听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第1集:牧场度假
教程:摩登家庭  浏览:1672  
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    00:00.62, We're beginning our initial descent to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 飞机马上降落在怀俄明州杰克逊城
    00:03.73, Thank you for flying united. 感谢您搭乘美联航
    00:04.99, Reckon we'll be landing soon. 估计我们很快就着陆了
    00:06.97, Phil, honey, you promised not till we got there. 菲尔 你保证落地前不变口音的
    00:10.11, Okay.
    00:10.71, This year we're going to a Dude Ranch. 我们今年要去度假牧场
    00:12.94, With the whole family. 全家一起
    00:14.11, Mm-hmm the family. 全是家人呢
    00:16.64, What if Dylan buys his own ticket? 带上迪兰吧 他自己出票钱
    00:19.14, We'll sleeping in seperate cabins. 我们保证分房睡
    00:21.46, What if Dylan and I share a horse? 迪兰和我骑一匹马怎么样
    00:24.92, Mm, I hate landing. 我讨厌降落
    00:28.63, We'll get through this. 会挺过去的
    00:34.67, What are you doing? 干嘛呢这是
    00:36.09, I want my ears to pop. 我想把耳鸣"轰"走
    00:37.84, Try putting a little rouge on 'em. 涂些胭脂就"红"了
    00:40.04, Nobody gets me. 我的笑点永远无人能懂
    00:42.26, Wow. Isn't this beautiful, little cowgirl? 景色多美啊 小牛仔女郎
    00:44.49, You hate her sparkly outfit, don't you. 你对她抢眼的打扮有意见 是不是
    00:45.60, No, I told you, it's fine, 不 我说过我没意见
    00:47.25, I just didn't like you wearing a matching one. 我只是不喜欢你们穿父女装
    00:49.13, So we haven't told the family yet, 我们还没有跟家人讲
    00:50.61, but we've decided to adopt a baby boy. 但我们已经决定了要收养一个小男孩
    00:52.93, From America this time. 这次要在美国收养
    00:53.89, You might say we're "Buying domestic." 你也可以说我们在"支持国货"
    00:55.58, In private. You might say that in private. 私底下说 这种话只能私下说
    00:57.32, Our adoption attorney told us it would be a good idea 收养律师建议做一个相册
    00:59.47, to make a photo book to show prospective moms. 展示给未来儿子的妈妈看
    01:01.56, Yes, but he thought that Cam's version was a little too "artsy," 没错 但他认为小卡的版本太文艺装逼
    01:04.70, So, we decided to take a few rugged shots at the ranch to, 所以我们决定去农场拍些粗犷的照片
    01:07.10, you know, balance it out. 平衡一下
    01:08.16, I don't think it needs balancing out. 我认为这相册不需要平衡
    01:09.83, Really? 不用吗
    01:31.34, Horse. 小马
    01:32.71, Look, Jay! So beautiful! 杰 快看 好骏啊
    01:35.71, Your ears haven't popped yet, huh? 你仍处于耳鸣状态吗
    01:37.47, I'm like the Horse Whisperer. 我就像是"马语者"
    01:39.91, But something is taking this one skittish. 不过它不知怎么有点受惊了
    01:44.63, Look at the mountains. 放眼远山如黛
    01:46.06, They're amazing. 真是巍峨秀丽
    01:47.30, I've never been this far from home before 我从来没有离家这么远过
    01:49.85, now I've never been this far. 现在又远了一步
    01:51.99, now I've never been this far. 然后又远了一步
    01:54.08, Where's a cliff when you need one? 崖到跳时方恨少
    01:55.90, Look, kids! A real life cowboy. 孩子们 看 实打实的牛仔
    01:58.52, Oh. Come see. Come see. 来看 快来看
    02:04.94, What's he doing? 他在干嘛
    02:06.04, Oh, my. 老天啊
    02:13.21, My name is Hank. 我叫汉克
    02:15.07, Here at the Lost Creek Ranch, 这里是"失落河"农场
    02:16.92, you're gonna ride, you're gonna rope and you're gonna shoot. 在这里 你们可以骑马 抛绳和射击
    02:20.71, You gonna see a sky so full of stars, 夜晚可看到繁星满天
    02:23.14, It'll put your city lights to shame. 都市的霓虹夜景也相形见绌
    02:25.56, And when it's all down, you maight just encounter 远离喧嚣 洗尽浮华 或许你就会发现
    02:29.07, a piece of yourselves you never knew was there. 自己未曾发现过的真我
    02:32.09, Are there any questions? 有什么问题吗
    02:33.67, Uh, do we book spa treatments through you or... 做水疗的话是向你预定 还是...
    02:36.38, I like you, kid. 我喜欢你 小子
    02:38.79, I'm gonna call you "Hollywood." 我以后就叫你"好莱坞"
    02:42.05, That wasn't an answer. 你没回答我的问题
    02:43.92, And who's this Cactus Flower? 这位仙人球是谁
    02:46.35, What? 你说什么
    02:47.43, That's my wife Gloria. 这是我妻子歌洛莉亚
    02:48.81, Well, She's "Cactus Flower" now, old-timer. 她以后就叫仙人球了 老前辈
    02:51.76, These, uh, these nicknames-- are they set in stone? 这些个...绰号 都不能改吗
    02:55.05, Okey-dokey. 好了
    02:56.95, You ready, gunslinger? 准备好了吗 枪手
    02:58.55, I hear word of trouble in these parts. 我听说这玩意儿不好使唤
    03:02.33, Pull! 上膛
    03:06.63, That oughta fix it, eh, Jay? 还行吧 杰
    03:08.68, You got a piece of it. 你有两下子
    03:10.55, I been practicing like crazy. 我一直拼命训练
    03:12.48, All my cowboy skills-- 所有的牛仔技能
    03:13.67, Shootin', ropin' pancake eatin'. 射击 抛绳 吃煎饼
    03:16.67, Why? Because sometimes 为何 因为有时候
    03:18.04, I feel like Jay doesn't respect me as a man. 我觉得杰不把我当男人
    03:20.32, It just when you say, "Phil is my son-in-law," 每当说"菲尔是我女婿"的时候
    03:22.56, It sound like you're saying, "Phyllis, come up, my son-in-law." 像是说"菲儿 是我女婿"
    03:25.33, - That's ridiculous. - Okay, who's your son-in-law? 别傻了-那好 你女婿是谁
    03:27.38, Phyllis. 菲儿嘛
    03:29.12, I'm not asking for a hug. 我又不是说要个拥抱
    03:30.16, I just want to get that look a newfound respect. 我只想要一个肯定的眼神
    03:32.25, Like... 这样
    03:34.19, Or... 或这样
    03:37.25, Or... mm. 或者这样
    03:39.66, Yeah. 不错
    03:42.08, Check it out. 看好了
    03:43.14, Two birds, one leg. 一腿二鸟
    03:44.92, Pull it! 上膛
    03:49.75, Not bad, eh, old-timer? 不错吧 老前辈
    03:52.42, Uh, see, Slappy only had three fingers. 快看 三指火枪手
    03:57.92, What? 什么
    03:58.92, He only had three fingers. 三指火枪手
    04:02.17, Who's next? 下一个谁来
    04:03.02, Oh, me. Me. 我 我
    04:04.29, Oh, this is good. This is good. 这个好 这造型酷
    04:07.68, Tres macho. 真男人
    04:09.86, No smile. Don't smile. Good. 不要笑 别笑 很好
    04:12.26, You ready? 准备好了吗
    04:13.48, Wait, do I say "pull"? 等等 我是不是该喊"上膛"
    04:14.86, Sorry, sorry. 对不起 对不起
    04:16.94, Mitchell, why don't you go find Manny have the spa. 米奇尔 你还是去水疗馆找曼尼吧
    04:21.10, Wouldn't that be more fun? 那可比这儿有趣多了
    04:23.60, Yeah. 好的
    04:25.75, I realized that if I was gonna raise a boy, 我终于明白 要养一个儿子
    04:27.73, I needed to butch up my life. 我首先要爷们儿起来
    04:29.07, You know, I wanted to be able to teach my son 我希望我儿子从我身上学到的东西
    04:30.97, all the things that my dad taught Claire. 就跟克莱尔从我爸那儿学到的那样
    04:44.16, Hey, Hollywood. 你好呀 好莱坞
    04:45.68, I don't love that. 我不喜欢这称呼
    04:47.11, Wanna see something? 想不想看样东西
    04:49.22, Oh, my gosh. Is that a firecracker? 老天 你拿的是爆竹吗
    04:50.80, Shh!
    04:52.65, Now I just need to find the perfect thing to blow up. 我现在得好好想想要炸什么
    04:55.17, Is that thing even legal? 这玩意儿合法吗
    04:56.49, Not here. It's from Germany. 在美国不合法 从德国偷渡过来的
    04:58.74, If they had this during the war, 如果二战的时候他们有这个
    04:59.99, right now we'd all be knee-deep in strudel. 现在咱们就要受德国面卷的祸害了
    05:08.70, Watch it! 注意点
    05:10.24, What you doing, eh? You readin'? 你在做什么 读书吗
    05:12.12, Trying to. 欲读不能
    05:13.36, I'm not so good at it either. 我读书也不怎么好
    05:14.74, - I'm not surprised. - That was a joke. 可以预见-开玩笑的
    05:17.13, I'm Jimmy Scrivano. 我叫吉米·斯克利瓦诺
    05:21.31, You want to see me do a cannonball? 想看我跳个炸弹开花吗
    05:23.45, I'd rather see you get hit by one, but... 我倒挺希望你被炸得开花 但...
    05:26.84, Ha. Good one, gorgeous. 妞 你真幽默
    05:34.54, Jay! Is this like the lobster?! 杰 马和龙虾一样能吃吗
    05:37.42, Do I get to pick one for dinner? 晚餐能不能宰一头
    05:38.54, Because this one looks very tender. 这头看上去肉好嫩啊
    05:41.42, Look alive, old-timer. 活力四射啊 老前辈
    05:43.10, One of your calves is getting away. 你的一侧小腿肚都变形了
    05:44.57, Hey, something's wrong with my horse. She's veering left. 我的马有点问题 她一直往左偏
    05:46.72, When this happened, my uncle was at stroke. 我叔叔中风那会也这样
    05:48.47, Oh there'nothing wrong with buttercup, 金凤花可没什么问题
    05:50.21, you just got to let her know who's the boss. 你得示示威让它知道谁才是主人
    05:52.58, Beautiful form, cactus flower! 造型真漂亮 仙人掌
    05:55.45, Beautiful! 美极了
    05:56.16, You look like a dadgum conquistadora! 看起来真像个西班牙马背女王
    05:58.66, She's deaf, but I can hear ya. 她耳背 我可没有
    06:00.46, Why are you riding that way? 你为嘛要这个姿势
    06:01.70, I'm afraid that cow over there might bite me. 我害怕那边的牛会咬我
    06:04.16, Oh, yes, he's gonna come up and bite you 它"当然"要冲过来咬你
    06:05.85, because your leg looks so desirable with those-- 谁让你美腿配靓鞋 秀色可餐呢
    06:08.03, Are those canvas? 你穿的是帆布鞋吗
    06:09.63, Okay, Phil, ease that one back over towards me. 菲尔 把后面那头轻轻赶到我这儿
    06:12.26, - Got it. - Ease him back this way. 收到-轻轻赶过来
    06:13.45, Hey! Piece of cake, huh, Jay? 嘿嘿 小菜一碟 是吧 杰
    06:16.50, Huh?-Ease that one over to Bossy. 什么-把那头赶到红太狼那儿
    06:18.37, Which one's Bossy? 哪头是红太狼
    06:19.71, That's my nickname for your wife. 那是我给你老婆取的外号
    06:21.48, Hilarious. 真幽默
    06:24.00, Go, mom! Whoo! 老妈加油 哇哦
    06:25.96, Yeah, mom! You rock! 老妈加油 您"酷毙"啦
    06:27.71, Oh, I wish I had a rock. 我倒真想"毙"了你小子
    06:29.62, Hey. It wouldn't kill you to be nice to Dylan. 对迪兰友善点儿又不会死
    06:33.47, It might. 会死的
    06:35.08, But, honey, I don't know why you always stick up for him. 但亲爱的 我不明白为什么你总护着他
    06:37.66, Haley can do so much better. 海莉完全有资本挑个更好的
    06:39.48, Because I know what it's like to fall for a girl 因为我明白深爱一个女儿
    06:41.10, whose dad thinks I'm not good enough. 却不受岳父待见 是什么感觉
    06:45.22, All right, you're right. 好吧 听你的
    06:45.92, I can make more of an effort. 我尽量对他好点儿
    06:48.60, That's the woman I love. 这才是我心爱的女人
    06:51.84, we taking a little break over here? Laying some pipe? 两位是在这儿休息 打算云雨一番吗
    06:54.29, No. Sorry. I was just talking to Bossy. 对不起 我只是在和红太狼聊天
    06:56.83, - Phil! - I'm sorry. 菲尔-对不起
    06:57.99, Jay, look! I got this one! 杰 看 我拦住这头了
    07:01.18, I got this one! 我搞定它啦
    07:02.97, She's veering left again. 我的马又开始往左偏了
    07:04.51, When we get back, I'm gonna see 等咱回去了 我倒要看看
    07:05.66, If she can track a pencil with her eyes. 这货到底是不是斜眼
    07:07.95, Okay, Lily, I'm going to push you one more time. 好吧 莉莉 我就再推你一次
    07:11.59, Now don't kick me, okay? 不要踢我哦
    07:18.31, Aah! Oh! Lily! 啊 莉莉
    07:19.95, I said don't kick me. Okay? 我说了 别踢我 好吗
    07:22.44, You know it's your own fault that's happening. 你挨踢可不是她的错
    07:25.50, Why don't you try standing behind her? 干嘛不站在她后面推呢
    07:27.09, You are an idiot. 你是个白痴
    07:28.33, Oh, really? I ain't the one getting kicked. 是吗 被踢的可不是我啊
    07:30.61, Why are you following me? 你干嘛跟踪我
    07:31.71, Why are you fighting me here, gorgeous? 你干嘛非跟我吵 妞儿
    07:33.70, This works. 咱俩之间有戏
    07:35.62, I really, really don't appreciate 我真心 不喜欢
    07:38.32, you calling me "Gorgeous." 你叫我妞儿
    07:39.82, I just want to enjoy time with my family, 我只想和家人享受美好时光
    07:41.70, So if you don't mind--mm! 所以如果你不介意...
    07:45.02, Not a problem. See you around, sunshine. 当然不介意 回见 阳光小美女
    07:49.59, You kissed a boy! 你亲了个男孩
    07:51.42, No, the boy kissed me. Okay, Lily? 明明是他强吻我好不好 莉莉
    07:55.06, The boy kissed me. 他吻我
    07:57.69, *I rode a horse for the first time today* *人生第一次 把那马儿骑*
    08:00.85, *wasn't surprised when it went... neigh* *马儿嘶嘶叫 吓我心儿跳*
    08:04.30, Hey, Dylan. 嘿 迪兰
    08:05.46, Hey, Mrs. Dunphy. 你好呀 邓菲太太
    08:07.73, I was wondering if we could have a little chat. 我们谈谈行吗
    08:11.03, Oh. You want me to go home. 你想赶我走吧
    08:12.28, No, no. It's the--the opposite of that. 不是 与你想的正相反
    08:15.49, I want you to go home? 那就是"我想赶你走"
    08:18.88, No, I, um, I want you to know how glad I am that you're here. 不 我想让你知道 有你同行我很开心
    08:23.54, Really? 真的吗
    08:25.45, Cause sometimes I just get this vibe you don't like me. 有时候我觉得你不喜欢我
    08:27.89, Oh. Dylan, no. I'm sorry. 迪兰 不是的 真抱歉
    08:30.27, I-I like you. 我喜欢你
    08:31.72, I-I like you a lot. I just... 我好喜欢你 不过...
    08:34.81, it's complicated because Haley's my daughter. 情况比较复杂 因为海莉是我女儿
    08:37.97, Whoa. Whoa, whoa. 我靠 我靠 不是吧
    08:40.98, You are totally a hot mom, but I can't do this. 你虽然是个辣妈 但我不能违背伦常
    08:45.12, Oh, my god. Okay, we--there's--no, no. 我的天 乱了 不是这么回...不
    08:47.82, I merely meant that I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome. 我只想说 要是怠慢你了 我道歉
    08:52.72, Whew! That would have been awkward. 呼... 不然可就尴尬了
    08:54.71, So awkward. 超尴尬
    08:56.23, You know, but for the record, Mrs. Dunphy... 但说句老实话 邓菲太太
    08:59.12, Yes? 什么
    09:00.00, If Haley wasn't my girlfriend... 如果海莉不是我女朋友
    09:01.94, and mr. Dunphy was out of the picture... 而且没有邓菲先生插足的话
    09:04.58, I would be honored to share your bed 我愿与你同床共枕
    09:06.55, And raise Luke, Alex, and Haley as my own. 把卢克 艾丽克斯和海莉当做亲生孩子一样养大
    09:10.84, Okay. 好吧
    09:12.93, Good talk. 聊得很开心
    09:17.78, *She'll be running down the mountain* *夕阳沉沉落山间*
    09:23.48, *She'll be running down the mountain when she comes* *夕阳沉沉落山间 明天悄悄再升起*
    09:27.91, The song ended two minutes ago. 歌两分钟前就该结束了
    09:30.46, Well, I'll tell you what, she could play Evita. 我跟你说 她都能演《艾薇塔》了
    09:33.20, Really? You notice the crickets left? 是吗 你没发现连蟋蟀都走干净了
    09:36.77, Anyone want more water? 还有人想喝水吗
    09:38.04, Oh, Dad, I'll take one. 老爸 我要一瓶
    09:39.73, Heads up. 接住了
    09:41.06, Oh! Oh, my gosh. 我的天啊
    09:43.28, Oh. It was--it was dark. I-I couldn't see it. Thank you. 天太黑了 我没看见 谢了
    09:45.66, So did you set off the firecracker yet? 你那个爆竹放了吗
    09:47.82, When I do, you won't have to ask. 如果我真放了 一定天下大乱
    09:50.42, First, all the electronics will go out, 首先 所有的电子产品都会失灵
    09:52.64, Then comes the heat flash. 接着热浪进袭
    09:55.08, Afterwards, the living will envy the dead. 之后 所有人都会生不如死
    09:58.10, And yet I'm the one on the no-fly list. 你如此残暴 上禁飞名单的竟然是我
    10:01.44, You know what? Maybe next time I'll just catch it, 这样吧 下次由我来接
    10:03.36, and then hand it to you. 然后把它递给你
    10:04.38, Oh, okay. Yeah, let's do that. 好吧 行 就那么做
    10:06.17, You--you do everything, and I'll do nothing. 你全部包办 我无所事事
    10:08.20, Something on your mind? 你有心事吗
    10:10.03, This isn't the right place to talk about it. 众人面前 不方便谈这事
    10:11.90, Okay. 好吧
    10:13.74, I-I'm s-- 我...我...
    10:15.47, I'm not sure if we should have another baby. 我在想到底该不该再要一个孩子
    10:17.69, What? Are you serious? 什么 你说真的吗
    10:19.69, I think that we might be rushing into this. 或许咱们有点操之过急
    10:21.16, Rushing into-- we've been working-- 操之过急 咱们已经努力
    10:23.83, Everybody, it's me, Dylan. 各位 我是迪兰
    10:27.65, I just wanted to thank you all for bringing me on this trip, 我只想谢谢大家能带我一起来旅行
    10:30.93, and making me feel like one of the family, 让我觉得如你们的家人一般
    10:33.51, especially bossy. 特别谢过红太狼
    10:36.42, So I can't think of a better time 我想趁此绝好时机
    10:39.08, to ask something of the woman that I love. 问问我心爱的女人
    10:43.48, Okay. 好吧
    10:47.86, No, no. 不 不
    10:49.61, Haley Gwendolyn Dunphy, 海莉·格温多林·邓菲
    10:51.59, will you do me the honors 你愿意赐我殊荣
    10:52.74, of being my lawfully wedded-- 做我合法的妻...
    10:54.15, No. No, no, no, no, no. No proposals. 停下 不行 不能求婚
    10:56.36, Not now. Not gonna happen. 现在不行 门都没有
    10:57.50, She's a child, so... 她还是个孩子 所以...
    10:58.63, - Mom! - You're still in high school! 妈-你才是个高中生啊
    11:00.55, I meant after she graduates. 可以等她毕业再结婚
    11:01.49, Not then. Not now. 现在不行 那时也不行
    11:02.90, Not ever. 永远都不行
    11:03.48, Seriously, what are you two gonna live off of? 说真的 你们俩要靠什么生活
    11:05.34, The--the--the royalties from the horsey song? 靠你那烂歌赚的版税吗
    11:08.02, - Put it back in your pocket. - Would you stop it? 把那玩意放回去-你还有完没完
    11:10.02, No, I won't. I won't. 没完 绝对没完
    11:11.25, No, it's okay. 没事 没关系
    11:12.61, I guess I'll just turn in. 我还是先回屋了
    11:14.96, Just so you know, there's a fan in my cabin 预先告诉你们一声 我小屋的风扇不好
    11:16.85, that sounds like someone crying. 声音如泣似诉
    11:19.03, Dylan, wait! I hate you! 迪兰 等等 我恨你
    11:20.84, Oh, come on. Haley, get back here! 算了吧 海莉 回这儿来
    11:23.82, Phil, anything? 菲尔 能说句话吗
    11:25.17, I think you said it all, Claire. 你说得就够多了 克莱尔
    11:26.62, You want me to rope her? 你想让我把她捆起来吗
    11:28.15, I can, you know. 我可以的
    11:30.43, For what it's worth, 听不听由你们
    11:31.37, my second wife was in high school. 当年我第二个老婆就是高中生
    11:39.36, Sweetie, here. Here we go. 甜心 这儿 看着
    11:40.82, - One, two, three. - One, two, three. -一 二 三 -一 二 三
    11:44.10, - Gone. - It's gone! It's over there! 没啦-它不见啦 它在那儿呢
    11:47.41, It's not back there. 它不在那儿
    11:48.41, - We counted to three. - Yes. 我们是数到三的-对
    11:51.41, Where have you been? 你去哪儿了
    11:52.41, I-I slept on the couch in the lodge. 我昨晚在门房睡沙发
    11:53.94, I know you didn't want to have a big fight last night. 我知道你昨晚不想跟我大吵
    11:55.73, Well, I'm ready now. 现在我准备好了
    11:57.48, Cam, I'm sorry. 小卡 对不起
    11:59.18, Look, what if I can't do the father-son stuff? 要是我没法做那些父子活动怎么办
    12:01.29, The hunting, the--the sports, 打猎啊 运动啊
    12:02.42, the Three Stooges? 看《活宝三人组》啊
    12:04.25, You know what happens in real life 你知道现实生活中是什么样的
    12:05.44, when someone gets hit in the head with a ladder, 要是有人脑袋让梯子砸了
    12:07.03, they go to the hospital and they get an M.R.I. 他们会去医院做核磁共振
    12:09.79, Never see that scene. 那片子里可没这么演
    12:10.92, I think you're overthinking this. 我觉得你想得太多了
    12:12.92, You know, I love sports, I love the stooges. 我爱运动 我爱看《活宝三人组》
    12:15.12, We've got this covered. 我们能搞定的
    12:16.25, No. No, you--you got it covered, 不 不是的 你能搞定
    12:18.00, but I'm just stuck on the sidelines, 但是我只能坐冷板凳
    12:20.77, pretending to understand the rules, and... 假装懂得那些规则 而且...
    12:23.79, You know, my dad was a rough-and-tumble guy. 我爸一贯狂野粗暴
    12:25.54, And I just-- I could never relate to him. 我...我向来和他难以兴趣相投
    12:28.18, And I don't know. I just don't think I could handle 我不知道 我觉得我无法承受
    12:29.50, disappointing... two generations. 和父亲 儿子的关系都很失败
    12:32.94, I think you're more masculine 我觉得你比你自己想象的
    12:34.40, Than you give yourself credit for. 要爷们儿得多
    12:38.57, Who puts a birdhouse next to a porch? 谁把鸟巢建在走廊旁边的
    12:43.26, Claire, I know that you're worried 克莱尔 我知道你害怕
    12:44.32, that Dylan is gonna break Haley's heart, 迪兰会玩弄海莉的感情
    12:46.08, but I see in his eyes 但我从他眼中读出了
    12:47.46, that he's gonna stick with her forever. 白头到老的执着
    12:49.30, No matter what, he's always going to be with her. 无论怎样 他都会跟她在一起
    12:52.08, On your deathbed-- 等到你临终前
    12:53.20, Okay. All right. I can't take this anymore. 好了 行了 我受不了了
    12:55.47, I'm gonna go find her. 我得去找她
    12:56.40, No. You push too hard, you chase her right into his arms. 不行 逼得太紧只会适得其反
    12:59.33, You'll end up with a boob for a son-in-law. 到时候那个蠢蛋就真成你女婿了
    13:01.36, Believe me, you don't want that. 相信我 你绝对不想变成那样
    13:02.64, What's that supposed to mean? 你这话是什么意思
    13:03.81, What?-Hey,have you guys seen Dylan? 怎么了-你们有人看见迪兰了吗
    13:06.06, No. No. Why? 没 没有 怎么了
    13:07.15, I'm not talking to you. 我不想理你
    13:08.12, He said he was going out for a walk last night, 他昨晚说过要出去走走
    13:09.74, and no one's seen him since. 此后他就一直不见踪影
    13:11.47, Sweetheart, I'm sure he's fine. 亲爱的 我敢保证他没事
    13:13.13, Maybe after last night, he just went home. 可能他昨晚直接回家了
    13:15.02, Doubt it. He left his luggage. 不太可能 他行李还在这呢
    13:16.76, We have to do something. 我们得想想办法
    13:17.96, If he doesn't eat five times a day, he gets spacey. 一天不吃上五顿饭 他就会"飘然若仙"
    13:20.46, What would that even look like? 真想看看那是什么样子
    13:21.95, We'll find him. Hank? 我们会找到他的 汉克
    13:24.34, We got a situation here! 我们这儿出了点状况
    13:26.08, What seems to be the trouble? 什么状况
    13:31.67, We need to talk. 我们得谈谈
    13:33.33, What? 谈什么
    13:34.39, You stole my first kiss. 你偷走了我的初吻
    13:36.54, What are you talkin' about? 有没有搞错
    13:37.56, I had it all planned out. 我早幻想过了
    13:39.22, It was supposed to be special, 我的初吻经历要很特别
    13:40.78, someone with a high GPA And a bright future, 他必须成绩倍儿棒 前途无量
    13:42.68, not a Mario Brother. 而不是"马里奥兄弟"
    13:44.18, Fine. You know what? I don't even want your kiss. 好吧 听着 我压根不稀罕你的吻
    13:47.60, Here, you can have it back. 拿去 还给你
    13:50.41, There. Now we're even. 好了 咱俩扯平了
    13:51.65, Well, keep it. I don't -- I don't want it anymore. 你自个儿留着吧 我不想要了
    13:57.55, What am I doing? 我在干什么啊
    13:58.57, Okay, people. 好了 大伙儿听着
    14:00.29, Looks like we have a walker. 看来我们之中有人走失了
    14:02.52, Right now he is facing treacherous terrain, 此刻他面对的是险恶的地形
    14:05.14, sudden drops, mountain lions, 以及暗洞 山狮和饿熊
    14:07.52, hungry bears, oh, and wolverines. 对了 还有狼獾呢
    14:10.30, That is, if the hypothermia didn't already get him. 前提是他还没被冻死
    14:13.12, Why did we come here again? 为什么又故地重游了
    14:14.39, So our best bet is to split up. 我们最好兵分三路
    14:17.24, You two are gonna take the North hiking trail. 你俩负责搜索北面步道
    14:19.36, - Can I go with my dad instead? - Negative. 我能和我爸一队吗-不行
    14:21.44, I need buffalo Phil and old-timer 水牛菲尔和老前辈
    14:24.23, to check the Snake River. 得沿着斯内克河前进
    14:25.72, Buffalo Phil -- 水牛菲尔
    14:27.44, worth the wait. 最后的才是最好的绰号啊
    14:28.72, Me and cactus flower will ride on up to Destiny Ridge. 我和仙人球负责天命山脊
    14:32.01, Maybe I should ride up there with her. 应该让我陪她才对吧
    14:33.59, Negatory. That trail is for advanced riders only. 没门儿 那条路线只适合高阶骑手
    14:37.30, We don't need another dead body. 我可不想再出人命
    14:39.05, Another? 再出人命
    14:39.81, Let's go! Move 'em out. 上马 出发
    14:43.89, Phil, help me saddle my horse, will ya? 菲尔 帮我挂上马鞍 行吗
    14:46.89, Well, look who's suddenly needed by his father-in-law. 瞧瞧岳父大人在向谁求助
    14:49.40, Phyllis. 菲儿啊
    14:50.91, Phil -- 菲尔
    14:51.98, is. 是也
    14:55.58, Hey, uncle Mitch. Whatcha doing? 米奇舅舅 你在做什么
    14:57.21, Oh, hey. 你好
    14:58.41, Just -- just thinkin'. 想些心事罢了
    15:01.11, You know, I've been meaning to tell you, 听着 我一直想告诉你
    15:03.24, you're a super fun uncle. 你是个超有趣的舅舅
    15:04.91, And I'm saying this as a boy. 这可是小男生的肺腑之言
    15:06.90, Uncle Cameron sent you over here, didn't he? 是卡梅隆舅夫派你来的吧
    15:08.64, What? That's hilarious. 什么 别搞笑了
    15:10.51, No, I love how you and me can joke like this. 我就爱你跟我这样开玩笑
    15:14.08, Okay, Luke, look, i don't know how much Cam told you, 卢克 听着 我不知道小卡向你透露了多少
    15:15.80, but I don't think this is a problem 但我觉得 这种问题
    15:17.15, that you can help me with. It's... 你帮不了的 这事...
    15:19.18, Okay, good. I've got my own problem. 好吧 我承认 是我自己遇到了问题
    15:21.83, What? What's that? 什么 怎么了
    15:23.61, Can you keep a secret? 你能替我保密吗
    15:25.07, I kept a pretty big one for 22 years, so... 说吧 我将一个大秘密守了22年[同志身份
    15:28.11, I've got this new firecracker, 我有个没用过的爆竹
    15:29.94, and I can't decide what to blow up. 不知道该拿它来炸什么
    15:31.38, Oh, Luke, that's dangerous. 卢克 这玩意很危险
    15:33.05, I know. That's what's fun about it. 我知道 玩的就是心跳嘛
    15:35.55, I don't get boys. 我真搞不懂男孩子们
    15:36.45, What is so great about destroying things? 搞破坏有什么好的
    15:38.82, It turns stuff into flying chunks of stuff. 碎片四溅的多过瘾啊
    15:42.35, Okay, no. No, g-give it to me. Come on. 好吧 不 交给我 快点
    15:44.84, fine. 好吧
    15:46.65, I take it back. You're not that fun. 算我看错你了 你没那么有趣
    15:54.03, All right, hey, look, um, 好吧 不如这样
    15:56.32, we'll do it together, all right? 我们一起点了它 好吗
    15:59.18, You just made the best decision of your life. 你刚做了你这辈子最正确的决定
    16:06.63, Damn it! 该死
    16:07.66, Buttercup! What the hell's wrong with this horse? 金凤花 这马出了什么毛病
    16:12.11, Jay.
    16:15.95, I want to talk to you about 我想和你谈谈
    16:17.50, that son-in-law crack you made at breakfast. 你早餐时说的关于女婿的言论
    16:18.15, - Oh, I didn't mean anything by that. - I think you did. 我没什么特别的意思-我觉得你有
    16:21.55, I get that I wasn't your first choice to marry Claire, 我知道我不是你最中意的女婿人选
    16:23.59, but it's been 18 years, and there hasn't been a day 但结婚18年来 我没有哪一天
    16:25.55, when I wasn't a loyal husband to your daughter 对克莱尔不是一心一意
    16:27.14, and a great dad to your grandkids. 对你的孙子孙女不是疼爱有加
    16:29.04, So if we've still got a problem, now it's your problem. 要是你还不满意 那就是你的问题
    16:39.19, Phil, wait up. 菲尔 等会儿
    16:41.99, Let me ask you something, man to man. 我问你一个问题 男人之间的对话
    16:44.85, Okay. 问吧
    16:45.54, You notice anything funny about the -- 你有没有注意到...
    16:48.21, Hank character and, uh... 汉克那家伙和...
    16:49.42, Gloria? 歌洛莉亚吗
    16:50.11, Yeah, he's hitting on her. Why? 当然了 他在勾引她 怎么了
    16:51.49, I knew it. 我就知道
    16:52.79, Where are you going? 你要去哪儿
    16:53.79, Destiny ridge. 天命山脊
    16:56.19, Buttercup, ha! 金凤花 驾
    16:58.39, Buttercup, hiya! 金凤花 驾驾
    17:00.45, Seriously? 有没有搞错
    17:04.49, Okay. Okay, it's clear. 没问题 鸟屋是空的
    17:06.25, After this, we're gonna have some angry birds. 炸了它 就能看到真实版愤怒的小鸟了
    17:08.92, Yeah. 没错
    17:09.75, It's gonna be "Bye Bye Birdie." 我们就该喊"拜拜小鸟"
    17:13.52, It's a big musical from the '60s. 那是六十年代的一台大型音乐剧
    17:15.07, No. Forget it. What you said. 算了 还是叫愤怒的小鸟吧
    17:16.99, Okay. 可以了
    17:19.36, Okay, go. 好 撤
    17:25.88, That's it? 就这样吗
    17:27.08, I'm sorry, buddy. 很遗憾 老弟
    17:28.40, I brought that thing all the way from... 亏我大老远买过来...
    17:35.56, Cam, I did a boy thing! I blew up the birdhouse! 小卡 我终于做了件男人的事 我把鸟窝炸了
    17:39.34, You should have seen it. It was so awesome. 你真该看看 酷毙了
    17:41.34, That's great! 太棒了
    17:42.36, Yeah. I think I can do this. 是的 我觉得我能行
    17:44.29, I mean, maybe not everything and maybe not right away, 我是说 或许还要一步步一件件来
    17:46.45, - and not the Three Stooges... - No. 暂时无法忍受《活宝三人组》-那就不看
    17:49.47, I do. I want a son. 我确定了 我想要一个儿子
    17:51.61, I'm sorry I panicked. 对不起 之前有点恐慌
    17:52.53, Oh, that's great. 那好极了
    17:54.05, Now maybe we can go back to taking pictures for the book. 我们继续拍照攒相册吧
    17:56.27, Yes! Pictures of me blowing up stuff! 好啊 拍张我炸飞鸟窝的照片
    17:58.29, Okay, I see we've overcorrected. 好吧 我觉得咱矫枉过正了
    18:01.23, I know you think I'm the mean mom 我知道你认定我是个毒妈
    18:03.30, who wouldn't let you marry your boyfriend, 棒打鸳鸯 不准你们结婚
    18:04.99, but someday you're gonna realize, 但是总有一天你会明白
    18:06.11, I did what had to be done. 我这么做是为你好
    18:08.37, No, you didn't. I was never gonna marry Dylan. 不 别狡辩 我从来就没有打算跟迪兰结婚
    18:11.40, I told him no. 我拒绝了他
    18:12.70, Oh, you did? Thank god. 真的吗 谢天谢地
    18:14.19, But it was my proposal to turn down. 他是向我求婚 要由我来拒绝
    18:16.71, You know, you keep telling me to act like an adult, 你一直让我像个大人
    18:18.90, but then you don't even give me a chance. 但你从来不给我这个机会
    18:20.86, Oh. You sort of got me there. 你真说到点子上了
    18:24.22, But, sweetheart, I don't expect you to understand this. 但是 亲爱的 我不指望你知父母心
    18:26.43, I certainly didn't when I was your age. 在你这个年纪的时候 我也不懂
    18:28.70, I look at you as my baby, and I always will. 在我心目中 你只是个孩子 永远都是
    18:31.54, It's just what moms do. 当妈的都这样
    18:33.06, I'm not a baby anymore! 我不是小孩子了
    18:35.59, Okay? And I am never gonna see Dylan again! 明白吗 我再也见不到迪兰了
    18:38.99, Dylan! 迪兰
    18:40.75, Dylan! 迪兰
    18:41.91, What?! 什么事
    18:43.40, Where are you?! 你在哪
    18:44.94, Wyoming! 怀俄明州
    18:47.32, You're okay! 你没事
    18:48.60, I had the craziest night. 我度过了有生以来最疯狂的夜晚
    18:51.08, When you rejected me, I felt lost and scared. 你拒绝我后 我觉得很迷茫 很害怕
    18:54.58, And then I went out on a walk, 后来我就出去走走
    18:56.68, and I felt a whole different kind of lost and scared. 走着走着我真迷路了 才真害怕了
    18:59.36, And then I fell asleep in the stable. 后来我在马厩睡着了
    19:01.24, And when I woke up, I met this woman named Jake 醒来时 我碰见了一位叫杰克的女人
    19:04.20, who's strong like a man. 她壮得像个爷们似的
    19:05.92, Then we had this long talk, and he/she hired me. 我们谈了很久 他或者她 雇佣了我
    19:09.26, Uh, what do you mean, she hired you? 什么叫她雇佣你了
    19:11.97, I work here now. 我现在在这工作了
    19:13.18, So you're staying? 你要留下来吗
    19:14.58, Yeah.-What about us? 是啊-那我们怎么办
    19:16.97, It could never work. We're from two different worlds. 我们走不到一起的 你我门不当户不对
    19:20.29, You're a high school student, 你是高中生
    19:22.09, and I'm a ranch hand. 而我是农场工人
    19:24.62, I'm just--I'm so glad you're okay. I really am. 你没事 你没事我很开心 真的
    19:27.75, Thanks. But we're not supposed to fraternize with the guests. 谢谢 但我们是不能和客人太亲密的
    19:31.35, Okay. 好吧
    19:34.89, Dylan! 迪兰
    19:38.39, Dylan! 迪兰
    19:41.67, You got a voice like a meadowlark, don't ya? 你的声音好响亮 像草地鹨似的
    19:44.58, Dylan! 迪兰
    19:47.85, Yeah, I sure am worried about that kid. 我真为那孩子担心
    19:50.04, Dylan! 迪兰
    19:52.93, He ain't down there. 他又不在我屁股底下
    19:54.13, Oh, come on now. You come up here for the cowboy experience. 拜托 你来这是为了体验牛仔生活
    19:59.22, You're looking at him. 你面前这位就是牛仔
    20:00.51, Do I look like the kind of woman that would cheat on her husband? 我看起来像是水性杨花的女人吗
    20:03.56, Yes. 是的
    20:05.08, Really? 真的吗
    20:06.27, Hey! I think you better move away from that woman. 你小子 最好离我女人远点
    20:10.28, Only we touch our women when they don't want us to. 我们的女人要拒绝 也只有我们能霸王硬上弓
    20:12.60, Easy. Easy there, friend. 别紧张 朋友
    20:14.44, I wasn't hitting on this filly. 我没有勾引这个女人
    20:16.63, This is all part of the package. 这是旅游项目的一部分
    20:19.01, If I didn't play the bad guy, 如果我不扮恶棍
    20:20.98, he wouldn't get to ride up and be the big hero. 他也就没机会骑马赶过来 英雄救美了
    20:23.23, He doesn't need you to make him a hero. 不需要你来衬托他的英雄形象
    20:25.17, He's a hero every day. 他天天都是英雄
    20:26.57, Why don't you do us all a favor? Get back on your horse, 你识趣一点吧 骑上马
    20:29.01, ride down to the lodge and tell 'em-- 回到旅馆 告诉他们
    20:30.90, Can you keep him still? 你能让他别动吗
    20:32.34, - I'm trying to make a point. - I am. 我在说话呢-我尽力了
    20:33.06, Okay. Okay, I'm gone. 好的 我就走
    20:35.42, Ma'am. 女士
    20:37.19, Wait. Wait. 等等
    20:40.31, There's something I wanna say to you. 你给我听好了
    20:42.09, I will only be checking "somewhat satisfied" 你们的客户点评卡上
    20:43.91, - on our comment card. - Jeez. 我只填基本满意-老天啊
    20:46.77, I mean, he was great with the kids. 他对孩子们很好呀
    20:52.73, I looked it up. 我查过了
    20:53.92, The distance between our houses is 2,443 miles. 我们房子之间的距离是2443英里
    20:57.64, Yeah, but, you know, on some maps, 但是有些地图上
    20:59.43, it's like--pfft! this big. 只有这么短
    21:01.07, God, you're stupid. 天呐 你真笨
    21:05.61, All in all, it was a great vacation. 总而言之 这个假期棒极了
    21:09.04, We may have lost a man... 或许我们失去了一个人
    21:14.34, But out there on the range, under that great big sky, 但在茫茫山野 苍苍天穹之中
    21:17.02, we found a part of ourselves we never knew was there, 我们发现了 自己未曾发现过的真我
    21:20.46, just like the horny cowboy said we would. 真被那个色鬼牛仔说中了
    21:24.11, No. 别这样
    21:25.30, Fine. 好吧

      上一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第二季 第24集:杰的生日 下一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第2集:追根溯源


