[00:05:34]And whose fault is that, sweet sister?”
[00:08:34]Bran studied the ledge. He could drop down. It was too narrow to land on, but if he could catch hold as he fell past, pull himself up?.?.?.?
[00:19:56]except that might make a noise, draw them to the window. He was not sure what he was hearing, but he knew it was not meant for his ears.
[00:29:11]You are as blind as Robert,” the woman was saying.
[00:32:28]If you mean I see the same thing, yes,” the man said. I see a man who would sooner die than betray his king.”
[00:39:13]He betrayed one already, or have you forgotten?” the woman said. Oh, I don’t deny he’s loyal to Robert, that’s obvious.
[00:47:34]What happens when Robert dies and Joff takes the throne? And the sooner that comes to pass, the safer we’ll all be.
[00:55:20]My husband grows more restless every day. Having Stark beside him will only make him worse.
[01:00:49]He’s still in love with the sister, the insipid little dead sixteen-year-old. How long till he decides to put me aside for some new Lyanna?”
[01:10:54]Bran was suddenly very frightened. He wanted nothing so much as to go back the way he had come, to find his brothers.
[01:18:26]Only what would he tell them? He had to get closer, Bran realized. He had to see who was talking.
[01:24:08]The man sighed. You should think less about the future and more about the pleasures at hand.”