烦人的橙子 橙子、梨子和百香果成为情境剧喜剧的角色,并认识了新的室友青椒,臭美的百香果,电视迷梨子,可怜的青椒,永远烦无止境的橙子。
烦人的橙子 英语字幕:
报幕: Annoying Orange was filmed in front of a live studio audience.
烦人的橙子: Okay, Pepper, your turn!
青椒: Oh, you know it! And remember the bet, Orange! If you lose, you have to tell Passion how you really feel about her.
(Audience oohs)
烦人的橙子: Fine. It's your turn.
青椒: Mmm, I'll take 3 cards.
烦人的橙子: Nope. You can't have any of my cards. Go fish.
(Audience laughs)
青椒: What? No, Orange. We're playing poker.
(Audience laughs)
烦人的橙子: What? Oh, well in that case, I'll raise you 15 cards.
(Audience laughs)
青椒: No! That's not how you play!
烦人的橙子: Well, how do you play then?
青椒: Just hit me.
烦人的橙子: Okay. (spits seed, seed hits Pepper)
青椒: Oww!
(Audience laughs)
烦人的橙子: I think poker's my new favorite game.
(Audience laughs with Orange)
青椒: You are terrible at poker!
烦人的橙子: Well, sorry! At least there's one game I know I'm good at.
青椒: Yeah? What's that?
烦人的橙子: 52 card pickup.
(Audience laughs)
青椒: 52 card- wait, NO!
烦人的橙子: (spits out the entire deck of cards at Pepper) See? 52 card pickup!
(Audience laughs with Orange)
青椒: You know what, Orange? Since you just ruined the game,you automaticly lose. Now you have to tell Passion how you really feel about her! (kisses in mock form while audience oohs)
烦人的橙子: Yeah, whatever.
梨子:Hey, hey, hey, hey! What is with the racket over there?
(Girls in the audience cheer)
梨子:I'm trying to watch a movie!
烦人的橙子: Really?!? What are you watching, Pear?
(Audience laughs)
烦人的橙子: Wait, isn't that the one with vampires in it?
梨子:Yes, it is!
烦人的橙子: It kinda sounds like it sucks! (laughter)
烦人的橙子: Get it? Sucks?
梨子:Yes, I get it!
烦人的橙子: Because there's vampires in it, and they suck blood! (laughs)
梨子:I know! I get it!
百香果: Hey, guys!
(Guys in the audience cheer)
百香果: Sorry I'm late. I was out shopping for new earrings. What do you think?
梨子:You probably should've went shopping for some ears first.
(Audience laughs)
百香果: What was that, Pear?
(Audience laughs)
青椒: Hey, Orange! Passion is here! (kisses in mock form as the audience exclaims) Remember our bet!
烦人的橙子: What?! No, no, no, uh.........
(audience exclaims)
百香果: What bet?
烦人的橙子: (chuckles nervously) It's nothing! Really, it's nothing at all!
青椒: (makes a noise with his mouth) Yeah, right it's nothin'! You lost the game! Now it's time to tell Passion Fruit the truth!
百香果: Tell me what? What is it, Orange?
烦人的橙子: Really, it's nothing! (chuckles nervously as there is laughter) Really, it's-it's nothing!
梨子:Hey, guys, could you keep it down? I can't hear my movie!
梨子:Which one's Bella gonna pick?
梨子:The suspense is killing me!
青椒: Listen up. Either you tell her, or I'll pepper her with the truth! (TOTAL PUN)
百香果: What is it, Orange? Tell me! Pleeeeaaaase? Tell me exactly what you're thinking! The first thing that comes to your mind, the very first thing! Just tell me, Orange! It's okay!
烦人的橙子: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Knife!
百香果: What?
烦人的橙子: Knife!
(Dane Boedigheimer cuts Pepper)
Pepper, Pear, and 烦人的橙子: (scream)
青椒: I just! I just! AHHHHHHH!!!!!
(audience cheers and claps)
烦人的橙子: Whoa! Pepper!
百香果: You know, we should be used to that sort of thing by know.
梨子:It was terrible!
百香果: Orange, is that really what you wanted to tell me?
烦人的橙子: Yes, it was! It sure felt good to get that of my chest! Oh, wait, I don't have a chest! (laughs)
烦人的橙子: (slightly gulps)
百香果: (groans)
(laugh track)
烦人的橙子: Well, it's pretty quiet in here now, Pear! You can go back to watching your sucky movie! (laughs with laugh track)
梨子:You, know what, Orange? I like this movie! If you think you're so smart and know good television, then why don't you make a show of yourself and see how that does?
(laugh track)
烦人的橙子: (laughs) A talking orange? No one would watch a show about that!
(laugh track)