[00:03:36]She hadn’t, not at first glance, but when she looked again she found him to the back, under the shade of the high stone wall.
[00:11:14]He was surrounded by men she did not recognize, young squires in the livery of Lannister and Baratheon, strangers all.
[00:19:45]There were a few older men among them; knights, she surmised.
[00:24:11]Look at the arms on his surcoat, Jon suggested.
[00:29:24]Arya looked. An ornate shield had been embroidered on the prince’s padded surcoat. No doubt the needlework was exquisite.
[00:37:18]The arms were divided down the middle; on one side was the crowned stag of the royal House, on the other the lion of Lannister.
[00:44:41]The Lannisters are proud, Jon observed. You’d think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no.
[00:51:34]He makes his mother’s House equal in honor to the king’s.
[00:54:05]The woman is important too! Arya protested.
[00:58:50]Jon chuckled. Perhaps you should do the same thing, little sister. Wed Tully to Stark in your arms.
[01:06:10]A wolf with a fish in its mouth? It made her laugh.
[01:09:58]That would look silly. Besides, if a girl can’t fight, why should she have a coat of arms?
[01:16:56]Jon shrugged. Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister.
[01:24:55]There was a shout from the courtyard below. Prince Tommen was rolling in the dust, trying to get up and failing.
[01:32:56]All the padding made him look like a turtle on its back.
[01:36:10]Bran was standing over him with upraised wooden sword, ready to whack him again once he regained his feet. The men began to laugh.