00:02.38, |
Oh, I hope Tad likes salmon. |
希望泰德喜欢吃三文鱼 |
00:04.91, |
It's a bit of a risk serving fish |
第一次来邓菲家做客 |
00:06.35, |
to a first-time diner at Dunphy's. |
就给他吃鱼还是挺有风险的 |
00:07.96, |
Maybe I should marinate a steak for backup. |
要不我还是腌块牛排做候补吧 |
00:10.01, |
I think someone has a man crush. |
有人好像爱上某男了哦 |
00:11.94, |
First of all, I would never date a potential client. |
首先 我绝不会和未来的客户约会 |
00:14.50, |
That's "First of all"? |
你该先澄清一下性取向吧 |
00:15.63, |
Secondly, I really need this to go well |
其次 此次晚餐必须顺利进行 |
00:17.19, |
so he makes me his realtor. This guy's flipping properties |
那样他才会选我做房产经纪人 那家伙炒房地产 |
00:19.50, |
like they're extras in a kung fu movie. |
堪比功夫电影中令人炫目的动作 |
00:21.58, |
So you're just kissing up to this guy for his money? |
所以你是为了钱才猛拍他马屁吗 |
00:23.52, |
Not just. I really like him. |
不仅仅是钱 我真的喜欢他 |
00:24.96, |
He travels the world doing charity work, |
他周游各国 乐善好施 |
00:26.80, |
rock climbs, flies planes... |
会攀岩 会开飞机 |
00:29.02, |
How does he have time to do all that? |
他怎么有时间做那么多事啊 |
00:30.94, |
Got divorced, and his whole life opened up. |
他离婚了 于是开辟了新的人生 |
00:32.88, |
Guy's living the dream. |
他简直过着梦一般的生活啊 |
00:36.15, |
His dream. |
他的梦 |
00:37.55, |
Not my dream. I'm living my dream. |
不是我的梦 我的梦想就在这里 |
00:40.45, |
You're my dream. |
你就是我的美梦 |
00:41.28, |
You can stop. |
少来这套 |
00:42.97, |
I so don't want to do this. |
我真心不想做这个 |
00:44.98, |
Recently, Haley got a little creative |
最近 海莉在她的 |
00:46.69, |
on one of her college applications |
某张大学申请表上突发奇想 |
00:47.99, |
and listed herself as a "Big Sister." |
说自己是一名"大姐姐" |
00:50.93, |
Technically, I am a big sister. |
严格地说 我本来就是家中大姐姐 |
00:53.07, |
She capitalized the "B" And the "S." |
她把"大"和"姐"都突出强调 |
00:54.70, |
Which makes sense, 'cause it was. |
倒也说得通 那组织就是假"大"虚空 贱"姐"无数 |
00:57.50, |
So Claire and I suggested-- |
所以克莱尔和我建议 |
00:58.71, |
Forced. |
是强迫 |
00:59.90, |
that she volunteer for the organization. |
她去大哥哥大姐姐会做志愿工作 |
01:03.15, |
We couldn't be prouder. |
我们为她自豪得不行了 |
01:05.47, |
We could. |
其实可以 |
01:06.57, |
Little bit. |
再自豪一点的 |
01:08.25, |
Hey, dad? |
老爸 |
01:09.16, |
Did you accidentally leave this hilarious book |
是你不小心把这本专门嘲笑律师的 |
01:11.29, |
Of lawyer jokes in the guest room? |
笑话书落在客房的吗 |
01:12.84, |
I'll tell you if you can answer the following question-- |
要是你能问答以下问题 我就告诉你 |
01:14.72, |
What's the difference between |
一条鲶鱼和一名律师 |
01:15.82, |
- a catfish and a lawyer? - I don't know. What? |
二者的区别是什么-不知道 是什么 |
01:18.82, |
Well, one's a bottom-feeding mud-dweller. |
一个在烂泥里打混 靠榨取底层生物过活 |
01:21.56, |
The other's a fish. |
另一个则是一条鱼 |
01:22.46, |
zing! |
犀利 |
01:23.82, |
Honk! |
正中目标 |
01:24.77, |
Okay, everyone, dinner is served! |
好了各位 晚餐已经好了 |
01:27.04, |
let's get it! |
准备开饭吧 |
01:27.70, |
Our house is being fumigated, so Jay and Gloria |
我们的房子正在消毒 所以杰和歌洛莉亚 |
01:29.58, |
invited us to stay here for a few days. |
邀请我们回娘家住几天 |
01:31.72, |
I am very excited to have 72 hours with this one. |
我真高兴能和她一起共度72小时 |
01:34.67, |
We don't get to spend much time together, |
我们平时相处的时间很少 |
01:36.34, |
so I know that we're gonna be like, um... |
可以想象这几天我们会像是 |
01:40.38, |
Fred and Ginger? |
弗雷德和琴吉 |
01:41.68, |
Who? |
谁啊 |
01:44.54, |
Movie night! |
电影之夜 |
01:49.18, |
It's nosier than usual around here. |
比平时要吵闹好几倍 |
01:53.08, |
oh, gosh! |
我的娘啊 |
02:07.57, |
Tad, this wine is fantastic. |
泰德 真是极品好酒啊 |
02:09.31, |
Spend a week in Mendoza, |
在门多萨呆上一周[阿根廷 盛产葡萄 |
02:10.56, |
and you'll find a dozen or so Malbec producers |
你就会发现一堆马尔贝克酒生产商 |
02:13.08, |
that'll give most Bordeaux a real run for their money. |
可以酿出堪比波尔多酒的美酒佳酿 |
02:16.74, |
Mm. I'm sorry. |
抱歉 |
02:17.49, |
This should come with a warning-- |
酒瓶上应该贴个警告 |
02:18.72, |
May cause pretentiousness. |
可能导致装逼说大话行为 |
02:20.87, |
You should come with a warning-- "May be fascinating." |
该贴警告标签的是你 "极品帅男 靠近危险" |
02:24.00, |
- Oh! Excuse me. -Oh, gosh! |
抱歉-天啊 |
02:25.35, |
Oh, that's, like, the ninth time this screw has popped out. |
该死的螺丝老是松出来 都第九次了 |
02:27.60, |
Oh, you know what? I need the angled screwdriver. |
那个 我需要一个直角螺丝刀 |
02:29.61, |
I left it at the office. |
可我把它落在办公室了 |
02:30.81, |
I, um, I keep it there because of--of all my signs. |
我把它留在那是因为我的那些标记牌 |
02:34.67, |
I'll, uh, put up a "For sale" sign, |
我用它来钉"待售"的牌子 |
02:37.01, |
and next day, of course, |
然后保证第二天 |
02:37.97, |
- I gotta put up the "Sold" banner. - Yeah. |
-我就会换上个"已售"的牌子了 -没错 |
02:39.78, |
Then the next day, same deal--"For sale" |
然后第三天 同样的情况 "待售" |
02:41.57, |
Sold. |
已售 |
02:42.55, |
For sale. "Sold." "For sale." "Sold." |
待售——已售"待售——已售 |
02:44.51, |
You're a great-- great salesman. |
你真是个很棒 很棒的推销员 |
02:45.36, |
- I'm getting that. - "For sale." "Sold." |
我明白了-"待售——已售" |
02:46.72, |
Right. Listen, I-I-I gotta go relieve the babysitter. |
很好 那个 我得回家好让保姆下班了 |
02:49.59, |
My ex-wife took 50% of my stuff |
我前妻带走了我一半的财产 |
02:52.10, |
and left me 100% of my kids. |
却留下了所有的孩子 |
02:54.95, |
- They're great. Hey, listen, um, |
孩子们很不错-我说 |
02:56.78, |
thank you so much for coming. |
非常感谢你的光临 |
02:57.89, |
Oh, no, thank you, Phil, so much |
哪里 我才要谢谢你 菲尔 |
03:00.18, |
for the salmon and the steak |
谢谢你们做的三文鱼 牛排 |
03:02.44, |
and the chicken and the shrimp. |
还有鸡肉和大虾 |
03:04.04, |
I mean, it was all just delicious. |
每一样都很美味 |
03:05.73, |
- Oh, great. - This guy is very lucky to have you. |
太好了-能有这样的贤妻 他真走运 |
03:09.31, |
Okay. Thanks. |
好 那就多谢了 |
03:10.66, |
Yeah. |
没问题 |
03:13.42, |
All right. |
好吧 |
03:15.06, |
- Let me grab that. -Yeah. |
让我帮你开门-行 |
03:16.41, |
Yeah. Thanks so much. Bye-bye. |
非常感谢 再见 |
03:17.31, |
Bye-bye. |
再见 |
03:21.87, |
Did you see that? |
你看到那一幕没 |
03:22.56, |
A handshake that almost became a hug? |
握手差点变成拥抱吗 |
03:24.28, |
Yeah, I saw it. I lived it. I think I'm in. |
当然看见了 我是当事人啊 我成功了 |
03:26.97, |
No, honey. He kissed me on the lips. |
不 亲爱的 是他亲到我的嘴 |
03:28.84, |
- Another good sign! - It's not a good sign. |
又一个好信号-这不是什么好信号 |
03:31.25, |
Sweetie, you don't think that's weird? |
亲爱的 你不觉得这很古怪吗 |
03:32.98, |
Well, the guy's a world traveler. |
那家伙满世界乱跑 |
03:34.56, |
He has a time share in Costa Rica. |
他曾在哥斯达黎加呆过一段时间 |
03:35.94, |
That's probably how they do it there. |
也许是受那里的习俗影响吧 |
03:37.32, |
I don't know, honey. It felt like he lingered. |
我不知道 亲爱的 感觉他在我唇上流连忘返 |
03:40.08, |
It's a progressive culture. |
人家是先进性文化嘛 |
03:42.07, |
Most of them travel by zip line. |
出行都得靠索道滑行 |
03:46.49, |
biscuits and gravy? |
饼干配肉汁 |
03:47.96, |
Yep, my grandma Bitsy's secret recipe, |
我奶奶贝奇的独家秘方 |
03:50.22, |
given to her by her housekeeper Delilah, |
从她管家黛丽拉那里学到的 |
03:53.00, |
Who raised her and was her best friend-- |
她养大了我奶奶 也是她最好的朋友 |
03:54.40, |
kind of like "The help," except Delilah was white, |
就像电影《相助》一样 除了黛丽拉是白人 |
03:56.37, |
and was actually herself quite the racist. |
而且是个种族主义者 |
03:59.67, |
Eat up. |
放开肚子吃吧 |
04:00.80, |
Good morning! |
早安 |
04:02.38, |
- Hi, mom. - Hi, sweetheart. |
-早 妈妈 -早 亲爱的 |
04:03.78, |
Ah, where did those come from? |
这些花是哪儿来的啊 |
04:05.89, |
Yeah, I thought amaryllis were out of season. |
没错 我以为朱顶红都开过季了呢 |
04:07.64, |
Oh, I got a guy. You know, I just thought |
我认识个熟人 我只是觉得 |
04:09.43, |
they'd brighten up the house a little bit. |
花能让家里看起来明亮一点 |
04:10.86, |
Oh, that was so thoughtful of you. |
你想得真是太周到了 |
04:13.73, |
I didn't realize that my house needed brightening up. |
我不觉得我家需要更明亮一点啊 |
04:16.71, |
There she is! |
小公主来了 |
04:18.02, |
Gloria! Gloria! |
歌洛莉亚 歌洛莉亚 |
04:18.98, |
Ay! Let me fix your hair! |
哎呀 让我来帮你修复一下发型 |
04:21.68, |
Oh. Well, isn't that sweet? |
那真是有爱啊 |
04:24.95, |
I didn't realize her hair was broken. |
我不觉得她的发型糟糕啊 |
04:28.02, |
Ah! That smells delicious, |
闻起来好香啊 |
04:29.64, |
but nothing for me. I've got an early work lunch. |
可我不能吃了 有个很早的工作午餐 |
04:31.73, |
Really? I didn't hear an ambulance. |
是吗 我没听到救护车的声音啊 |
04:35.00, |
Yeah, it's funny because it's what I've dedicated my life to. |
好好笑哦 因为我已献身于法律事业 |
04:37.53, |
Oh, is this that meeting with the deejay with the funny name? |
是和那个名字很搞笑的DJ见面吗 |
04:40.06, |
Booker Bell. |
布克·贝尔 |
04:40.70, |
- Booker Bell. - Booker Bell? |
布克·贝尔-布克·贝尔吗 |
04:42.07, |
Everybody now! |
大家听好了 |
04:43.22, |
Booker Bell was only the greatest deejay |
布克·贝尔是史上最伟大的 |
04:45.32, |
in the history of drive time radio. |
交通台广播DJ |
04:46.94, |
Yeah, well, now he has some wetlands that developers want, |
他有几块湿地被开放商看上了 |
04:49.11, |
and we're trying to get him to donate for preservation. |
我们希望让他捐给保护区 |
04:51.12, |
When I was on the road selling, |
我还在跑公路生意那会儿 |
04:52.28, |
I used to listen to Booker all the time. |
总是听布克的广播呢 |
04:53.63, |
He practically invented the prank phone call. |
整盅电话差不多就是他发明的 |
04:55.73, |
Okay. Wish me luck. |
好了 祝我好运吧 |
04:58.08, |
Good luck, sweetie! |
好运哦 亲爱的 |
04:59.01, |
Booker would play a prank, |
布克会先搞一段恶作剧 |
05:00.51, |
the sucker would be twisting in the wind, |
那个倒霉蛋会被整得七窍生烟 |
05:02.19, |
and just when you couldn't stand it anymore, |
就在你忍无可忍的时候 |
05:03.81, |
he'd say, "Guess who just got their bell rung!" |
他就会说 "猜猜整盅电话整到谁了" |
05:06.76, |
God, I'd love to meet him. |
老天 我真想见他一面 |
05:07.92, |
Oh, they're just going down to Rae's. |
他们就约在雷记餐厅 |
05:09.57, |
You should pop down. |
你赶快飞奔过去吧 |
05:10.33, |
- I'm sure he'd love to meet a fan. - I don't know. |
他见到粉丝肯定很开心-我没想好 |
05:12.36, |
I met Boz Scaggs once, got all tongue-tied. |
有一次去见波兹·斯加格斯 我话都说不利索了 |
05:14.59, |
Oh, you'll be fine. |
噢 你可以的 |
05:15.61, |
Oh! Oh, Lily, it's time for school, sweetie. |
糟糕 莉莉 亲爱的 该去学校了 |
05:17.76, |
Oh, I can take her. |
我可以送她去啊 |
05:20.93, |
Oh. That'd be great. |
那就太谢谢你了 |
05:23.76, |
Yeah, it'd give me some more time to clean the kitchen. |
我正好帮你收拾收拾厨房 |
05:25.54, |
Maybe do a little dusting. |
扫扫尘之类的 |
05:28.25, |
Delicious, Cam. |
很好吃 小卡 |
05:33.40, |
Annie was amazing, so funny and cute and sweet. |
安妮真棒 集风趣可爱贴心于一身 |
05:37.00, |
- Yeah, you've said. - She made this for me last night. |
要说几遍-昨晚她画了幅画送我 |
05:39.96, |
Look how she signs her name with that big loopy "A." |
瞧她的签名 "A"写得多萌啊 还打个卷儿 |
05:43.32, |
I'm totally going to frame this. |
我得把它裱起来 |
05:45.73, |
I made this for Haley four years ago. |
4年前我也给海莉画过一张 |
05:49.81, |
You think this got framed? |
您觉得这张被裱起来了吗 |
05:51.35, |
She tossed it in the garbage... |
她捏成团扔垃圾桶了 |
05:54.13, |
Right after she wrote "Mrs. Haley Jonas Brothers" |
背面还写满了"海莉·乔纳斯三兄弟共有的夫人" |
05:55.87, |
on it, like, 30 times. |
写了大概30遍 |
05:59.07, |
The tax write-off alone makes financial sense. |
光是税金减免就已经很诱人了 |
06:01.39, |
You know, even if you take the environment out of it. |
更别提对环境的诸多好处了 |
06:03.14, |
Well, don't take the environment out of it. |
别不提环境问题啊 |
06:04.70, |
Without the wetlands, there's no ducks, |
没了湿地 就没了鸭子 |
06:06.61, |
and without the ducks, there's nothing for me to shoot at. |
没了鸭子 就没东西让我射着玩了 |
06:08.22, |
Okay. Well, we're shooting from two different angles, |
好吧 虽然我们考虑的角度不同 |
06:10.24, |
but, uh, hopefully we'll end up at the same place. |
但希望最终能达成一致意见 |
06:13.43, |
Mitch.-Dad? |
米奇-爸 |
06:14.88, |
I just had to stop down and meet this guy. |
我忍不住过来跟他打个招呼 |
06:17.96, |
Booker Bell, I'm Boz Scaggs-- |
布克·贝尔你好 我是波兹·斯加格斯 |
06:19.41, |
No! I mean Jay Pritchett. Damn it. |
错了 我是杰·普里契特 妈的 |
06:22.55, |
- It's nice to meet you. - This is such an honor. |
很高兴见到你-真是太荣幸了 |
06:24.43, |
You are hands down my favorite radio personality of all time. |
你一直是我最喜欢的电台主持人 |
06:27.22, |
That's kind of you to say. |
你真会逗人开心 |
06:28.14, |
Okay. Well, thanks for stopping by, dad. |
好了 谢谢你特意过来一趟 爸 |
06:29.61, |
You know, I gotta tell you one thing. |
我得跟你聊件趣事 |
06:30.94, |
I'll see you back at the house. |
回头我们在家里聊吧 |
06:31.94, |
One time when I was driving from Youngstown to Sugar Creek, |
有次我从扬斯敦开往糖果河 |
06:34.65, |
You called this guy at a kitty litter company |
你给一个猫砂公司的人打去整盅电话 |
06:36.97, |
and you asked him to bring over 900 pounds of litter, |
让他带900磅猫砂过去 |
06:39.34, |
and in the background, you hear all these lions roaring, and... |
当时背景音乐是一群狮子在咆哮 |
06:46.89, |
I-I laughed so hard, I almost had an cicident. |
我都快把肺笑出来了 差点出事 |
06:49.45, |
The car or you? |
车出事还是人出事 |
06:51.48, |
Funny as ever! |
你还是那么逗 |
06:53.27, |
Anyway...-Hey,are you still in touch...with the old gang? |
随便吧-你跟老一帮的还有联系吗 |
06:55.82, |
Grandma groovy? Spaceman Clyde? |
时髦奶奶 还有宇航员克莱德 |
06:57.94, |
- Are you kidding? I am the old gang. - No way. |
-开玩笑吗 老一帮就是我 -骗谁呢 |
07:00.29, |
I may be old, but I still know how to boogie. |
我或许老了 但跳起布吉舞来毫不费力 |
07:02.88, |
My god, it's like she's here! |
天呐 简直如她亲临现场 |
07:04.69, |
She is here! |
就是她啊 |
07:06.00, |
How are you still not getting this? |
你怎么还不明白呢 |
07:07.49, |
That's her. |
那角色就是他演的 |
07:08.81, |
Excuse me for a sec. |
抱歉 一会就来 |
07:12.02, |
What are you doing? |
你搞什么飞机啊 |
07:13.05, |
What? I'm a fan. I came down to say hi. |
咋了 我是他的粉丝 过来打个招呼而已 |
07:15.30, |
This is a business meeting. |
我们可是在进行工作会谈 |
07:16.55, |
Do you have any idea how inappropriate this is? |
你完全没意识到很不合时宜吗 |
07:19.07, |
No. No, of course you don't, |
当然 你肯定觉得无所谓 |
07:19.99, |
because as far as you're concerned, all a lawyer does |
因为在你看来 律师的工作不过是 |
07:22.23, |
is walk into a bar with a rabbi and a polar bear. |
走进法庭 面对法官 以及准备钓律师的白熊女 |
07:26.22, |
Grizzly, 'cause otherwise, when the bartender-- |
是灰熊啦 不然的话 当酒保... |
07:27.69, |
Dad! I'm working! |
爸 我在工作 |
07:29.74, |
You're embarrassing both of us! |
你是在丢我们父子两个人的脸 |
07:30.93, |
Please, you gotta go! |
拜托您赶紧走吧 |
07:32.65, |
All right. I didn't realize that. |
好吧 我没意识到那一点 |
07:33.89, |
Yeah. Yeah. You didn't. |
没错 你是没有 |
07:35.61, |
I'm sorry. Go. |
抱歉 走吧 |
07:39.80, |
Hey. Where's my stalker? |
我的疯狂粉丝呢 |
07:41.18, |
Oh, he's gone. I got rid of him. |
他走了 终于摆脱他了 |
07:43.40, |
Sorry that he attacked you like that. |
他缠着你喋喋不休 真不好意思 |
07:45.07, |
Attacked? |
缠着 |
07:45.82, |
No. I don't mind a little smoke up my bombers. |
没有的事 都习以为常了 |
07:48.24, |
Well, I just thought since this was supposed a business meeting. |
我只是觉得工作商谈是件正经事 |
07:50.72, |
We should... |
我们应该 |
07:51.53, |
And you thought maybe having somebody make me feel good would |
你觉得有个人让我心情愉快会 |
07:53.32, |
wreck it? |
破坏商谈吗 |
07:54.80, |
There's--there's been a lot of tension between me and my dad. |
我跟我爸的关系一直很紧张 |
07:57.20, |
I'm actually staying at his house and it's just a... |
我现在住在他家 所以有点 |
07:58.94, |
Oh, so you chased away a man who's opened his home to you? |
所以你赶走一个为你敞开大门的人是吗 |
08:02.09, |
I get the sense that I'm losing you. |
我觉得我好像要搞砸了 |
08:04.20, |
Could I talk to Grandma Groovy? |
我能跟时髦奶奶谈吗 |
08:07.00, |
Honey, I'm home! |
亲爱的 我回来啦 |
08:08.17, |
Well, I didn't expect you so early, dear. |
这么早就回来了啊 亲爱的 |
08:10.26, |
What? You? |
你怎么在啊 |
08:12.69, |
Yeah. Look who came by to fix the table. |
看看谁来给咱家修桌子了 |
08:14.86, |
Well, I had some time to kill, |
我正好有些闲工夫 |
08:16.08, |
so I thought I'd drop by with that tool your wife needed. |
所以就顺道来给你老婆送修理工具了 |
08:18.38, |
- Wow. What a guy. - Yeah. |
真是个大好人啊-没错 |
08:20.74, |
He also brought some wine. |
他还带了酒哦 |
08:22.01, |
Well, you said you liked it last night, |
昨晚你说你喜欢喝 |
08:23.46, |
so I had a couple extra bottles lying around. |
正好我家里有几瓶放着没人喝 |
08:25.80, |
Boy, do you know the way to this gal's heart. |
老兄 女孩的心思都被你猜透了 |
08:28.70, |
I didn't just come here to fix your table |
我来不只是帮你家修桌子 |
08:30.46, |
and get your wife drunk. |
顺便把你老婆灌醉的 |
08:31.55, |
I actually decided to give you |
我其实是来告诉你 |
08:33.63, |
that listing on the sycamore property. |
由你来做我的房产经纪人 |
08:35.02, |
Really? That's great. |
真的吗 太棒了 |
08:37.07, |
Yeah. Why don't you, uh, come over for dinner tonight? |
不如今晚到我家来吃晚饭吧 |
08:39.42, |
And, uh, we'll work out all the details. One entree. |
我们可以谈谈细节 简单熟悉一下 |
08:42.11, |
Claire, you should come, too. |
克莱尔 你也一起来吧 |
08:43.43, |
Oh, no, no. No, no, if it's business-- |
不了 不了 你们谈生意 |
08:44.88, |
I insist. |
我强烈要求 |
08:45.64, |
- He insists. We'll be there. We're coming. - Okay. |
-盛情难却 我们会到的 -好吧 |
08:47.13, |
Yeah, shall we say, uh, 7:00? |
7点怎么样 |
08:48.65, |
- 7:00 sounds great. - Okay. |
-7点可以 -说定了 |
08:50.06, |
All right. |
好的 |
08:52.03, |
- I'll let myself out. - Okay. |
不用送了-行 |
08:58.13, |
Wow. |
惊了 |
08:59.05, |
Wow Is right. |
我也觉得很震惊 |
09:00.79, |
I just got sycamore-- |
他说让我做经纪人 |
09:02.38, |
A house that sells itself and gives me the commission. |
那房子不用推销就能大卖 我白捡便宜了 |
09:05.54, |
How does that not bother you? |
你就一点都不在意吗 |
09:07.61, |
Claire, it's an expression. |
克莱尔 我就那么一说 |
09:08.89, |
There's work. Inspections, appraisals-- |
还是要干活的啊 要检查房屋 估价 |
09:11.33, |
He brought me wine, |
他给我带酒 |
09:12.15, |
He took his shirt off when you weren't here! |
你不在的时候他把衬衫都脱了 |
09:14.74, |
Um, he brought us wine, |
酒是带给咱俩的 |
09:15.89, |
and it doesn't look super vacuumed down there. |
而且 桌子下面也确实有点脏嘛 |
09:17.57, |
I'm surprised he kept his pants on. |
他该把裤子也脱了才对 |
09:18.95, |
Okay. Okay, I can see what's going on. |
好了 好了 我明白怎么回事了 |
09:20.50, |
You--you're just so focused on getting his business, |
你太专注于拉他当客户 |
09:22.80, |
that you don't see what's going on in front of you. |
以至于你没看到事情的真相 |
09:24.75, |
Okay. Now I do see what's going on. |
好的 我现在看清了 |
09:27.25, |
What?-Come here,pretty girl. |
看清什么-过来 美妞 |
09:28.95, |
- What? Mm? - You are, you know. You don't hear it enough. |
咋了-你很美 只是我不常说而已 |
09:32.40, |
The other night, when you put on makeup, |
那一晚 你着上淡妆 |
09:35.17, |
I was like, "There she is." |
我心里想 "我老婆真美" |
09:37.27, |
Oh, my god. |
我的天呐 |
09:38.56, |
You think I'm making this up as some part of a-an ego boost? |
你觉得我是虚荣心作祟才瞎编乱造的吗 |
09:41.28, |
Do you realize how insulting that is? |
你知道这有多侮辱人吗 |
09:45.95, |
What are you doing? |
你在干嘛 |
09:47.18, |
Helping my little sister with her homework. |
帮我的小妹妹做作业 |
09:49.53, |
That seems... Mean. |
你手段 真卑劣 |
09:51.67, |
Annie, this is Alex. |
安妮 这位是艾丽克斯 |
09:53.13, |
That other sister I was telling you about. |
就是我跟你说过的另一个妹妹 |
09:55.91, |
Hi. So nice to meet you. |
你好 很高兴见到你 |
09:59.17, |
Um, if you're going to study there, |
如果你要在我的床上学习 |
10:00.48, |
You might need to correct numbers 7 through 10. |
还是把第7题到第10题答案改一下吧 |
10:02.70, |
This bed has higher standards than that bed. |
这张床的标准可比那张床高多了 |
10:05.93, |
I'm going to get some more lemonade. |
我去再拿点柠檬水来 |
10:10.47, |
I think your sister's mad at our sister. |
我觉得你姐姐生我们姐姐的气了 |
10:18.99, |
We're back! |
我们回来了 |
10:20.51, |
Oh, well, there you are. I guess "Lunch then home" |
终于回来了 我猜"吃完饭就回家" |
10:22.38, |
means different things to different people. |
对不同的人有不同的意思哈 |
10:23.85, |
We had a girls' day. Lily, Lily, come! |
我带着小美女逛街了 莉莉 快过来 |
10:26.05, |
Show your papa what we bought! |
给你爸爸看看我们买什么了 |
10:28.40, |
Matchy jackets! |
母女装 |
10:30.25, |
It's like she's the baby leopard, |
她穿上就跟小豹子一样 |
10:31.92, |
And I'm the mama. |
而我是母豹子哟 |
10:33.09, |
Or they just happened to have two jackets, |
或者就是两件普通的大衣 |
10:34.39, |
one large, one small. |
一件大号的 一件小号的 |
10:37.23, |
What happened here? Where is my tea? |
抽屉里怎么了 我的茶哪去了 |
10:38.60, |
Oh, it's in this drawer over here. |
茶在这边的抽屉里 |
10:40.10, |
As a thank-you, |
为了感谢你 |
10:40.84, |
I took some time to rearrange your kitchen |
我花了点时间把你家厨房重新打理了一下 |
10:42.80, |
So it makes sense. |
好有条理一些 |
10:45.25, |
To who? |
对谁有条理 |
10:46.30, |
To everyone. There's a flow now. Watch-- |
对所有人啊 现在有层次感了 看着 |
10:48.24, |
Tea. Mug. Kettle. You're welcome. |
茶 马克杯 茶壶 不用谢 |
10:51.37, |
I didn't thank you. |
我又没谢你 |
10:53.84, |
You don't have to. |
你不必谢 |
10:54.78, |
I won't. |
我没打算谢 |
11:07.34, |
Cam, our shared bathroom is not the place |
小卡 躲在我们的共用厕所里 |
11:09.84, |
to work out whatever's going on here. |
可不是解决问题的办法 |
11:11.75, |
I'm a child of divorce. |
我是经历过父母离异的小孩 |
11:13.25, |
Conflict resolution is something of a specialty. |
化解冲突可算是我的专长 |
11:15.78, |
The key is, tell a personal story |
关键是 要跟当事人讲一个 |
11:17.68, |
that applies to their situation, |
能引起他共鸣的故事 |
11:19.26, |
even if you have to make one up. |
就算现编也得编 |
11:21.12, |
That way, they really hear what they need to hear. |
那样的话 他们就会听到需要听到的道理 |
11:24.82, |
I'm sorry. You're right. |
抱歉 你说的对 |
11:26.62, |
No. I'm sorry I snapped. |
不 抱歉我打扰到你了 |
11:29.46, |
I'm just going through some stuff |
我只是对我喜欢的一个女生 |
11:30.90, |
with this girl I like, Danielle. |
有点想法 她叫丹妮尔 |
11:32.94, |
She came over the other day, and Stella was all over her, |
她前几天来我家 而斯黛拉老粘着她 |
11:35.83, |
And--and I got jealous. |
然后 然后我就吃醋了 |
11:37.02, |
Which is crazy, right? |
这有点不可理喻 对吧 |
11:38.03, |
I mean, Stella was only playing with her because she was new. |
我是说 斯黛拉和她玩只是一种新鲜感 |
11:41.77, |
Manny, sounds like Danielle was trying |
曼尼 听起来丹妮尔想 |
11:44.16, |
to get between you and your puppy, |
破坏你和你的小狗之间的感情 |
11:45.48, |
And that ain't cool. |
性质很恶劣啊 |
11:46.91, |
She seems immature, and you can do better. |
她好像很不成熟 而你可以找个更好的 |
11:50.20, |
I'm sorry to be blunt, |
我很抱歉直言不讳 |
11:51.35, |
But I'm going through something myself right now. |
但是我自己现在也在经历感情波折 |
11:54.59, |
So, chin up. Okay. |
所以 振作点 好的 |
11:55.99, |
It may not work every time, |
虽然未必每次都管用 |
11:57.62, |
but you only need one fish to bite. |
但你只需要搞定一位就可以了 |
11:59.83, |
Who is this Danielle? |
那个丹妮尔是谁 |
12:01.36, |
She's my study partner in my history class, |
她是我历史课上的学习搭档 |
12:03.70, |
and we share a notebook. |
我们共享笔记的 |
12:04.38, |
But her notes were really confusing, |
但她的笔记比较混乱 |
12:05.84, |
so I put them in order. |
所以我将之列的井井有条的 |
12:07.12, |
Instead of thanking me for making our lives easier, |
而她非但不感谢我让学习变得更容易 |
12:09.51, |
she got all mad because she thought I was judging her. |
她还生我的气 因为她认为我在批评她 |
12:13.57, |
This girl is very bad news, Manny. |
那个女生相当不靠谱 曼尼 |
12:15.97, |
You stay away from her. |
你离她远远的 |
12:23.45, |
We're Phil and Claire. |
我们是菲尔和克莱尔 |
12:24.53, |
Hey, I'm Tony. |
我是 我是托尼 |
12:25.50, |
Come on in. I'll go get my dad. |
快进来 我去叫我爸爸 |
12:26.39, |
Okay.-Great,thanks. |
好的-很好 谢谢 |
12:28.29, |
I don't like the way that kid was looking at you. |
我不喜欢那孩子看你的方式 |
12:30.70, |
We are not friends right now. |
我们现在不是朋友 |
12:32.03, |
I am only here to help pump up the college fund. |
我只是过来帮忙搞点给孩子们上大学的钱 |
12:34.10, |
Claire, if Tad even makes a move towards you, |
克莱尔 如果泰德对你毛手毛脚的 |
12:36.10, |
His ass is... grass. |
我就打的他屁股开花 |
12:37.64, |
Really? I thought that was just my ego. |
是吗 我以为只是我的虚荣心在幻想呢 |
12:39.97, |
So far, yeah, but just know, |
目前 是的 但是你要明白 |
12:41.21, |
I'm ready to grass his ass. |
我已经准备好打得他屁股开花了 |
12:42.74, |
Hey, hey, hey, guys. |
嘿 两位 |
12:43.84, |
Hey! How are you! |
嘿 你好吗 |
12:45.04, |
Good.-Good to see you. |
很好-很高兴见到你 |
12:46.78, |
- Yeah. - Hi. That's good. |
好啊-这就行了 |
12:49.15, |
Well, I love the place. Did you remodel this? |
这房子不错啊 你重装修了吗 |
12:50.98, |
Uh, actually, my ex-wife. |
事实上是我前妻搞的 |
12:52.38, |
She had a, uh, passion for modern architecture |
她那个 很热衷于现代建筑 |
12:54.79, |
and at least one modern architect. |
以及至少一位现代建筑师 |
12:57.86, |
May have to sell this one next. |
或许接下来也会把它卖掉 |
12:59.02, |
Really? |
真的 |
13:00.36, |
I love how open it is. |
我喜欢它的开放式结构 |
13:01.23, |
- Do you mind if I, uh, poke around? - Please, yeah. |
-你介意我 参观一下吗 -请便 |
13:03.09, |
Beautiful. |
真漂亮 |
13:04.40, |
Tad, if you don't need my help anymore with the kids, |
泰德 如果你不需要我照看孩子了 |
13:05.90, |
- I'll be going. -Thank you so much, Ellen. |
那我就走了-太感谢你了 艾伦 |
13:07.66, |
You're welcome. |
不客气 |
13:08.70, |
Okay. We'll see you later. Bye. |
好的 我们回头见 再见 |
13:09.27, |
I saw this house eight years ago. |
我8年前见过这房子 |
13:10.64, |
There used to be a wall here, right? |
这里以前有堵墙 对吧 |
13:12.16, |
That's right. That's right. That was all covered. |
对 对的 不过已经改掉了 |
13:14.10, |
Yeah.I'm a detail guy. Hard to get much past me. |
我可是很注重细节的 别想逃过我法眼 |
13:17.43, |
Hello, hello! |
好啊 好啊 |
13:18.43, |
- Hi, aunt Kara! - How are you? |
-你好 卡拉阿姨 -你好吗 |
13:19.45, |
Good, Tad, How you doing? |
我很好 泰德 你怎么样 |
13:20.48, |
- Bye, daddy. - Bye, sweetie. |
-拜 爸爸 -拜 亲爱的 |
13:21.97, |
- Bye, dad. - Have fun. |
-拜 老板 -好好玩 |
13:23.83, |
Okay. See you later. |
好的 回头见 |
13:24.72, |
Come on, guys, let's go. |
快点孩子们 咱们走了 |
13:26.21, |
These stairs used to be teak, am I right? |
楼梯以前是柚木的 对吧 |
13:29.70, |
This guy's good. |
你老公真厉害啊 |
13:30.91, |
Yeah, he's good. |
是啊 他是很厉害 |
13:32.85, |
- He's sharp. - I forgot my bag. |
他非常犀利-我忘拿包了 |
13:34.92, |
You do that every time. |
你每次都这样 |
13:36.92, |
Yep. |
没错 |
13:39.15, |
I don't miss much. |
我从来都不放过任何细节 |
13:47.24, |
Oh, I'm sorry. Were you trying to read? |
抱歉 你是想看书吗 |
13:48.99, |
You're the one who tries to read. |
你想看也看不懂啊 |
13:50.51, |
Oh, my gosh! I am not that stupid! |
擦 你妹的 姐还没那么笨呢 |
13:52.55, |
Seriously, Haley, you think you |
说真的 海莉 你以为你是 |
13:53.44, |
- are the coolest person ever! - Would you please stop |
有史以来最酷的人啊-你能不能 |
13:54.95, |
just judging me and everything that I do? |
别只要看见我干点啥就立马损我 |
13:55.81, |
Look at me! I'm so cool! |
看看姐 姐好拽啊 |
13:56.42, |
Enough! Enough! |
够了 够了 |
13:58.09, |
I am so sick of you two fighting all the time! |
我真是受够你们每天在一起掐架了 |
14:00.55, |
You're a bad big sister, |
你是个坏大姐 |
14:01.86, |
And you're a bad little sister! |
而你也不是什么好二姐 |
14:03.99, |
And you're both bad big sisters to me. |
反正都是我的坏姐姐 |
14:07.14, |
Be normaler. |
正常点吧 |
14:13.80, |
I've never seen him like that. |
我还没见过他这么发飙呢 |
14:17.16, |
Well, we do kind of neglect him. |
我们确实有点忽视他的感受了 |
14:19.93, |
And if you think about it, |
仔细想想吧 |
14:21.40, |
he is kind of... our little sister. |
他有点像是 我们的小妹妹 |
14:25.33, |
Remember how we used to dress him up? |
还记得以前我们怎么打扮他的吗 |
14:27.54, |
I miss her. |
我想她 |
14:29.18, |
I hear you, |
我听见你们了 |
14:29.91, |
and I don't like where this is going! |
而且我很不喜欢这对话的发展方向 |
14:31.75, |
You get the lipstick, |
你负责拿口红 |
14:32.67, |
I'll get the bra and tennis balls. |
我去拿胸罩和网球 |
14:34.53, |
Betty Luke! |
贝蒂·卢克 |
14:37.23, |
I will burn this house down! |
我会把这房子烧了的 |
14:59.82, |
Where is the cheese grater? |
乳酪磨碎机哪去了 |
15:05.89, |
Where is the cutting board? |
那切菜板呢 |
15:07.89, |
Where would you want it to be? |
你想让它在哪 |
15:13.26, |
Yes, right here next to the cheese grater. |
是 就在乳酪磨碎机的旁边 |
15:16.43, |
I know it's hard to tell by looking at me, |
我知道光看表面看不出来 |
15:18.25, |
But I am not a natural homemaker. |
但我真不是做主妇的料 |
15:20.64, |
So when Cam came and organized my kitchen, |
所以小卡对我的厨房整顿之后 |
15:23.67, |
I felt insecure and lashed out. |
我觉得失去了安全感 备受打击 |
15:27.08, |
In a way, I'm no better |
从某方面来说 我不比 |
15:28.54, |
than Manny's crazy friend Danielle. |
曼尼那不可理喻的朋友丹妮尔好多少 |
15:31.92, |
Please, can we just focus on the cooking? |
拜托 我们能专心做菜吗 |
15:38.52, |
Daddy, we forgot to give you this. |
爸爸 我们忘记给你这个了 |
15:42.66, |
It's like our jackets. |
和我们的外套是一个系列哦 |
15:46.56, |
I love it. |
我很喜欢 |
15:49.93, |
I guess I've always been a little sensitive |
我想我一直都对莉莉 |
15:51.22, |
about Lily not having a mother, |
没有妈妈的事情很敏感 |
15:53.23, |
and Gloria's so good at it. |
而歌洛莉亚很好地担当了这个角色 |
15:55.27, |
I got jealous. |
我有些吃醋 |
15:57.30, |
Maybe I should tell Manny this story. |
也许我应该跟曼尼讲讲这个故事 |
15:59.37, |
It might help him with that train wreck Danielle. |
也许对他和那个灾星丹妮尔的事情有些帮助 |
16:02.84, |
You know what? Why don't you turn that music back on. |
你知道吗 何不重新打开音乐 |
16:04.68, |
Was kind of nice. |
听起来很不错 |
16:31.16, |
Hey, dad... |
爸爸 |
16:31.87, |
No need to talk about it. |
你什么都不用说 |
16:33.05, |
I was out of line coming down there, |
我突袭你们的商谈确实有点过分 |
16:34.46, |
won't happen again. Scotch is at the bar. |
此类事情绝不会再发生了 酒在吧台上 |
16:36.27, |
No, I've been giving this a lot of thought. |
不 我想了很多 |
16:37.91, |
I guess we're gonna talk about it. |
你大概又要拉着我谈心了 |
16:39.05, |
I was rude to you. |
我对你太无礼了 |
16:40.86, |
I think I was just annoyed by all the lawyer jokes. |
我想我只是有点恼火那些调侃律师的玩笑 |
16:42.88, |
I mean, let's be honest, you don't exactly |
坦白一点讲 你对我的工作 |
16:45.04, |
beam with pride over what I do for a living. |
并不引以为豪 |
16:47.16, |
Mockery is the sincerest form of flattery. |
常言道 讽刺是最真挚的奉承 |
16:49.62, |
Pretty sure that's-- that's not the saying, |
我很确信 常言中可没那个说法 |
16:50.96, |
But, um, you know, Manny told me a story |
不过 曼尼给我讲了一个 |
16:53.26, |
about his friend Danielle. |
关于他朋友丹妮尔的故事 |
16:55.00, |
She sounds like a real piece of work, by the way. |
顺便说一句 听上去她是个了不起的人物 |
16:57.38, |
But, uh, it made me realize that |
但是 那个故事让我意识到 |
16:59.60, |
I take myself a little too seriously. |
我太把自己当回事了 |
17:01.51, |
Listen, it goes without saying I've always been proud of you, |
听着 不用说我也一直都为你自豪 |
17:05.31, |
and I brag about you all the time. |
也一直到处吹嘘你 |
17:07.45, |
So if I say, "What do lawyers use as birth control?" |
所以如果我说 "律师用什么来避孕" |
17:10.52, |
And the answer is, "Their personalities," |
答案通常是"他们令人讨厌的性格" |
17:12.44, |
I want you to know I'm not referring to you. |
你要知道我不是指你 |
17:15.59, |
You don't need any birth control. |
因为你压根儿不需要避孕 |
17:20.97, |
Hello? |
你好 |
17:22.44, |
Yeah, this is Jay Pritchett. |
是的 我是杰·普里契特 |
17:24.92, |
What? When? |
什么 什么时候 |
17:26.18, |
What happened? |
发生什么了 |
17:27.06, |
It's the police. My car got stolen. |
是警察 我的车被偷了 |
17:28.82, |
Yeah, 2012. Gray. |
是的 2012 灰色 |
17:31.32, |
No, not pewter. More like a light... |
不 不是蓝灰色 更像是淡 |
17:33.33, |
Like a--no, not slate. |
像是 不 不是暗蓝色 |
17:36.76, |
I don't even know what "Coastal fog" Is. |
我都不知道"雾灰色"是个什么色 |
17:38.52, |
Just put down "Gray." |
写"灰色"就行了 |
17:40.90, |
Kilo? |
奇洛吗 |
17:41.73, |
It's not my car. |
那不是我的车 |
17:43.00, |
Yes, she's columbian. |
对 她是哥伦比亚人 |
17:44.60, |
What does that have to do with--no, I'm coming down there. |
和这个有什么关系 不 我现在下去 |
17:46.67, |
Hang on. Grab your keys. |
等等 带上钥匙 |
17:48.50, |
I think I might need a lawyer. |
我想我需要个律师 |
17:52.66, |
Guess who just got his bell rung? |
猜猜整盅电话整到谁了 |
18:00.75, |
That's good. |
完全骗到他了 |
18:01.47, |
That's good. |
真有两下子 |
18:03.45, |
Here we go. Have a seat. |
来吧 请坐 |
18:05.15, |
I got a bottle of port from 1899. |
我有一瓶1899年的波尔图葡萄酒 |
18:08.75, |
Okay, I got it for $18.99... |
好吧 其实是18.99美金的葡萄酒 |
18:11.29, |
but it's a good one. |
不过是瓶好酒 |
18:16.76, |
- Fun night, right? Great dinner? - Yes. Yes, and... |
-今晚很棒 晚餐也很棒 -对吗 是的 而且 |
18:20.47, |
Tad is... great, |
泰德是个大好人 |
18:22.74, |
and I know I was giving you a hard time... |
我知道我之前有些难为你 |
18:25.64, |
But I feel like I should say that I am sorry. |
但我觉得我应该说声对不起 |
18:27.51, |
Hey, hey, hey, Claire, you don't need to explain. |
克莱尔 你不用解释 |
18:29.17, |
Your apology is apology enough. |
你肯道歉已经让我受宠若惊了 |
18:31.46, |
Oh, I forgot the best part |
在哥斯达黎加的那个故事 |
18:32.71, |
of the Costa Rica story. |
我忘记讲最棒的部分了 |
18:33.95, |
So we get home, and they've taken over the living room, |
我们回家后 它们占据了客厅 |
18:37.74, |
they've taken over the kitchen, |
占据了厨房 |
18:39.09, |
I mean, they're in the food, they're on the bed. |
食物上 床上 到处都有它们的身影 |
18:41.16, |
And finally, after two years of complaining to Diego about this, |
终于 向迪亚戈抱怨了两年后 |
18:45.34, |
he finally stops and says, |
他终于停止了 他说 |
18:47.29, |
Okay, now I see it. |
好吧 现在我亲眼看到了 |
18:49.75, |
You do have a monkey problem." |
你确实遇上猴群作乱了" |
18:57.03, |
A monkey problem! |
猴群作乱 |
18:58.31, |
Yeah, I heard him the first time. |
知道 他第一次说我就听清了 |
19:00.68, |
You can kiss my wife, you can take her to bed, |
你可以亲吻我的妻子 可以和她滚床单 |
19:02.79, |
but you cannot make her laugh. |
但是你不能逗她笑 |
19:06.60, |
I wanna go back. |
我要重来一遍 |
19:08.65, |
You can kiss my wife, |
你可以亲吻我的妻子 |
19:10.25, |
But only I can take her to bed and make her laugh. |
但只有我能和她滚床单和逗她笑 |
19:13.40, |
I wanna go back. |
我要再来一遍 |
19:15.99, |
Only I can take my wife to bed, |
只有我可以和我的妻子滚床单 |
19:19.91, |
comma, |
逗号 |
19:21.02, |
and make her laugh. |
和逗她笑 |
19:24.20, |
I mean, they're in everything. |
它们真的无处不在 |
19:26.97, |
The only thing they didn't touch-- |
它们唯一没有碰的东西 |
19:28.46, |
the bananas. |
居然是香蕉 |
19:32.31, |
The monkeys love bananas! |
猴子爱香蕉 |
19:33.92, |
You would think they would love the bananas. |
天下哪有不爱香蕉的猴子 |
19:35.86, |
Yeah, we should go. |
对 我们该走了 |
19:36.98, |
- Come on. The bananas-- - Yeah, we need to go. |
-没开玩笑吧 香蕉 -我们该走了 |
19:39.19, |
- We gotta get going. - Oh, no, no, no. |
我们该走了-不不 |
19:40.17, |
- Yeah, yeah, we're late. - But he just opened the-- |
时间太晚了-但是他刚刚打开 |
19:41.64, |
- We're late for getting home. - Thanks for everything. Just-- |
我们回家要晚了-谢谢你的盛情款待 |
19:45.60, |
What is wrong with you? |
你有什么毛病 |
19:46.97, |
You laughed like it was "Who's on first?" |
你笑得花枝乱颤 像是说"谁先上我" |
19:48.74, |
What? |
什么 |
19:49.36, |
He's on second. Don't try to cheer me up. |
他必须第二个上 别哄我 |
19:51.41, |
I know what's going on here. You're jealous. |
我知道了 你吃醋了 |
19:53.91, |
Of him? |
吃他的醋吗 |
19:55.21, |
He's not even funny! |
他一点都不好笑 |
19:56.98, |
What's he got? Like, a soft ten minutes? |
他有什么 棍又软 时又短吗 |
19:58.91, |
And he goes to the Costa Rican well |
而且他去哥斯达黎加的故事 |
20:00.31, |
a little too much for my taste. |
我的品位完全无法理解 |
20:01.98, |
Oh, god. |
天呐 |
20:03.85, |
Really? This is still about the monkey? |
不是吧 还在笑猴子吗 |
20:05.20, |
No! No, no, no! |
不不不 |
20:06.52, |
It's you. You are making me so happy right now. |
是你 你现在让我很开心 |
20:09.49, |
You stormed out of there, and you're acting like an idiot. |
你仓皇地逃出来了 简直像个傻子 |
20:12.59, |
You like this? Because I am really uncomfortable. |
你喜欢吗 我真的相当不爽 |
20:15.73, |
Honey, I love it. Makes me feel special. |
亲爱的 我太喜欢了 让我觉得倍受重视 |
20:18.90, |
Sometimes, I really don't understand you. |
有时候 我真的搞不懂你在想什么 |
20:21.23, |
I know. It's stupid, |
我知道 有点傻 |
20:22.94, |
but it's nice to know that sometimes you'll fight for me, |
但是看到你为我而战感觉很好 |
20:25.86, |
and all I have to do is laugh at some other guy's story. |
而我只用对其他男人的故事笑笑就能看到 |
20:29.11, |
But no one makes me laugh like you do. |
但没有人能像你那样让我开怀大笑 |
20:32.88, |
As long as it's always genuine. |
只要这句永远是真的 |
20:35.18, |
You can fake anything you want with me, |
你的一切都可以是假的 |
20:36.38, |
But not your laugh. |
只要笑容是真的就行 |
20:38.83, |
- I'd like to go back. - Yeah. |
我要重说一遍-好 |
20:43.98, |
Stop it! Leave me alone! |
住手 走开 |
20:45.97, |
- Hold still! - Stop moving! |
老实点-别动 |
20:47.86, |
I hate you! Get off of me! |
我恨你们 走开 |
20:49.37, |
What... is going on? |
干什么呢你们 |
20:52.73, |
You guys are in a lot of trouble. |
你们有大麻烦了 |
20:54.53, |
Haley, I told you to clean this mess up, |
海莉 我告诉过你把客厅收拾好 |
20:56.50, |
And, Alex, your books are everywhere. |
艾丽克斯 你的书丢得到处都是 |
20:58.17, |
Betty Luke, sit down while your dad gets the camera. |
贝蒂·卢克娃娃 坐下来 你爸快去拿相机 |
21:01.03, |
Got it. |
收到 |
21:02.61, |
Last time, you made a funny face |
上次 你做了个鬼脸 |
21:03.96, |
and we didn't really get a good shot, |
所以我们没有拍到一张很好的照片 |
21:05.94, |
so let's work on our smile. |
所以我们要练习微笑 |
21:07.63, |
Okay. Good to see you, Betty Luke. |
好 见到你真高兴 贝蒂·卢克娃娃 |