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    Look,Listen and Learn! ;
    Book 4 Lesson 65-Lesson 93 ;
    Lesson 65 Television Day: Sir Isaac Newton ; 第65课 电视日: 艾萨克.牛顿爵士
    Sir Isaac Newton,who was born in 1642 and who died in 1727 ;艾萨克.牛顿爵士生干 1642年,死于1727年.
    was one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived. ;他是历代最伟大的科学家 之一.
    We aren't going to tell you about his discoveries in today's programme. ;在今天的节目中我们不准 备对你们讲述他的发明,
    Instead,we're going to tell you a true story about the man himself. ;而是给你们讲一个有关 他本人的真实的故事.
    Newton thought about so many problems he was often absent-minded. ;牛顿要思考许多复杂的问 题,以致他常常心不在焉.
    He frequently forgot to have his meals. ;他常忘了吃饭.
    One evening his friend Dr Stukeley,called and asked if he could see the great scientist. ;一天晚上他的朋友 斯图克雷博士来访 求见这位伟大的科学家.
    The maid told Dr Stukeley that Newton was busy ;女仆告诉斯图克雷博士 牛顿很忙,
    and asked him if he would wait in the dining-room. ;请他在饭厅等他.
    Dr Stukeley sat at the dining-table and waited. ;斯图克雷博士坐在饭桌边 等候.
    On the table there was a covered dish which contained a chicken for Newton's dinner. ;桌上有个盖着盖的盘子, 里面盛着牛顿晚饭吃的 鸡.
    Dr Stukeley waited such a long time he got very hungry. ;斯图克雷博士等了许久, 感到非常饿,
    In the end he ate the chicken and put the cover back on the dish ;结果他把鸡给吃了,把盖 又放回盘子上.
    Immediately after this,Newton appeared. ;没过多会,牛顿来了.
    He greeted his friend warmly and then asked the maid if he could have his dinner. ;他向朋友热情问候,然后 问女仆他是否可以吃饭.
    She told him it was on the table. ;她告诉他晚餐就在桌上,
    Newton uncovered the dish and saw the chicken bones. ;牛顿打开盘子看见鸡骨头
    "I thought I hadn't eaten,"he said,"but I see that I have." ;"我方才还以为没吃饭呢" 他说,"但我想我该是吃 过了."
    Lesson 67 It's a mystery! ; 第67课 这是个谜
    Sue:What's that thing,Sandy? ;苏:桑迪,那是什么?
    Sandy:Which thing? ;桑迪:哪个?
    Sue:That thing in the garden. ;苏:花园里的那个东西.
    Sandy:I haven't the faintest idea. Let's ask mother. ;桑迪:我一点儿也不知道. 咱们问问母亲
    Sue:What's that thing, mum? ;苏:母亲,那是什么.?
    Mother:I don't know. Your father brought it home yesterday and put it in the garden. ;母亲:我不知道,你父亲 昨天把它带回家放在 花园的.
    Sandy:Let's go and have a look at it. ;桑迪:我们去看看.
    Mother:I wonder whether it's a garden seat. ;母亲:我不知道它是不是 一个花园里的椅子.
    Sue:It can't be. It doesn't look like one. ;苏:那不可能. 它看上去不像.
    Sandy:I'd like to know if we can use it. Perhaps it's some kind of garden tool. ;桑迪:我想知道我们能不 能用.也许这是一种园林 工具.
    Mother:I don't think it is.It doesn't resemble one. ;母亲:我看不是. 它不像园林工具.
    Sue:Perhaps it's some kind of clothes-line. I wonder whether it is. ;苏:也许是晾衣服绳. 我吃不准.
    Sandy:I doubt it. ;桑迪:我看不是.
    Mother:It's a mystery, if you ask me! ;母亲:如果你们问我, 这是个谜.
    Father:It isn't a mystery at all. ;父亲:这根本不是谜.
    It's not supposed to serve a purpose. It's a work of art! Don't you like it? ;它不能派用处. 它是件艺术品. 你们不喜欢吗?
    Lesson 69 Television programmes in Britain ;第69课 英国的电视节目
    One of the first things Gretel discovered while living with the Clarks ;当格菜托和克拉克一家住 在一起时首先发现的事情 之一
    was that there are three television channels in Britain. ;就是英国有3个电视频道.
    The BBC broadcasts on two channels:BBC 1 and BBC 2. ;英国广播公司播出2个频 道:BBC1频道和BBC2频道.
    There's a mixture of serious and light programmes on BBC 1; ;BBC 1 频道轮换播出严肃 的和轻松的节目.
    there are mainly serious programmes on BBC 2. ;BBC 2 频道以播放严肃 节目为主.
    ITV is an independent network which carries advertisements. ;ITV是播放电视广告的 独立电视网.
    (There are no advertisements on the BBC. ;(英国广播公司没广告节 目.
    Everyone who possesses a TV set must pay a licence fee to the BBC each year.) ;有电视机的人每年须向英 国广播公司交接收费)
    There are both serious and light programmes on ITV. ;ITV既有严肃的也有轻松 的节目.
    As there are three different channels, ;由于有3个不同的电视 频道,
    it's not surprising that you often hear arguments in the Clark household. ;在克拉克家经常听到争论 就不足为奇了.
    This is the sort of thing you hear: ;这是你能听到的那类 争论:
    "There's a sports programme on ITV." ;"ITV播放体育节目."
    "What's that, children?" ;"孩子们,你们说什么?"
    "We were wondering if we could watch the sports programme on ITV." ;我们想看ITV的体育节目"
    "But I was wondering whether to watch the serial on BBC 1..." And so on. ;"可是我想看BBC 1频道的 电视连续剧..."就这么争 ?
    The children like ITV; mother prefers BBC 1; father prefers BBC 2; ;孩子们喜欢看ITV, 母亲喜欢看BBC 1频道, 父亲喜欢看BBC 2频道.
    Gretel hasn't made up her mind yet. ;格莱托还没拿定主意.
    Lesson 71 Television Day: Moonflight ;第71课 电视日:去月球旅行
    Last week we recorded this interview with one of the astronauts ;上星期我们录下了采访 一位宇航员
    who had returned from a recent moonflight. ;刚从月球返回的的情况.
    We asked him to tell us what he had done and what he had seen. ;我们请了他给我们谈谈 他的经历和他的所见.
    We asked him what it was like on the moon. ;我们问了他月球上 是怎么个样子的.
    This is what he told us: ;他是这样对我们说:
    "We went to the moon to get samples of moon-rock ;"我们去月球取月球岩石 标本"
    and to recover instruments from an earlier landing. ;以及找回上次登月的仪器
    We made a perfect landing beside a small crater in the Sea of Tranquillity. ;我们在静海的一个小陨石 坑旁安全着陆.
    First we collected some samples of rock and then fixed up the television cameras. ;首先,我们收集了一些 岩石标本,然后安装好 电视摄像机,
    After this we walked on the moon's surface to look for the instruments. ;之后在月球上行走 寻找仪器.
    We found them very quickly and saw the footprints astronauts had made years before! ;我们很快就找到了仪器, 发现了前几年宇航员留下 的脚印.
    It's strange to think that nothing wears away on the moon's surface. ;想到月球表面上的东西 一点都没有磨损,使人 非常奇怪.
    What impressed me most?Several things. ;什么事情给找印象最深呢 有好几件事情.
    Our earth shining brightly in a black sky. ;我们的地球在黑暗的空中 明亮地闪烁着.
    It looked blue and white in the distance. ;从远处看它是蓝白色的.
    And then,the silence on the moon, ;还有月球上的那种寂静,
    and its landscape which is both mysterious and beautiful. ;月球那种既神秘又美丽的 景色.
    Mysterious because the horizon is never far away, ;说它神秘,因为地平线从 不遥远;
    and beautiful because of the sharp contrast between light and shadow." ;说它美丽,因为光亮和 阴暗形成了那么鲜明的 对照."
    Lesson 73 Eh?What? ; 第73课 啊?什么?
    Sue:Where have you been,Sandy? ;苏:桑迪,你上哪儿了?
    Sandy:Eh? ;桑迪:啊?
    Sue:I asked where you've been. And don't say "Eh". ;苏:我问你去哪儿了. 别说"啊".
    Sandy:Out. ;桑迪:出去了.
    Sue:What were you doing? ;苏:你干什么了?
    Sandy:What? ;桑迪:什么?
    Sue:I asked you what you were doing. And don't say "What". ;苏:我问你干什么了. 别说"什么".
    Sandy:Playing football ;桑迪:踢足球.
    Sue:Who with? ;苏:和谁?
    Sandy:Mm? ;桑迪:嗯?
    Sue:I said "Who with." And don't say"Mm". ;苏:我说"和谁". 别说"嗯".
    Sandy:My team. ;桑迪:我的球队.
    Sue:Where did you play ;苏:你们在哪儿踢的?
    Sandy:What's that? ;桑迪:你说什么?
    Sue:I asked you where you played. And don't say, "What's that". ;苏:我问你们在哪儿踢的. 别说"你说什么".
    Sandy:At school. ;桑迪:在学校里.
    Sue:Why did you play at school? ;苏:为什么在学校踢呢?
    Sandy:Huh? ;桑迪:嗯?
    Sue:I asked you why you played at school. And don't say "Huh". ;苏:我问你们为什么在 学校踢.别说"嗯".
    Sandy:Because we had games this afternoon. ;桑迪:因为我们下午有 比赛.
    Sue:Who won? ;苏:谁赢了?
    Sandy:I beg your pardon? ;桑迪:你说什么?
    Sue:Are you deaf or something? ;苏:你是聋了还是怎么的?
    Sandy:No,I'm not.I just wish you wouldn't ask so many questions. ;桑迪:我没聋.我只是希望 你别问这么多.
    Lesson 75 The big stores in London ;第75课 伦敦的大商店
    Gretel and Mrs Clark went shopping in the centre of London yesterday. ;昨天格莱托和克拉克太太 在伦敦市中心购物.
    "I'd like to know which store you like best in London,Mrs Clark,"Gretel said. ;"克拉克太太,我想知道在 伦敦你最喜欢哪家商店?" 格莱托说.
    "Now that's a difficult question," Mrs Clark replied. ;"这是个难题," 克拉克太太回答道,
    "I just haven't any idea which store I like best. ;"我不知道我最喜欢哪家 商店.
    There are so many huge stores in London. ;在伦敦有那么多大商店.
    I suppose Selfridges must be the biggest. ;我想赛尔夫利杰士一定是 最大的商店.
    There's so much variety there.I can usually find what I'm looking for. ;那儿商品种类繁多.一般 我能买到我要的东西.
    Then there's Liberty's It's such a lovely building. ;还有利比蒂斯. 那是幢漂亮的大楼.
    Harrods is very famous too.It's such a smart store. ;哈里兹也相当有名, 是个漂亮的商店.
    I love all the big stores in London ;我喜欢伦敦所有的大商店
    because you can walk round and nobody bothers you. ;因为你可以到处逛,没人 来打扰.
    Nobody tries to sell you anything--unless you want to buy something. ;没有人硬要卖东西给你, 除非你想买东西,
    Sometimes I go window-shopping, ;有时我就是看看橱窗,
    or just wander round a store and look at the things on display. ;或者在商店里走走,看看 陈列的商品.
    The big stores are one of the sights of London. ;大商店是伦敦一景啊!
    I went to the sales in January.That was one of the sights of London,too! ;一月份,我去买大减价 的东西.这也能算上伦敦 一景.
    My goodness! The crowds! But it was worth it. ;天啊!到处是人, 但是还值得.
    I bought some lovely things very cheaply. ;我买到了一些漂亮的 商品,很便宜.
    It was good fun,but very exhausting." ;采购商品很有趣, 但够累人的."
    Lesson 77 Television Day:Karate ;第77课 电视日:武术
    Have you ever wondered how some people can break bricks with their bare hands? ;你是否感到奇怪有人能 徒手劈砖?
    People who can do this kind of thing are experts in karate.They are called "Karatekas" ;能这么干的人是空手道专 家,人称"空手道武术师".
    In our programme today we tried to find out how Karatekas could do such things. ;在我们今天的节目中, 我们要了解空手道武术师 如何能做到这些.
    We wanted to learn if they were especially strong ;我们想知道他们是否特别 强壮.
    and we got some surprising answers! ;我们得到出人意料的回答
    Believe it or not, ;信不信由你,
    Karatekas aren't stronger than ordinary people--they just have more courage! ;空手道武术师并不比普通 人强壮--他们只是更富有 勇气.
    A Karate expert strikes hard objects like bricks or plates ;空手道武术师击碎砖头, 碟子这类硬东西
    with the small bone in his wrist, opposite the thumb. ;用手腕上一块正对着大拇 指的小骨.
    Speed is the essence of this sport. ;速度是这项运动的关键.
    But the strange thing is that untrained men ;但奇怪的是未经训练的人
    can break hard objects in the same way just as well as Karatekas. ;用同样方法也能像空手道 武术师一样把硬物击碎.
    Of course,Karatekas practise a lot ;当然空手道武术师大量 训练,
    and they have a layer of hard skin round their wrists. ;手腕一圈有一层厚厚的 老茧.
    Though they have this advantage over ordinary people, ;虽然在这方面他们比普通 人具有有利条件
    it's basically just a question of will-power ;不过基本上还是一个意志 的问题
    --at least that's what you can tell your mother ;至少你可以这样对你母亲 说,
    after you've experimented on a few dinner plates! ;在几个碟子上练上几手以 后.
    Lesson 79 Sue bakes a cake ;第79课 苏制作蛋糕
    Sue(reading):"Mix the butter and the sugar. ;苏(在朗读):"把黄油和 砂糖搅拌在一起,
    Add one cup of flour, two eggs and a little milk and beat well." ;加一茶杯面粉、两个鸡蛋 和牛奶少许,然后调匀."
    Sue:Mum,I'm stuck. ;苏:妈妈,这儿我不懂.
    Mother:What's the matter,Sue? ;妈妈:苏,怎么了?
    Sue:It says in this recipe that I should add a little milk. ;苏:食谱上说要加点牛奶,
    I don't know how much to add. ;我不知道该加多少.
    Mother:Just a drop. That should be enough ;妈妈:只要一点点就够了.
    Now put it all in the mixer for a few minutes. ;好,把它们都放进搅拌机 搅拌几分钟.
    Sue:"Bake until golden brown."That's pretty vague.I've no idea how long to bake it for. ;苏:"一直烘到呈全褐色." 说得太含糊了.我不知道 该烘多久.
    Mother:Put it in the oven for twenty minutes. ;妈妈:把它放进烘箱烘 20分钟.
    Mother:Those instructions are vague,Sue.Where did you get that recipe? ;妈妈:那些说明讲得不 清楚.苏,你从哪儿弄来 那张食谱的?
    Sue:It's one of yours,mum. ;苏:妈妈,那是您的食谱.
    Mother:Oh,yes!It's one I made up myself. ;妈妈:噢,对了. 那是我自编的食谱.
    (Twenty minutes later) ;(20分钟以后)
    Mother:The recipe may be vague,but the results look pretty good,don't they? ;妈妈:食谱可能讲得不清 楚,不过看上去结果还 不错,是吧?
    Sue:At least the men seem to think so! ;苏:至少男人会这么认为 的.
    Father and Sandy (sniffing):Mm! ;父亲和桑迪: (用鼻子闻了闻)嗯!
    Lesson 81 A few tips about tips ;第81课 关于付小费的一些告诫
    The Clarks usually have dinner at 7 o'clock. ;克拉克一家通常在7:00 吃晚饭.
    One day it was 7:15, but they hadn't begun their dinner. ;有一天都已经7:15了, 他们还没开饭.
    They were expecting Gretel to arrive, but she hadn't appeared yet. ;他们在等格莱托, 可是她还没回来.
    "I can't understand it,"Mrs Clark said. "Gretel is usually very punctual." ;"我不理解,"克拉克太太 说,"格莱托通常是很准 时的."
    Just as she said that the door opened and Gretel appeared. She looked very upset. ;正说着门开了,格莱托来 了.她看上去很不高兴.
    "I'm sorry I'm late," she said. ;"对不起,我迟到了," 她说,
    "I had to take a taxi to get here but we got stuck in a traffic-jam." ;"我只好叫了辆出租车 回来,可是交通阻塞把 我们给卡住了."
    "What's the matter, Gretel?"Mr Clark asked ;"格莱托,怎么了?" 克拉克先生问,
    "You look upset." "I am,"Gretel replied. ;"你看上去不高兴." "是的,"格莱托答道,
    "I gave the taxi-driver a tip,but he didn't look at all pleased. ;"我给司机小费,但他看上 去一点儿也不高兴.
    I think he expected me to give him more." ;我想他是希望我多给他 些."
    "How much did you give him?"Mr Clark asked. ;"你给他多少?" 克拉克先生问.
    "5 pence,"Gretel said. "The fare was 50 pence." ;"5便士,"格菜托说, "车费是50便士."
    "No wonder he was rude!"Mr Clark said. ; "难怪他这么无礼了," 克拉克先生说,
    "Taxi-drivers expect you to give them at least 15 per cent. ;出租车司机希望你给他 至少15%的小费.
    Remember that in England we always tip taxi-drivers barbers and hair-dressers. ;记住在英国我们付小费给 出租车司机、理发师,
    We don't tip the usherette in a cinema. ;不付小费给影院的领座员
    And we don't usually tip in restaurants and hotels ;在饭店和旅馆我们一般就 不付小费了,
    when a service charge is included in the bill. ;如果服务费已包括在帐单 里.
    Next time you take a taxi..." ;下次你再乘出租车时..."
    "Thanks for the tip, Mr Clark,"Gretel laughed, ;"克拉克先生,谢谢您的 告诫,"格莱托笑着说,
    "but I hope there won't be a next time. It's an expensive business!" ;"不过我希望没有下一次. 乘出租车可不便宜."
    Lesson 83 Television Day: A great archaeological discovery. ; 第83课 电视日:伟大的考古发现
    In 1992 a British archaeologist, Howard Carter, ;1922年英国考古学家 霍华德.卡特
    was working in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. ;在埃及的国王谷工作.
    One day he asked his labourers to pull down a small hut which was in his way. ;有一天,他叫工人把 一间挡道的小屋推倒.
    Carter noticed some steps beneath the hut and asked his men to clear them. ;卡特看见小屋下有几个 台阶,就叫工人清扫干净.
    The steps led to a stone wall and Carter told his men to cut through it, ;台阶通往一堵石头墙. 卡特叫工人把墙打穿,
    but to take care not to disturb anything that might be behind it. ;但要小心别把墙后可能有 的东西给弄乱了.
    There was a passage behind the wall which led to yet another wall. ;墙后有条通道, 它通向另一堵墙.
    They cut through this one very carefully ;他们小心翼翼地打穿了 这堵墙,
    and suddenly came into a room full of household furniture and treasure. ;眼前突然出现一间堆满 家具和财宝的房间.
    Carter spent several months making a list of every article in the room. ;卡特花了几个月的时间 把房间里每一件物品全 登记入册.
    When he had finished, he decided to cut through the opposite wall. ;完成以后又决定打开对面 的墙.
    Then he found another room full of priceless objects. ;这时他发现了另一个房间 堆满无价之宝,
    He noticed two black wooden statues which looked like guards ;还发现了2个黑色木雕 看上去像卫士
    and he made a hole in the wall between them. ;他在这2个雕像中间的 那扇墙上打了个洞.
    Here he found three wooden chests which fitted inside each other ;在那儿他发现3个套在 一起的木箱,
    and finally a fourth chest which was,in fact,a coffin ;最后又发现了第4个木箱. 那实际上是口棺材.
    Carter had discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen, ;卡特发现了图顿卡曼的陵 墓
    an Egyptian King who lived more than 3000 years ago. ;他是生活在3000多年前的 埃及国王.
    On the tomb there was a wreath of wild flowers. ;陵墓上有只用野花编成 的花圈.
    Lesson 85 A wedding ; 第85课 婚 礼
    One of Sue's cousins got married last week and the Clarks all went to the wedding. ;苏的一个堂姐上周结婚, 克拉克全家都去参加了 婚礼.
    The ceremony was held at the local church. ;结婚仪式在当地教堂举行
    The bridegroom arrived at the church before the bride. ;新郎比新娘先到教堂.
    He looked rather nervous.He kept looking at his watch. ;他看上去非常紧张. 他不时地看表.
    The bride arrived in a large black car which had white ribbons on the bonnet. ;新娘坐着一辆黑色大轿车 来了.车的前盖上系着白 绸带.
    The poor bridegroom had got worried because the bride was two minutes late! ;可怜的新郎刚才还担心呢 因为新娘迟到了2分钟.
    The bride was dressed in a beautiful long white wedding-gown. ;新娘穿着漂亮的长长的 白色礼服,
    She was given away by her father. ;由父亲陪伴着.
    Sue was one of the bridesmaids. ;苏是女傧相.
    She was wearing a lovely pink dress and was carrying a small bouquet. ;她身着漂亮的粉红色连衣 裙,手里捧着一小束鲜花.
    The wedding-ceremony was very beautiful. ;婚礼仪式非常壮丽.
    Mother cried a little bit.She always does on such occasions! ;母亲还流了一点眼泪呢. 在这种场合她老是这样.
    Lesson 87 English weather ;第87课 英国的天气
    Everybody talks about the weather in England and this is not surprising. ;在英国人人谈论天气, 这并不奇怪.
    It changes from minute to minute, so it's always interesting. ;气候说变就变, 所以总是有趣的话题.
    Someone once wisely remarked ;有人曾巧妙地说
    that other countries have a climate,but England just has weather! ;其他国家有气候, 可英国只有天气.
    Gretel was amused by all this talk at first but she has got used to it now. ;起先格莱托对这种讲法 感到好笑,而现在己习 以为常了.
    Last week Gretel really understood why everyone is so concer- ned about the weather: ;直到上星期格莱托才真正 理解为何大家这么关心 天气:
    you can never be certain what's going to happen. ;没人能肯定天气会发生 什么变化.
    Though it was spring, there was a very heavy snowfall. ;虽已是春天, 却又下了场大雪.
    As usual, no one expected it. ;和往常一样, 没人预料到这点.
    The pipes in many houses were frozen; trains failed to run; cars got stuck; ;许多房子的水管冻了, 火车开不了, 汽车被堵在路上,
    there were many accidents on the roads; ;发生了多起交通事故.
    lots of people slipped on the icy pavements and got hurt. ;许多人在结了冰的 人行道上滑倒受了伤.
    The weather forecast was very bad. ;天气预报很不准.
    Everyone complained gloomily, ;大家都沮丧地抱怨道,
    "What awful weather we're having! Haven't seen anything like it!"and so on. ;多糟糕的天气! 从来没遇到过这种事."
    And then,suddenly, the sun came out, the snow melted and it was spring again. ;"可一会儿, 太阳又突然露面了, 雪化了,又是春天了.
    "Typical!Just typical!"Gretel remarked. ;"典型的天气!真是典型!" 格莱托评论道.
    "The way you talk about the weather, Gretel,"Mr Clark said, ;"格莱托,看你谈论天气 的样子,克拉克先生说.
    "anyone would think you were English!" ;别人还当你是英国人呢."
    Lesson 89 Television Day: Swindle's Ghost ; 第89课 电视日:斯威特尔鬼魂
    Some people believe that there are houses which are haunted by ghosts. ;有人相信有闹鬼的房子.
    Perhaps there are, perhaps there aren't --it's hard to say. ;或许有,或许没有 --很难说.
    Today we are going to describe a scientific experiment during whi- ch a "ghost"was seen. ;今天我们要描述一个科学 实验,实验过程中见到了 "鬼".
    The "ghost" is really an after-image. ;此"鬼"实际上是个余像.
    It is called "Swindle's Ghost" ;它之所以被称为 "斯威特尔鬼魂",
    because the experiment was first ;那是因为首次实验
    performed by an American psychologist called Swindle. ;是由一位名叫斯威特尔的 美国心理学家做的.
    This is how our own experiment was performed. ;下面是我们自己的 实验过程:
    A dark,moonless night was chosen and the curtains were drawn ;选择一个黑暗无月光的 夜晚,拉上窗帘,
    so that no light could enter from outside. ;使外边光照不进来.
    Half a dozen people were asked to sit round a table in the middle of the room. ;请6个人坐在房间中间的 桌旁.
    A table-lamp was placed in the centre of the table. ;桌子的中央放一盏台灯.
    When everyone was seated,the lamp was turned off for ten minutes. ;待每人就座后, 熄灯10分钟.
    Everyone sat in complete darkness and looked towards the lamp ;大家坐在一片漆黑中朝着 灯看,
    till they got quite used to the darkness. ;直到完全习惯于黑暗.
    They sat perfectly still and kept looking in exactly the same direction. ;大家一动不动地坐着, 一直朝同一方向看.
    Then the lamp was turned on for exactly one second and then off again. ;然后开灯1秒钟, 再关灯.
    Shortly afterwards, the whole scene became visible in the darkness. ;不一会整个景象即可在 黑暗中见到.
    It was a very clear "ghost" image which lasted for a few seconds. ;这是一个非常清晰的"鬼" 影,能持续数秒钟.
    Lesson 91 The latest craze ; 第91课 最新款式
    Margot:Have you read this new novel,Betty? ;玛戈:贝蒂,你读过这本 新出的小说吗?
    Mother:No,I haven't, Margot.Who's it by? ;妈妈:玛戈,我还没读呢. 谁写的?
    Margot:A young teenager. ;玛戈:一个十几岁的 青少年.
    Margot:Have you heard this new record? ;玛戈:你听过这张 新唱片吗?
    Mother:No,who's it played by? ;妈妈:没有,谁演奏的?
    Margot:The Gorgons. It's their latest. ;玛戈:蛇发女怪乐队.这是 他们最新灌制的唱片.
    Margot:You didn't notice my new belt, did you? ;玛戈:你有没有注意我的 新皮带?
    Mother:That looks nice Who are they sold by? ;妈妈:看上去很好. 在哪儿有卖的?
    Margot:A shop in Carnaby Street. They're in fashion- all the rage! ;玛戈:在卡那比街的 一家商店. 他们很流行--风糜一时.
    Margot:You must see this new picture I bought. ;玛戈:你应该看看我刚买 的这幅画.
    It's been painted by a teenager.He's already a famous artist. ;是个十几岁的青少年画的 他已是一位著名的画家了
    Mother:Mm. ;妈妈:嗯.
    Margot:Oh,and you must see our new car! Only two wheels. ;玛戈:噢,你应该看看我们 的新车,只有两个轮子,
    They're made by an American company. They're the latest craze. ;是一家美国公司制造的, 是最新款式.
    Mother:How do you manage it Margot? You certainly keep up to date! ;妈妈:玛戈,你是怎么 做到这一点的? 你确实很合潮流.
    Margot:My dear, I have to. ;玛戈:亲爱的, 我不得不这么做.
    If I don't,my children think I'm square. They think I'm not "with it"! ;如果不这样,我那些孩子 会认为我守旧,认为我 "跟不上潮流".
    Lesson 93 Getting ready for the Old Crocks'Race ; 第93课 准备好参加老式汽车赛
    Gretel is always surprised when she sees an old car in England-- ;格莱托在伦敦看到老式 汽车总感到很惊奇--
    which is quite often. ;她常能见到.
    She is impressed by the way the English s- eem to love old things and take care of them. ;给她印象很深的是英国人 看来喜欢并爱护老式的 东西.
    Last week the Clarks were invited to a friend's house and Gretel went with them. ;上星期克拉克一家应邀 到朋友家去做客,格莱托 一同前往.
    Mr Clark's friend, Jack Hume,has a very old and very valuable veteran car. ;克拉克先生的朋友 杰克.休姆有辆很旧 但很值钱的老式车.
    It's a 6 h.p.1903 De Dion-Bouton. ;这是一辆1903造、6马力 的De Dion-Bouton牌车.
    Jack spends a lot of time looking after it. ;杰克花很多时间照料 这辆车.
    "He's more interested in that old car than he is in me,"his wife complains. ;他妻子抱怨说:"他对这辆 旧车比对我都有兴趣."
    Jack is very proud of his veteran car and always shows it to visitors." ;杰克对他的老式车甚为自 豪,经常把它给客人们看.
    It has to be kept in its own garage,"Jack explained. ;"它必须放在专用的车库 里,"杰克解释道,
    "I take it out quite often but it has to be driven very carefully. ;"我常把它开出去, 但必须谨慎驾驶.
    If it gets wet,it has to be cleaned and polished immediately. That takes a few hours ;如果弄湿了 得立即刷洗擦亮. 这要花上几小时.
    I'm getting the car ready for the London to Brighton race now." ;现在我正为参加从伦敦开 到布莱顿的比赛作准备."
    Jack saw that Gretel hadn't understood, so he explained. ;杰克发觉格莱托还没听懂, 便解释说:
    "This race is held once a year.It's often referred to as the 'Old Crocks'Race". ;"这种比赛每年举行一次 被称为'老式汽车大赛'.
    It's for old cars like mine. ;这是为像我那样的 老式汽车举办的.
    My wife and I always find it an exciting race." ;我和我太太一向感到这类 比赛令人激动."
    "Speak for yourself, "Mrs Hume said. ;"你才那么想呢!" 休姆太太说,
    "It's very uncomforta- ble and we usually get soaking wet.Give me my Mini any day!" ;"此赛让人感到不舒服.我 们常常弄得汗流浃背.还 是让我开那辆微型车吧."
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