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    Look,Listen and Learn! ;
    Book 4 Lesson 33-Lesson 63 ;
    Lesson 33 The underground ; 第33课 地铁
    Gretel loves the underground in London. ;格莱托喜欢伦敦的地铁.
    She always prefers to travel on the underground because it's very fast. ;她总喜欢乘地铁, 因为它速度很快.
    She doesn't find it difficult now,as she's got used to it. ;现在她乘地铁不感到 困难,因为她已经习惯了.
    Gretel knows the underground map very well. ;格莱托对地铁的路线 十分熟悉.
    Each line has its own colour. ;各条路线都有自己的颜色
    For instance,the Central Line is red; the Piccadilly Line is blue,and so on. ;例如,中央线是红色的, 皮卡迪利线是蓝色的, 等等.
    Londoners always refer to the underground as "the tube". ;伦敦人管地铁叫"隧道".
    When you see the long tunnels,it isn't hard to understand why. ;当你见到那些长长的隧道 你就不难理解人们为什么 这样称呼它.
    Yesterday Gretel went home on the underground ;昨天格莱托乘地铁回家
    at about five o'clock in the afternoon. She got a surprise. ;在下午大约5:00的时候. 她大吃一惊.
    Since everyone was going home from work, the trains were full. ;因为大家都下班回家, 车厢挤得满满的.
    This was the"rush hour"--and it was a new experience for Gretel. ;这是高峰时间 对格莱托说, 这又是个新的经历.
    There were a lot of people but trains arrived every minute. ;人很多,但每分钟就有 一班车.
    Everyone waited patiently and didn't push. ;大家耐心等待, 没人拥挤.
    As her train was full, Gretel had to stand, but she didn't mind. ;由于她乘的车满载, 格莱托只能站着, 不过她并不在乎.
    In the train she saw a notice which said: "Avoid the Rush Hour". ;在车上她看到一个布告, 上面写着:"避开高峰时 间."
    I will,next time, Gretel thought! ;格莱托想, "下次我一定这么做."
    Lesson 35 Television Day: Blondin ;第35课 电视日:布朗丁
    The great acrobat, Blondin,was very famous in the 19th century. ;布朗丁这位大杂技家 在19世纪非常有名.
    He used to walk on a tight-rope across the Niagara Falls. ;他走在一条绷紧的绳子上 横穿尼亚加拉大瀑布.
    On September 8th,1860, a crowd of about 300,000 people gathered at Niagara ;1860年9月8日,约有30万 人聚集在尼亚加拉瀑布旁 观
    to watch Blondin carry a man across! ;看布朗丁背人通过瀑布
    Three men had offered to go with him,but they failed to appear, ;曾有3个人提出与他一 起过去,但他们都没露面.
    so Blondin asked his manager,Mr Colcord, to climb on his back. ;所以,布朗丁要他的 经纪人克尔科特 趴在他背上.
    Colcord agreed to do this so as not to disappoint the crowd, but he was terrified. ;为了不让观众失望, 克尔科特同意了, 但他可吓坏了.
    The crossing was very difficult because Colcord was heavier than Blondin thought. ;这次横渡很困难,因为 克尔科特比布朗丁预料 的要重.
    After he has gone a short way,Blondin had to stop in order to rest. ;走了一小段路后,布朗丁 就不得不停下来休息.
    He asked Colcord to get down.At first Colcord refused, but at last he had to. ;他要克尔科特下来. 起先克尔科特不答应, 不过最后他只好下来.
    He clung to Blondin's leg and the rope in order not to fall. ;他紧紧地搂着布朗丁的腿 抓着绳子以免掉下去.
    Blondin had to stop six times during the crossing so as to rest ;横渡时,布朗丁停下来 休息6次.
    Sometimes the rope swung as much as 40 feet! ;有时绳子摆动的距离 竟有40英尺.
    At last both men crossed safely. ;最后两个人平安地横渡 过了.
    The crowd sighed with relief--and so did poor Mr Colcord! ;人们都宽慰地舒了口气 --那位可怜的克尔科特 也一样.
    Lesson 37 Not in front of the children! ;第37课 别当着孩子面说!
    Narrator:Mr Blake is going to take Timmy to his office today so that he may see it. ;旁白:布莱克先生今天打 算带蒂米去他办公室让 他看看他工作的地方.
    Narrator:At the moment the Blakes are having breakfast. ;旁白:布莱克一家正在 吃早饭.
    Mr Blake is looking at some letters.He isn't very pleased. ;布莱克先生在看信, 他不太高兴.
    Mrs Blake:What's the matter,George? ;布莱克太太:乔治, 怎么了?
    Mr Blake:These letters are full of mistakes! ;布莱克先生: 这些信上全是错.
    Those typists at the office never do anything right! ;办公室的那些打字员从来 没把事干好过.
    Mr Blake:Come on Timmy We're going now. ;布莱克先生:蒂米,快, 我们走吧.
    Mrs Blake:Take care of Timmy,darling. Bye-bye! ;布莱克太太:亲爱的, 照管好蒂米.再见.
    Mr Blake:Here we are, Timmy. ;布莱克先生: 蒂米,我们到了.
    I work in this big building.My office is on the third floor. ;我就在这幢大楼里工作. 我的办公室在3楼.
    Mr Blake:Good morning,everybody. ;布莱克先生:各位早上好.
    Girls:Good morning, Mr Blake. ;小姐们:布莱克先生, 早上好.
    Mr Blake:This is my son,Timmy. ;布莱克先生: 这是我儿子蒂米.
    Timmy:Which are the ones that never do anything right,dad? ;蒂米:爸爸,哪几个是从 没把事干好的人?
    Lesson 39 A merry Christmas and a happy New year! ;第39课 圣诞愉快新年好!
    In a few days' time it will be Christmas Day. ;再过几天就是圣诞节了.
    Sandy and Sue are so excited that they can hardly wait. ;桑迪和苏激动得都有点 等不及了.
    They broke up on December 17th and since then they've been helping mother. ;他们12月17日就放假了, 打那以后他们就一直在 帮助母亲.
    Yesterday they decorated the living-room. ;昨天他们布置了客厅,
    Last night they went to Regent Street with Gretel to see the decorations. ;晚上和格莱托同去雷根 大街观看节日装饰.
    Mrs Clark has already bought all her presents and sent all her cards. ;克拉克太太已把礼品 全买好了,也寄出了 节日卡片.
    She has made a large pudding and ordered a turkey for Christmas Day. ;她做了个大布丁, 又订了一个圣诞火鸡.
    Tonight Sandy and Sue are going to sing carols with their friends ;今晚桑迪和苏准备和朋友 们一起唱圣诞颂歌,
    so that they may collect money for charity ;为慈善团体募捐,
    and Gretel is going to join them. ;格莱托也准备参加 他们的活动.
    On Christmas Day the family will exchange presents. ;圣诞节那天全家要交换 礼品.
    Of course,Sandy and Sue don't believe in Father Christmas any more, ;当然桑迪和苏不再信有 圣诞老人了,
    but they still hang up stockings beside their beds ;但是他们依然把袜子挂在 床边,
    so that their parents will fill them with presents! ;这样他们的父母会在里面 放满礼品.
    The days are dark and short,but everyone is cheerful. ;这些日子天黑得早, 可是大家都兴致勃勃.
    "Christmas is coming!" they say. ;他们说:"圣诞节快到了."
    Lesson 41 Television Day: The baobab tree ;第41课 电视日:猴面包树
    Today our programme is about the baobab tree, which grows in West Africa and Australia. ;今天我们的节目是关于 猴面包树,这种树生长在 西非和澳大利亚.
    As you can see,it is a very strange-looking tree. ;你们都看到了它的外形 奇特.
    Its enormous trunk sometimes as much as ten metres in diameter ;巨大的树干其直径有时 可达10米.
    It is thicker at the bottom than at the top ;底部比顶部粗.
    The branches nearest the ground are very long;those near the top are very short. ;最靠近地面的树枝很长. 而靠近顶部的树枝很短.
    It may be a strange-looking tree, but it is extremely useful. ;虽然它外形看上去奇特, 但它的用途极其广泛.
    Its leaves are good to eat. ;树叶味道很好,
    Its white flowers turn into cool,juicy fruit which tastes rather like cucumber. ;树开出的白色的花能长 出一种清凉多汁的水果 其味似黄瓜.
    There are such strong fibres in the bark, ;树皮中的纤维牢度大
    that people can make rope and cloth from them. ;可用来做绳子和布.
    When a baobab gets old its trunk becomes hollow. ;到猴面包树老了, 树干就空了,
    An old tree has such a huge,hollow trunk, that it can hold many people. ;巨大的树洞可以 容纳好多人.
    The local people often build their houses inside these trunks. ;当地人常在树干里造房子
    When it rains,water collects in the hollow ;下雨时,水就积在树洞内.
    The tree has such a lot of leaves and branches, ;这种树的树叶和树枝茂盛
    that the water remains cool and fresh. ;因此积下的水可保持 清凉、新鲜.
    It is such a useful tree,some people could hardly live without it ;猴面包树实用价值高, 有些人离了它就不行.
    Lesson 43 Presents ; 第43课 礼品
    Although it's January 7th Sandy and Sue are still on holiday. ;虽然今天已是1月7日, 桑迪和苏还在度假.
    They don't go back to school until next week ;他们要到下星期才开学.
    They received some lovely presents for Christmas. ;他们收到些漂亮的 圣诞礼品.
    Their parents bought them a table-tennis set. ;父亲母亲给他们买了 乒乓球网拍.
    They've been playing ping-pong every day, though they can't play very well yet! ;他们天天都打, 虽然他们还打不好,
    Father gave mother a lovely new handbag. ;父亲送给母亲一只漂亮 的手提包.
    Sue gave her some mats which she wove herself ;苏送给她几只自己编织 的垫子,
    and Sandy gave her a lamp which he made himself. ;桑迪送给她一个他自制的 台灯.
    Gretel received a scarf and a pair of gloves from mother and father ;格莱托收到父母亲给她的 围巾和手套,
    and a box of chocolates from Sandy and Sue. ;还收到桑迪和苏送的一盒 巧克力糖.
    Father received some nice presents too. ;父亲也收到些漂亮的 礼品.
    He got an electric razor from mother, some razor blades from Sue, ;有母亲送的电动剃须刀, 苏送的刀片,
    some shaving-soap from Sandy ;桑迪送的剃须皂,
    and some after-shave lotion from Gretel. ;还从格菜托那儿收到 剃须后用的润肤膏.
    Father laughed when he opened his presents ;父亲打开礼品盒笑开了.
    "Even though they're very useful things." he said,"perhaps I'll grow a beard!" ;"这些东西都很有用," 他说,"不过我可能要留 胡子了."
    Lesson 45 The typical English gentleman ;第45课 典型的英国绅士
    Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. ;昨天上午格莱托去伦敦 市区.
    She wanted to see St.Paul's Cathedral. ;她想参观圣保罗 大教堂.
    She was surprised to seeso many Englishmen who looked alike. ;她惊奇地发现有那么多 英国人看上去一个模样.
    They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. ;他们都身着深色西服, 头戴大礼帽,
    They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. ;手中还都拿着雨伞和报纸
    Gretel smiled to herself. ;格莱托暗笑起来.
    When she returned home she asked Mr Clark about these strange creatures. ;回到家后,她向克拉克 先生问起那些模样奇怪 的人.
    "They must be typical English gentlemen," she said. ;"他们一定是典型的 英国绅士吧,"她说,
    "I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. ;"我常在报上读到关于 他们的文章,也看到过 他们的照片.
    They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. ;看上去他们似乎都 穿着制服.
    Does the typical English gentleman still exist?" ;现在典型的英国绅士 还有吗?"
    Mr Clark laughed. ;克拉克先生笑开了.
    "I've never thought about it,"he answered. ;"我倒从没想过这个 问题,"他答道,
    "It's true that many of the men who work in the City of London still wear bowler hats ;"的确许多在伦敦市区 工作的人还戴礼帽.
    and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this." ;我想他们就是典型的 英国人.但你瞧这个."
    Mr Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. ;克拉克先生拿起本杂志 指着一个年轻人,"
    "He's just as typical, perhaps. ;也许他同样也是典型的.
    It seems as if there is no such thing as a 'typical' Englishman. ;看来似乎没有所谓典型 的英国人.
    Do you know the English saying 'It takes all kinds to make a world'? ;你知道英国有句谚语说 世界是由各种各样人 组成的吗?
    That's true of all countries--including England." ;这句话适用包括英国在内 的所有国家."
    Lesson 47 Television Day: The sea ;第47课 电视日:海洋
    If you looked at the Pacific from a space-capsule ;如果你从宇宙飞船船舱 观察太平洋,
    you might think that the world was all water. ;你也许会认为地球是一片 海洋.
    You would hardly be able to see any land at all. ;你几乎看不到一点陆地.
    Water covers most of the earth's surface. ;地球表面的大部分是 由水覆盖着的.
    The sea contains a large number of substances,besides common salt. ;海洋还含有大量的其他 物质,除了盐以外.
    If you boiled away some sea-water,you would find over forty different materials. ;如果你把一些海水煮干, 你就能发现有40多种物质
    For instance,out of a cubic mile of water ;举例说,从一立方英里的 水中
    you would get ninety- four tons of silver and three tons of gold ;就能提取94吨银子和3吨 金子.
    If it were possible to do this,it still wouldn't be worth the trouble. ;即使有可能这么做的话, 也不值得.
    It would cost more to obtain these precious metals than they are worth. ;要获取这些有价值的金属 的成本要高于它们自身的 价值.
    But the sea provides us with a great many materials ;不过,海洋为我们提供了 大量的物质
    which we can obtain easily and which we use a lot. ;我们易于获取并使用广泛 的.
    For instance,we use huge quantities of sand in industry to make glass, ;例如,在工业上我们使用 大量的沙子制作玻璃、
    detergents and cement. ;洗涤剂和水泥.
    Besides materials like salt and sand,we obtain a great deal of food from the sea. ;除了诸如盐和沙子这类 物质外,我们还从海洋中 获取大量食物.
    One day we may even have undersea farms. ;有朝一日我们还能有 海底农场呢?
    We have hardly begun to explore the sea. ;我们尚没有开始探索海洋
    In some ways it is less familiar than outer space. ;从某些方面说,海洋比 宇宙空间还要陌生.
    Lesson 49 Father tells a joke ;第49课 父亲讲笑话
    Father is teaching mother to drive the car.He's very impatient. ;父亲正在教母亲开汽车. 他很不耐心.
    Mother says he's the worst teacher in the world. ;母亲说他是世界上最次 的教师,
    Father says women drivers are terrible. ;父亲说女驾驶员糟透了.
    He told mother a joke about a woman driver he knows. ;他给母亲讲了一个关于他 认识的女驾驶员的笑话.
    This lady drove to a filling-station ;这位女士开车到加油站
    and asked the attendant for eight gallons of petrol. ;叫管理员给她灌上8加仑 汽油.
    After the attendant had filled the tank ;管理员替她灌好后,
    the lady asked him to check the airpressure in her tyres. ;这位女士又叫他检查一下 车胎的气压.
    When he had checked the air-pressure ;管理员替她检查好气压,
    the lady asked him to fill the radiator with water. ;她又叫他把散热器里 灌满水.
    As soon as he had filled the radiator the lady asked him for a new dipstick. ;他刚把散热器里灌满了水 这位女士又找他要根 新量油尺.
    The attendant was surprised. ;管理员感到吃惊.
    "A dipstick can wear out,"he said. "My dipstick has," the lady answered. ;他说:"量油尺是磨损不了 的.""我的量油尺就磨尽 了,"这位女士回答道,
    "It's not long enough so I can't see if there is any oil in the engine." ;"它不够长,所以我无法 知道引擎里有没有油了."
    Lesson 51 Mother knows best ;第51课 母亲最清楚了
    Yesterday Gretel went on an excursion with the Clarks. ;昨天格莱托和克拉克一家 去郊游.
    Mother was driving so that she could get some practice ;母亲开车,这样她就可以 练习一下,
    and father was sitting beside her. ;父亲坐在她旁边.
    He wasn't always very helpful! ;他不是总能帮忙的!
    "We must get on to the A3" he said. ;他说:"我们得上A3公路,
    "That's the road which will take us to the south coast." ;这条路直通南部海岸."
    Neither mother nor father knew the way to the A3 ;母亲和父亲都不知道A3 公路怎么走,
    so they had to stop to ask a policemen. ;所以他们只好停下来问 警察.
    "Excuse me,"mother said."Could you please tell me the way to the A3?" ;"劳驾,"母亲说, "您能告诉我怎么去A3 公路吗?
    "Yes,madam." the officer said. ;"好的,夫人."擎察说,
    "Take the first turning on your right ;"在您右边的第一个路口 拐弯,
    and continue along the road till you come to a cinema. ;然后沿着那条路一直开到 一家电影院,
    Turn left at the cinema and go straight on.This will bring you to the A3." ;再向左拐一直开, 这样您就到A3路了."
    "Thank you,officer." mother said. ;"谢谢您,警察,"母亲说.
    Mother drove on,but she didn't turn right. ;母亲继续往前开, 但没向右拐.
    "We're going in the wrong direction." father cried. ;"我们方向错了," 父亲喊了起来,
    "Why didn't you turn right? ;"你为什么不向右拐呢?
    If you had turned right back there,we would have come to the A3." ;如果你刚才向右拐, 我们早就到A3公路了."
    "Oh,be quiet,Jim." mother said. ;"安静些,吉姆,"母亲说,
    "That policeman made a mistake. ;"那个警察搞错了.
    If I had turned right back there, ;要是我刚才在那儿向右拐
    I would have been in serious trouble.It was a one-way street!" ;那就麻烦了,那是条单行 道."
    Lesson 53 Television Day: Penicillin ;第53课 电视日:青霉素
    If you leave a piece of bread in a warm damp place mould will soon grow on it. ;如果你把一片面包放在 温暖潮湿的地方,上面 很快会长上霉菌.
    When this happens, we say that bread "has gone mouldy". ;这种情况发生时我们说 那面包"发霉"了.
    Mould can grow on all kinds of things besid- es food--on leather, clothing,even on wood. ;除食品以外,所有东西上 也都会长霉菌--皮革、 衣服,乃至木头.
    It grows from tiny spores which are in the air. ;它是从空气中的微孢 里长出来的.
    Each spore is like a little mushroom. ;每个孢就像个小蘑菇.
    If the conditions are right,a single spore can quickly spread and form a mould. ;如果条件适宜,一个孢就 能很快长成一个霉菌.
    It is extremely common and we have all noticed it. ;这是极寻常的事, 我们都见过.
    In 1928,Sir Alexander Fleming found that ;1928年,亚历山大.弗莱明 爵士发现
    mould had killed some germs he was trying to grow in his laboratory ;霉菌杀死了他在实验室培 植的某些细菌.
    If he had not noticed this ;如果他没有发现这一现象 的话,
    the world would have lost one of the greatest discoveries of the century. ;世界就失去了本世纪内最 伟大的发现之一.
    Fleming called the substance "penicillin" ;弗莱明把这一物质叫做 "青霉素".
    Because penicillin can kill germs,doctors use it to treat diseases. ;青霉素能杀菌, 所以医生用它治病.
    It has saved millions of lives. ;它拯救了几百万人的生命
    Scientists grow enormous quantities of common mould ;科学家培植大量的普通 霉菌
    so that they can get penicillin from it in order to make antibiotics, ;从中提取青霉素生产出抗 生素,
    that is,substances that kill germs. ;即杀菌物质.
    Next time you see some mould on a piece of bread, ;下次你要是看见面包上 的霉菌,
    remember that it is one of man's greatest friends! ;记住它可是人类最好的朋 友之一呢!
    Lesson 55 La-di-da! ;第55课 故作文雅
    Narrator:Mrs Gasbag and Mrs Dumpling have just met in the street. ;旁白:盖斯伯夫人和德勃 林夫人在街上相遇.
    They're gossiping about a new shop-assistant. ;他们背后议论起刚来的 一位售货员.
    Mrs Gasbag:I don't like that new assistant,do you? ;盖斯伯夫人:我不喜欢 那个售货员,您呢?
    Mrs Dumpling:Not a bit ;德勃林夫人: 一点也不喜欢.
    Mrs Gasbag:She's awfully stuck up. The way she talks-- la-di-da! ;盖斯伯夫人:她傲气极了. 就她说话那个腔调吧 --故作文雅.
    Mrs Gasbag:She says she doesn't really want to be a shop-assistant. ;盖斯伯夫人:她说她事实 上不是想当售货员,
    It's beneath her, she says. ;还说这工作有失她的身份
    Mrs Dumpling:Really? ;德勃林夫人: 有这么一回事?
    Mrs Gasbag:She said she used to be very rich, ;盖斯伯夫人:她说以前她 很有钱,
    but her husband died and didn't leave her any money. ;可是她丈夫死了没给她留 下钱.
    Mrs Dumpling:I'm not surprised! ;德勃林夫人: 我不感到奇怪.
    Mrs Gasbag:She told me she once owned a big house in the country. ;盖斯伯夫人:她告诉我她 过去在乡下有所大房子.
    I think she's just pretending. ;我看她是在瞎说.
    Mrs Dumpling:Just showing off. ;德勃林夫人: 只是炫耀自己.
    Mrs Gasbag:Do you know what else I heard? ;盖斯伯夫人:您知道我还 听到些什么吗?
    (She whispers.) Mrs Dumpling:Oh! Really! ;[耳语] 德勃林夫人:噢,真的!
    Mrs Gasbag:But I mustn't tell you all the details. ;盖斯伯夫人: 不过我不能全告诉您.
    I've already told you more than I heard myself. ;我告诉您的事比我自己 听到的还多呢!
    Lesson 57 A trip to Scotland ;第57课 苏格兰之行
    At present Gretel is on holiday in Scotland ;目前格莱托正在苏格兰 度假.
    Two days ago she sent a letter to Sue ;2天前,她给苏写了封信.
    and today Mr and Mrs Clark have received a card from her. ;今天克拉克夫妇又收到 她寄来的明信片.
    "What does Gretel say in her card,mum?" Sue asked. ;"妈妈,格莱托在明信片 上说些什么?"苏问道.
    "She says she has visited lots of places,"mother answered. ;"她说她参观了许多 地方,"妈妈回答说,
    "She says she is enjoying herself very much and she hopes we are all well. ;"她说她玩得很高兴. 她祝我们大家好.
    What did she write in her letter to you,Sue? ;苏,她在给你的信上说了 些什么?
    "It was quite a long letter and full of interesting details, Sue answered. ;"信很长,全是有趣的事," 苏回答说,
    "Gretel said she went by train to Edinburgh. ;"格莱托说她是乘火车 去爱丁堡的,
    She said she stayed in the capital for two days ;在那儿逗留了2天,
    and then went to the Cairngorm Mountains. ;然后去凯利刚山.
    She said she was staying at a hotel in a place called Aviemore. ;她说她住在一个叫做埃维 莫的地方的一家旅馆里.
    She said she had met a lot of young people there. ;她说她遇到好多年青人.
    They had climbed some mountains and gone on several tours. ;他们爬了几座山, 游览了好几个地方.
    She said she had been to many famous Scottish lakes including Loch Lomond. ;她说她到过苏格兰许多 有名的湖泊,包括罗蒙湖.
    She said she thought Scottish was much more beautiful than England." ;她说她觉得苏格兰比 英格兰漂亮得多."
    "And what about her hotel?" ;"她住的旅馆怎么样?"
    "She said it was very comfortable and she had made many new friends. ;"她说旅馆很舒服 她交了很多新朋友.
    She wrote that she was learning Scottish dances and having a wonderful time." ;她说她正在学跳苏格兰舞 玩得很高兴."
    Lesson 59 Television Day: Edward Lear ;第59课 电视日:爱德华.李尔
    Do you remember the poem,"The Owl and the Pussy-Cat"? ;你还记得"猫头鹰与猫咪" 这首诗吗?
    Today we are going to learn something about the man who wrote it. ;今天我们将熟悉一下这 首诗作者的一些情况.
    He was born in 1812 and he died in 1888. ;他生于1812年, 死于1888年.
    He was the youngest in a family of 21 children. ;他家有21个孩子, 他最小.
    His father was very rich,but lost all his money before Edward grew up. ;他父亲很富,但在爱德华 还未成年就潦倒了.
    When this happened, Edward's favourite sister,Ann, ;爱德华最喜欢的姐姐安
    said she would look after her brother. ;在这时提出将由她扶养 弟弟.
    She said she could teach him to draw, write and play the piano. ;她说她可教他绘画、 写字和弹钢琴.
    She said she had to look after him because his health was so poor. ;她讲她应该照顾他 因为他身体这么弱.
    Edward owed a lot to Ann. ;爱德华的成就在很大程度 上归功于安.
    When he grew up,he became a well-known artist. ;他长大后成了著名画家.
    He travelled to many parts of the world and drew pictures. ;他到过世界上许多地方 去作画,
    For a time during his life he worked as an artist for Lord Derby. ;有一个时期还当过德贝勋 爵的画师.
    He often entertained Lord Derby's grandchi- ldren with his beauti- ful "nonsense" poems. ;他经常用他美丽的"胡话" 诗歌逗乐德贝勋爵的 孙儿女.
    The children loved Mr Lear and his poems. ;孩子们爱李尔先生, 也爱他的诗歌.
    Though the poems are very amusing, Edward Lear was often ill and unhappy. ;虽然他的诗歌很有趣, 但爱德华.李尔却 多病、忧郁.
    He never married and he led a lonely life-- ;他一直未婚,过着孤独的 生活,
    even though he became quite famous and people every-where wanted to meet him. ;即使他出了名,到处人们 都想见到他一面.
    Here are a few lines he wrote about himself ;这儿有几行描写他自己 的诗句:
    How pleasant to know Mr Lear who had written such volumes of stuff! ;认识李尔先生又该多高兴 他写下了这么多的诗句.
    Some think him ill-tempered and queer But a few think him pleasant enough. ;有些人觉得他易发火, 脾气怪,可少数人却说 他很讨人喜欢.
    Lesson 61 The cost of living ;第61课 生活开支
    Mrs Blake:The cost of living's simply dreadful,isn't it? ;布莱克夫人:生活的开支 简直可怕极了,是吗?
    Everything's going up all the time. ;所有的东西都一直在 涨价.
    Every time I come to the supermarket, I find prices have increased. ;每次去超级市,我都发现 物价又涨了.
    Mother:It's shocking! Simply shocking! ;母亲:可怕,真可怕!
    Mrs Blake:Look at these frozen beans. ;布莱克夫人: 您瞧这些冰冻青豆.
    I paid 10 pence for a packet a month ago. ;上个月我花10便士买了 一袋.
    Now they're 11 pence. I knew they would go up again. ;现在成了11便士了. 我就知道还得涨.
    Mother:Look at this jam,Marion.I suppose it's gone up,too.See? I told you it had. ;母亲:玛莉恩,瞧这果酱. 我看也涨价了.是吧, 我告诉过您它涨价了.
    Mrs Blake:I hope this tinned fruit hasn't gone up.My husband loves it. ;布莱克夫人:但愿这个 水果罐头还没涨价. 我丈夫爱吃.
    Mother:I'm afraid it has,Marion.It's gone up a penny. ;母亲:恐怕己经涨了, 玛莉恩.涨了1便士.
    Mrs Blake:Oh dear! ;布莱克夫人:噢,天啊!
    Mother:Here's something that hasn't gone up. ;母亲:这儿有样东西没 涨价.
    These biscuits are still the same price. ;这些饼干还是老价钱.
    I'm glad they are because the children love them. ;我真高兴它还是老价钱, 因为孩子们爱吃.
    Mrs Blake:I'm afraid you're wrong,Betty. ;布莱克夫人:恐怕您弄错 了吧,贝蒂.
    They haven't gone up, but there are fewer in each packet! ;是没张涨,可是每包里的 饼干少了.
    Lesson 63 Gretel makes a last-minute booking ; 第63课 格莱托在最后一刻买到票
    "What have you got there,Gretel?" mother asked. ;"格菜托,你在那儿买到 什么了?"母亲问.
    "I've got a ticket for a concert at the Festival Hall.The concert's on tonight. ;"我买到一张节日大厅 剧院的音乐会票. 音乐会是今晚的.
    I bought the ticket an hour ago." ;我1小时前买到的."
    "An hour ago! You were lucky," mother said. ;"1小时前!你真运气," 母亲说,
    "It's usually impossible to get tickets at the last minute. ;"通常要在最后一刻 买到票是不可能的.
    You have to book in advance. ;你得预先订票.
    How did you manage it?" ;你是怎么弄到票的?"
    "Well," Gretel said, ;"是这么回事," 格莱托说,
    "I went to the booking-office at the Festival Hall an hour ago ;"我1小时前到节日大厅 剧院票房
    and tried to reserve a seat for a concert next Friday. ;想订张下星期5音乐会的 票.
    I asked the booking-clerk if there were any tickets left ;我问售票员有没有余票,
    and she said they had sold out completely. ;她说票已全部售完.
    So I asked her if she had any tickets for a concert ;于是我问有没有音乐会票
    which will be on in a fortnight's time, ;即在2个星期以后举行的 音乐会
    but that had sold out too. ;可是也已售完.
    Just as I was leaving, an elderly lady came up to the booking- office ;我刚要离开,一位老太太 到票房
    and asked if she could return her ticket. ;问能不能退票.
    When she had gone,I asked if I could have it. ;她走后我就问我能否买 下那张票.
    The booking-clerk told me it was for tonight's concert ;售票员告诉我那票是今晚 音乐会的.
    and I bought it immediately. I was very lucky." ;我马上买下. 我多运气."
    "You certainly were", mother said. "I hope you enjoy it." ;"你的确很运气,"母亲说. "希望你喜欢这场音乐会"
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