give one the dose of his own medicine这个词语在特定语言环境下很容易使人误译,那么你觉得give one the dose of his own medicine应该怎么翻译呢?give one the dose of his own medicine的原意又是什么呢?
give one the dose of his own medicine
[例句] Why not give Leo the dose of his own medicine ?
[误译] 为什么不把利奥自己配的药给回他 ?
[原意] 为什么不对利奥“以牙还牙” ?
[说明] give one the dose of his own medicine意为“报复”、“以牙还牙”、“以眼还眼”、“以其人之道还治其人之身”。它与dose one with his own physic和an eye for an eye(或eye for eye)同义。
give one's eyeteeth
见cut one's eyeteeth