00:02.87, |
Ay, finally! |
哎呀 总算出场了 |
00:04.86, |
Look who's wearing her itsy-bitsy bikini. |
看看谁穿着迷你比基尼闪亮登场了 |
00:08.29, |
He can comment because he's gay. |
同志之言 不算调戏 |
00:09.92, |
He was talking about Lily. |
他是在说莉莉 |
00:11.56, |
So was I. |
我也是 |
00:12.67, |
Ay, Cam, you make her look so pretty. |
小卡 你把她打扮得太漂亮了 |
00:15.18, |
Guess who's not coming for Christmas. |
猜猜谁圣诞节不过来了 |
00:16.51, |
And the spotlight shifts. |
你比女儿抢镜多了 |
00:18.03, |
- Mom. She cancelled. - What? |
-老妈 她不来了 -什么 |
00:19.60, |
In a voice mail, no less. |
没有道歉 只有留言 |
00:20.95, |
Unbelievable--and by that, I mean believable. |
难以置信 好吧 其实完全可以置信 |
00:23.53, |
Why isn't Nana coming? |
外婆为啥不来了啊 |
00:24.89, |
I don't know. Something about her new boyfriend |
不知道 好像她新男友 |
00:26.99, |
whisking her away on a cruise. |
硬要拽她去游轮巡航 |
00:28.84, |
- I just got my gift. - What boyfriend? |
她不来算是对我的大礼了-什么男友 |
00:31.18, |
Carl the cruise ship captain. |
游轮船长卡尔 |
00:33.86, |
It was in her holiday newsletter. |
她的节日简讯里写着呢 |
00:35.70, |
Oh, I can't read that whole thing. No. |
那玩意我可读不下去 |
00:37.37, |
Yeah, after two pages about the bird she rescued... |
是啊 前两页都在讲她勇救小鸟 |
00:39.42, |
And by the way, |
顺便一提 |
00:40.31, |
I don't think you can say you rescued something if it dies. |
鸟都死了 怎么能算是救了它 |
00:42.53, |
- It died? - She wrote a poem about it. |
鸟死了吗-她还为此写了首诗呢 |
00:44.44, |
A little too free with the free verse for my taste, |
在我看来 就算作为自由体诗歌也太过飘忽 |
00:47.06, |
but fine, we'll call it a poem. |
不过算了 姑且当它是首诗吧 |
00:48.51, |
I stopped reading after she talked about suing her book club. |
我看到她写要起诉她的读书俱乐部时 就看不下去了 |
00:51.55, |
Oh, I stopped reading after "Dear friends, |
我只看到"亲爱的朋友们 |
00:53.63, |
Family and others..." |
家人们以及闲杂人等..." |
00:55.20, |
I'm sorry. Who are "Others"? |
对不起 谁是"闲杂人等" |
00:56.59, |
- Me. - No, you're not... |
我呗-你才不是... |
00:58.96, |
Uh, maybe you are. |
好吧 也许是指你 |
01:01.09, |
Actually, she's kind of at her best at Christmas. |
其实吧 她圣诞节表现算好的了 |
01:03.28, |
She makes a mean cookie. |
她烤的"薄饼干"很不错 |
01:04.39, |
What other kind could she possibly make? |
她除了刻"薄"还会什么 |
01:06.43, |
Aw, it's so sad that |
真可怜 |
01:08.08, |
you guys are not gonna be with your mom this Christmas. |
今年你们不能和妈妈共度圣诞了 |
01:11.23, |
- It's fine. - Yeah, it's more than fine. |
其实还好-岂止还好 |
01:13.00, |
Let's just-- can we move off of mom? |
我们还是 我们别再谈妈了吧 |
01:14.49, |
Yes, please. |
赶紧的 |
01:15.57, |
Yeah, and the upside now, Mitchell-- |
米奇尔 往好的方面想 |
01:17.07, |
We can spend Christmas in Missouri |
我们圣诞节可以去密苏里了 |
01:18.44, |
where it actually feels like Christmas. |
那里才真的有圣诞气氛呢 |
01:20.88, |
Wait. Hang on a second. Just because Mom isn't coming |
等等 慢点 妈妈不来 |
01:22.83, |
doesn't mean we're not gonna spend Christmas together. |
不代表我们不能在一起过圣诞啊 |
01:25.34, |
I mean, it's about family. |
与家人团聚才是重点啊 |
01:26.95, |
Who do you think we're seeing in Missouri, claire, |
你觉得我们是去密苏里看谁的 克莱尔 |
01:28.41, |
- The Oak Ridge Boys? - Hold on. |
橡树岭男孩?-等等 |
01:29.45, |
I thought we were all getting together Christmas Eve this year. |
今年的平安夜不是说好一起过吗 |
01:31.72, |
We're on a flight to Mexico the 25th. |
25号我们就飞去墨西哥了 |
01:33.92, |
What do you mean, you're getting on a flight on the 25th? |
说什么呢 你们25号就要飞走 |
01:36.14, |
You two needed time with your mom. |
是你们俩要和妈妈相处 |
01:37.56, |
I've already served my time with your mom. |
我早就忍了你们的妈妈很多年了 |
01:39.51, |
- Oh, Dad. - Well, uh, |
老爸啊-好吧 |
01:40.85, |
well, when are we gonna have Christmas then? |
那我们什么时候过圣诞节呢 |
01:43.00, |
I heard kids are getting snatched in Mexico. |
我听说墨西哥有很多人贩子专门拐小孩 |
01:45.50, |
What? |
什么 |
01:46.57, |
Kids get snatched here just as much. |
美国人贩子也不少 |
01:48.15, |
It happens all the time. Don't be scared. |
司空见惯了 别害怕 |
01:50.49, |
Now when you say "All the time" |
司空见惯难道是指... |
01:51.67, |
Okay, well what about next weekend? |
好了 下周末怎么样 |
01:53.29, |
Cause we're only home till the 21st, right? |
因为我们21号前在家 对吧 |
01:54.63, |
Yeah, we leave tomorrow and we don't come back until the 21st. |
我们明天离家 21号才回来 |
01:57.20, |
Hey, math club, could you get me some more lemonade? |
数学精 能帮我拿杯柠檬水吗 |
01:59.75, |
Are we saying that this is the last time |
难道说今天是圣诞节前 |
02:01.56, |
we're all gonna be together as a family until after the holidays? |
我们全家人最后一次相聚吗 |
02:04.15, |
And for you, maybe ever. |
对你来说 可能是人生最后一次了 |
02:06.01, |
Well, this stinks. |
这太糟了 |
02:07.32, |
Yeah, we can't do this. This is not right. |
对啊 这可不行 不能这样 |
02:08.36, |
We always spend Christmas together. |
圣诞节一直都是一起过的 |
02:09.21, |
Yeah, we have to do something about it. |
对 我们得想想法子才行 |
02:11.51, |
Ho, ho, hold up a sec. |
等 等等 大家收声 |
02:14.48, |
We're all free today. |
我们今天都没事 |
02:16.08, |
We've got four hours to shop, cook, wrap, get a tree. |
有4个小时可以购物 煮菜 包礼物 买圣诞树 |
02:19.50, |
By tonight, |
到了晚上 |
02:20.37, |
we could be celebrating Christmas, right? |
我们就可以共度圣诞不是吗 |
02:22.43, |
I-I guess we could do that. |
我觉得应该可行 |
02:23.37, |
Of course we can! |
当然可行啦 |
02:24.55, |
Have you ever heard of express Christmas? |
你们听说过"特快圣诞"吗 |
02:26.24, |
- No. - No, you haven't, because I just invented it. |
没有-肯定没有 这是我刚发明的 |
02:28.30, |
Express Christmas, "Tm." |
特快圣诞 菲尔专利 |
02:30.17, |
- It's when you can't have it on Christmas day... - I got it. |
就是无法圣诞当天庆祝节日...-我明白 |
02:32.01, |
- And you have to scramble. - Get on with it! |
只好提前速成-行动吧 |
02:33.61, |
- Yeah, yeah... - We're wasting time! We're wasting time! |
行了行了-大家速度 时间不等人 |
02:35.51, |
Everyone in the house! We'll make a plan! |
全体进屋 好好计划一下 |
02:38.03, |
Time is of the--oh! Ow! Hot! Hot! It's just too hot! |
时间不等... 烫 地面晒得好烫 |
02:41.13, |
- Oh, Phil! - Aah! |
菲尔小心-啊呀 |
02:52.00, |
摩登家庭 |
第三季 第十集 |
02:54.86, |
- So we're really doing this, huh? - Yes. |
我们真要这么做吗-对 |
02:56.83, |
- Yeah. - 'cause I had stuff lined up for Christmas Eve. |
当然了-平安夜事项我都安排好了 |
02:59.00, |
Yeah, Jay. |
当然了 杰 |
02:59.93, |
It's Manny's last chance to enjoy a family Christmas. |
也是曼尼享受家庭圣诞的最后机会哦 |
03:03.32, |
Until next year, you mean. |
你是想说 今年的最后机会吧 |
03:04.85, |
Well, with all the snatchings... |
那么多人贩子... |
03:06.99, |
Get out of my head, Luke! |
别吓我了 卢克 |
03:08.29, |
Okay, who's gonna get the tree? |
好 谁去买圣诞树 |
03:09.88, |
Oh! I will. I will. |
我去我去 |
03:10.79, |
Because, you know, get the wrong kind, people get upset. |
一旦买错 有人会不高兴的 |
03:13.63, |
- You get upset. - I'm people. |
只有你会不高兴-我也是人 |
03:15.73, |
Fine, I'll get the turkey. What about gifts? |
好 我去买火鸡 礼物呢 |
03:17.68, |
Jay, did we finish shopping? |
杰 礼物都买了吗 |
03:19.05, |
Yeah, but we're not wrapped. |
买完了 不过还没包好 |
03:20.24, |
Oh, I can help with that. |
那个我可以帮忙 |
03:21.06, |
We have a mobile wrapping station. |
我们有个可移动礼品包装站 |
03:22.24, |
God, has that thing paid for itself. |
那家伙 可真是物超所值 |
03:23.71, |
Really? Cause I feel like I paid for it. |
是吗 我怎么觉得是我买的单 |
03:25.44, |
Okay. We've got lights and ornaments at our place. |
行 灯和装饰品在我们家 |
03:27.69, |
Oh! You know what would be great? |
万事俱备 只差什么呢 |
03:28.98, |
- Is the angel! - The angel. |
只差小天使-小天使 |
03:30.48, |
- Yeah. Where is it? - Oh. Um, Gloria, |
-对 在哪呢 -歌洛莉亚 |
03:32.01, |
It's up in your attic. Would you get it? |
在你阁楼里呢 你能去找下吗 |
03:33.32, |
Ay, no! Not the attic! |
不是吧 最讨厌阁楼了 |
03:34.92, |
It's dirty, and there are spiders. |
又脏又乱 还有蜘蛛 |
03:37.82, |
Oh, but it really won't be Christmas without it. |
但如果不拿的话 就没有圣诞气氛了 |
03:39.74, |
Won't be Christmas with it. It's December 16th. |
就算拿了也没有圣诞气氛 今天才12月16号 |
03:41.96, |
Luke will help Gloria. He's not scared. |
卢克可以帮歌洛莉亚找 他不害怕 |
03:43.88, |
Oh, good. You won't find me in any attic. |
太好了 阁楼那种地方我从不去 |
03:46.26, |
That may be exactly where they find you. |
或许你的尸体最终就在阁楼里被发现的 |
03:48.71, |
Mom! |
妈 |
03:50.03, |
Uh, I have a party tonight. |
我今晚有个派对 |
03:51.31, |
You promised I could go if I got a "B" On my test. |
你说过如果考试拿到B 我就可以去的 |
03:53.75, |
I studied. I read stuff. |
我忍痛复习了 我屈尊翻书了 |
03:55.27, |
What was the point of all that? |
不让去的话 我学习有什么意义啊 |
03:56.33, |
- The point, young lady ... - Who can remember, |
-学习的意义在于 姑娘 -你们忘了吗 |
03:58.17, |
Express Christmas will be done by 9:00. |
特快圣诞9点就要完工的 |
04:00.56, |
Claire, I'll text you the gift list. |
克莱尔 我待会把礼物清单短信给你 |
04:01.93, |
Okay. |
行 |
04:02.34, |
You and Haley do the shopping. |
你跟海莉去购物 |
04:03.85, |
Manny, you're coming with me. We're gonna get groceries. |
曼尼 你跟我一起 我们去置办年货 |
04:05.98, |
Dinner, our house, 6:00. |
6点晚餐 齐聚我家 不见不散 |
04:08.23, |
Let's move! |
行动吧 |
04:09.55, |
On Dasher! On Dancer! On Prancer and Vixen! |
飞驰吧 阿冲 小舞 跳豆 悍妇 |
04:14.93, |
Hey, that kind of worked out. |
嘿 我真是妙语连珠啊 |
04:16.87, |
Come on, Haley. |
别磨蹭了 海莉 |
04:18.11, |
Jay, you are gonna love this wrapping paper-- |
杰 你肯定会爱死这包装纸 |
04:19.50, |
It'll be fun. |
很有趣的 |
04:20.24, |
A lot of fun. We can go to Target. Okay? |
很好玩的 我们去塔吉特好吗 |
04:22.79, |
- I was just wo-- you guys. - Let's go! Let's go! |
-伙计们 我在想 -出门了出门了 |
04:24.01, |
Come on, let's go! |
快点 走啦 |
04:26.22, |
So it's--it's just me and Lily getting the tree, then? |
这么说 就我跟莉莉去买树吗 |
04:29.82, |
Hello?-Hello? |
有人吗-有人吗 |
04:31.62, |
My mom tells me it's "Xmas" in a text? |
我妈发短信告诉我今天"圣快"? |
04:34.71, |
Yeah, well, my mom canceled in a voice mail |
总比我妈好 甩条留言就放我们鸽子 |
04:36.79, |
and told me she had a boyfriend in a newsletter, |
用条简讯通知我们她谈了新男友 |
04:38.54, |
So... Join the team. |
所以 欢迎加入悲情二人组 |
04:40.80, |
Put some clothes on. We're getting a tree. |
穿上外套吧 咱要去买圣诞树 |
04:48.09, |
Luke! |
卢克 |
04:49.53, |
At what? |
看哪儿 |
04:50.32, |
What do you mean, "at what"? I said "Luke." |
什么叫"看哪儿" 我说的是"卢克" |
04:52.45, |
I am looking. |
我在看啊 |
04:54.18, |
I know you are. Stay on the beams. |
我知道你在看 乖乖待在横梁上 |
04:57.60, |
Maybe it's here. |
可能在这儿 |
05:00.23, |
Ay, dios mio! El diablo! It's back! |
天呐 见鬼了 又来了 |
05:05.24, |
What is so special about that angel, anyways? |
话说 那小天使有什么特别的 |
05:08.44, |
I don't know. |
我不知道 |
05:09.28, |
I guess nana made it for mom and uncle Mitchell |
估计是外婆给妈妈和米奇尔舅舅做的 |
05:11.43, |
when they were kids. |
小时候的玩具 |
05:12.50, |
Ay, that's nice. |
哇 真幸福 |
05:15.86, |
Look where you're going! |
看着脚下[歧义:卢克 你去哪 |
05:17.57, |
To open more boxes. |
去开其他箱子 |
05:22.86, |
Oh, you said "look where you're going," didn't you? |
你刚刚说的是"小心脚下的地板" 是吗 |
05:26.13, |
Yes. |
是的 |
05:27.60, |
Every time you said "Luke", |
每次你说"卢克"的时候 |
05:28.91, |
I though you said "look". |
我都以为你说的是"看" |
05:30.46, |
I don't hear the difference. |
我觉得发音一样啊 |
05:32.10, |
It's not that hard. One is my name. |
不难区分的 "一个"是我的名字 |
05:34.38, |
Juan is not your name! |
你才不叫"一哥"呢 |
05:35.73, |
Stop kidding around and look, Luke! |
别老开玩笑 看着点 卢克 |
05:38.79, |
Ay, I get it. "look" sounds like "Luke." |
我懂了 "看"听起来和"卢克"很像 |
05:42.45, |
Yes. Thank god. |
你终于懂了 感谢上帝 |
05:44.37, |
I've been carrying that one around for three years. |
我都被你叫错三年了 |
05:49.09, |
Ugh. There's like a hundred things on this list. |
天呐 购物清单列了近百条 |
05:51.80, |
I know, but it's just the two of us. It's fun. |
我知道 母女同心 其利断金 多有趣啊 |
05:54.09, |
Okay, it's not Fake Mother's Day. |
拜托 是假圣诞节 又不是假装母亲节 |
05:56.49, |
Ugh! This place is huge! |
这个地方实在太大了 |
05:58.91, |
Oh, plus we have to cook dinner! |
而且我们还要做晚餐 |
06:01.10, |
This is impossible. |
简直是不可能完成的任务 |
06:02.17, |
Listen to me. |
听着 |
06:04.60, |
Your whole life has led to this moment. |
你前半生的努力 就为此一战 |
06:07.25, |
All the training, the hours of dedication... |
所有的训练 付出的时间 |
06:11.45, |
There's not a soul alive who can touch you |
世上简直没有任何人 |
06:13.45, |
when it comes to shopping, |
在购物上能比得过你 |
06:14.33, |
and, baby, you know it. |
宝贝儿 你是知道的 |
06:15.80, |
Look at me. |
看着我 |
06:17.77, |
Be you. |
拿出你的本事来 |
06:21.00, |
Give me that list. |
把清单给我 |
06:22.15, |
Never been more proud in my life. |
真心自豪啊 |
06:24.01, |
- Come on. - No. |
来吧-等等 |
06:27.63, |
This way. |
走这边 |
06:32.27, |
What about this one? |
这棵怎么样 |
06:33.30, |
Let's see. No. No. |
让我看看 不 不行 |
06:35.09, |
I'm sorry, I know I'm being really O.C.D. right now, |
对不起 我知道我现在有点强迫症 |
06:37.01, |
But there's something very particular that I'm looking for. |
但我想找到完全合意的那一棵 |
06:39.11, |
It needs to be a douglas fir, at least 8 feet tall, |
必须是花旗松 至少8英尺高 |
06:42.21, |
and look good from all sides. |
而且360度无死角 |
06:43.81, |
Exactly. No bald spots. |
完全同意 不能有秃枝 |
06:45.25, |
Yes. Thank you. Thank you. |
对 谢谢理解 |
06:46.95, |
The key is symmetry, right? |
关键是要对称的树 是吧 |
06:48.85, |
* O, symmetry. O, symmetry * |
*哦 对称树 哦 对称树* |
06:52.81, |
How come we never go shopping together? |
为什么我们从来没有一起逛过街 |
06:54.69, |
- Because I hate shopping. - I do, too! |
因为我讨厌逛街-我也是 |
06:57.15, |
- Okay, this one. - Wait. |
来看看这棵-看看 |
06:59.01, |
- Oh. No, no, no. - Oh, no, no, no, no. |
不行不行-不行 完全不行 |
07:00.61, |
Uh, I think I know what you're looking for, |
我大概知道你们想要哪种了 |
07:02.38, |
And we just got a shipment that might be perfect for you. |
我们刚到一批货 一定合你们心意 |
07:07.01, |
Okay, wow. |
没搞错吧 |
07:08.69, |
Just because my uncle is clearly gay... |
虽然我舅舅基态毕露 |
07:11.54, |
- Let's not... - doesn't mean he'd ever want your tacky pink tree. |
先别-但未必就喜欢你们的恶俗粉红树 |
07:14.53, |
And frankly, we'd rather throw some lights on a coatrack |
坦白讲 我们宁愿把衣帽架改成圣诞树 |
07:16.71, |
than have to deal with knuckle-draggers like you |
也不愿意跟你这种肥仔做买卖 |
07:18.45, |
today of all days. |
白白糟蹋了这大好节日 |
07:20.93, |
December 16th. |
12月16日 |
07:22.55, |
Okay, first of all, amazing. |
好吧 首先呢 了不起的演讲 |
07:25.81, |
- Second of all... - I was pointing to the truck. |
再者-我指的是那辆卡车 |
07:27.79, |
It's full of 8-foot douglas-firs. |
里面都是8英尺高的花旗松 |
07:29.99, |
It's behind the pink tree. |
在那棵粉色小树后面 |
07:31.33, |
Second of all, |
再者 |
07:33.20, |
Uh, we're--we're gonna go ahead and take, uh, this--this tree... |
我们 我们打算买这棵 这棵树 |
07:35.95, |
That one. |
就那棵 |
07:37.28, |
And we're going to tie it onto our car ourselves. |
而且我们打算自己把它运到车上 |
07:39.27, |
You bet you will. |
我也没打算帮你 |
07:41.94, |
- I have two daddies. - He gets it, Lily. |
我有两个爹地-人家懂的 莉莉 |
07:51.69, |
Cam and Jay--you know, sort of sounds like a bird. |
小卡和杰 听起来像小鸟的名字 |
07:54.59, |
The migratory patterns of the Cam and Jay... |
小卡和杰的迁徙路线 |
07:57.94, |
Do you have any more tape in that thing? |
你那抽屉里还有胶带吗 |
07:59.64, |
Do I have more tape in that? |
我那抽屉里还有没有胶带呢 |
08:01.24, |
I got a tank full of tape, Mister. |
有满满一箱呢 先生 |
08:02.80, |
What do you want? Invisible? Satin finish? |
你想要哪种 透明胶 抛光胶 |
08:04.95, |
- Uh, double-sided? - Whatever. Whatever. |
还是双面胶-随便 都行 |
08:11.78, |
That's interesting. |
有点儿意思 |
08:12.78, |
I doubt that it is, but what? |
我可不觉得 不过你指的什么 |
08:14.49, |
Well, I mean the way you wrap a gift. |
我是说你包礼物的方式 |
08:16.51, |
That's a lot of tape. Nobody can get in. |
你用了很多胶带 像是对别人设防 |
08:19.32, |
Kind of like... You know... |
就好像 你知道的 |
08:22.77, |
I mean, well, you let me in, |
我想说 你接受了我 |
08:25.12, |
But in general, w-- |
但是总体来说 |
08:27.32, |
Why so much tape, Jay? |
为什么要用那么多胶带呢 杰 |
08:28.89, |
Why are you wearing a sweater |
你穿毛衣干什么 |
08:30.24, |
when it's 95 degrees out? |
外面现在95华氏度[约35摄氏度 |
08:31.58, |
It's my Christmas sweater. |
这是我的圣诞毛衫啊 |
08:33.22, |
Based on those stains, |
上面汗迹斑斑 |
08:34.36, |
you are the Christmas sweater. |
你是圣诞"汗衫"才对吧 |
08:38.16, |
Well, who's been a very good boy? |
看看 谁是最孝顺的人 |
08:44.80, |
So... |
来 |
08:51.98, |
Okay. Are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room, |
好吧 我们直接"打开天窗说亮话" |
08:54.33, |
which is ironic because it's so tiny? |
不过真讽刺 礼物跟大象比实在太小了 |
08:55.93, |
A man doesn't give another man a gift this small. |
男人之间不会送这么小只的礼物 |
08:59.42, |
Oh, what do you think it is, a ring? |
你以为那是什么 求婚戒指吗 |
09:07.86, |
Was there wine with this cork? |
这瓶塞是有塞着酒的吧 |
09:09.05, |
Yes, there was, and we drank it on... |
没错 喝这酒的时候我们在 |
09:10.56, |
Oh, we drank it on, uh... Eh? |
喝这酒的时候我们在...什么 |
09:14.10, |
On that boat. |
在那艘船上 |
09:16.30, |
You have no idea. |
你完全不记得了 |
09:17.25, |
I can't even remember my own anniversary, Cam. |
小卡 我连自己的周年纪念日都记不住 |
09:19.64, |
How would I have remembered having had wine with my son's boyfriend? |
怎么还会记得和儿婿喝酒的事儿 |
09:23.44, |
No, I do this. This is my fault. |
不 我总是这样 这是我的错 |
09:25.28, |
I-I attach too much meaning to things. |
我赋予了这东西太多的感情意义 |
09:27.88, |
I mean, we watched our first football game together five years ago, |
5年前 那是我们第一次同看橄榄球比赛 |
09:31.93, |
and I feel the need to save the cork |
那时你用一瓶酒招待我 |
09:33.38, |
from the bottle of wine you served. |
我觉得意义重大 故把瓶塞留作纪念 |
09:34.91, |
I mean, who does that? |
谁会做这样的傻事呢 |
09:36.26, |
It's not your only gift, by the way. |
对了 这不是我送你的唯一礼物 |
09:37.73, |
There's a duplicate bottle in that box right over there |
那儿的盒子里有一个复制的酒瓶 |
09:39.60, |
which I had engraved with the date |
上面有我亲手刻的日期 |
09:41.46, |
and the final score, because I have a problem. |
还有比赛得分 我就是有问题 |
09:44.17, |
I feel too much. |
太多愁善感 |
09:44.79, |
I gotta get going to Claire's. |
我得去克莱尔那儿逛逛 |
09:46.15, |
- Cam...- No. Fresh wound. Can't talk yet. |
小卡-不 新伤脆弱 请别撒盐 |
09:48.67, |
Fine. We'll put a cork in it. |
行 就用瓶塞塞住伤口吧 |
09:50.48, |
Let it scab, Jay. |
让伤口愈合吧 杰 |
09:52.35, |
Let it scab. |
让伤口慢慢愈合 |
10:02.95, |
Oh, there you are. I thought I'd lost you. |
你在这呢 我还以为你走丢了 |
10:04.37, |
Oh, I'm sorry. I may have taken a few minutes to try out a futon. |
不好意思 我刚刚试了下蒲团 |
10:07.33, |
It's a young woman's game. |
那是给年轻姑娘用的 |
10:08.15, |
Okay. Where do we stand? |
好了 进展如何 |
10:09.85, |
- I think we have everything. - Yes! |
万事俱备-太棒了 |
10:11.55, |
Oh... Except the ladybug night-light for Lily. |
只欠莉莉的瓢虫小夜灯 |
10:16.66, |
Haley, your whole life has led up... |
海莉 你此生就为了此刻... |
10:17.67, |
Oh, I got it, Mom, I got it. |
明白 妈 明白得很 |
10:18.54, |
Okay, okay, I'll b-- I'll see you in the line. |
那就好 我先去排队 |
10:35.55, |
Yes, Ronald? |
喂 罗纳德 |
10:37.12, |
I not only found it, I got the last one. |
终于找到了 还是最后一个 |
10:40.01, |
Yes, the ladybug, not the turtle. |
没错 瓢虫的 不是海龟的 |
10:43.05, |
I also got the doll, so I'm all set. |
玩偶也买到了 一切俱全 |
10:44.69, |
I'm gonna leave in five. |
我再逛五分钟就走 |
10:54.16, |
Or maybe I just want paper. |
要不就用纸袋吧 |
10:55.26, |
Paper. Paper. Just paper all the way. Yeah. |
纸袋 纸袋 都用纸袋 |
10:57.44, |
Haley! |
海莉快点啊 |
11:01.39, |
Too late to change my mind? |
我能再改变主意吗 |
11:04.67, |
Sir, would you like me to hold your merchandise |
先生 需要我帮您拿着手中商品 |
11:06.71, |
up at the register while you finish shopping? |
等您逛完了 我在收银台等您 |
11:08.50, |
Oh. Aren't you a dream? |
你真贴心 |
11:09.92, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
11:16.27, |
Pack of gum. |
来包口香糖 |
11:19.71, |
And... One more pack of gum. |
再...来包口香糖 |
11:25.27, |
People drop in this time of year, you know. |
逢年过节人们总爱登门拜访 你懂的 |
11:27.47, |
Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon me. |
不好意思 抱歉 借过 |
11:29.31, |
Sorry. Excuse me. |
抱歉 不好意思 |
11:31.31, |
Night-light you were looking for, ma'am. |
女士 这是您要的小夜灯 |
11:32.94, |
Ring her up, Madison. |
帮她刷一下 麦迪森 |
11:33.94, |
Thank you. |
多谢 |
11:36.60, |
There you go. |
给 |
11:40.73, |
You're leaving me alone here? |
你要把我一个人扔这吗 |
11:42.00, |
No, no, no, no. I... |
不不不不 我... |
11:43.08, |
It'll, uh, it'll just take me two minutes. |
两分钟后就回 |
11:45.55, |
I need to get Jay's supersecret special gift. |
我得给杰买一个绝密又特别的礼物 |
11:47.96, |
Great. First you lose me in the grocery store, |
骗谁呢 先是在杂货店让我走丢 |
11:50.07, |
now I'm in a deserted parking lot. |
现在又把我丢在废弃的停车场 |
11:51.74, |
Why don't you just put a sign on me that says "Free kid"? |
干脆在我身上贴一张"求领养"的字条得了 |
11:54.67, |
I think that might be him. |
我觉得那人就是了 |
11:55.86, |
You don't know the guy we're meeting? |
你都不知道对方是谁啊 |
11:57.63, |
That's how Craigslist works. |
分类广告网站就是那样的 |
11:59.04, |
Total strangers sell you things |
你从陌生人那买到东西 |
12:00.18, |
like signed vintage baseball cards |
比如说老的签名棒球卡 |
12:01.68, |
that make your father-in-law respect you for an afternoon. |
整个下午岳父都会对我肃然起敬 |
12:04.22, |
I don't like the looks of this guy. |
我觉得来者不善 |
12:06.41, |
He looks like everybody else. |
他就是一普通人啊 |
12:07.76, |
Great. You can just tell that to the police, sketch artist. |
回头你也这么跟警察说吧 犯罪画像专家 |
12:12.25, |
Joe Dimaggio? |
买乔·德玛吉奥的吗 |
12:13.28, |
Phil Dunphy, but I get that a lot. |
我是菲尔·邓菲 不过经常有人认错 |
12:15.68, |
Kidding. I'm your guy. |
开个玩笑 我就是买家 |
12:17.09, |
Can I see the cash? |
能看看现金吗 |
12:17.94, |
Yes. Can I... Can I see the card? |
可以 那 那能看看卡吗 |
12:25.03, |
Mint condition. |
保存得真完好啊 |
12:27.16, |
That's why I want another $50. |
所以我得加价五十 |
12:28.68, |
I only have the $200. |
我身上就两百 |
12:30.63, |
Uh, deal's off, then. |
那算了 |
12:31.73, |
Come on. It's Christmas... |
别啊 今天可是圣诞节 |
12:34.43, |
At our house. It's a long story. |
我家的圣诞节 说来话长 |
12:38.19, |
$225.00 |
225要吗 |
12:39.13, |
I just spent all my cash on groceries. |
我刚刚把现金都花了 |
12:40.91, |
Fine. But I'm taking the butterball. |
好吧 那把"小胖墩"给我 |
12:42.65, |
- I don't know about that. - That's it. |
那样不好吧-够了 |
12:44.25, |
I'm getting mother's little helper. |
我要出动妈妈小帮手了 |
12:45.55, |
What?-My mom keeps a stun gun for emergencies. |
什么-我妈给了一把电击枪以防不测 |
12:47.73, |
This isn't an emergen-- |
哪有什么不测... |
12:53.85, |
Now it is. |
现在有了 |
13:02.05, |
I thought he was going to snatch me. |
我以为他要绑架我 |
13:03.61, |
A butterball isn't... |
小胖墩不是说你 |
13:07.42, |
What'd he say? |
他说什么 |
13:08.21, |
I think he said, "A butterball's a turkey." |
我觉得好像是 "小胖墩指的是火鸡" |
13:11.61, |
I was reaching for the turkey. |
我刚要去拿火鸡来着 |
13:12.94, |
Oh. Well, we can't give you our turkey. |
你不能把火鸡拿走 |
13:16.99, |
Yes, we can. |
让他拿吧 |
13:18.42, |
And... Here's the... money. |
把钱拿走 |
13:27.06, |
Joe Dimaggio! |
球卡给我 |
13:28.97, |
Joe Dimaggio. |
球卡给我 |
13:31.16, |
Thanks. |
谢了 |
13:35.24, |
Mint condit-- |
完好无损 |
13:39.54, |
Near-mint con-- |
近乎完好 |
13:44.56, |
Fair condit-- |
可以将就 |
13:49.04, |
Garbage. |
废纸一张 |
13:59.81, |
Huh. Never saw this before. |
我从没见过这个 |
14:01.47, |
An angel for my angels. Love, Mom. |
给宝贝们的天使 爱你们的妈妈 |
14:03.97, |
Oh, that's beautiful. |
真温馨 |
14:06.25, |
And it smells like mothballs, just like nana. |
而且闻起来就像外婆身上的樟脑丸味 |
14:08.84, |
Luke... |
卢克... |
14:10.12, |
- Thank--Merry Christmas. - Just--just give it up. |
谢...圣诞快乐-别徒劳了 |
14:14.22, |
He hates us. |
他恨我们 |
14:15.60, |
Don't beat yourself up. |
别妄自菲薄 |
14:17.20, |
I do that, like, once a week. |
我几乎每周都会碰上这种事 |
14:18.95, |
The good news is, we never have to come back here. |
往好了想 咱以后不会来了 |
14:22.45, |
Watch out! |
当心 |
14:24.87, |
- The tree! - I can't watch! |
树遭殃了-我不忍心看 |
14:27.05, |
Look! |
看 |
14:27.71, |
Ay, yes, I said "Luke". |
对啊 我说的就是"卢克" |
14:29.28, |
You told me already. I did it right! |
你纠正过我 我发音是对的啊 |
14:30.41, |
No! Look! |
不是 我让你看 |
14:33.88, |
Never look back. Never! |
好汉不回头 别回头 |
14:39.22, |
Maybe we can salvage it? |
或许还有抢救的机会 |
14:46.21, |
Are you okay, papi? |
没吓坏吧 宝贝 |
14:47.51, |
Yeah. |
没事 |
14:48.63, |
Good. That's because we had our guardian angel. |
那就好 因为我们有天使守护啊 |
14:51.72, |
Ay! A spider! |
妈呀 蜘蛛 |
15:01.58, |
Hey, mom? |
妈 |
15:02.73, |
Check it. |
瞧瞧 |
15:04.63, |
The gum! |
口香糖 |
15:05.44, |
Oh, and you made it pretty. Honey, put it on the table. |
你摆得真漂亮 宝贝 放桌上 |
15:08.62, |
- New tradition? - Oh, yes. Yes. |
也算新传统了吗-当然 |
15:12.44, |
Christmas gum. |
圣诞口香糖 |
15:14.46, |
I take one. |
我尝尝 |
15:16.75, |
Tough to decorate the tree with no tree, huh? |
好汉难为无"树"之饰啊 对吧 |
15:22.03, |
How long you gonna ignore me, cam? |
你打算什么时候理我啊小卡 |
15:23.70, |
Until the shame cloud clears. |
直到人家心中云淡风轻 |
15:25.62, |
You know, I push. I'm a pusher. |
我就这样 我喜欢主动 强人所难 |
15:27.47, |
You gotta give yourself a break. |
你得好好冷静一下 |
15:28.55, |
See, the thing about me, |
其实吧 我这人 |
15:30.04, |
I'm not as open with feelings as you. |
我不像你那么热衷于表达情感 |
15:32.94, |
You've gotta lower your expectations. |
你不能期望每个人都像你那样 |
15:35.08, |
Oh, I get it. |
我懂了 |
15:36.82, |
- Baby steps. - No steps. |
小步小步地来-一步都要不得 |
15:38.85, |
This is it. |
就这么着 |
15:40.28, |
See? Did it again. |
瞧 我又自作自受了 |
15:41.60, |
Push! Push, push, push, push. |
推 推 推 推 |
15:42.94, |
Now I've pushed you out of the room. |
我都把你推出房间了 |
15:44.17, |
That's fine. |
就那样吧 |
15:46.89, |
How is she? |
修好了吗 |
15:47.90, |
I got the tire marks off her wings, |
我把她翅膀上的轮胎印给擦了 |
15:49.30, |
but I can't get her head to stay on. |
但头接不上了 |
15:50.88, |
Okay, that's what this is for. |
该口香糖大显身手了 |
15:53.42, |
Now stick it in the top of the tree |
把它粘在脖子那儿 |
15:55.57, |
with the good part facing out. Come on. |
让没坏的地方朝外 来吧 |
15:58.86, |
Well, that stuffing looks good. |
填充馅料看起来不错啊 |
16:00.11, |
All we need now is a turkey to surround it. |
现在只需要一只火鸡将之包起来 |
16:01.82, |
Well, relax. Phil just texted, |
放松啦 菲尔刚发来短信 |
16:03.47, |
and he's "On his wax." |
说他"马上就到蜡" |
16:05.81, |
Okay! Here comes the tree. |
好了 圣诞树驾到 |
16:08.62, |
Oh! Finally! |
终于到了 |
16:10.34, |
- Here comes more of the tree. - Hi, honey. |
圣诞树残肢也驾到了-嗨 宝贝 |
16:12.89, |
oh. Oh, my gosh. What happened? |
老天爷啊 什么情况啊 |
16:14.18, |
Well, uh, someone ran over it, |
它遭遇了车祸 |
16:15.95, |
But that's okay 'cause we are gonna put it back together. |
不过没关系 我们会把树再拼起来 |
16:18.72, |
Right now. |
马上拼好 |
16:19.66, |
He's gonna need a lot of gum. |
那他得嚼不少口香糖啊 |
16:21.25, |
Oh, thank god. Here comes phil and the butterball. |
感谢苍天 菲尔终于带着"小胖墩"回来了 |
16:23.58, |
I have a name. |
我有名字的 |
16:25.15, |
I am sorry, but there is no turkey. |
我很抱歉 没有火鸡 |
16:27.96, |
There's no turkey? What's the plan, Phil? |
没有火鸡 不是都说好了吗 菲尔 |
16:30.38, |
Cornish game hens. |
迷你童子鸡 |
16:32.07, |
If you get real close, |
如果你仔细看 |
16:33.69, |
They look like turkeys, and everyone gets their own. |
跟火鸡神似 而且不用大家分着吃 |
16:36.51, |
Sounds like fun. |
好有趣耶 |
16:37.97, |
Not fun. Not fun. |
一点趣也没有 一点没有 |
16:39.00, |
I asked you to pick up a cooked turkey. |
我让你买的是烹饪过的火鸡 |
16:41.47, |
The store was out of turkeys. |
火鸡已经卖光了 |
16:42.68, |
It was an hour to express Christmas. |
离我们的"特快圣诞"只有一小时了 |
16:44.10, |
Please, just make it work, okay? Please. |
拜托 就凑合着用吧 好吗 |
16:46.94, |
They're not even defrosted. |
这些鸡都没解冻 |
16:48.23, |
Fine, Claire. |
行 克莱尔 |
16:49.22, |
- You want 'em defrosted? - Yeah. |
你想给鸡解冻吗-是啊 |
16:50.62, |
Merry... |
圣... |
16:51.62, |
Freaking.... |
他妹的 |
16:52.61, |
Christmas! |
诞快乐 |
16:53.49, |
Phil! |
菲尔 |
16:55.99, |
Is that my stun gun? |
那是我的电击枪吗 |
16:57.23, |
Yep. And it works great. |
没错 而且它还特好使呢 |
17:00.32, |
Okay. Okay. |
好吧 好吧 |
17:02.67, |
Um... We can make this work. This can work. |
我们能行的 我们可以做到的 |
17:04.36, |
Dad, you and Mitchell reassemble that tree. |
爸 你和米奇尔把树重新拼好 |
17:07.01, |
All right. |
好的 |
17:07.61, |
And I am going to defrost these birds, |
我来把这些小鸡解冻 |
17:09.73, |
and we'll cook them in shifts, |
然后我们一个一个来烤它们 |
17:10.53, |
And we'll just push dinner back by a bit. |
然后我们把晚餐时间稍微延迟一下就好 |
17:12.53, |
Oh, how long? 'Cause I still have my party. |
推多久啊 我还要参加派对呢 |
17:15.13, |
- What the hell happened to the angel? - No! |
这天使怎么了-不 |
17:17.61, |
The real question here is, |
现在真正的问题是 |
17:18.96, |
how come we still have the dog butler? |
那个狗头装饰怎么还在我们家 |
17:21.04, |
Oh, you found him, huh? |
你在阁楼里发现了 是吧 |
17:22.00, |
Well, this thing is-- it's filthy. |
这天使 好 好脏啊 |
17:24.18, |
And... What happened?! |
而且 怎么回事啊 |
17:26.96, |
It got run over. |
它也遭遇车祸了 |
17:28.47, |
Probably by the same maniac who ran over the tree. |
肇事者很有可能跟碾过树的是一个人 |
17:31.74, |
Oh, my God. Is that-- |
我的天啊 这是 |
17:32.67, |
Yep. Yep, that's gum. That is gum. |
是 是口香糖 口香糖 |
17:34.57, |
Okay, I'm... I'm out. |
行 我 我不干了 |
17:36.24, |
- Ah, Mitch... - I'm done. I am out. |
米奇尔-我退出 我不玩了 |
17:37.55, |
No. No turkey, no tree, |
不 火鸡也没有 树也没有 |
17:39.95, |
And now this looks like the lady she used to be |
而且小天使看起来就像被五马分尸 |
17:41.79, |
before she died and became an angel. |
简直是成仙之前的惨相 |
17:44.13, |
All right. Relax, Mitchell. It's an ornament. |
好了 放松 米奇尔 装饰而已 |
17:46.36, |
No, he's right. |
不是 他说的对 |
17:47.48, |
We're never gonna get this together. |
今年的圣诞节是没法好好过了 |
17:48.59, |
- I'm going to my party. - No, no. No, you're not. |
我要去派对玩了-不 你不能去 |
17:50.48, |
You are not. You're staying right here, |
你不能去 你得呆在这 |
17:51.56, |
Because you're not going to abandon your family on Christmas. |
因为你不能在圣诞节抛弃你的家人 |
17:54.65, |
It's not Christmas. |
这又不是圣诞节 |
17:55.44, |
Exactly. Exactly. It's not Christmas, Claire. |
就是 就是 这不是圣诞节 克莱尔 |
17:58.87, |
Okay, fine! |
好啊 行 |
18:00.16, |
Fine! You know what? |
行 说实话 |
18:00.84, |
I am really tired trying to make this work on my own. |
全靠我一人努力 真是心力交瘁 |
18:03.89, |
I will see you people in a year. |
我们明年再见 |
18:06.41, |
And nine days. |
还得再加9天 |
18:07.44, |
No! Nobody goes anywhere. |
不行 谁都不许走 |
18:10.69, |
I know what the problem is here. |
我知道问题出在哪里了 |
18:14.03, |
You two miss your mommy. |
你们两个想妈咪了 |
18:16.85, |
No. I do not miss my mommy. |
没 我才没想妈咪呢 |
18:18.69, |
Admit it. It's sad. |
承认吧 是挺悲哀的 |
18:20.71, |
She used to make you cookies, the angel... |
是她以前给你们烤饼干 还有那天使 |
18:23.49, |
Now she talks to you in a newsletter |
现在她却用简讯和你们聊天 |
18:26.17, |
And she cancels for no reason. |
而且她还无故放你们鸽子 |
18:28.59, |
Come here, my little ones. |
到这来 我的小宝贝们 |
18:30.51, |
No, it's fine. |
不用了 |
18:31.13, |
We're good. It's not a big deal. |
我们没事 没啥大不了的 |
18:32.90, |
It's Christmas. You need a mommy. |
今天是圣诞节 你们需要妈咪 |
18:35.28, |
You're not our mommy. |
你又不是我们的妈咪 |
18:37.66, |
And it's not Christmas. Come here. |
这也不是圣诞节啊 快过来 |
18:41.18, |
It's okay to miss her. |
想妈妈没啥大不了的 |
18:44.17, |
Can I put in my 2 cents on fake Christmas? |
我可以略微表达一下对"假圣诞"的看法吗 |
18:46.53, |
Express Christmas. |
是特快圣诞啦 |
18:47.73, |
Let it go, Phil. It's not sticking. |
算了吧 菲尔 强辩也无法使之成立 |
18:49.78, |
It needs time. |
它需要时间 |
18:51.97, |
We all gave it our best shot to make this thing work. |
我们都为办好这事尽了最大努力了 |
18:54.37, |
It just didn't happen, all right? |
但它就是成不了 对吧 |
18:56.34, |
What do you say we cut our losses? |
我们现在仍可以扭转烂局 |
18:58.45, |
Let's go out to a nice chinese restaurant |
去一家特好的中餐馆 |
19:00.78, |
and have a traditional jewish Christmas. |
然后过一个传统的犹太圣诞节怎么样 |
19:03.52, |
But I risked my life grocery shopping. |
但是我还冒着生命危险去了杂货铺呢 |
19:05.23, |
Save that story for Wang Fu. |
这故事你留着给王福讲吧 |
19:07.05, |
Now let's go. Come on, everybody. |
现在咱们走 出发 大家伙 |
19:08.66, |
On me! Out! Everybody out! |
我请客 大家都走 |
19:11.63, |
Wang Fu's. It's on me. |
去王福那家 我请 |
19:13.68, |
Let's go. Come on, baby girl. |
快走 来吧 宝贝 |
19:15.80, |
Come on, honey. |
快点 宝贝 |
19:23.19, |
- What's going on? - Awesome! |
什么情况-太赞了 |
19:30.27, |
You hate chinese food. |
你讨厌中国菜 |
19:36.96, |
Not bad, huh? |
不赖吧 |
19:39.31, |
Jay, Jay, Jay. |
杰啊 杰啊 杰啊 |
19:42.25, |
- You wanna hug me, don't you? - I kind of do. |
-你想要抱我 是吧 -我是有点想 |
19:44.52, |
4 to 5 seconds. |
给你4/5秒 |
19:45.19, |
- 45 seconds? - 4 to 5 seconds. |
-能抱45秒 -4至5秒 |
19:47.86, |
Oh, okay. |
好吧 |
19:53.39, |
Family is family. |
家人就是家人 |
19:55.68, |
Whether it's the one you start out with... |
无论是生来就血脉相连的 |
19:57.51, |
- Hi, mom! - Hi, mom! |
-嗨 妈妈 -嗨 妈妈 |
19:58.54, |
Merry Christmas! |
圣诞快乐 |
20:00.89, |
So, um, tell us everything |
那个 把你那个新男友的情况 |
20:02.48, |
- about the new boyfriend. , yeah. |
都告诉我们-没错 |
20:03.70, |
Don't leave anything out. Mm. |
一丝不落地全告诉我们哈 |
20:05.02, |
You can leave some things out. |
私密性事就不要说了 |
20:06.42, |
the one that you end up with... |
亦或是相伴余生的 |
20:10.73, |
Or the family that you gain along the way... |
又或是开枝散叶 收获的小家庭 |
20:18.20, |
Do this. Snow angels. |
跟我一起 雪天使 |
20:22.76, |
Which makes every day |
有家人在 每天都是 |
20:25.26, |
December 16th. |
体验圣诞日 |
20:33.00, |
Hey, Jay, um, I'm sorry about the baseball card. |
杰 那个 不好意思把棒球卡弄坏了 |
20:35.68, |
I-I did get you a-a backup gift. |
我又 又给你准备了一个备份礼物 |
20:38.19, |
It's--it's nothing. I picked it up when we stopped for gas. |
其实没什么啦 我在加油的时候随手买的 |
20:42.89, |
Dog antlers. |
狗狗鹿角 |
20:43.93, |
I know. You got us snow, |
我知道 你给我们准备了雪 |
20:45.40, |
- and I got you dog antlers. - I love these. |
而我只给你狗狗鹿角-我爱这东西 |
20:47.06, |
I thought you might. |
我想你可能会喜欢 |
20:48.46, |
Honey, look. Come here. |
宝贝 看 快过来 |
20:51.59, |
There. How cute is that? |
戴上 多萌啊 |
20:54.45, |
Where's my camera? Gloria, you gotta see this! |
我相机呢 歌洛莉亚 你得过来看看 |
20:57.29, |
Come on, Stella! Gloria! |
过来 斯黛拉 歌洛莉亚 |
20:59.54, |
- Dog antlers. - He loves dog antlers. |
狗狗鹿角-他居然爱狗狗鹿角 |
21:02.62, |
Oh, no. Oh, okay. |
不 不 好吧 |
21:04.47, |
Oh. Oh, gosh! |
天啊 |
21:11.45, |
I'm so sorry. |
我很抱歉 |