[00:06.09]A wide plain spread out beneath them, bare and brown, its flatness here and there relieved by long, low hummocks.
[00:13.04]Ned pointed them out to his king. “The barrows of the First Men.”
[00:19.32]Robert frowned. “Have we ridden onto a graveyard?”
[00:24.06]“There are barrows everywhere in the north, Your Grace,” Ned told him. “This land is old.”
[00:30.16]“And cold,” Robert grumbled, pulling his cloak more tightly around himself.
[00:34.57]The guard had reined up well behind them, at the bottom of the ridge.
[00:39.24]“Well, I did not bring you out here to talk of graves or bicker about your bastard.
[00:44.32]There was a rider in the night, from Lord Varys in King’s Landing. Here.” The king pulled a paper from his belt and handed it to Ned.
[00:54.49]Varys the eunuch was the king’s master of whisperers. He served Robert now as he had once served Aerys Targaryen.
[01:00.58]Ned unrolled the paper with trepidation, thinking of Lysa and her terrible accusation, but the message did not concern Lady Arryn.
[01:12.11]“What is the source for this information?”
[01:17.19]“Do you remember Ser Jorah Mormont?”
[01:19.19]“Would that I might forget him,” Ned said bluntly.
[01:23.16]The Mormonts of Bear Island were an old house, proud and honorable, but their lands were cold and distant and poor.
[01:30.23]Ser Jorah had tried to swell the family coffers by selling some poachers to a Tyroshi slaver.
[01:38.26]As the Mormonts were bannermen to the Starks, his crime had dishonored the north.
[01:43.30]Ned had made the long journey west to Bear Island, only to find when he arrived that Jorah had taken ship beyond the reach of Ice and the king’s justice.
[01:54.46]Five years had passed since then.