing. ;米克:(对身后边人说)嘿, 你们别推了行不行? 这样我可受不了.
Harry:Nor can I. ;哈里:我也受不了了.
Mick:I love work,Harry ;米克:哈里,我喜欢干活.
Harry:Me too,Mick!It's such an interesting thing to watch! ;哈里:米克,我也是. 在一边看人家干活 挺有意思的.
Lesson 111 The Tower of London ;第111课 伦敦塔
Gretel recently went to the Tower of London She enjoyed her visit very much. ;最近格莱托参观了伦敦塔 她非常喜欢这次访问.
She saw the Crown Jewels in the museum there. ;她见到了那儿博物馆展出 的皇冠上的宝石.
The jewels are carefully guarded ;这些宝石被小心的守护着
by men who still wear 16th century costumes ;被一些穿着16世纪服装
and are known as "Yeomen of the Guard" or "Beefeaters". ;叫做王室警卫或英国皇家 禁卫军仪仗的卫士守护着
Gretel enjoyed walking round the old buildings and on the well-kept lawns ;格莱托喜欢漫步在古老 的建筑中或漫步在悉心 照管的草坪上.
She saw the famous Tower ravens. ;她看到了那个著名塔上 的渡鸦.
There is a legend that if these birds ever fly away the Tower will fall. ;有个传说讲若这些渡鸦 飞走了塔也就倒塌了.
It was a bright day and everything looked cheerful. ;那天阳光明媚,一切看 上去都那么生气勃勃.
But,as she walked round, ;但就在她东逛西逛时,
Gretel read about the terrible history of the Tower in her guidebook. ;格莱托在导游小册子上读 到该塔一段可怕的历史.
It was once a prison for kings and queens and important people ;它曾是监禁国王,王后及 显贵的牢房,
many of whom were executed there. ;他们中间许多人在这儿被 处决.
Gretel looked at the Traitors' Gate ;格莱托看着叛徒门
and imagined famous people walking through it on their way to execution: ;想象着那些有名望的人 在去刑场路上经过此门 时的情景.
two of Henry VIII's wives,Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard; ;这些人当中有亨利八世 的2个妊子:安妮.博林和 凯瑟.霍华德
the great writer,Sir Thomas More and many others. ;大作家托马斯.莫尔先生 和其他许多的人.
On such a sunny day, ;在这么个晴朗的日子里,
it was hard to imagine so many dreadful things happening at this place. ;很难想象得出这么多可悲 的事竞然就在此地发生过
Wherever she looked, ;无论到哪儿,
Gretel could see tourists everywhere, laughing and enjoying themselves. ;格莱托都能看到旅游者. 他们笑啊,乐啊!?
How terrible it must have been and how different it all is today! ;过去那番情景是多么可怕 跟今天情况相比真是 天壤之别.
Lesson 113 Television Day: Picasso ;第113课 电视日:毕加索
Pablo Picasso was able to draw well even when he was a small boy. ;派卜罗.毕加索在年幼时 就能画得很好.
It was clear he was going to be an artist. ;很明显, 他能成为一名画家.
His father,Don Jose Ruiz, ;他父亲唐.乔斯.卢依兹
was in charge of the museum in Malaga,the town where Pablo was born. ;在派卜罗出生地马拉加 主管博物馆的工作.
Don Jose's hobby was painting and Pablo learnt a great deal by watching him. ;唐.乔斯的爱好是绘画. 派卜罗看他绘画时学到 不少东西.
Soon there was nothing more his father could teach him. ;不久他父亲没什么可 教他了.
The boy could do anything with his hands: ;这个男孩一双巧手干什么 都灵.
he could paint, work with clay or with any material he could find. ;他会绘画,做泥活,能用 他能找到的任何材料 做东西.
When he was in his teens, ;十几岁时,
he painted a picture called Science and Charity for which he won a gold medal. ;他画了一幅名叫"科学与 北美"的画获得金质奖章.
Then he enrolled at the Royal Academy in Madrid ;后来他进了马德里皇家学 院,
but left without completing his studies ;但学业未完就离开了,
because there was nothing he could learn from his teachers. ;因为从老师处 他学不到什么.
He continued drawing by himself and then went to Paris. ;他继续自己绘画, 以后来到巴黎.
Soon after arriving,he changed his style of painting. ;到巴黎不久, 他改变了他的艺术风格.
In 1907 he painted Les Demoiselles d'Avignon ;1907年他完成"阿维克诺 的姑娘".
which some people think is the first truly "modern" picture ;有人认为这是一幅真正的 "现代"绘画作品.
He experimented with all kinds of styles and materials. ;他尝试用各种风格和 材料绘画.
Apart from painting, Picasso has done sculpture pottery, metal-work, ;毕加索还搞雕刻,用陶瓷 金属进行艺术刨作,
posters and designs for the theatre. ;画海报,为剧院搞设计.
He has painted men, women and children (especially acrobats and clowns); ;他画过男人、女人和儿童 (尤其是杂技演员和小丑)
he has painted animals (especially bulls) ;他画过动物 (尤其是公牛)
and objects (especially guitars) ;和其他实物 (尤其是吉他).
His work shows all the richness and variety of life itself. ;他的作品显示了 生活的丰富多采.
Lesson 115 All good things come to an end ;第115课 美好的日子将结束了
Narrator:Gretel's year with the Clarks is coming to an end. ;旁白:格莱托在克拉克家 1年的时间即将过去了.
She's getting ready for her return to Austria. ;她正准备回奥地利.
She's looking forward to returning home but she's very sorry to leave,too! ;她盼着回家, 但又感到依依不舍.
Father:How will you be travelling, Gretel? ;父亲:格莱托, 你准备怎么回去?
Gretel:By air, Mr Clark. ;格莱托:坐飞机, 克拉克先生.
I prefer flying to travelling overland. ;坐飞机或由陆路旅行, 我更喜欢前者.
I enjoy travelling by train,But I hate sea-journeys-I'm such a bad sailor! ;我也喜欢坐火车. 但是我不愿坐轮船. 我晕船.
Mother:Have you bought presents for your family and friends? ;母亲:你给家里人和朋友 买礼品了吗?
Gretel:I haven't quite finished my shopping yet, ;格莱托:我还没全办好.
but,so far,I've succeeded in finding some lovely things. ;不过,我已经买了一些好 东西.
Gretel:You must all come to Austria soon. You must come skiing ... ;格莱托:你们一定要 很快到奥地利来. 你们要来滑雪.
Sandy:I'd love to, but I can't ski. ;桑迪:我很想滑雪, 可我不会.
Gretel:You'll soon learn,Sandy. ;格莱托:桑迪, 你很快能学会的.
Sue:I hope you've enjoyed staying with us,Gretel. ;苏:格莱托,我希望你和 我们在一起过得很愉快.
Mother:We shall miss you. ;母亲:我们会想你的.
Gretel:You've all been so kind. I shall miss you all very much. ;格莱托:你们待我这么好, 我会永远想念你们.
Sandy:Well it's no use everyone crying about it! ;桑迪:好了,大家为这事 哭没用.
Father:It's a sad occasion,Sandy. ;父亲:桑迪,这是个令人 难过的时刻.
I bet you won't admit it,but I think you're crying,too-and I feel like crying myself! ;我敢说你不会承认这点, 你也在流泪了, 我自己也哭了.
Lesson 117 Seeing Gretel off ;第117课 为格莱托送行
It was a sad day yesterday Gretel returned to Austria ;昨天是个伤心的日子. 格莱托回奥地利了.
The family wanted to see her off,so Mr Clark drove them all to London Airport. ;全家人都想去送她, 所以克拉克先生驱车把 他们都送到伦敦机场.
Gretel didn't have much baggage. ;格莱托没多少行李.
She was afraid of having to pay excess, ;她怕要付行李超重费,
so she had already sent a lot of things home by train. ;所以先用火车 托运不少东西回家.
She checked in at Terminal 2 and had her baggage weighed. ;格莱托在2号台办登机 手续,称了行李,
It was 20 kilos exactly. ;刚好20公斤.
Then she was given her embarkation card. ;接着她拿到登机卡.
"I've still got plenty of time,"Gretel said. ;"我还有很多时间," 格莱托说,
"Why don't we go up to the cafeteria instead of standing here?" ;"我们别站在这儿, 去餐厅好吗?"
They all went upstairs and had some coffee. Everyone was silent. ;他们都到楼上去喝咖啡. 大家都不说话.
"Cheer up!"Mr Clark said."It's not the end of the world.Got all your presents,Gretel?" ;"高兴些,"克拉克先生说, "世界又没到尽头. 格莱托,礼品备齐了吗?"
"I'm going to buy some whisky and cigarettes at the Duty Free Shop" Gretel said. ;"我想在免税商店买些威 士忌和香烟,"格菜托说.
Then the announcement came over the loudspeakers: ;一会儿广播里播出通知:
"Will passengers travelling to Vienna on Flight AU 285 ;"乘坐AU285号航班去维 也纳的乘客
kindly make their way to the Departure Lounge please." ;请进候机室."
Mother and Sue kissed Gretel goodbye. ;母亲和苏与格莱托 亲吻道别.
Mr Clark and Sandy shook her hand warmly. ;克拉克先生和桑迪与她 热情握手.
Mother and Sue had tears in their eyes-- and so did Mr Clark and Sandy, ;母亲和苏眼里噙着泪水 --克拉克先生和桑迪也 一样,
though they tried to pretend everything was normal! ;尽管他们尽力装出 无事的样子.
Lesson 119 Television Day: Learning a language ;第119课 电视日:学习语言
This is the last programme in our series. ;这次是我们这个系列节目 的最后一集.
Today we want to tell you something about learning a language, ;今天我们要给你们谈谈 如何学习语言,
and English in particular. ;尤其是学习英语.
Students used to learn languages by memorizi- ng grammar rules and word lists. ;学生过去常通过死记语法 规则、背单词来学语言.
Some unlucky ones still try to learn this way. ;有些不幸的学生至今 还这么干.
It is almost impossib- le to become skillful in speaking a language unless you use it ;如果不通过实践,要熟练 地说某种语言几乎不可能
and all modern methods are based on this theory. ;所有的现代教学法 都基于这一理论.
The course you have been studying is audio-visual: ;你们一直在学的课程是 视听法.
this means it attempts to teach you by matching sounds and pictures. ;这就是通过声音和图像 结合起来教你.
That's why it has been called "Look,Listen and Learn!" ;因此,它叫做 "看、听和学."
The pictures help you to understand, ;图片帮助你理解、
remember and use the language you are learning. ;记忆和运用你所学的语言
These methods can be used in the classroom or in a language- laboratory ;这些方法可在课堂使用, 或在语言实验室使用,
where students practise drills which have been recorded on tape. ;学生跟着录音操练.
English is the official language ;英语是正式语言
used in Australia, Canada,the British Isles,New Zealand, ;应用于澳大利亚、加拿大 不列颠群岛、新西兰
South Africa and the United States of America. ;南非和美国等国家.
But it has also become international ;它已成为国际性语言,
and is the principal second language throughout the world. ;并且是全世界主要的 第二语言.
Perhaps through English we will be able to understand each other better. ;也许通过英语, 我们能更好地相互理解.
We will be able to communicate whatever part of the world we come from. ;无论我们来自世界的哪 一个角落,我们能够交流 思想.
Goodbye,children, everywhere. ;再见, 世界各地的孩子们!
Book 4 Lesson 95-Lesson 119 ;
Lesson 95 Television Day: Stonehenge ;第95课 电视日:巨石阵
The circle of stones that can be seen at S- tonehenge on the Sali- sbury Plain in England ;在英国索尔兹伯里平原的 巨石阵能看到有用石头 围成的圈
is one of the oldest and most mysterious monuments in the world ;这是世界上最古老最神秘 的纪念碑之一.
The monument was probably put up between 1800 B.C. and 1400 B.C. ;这一纪念碑很可能建于 公元前1800年到1400年 之间.
When it was completed it consisted of a double circle of stones, ;建成的时候,它由两层石 头组成.
with two more groups of stones outside the circles. ;在圈圈外面还有2圈石头.
Many of the stones used in this monument ;许多用来造此纪念碑的 石头
must have been transported over 250 miles to Stonehenge. ;大概是从250英里以外运 到巨石阵的.
Single stones,some of them weighing about four tons, ;有的石头一块就重达4吨,
must have been sent on rivers and rolled over land on tree trunks. ;大概是通过水路运来或者 走陆路通过树干滚运而来
They can't have been carried!The men who moved the stone didn't have wheels or horses. ;它们不可能是搬运来的. 那时,运石人没有车 又没有马.
Each stone had to be moved by hand and placed in position. ;每块石头都得用手搬放 到它的位置上.
They were fitted together with great technical skill ;这些石块很精巧地堆放 成形.
There are many theories about the purpose of the stones. ;关于这些石块的 用途有多种说法.
Stonehenge was certainly a meeting-place. ;巨石阵肯定是个汇集点.
The stones have been arranged in a particular way ;石块以特殊方式排列起来
to mark sunrise and sunset at certain times during the year. ;标志1年里某些时刻的 日升日落.
This may have been a place of worship of the sun and also an observatory. ;这可能是朝拜太阳的地方 也可能是天文台.
One interesting theory suggests ;有个有趣的说法:
that the stones were some kind of computer ;这些石头是一种计算机
which was used to predict eclipses of the sun and moon. ;用来预测日、月蚀的.
Lesson 97 At the cloakroom ;第97课 在衣帽间
Narrator:Mother and father went to the theatre last night. ;旁白:父亲和母亲昨晚 去看戏.
Mother left her coat at the cloakroom. ;母亲把上衣寄放在衣帽间
When she went to collect it,she couldn't find her ticket. ;等去取的时候, 她找不到取衣牌了.
Mother:Excuse me.I left a coat here when I came in,but I've lost my ticket. ;母亲:对不起,我进来时把 上衣存放在这儿,可是 我把取衣牌给丢了.
Attendant:If your coat's here,madam, it will be found. ;服务员:夫人,您的上衣 要是在这里的话, 是能找到的.
Attendant:What colour is it? ;服务员:上衣是什么颜色 的?
Mother:It's a black woollen coat. ;母亲:是黑色呢大衣.
Attendant:There are lots of black coats, I'm afraid. ;服务员:恐怕有很多黑大 衣,
If it were some other colour,it would be easy to find. ;要是其他颜色的话, 那就容易找了.
Attendant:Anything special about it? ;服务员:大衣有什么特征 吗?
Mother:Yes.There's some fur round the collar. ;母亲:有.领子的一圈是 毛皮的.
Attendant:All these coats have fur round the collar. ;服务员:所有这些大衣的 领子全是毛皮的.
Attendant:Can you see it among these? ;服务员:在这些大衣中 您认得出您的吗?
Mother:No,I'm afraid I can't.All these coats look the same to me. ;母亲:恐怕不能.这些大衣 看上去全一个样.
Attendant:What else can you tell me about it? ;服务员:您能告诉我它 还有什么特征吗?
Mother:There's a dirty Kleenex in one of the pockets. ;母亲:大衣口袋里有张 脏手纸.
Attendant:Madam,I wouldn't be surprised ;服务员:太太,我也不会感 到吃惊
if there was a dirty Kleenex in all these coats. ;要是所有这些上衣的口袋 里都有脏手纸.
Lesson 99 Homework ; 第99课 家庭作业
"Finished!"Sandy cried "Me too!"Sue cried. ;"做完了!"桑迪大声嚷着. "我也做完了"苏大声嚷着
Gretel has often noticed that Sandy and Sue don't have very much homework. ;格莱托经常注意到 桑迪和苏的作业不多.
She raised the subject at dinner the other evening. ;一天晚上吃饭时, 她提出了这个问题.
and Mr Clark tried to explain."In some countries,"he said, ;克拉克先生解释说:"在 有些国家,
"children are made to do a lot of homework from the moment they begin school. ;孩子们一上学就得做大量 作业.
They're often obliged to learn their lessons by heart ;他们经常得背书,
and they are tested each day by their teachers. ;每天教师都要考他们.
The children learn from exactly the same books ;孩子们用的是同一教材,
and follow a strict state programme. ;按照一个严格的全国性 计划学习.
It's quite the opposite in England. ;在英国恰巧相反.
Teachers rarely make very young children do any homework. ;教师很少要小孩子做作业
They rarely get their pupils to learn lessons by heart. ;很少要学生背课文,
The teachers themselv- es are usually free to choose the books they will use. ;教师一般自由选择教科书
Some teachers don't use books at all! ;有的教师压根儿不用 教科书.
After the age of 11 or 12,of course, ;当然孩子们到了十一二岁
children are generally made to do some homework,but never very much. ;通常要做些作业, 但作业量不大.
From the age of 14 onwards they usually have quite a lot, ;从14岁开始,他们一般 要做很多作业,
as they will be taking important examinations ;因为他们要参加重要的考 试.
But even then,the question of homework is largely their own responsibility. ;不过即使这时, 做不做作业很大程度上 还是他们自己的事.
Gretel thought English children were very lucky, ;格莱托觉得英国的孩子非 常幸运,
but Sandy and Sue didn't agree --which is hardly surprising! ;但桑迪和苏不同意--这 不会令人感到惊讶!
Lesson 101 Television Day: Lewis Carroll ; 第101课 电视日:路易斯.卡罗尔
Which would you rather be?A mathematician or an author? ;你想当什么, 数学家还是作家?
Perhaps you will never be faced with this kind of choice. ;可能你永远不会 面临这种选择.
Lewis Carroll was both a mathematician and an author. ;路易斯.卡罗尔 既是数学家又是作家.
He was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University. ;他是牛津大学数学讲师.
But he is better known ;不过他更广为人之
as the author of two of the most famous children's books that have ever been written ;作为2本最著名的儿童书 籍的作者.
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. ;他写了<<爱丽丝历险记>> 和<<透过镜子看>>.
The author's real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, ;这位作家的真实姓名是 查理.卢特威治.道奇逊,
but he preferred to use the pen-name"Lewis Garroll" when he wrote Alice ;但他喜欢用他写 <<爱丽丝>>时的笔名 路易斯.卡罗尔.
and this is the name we remember him by. ;我们也以这个姓名 记住了他.
Alice in Wonderland was published in 1865, when its author was 33 years old; ;<<爱丽丝历险记>>出版 于1865年.那时作家33岁.
it was followed by Through the Looking- Glass in 1871. ;接着于1871年出版了 <<透过镜子看>>.
Both books were written for a real girl called Alice, ;这两本书写的均是一个 真实的女孩爱丽丝.
but they have been read by millions of children since they were first published. ;但出版以来,数以百万计 的儿童读过这两本书.
These stories are about a dream world ;这些故事都是关于一个 梦幻世界,
in which Alice meets strange creatures and has interesting adventures ;爱丽丝在那儿遇到奇怪 的人物,经历了有趣的 事情.
I'm sure you know this already, ;我相信你己经知道了.
but if you don't you had better read the stories yourselves ;但倘若你还不知道, 最好亲自读读这些故事.
The poem Jabberwocky which you are learning ;你正在学的"无稽之谈" 这首诗,
has been taken from through the Looking-Glass. ;它选自<<透过镜子看>>.
Here is the next verse: ;下面是"无稽之谈"后面 的一首诗:
He took his vorpal sword in hand: ;他手中握着剑,
Long time the manxome foe he sought-- ;久久要把敌人来搜寻,
So rested he by the Tumtum tree. ;他憩息在树边,
And stood awhile in thought. ;深思站在一边.
Lesson 103 Mrs Gasbag minds her own business ; 第103课 盖斯伯太太自管自
Mrs Gasbag:Well,there I was looking out of the window ;盖斯伯太太:晤,我往窗外 看,
and minding my own business,as usual, ;像往常一样, 我只管自己的事.
when I noticed this man coming down the street.He was wearing a hat and a big coat. ;我注意到这个人从大街 那头过来,戴着帽子, 穿着大衣.
I saw him go to the house next door. ;我见到他走进隔壁的房子
I watched him try to open the front door. ;我看到他想打开前门.
He pushed hard,but he couldn't open it. ;他用力推,可又推不开.
Then I heard him swearing. ;后来我听见他在 骂骂例例的.
After that,I saw him go round to the back of the house. ;后来我见他绕到房后.
I heard him wandering about. ;我听见他的徘徊声.
Then I saw him carry a ladder round to the front. ;然后我见他搬了把梯子 到门前.
I caught a glimpse of him climbing up the ladder towards an open window. ;我看见他登上梯子朝一 扇开着的窗户爬去.
Then he went in, head first. ;然后他头先身子后 爬进了屋.
I heard him shutting the window after that. ;后来我又听到他关窗的 声音.
So,of course,I telephoned the police. ;所以,我当然要打电话 给警方.
I mean,I always mind my own business ;我是说我总是自管自的,
but you must admit this man's behaviour was very suspicious. ;不过您得承认这家伙行 径很可疑.
The police arrested him,but,unfortunately, it wasn't a thief at all. ;警察逮着了他,但遗憾的 是他根本不是什么小偷.
It was my next-door neighbour,Mr Clark. ;他是我隔壁邻居 克拉克先生.
His wife was out and he had forgotten his key! ;他夫人不在家, 而他又忘带了钥匙!
Lesson 105 Speakers' Corner ;第105课 演讲角
Gretel thinks it's fun exploring London. ;格莱托感到了解伦敦 是种乐趣.
She's often pleasantly surprised. ;她常常愉快地感到吃惊.
Yesterday she went shopping in Knights bridge ;昨天她去骑士桥街买东西
and then she decided to walk through Hybe Park. ;后来她决定去海德公园 逛逛,
After she had been walking for some time she saw a crowd of people ;走了不一会儿 就看到一群人,
and went towards them. ;便朝他们走去.
She didn't realize it at the time,but she had come to Speakers' Corner. ;当时她还没意识到 她己到了演讲角.
Here people are free to express their opinions about any subject under the sun ;在这儿人们可以自由发表 他们对任何事情的观点.
and they can say just what they like. ;他们想说什么就说什么.
It was interesting listening to the speakers. ;听演讲人发言非常有意思
Gretel heard a man with a long red beard violently attacking the present government ;格莱托听到一个蓄长红胡 须的人猛烈抨击现政府.
She heard members of the audience interrup- ting the speaker and asking him questions. ;她听到听众中有人打断 演讲人的发言向他提问.
The man was very rude about the Prime Minister. ;他用很粗鲁的话攻击首相
A policeman who happened to be walking past at the time ;一个碰巧路过的警察
didn't pay the slightest attention. ;丝毫不在意.
Nearby,another man was supporting the government ;旁边另外一位男子则是在 支持政府的,
and he,too,was being interrupted. ;他也被打断.
Further away, a middle-aged lady was criticizing television programmes, ;再往前走, 有一位中年妇女 正在批评电视节目.
which she claimed, did a lot of harm. ;她声称这些节目非常有害
Meanwhile,an old man was singing hymns to himself. ;与此同时,有个老头在 自唱着赞美诗.
"Walking round London is really enjoyable," Gretel told Sue later. ;"在伦敦到处走走真高 兴,"后来格莱托告诉苏.
"There's such a variety of things going on!" ;"什么事都有."
Lesson 107 Television Day: Fire--friend and enemy ; 第107课 电视日: 火--既是朋友又是敌人
Who doesn't love sitting beside a cosy fire on a cold winter's night? ;谁不喜欢在寒冬夜晚坐 在暖暖和和的火炉旁?
Who doesn't love to watch flames curling up a chimney? ;谁不喜欢看火苗沿着 烟囱缕缕升起?
Fire is one of man's greatest friends,but also one of his greatest enemies. ;火是人类最好的朋友之一 又是人类最危险的敌人 之一.
Many big fires are caused by carelessness ;许多大火因不慎引起的.
A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window ;一个点着的烟蒂从汽车 或从火车窗户扔出来
or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can start a fire. ;或者一个干草上的破瓶 都可能引起一场火灾.
Sometimes,though,a fire can start on its own. ;然而,有时火灾是自燃 引起.
Wet hay can begin burning by itself. ;潮湿的草会自燃.
This is how it happens ;自燃是这么发生的:
the hay starts to rot and begins to give off heat which is trapped inside it. ;先是草腐烂,并开始散发 裹在里面的热量.
Finally,it bursts into flames. ;最后草就着火了.
That's why farmers cut and store their hay when it's dry. ;所以农民割完草要等草干 才贮藏起来.
Fires have destroyed whole cities. ;火毁掉过整座城市.
In the 17th century,a small fire which began in a baker's shop ;17世纪一场小火从一家面 包房开始
burnt down nearly every building in London. ;几乎把伦敦所有 楼屋全化为灰烬.
Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon. ;在反抗拿破仑战争时, 莫斯科起了火.
This fire continued burning for seven days. ;这场火连续烧了7天.
And,of course,in 64 A.D.Nero fiddled while Rome burned! ;当然在公元64年,当罗马 城正大火燃烧时,尼罗却 还在拉提琴呢.
Even today,in spite of modern fire-fighting methods, ;即使今天已经有了现代化 的灭火方法,
fire causes millions of pounds' worth of damage each year ;每年造成数以百万英镑计 的损失
both in our cities and in the countryside. ;在城乡的火灾.
It had been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master. ;有人说得好: 火是个好的奴仆 也是个坏主人.
Lesson 109 Busy as usual ;第109课 像往常一样忙
Harry:Fancy meeting you here,Mick!How have you been keeping? ;哈里:米克,想不到在 这儿遇到你.你好吗?
Mick:Fine thanks, Harry.How about you? ;米克:很好,哈里, 谢谢.你呢?
Harry:Very well, thanks. ;哈里:很好,谢谢.
Mick:Busy? ;米克:忙吗?
Harry:As usual. ;哈里:和往常一样.
Mick:See how that crane picked up all those bricks! ;米克:看那辆吊车把那些 砖全吊起来了.
I can't help admiring the way they do that! ;对他们干活那股劲, 我是赞叹不已!
Harry:Imagine digging a hole that deep! ;哈里:他们挖那么深一个 洞,不敢想象.
They began digging three months ago and they haven't finished digging yet! ;他们3个月前开始挖的, 还没完成.
Mick:It's amazing, isn't it? ;米克:真令人惊讶!
Harry:It'll be a tall building when it's finished. ;哈里:完工后那将是座 高楼.
Mick:I wouldn't mind betting it'll be more than ten storeys high ;米克:我敢打赌它不止 10层.
Harry:A block of offices,I expect. ;哈里:我想是座办公楼.
Mick:Look at all these people behind us. ;米克:你看我们背后 那些人.
Harry:I wish they'd stop pushing. ;哈里:但愿他们别再 推来推去的.
Mick:(to the people behind):Hey!Would you mind?I can't stand pushing. ;米克:(对身后边人说)嘿, 你们别推了行不行? 这样我可受不了.
Harry:Nor can I. ;哈里:我也受不了了.
Mick:I love work,Harry ;米克:哈里,我喜欢干活.
Harry:Me too,Mick!It's such an interesting thing to watch! ;哈里:米克,我也是. 在一边看人家干活 挺有意思的.
Lesson 111 The Tower of London ;第111课 伦敦塔
Gretel recently went to the Tower of London She enjoyed her visit very much. ;最近格莱托参观了伦敦塔 她非常喜欢这次访问.
She saw the Crown Jewels in the museum there. ;她见到了那儿博物馆展出 的皇冠上的宝石.
The jewels are carefully guarded ;这些宝石被小心的守护着
by men who still wear 16th century costumes ;被一些穿着16世纪服装
and are known as "Yeomen of the Guard" or "Beefeaters". ;叫做王室警卫或英国皇家 禁卫军仪仗的卫士守护着
Gretel enjoyed walking round the old buildings and on the well-kept lawns ;格莱托喜欢漫步在古老 的建筑中或漫步在悉心 照管的草坪上.
She saw the famous Tower ravens. ;她看到了那个著名塔上 的渡鸦.
There is a legend that if these birds ever fly away the Tower will fall. ;有个传说讲若这些渡鸦 飞走了塔也就倒塌了.
It was a bright day and everything looked cheerful. ;那天阳光明媚,一切看 上去都那么生气勃勃.
But,as she walked round, ;但就在她东逛西逛时,
Gretel read about the terrible history of the Tower in her guidebook. ;格莱托在导游小册子上读 到该塔一段可怕的历史.
It was once a prison for kings and queens and important people ;它曾是监禁国王,王后及 显贵的牢房,
many of whom were executed there. ;他们中间许多人在这儿被 处决.
Gretel looked at the Traitors' Gate ;格莱托看着叛徒门
and imagined famous people walking through it on their way to execution: ;想象着那些有名望的人 在去刑场路上经过此门 时的情景.
two of Henry VIII's wives,Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard; ;这些人当中有亨利八世 的2个妊子:安妮.博林和 凯瑟.霍华德
the great writer,Sir Thomas More and many others. ;大作家托马斯.莫尔先生 和其他许多的人.
On such a sunny day, ;在这么个晴朗的日子里,
it was hard to imagine so many dreadful things happening at this place. ;很难想象得出这么多可悲 的事竞然就在此地发生过
Wherever she looked, ;无论到哪儿,
Gretel could see tourists everywhere, laughing and enjoying themselves. ;格莱托都能看到旅游者. 他们笑啊,乐啊!?
How terrible it must have been and how different it all is today! ;过去那番情景是多么可怕 跟今天情况相比真是 天壤之别.
Lesson 113 Television Day: Picasso ;第113课 电视日:毕加索
Pablo Picasso was able to draw well even when he was a small boy. ;派卜罗.毕加索在年幼时 就能画得很好.
It was clear he was going to be an artist. ;很明显, 他能成为一名画家.
His father,Don Jose Ruiz, ;他父亲唐.乔斯.卢依兹
was in charge of the museum in Malaga,the town where Pablo was born. ;在派卜罗出生地马拉加 主管博物馆的工作.
Don Jose's hobby was painting and Pablo learnt a great deal by watching him. ;唐.乔斯的爱好是绘画. 派卜罗看他绘画时学到 不少东西.
Soon there was nothing more his father could teach him. ;不久他父亲没什么可 教他了.
The boy could do anything with his hands: ;这个男孩一双巧手干什么 都灵.
he could paint, work with clay or with any material he could find. ;他会绘画,做泥活,能用 他能找到的任何材料 做东西.
When he was in his teens, ;十几岁时,
he painted a picture called Science and Charity for which he won a gold medal. ;他画了一幅名叫"科学与 北美"的画获得金质奖章.
Then he enrolled at the Royal Academy in Madrid ;后来他进了马德里皇家学 院,
but left without completing his studies ;但学业未完就离开了,
because there was nothing he could learn from his teachers. ;因为从老师处 他学不到什么.
He continued drawing by himself and then went to Paris. ;他继续自己绘画, 以后来到巴黎.
Soon after arriving,he changed his style of painting. ;到巴黎不久, 他改变了他的艺术风格.
In 1907 he painted Les Demoiselles d'Avignon ;1907年他完成"阿维克诺 的姑娘".
which some people think is the first truly "modern" picture ;有人认为这是一幅真正的 "现代"绘画作品.
He experimented with all kinds of styles and materials. ;他尝试用各种风格和 材料绘画.
Apart from painting, Picasso has done sculpture pottery, metal-work, ;毕加索还搞雕刻,用陶瓷 金属进行艺术刨作,
posters and designs for the theatre. ;画海报,为剧院搞设计.
He has painted men, women and children (especially acrobats and clowns); ;他画过男人、女人和儿童 (尤其是杂技演员和小丑)
he has painted animals (especially bulls) ;他画过动物 (尤其是公牛)
and objects (especially guitars) ;和其他实物 (尤其是吉他).
His work shows all the richness and variety of life itself. ;他的作品显示了 生活的丰富多采.
Lesson 115 All good things come to an end ;第115课 美好的日子将结束了
Narrator:Gretel's year with the Clarks is coming to an end. ;旁白:格莱托在克拉克家 1年的时间即将过去了.
She's getting ready for her return to Austria. ;她正准备回奥地利.
She's looking forward to returning home but she's very sorry to leave,too! ;她盼着回家, 但又感到依依不舍.
Father:How will you be travelling, Gretel? ;父亲:格莱托, 你准备怎么回去?
Gretel:By air, Mr Clark. ;格莱托:坐飞机, 克拉克先生.
I prefer flying to travelling overland. ;坐飞机或由陆路旅行, 我更喜欢前者.
I enjoy travelling by train,But I hate sea-journeys-I'm such a bad sailor! ;我也喜欢坐火车. 但是我不愿坐轮船. 我晕船.
Mother:Have you bought presents for your family and friends? ;母亲:你给家里人和朋友 买礼品了吗?
Gretel:I haven't quite finished my shopping yet, ;格莱托:我还没全办好.
but,so far,I've succeeded in finding some lovely things. ;不过,我已经买了一些好 东西.
Gretel:You must all come to Austria soon. You must come skiing ... ;格莱托:你们一定要 很快到奥地利来. 你们要来滑雪.
Sandy:I'd love to, but I can't ski. ;桑迪:我很想滑雪, 可我不会.
Gretel:You'll soon learn,Sandy. ;格莱托:桑迪, 你很快能学会的.
Sue:I hope you've enjoyed staying with us,Gretel. ;苏:格莱托,我希望你和 我们在一起过得很愉快.
Mother:We shall miss you. ;母亲:我们会想你的.
Gretel:You've all been so kind. I shall miss you all very much. ;格莱托:你们待我这么好, 我会永远想念你们.
Sandy:Well it's no use everyone crying about it! ;桑迪:好了,大家为这事 哭没用.
Father:It's a sad occasion,Sandy. ;父亲:桑迪,这是个令人 难过的时刻.
I bet you won't admit it,but I think you're crying,too-and I feel like crying myself! ;我敢说你不会承认这点, 你也在流泪了, 我自己也哭了.
Lesson 117 Seeing Gretel off ;第117课 为格莱托送行
It was a sad day yesterday Gretel returned to Austria ;昨天是个伤心的日子. 格莱托回奥地利了.
The family wanted to see her off,so Mr Clark drove them all to London Airport. ;全家人都想去送她, 所以克拉克先生驱车把 他们都送到伦敦机场.
Gretel didn't have much baggage. ;格莱托没多少行李.
She was afraid of having to pay excess, ;她怕要付行李超重费,
so she had already sent a lot of things home by train. ;所以先用火车 托运不少东西回家.
She checked in at Terminal 2 and had her baggage weighed. ;格莱托在2号台办登机 手续,称了行李,
It was 20 kilos exactly. ;刚好20公斤.
Then she was given her embarkation card. ;接着她拿到登机卡.
"I've still got plenty of time,"Gretel said. ;"我还有很多时间," 格莱托说,
"Why don't we go up to the cafeteria instead of standing here?" ;"我们别站在这儿, 去餐厅好吗?"
They all went upstairs and had some coffee. Everyone was silent. ;他们都到楼上去喝咖啡. 大家都不说话.
"Cheer up!"Mr Clark said."It's not the end of the world.Got all your presents,Gretel?" ;"高兴些,"克拉克先生说, "世界又没到尽头. 格莱托,礼品备齐了吗?"
"I'm going to buy some whisky and cigarettes at the Duty Free Shop" Gretel said. ;"我想在免税商店买些威 士忌和香烟,"格菜托说.
Then the announcement came over the loudspeakers: ;一会儿广播里播出通知:
"Will passengers travelling to Vienna on Flight AU 285 ;"乘坐AU285号航班去维 也纳的乘客
kindly make their way to the Departure Lounge please." ;请进候机室."
Mother and Sue kissed Gretel goodbye. ;母亲和苏与格莱托 亲吻道别.
Mr Clark and Sandy shook her hand warmly. ;克拉克先生和桑迪与她 热情握手.
Mother and Sue had tears in their eyes-- and so did Mr Clark and Sandy, ;母亲和苏眼里噙着泪水 --克拉克先生和桑迪也 一样,
though they tried to pretend everything was normal! ;尽管他们尽力装出 无事的样子.
Lesson 119 Television Day: Learning a language ;第119课 电视日:学习语言
This is the last programme in our series. ;这次是我们这个系列节目 的最后一集.
Today we want to tell you something about learning a language, ;今天我们要给你们谈谈 如何学习语言,
and English in particular. ;尤其是学习英语.
Students used to learn languages by memorizi- ng grammar rules and word lists. ;学生过去常通过死记语法 规则、背单词来学语言.
Some unlucky ones still try to learn this way. ;有些不幸的学生至今 还这么干.
It is almost impossib- le to become skillful in speaking a language unless you use it ;如果不通过实践,要熟练 地说某种语言几乎不可能
and all modern methods are based on this theory. ;所有的现代教学法 都基于这一理论.
The course you have been studying is audio-visual: ;你们一直在学的课程是 视听法.
this means it attempts to teach you by matching sounds and pictures. ;这就是通过声音和图像 结合起来教你.
That's why it has been called "Look,Listen and Learn!" ;因此,它叫做 "看、听和学."
The pictures help you to understand, ;图片帮助你理解、
remember and use the language you are learning. ;记忆和运用你所学的语言
These methods can be used in the classroom or in a language- laboratory ;这些方法可在课堂使用, 或在语言实验室使用,
where students practise drills which have been recorded on tape. ;学生跟着录音操练.
English is the official language ;英语是正式语言
used in Australia, Canada,the British Isles,New Zealand, ;应用于澳大利亚、加拿大 不列颠群岛、新西兰
South Africa and the United States of America. ;南非和美国等国家.
But it has also become international ;它已成为国际性语言,
and is the principal second language throughout the world. ;并且是全世界主要的 第二语言.
Perhaps through English we will be able to understand each other better. ;也许通过英语, 我们能更好地相互理解.
We will be able to communicate whatever part of the world we come from. ;无论我们来自世界的哪 一个角落,我们能够交流 思想.
Goodbye,children, everywhere. ;再见, 世界各地的孩子们!