0:00:04.79, |
Jay? |
杰 |
0:00:05.78, |
Have you seen the grapes? |
你看到葡萄了没 |
0:00:07.16, |
- Yeah, I ate them. - Why would you eat the grapes? |
我吃完了-你为什么把葡萄吃了 |
0:00:09.42, |
They were in a bowl, they were washed, |
因为它们放在碗里 洗过了 |
0:00:10.97, |
I paid for them. |
而且是我花钱买的 |
0:00:11.93, |
They were for the new year's. |
那是为新年准备的 |
0:00:13.38, |
Oh, right. What's that goofy thing again? |
对了 要用它们做什么蠢事来着 |
0:00:15.75, |
It's not goofy. It's a tradition. |
才不蠢呢 那是一种传统 |
0:00:17.47, |
At midnight, you eat 12 grapes, |
你在午夜时分吃下12颗葡萄 |
0:00:19.65, |
you make 12 wishes, 1 for each month of the year. |
许下12个心愿 新年的每个月一个 |
0:00:22.66, |
And you really think that works? |
你还真相信吗 |
0:00:24.18, |
Five years ago, |
五年前 |
0:00:25.01, |
I was a single mother living in a slum. |
我是一名住在贫民窟里的单亲妈妈 |
0:00:28.10, |
Today, I'm driving to Palm Springs |
如今 我就要开着新车 |
0:00:30.55, |
in my new car with my rich husband. |
和我的大款老公一起去棕榈泉了 |
0:00:33.19, |
You do what you want. I'm eating the grapes. |
随你怎么样 反正我要吃葡萄 |
0:00:36.82, |
For new year's eve, we're taking Phil and Claire |
除夕之夜 我们会带着菲尔和克莱尔 |
0:00:38.92, |
and Mitch and Cam to this amazing hotel |
以及米奇尔和小卡去棕榈泉一家 |
0:00:40.81, |
I used to go to in Palm Springs. |
我曾住过的一家超棒的酒店玩 |
0:00:42.53, |
They got a whole package-- |
他们那儿提供全套的服务 |
0:00:43.97, |
Dinner, dancing, toast at midnight. |
晚餐 舞蹈和午夜祝酒 |
0:00:46.16, |
I mean, what more do you need? |
我想问 夫复何求啊 |
0:00:47.62, |
- Grapes. - I said we'd stop on the way. |
葡萄-我说过我们会在路上停一下的 |
0:00:52.05, |
Haley, it's new year's eve. |
海莉 今天是除夕夜 |
0:00:53.24, |
Are you sure you don't wanna go to a party or something? |
你确定你不想参加个派对什么的 |
0:00:55.17, |
And listen to all my friends talk about |
然后听我所有的朋友唠叨 |
0:00:56.46, |
how awesome college is? |
大学生活有多赞吗 |
0:00:58.04, |
I know how awesome college is. |
我知道大学生活有多赞 |
0:00:59.13, |
That's what got me kicked out. |
那正是我被踢出来的原因 |
0:01:00.53, |
Well, I'm sure uncle Mitchell |
我相信米奇尔舅舅 |
0:01:01.67, |
will feel much better leaving Lily here |
要是知道有你在家坐镇的话 |
0:01:03.17, |
knowing that you're in charge. |
一定会更乐意把莉莉留在我们家的 |
0:01:06.57, |
You know you're really in charge, right? |
你知道其实是你管事 对吧 |
0:01:08.30, |
How do you know I don't have a party? |
你们怎么就知道我不用参加派对呢 |
0:01:11.62, |
Okay, fine. |
好吧 当我没问 |
0:01:15.05, |
Lily, are you ready for your big sleepover with your cousins? |
莉莉 你准备好和表哥表姐们一起住了吗 |
0:01:18.65, |
Who's watching me? |
谁照看我啊 |
0:01:20.21, |
- Haley. - I'm serious. |
海莉-我说真的 |
0:01:22.53, |
Alex. |
艾丽克斯 |
0:01:23.35, |
Okay, let's go. |
好的 我们走吧 |
0:01:26.05, |
Every new year's eve, it's like, |
每年的除夕夜 都是 |
0:01:27.50, |
What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? |
我们干点啥 我们干点啥 |
0:01:29.87, |
So we were happy that Jay planned this whole thing. |
所以我们对杰策划的活动很满意 |
0:01:32.14, |
It really, you know, takes the pressure off |
那真的是 免去了我们为了 |
0:01:33.83, |
of having to outdo ourselves. |
超越自己而承受的压力 |
0:01:34.97, |
Yeah, and how are we gonna possibly top last year? |
是啊 叫我们如何胜过去年呢 |
0:01:39.56, |
Oh. Did we miss it? |
我们睡过头了吗 |
0:01:40.54, |
It's only 10:00. |
才十点钟 |
0:01:42.94, |
- What? - It's only 10:00. |
什么-才十点钟 |
0:01:44.31, |
- What? - It's only 10:00. |
什么-才十点钟 |
0:01:56.00, |
第四季 第十一集 |
0:02:00.93, |
Place is smaller than I remember. |
这地方比我印象里小了点 |
0:02:03.05, |
Smaller's your issue? |
你就觉得小而已吗 |
0:02:04.97, |
When was the last time that you were here, Jay? |
杰 你上次来这里是什么时候 |
0:02:06.94, |
Not that long ago. 1974, '75. |
没多久 74年75年左右 |
0:02:09.55, |
So when I was 2? |
是我两岁的时候吗 |
0:02:10.76, |
I don't like when you do that. |
你这么说我就不乐意了 |
0:02:12.07, |
I checked the web site. The pictures looked beautiful. |
我看过他们的网站 照片看起来挺漂亮的 |
0:02:14.47, |
Oh! Lizard. Huh? |
妈呀 蜥蜴 |
0:02:16.05, |
Never trust pictures on the internet. |
永远别相信网上的照片 |
0:02:18.24, |
Shoot it from the right angle, |
只要找好拍照的角度 |
0:02:19.12, |
You can make anything look bigger and better. |
你可以让所有东西显得更大更好 |
0:02:22.57, |
Houses, you pervs. He's a realtor. |
他说的是房子 死变态 他是房产经纪人 |
0:02:24.63, |
I thought I heard voices. |
我就觉得听到动静了 |
0:02:27.12, |
Robby! I told you! It's people. |
罗比 我跟你说嘛 来人了 |
0:02:30.57, |
Oh, my god. That's me in 20 years! |
我的天呐 那就是20年后的我啊 |
0:02:32.52, |
Okay, you be her, and I'll be whoever left her. |
好吧 你要是她 我就是抛弃她的人 |
0:02:34.40, |
Uh, we're checking in. It's under Pritchett. |
我们办入住 预订名字是普里契特 |
0:02:36.00, |
Jay pritchett. Three rooms. |
杰·普里契特 三间房 |
0:02:40.53, |
You've been with us before. |
你以前在我们这里住过 |
0:02:42.29, |
How old is that book? |
那个本子用了多少年了 |
0:02:43.44, |
Oh, there is something sticky over here. |
这里有些什么东西黏黏糊糊的 |
0:02:45.51, |
Robby! |
罗比 |
0:02:47.27, |
It came back. |
那东西回来了 |
0:02:49.28, |
It's not possible. |
不可能啊 |
0:02:51.67, |
Okay, so the place is not what it used to be. |
好吧 这个地方确实大不如前了 |
0:02:54.68, |
But we're gonna have fun. |
不过我们还是会玩得开心的 |
0:02:56.28, |
Dining in the starlight room, |
在星光照耀的房间里用餐 |
0:02:57.88, |
little dancing with the Shelley Stroman trio. |
在谢莉·斯特罗曼三重奏下翩翩起舞 |
0:02:59.97, |
Oh, there's just two left. Here are your keys. |
三人组只剩两人了 给你钥匙 |
0:03:03.29, |
Check out's at 11:00, but if you wanna stay longer-- |
退房时间是11点 要是你想待久一点 |
0:03:05.64, |
11:00 is good. |
11点没问题 |
0:03:10.73, |
Here we go. |
就是这里了 |
0:03:14.51, |
Is there anything wrong? |
有什么问题吗 |
0:03:15.31, |
No, no. No, we were just hoping for something |
没有没有 我们只是希望 |
0:03:16.86, |
- a little more romantic. - Come on, now. |
更有浪漫气氛-拜托 |
0:03:18.50, |
It's not that bad. |
没有那么糟糕 |
0:03:20.31, |
- What's in there? - Nothing. |
那里面有什么-没什么 |
0:03:22.15, |
If you're looking for romance, |
要是你想找浪漫的地方 |
0:03:24.47, |
there's a secluded hot spring nearby. |
附近有一处很隐蔽的温泉 |
0:03:27.27, |
- Kind of a hidden gem. - Huh? |
就像一块璞玉-是吗 |
0:03:29.44, |
Just follow the path |
只要顺着高尔夫球场 |
0:03:30.70, |
right by the 12th hole of the golf course. |
12号洞右边的小路走就能找到 |
0:03:34.63, |
That sounds kinda nice. |
听起来很不错啊 |
0:03:35.91, |
Secluded. Natural. |
隐蔽的 天然的 |
0:03:38.95, |
Sexy.-Sexy. |
性感的-性感的 |
0:03:41.43, |
What do you think, phil? |
你觉得怎么样 菲尔 |
0:03:42.63, |
Does it smell like eggs? |
温泉有没有鸡蛋味儿啊 |
0:03:43.68, |
Some of them smell like eggs. |
有些温泉跟鸡蛋一个味儿 |
0:03:45.29, |
It's been a while since Phil and I... |
我和菲尔已经好久没有... |
0:03:49.48, |
The whole month of December? |
十二月份整个月 |
0:03:51.13, |
Not even a... |
都没有一次... |
0:03:52.68, |
Or a quick... you know? |
或者是打快...你懂的 |
0:03:56.45, |
It's embarrassing, and it's not like us. |
说起来挺难为情 那不是我们的作风 |
0:03:57.93, |
That's making me anxious, |
让我觉得很紧张 |
0:03:58.90, |
Which is why I really need to get... |
所以我才会真的需要... |
0:04:01.56, |
Thanks again. |
再次感谢 |
0:04:03.03, |
Yeah, that's yours to keep. |
对 那是给你的 |
0:04:05.09, |
Okay. |
好了 |
0:04:07.31, |
Bye now. |
再见了 |
0:04:09.64, |
I say we bag dinner with my dad, |
我建议我们不和我爸吃晚餐了 |
0:04:11.15, |
and go find that hot spring. |
去找那个温泉吧 |
0:04:12.44, |
Honey, we can't just ditch your father. |
亲爱的 我们不能丢下你爸 |
0:04:14.08, |
He wanted us all to be together. |
他希望我们全家人一起 |
0:04:15.39, |
We are always together. |
我们一直在一起 |
0:04:16.75, |
Oh, my god, what are we gonna hear |
我的天 难道我们还指望 |
0:04:17.99, |
that we've never heard before? |
听到什么新鲜事吗 |
0:04:19.91, |
Mitch and Cam's inspiring story |
米奇尔和小卡那个关于莉莉如何用 |
0:04:21.84, |
of how lily saved that kid with the Heimlich? |
海姆立克急救法救下小孩的动人故事吗 |
0:04:23.98, |
Please. She hugged him, |
拜托 不就是她抱他一下 |
0:04:25.38, |
and he spit his gum out. |
他就把口香糖吐出来了嘛 |
0:04:27.17, |
I say we get a bottle of champagne, |
不如我们拿上一瓶香槟 |
0:04:30.18, |
Look up at the stars, |
仰望着星空 |
0:04:31.51, |
forget our bathing suits. |
不穿游泳衣 |
0:04:33.37, |
That does sound hot. |
听起来确实诱人 |
0:04:35.70, |
But I'd just be thinking about your dad the whole time. |
不过到时我只会一心想着你爸的 |
0:04:38.53, |
I'm gonna hop in the shower. |
我去冲个澡 |
0:04:43.86, |
What's in there? |
里面有什么 |
0:04:44.47, |
Nothing. |
没什么 |
0:04:47.75, |
Oh, perfect. No, great. |
太好了 不 是好极了 |
0:04:48.89, |
If we need any socks, |
要是我们需要袜子的话 |
0:04:49.60, |
someone left one in the bed. |
床上正好有人留了一只 |
0:04:50.46, |
Oh, my gosh. There is no way Crispin stays here |
我的神呐 克里斯宾去灯塔 |
0:04:52.51, |
when he comes to the Beacon. |
是绝不会住在这里的 |
0:04:54.07, |
What's the beacon? |
什么灯塔 |
0:04:55.09, |
The club that he's always raving about. |
就是他经常大加赞赏的那个俱乐部啊 |
0:04:56.75, |
It's right down the street. |
就在那条街边上 |
0:04:58.31, |
That's where we should go. |
那才是我们该去的地方 |
0:04:59.84, |
Somewhere fun for new year's, |
迎新年找乐子的地方 |
0:05:01.02, |
while we're still young... ish. |
趁着我们还算年...轻吧 |
0:05:03.09, |
L-let's get out of dinner and go there. |
我们翘掉晚饭去那里吧 |
0:05:04.86, |
- How? - I don't know. |
怎么翘-我不知道 |
0:05:06.12, |
Um... okay, okay. |
有了 有了 |
0:05:07.83, |
Um, y-you could pretend to get sick at the table. |
你可以在餐桌上假装病了 |
0:05:10.47, |
You know, fake a cough, stomachache, |
假装咳嗽 胃疼 |
0:05:12.15, |
dealer's choice. I don't care. |
随你选 我无所谓 |
0:05:13.23, |
Just sell it and get us out of there. |
装得像一点 好让我们离开 |
0:05:14.96, |
But what about your dad? |
可是你爸怎么办 |
0:05:15.84, |
He wants the family to be together. |
他想让全家人聚在一起 |
0:05:17.62, |
We are always together. |
我们总在一起 |
0:05:19.03, |
I mean, how many times do we have to hear Claire tell us |
我们都听克莱尔讲了无数次 |
0:05:20.99, |
Luke's hilarious comeback to the pediatrician? |
卢克对儿科医生的搞笑反驳了 |
0:05:22.89, |
Oh, gosh. We should start calling her "Ranch house"... |
天啊 我们真应该叫她"矮平房" |
0:05:25.43, |
Because she doesn't have a second story. |
因为她没有第二层[第二个故事] |
0:05:28.21, |
- So good. - I know! Thank you. |
不错嘛-我知道 谢谢 |
0:05:32.46, |
Hey. You sure you don't wanna play |
你确定不跟我们一起玩 |
0:05:33.84, |
The hunger games with all of us? |
饥饿游戏吗 |
0:05:34.46, |
My whole life is a hunger game. |
我的人生就是一出饥饿游戏 |
0:05:35.66, |
Why do you think I'm so mean to you? |
不然你以为我为什么对你这么刻薄 |
0:05:38.16, |
That's for me! |
找我的 |
0:05:41.89, |
Hey. Come on in. |
进来吧 |
0:05:43.54, |
Hey.-Hi. |
嗨-嗨 |
0:05:44.24, |
Hey, I'm out. |
嘿 我出局了 |
0:05:45.73, |
This is Becca and her cousin Joyce. |
这是贝卡和她的表姐乔伊丝 |
0:05:47.73, |
And Joyce is for you. |
乔伊丝是你的 |
0:05:49.05, |
What? I'm on a date? |
什么 我有约会吗 |
0:05:50.38, |
But I'm not wearing any cologne. |
可我还没喷古龙水 |
0:05:52.49, |
Did you know this was happening? |
你之前知道这事吗 |
0:05:53.74, |
I don't even know what this is. |
我现在也不知道这怎么回事 |
0:05:55.19, |
Joyce, this is Manny. |
乔伊丝 这是曼尼 |
0:05:56.78, |
Pleasure to make your acquaintance. |
初次见面 甚感荣幸 |
0:05:58.39, |
Can I offer you a glass of sparkling cider? |
不知小姐是否有意来杯气泡果酒呢 |
0:06:00.99, |
He's not how you described him. |
他可不是你说的那样 |
0:06:02.68, |
Uh, don't worry. You'll love him. |
别担心 你会爱他的 |
0:06:04.23, |
Manny, say something romantic. |
曼尼 说点浪漫的 |
0:06:05.53, |
I can't just turn it on. You say something romantic. |
我没法突然打开浪漫模式 你来说些浪漫的 |
0:06:08.42, |
Cool shirt. |
衣服不错 |
0:06:10.29, |
Can I see your room? |
我能参观你房间吗 |
0:06:11.37, |
Well, I didn't clean it for me. |
专门为你打扫了 |
0:06:19.89, |
They're going upstairs alone. |
他们单独上楼了 |
0:06:21.34, |
- Is that even allowed? - I don't know. |
那是不允许的吧-我不知道 |
0:06:23.80, |
- Should we say something? - Like what? |
我们是不是得说点什么-比如 |
0:06:25.56, |
Like, "It's not okay"? |
比如 "这是不可以的哦" |
0:06:27.40, |
Well, maybe it is. Is it? |
应该是吧 是吗 |
0:06:29.16, |
I don't know. I just feel like |
我不知道 我只是感觉 |
0:06:30.68, |
we're not doing our job as babysitters. |
我们没有尽到保姆的职责 |
0:06:32.23, |
Of course we are. |
我们当然尽到了 |
0:06:36.42, |
I'm cold, and I saw a coyote. |
我好冷 我还看到了一只郊狼 |
0:06:43.52, |
And Luke turns to him and says, |
然后卢克对他说 |
0:06:45.51, |
Dr. Blaustein, really? Not even dinner first? |
布劳斯坦医生 不是吧 晚餐都不吃就想这样 |
0:06:50.39, |
Hand to god! Dr. B. Told me himself! |
对天发誓 布劳斯坦医生亲口讲的 |
0:06:58.84, |
You know, I'm sorry, but I love this place. |
我挺抱歉的 但我爱这个地方 |
0:07:00.79, |
I know it's a little rough around the edges, |
我知道这里有点糟糕 |
0:07:02.93, |
but I've always had a good time here, |
但我总是在这玩得很开心 |
0:07:05.11, |
and I'm having a great time tonight. |
今晚感觉特别好 |
0:07:06.89, |
Yeah. |
是呀 |
0:07:07.89, |
How's your chicken kiev? |
你的俄式炸鸡怎么样 |
0:07:09.32, |
- It's really good. - It's very good. |
真心不错-很好吃 |
0:07:10.82, |
Tasty.-Yeah,tastes like Russia. |
好吃-对 仿佛身临俄国 |
0:07:13.09, |
What are you waiting for? Get sick. |
你还等什么 快说不舒服 |
0:07:14.37, |
Not yet. I'll know when it's time. |
还没到时候 该说的时候我会说的 |
0:07:17.75, |
Honey. |
亲爱的 |
0:07:19.72, |
- You were sleeping. - I was. |
你睡着了-是嘛 |
0:07:21.65, |
Ay, I'm so sorry, Claire. |
真是不好意思 克莱尔 |
0:07:23.31, |
It wasn't because you were telling again |
绝不是因为你把卢克 |
0:07:24.89, |
The luke and the doctor story. |
和那个医生的故事又讲了一遍 |
0:07:26.45, |
It's just that I've been so tired lately. |
只是我最近太累了 |
0:07:29.52, |
Oh. Oh, gosh. |
天啊 |
0:07:31.58, |
Are you okay? She's been feeling bad all day. |
你还好吧 她这一天都感觉不舒服 |
0:07:34.07, |
Yeah, you know. I think I might be coming down with a little something. |
对 我想我可能是染上什么小病了 |
0:07:36.19, |
Oh, my god. |
我的天啊 |
0:07:37.13, |
I know. I drank out of her glass earlier. |
就是啊 我之前用她的杯子喝水了 |
0:07:39.02, |
- No. She's stealing our excuse. - What? |
-不是 她用了我们的借口 -什么 |
0:07:42.20, |
Honey. |
亲爱的 |
0:07:42.84, |
Wake up, Gloria! |
歌洛莉亚 醒醒 |
0:07:44.55, |
Easy. If that makes a mark, I get the stink eye. |
淡定 如果留下掌印 我要遭白眼了 |
0:07:47.30, |
I'm gonna walk her upstairs. |
我送你上楼去 |
0:07:48.34, |
I think you need to lie down. |
你需要躺会儿了 |
0:07:50.60, |
Okay. Just a little disco nap. |
好吧 就小睡一会养足精神再玩儿 |
0:07:52.99, |
Okay. Well, this has been fun. |
那我们走了 今晚很开心 |
0:07:54.16, |
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. |
别别别别别 别动 |
0:07:55.03, |
Keep the party going. I'll be back as soon as I can. |
继续狂欢 我会尽快回来 |
0:08:00.39, |
There it is. Now? |
不是吧 现在 |
0:08:01.77, |
No, I have something stuck in my throat. |
不是 我有东西卡喉咙了 |
0:08:03.79, |
It's too bad Lily's not here to give you the heimlich. |
真遗憾没有莉莉在这里给你做海姆利克急救 |
0:08:05.70, |
Did we ever tell you guys that story? |
我们跟你们说过那个故事没 |
0:08:08.88, |
Do you wanna tell it? |
你要说吗 |
0:08:09.56, |
- Yeah, let me tell it. - Okay. |
-恩 让我说 -好吧 |
0:08:11.56, |
Jay, you should go back and spend time with your family. |
杰 你应该回去和你的家人在一起 |
0:08:13.98, |
I can't leave you alone on new year's eve, |
我不能在除夕夜把你一个人丢下 |
0:08:15.81, |
even though everyone's waiting for me to come back. |
尽管所有人都在等我快回去 |
0:08:18.33, |
Aw, that's so sweet. |
真是贴心呀 |
0:08:19.42, |
Yeah. I just hope I don't hold up |
我只是希望我 |
0:08:20.54, |
the lighting of the cherries jubilee. |
不会错过火焰樱桃 |
0:08:22.65, |
Jay, if you really want to go and-- |
杰 如果你真的想去 你就... |
0:08:24.88, |
Okay. |
好的 |
0:08:30.64, |
Where'd everybody go? |
大家去哪了 |
0:08:32.73, |
I don't know. I guess they all left. |
我不知道 他们应该都走了 |
0:08:35.87, |
You still want the cherries jubilee? |
你还要火焰樱桃吗 |
0:08:38.59, |
Light 'er up. |
点燃吧 |
0:08:51.35, |
Hey, if it isn't Jay Plunkett. |
嘿 这不是杰·普朗奇特吗 |
0:08:54.11, |
It isn't. It's--it's Jay Pritchett. |
不是 是杰·普里契特 |
0:08:55.88, |
You having a good new year's? |
新年过得怎样 |
0:08:57.62, |
Eh, kind of a bust. Everybody bailed on me. |
够扫兴的 大家都放我鸽子 |
0:09:00.54, |
I'm gonna hit the sack. |
我要睡觉了 |
0:09:01.38, |
Hey, we just had a guy who bailed on us. |
我们刚被一个人放了鸽子 |
0:09:03.60, |
You play hold'em? |
你玩德州扑克吗 |
0:09:04.86, |
Yeah, but I should probably, uh... |
玩啊 但我应该... |
0:09:09.95, |
What's the buy-in? |
玩多大的 |
0:09:11.05, |
Jay... |
杰 |
0:09:12.79, |
Say hello to, uh, Marty, Bugs... |
打个招呼吧 马丁 老虫 |
0:09:15.66, |
Hey. How ya doin', Jay? |
嘿 你好啊 杰 |
0:09:16.22, |
- My ex-husband hugo... - Hey, how you doing? |
我的前夫雨果-好啊 |
0:09:18.62, |
- And Billy Dee. - Hey. |
还有比利·迪-嘿 |
0:09:20.43, |
Are you serious? Billy Dee Williams? |
不是开玩笑吧 比利·迪·威廉姆斯 |
0:09:23.29, |
I'm a huge fan. |
我是你的超级粉丝啊 |
0:09:25.00, |
Well, now you have to stay, |
那你得呆在这了 |
0:09:26.27, |
since none of these guys have seen me |
因为这些人在《桃花心木》后 |
0:09:27.45, |
in anything since "Mahogany." |
就没在电影里见过我 |
0:09:29.54, |
- Never even saw that. - Me either. |
那片我也没看过-我也是 |
0:09:31.29, |
You're kidding. |
你们开玩笑呢 |
0:09:32.08, |
Billy Dee's an alderman |
比利·迪扮演一名市议员 |
0:09:33.20, |
trying to keep Diana Ross in Chicago, |
设法让戴安娜·罗斯待在芝加哥 |
0:09:35.21, |
rather than become |
而不是成为 |
0:09:36.10, |
an international model and designer. |
一名国际模特和设计师 |
0:09:40.23, |
My son made me watch it with him. |
我儿子逼我和他一起看的 |
0:09:42.06, |
He's gay. |
他是基佬 |
0:09:43.08, |
Oh, good. I didn't want to be the one to tell you. |
很好 我可不想由我来告诉你这事 |
0:09:54.96, |
Excuse me! Sir, excuse me! |
抱歉 先生 打扰一下 |
0:09:56.52, |
He's doing this on purpose! |
他是故意的 |
0:09:57.97, |
He probably just doesn't notice us. |
他可能只是没注意到我们 |
0:09:59.59, |
How can he not notice us? |
他怎么可能没看到我们 |
0:10:00.75, |
We're the only people in here in sleeves! |
我们是这里仅有的穿了袖子的 |
0:10:02.78, |
Hey there. What can I get for ya? |
嘿 你想要什么 |
0:10:04.52, |
Excuse me, young man. I was here first. |
抱歉 年轻人 我先来的 |
0:10:06.78, |
Young man? Why don't you just call him whipper-snapper? |
年轻人 你为什么不叫他毛头小子 |
0:10:08.87, |
This is ridiculous. We can't even get a drink. |
这也太荒谬了 我们竟然连酒都喝不到 |
0:10:10.95, |
Everyone in here's 11, and I'm hot! |
这里都是11岁的 而且我好热[性感] |
0:10:12.91, |
If we were hot, we'd be drinking right now. |
如果我们够性感 现在就不会没酒喝了 |
0:10:15.01, |
Yeah, and if we'd stayed put, |
如果我们乖乖待在餐厅 |
0:10:16.28, |
We'd be enjoying cherries jubilee right now! |
现在就可以享受火焰樱桃了 |
0:10:19.05, |
Hey, hey, hey. Cam, come on. |
别这样 小卡 拜托 |
0:10:20.96, |
It's new year's eve. We're out together. |
今天是除夕夜 我们一起出来玩啊 |
0:10:23.74, |
Where's fun cam who likes to dance? |
喜欢跳舞的开心果小卡哪里去了 |
0:10:25.99, |
Here. |
这里 |
0:10:26.53, |
Wh--where--where is he? |
他 他去哪了 |
0:10:27.86, |
- I'm over here. - Oh, there he is! |
我在这里-他在这里 |
0:10:29.58, |
- Come on! - Okay, I'm sorry. |
来嘛-好吧 不好意思啦 |
0:10:31.15, |
I was just feeling invisible! It'll get better! |
我刚只是觉得被无视了 会好起来的 |
0:10:36.55, |
Okay, you know what? That is wet. I'm done. |
好吧 这是湿的 我受够了 |
0:10:38.47, |
oh! God! God, no! |
老天啊 不要啊 别啊 |
0:10:44.34, |
They've been in there forever. |
他们在里面好久了 |
0:10:45.37, |
Do something. You're in charge. |
做点什么啊 你是管事的 |
0:10:46.57, |
Oh, please. We both know I'm just a figurehead here. |
得了吧 我们都知道我是有名无实的 |
0:10:49.05, |
You really think they're doing something in there? He's 12. |
你真认为他们在里面做什么吗 他才12岁 |
0:10:51.67, |
He's 14, but it's touching how close you are. |
他14了 但你们这么亲密真感人啊 |
0:10:54.53, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
0:10:58.06, |
what do you want? |
你们干什么 |
0:10:59.38, |
You have to keep your door open. |
你得把门开着 |
0:11:01.38, |
Why?-Uh,Well,why do you need it closed? |
为什么-你为什么要关上门 |
0:11:03.42, |
Because we're gonna make out. |
因为我们正要亲热呢 |
0:11:06.81, |
Well, you... |
你... |
0:11:07.73, |
You can't have your door closed. |
你不能关着门 |
0:11:09.64, |
Why? Do you wanna to watch or something? |
为什么 你们想观摩还是怎么着 |
0:11:11.21, |
That's weird. |
那有点变态啊 |
0:11:12.04, |
Of course we don't wanna watch. |
我们才不想看呢 |
0:11:14.25, |
Perfect. |
那就好 |
0:11:15.68, |
- But you can't... - What are you d... |
但你不能...-你这是... |
0:11:18.25, |
What just happened? |
什么情况 |
0:11:21.28, |
Can I offer you a Pinja Delgado? |
要来一杯迪尔加多酒吗 |
0:11:23.01, |
It's my own concoction. |
是我自创的调酒 |
0:11:24.52, |
What's in it? |
里面有什么 |
0:11:25.38, |
Let's just say it's cool, it's sweet, |
这么说吧 这酒清爽 甜美 |
0:11:27.23, |
and it's not afraid to embrace its own whimsy. |
还富有奇思妙想 |
0:11:30.04, |
I'm not saying that. |
我不是那个意思 |
0:11:32.07, |
I'm not drinking it, either. |
我也不会喝的 |
0:11:34.79, |
So... You making any resolutions? |
那...新年你有什么新决心吗 |
0:11:37.05, |
Yeah. No more blind dates. |
有 绝不再和不认识的人约会 |
0:11:40.12, |
You're mean. |
你好刻薄 |
0:11:41.60, |
You know, she's right, Joyce. You are mean. |
她说得对 乔伊丝 你真刻薄 |
0:11:44.48, |
I've been a gracious host |
我如此热情地款待你 |
0:11:45.52, |
while you've been rude, sullen, and dull. |
你却这么无礼 坏脾气 又无聊 |
0:11:48.18, |
You'll forgive me if I choose not to start the new year |
失陪了 抱歉我不想让我的新年 |
0:11:50.13, |
on such a negative note. |
以如此消极的方式展开 |
0:11:51.59, |
Oh, and if you're hungry for broccoli later, |
对了 你一会儿要是想吃西兰花 |
0:11:53.71, |
you'll find a piece in your teeth. |
可以去你的牙缝里找一块儿 |
0:11:58.32, |
Where is this stupid path? |
那该死的小路在哪儿啊 |
0:12:00.15, |
We've been walking forever. |
我们走了好久了 |
0:12:01.39, |
We'll find it. |
会找到的 |
0:12:02.64, |
Did that bellman seem a little off to you? |
你有没有觉得那个服务生不太对劲 |
0:12:04.61, |
Oh, totally. Maybe there is no hot spring. |
没错 没准这里根本没有温泉 |
0:12:07.44, |
Maybe this is all part of an elaborate plan to kill us. |
没准这是密谋杀害我们的计划中的一步 |
0:12:09.63, |
Why would you even say that? |
你干嘛吓唬我 |
0:12:11.07, |
I'm just trying to lighten the mood. |
我只是活跃一下气氛 |
0:12:13.01, |
You seem so tense. |
你情绪很紧绷 |
0:12:14.00, |
Come on. This is an adventure. This is fun. |
放松 这是在探险 有趣的探险 |
0:12:16.83, |
I don't wanna have an adventure. |
我不想探什么险 |
0:12:18.14, |
I don't wanna have fun. I wanna have sex with you. |
我不需要有趣的探险 我想和你滚床单 |
0:12:20.30, |
Wha--what? |
什 什么 |
0:12:21.58, |
Don't make me say it again. |
别让我重复 |
0:12:22.68, |
No, I want you to say it again. |
不 我想听你再说一遍 |
0:12:23.74, |
Maybe throw my name in there this time. |
这次最好能叫出我的名字 |
0:12:26.54, |
Claire, what's going on? |
克莱尔 你怎么了 |
0:12:30.04, |
Do you know that it's been a month? |
你知道我们有一个月没滚过了吗 |
0:12:31.96, |
- No, it hasn't. - Yes, it has. |
没那么久-有 一整个月 |
0:12:34.65, |
Day after Thanksgiving. |
上次还是感恩节后那天 |
0:12:35.76, |
I remember because I came in under budget |
我记忆犹新 因为那天我在预算内 |
0:12:38.29, |
on all of my Christmas gifts, |
买到了所有要买的圣诞礼物 |
0:12:39.76, |
And you know how that gets me going. |
你知道这种事多么让我兴奋 |
0:12:41.34, |
- Oh, yeah. - Yeah. |
没错-是啊 |
0:12:42.38, |
I made that joke about your clothes being half-off. |
我还开玩笑说你衣冠不整 |
0:12:44.59, |
And yet we still did it, |
但我们还是滚了床单 |
0:12:46.73, |
cause that's the kind of people we used to be. |
因为以前我们就是那么干柴烈火 |
0:12:49.39, |
What happened? |
现在这是怎么了 |
0:12:50.53, |
Nothing happened. We're busy. |
没怎么 我们一直很忙 |
0:12:51.85, |
It was the holidays. Dede was here. |
节日嘛 再加上迪迪又来了 |
0:12:53.62, |
You know, she has a way of... |
你知道她总是让我 |
0:12:55.68, |
shutting that whole thing down. |
性欲全无 |
0:12:57.24, |
But is this who we are now? |
但我们现在成了那样的夫妻吗 |
0:12:58.71, |
I mean, first it's a month, then it's a year, |
先是一个月不滚床单 接着就是一年 |
0:13:01.30, |
Then we're sleeping in twin beds |
然后我们开始各睡各床 |
0:13:02.40, |
and you're calling me "mother". |
你会叫我"老妈" |
0:13:03.51, |
And I can't even bear it, |
我无法忍受 |
0:13:04.53, |
cause we're just like my grandp-- |
因为我们成了我祖父母 |
0:13:08.90, |
Let's go find that hot spring |
我们去找到那个温泉 |
0:13:09.88, |
And start this new year off with... |
然后以温泉中的激情一夜 |
0:13:12.53, |
sex in a hot spring. |
开启我们新的一年 |
0:13:16.46, |
All right, all right. |
好了 好了 |
0:13:16.97, |
Where--where should we try next? |
我们接下来要做什么 |
0:13:18.20, |
- Am I yelling? I'm yelling. - Yes. |
-我嚷了吗 我嚷了 -是的 |
0:13:19.94, |
Yeah. Maybe we should just go get some frozen yogurt |
也许我们应该去买些冻酸奶吃 |
0:13:22.29, |
And call it a night. |
然后回房间睡觉 |
0:13:23.32, |
No, Cam, come on. |
别 小卡 来嘛 |
0:13:24.16, |
We can't have another New Year's eve |
我们不能再一次在除夕夜 |
0:13:25.25, |
where we don't even make it to midnight. |
撑不到午夜就睡觉 |
0:13:27.04, |
I... This entire holiday |
我...节日的一切 |
0:13:29.01, |
is just a giant reminder of how the clock is ticking. |
都在提醒着我 岁月流逝 |
0:13:31.20, |
You know, each passing second |
每过一秒 |
0:13:32.50, |
is just bringing us that much closer to death. |
我们就离死亡更进一步 |
0:13:35.48, |
All this because I suggested some fro-yo? |
至于吗你 就因为我提出吃冻酸奶 |
0:13:37.51, |
I'm... I'm sick of feeling old. |
我...我好讨厌变老的感觉 |
0:13:39.99, |
I-I really need this. |
我真的想狂欢一下 |
0:13:42.47, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:13:44.36, |
Let's get you to midnight. |
让我们狂欢到午夜 |
0:13:46.30, |
kay. |
好 |
0:13:47.70, |
Oh, look, he's our age. |
看 他和我们年纪差不多 |
0:13:48.91, |
Wherever he's going, I'm sure he'll fit right in. |
他去的地方 一定也适合我们 |
0:13:51.23, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:13:55.00, |
Okay, no judgment. |
好吧 我不予评判 |
0:13:55.92, |
Perfectly acceptable lifestyle. |
这种生活方式完全没问题 |
0:13:57.00, |
- Just not for us. - No! |
只是不适合我们-没错 |
0:13:58.90, |
Okay, but we are not giving up, all right? |
但我们不会就这么放弃的 对吗 |
0:14:00.58, |
[童话故事 讲述一个金发少女闯入了三只熊的领地] |
0:14:00.58, |
We're like goldilocks. |
我们就像《三只熊的故事》里的金发小妞 |
0:14:01.75, |
The first bar was too young, |
刚刚第一家酒吧太幼齿 |
0:14:03.03, |
The second was... Whatever that was, |
第二家又...不管第二家那是什么 |
0:14:05.01, |
And the third will be just right. |
第三家一定就完美了 |
0:14:06.64, |
Mitchell... |
米奇尔 |
0:14:07.91, |
[同性恋圈中对壮硕多毛的男人的称谓] |
0:14:07.99, |
Three bears. |
三只熊 |
0:14:10.11, |
I mean... Right? |
我没说错吧 |
0:14:12.34, |
Here. This one. |
这里 就是这家 |
0:14:23.23, |
You wanted to feel young. |
你不是想感受年轻吗 |
0:14:24.47, |
And I do. |
此刻宛若少男 |
0:14:33.56, |
I'm sorry. I push people away. |
对不起 我总是拒人千里之外 |
0:14:36.01, |
I feel myself do it, but I can't stop. |
我知道自己有这毛病 但就是改不了 |
0:14:38.46, |
It's hard to like someone when you don't like yourself. |
你连自己都不喜欢 很难喜欢上别人 |
0:14:40.76, |
You're right. |
你说得对 |
0:14:41.72, |
You have so many good qualities. |
你有那么多优点 |
0:14:43.72, |
You're attractive, you're witty, you're bright. |
魅力四射 聪明伶俐 活泼阳光 |
0:14:46.85, |
I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes. |
真希望你能看到我眼中的你 |
0:14:49.40, |
Aw, you're such a good friend. |
你真是个好朋友 |
0:14:51.45, |
Friend? That's where this is headed? |
朋友 闹半天只是朋友吗 |
0:14:53.69, |
Well... Friendships last longer. |
友谊地久天长嘛 |
0:14:55.74, |
Not this one. I've got enough friends. |
这段可不行 我朋友够多了 |
0:14:57.95, |
Happy New Year, Joyce. |
祝你新年快乐 乔伊丝 |
0:15:03.37, |
So what's the plan, Haley? |
海莉 你打算怎么办 |
0:15:04.50, |
I'm going in. That's our baby brother up there. |
我得进去 那里面可是我们的亲弟弟 |
0:15:06.92, |
I'm not ready for all of this. |
我还没准备好接受这一切 |
0:15:07.98, |
The girls, the hormones-- it's gross. |
女孩儿还有荷尔蒙什么的 太恶心了 |
0:15:09.62, |
Well, we can't just barge in. |
我们不能就这么闯进去 |
0:15:10.63, |
I'm still trying to get the image of mom and dad |
上次闯进爸妈房间 那场景还在我脑中 |
0:15:12.18, |
out of my... oh, god, it's back. |
挥之不去...天呐 又浮现了 |
0:15:14.01, |
I'm coming in! |
我进来啦 |
0:15:16.12, |
What are you doing? |
你这是干什么 |
0:15:16.95, |
Just putting away some laundry. |
把洗好的衣服送过来 |
0:15:19.21, |
That's a bra. |
那是个胸罩吧 |
0:15:20.63, |
And a tablecloth. |
以及一块桌布 |
0:15:21.84, |
Can't you do this later? |
你不能一会儿再来吗 |
0:15:23.06, |
Excuse me. Does your mother know you're here? |
不好意思 你妈知道你在这里吗 |
0:15:24.92, |
- Yes. - Does she know our parents aren't? |
知道-她知道我们家长不在家吗 |
0:15:28.10, |
Yeah. |
知道 |
0:15:28.89, |
Big pause, no eye contact. |
停顿太长 没有目光接触 |
0:15:30.36, |
I was so much better at this than you. |
姐撒谎的本事可比你强多了 |
0:15:32.22, |
- You're out. - No, she's not. |
你得走了-不 她不能走 |
0:15:34.05, |
Yes, she is. It's late, you're 13... |
不 她得走 很晚了 你才13岁 |
0:15:36.53, |
- 14. - 14, |
-14岁 -才14岁 |
0:15:37.66, |
and unless Nicole Bitchie here |
除非这位妮可·贱奇 |
0:15:38.59, |
wants me to call her parents and tell them she lied... |
想让我打给她家长 揭发她撒了谎 |
0:15:40.95, |
I better go. Bye, Luke. |
我得走了 再见 卢克 |
0:15:42.63, |
Wait. Why does she have to go? |
等等 为什么她得走 |
0:15:44.75, |
Because I said so. |
因为我让她走她就得走 |
0:15:45.67, |
You're not the boss. |
又不是你说了算 |
0:15:46.80, |
Don't talk back to your sister. |
别跟你姐姐顶嘴 |
0:15:48.22, |
Ugh! I hate you! |
我恨你们 |
0:15:49.84, |
You hate me now, but someday you'll thank me! |
你现在恨我 以后会感激我的 |
0:15:53.00, |
I think I owe mom a huge apology. |
我想我欠妈妈一个大大的道歉 |
0:15:56.05, |
Is anyone watching me? |
还有没有人管我了 |
0:16:02.50, |
Aces and eights. |
对A加对8 |
0:16:04.54, |
Lady Sings the Blues. Three Jacks. |
天妒红颜 我有三张J[同名电影] |
0:16:08.64, |
Sorry, Billy Dee, |
对不住了 比利·迪 |
0:16:09.11, |
But where do you go to tattle on prince Harry |
哈利王子在赌城全裸 |
0:16:11.00, |
when he's naked in vegas? |
你要向谁告状啊 |
0:16:12.71, |
Straight to the queen. |
Q的顺子[直接找女王告状] |
0:16:15.00, |
Well, that's it. I'm out. |
好了 我不玩了 |
0:16:16.20, |
Me, too. |
我也是 |
0:16:17.20, |
Oh, hell, it's almost 11:00. |
见鬼 差不多11点了 |
0:16:18.83, |
I gotta do my set in the starlight room, |
我得去星光室了 |
0:16:20.98, |
and I'm missing a pasty. |
我已经错过肉馅饼了 |
0:16:22.21, |
Oh, what's the matter with everybody? It's early yet. |
大家这是怎么了 还早呢 |
0:16:24.31, |
Yeah, I'm having fun |
就是 我到这里后 |
0:16:25.27, |
for the first time since I got here. |
第一次感觉到开心 |
0:16:27.26, |
Jay? |
杰 |
0:16:28.35, |
How long has she been there? |
她来多久了 |
0:16:29.50, |
What are you doing here? |
你在这里做什么 |
0:16:31.22, |
Gloria... |
歌洛莉亚 |
0:16:32.32, |
Everybody ditched me, |
大家都放我鸽子 |
0:16:33.85, |
these guys invited me to play poker, |
这些人邀请我玩扑克 |
0:16:36.09, |
and look who I'm sitting next to. |
瞧瞧我旁边坐的是谁 |
0:16:39.60, |
Oh, she has no idea. |
她太年轻不会知道的 |
0:16:40.92, |
Hello, I'm Billy Dee Williams. |
你好 我是比利·迪·威廉姆斯 |
0:16:42.63, |
Hello. I'm Gloria dee wife. |
你好 我是她老婆歌洛莉亚 |
0:16:45.14, |
Jay, it's almost midnight, and we forgot to buy my grapes. |
杰 差不多午夜了 我们忘了买葡萄 |
0:16:48.51, |
Did you try room service? They probably have grapes. |
有叫客房服务吗 说不定有葡萄 |
0:16:50.53, |
Oh, nothing fresh. |
就没新鲜的 |
0:16:52.47, |
But you can always fish some out of a can of fruit cocktail. |
但总是可以从什锦水果罐头中捞到 |
0:16:55.84, |
Jay, you know that I need real grapes for my wishes. |
杰 你知道我需要真正的葡萄来许愿 |
0:16:58.92, |
It's a Colombian tradition. It's only moderately insane. |
那是哥伦比亚传统 只是适度的疯癫而已 |
0:17:01.49, |
Well, I have grapes at my house. |
我家有葡萄 |
0:17:02.94, |
No, I don't want you to blow new year's. |
不 我可不想搅黄你的新年安排 |
0:17:04.17, |
Oh, please. Every night is new year's for Billy Dee. |
拜托 每晚对比利·迪来说都是除夕夜 |
0:17:07.84, |
I like you, Billy Dee. |
我喜欢你 比利·迪 |
0:17:11.47, |
So at midnight, you eat them and then you make your wishes. |
到了午夜 就吃葡萄许愿 |
0:17:14.09, |
Well, that sounds vaguely familiar. |
听起来有些印象 |
0:17:15.77, |
I might have heard about that |
我可能在和夏洛 |
0:17:16.88, |
when I did that "Love boat" with Charo. |
拍《爱船》的时候听说过 |
0:17:18.93, |
You know Charo? |
你认识夏洛吗 |
0:17:20.03, |
He's so obsessed with Charo. |
他可迷恋夏洛了 |
0:17:22.22, |
No kidding. |
不是吧 |
0:17:24.02, |
Oh, my god. |
我的天 |
0:17:26.68, |
A classic rolls corniche. |
经典劳斯莱斯险路车 |
0:17:29.18, |
I have been in love with this car my whole life. |
我这辈子都超迷这款车 |
0:17:32.22, |
In my village, if you didn't drive one of these, |
在我的村子里 如果你没开这种车 |
0:17:34.61, |
you couldn't call yourself a drug lord. |
你都不好意思叫自己是毒品大王 |
0:17:38.36, |
Would you like to drive it? |
你想开吗 |
0:17:39.90, |
Does the bear sit in the woods? |
那不是明知故问吗 |
0:17:42.60, |
Classic Charo. |
典型的夏洛 |
0:17:45.44, |
So... |
那么 |
0:17:49.28, |
Was it worth my meltdown? |
我的崩溃值得吗 |
0:17:51.09, |
It always is. |
总是值得 |
0:17:56.23, |
Just you and me, under the desert sky. |
只有我们两个 在沙漠的夜空下 |
0:17:59.67, |
I'm Lawrence of Arabia, |
我是沙漠枭雄[电影名] |
0:18:01.39, |
You're Mrs... |
你是 |
0:18:03.51, |
Of arabia. |
枭雄的太太 |
0:18:07.38, |
Hey there. |
你们好啊 |
0:18:08.33, |
Oh, my god. |
我的妈呀 |
0:18:10.10, |
Sweet. You're the first ones here. |
太好了 你们是最先到的 |
0:18:12.18, |
Welcome. |
欢迎 |
0:18:13.27, |
Uh, welcome to what? |
欢迎来到哪里 |
0:18:15.45, |
To nude year's eve. You saw the flyer? |
来到"除衣夜" 有看到宣传单吗 |
0:18:18.36, |
No. |
没有 |
0:18:19.74, |
I told them. |
我告诉他们的 |
0:18:21.20, |
Robby. |
罗比 |
0:18:22.44, |
So I--whoa. Nude year's eve? |
我 哇 "除衣夜" |
0:18:24.09, |
- You said nude year's eve. - It's clever. |
-你说的原来是"除衣夜" -真有才的近音词 |
0:18:26.59, |
Yeah. We're the palm springs nudist association. |
对 我们是棕榈泉裸体协会的 |
0:18:29.90, |
It's how we celebrate the new year. |
这是我们庆祝新年的方式 |
0:18:31.87, |
- I can see. - Fresh. Like newborns. |
我看出来了-清新的感觉 犹如初生婴儿 |
0:18:35.12, |
Naked. |
裸着 |
0:18:36.36, |
Yeah. I got that. |
对 我看出来了 |
0:18:37.69, |
Oh, my god. We have to get out of here. |
我的天 我们得离开这里 |
0:18:38.89, |
We have to get out of here. |
我们得离开这里 |
0:18:40.20, |
Our clothes are trapped under that pile. |
我们的衣服被压下那堆下面 |
0:18:42.34, |
You really wanna stand there naked |
你真想裸着站起来 |
0:18:43.47, |
sifting through all those drawstring pants? |
在那堆裤子中翻来翻去吗 |
0:18:46.06, |
- Okay. Scooting over. - Just... Just scootch in. |
-好吧 挪挪 -挪过去 |
0:18:47.76, |
- Okay. - Scootin'. |
好的-挪过去 |
0:18:52.12, |
Phil, something just touched me, |
菲尔 有东西碰到我了 |
0:18:53.15, |
And it's not from your side. |
不是你身上的 |
0:18:54.90, |
Who wants champagne? |
谁要香槟 |
0:18:56.42, |
Oh, I'll have some. |
我要 |
0:18:57.49, |
Okay. Oh, my gosh. Okay. |
好吧 我的天 |
0:18:59.44, |
Oh, sorry. Pardon the reach. |
对不起 抱歉我太过去了 |
0:19:03.11, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
0:19:04.95, |
We gotta make a run for it. |
我们得赶紧开溜 |
0:19:06.73, |
Well, now it's just gonna seem rude. |
现在走太失礼了 |
0:19:08.46, |
Phil. |
菲尔 |
0:19:10.19, |
I love this car so much! |
我太爱这辆车了 |
0:19:12.74, |
Where you gonna take us next, Billy Dee? |
你接下来要带我们去哪里 比利·迪 |
0:19:14.35, |
A surprise that's gonna blow your mind. |
你会看到令你眼前一亮的惊喜 |
0:19:16.47, |
And just call me Billy. |
叫我比利就行了 |
0:19:18.09, |
Not doin' it. |
才不干呢 |
0:19:22.75, |
And these are from the gentlemen at that table over there. |
这是那边一桌的先生们送的 |
0:19:26.75, |
Oh, free drinks. More free drinks. |
免费酒水 免费酒水又来了 |
0:19:29.04, |
Thank you. Thank--they can't hear me. |
谢谢 谢...他们听不到 |
0:19:30.73, |
Thank you! |
谢谢 |
0:19:32.89, |
This is what models must feel like. |
这肯定就是模特的感觉 |
0:19:34.81, |
Excuse me, but has anyone ever told you |
打扰下 有没有人跟你说过 |
0:19:37.43, |
you look like a young Van Johnson? |
你就是年轻版的范·强森[演员] |
0:19:39.54, |
Oh, no. That-- that's so sweet, though. |
没人说过 不过你真会说话 |
0:19:41.23, |
Thank you. |
多谢 |
0:19:42.34, |
Free pass? |
他给你"免费入场券"呢 |
0:19:43.75, |
Pull up Van Johnson on your phone. |
在你手机上找出范·强森的照片 |
0:19:44.82, |
I need to know how I feel about that. |
我需要知道是该欢喜还是该担忧 |
0:19:46.22, |
He was gorgeous. You're fine. |
他可帅了 你就高兴吧 |
0:19:47.87, |
This is nice, huh? Compliments, free drinks. |
这样可真爽 被人夸 有人请喝酒 |
0:19:50.58, |
What could be better? |
还有什么比这更爽的 |
0:19:52.46, |
Alright gentlemen! Almost midnight! |
好了 先生们 差不多午夜了 |
0:19:55.07, |
Pucker up. |
嘴巴嘟起来吧 |
0:19:56.84, |
New Year's is so weird, |
新年真奇怪 |
0:19:58.50, |
the way it makes you think about time. |
会让你想到时光流逝 |
0:19:59.88, |
Ten... Nine... Eight... |
十 九 八 |
0:20:01.90, |
Cam. |
小卡 |
0:20:03.25, |
I think that's why |
我想正是这样 |
0:20:03.79, |
people put so much pressure on themselves to have fun. |
人们才给自己巨大压力 要在新年玩得开心 |
0:20:06.37, |
seven... six... five... |
七 六 五 |
0:20:09.18, |
I mean, I guess I sorta get it. |
我想我大概明白了 |
0:20:11.08, |
four... three... two... one! |
四 三 二 一 |
0:20:19.31, |
Quick, quick! Make your wishes! |
快点 许愿吧 |
0:20:21.52, |
Like right now I wish I could just slow down time, |
就像现在 我只希望能让时间放慢脚步 |
0:20:24.62, |
cause I am so not ready for him to grow up yet. |
因为我完全没有准备好他长大成人 |
0:20:28.95, |
I know. |
我懂 |
0:20:30.45, |
I want him to stay our stupid little brother. |
我希望他永远是我们的笨弟弟 |
0:20:34.81, |
Hey, happy new year. |
新年快乐 |
0:20:36.13, |
You too. |
你也快乐 |
0:20:39.26, |
Oh, my god, what is in this? |
我的天 这里面放了什么 |
0:20:40.48, |
Oh. Sorry. That one's mine. |
抱歉 那杯是我的 |
0:20:50.04, |
And I swear to you, I was so nervous, |
我发誓 我太紧张了 |
0:20:52.39, |
I think I might have put on somebody else's underwear. |
我想我穿上了别人的内裤 |
0:20:54.45, |
I'm not kidding. |
我是说真的 |
0:20:55.37, |
I love this story. |
我爱死这故事了 |
0:20:56.72, |
- Almost as good as yours, Van Johnson. - Oh, my god! |
-几乎和你的一样棒 范·强森 -妈呀 |
0:20:59.27, |
Oh, look. Here comes Jay. |
看 杰来了 |
0:21:00.10, |
I feel bad he missed all this fun. |
我好内疚 他错过了所有的精彩 |
0:21:02.11, |
- Hi, dad. - Look, they're back. My devoted family. |
爸-瞧他们回来了 我忠诚的家人 |
0:21:04.46, |
Everyone, this is our dear friend, Billy Dee Williams. |
各位 这是我们亲爱的朋友 比利·迪·威廉姆斯 |
0:21:08.38, |
Oh, my god, it's Lando. |
天啊 《星球大战》里的蓝多 |
0:21:10.67, |
Excuse me, Mr. Williams, |
恕我冒昧 威廉姆斯先生 |
0:21:12.27, |
I just have to tell you, |
我得告诉你 |
0:21:13.00, |
I've loved you since I was a little boy. |
我从小就好爱你 |
0:21:15.57, |
I'm so Starstruck right now. |
我现在真是"求星大战" |
0:21:17.49, |
Well, you must be Mitchell. |
你一定是米奇尔吧 |
0:21:19.40, |
Jay told me all about you. |
你的事杰都告诉我了 |