[00:00:11]Hey, they look fluffy.I get the big woolly one.
嘿, 他们看上去很蓬松柔软.我要大的蓬松的那个.
[00:09:11]Get ready to slice and dice boys.Knock it off Squint, wait for Captains' orders.
准备好切片剁肉丁了男孩们.打晕他Squint, 遵侯船长的命令.
[00:17:31]Ahoy down there... how lucky are you. Do you know these waters are infested with pirates, right boys...
喂 在下面... 看你有多幸运. 你们知不知道海盗占有着这片水源,对把,孩子们...
[00:25:24]Glad we found you before they did.
[00:25:46]Captain Gutt here to help.
[00:30:44]You know, that's a nice monkey.
你知道, 他是只好猴子.
[00:34:43]Look, we don't want any trouble. We just need to get back to the continent.
瞧, 我们不想惹麻烦. 我们只想回到大陆.
[00:38:04]The continent... that pile of rubble...
大陆啊... 那都是瓦砾碎石...
[00:45:44]My family's there so if you could just...
[00:51:49]Awww, your family... that is so sweet. I hope you said goodbye because there's no way back.
呃, 你的家人... 那可真是温馨. 我希望你们道过别了因为你可要回不去了.
[00:54:45]Yes there is... don't you remember Captain. You can sail to Switchback Cove
是的 没错... 但是如果你不记得了船长.你可以顺着洋流
[01:02:25]and catch a current back from there.Haha, steel-trap this noggin' is...
从这里回到Switchback Cove, 在慢慢地划过去...
[01:07:19]Hahaha... thankyou Mr. Flynn.Oww.....
哈哈哈... 感谢你Flynn先生. 额OwO.....
[01:11:52]See, I knew there was a way home.There is no home...
看, 我就知道我们总有办法回家的.你无家可归...
[01:13:57]...there is only here and here, your ship belongs to me...
...你只有一条选择, 把你的船交给我...[01:21:17]