[00:07:09]Bran hung, listening, suddenly afraid to go on. They might glimpse his feet if he tried to swing by.
[00:15:13]Don’t you see the danger this puts us in? the woman said. Robert loves the man like a brother.
[00:21:39]Robert can barely stomach his brothers. Not that I blame him. Stannis would be enough to give anyone indigestion.
[00:28:36]Don’t play the fool. Stannis and Renly are one thing, and Eddard Stark is quite another. Robert will listen to Stark.
[00:37:26]Damn them both. I should have insisted that he name you, but I was certain Stark would refuse him.
[00:44:13]We ought to count ourselves fortunate, the man said.
[00:47:21]The king might as easily have named one of his brothers, or even Littlefinger, gods help us.
[00:53:15]Give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and I’ll sleep more easily by night.
[01:01:38]They were talking about Father, Bran realized. He wanted to hear more.
[01:05:57]A few more feet?.?.?.?but they would see him if he swung out in front of the window.
[01:10:17]We will have to watch him carefully, the woman said.
[01:14:49]I would sooner watch you, the man said. He sounded bored. Come back here.
[01:21:16]Lord Eddard has never taken any interest in anything that happened south of the Neck, the woman said.
[01:26:53]Never. I tell you, he means to move against us. Why else would he leave the seat of his power?