Look,Listen and Learn! ;
Book 4 Lesson 1-Lesson 31 ;
Revision Lesson 1 New Maths ;复习课1 数学的新课题
Sandy:We've started New Maths this year. ;桑迪:今年我们开始学 新数学.
Our teacher set us some homework,but I can't understand this problem. ;我们老师给我们布置了 些家庭作业. 可是我不懂这道题.
Father:Let me see it, Sandy.That looks easy enough to do. ;爸爸:让我瞧瞧这道题, 桑迪.看上去蛮容易 做的嘛.
It's so easy even a child can do it. ;太容易了,小孩都能做.
Sandy:Well,you try it, dad. ;桑迪:爸爸, 那么您试试看.
Father:All you have to do is this: ;爸爸:你只要这么做.
divide this number into this one ... No,that's not right. ;把这个数除以这个数... 不,不对.
Mother:Let me have a look at it. ;妈妈:让我看看.
If you multiply this number by this one... No,I give up. ;如果你用这个数乘以这个 数,不行,我做不下去了.
It's too difficult for me to do,Sandy. ;桑迪,这道题太难我做 不了.
Sue:Let me look at it,Sandy.It's easy! You do it like this. ;苏:让我看看,桑迪. 很容易嘛. 你就这么做.
Father:I don't understand this New Maths! ;爸爸:我不懂 这门新数学课.
It's so easy only a child can do it! ;太容易了. 只有孩子才会做.
Revision Lesson3 Gretel ;复习课3 格莱托
Gretel comes from Austria.She is eighteen years old. ;格莱托是从奥地利来的. 她18岁.
She is going to stay with the Clark family for a year. ;她要在克拉克家里住 一年.
Gretel has come to England because she wants to improve her English. ;格莱托来英国是为了提高 自己的英语水平.
She works as an au pair girl. ;她当了名"互裨"姑娘,
She helps Mrs Clark in the house and attends English classes regul- arly in her spare time ;帮助克拉克夫人干家务活 空余时间定期上英语课.
Gretel hasn't been in England long and everything is strange to her. ;格莱托到英国时间不长. 对她来说,什么事都很 新鲜.
She often compares life in London with life in Vienna. ;她常比较伦敦和维也纳的 生活.
Some things are nicer in London; other things are not so nice. ;有些方面,伦敦好些. 有些方面,就不很理想了.
For instance,the shops are bigger in London than in Vienna and th- ere is greater variety ;举例说吧, 伦敦的商店大一些 品种也丰富些.
But it's more expensive to enjoy yourself in London. ;可是在伦敦要玩得高兴 就贵些.
It's expensive to have a meal at a restaurant or to go to a theatre. ;上饭馆,看戏都很贵.
Gretel has got used to many things already ;格莱托对好多事情已经 习惯了,
but she can't get used to breakfast in England. ;可是对英国的早餐还不习 惯.
"You English eat so much in the morning," she often says. ;她常说:"你们英国人早上 吃这么多!"
"Fruit juice,porridge, bacon and egg,tea, toast and marmalade! ;"水果汁、稀饭、咸肉加 鸡蛋、茶、烤面包和果酱
How can you face all that food so early in the day?" ;你们一大早怎么吃下 这么多东西?"
Revision Lesson 5 Television Day: Pompeii ; 复习课5 电视日:庞贝
This is the city of Pompeii.It is 13 miles south of Naples in Italy. ;这就是庞贝城, 它位于意大利那波勒斯 南部13英里的地方.
You can see a few tourists in the streets. ;在街上您能见到有些游客
You can see the volcano,Vesuvius,in the background. ;您能看到在它后面的 维苏威火山.
It all looks very peaceful. ;它看上去十分平静.
Yet nearly 2000 years ago,in 79 A.D.,there was a terrible earthquake. ;可是约在2000年以前, 即公元79年,这儿曾发生 了一场可怕的地震.
No one expected it. ;没人曾预料到这场地震.
One quiet morning in August,Vesuvius erupted. ;8月里宁静的一天早晨, 维苏威火山爆发了.
and hot ash and stones fell on Pompeii for nearly two whole days. ;整整2天,灼热的灰烬和 石块向庞贝城落下来.
Everywhere in the city people died suddenly. ;全城的人突然遭到了 灭顶之灾.
Everyone was busy at the time. ;当时,人人都在干活.
The baker was baking bread;shopkeepers were shutting their shops; ;面包师在烤面包; 店主们正在关店门;
people were crossing the streets... ;人们在穿行街道...
but the lava from the volcano covered everything. ;可是火山喷射出的岩浆 把一切都覆盖上了.
The city disappeared. ;城市顿时消失.
Many hundreds of years later,in 1748, ;数百年以后,在1748年,
a water engineer accidentally found some interesting objects. ;一位水文工程师偶然发现 了一些有趣的物件.
Over a hundred years passed before,little by little,archaeologi- sts uncovered the city ;又过了一百多年,考古 学家才一点一点挖出了 这座城市.
You can still see the marks of wheels in the streets, ;您现在仍然能 看到街上的车辙
the loaves of bread at the baker's and the alphabet on the schoolroom wall! ;面包房里的面包,教室 墙上挂着的字母表!
Revision Lesson 7 Large is small ;复习课7 大号就是小号
Salesman:Good morning, madam. Mother:Good morning. ;推销员:早上好,太太. 母亲:早上好.
Salesman:I've got a new brand of toothpaste here.I'm sure you'll like it. ;推销员:我这儿有 新牌子的牙膏. 我相信您一定会喜欢.
Mother:No thank you. ;母亲:谢谢,我不要.
Salesman:I didn't say you have to pay for it,madam. ;推销员:太太, 我没说您一定得付钱.
It's free! I hope you'll accept it. ;这不要钱. 我希望您能收下.
Mother:Thank you. ;母亲:谢谢.
Salesman:Can I interest you in these toothbrushes? ;推销员:我向您推荐 这些牙刷,
I'm sure you'll find them very good. ;我相信您会发现它们 非常好.
Mother:No thank you. ;母亲:谢谢你,不要.
Salesman:What about our famous washing- powder,"SPLASH"? ;推销员:那么瞧瞧我们 著名的"水花"牌洗衣粉.
I know you'll find it excellent. ;我知道您会发现它极佳.
Mother:I think I need some washing-powder. ;母亲:我想我需要些 洗衣粉.
Salesman:Our packets come in three sizes: Large,Giant and Super Which do you prefer? ;推销员:我们有3种包装 规格,大号、特大号和 超大号.您喜欢哪一种?
Mother:The large size please. ;母亲:大号的.
Mother:That's very small.I said"large". ;母亲:这太小了. 我刚才是说"大号".
Salesman:That's right, madam. ;推销员:没错,太太.
The packets come in three sizes: Large,Giant and Super. "Large"is small! ;包装有3种规格, 大号、特大号和超大号. "大号"就是小号.
Revision Lesson 9 A ride on a double-decker ; 复习课9 乘坐双层公共汽车
Yesterday it was Gretel's afternoon off ;昨天下午格莱托休息.
"You needn't stay indoors,Gretel," Mrs Clark said." ;克拉克夫人说:"你不必 呆在家里.
You like paintings. ;你喜欢绘画作品.
Why don't you go to the Tate Gallery? ;为何不去泰特美术馆 看看?
There's a famous collection of modern paintings there." ;那儿有许多著名的 现代画作品."
"How can I get there?" Gretel asked. ;格莱托问: "我怎么去那儿."
"You must catch a bus. Number 88 will take you there." ;"你得坐公共汽车 88路车到那儿."
Gretel loves the red double-decker buses in London. ;格莱托喜欢伦敦的 红色双层公共汽车.
She always sits upstairs and tries to get the front seat. ;她总坐在上层并 设法弄到个前座.
Yesterday she was lucky.The front seat was empty. ;昨天她很幸运. 前座是空的.
Gretel had a wonderful view of London. ;格莱托把伦敦美景 尽收眼底.
The bus went round Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall. ;汽车在特拉法尔加广场 绕了个圈又沿着 怀特霍尔街驶去.
The conductor collected Gretel's fare. ;售票员收了格莱托的车费
"Tate Gallery please," she said. ;格莱托说: "去泰特美术馆.
"Please tell me where I must get off." ;请告诉我在哪儿下车."
After a while the conductor said,"Here's the Tate,Miss.You should get off here." ;过了一会儿,售票员说: "泰特到了,小姐, 您该在这站下车."
"I should,but I'm not going to,"Gretel said. ;"我应该下车,可我又不 想下车了,格莱托说.
"I'm enjoying my ride on the bus. ;我兜风兜得十分开心.
I'll have to go to the Tate next week. May I have another ticket please?" ;我下星期去泰特. 请再给我买张票."
Revision Lesson 11 Television Day: The American War of Independence ;复习课11 电视日:美国独立战争
The American colonists often quarrelled with the British Government ;美洲的殖民地居民常与 英国政府争吵.
They had to buy British goods and they had to pay taxes to Britain. ;他们必须购买英国货 又必须向英国纳税.
In 1767 Britain put customs duty on many goods such as tea. ;1767年,英国对许多货物 征收关税,例如茶叶.
The Government should have known this would cause trouble. ;英国政府早该知道 这会引起麻烦.
In 1773 some Americans dressed as Red Indians went on to some Briti- sh ships in Boston ;1773年,一些化装成北美 印第安人的美国人登上停 靠在波士顿的几艘英国船
and threw ` 18,000 worth of tea into the sea. ;把价值18000英镑的茶叶 倒入海里.
This was the famous "Boston Tea Party". ;这就是著名的"波士顿 茶叶案".
The British Government closed the port of Boston. ;英国政府封闭了波士顿港
Then the colonists got ready for war ;随即殖民地居民作好了 战争的准备.
and George Washington became the commander of their army. ;乔治.华盛顿成了这支军 队的指挥官.
During the war, ;战争期间,
on 4th July 1776,the American Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence. ;于1776年7月4日美国国会 草拟了独立宣言
Later,In 1778,France joined the war against Britain and so did Spain in 1779. ;后来在1778年法国加入了 反英战争.1779年西班牙 也参战.
The British fleet surrendered in 1781 and the Government did not continue the war. ;英国舰队于1781年投降. 英国政府中止了战争.
It had to recognize the independence of the new United States of America. ;它不得不承认新的 美利坚合众国的独立.
In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the country. ;1789年乔治.华盛顿就任 该国的第一任总统.
Revision Lesson 13 Getting better! ;复习课13 已有进步
Mr Blake and his family went on an excursion yesterday. ;布莱克先生和家人 昨天外出游览.
They all travelled by car. ;他们全都乘汽车旅行.
Mrs Blake sat next to her husband. ;布莱克太太坐在她丈夫 身旁.
The children,Alan, Wendy and Timmy,sat in the back. ;艾伦、温迪和蒂米这 几个孩子坐在后座.
Timmy,the youngest, kept asking questions. ;最小的孩子蒂米不停地 问这问那.
While they were driving along. ;当他们长驱直往时,
Timmy noticed a car in front. ;蒂米注意到 前面一辆汽车.
There was a big L on the back. ;在车身后有个斗大的 字母L.
"What does that letter L stand for?"Timmy asked. ;蒂米问:"那个字母L 代表什么?"
"It stands for 'Learner,"his father answered. ;"它代表'初学者'," 爸爸回答.
Mr Blake began to overtake the car in front. ;布莱克先生开始超前面 那辆车.
Just as he was passing it. ;正要超过时,
Timmy noticed another car ahead.It had the letters G.B.on the back. ;蒂米发现前方还有辆车. 在车身后有GB两个字母.
"What do the letters G.B. stand for,Timmy?" Mr Blake asked. ;"蒂米,GB这两个字母代表 什么?"布莱克先生问:
"I suppose it's a learner who's getting better,"Timmy answered ;"我想它们指的是'已有进 步'的初学者,"蒂米回答.
Revision Lesson 15 Gretel writes a letter home ;复习课15 格莱托写家信
Dear Mummy and Daddy, I'm sending you the photos you asked for. ;亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 现寄上你们要的照片.
First you'll find a photo of the house I'm staying at. ;你们首先看到的是一张 我目前住房的照片.
It's a very typical English house. ;它是幢典型的 英国式住房.
You don't see many blocks of flats in England. ;在英国看不到成幢成幢 的公寓楼.
The English prefer houses to flats. ;英国人宁愿住小洋楼 而不愿住公寓.
Sometimes you see rows and rows of houses and they're all exactly the same! ;有时人们会看到一排排 模样完全一样的小洋房.
I enclose some pictures of the family I'm staying with. ;附上几张我目前借居的 那个家庭的照片.
You can see Sandy and Sue.(the children I told you about in my last letter) ;你们看到的是桑迪、苏 (我上封信上谈到的孩子)
and Mr and Mrs Clark. ;以及克拉克夫妇.
They have all become very good friends of mine. ;他们都已成了我的好朋友
There are some pictures of the garden,too. ;另外有几张花园的照片.
Every English house has a small garden. ;每一座英式小洋楼都有 小花园.
The English people work very hard in their gardens. ;英国人在花园里干活很 认真.
Mr Clark has a lovely lawn and lots of rose-bushes ;克拉克先生有一个漂亮的 草坪和许多玫瑰花丛.
and he grows all his own vegetables. ;他自己还种蔬菜.
Everything is so green in England. ;英国是遍地皆绿.
Mr Clark rarely has to water the garden because it rains so often here! ;克拉克先生很少给花园 浇水,因为这儿常下雨.
When it rains my English friends say, "Nice weather--for the ducks!" ;下雨时,我的英国朋友 就会说:"对鸭子们,这 可是好天气!"
I'll write to you again soon. Love, Gretel. ;我不久再给你们来信. 爱你们的格莱托
Lesson 17 Television Day: Computers ;第17课 电视日:计算机
"...the astronauts are returning to earth at exactly 5.24." ;...宇航员将于5:24整 回到地球,
Splash-down will be in the Pacific,427 miles west of Hawaii. ;"并将在位于夏威夷西部 427英里的太平洋海面上 溅落."
You have often heard announcements like this on television. ;你常会从电视听到上述 的预告.
Scientists can tell us exactly when a space- capsule will arrive on the moon for instance, ;举例说,科学家能准确地 告诉我们宇宙密封小舱何 时抵达月球
and exactly when it will return. ;和何时返回.
They can calculate things like this to the nearest second. ;对这类事情,他们的计算 可精确至秒.
How do they do it? ;他们是如何做的呢?
Well,of course,they use mathematics. ;当然他们运用了数学.
We can all do simple sums on paper, ;我们都能在纸上做简单 的算术题,
but we must use computers for extremely difficult calculations. ;但必须用计算机进行复杂 的运算.
Perhaps you have seen mechanical calculating -machines in banks and offices. ;你也许在银行和办公室 见过机械计算机.
They can work very quickly,but nothing like computers. ;尽管它们运算迅速, 但与电子计算机 截然不同.
Computers aren't mechanical.They don't have wheels and gears in them. ;电子计算机不是机械的, 它们没有转轮和齿轮,
Instead,they work on electrical circuits ;而是通过电路工作的,
and can do difficult calculations at tremendous speed. ;可以迅速进行复杂的运算
They can work 100 million times faster than the human mind! ;它们运算速度要比人脑 快上一亿倍.
Lesson 19 Something to look forward to ;第19课 盼望之事
Father:I'm so glad it's the end of the week.I'm looking forw- ard to a nice weekend. ;爸爸:真高兴,周末又到了 我一直盼望着过个愉快 的周末.
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Gretel? ;苏:格莱托,明天这个 时候你干什么?
Gretel:I may be going to the theatre. I'm not sure. ;格莱托:我也许去看戏, 还没定呢.
Sue:That'll be fun. ;苏:那多带劲
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Sandy? ;苏:桑迪,明天这个时候 你干什么?
Sandy:I might be playing football. I'm not sure. ;桑迪:我也许去踢足球, 我没定呢.
Sue:That'll be nice. ;苏:这不错.
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Mum? ;苏:妈妈,明天这个时候 您干什么?
Mother:I'll be getting the dinner ready. ;妈妈:准备晚饭.
Sue:Pooh!That's not very exciting. ;苏:哦!那可没意思.
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Dad? ;苏:爸爸,明天这个时候 您干什么呢?
Father:I'll be digging in the garden. ;爸爸:我在花园刨坑.
Sue:That's pretty boring! ;苏:那多没劲啊.
Sue:Mum'll be getting the dinner ready, and Dad'll be digging up the garden. ;苏:妈妈要准备晚饭, 爸爸要在花园刨坑.
And he calls it a nice week-end. ;但爸爸管这叫愉快的周末
Sandy:Don't grown-ups do boring things,Sue? ;桑迪:苏,大人不总是 干没意思的事吗?
Lesson 21 A meal at a self-service restaurant ;第21课 在自助餐厅用餐
Gretel had lunch at a self-service restaurant yesterday. ;格莱托昨天在自助餐厅 吃午饭.
She collected a tray and joined a queue. (People queue patiently in England!) ;她先拿个盘子然后排到 队伍里. (英国人排队特耐心!)
There was plenty of food on display. ;有好多食品陈列在那儿.
There was some steak, but Gretel didn't take any of it. ;有牛排,但格莱托没拿,
Instead,she chose some fish and chips. ;只是挑了些土豆片和鱼.
Then she looked for a sweet. ;然后她找甜食.
She wanted some apple-pie,but there was none left, ;她想吃苹果馅饼,可是全 没了,
so she helped herself to an ice-cream instead. ;所以她就拿了块冰淇淋,
After that,she took a cup of coffee and put it on her tray. ;随后又拿了杯 咖啡放在盘子上.
She collected a fork,a knife and a spoon and paid at the cash-desk. ;她取了刀叉后 在账台付了款.
Then Gretel carried her tray to a table and had her meal. ;然后格莱托把盘子拿到 一个桌子上去吃饭.
There are plenty of self-service restaura- nts in London and the food is quite cheap. ;伦敦有很多自助餐厅, 那儿的东西很便宜.
There aren't any waiters or waitresses, so you don't have to leave a tip. ;那儿没有服务员, 因此不必付小费.
Gretel has got used to English food,but she often misses good Viennese cooking! ;虽然格莱托已习惯吃 英国的食物,可是她时常 想念维也纳的饭菜.
Lesson 23 Television Day: Right or left? ; 第23课 电视日:是右还是左?
Which of your two hands do you use most? ;你最常用哪只手?
Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well. ;我们当中很少有人 能双手都运用自如.
Most of us are right-handed. ;多数人惯用右手.
Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. ;每100人中大约只有5人 是左撇子.
New-born babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, ;初生婴儿能用任何 一个手握东西.
but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands. ;但过2年他们通常用右手 了.
Scientists don't know why this happens. ;科学家不知道这是怎么 形成的.
They used to think that ;过去他们常认为
that we inherited this tendency from our animal ancestors but this may not be true. ;我们从我们的动物祖先那 儿继承了这一习性,但这 不一定对.
Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. ;猴子是我们在动物世界中 关系最近的动物.
Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other ;科学家们发现猴子喜欢用 某只手多于另一只手
-but it can be either hand. ;但这可是两只手中的任何 一只.
There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones. ;用右手的猴子与用左手 的猴子一样多.
Next time you visit the zoo,watch the monkeys carefully. ;下次你去动物园时, 仔细观察一下猴子.
You'll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands ;你会发现有些猴子用右手 荡秋千,
and others will use their left hands. ;而另一些猴子则用左手.
But most human beings use their right hands better. ;但大多数人用右手更为 灵活,
and this makes life difficult for those who prefer to use their left hands. ;这就使得用左手的人 生活较困难些.
We live in a right-handed world. ;我们生活在一个 惯用右手的世界.
Lesson 25 Father and The Gorgons ;第25课 父亲和蛇发女怪
Narrator:Both Sandy and Sue want to watch Top of the Pops on television. ;旁白:桑迪和苏都想看 "流行歌曲精选" 这个电视节目.
Father doesn't want to watch it. He hates pop music. ;父亲不想看, 他不喜欢流行音乐.
Father:Which programme do you all want to watch? ;父亲:你们都想看哪个 节目?
Sue:I want to watch Top of the Pops. ;苏:我要看 "流行歌曲精选".
Sandy:So do I. ;桑迪:我也要看这个节目.
Mother:I do as well, Jim. ;母亲:杰姆,我也一样.
Father:All right, all right. I give in. ;父亲:好,好,我随你们.
Sue:It's a new group, dad.They're called The Gorgons. ;苏:爸爸,这是一个新乐队 他们叫"蛇发女怪",
They can all paly and sing very well. ;都能奏善唱.
Father:That's a matter of opinion. ;父亲:各人见解不一.
Sue:How do you like the music,dad? ;苏:爸爸,您觉得 这音乐怎么样?
Father:It sounds terrible, if you ask me! ;父亲:要是你问我,我说 这音乐听上去太糟了.
And they all look like wild men. ;他们看上去个个像疯子 似的.
Sue:That's a matter of opinion,dad. ;苏:爸爸,各人见解不一.
Father:All right,I'll watch them,but I shan't listen to them ;父亲:好吧,我只看不听.
I can't stand all that noise. ;我可受不了那噪音.
Sandy:Dad's very quiet,Sue. ;桑迪:苏,爸爸好安静哟,
Sue:He's watching The Gorgons and turning into stone! ;苏:他看蛇发女怪乐队表 演看得快变成石头了.
Lesson27 Gunpowder, treason and plot ;第27课 火药、叛逆与密谋
Most countries have a special national day on which they have displays of fireworks. ;大多数国家都有个特定 的全国性节日在那一天 人们放焰火.
In England,the special day is November 5th. ;在英国这个特别的日子是 11月5日.
Sandy and Sue not only bought a lot of fireworks, ;桑迪和苏不仅买了大量的 焰火,
but built a big bonfire in the garden as well. ;还在花园里堆起了篝火.
They made a straw man and put him on top of it. ;他们做了草人, 放在了篝火上方.
Gretel was curious about all this,so Sue explained. ;格莱托对这一切感到好奇 所以苏作了解释.
Everyone in England celebrates a big bang which did not happen. ;在英国大家纪念一个没有 发生的爆炸事件.
King James was going to open Parliament on November 5th,1605. ;詹姆斯国王准备在1605年 11月5日召开国会.
A man called Guy Fawkes not only wanted to kill the King, ;一名叫叫盖伊.福克斯 的人不仅想杀刺国王,
but to blow up Parliament as well. ;还想炸掉国会大厦.
But Guy Fawkes neither killed the King nor blew up Parliament. ;但是盖伊.福克斯既没能 杀死国王也没能炸掉国会.
The King's men found out about his plan and arrested him on November 4th. ;国王手下人得知了他的 计划并在11月4日逮捕了 他.
Now children in England look forward to Guy Fawkes Night every year. ;现在英国的孩子每年盼着 "盖伊.福克斯夜".
They made a straw man called a "Guy". ;他们编织了个取名叫 "盖伊"的稻草人.
Some of them show their Guy to passers- by in the street and collect pennies. ;有些孩子把编好的盖伊 给街上的行人看, 收点小钱,.
A few of them know the words of this old rhyme: ;他们当中有些人背得出 下面这首古诗:
Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! ;给盖伊钱吧! 给盖伊钱吧!
Please to remember The fifth of November, Gunpowder,treason and plot. ;请您记住11月5日, 记住火药、叛逆和密谋.
I see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. ;火药、叛逆与密谋绝对 不应被遗忘.
Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! ;给盖伊钱吧! 给盖伊钱吧!
Lesson 29 Television Day: Life on the sea-shore ; 第29课 电视日:海滨的生活
Today our TV cameras visit a rocky sea-shore. ;今天我们的电视摄像机 拍摄了一个多石的海滨.
The tide is out at the moment. ;现在潮水退了.
You can see the sea-bed and there are tiny rock-pools everywhere. ;你能见到海底. 到处都有小小的岩石潭.
With its crabs,shrimps fish and shell-fish, ;那儿有蟹、虾、鱼, 还有壳类动物,
a rock-pool is a busy place-even if it looks quiet and empty. ;使岩石潭成了个繁忙的 地方-即使它看上去 寂静、空旷.
There are limpets on the rocks. They look like snails. ;岩石上有帽贝, 他们看上去像蜗牛.
When the tide comes in or goes out, ;潮涨潮落时,
it won't wash them away because they cling tightly to the rocks. ;潮水冲不走 他们,因为他们紧紧地粘 在岩石上.
Some sea-creatures, like clams and cockles ;有些海洋动物,像蛤和 鸟蛤,
can't cling to the rocks to avoid the pull of the tide. ;不能粘在岩石上 免遭潮水的冲击.
They have to dig into the sand. ;他们不得不钻躲在沙子 里.
Notice the sea-gulls beside the pools.They always arrive the mom- ent the tide goes out. ;注意看在岩石潭边的 那些海鸥,他们总在 潮退时飞来.
They know there is plenty to eat in the pools. ;他们知道小石潭里有 大量食物可吃.
The sea comes and goes twice a day,but it never takes the sea- creatures by surprise. ;大海每天涨落两次, 但是从不袭击海洋动物,
It doesn't disturb their lives. ;也从不打扰他们的生活.
All the creatures by the shore live in special places. ;海边的所有动物 都住在特殊的地方.
If you visit the same rock-pool several times, ;如果你数次来访同一岩石
you will get to know its inhabitant--but you must be very very patient! ;你会熟悉那儿的"居民" --不过你得极其耐心!
Lesson 31 I won't be long ;第31课 我不会呆很久
Mother:This is a new department-store,Jim Would you like to go inside? ;母亲:杰姆,这是家新 开张的百货公司. 您想进去瞧瞧吗?
Father:Not really. ;父亲:不.
Mother:I'd love to have a look at it. ;母亲:我想去看看.
Father:Then I'll wait here until you come. ;父亲:那我在这儿等你.
Mother:I won't be long ;母亲:我不会呆很久.
Mr Blake:Hullo,Jim. Father:Hullo,George. ;布莱克先生:杰姆,你好. 父亲:你好,乔治.
Mr Blake:What are you doing here? ;布莱克先生: 你在这儿干什么?
Father:I'm waiting till Betty comes. She's in this new department-store. ;父亲:我在等贝蒂, 她在这家新开的 百货公司里.
Mr Blake:I'm going to the barber's. See you later. So long. ;布莱克先生:我去理发. 待会见,再见.
Father:Bye-bye,George. ;父亲:再见,乔治.
Mr Blake:Still here, Jim?I've had a haircut a shampoo and a shave! ;布莱克先生:杰姆,你还在 这里.我理了发,洗了头 还刮了胡子.
Father:Betty hasn't come yet. (Half an hour later.) ;父亲:贝蒂还没来. (半小时后)
Father:At last! ;父亲:终于来了.
Mother:It's a lovely store,Jim. ;母亲:杰姆, 这是个很好的商店,
There's even a hairdresser's in it. How do you like my hair? ;里边还有发廊呢. 你看我的发型,怎么样?
Book 4 Lesson 1-Lesson 31 ;
Revision Lesson 1 New Maths ;复习课1 数学的新课题
Sandy:We've started New Maths this year. ;桑迪:今年我们开始学 新数学.
Our teacher set us some homework,but I can't understand this problem. ;我们老师给我们布置了 些家庭作业. 可是我不懂这道题.
Father:Let me see it, Sandy.That looks easy enough to do. ;爸爸:让我瞧瞧这道题, 桑迪.看上去蛮容易 做的嘛.
It's so easy even a child can do it. ;太容易了,小孩都能做.
Sandy:Well,you try it, dad. ;桑迪:爸爸, 那么您试试看.
Father:All you have to do is this: ;爸爸:你只要这么做.
divide this number into this one ... No,that's not right. ;把这个数除以这个数... 不,不对.
Mother:Let me have a look at it. ;妈妈:让我看看.
If you multiply this number by this one... No,I give up. ;如果你用这个数乘以这个 数,不行,我做不下去了.
It's too difficult for me to do,Sandy. ;桑迪,这道题太难我做 不了.
Sue:Let me look at it,Sandy.It's easy! You do it like this. ;苏:让我看看,桑迪. 很容易嘛. 你就这么做.
Father:I don't understand this New Maths! ;爸爸:我不懂 这门新数学课.
It's so easy only a child can do it! ;太容易了. 只有孩子才会做.
Revision Lesson3 Gretel ;复习课3 格莱托
Gretel comes from Austria.She is eighteen years old. ;格莱托是从奥地利来的. 她18岁.
She is going to stay with the Clark family for a year. ;她要在克拉克家里住 一年.
Gretel has come to England because she wants to improve her English. ;格莱托来英国是为了提高 自己的英语水平.
She works as an au pair girl. ;她当了名"互裨"姑娘,
She helps Mrs Clark in the house and attends English classes regul- arly in her spare time ;帮助克拉克夫人干家务活 空余时间定期上英语课.
Gretel hasn't been in England long and everything is strange to her. ;格莱托到英国时间不长. 对她来说,什么事都很 新鲜.
She often compares life in London with life in Vienna. ;她常比较伦敦和维也纳的 生活.
Some things are nicer in London; other things are not so nice. ;有些方面,伦敦好些. 有些方面,就不很理想了.
For instance,the shops are bigger in London than in Vienna and th- ere is greater variety ;举例说吧, 伦敦的商店大一些 品种也丰富些.
But it's more expensive to enjoy yourself in London. ;可是在伦敦要玩得高兴 就贵些.
It's expensive to have a meal at a restaurant or to go to a theatre. ;上饭馆,看戏都很贵.
Gretel has got used to many things already ;格莱托对好多事情已经 习惯了,
but she can't get used to breakfast in England. ;可是对英国的早餐还不习 惯.
"You English eat so much in the morning," she often says. ;她常说:"你们英国人早上 吃这么多!"
"Fruit juice,porridge, bacon and egg,tea, toast and marmalade! ;"水果汁、稀饭、咸肉加 鸡蛋、茶、烤面包和果酱
How can you face all that food so early in the day?" ;你们一大早怎么吃下 这么多东西?"
Revision Lesson 5 Television Day: Pompeii ; 复习课5 电视日:庞贝
This is the city of Pompeii.It is 13 miles south of Naples in Italy. ;这就是庞贝城, 它位于意大利那波勒斯 南部13英里的地方.
You can see a few tourists in the streets. ;在街上您能见到有些游客
You can see the volcano,Vesuvius,in the background. ;您能看到在它后面的 维苏威火山.
It all looks very peaceful. ;它看上去十分平静.
Yet nearly 2000 years ago,in 79 A.D.,there was a terrible earthquake. ;可是约在2000年以前, 即公元79年,这儿曾发生 了一场可怕的地震.
No one expected it. ;没人曾预料到这场地震.
One quiet morning in August,Vesuvius erupted. ;8月里宁静的一天早晨, 维苏威火山爆发了.
and hot ash and stones fell on Pompeii for nearly two whole days. ;整整2天,灼热的灰烬和 石块向庞贝城落下来.
Everywhere in the city people died suddenly. ;全城的人突然遭到了 灭顶之灾.
Everyone was busy at the time. ;当时,人人都在干活.
The baker was baking bread;shopkeepers were shutting their shops; ;面包师在烤面包; 店主们正在关店门;
people were crossing the streets... ;人们在穿行街道...
but the lava from the volcano covered everything. ;可是火山喷射出的岩浆 把一切都覆盖上了.
The city disappeared. ;城市顿时消失.
Many hundreds of years later,in 1748, ;数百年以后,在1748年,
a water engineer accidentally found some interesting objects. ;一位水文工程师偶然发现 了一些有趣的物件.
Over a hundred years passed before,little by little,archaeologi- sts uncovered the city ;又过了一百多年,考古 学家才一点一点挖出了 这座城市.
You can still see the marks of wheels in the streets, ;您现在仍然能 看到街上的车辙
the loaves of bread at the baker's and the alphabet on the schoolroom wall! ;面包房里的面包,教室 墙上挂着的字母表!
Revision Lesson 7 Large is small ;复习课7 大号就是小号
Salesman:Good morning, madam. Mother:Good morning. ;推销员:早上好,太太. 母亲:早上好.
Salesman:I've got a new brand of toothpaste here.I'm sure you'll like it. ;推销员:我这儿有 新牌子的牙膏. 我相信您一定会喜欢.
Mother:No thank you. ;母亲:谢谢,我不要.
Salesman:I didn't say you have to pay for it,madam. ;推销员:太太, 我没说您一定得付钱.
It's free! I hope you'll accept it. ;这不要钱. 我希望您能收下.
Mother:Thank you. ;母亲:谢谢.
Salesman:Can I interest you in these toothbrushes? ;推销员:我向您推荐 这些牙刷,
I'm sure you'll find them very good. ;我相信您会发现它们 非常好.
Mother:No thank you. ;母亲:谢谢你,不要.
Salesman:What about our famous washing- powder,"SPLASH"? ;推销员:那么瞧瞧我们 著名的"水花"牌洗衣粉.
I know you'll find it excellent. ;我知道您会发现它极佳.
Mother:I think I need some washing-powder. ;母亲:我想我需要些 洗衣粉.
Salesman:Our packets come in three sizes: Large,Giant and Super Which do you prefer? ;推销员:我们有3种包装 规格,大号、特大号和 超大号.您喜欢哪一种?
Mother:The large size please. ;母亲:大号的.
Mother:That's very small.I said"large". ;母亲:这太小了. 我刚才是说"大号".
Salesman:That's right, madam. ;推销员:没错,太太.
The packets come in three sizes: Large,Giant and Super. "Large"is small! ;包装有3种规格, 大号、特大号和超大号. "大号"就是小号.
Revision Lesson 9 A ride on a double-decker ; 复习课9 乘坐双层公共汽车
Yesterday it was Gretel's afternoon off ;昨天下午格莱托休息.
"You needn't stay indoors,Gretel," Mrs Clark said." ;克拉克夫人说:"你不必 呆在家里.
You like paintings. ;你喜欢绘画作品.
Why don't you go to the Tate Gallery? ;为何不去泰特美术馆 看看?
There's a famous collection of modern paintings there." ;那儿有许多著名的 现代画作品."
"How can I get there?" Gretel asked. ;格莱托问: "我怎么去那儿."
"You must catch a bus. Number 88 will take you there." ;"你得坐公共汽车 88路车到那儿."
Gretel loves the red double-decker buses in London. ;格莱托喜欢伦敦的 红色双层公共汽车.
She always sits upstairs and tries to get the front seat. ;她总坐在上层并 设法弄到个前座.
Yesterday she was lucky.The front seat was empty. ;昨天她很幸运. 前座是空的.
Gretel had a wonderful view of London. ;格莱托把伦敦美景 尽收眼底.
The bus went round Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall. ;汽车在特拉法尔加广场 绕了个圈又沿着 怀特霍尔街驶去.
The conductor collected Gretel's fare. ;售票员收了格莱托的车费
"Tate Gallery please," she said. ;格莱托说: "去泰特美术馆.
"Please tell me where I must get off." ;请告诉我在哪儿下车."
After a while the conductor said,"Here's the Tate,Miss.You should get off here." ;过了一会儿,售票员说: "泰特到了,小姐, 您该在这站下车."
"I should,but I'm not going to,"Gretel said. ;"我应该下车,可我又不 想下车了,格莱托说.
"I'm enjoying my ride on the bus. ;我兜风兜得十分开心.
I'll have to go to the Tate next week. May I have another ticket please?" ;我下星期去泰特. 请再给我买张票."
Revision Lesson 11 Television Day: The American War of Independence ;复习课11 电视日:美国独立战争
The American colonists often quarrelled with the British Government ;美洲的殖民地居民常与 英国政府争吵.
They had to buy British goods and they had to pay taxes to Britain. ;他们必须购买英国货 又必须向英国纳税.
In 1767 Britain put customs duty on many goods such as tea. ;1767年,英国对许多货物 征收关税,例如茶叶.
The Government should have known this would cause trouble. ;英国政府早该知道 这会引起麻烦.
In 1773 some Americans dressed as Red Indians went on to some Briti- sh ships in Boston ;1773年,一些化装成北美 印第安人的美国人登上停 靠在波士顿的几艘英国船
and threw ` 18,000 worth of tea into the sea. ;把价值18000英镑的茶叶 倒入海里.
This was the famous "Boston Tea Party". ;这就是著名的"波士顿 茶叶案".
The British Government closed the port of Boston. ;英国政府封闭了波士顿港
Then the colonists got ready for war ;随即殖民地居民作好了 战争的准备.
and George Washington became the commander of their army. ;乔治.华盛顿成了这支军 队的指挥官.
During the war, ;战争期间,
on 4th July 1776,the American Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence. ;于1776年7月4日美国国会 草拟了独立宣言
Later,In 1778,France joined the war against Britain and so did Spain in 1779. ;后来在1778年法国加入了 反英战争.1779年西班牙 也参战.
The British fleet surrendered in 1781 and the Government did not continue the war. ;英国舰队于1781年投降. 英国政府中止了战争.
It had to recognize the independence of the new United States of America. ;它不得不承认新的 美利坚合众国的独立.
In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the country. ;1789年乔治.华盛顿就任 该国的第一任总统.
Revision Lesson 13 Getting better! ;复习课13 已有进步
Mr Blake and his family went on an excursion yesterday. ;布莱克先生和家人 昨天外出游览.
They all travelled by car. ;他们全都乘汽车旅行.
Mrs Blake sat next to her husband. ;布莱克太太坐在她丈夫 身旁.
The children,Alan, Wendy and Timmy,sat in the back. ;艾伦、温迪和蒂米这 几个孩子坐在后座.
Timmy,the youngest, kept asking questions. ;最小的孩子蒂米不停地 问这问那.
While they were driving along. ;当他们长驱直往时,
Timmy noticed a car in front. ;蒂米注意到 前面一辆汽车.
There was a big L on the back. ;在车身后有个斗大的 字母L.
"What does that letter L stand for?"Timmy asked. ;蒂米问:"那个字母L 代表什么?"
"It stands for 'Learner,"his father answered. ;"它代表'初学者'," 爸爸回答.
Mr Blake began to overtake the car in front. ;布莱克先生开始超前面 那辆车.
Just as he was passing it. ;正要超过时,
Timmy noticed another car ahead.It had the letters G.B.on the back. ;蒂米发现前方还有辆车. 在车身后有GB两个字母.
"What do the letters G.B. stand for,Timmy?" Mr Blake asked. ;"蒂米,GB这两个字母代表 什么?"布莱克先生问:
"I suppose it's a learner who's getting better,"Timmy answered ;"我想它们指的是'已有进 步'的初学者,"蒂米回答.
Revision Lesson 15 Gretel writes a letter home ;复习课15 格莱托写家信
Dear Mummy and Daddy, I'm sending you the photos you asked for. ;亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 现寄上你们要的照片.
First you'll find a photo of the house I'm staying at. ;你们首先看到的是一张 我目前住房的照片.
It's a very typical English house. ;它是幢典型的 英国式住房.
You don't see many blocks of flats in England. ;在英国看不到成幢成幢 的公寓楼.
The English prefer houses to flats. ;英国人宁愿住小洋楼 而不愿住公寓.
Sometimes you see rows and rows of houses and they're all exactly the same! ;有时人们会看到一排排 模样完全一样的小洋房.
I enclose some pictures of the family I'm staying with. ;附上几张我目前借居的 那个家庭的照片.
You can see Sandy and Sue.(the children I told you about in my last letter) ;你们看到的是桑迪、苏 (我上封信上谈到的孩子)
and Mr and Mrs Clark. ;以及克拉克夫妇.
They have all become very good friends of mine. ;他们都已成了我的好朋友
There are some pictures of the garden,too. ;另外有几张花园的照片.
Every English house has a small garden. ;每一座英式小洋楼都有 小花园.
The English people work very hard in their gardens. ;英国人在花园里干活很 认真.
Mr Clark has a lovely lawn and lots of rose-bushes ;克拉克先生有一个漂亮的 草坪和许多玫瑰花丛.
and he grows all his own vegetables. ;他自己还种蔬菜.
Everything is so green in England. ;英国是遍地皆绿.
Mr Clark rarely has to water the garden because it rains so often here! ;克拉克先生很少给花园 浇水,因为这儿常下雨.
When it rains my English friends say, "Nice weather--for the ducks!" ;下雨时,我的英国朋友 就会说:"对鸭子们,这 可是好天气!"
I'll write to you again soon. Love, Gretel. ;我不久再给你们来信. 爱你们的格莱托
Lesson 17 Television Day: Computers ;第17课 电视日:计算机
"...the astronauts are returning to earth at exactly 5.24." ;...宇航员将于5:24整 回到地球,
Splash-down will be in the Pacific,427 miles west of Hawaii. ;"并将在位于夏威夷西部 427英里的太平洋海面上 溅落."
You have often heard announcements like this on television. ;你常会从电视听到上述 的预告.
Scientists can tell us exactly when a space- capsule will arrive on the moon for instance, ;举例说,科学家能准确地 告诉我们宇宙密封小舱何 时抵达月球
and exactly when it will return. ;和何时返回.
They can calculate things like this to the nearest second. ;对这类事情,他们的计算 可精确至秒.
How do they do it? ;他们是如何做的呢?
Well,of course,they use mathematics. ;当然他们运用了数学.
We can all do simple sums on paper, ;我们都能在纸上做简单 的算术题,
but we must use computers for extremely difficult calculations. ;但必须用计算机进行复杂 的运算.
Perhaps you have seen mechanical calculating -machines in banks and offices. ;你也许在银行和办公室 见过机械计算机.
They can work very quickly,but nothing like computers. ;尽管它们运算迅速, 但与电子计算机 截然不同.
Computers aren't mechanical.They don't have wheels and gears in them. ;电子计算机不是机械的, 它们没有转轮和齿轮,
Instead,they work on electrical circuits ;而是通过电路工作的,
and can do difficult calculations at tremendous speed. ;可以迅速进行复杂的运算
They can work 100 million times faster than the human mind! ;它们运算速度要比人脑 快上一亿倍.
Lesson 19 Something to look forward to ;第19课 盼望之事
Father:I'm so glad it's the end of the week.I'm looking forw- ard to a nice weekend. ;爸爸:真高兴,周末又到了 我一直盼望着过个愉快 的周末.
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Gretel? ;苏:格莱托,明天这个 时候你干什么?
Gretel:I may be going to the theatre. I'm not sure. ;格莱托:我也许去看戏, 还没定呢.
Sue:That'll be fun. ;苏:那多带劲
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Sandy? ;苏:桑迪,明天这个时候 你干什么?
Sandy:I might be playing football. I'm not sure. ;桑迪:我也许去踢足球, 我没定呢.
Sue:That'll be nice. ;苏:这不错.
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Mum? ;苏:妈妈,明天这个时候 您干什么?
Mother:I'll be getting the dinner ready. ;妈妈:准备晚饭.
Sue:Pooh!That's not very exciting. ;苏:哦!那可没意思.
Sue:What'll you be doing this time tomorrow,Dad? ;苏:爸爸,明天这个时候 您干什么呢?
Father:I'll be digging in the garden. ;爸爸:我在花园刨坑.
Sue:That's pretty boring! ;苏:那多没劲啊.
Sue:Mum'll be getting the dinner ready, and Dad'll be digging up the garden. ;苏:妈妈要准备晚饭, 爸爸要在花园刨坑.
And he calls it a nice week-end. ;但爸爸管这叫愉快的周末
Sandy:Don't grown-ups do boring things,Sue? ;桑迪:苏,大人不总是 干没意思的事吗?
Lesson 21 A meal at a self-service restaurant ;第21课 在自助餐厅用餐
Gretel had lunch at a self-service restaurant yesterday. ;格莱托昨天在自助餐厅 吃午饭.
She collected a tray and joined a queue. (People queue patiently in England!) ;她先拿个盘子然后排到 队伍里. (英国人排队特耐心!)
There was plenty of food on display. ;有好多食品陈列在那儿.
There was some steak, but Gretel didn't take any of it. ;有牛排,但格莱托没拿,
Instead,she chose some fish and chips. ;只是挑了些土豆片和鱼.
Then she looked for a sweet. ;然后她找甜食.
She wanted some apple-pie,but there was none left, ;她想吃苹果馅饼,可是全 没了,
so she helped herself to an ice-cream instead. ;所以她就拿了块冰淇淋,
After that,she took a cup of coffee and put it on her tray. ;随后又拿了杯 咖啡放在盘子上.
She collected a fork,a knife and a spoon and paid at the cash-desk. ;她取了刀叉后 在账台付了款.
Then Gretel carried her tray to a table and had her meal. ;然后格莱托把盘子拿到 一个桌子上去吃饭.
There are plenty of self-service restaura- nts in London and the food is quite cheap. ;伦敦有很多自助餐厅, 那儿的东西很便宜.
There aren't any waiters or waitresses, so you don't have to leave a tip. ;那儿没有服务员, 因此不必付小费.
Gretel has got used to English food,but she often misses good Viennese cooking! ;虽然格莱托已习惯吃 英国的食物,可是她时常 想念维也纳的饭菜.
Lesson 23 Television Day: Right or left? ; 第23课 电视日:是右还是左?
Which of your two hands do you use most? ;你最常用哪只手?
Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well. ;我们当中很少有人 能双手都运用自如.
Most of us are right-handed. ;多数人惯用右手.
Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. ;每100人中大约只有5人 是左撇子.
New-born babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, ;初生婴儿能用任何 一个手握东西.
but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands. ;但过2年他们通常用右手 了.
Scientists don't know why this happens. ;科学家不知道这是怎么 形成的.
They used to think that ;过去他们常认为
that we inherited this tendency from our animal ancestors but this may not be true. ;我们从我们的动物祖先那 儿继承了这一习性,但这 不一定对.
Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. ;猴子是我们在动物世界中 关系最近的动物.
Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other ;科学家们发现猴子喜欢用 某只手多于另一只手
-but it can be either hand. ;但这可是两只手中的任何 一只.
There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones. ;用右手的猴子与用左手 的猴子一样多.
Next time you visit the zoo,watch the monkeys carefully. ;下次你去动物园时, 仔细观察一下猴子.
You'll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands ;你会发现有些猴子用右手 荡秋千,
and others will use their left hands. ;而另一些猴子则用左手.
But most human beings use their right hands better. ;但大多数人用右手更为 灵活,
and this makes life difficult for those who prefer to use their left hands. ;这就使得用左手的人 生活较困难些.
We live in a right-handed world. ;我们生活在一个 惯用右手的世界.
Lesson 25 Father and The Gorgons ;第25课 父亲和蛇发女怪
Narrator:Both Sandy and Sue want to watch Top of the Pops on television. ;旁白:桑迪和苏都想看 "流行歌曲精选" 这个电视节目.
Father doesn't want to watch it. He hates pop music. ;父亲不想看, 他不喜欢流行音乐.
Father:Which programme do you all want to watch? ;父亲:你们都想看哪个 节目?
Sue:I want to watch Top of the Pops. ;苏:我要看 "流行歌曲精选".
Sandy:So do I. ;桑迪:我也要看这个节目.
Mother:I do as well, Jim. ;母亲:杰姆,我也一样.
Father:All right, all right. I give in. ;父亲:好,好,我随你们.
Sue:It's a new group, dad.They're called The Gorgons. ;苏:爸爸,这是一个新乐队 他们叫"蛇发女怪",
They can all paly and sing very well. ;都能奏善唱.
Father:That's a matter of opinion. ;父亲:各人见解不一.
Sue:How do you like the music,dad? ;苏:爸爸,您觉得 这音乐怎么样?
Father:It sounds terrible, if you ask me! ;父亲:要是你问我,我说 这音乐听上去太糟了.
And they all look like wild men. ;他们看上去个个像疯子 似的.
Sue:That's a matter of opinion,dad. ;苏:爸爸,各人见解不一.
Father:All right,I'll watch them,but I shan't listen to them ;父亲:好吧,我只看不听.
I can't stand all that noise. ;我可受不了那噪音.
Sandy:Dad's very quiet,Sue. ;桑迪:苏,爸爸好安静哟,
Sue:He's watching The Gorgons and turning into stone! ;苏:他看蛇发女怪乐队表 演看得快变成石头了.
Lesson27 Gunpowder, treason and plot ;第27课 火药、叛逆与密谋
Most countries have a special national day on which they have displays of fireworks. ;大多数国家都有个特定 的全国性节日在那一天 人们放焰火.
In England,the special day is November 5th. ;在英国这个特别的日子是 11月5日.
Sandy and Sue not only bought a lot of fireworks, ;桑迪和苏不仅买了大量的 焰火,
but built a big bonfire in the garden as well. ;还在花园里堆起了篝火.
They made a straw man and put him on top of it. ;他们做了草人, 放在了篝火上方.
Gretel was curious about all this,so Sue explained. ;格莱托对这一切感到好奇 所以苏作了解释.
Everyone in England celebrates a big bang which did not happen. ;在英国大家纪念一个没有 发生的爆炸事件.
King James was going to open Parliament on November 5th,1605. ;詹姆斯国王准备在1605年 11月5日召开国会.
A man called Guy Fawkes not only wanted to kill the King, ;一名叫叫盖伊.福克斯 的人不仅想杀刺国王,
but to blow up Parliament as well. ;还想炸掉国会大厦.
But Guy Fawkes neither killed the King nor blew up Parliament. ;但是盖伊.福克斯既没能 杀死国王也没能炸掉国会.
The King's men found out about his plan and arrested him on November 4th. ;国王手下人得知了他的 计划并在11月4日逮捕了 他.
Now children in England look forward to Guy Fawkes Night every year. ;现在英国的孩子每年盼着 "盖伊.福克斯夜".
They made a straw man called a "Guy". ;他们编织了个取名叫 "盖伊"的稻草人.
Some of them show their Guy to passers- by in the street and collect pennies. ;有些孩子把编好的盖伊 给街上的行人看, 收点小钱,.
A few of them know the words of this old rhyme: ;他们当中有些人背得出 下面这首古诗:
Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! ;给盖伊钱吧! 给盖伊钱吧!
Please to remember The fifth of November, Gunpowder,treason and plot. ;请您记住11月5日, 记住火药、叛逆和密谋.
I see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. ;火药、叛逆与密谋绝对 不应被遗忘.
Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! ;给盖伊钱吧! 给盖伊钱吧!
Lesson 29 Television Day: Life on the sea-shore ; 第29课 电视日:海滨的生活
Today our TV cameras visit a rocky sea-shore. ;今天我们的电视摄像机 拍摄了一个多石的海滨.
The tide is out at the moment. ;现在潮水退了.
You can see the sea-bed and there are tiny rock-pools everywhere. ;你能见到海底. 到处都有小小的岩石潭.
With its crabs,shrimps fish and shell-fish, ;那儿有蟹、虾、鱼, 还有壳类动物,
a rock-pool is a busy place-even if it looks quiet and empty. ;使岩石潭成了个繁忙的 地方-即使它看上去 寂静、空旷.
There are limpets on the rocks. They look like snails. ;岩石上有帽贝, 他们看上去像蜗牛.
When the tide comes in or goes out, ;潮涨潮落时,
it won't wash them away because they cling tightly to the rocks. ;潮水冲不走 他们,因为他们紧紧地粘 在岩石上.
Some sea-creatures, like clams and cockles ;有些海洋动物,像蛤和 鸟蛤,
can't cling to the rocks to avoid the pull of the tide. ;不能粘在岩石上 免遭潮水的冲击.
They have to dig into the sand. ;他们不得不钻躲在沙子 里.
Notice the sea-gulls beside the pools.They always arrive the mom- ent the tide goes out. ;注意看在岩石潭边的 那些海鸥,他们总在 潮退时飞来.
They know there is plenty to eat in the pools. ;他们知道小石潭里有 大量食物可吃.
The sea comes and goes twice a day,but it never takes the sea- creatures by surprise. ;大海每天涨落两次, 但是从不袭击海洋动物,
It doesn't disturb their lives. ;也从不打扰他们的生活.
All the creatures by the shore live in special places. ;海边的所有动物 都住在特殊的地方.
If you visit the same rock-pool several times, ;如果你数次来访同一岩石
you will get to know its inhabitant--but you must be very very patient! ;你会熟悉那儿的"居民" --不过你得极其耐心!
Lesson 31 I won't be long ;第31课 我不会呆很久
Mother:This is a new department-store,Jim Would you like to go inside? ;母亲:杰姆,这是家新 开张的百货公司. 您想进去瞧瞧吗?
Father:Not really. ;父亲:不.
Mother:I'd love to have a look at it. ;母亲:我想去看看.
Father:Then I'll wait here until you come. ;父亲:那我在这儿等你.
Mother:I won't be long ;母亲:我不会呆很久.
Mr Blake:Hullo,Jim. Father:Hullo,George. ;布莱克先生:杰姆,你好. 父亲:你好,乔治.
Mr Blake:What are you doing here? ;布莱克先生: 你在这儿干什么?
Father:I'm waiting till Betty comes. She's in this new department-store. ;父亲:我在等贝蒂, 她在这家新开的 百货公司里.
Mr Blake:I'm going to the barber's. See you later. So long. ;布莱克先生:我去理发. 待会见,再见.
Father:Bye-bye,George. ;父亲:再见,乔治.
Mr Blake:Still here, Jim?I've had a haircut a shampoo and a shave! ;布莱克先生:杰姆,你还在 这里.我理了发,洗了头 还刮了胡子.
Father:Betty hasn't come yet. (Half an hour later.) ;父亲:贝蒂还没来. (半小时后)
Father:At last! ;父亲:终于来了.
Mother:It's a lovely store,Jim. ;母亲:杰姆, 这是个很好的商店,
There's even a hairdresser's in it. How do you like my hair? ;里边还有发廊呢. 你看我的发型,怎么样?