00:03.77, |
Whoa. What's all this? |
哇 怎么回事 |
00:06.38, |
Mom heard us say we were bored. |
妈妈听到我们抱怨说好无聊 |
00:07.84, |
Suckers. |
衰了吧 |
00:08.98, |
She heard us from outside. |
她从外面都能听到 |
00:11.02, |
She has super good hearing, like a seeing eye dog. |
她简直有顺风耳 就像导盲犬 |
00:12.93, |
They have overdeveloped hearing to make up for the fact that-- |
那些狗有过度发达的听力 以此来弥补 |
00:16.22, |
Wait, the dogs aren't blind. |
等等 导盲犬本身没有瞎 |
00:18.56, |
Wait. Are they? |
等等 好像是瞎的吧 |
00:20.73, |
No, that wouldn't make sense. |
不对 这样说不通啊 |
00:23.03, |
You're right. |
你说得对 |
00:24.38, |
If I wait long enough, she can get there by herself. |
只要耐心等待 她自己就能琢磨出答案 |
00:26.83, |
Quick, girls-- |
快猜 姑娘们 |
00:27.43, |
Famous Danny from "Moonstruck." |
《月满抱佳人》中著名的丹尼 |
00:30.33, |
Aiello? |
艾啰 |
00:31.66, |
Hey, Phil. I'm glad I caught ya. |
菲尔 幸好找到你了 |
00:32.99, |
What's up? |
什么事 |
00:33.95, |
Uh, it's about Steven and Stefan. |
是关于斯蒂芬和斯特凡的 |
00:36.17, |
They wanna see that house on Briar again. |
他们想再看一次布洛尔街上的房子 |
00:37.77, |
Really? I showed it to them five times. |
真的吗 我都带他们去看过5次了 |
00:39.26, |
Last time we were there, I think they got mail. |
上次去看时 我以为他们总算看对眼了呢 |
00:41.34, |
Yeah, well, that's why I'm calling. |
所以我才给你打电话啊 |
00:42.74, |
They hate upsetting people, unless, of course, it's me. |
他们不喜欢去烦别人 只喜欢烦我 |
00:44.96, |
Then they don't mind waking me up at 7:00 A.M., |
所以他们才不介意清晨7点就把我闹醒 |
00:46.58, |
asking me to call you. |
要我给你打电话 |
00:47.76, |
It's no problem. I'm just hanging around. |
没问题 反正我也没事 |
00:49.28, |
Kind of bored, really. |
正好有点闲得无聊 |
00:51.60, |
What? |
怎么了 |
00:54.43, |
Well, we did our good deed for the day. |
我们今天的日行一善完成了 |
00:56.55, |
Yeah, for the enemy. Don't they have enough? |
没错 为了我们的死对头 他们有完没完啊 |
00:58.51, |
It's been about a year since we decided to adopt a boy. |
我们从一年前就计划领养一个儿子 |
01:01.75, |
Meanwhile, our friends Steven and Stefan |
同时 我们的朋友斯蒂芬和斯特凡 |
01:03.80, |
decided that they wanted a baby, too. |
也决定要一个孩子 |
01:05.47, |
Wonder where they got that idea? |
好奇他们这念头从哪里偷来的啊 |
01:06.70, |
Well, we're still waiting, but they already got their kid |
我们还在等待之中 他们却已经 |
01:09.51, |
because they went through a surrogate. |
通过代孕生下了孩子 |
01:11.55, |
Which is all they talk about. |
他们对此叽叽喳喳个没完 |
01:13.42, |
Are you gonna keep doing that? |
你要一直这么说话吗 |
01:14.77, |
I might. |
没准哦 |
01:17.39, |
I have to go show a house. |
我得带人去看房子了 |
01:18.42, |
But first, what was Elton John's sexual orientation in the '70s? |
不过首先 艾尔顿·约翰在70年代时的性向是 |
01:21.27, |
Bye. |
拜[音同Bi 双性恋 |
01:21.98, |
- You've done that one before. - And it never gets old, |
你已经说过一次了-经典永流传 |
01:24.49, |
like the good Captain Fantastic himself. |
就像奇异船长本人一样 |
01:28.11, |
Hey, Claire, guess what? |
克莱尔 你知道吗 |
01:29.38, |
I'm sorry, honey, I can't talk right now. |
抱歉 亲爱的 我没空说话 |
01:30.64, |
I told Bethenny I would take her to the airport. |
我答应了送贝瑟妮去机场 |
01:32.25, |
I'm late, and she's gonna miss her flight. Where are my keys? |
我迟到了 她会赶不上飞机的 钥匙呢 |
01:34.98, |
Why is that chair still here? I thought you and Luke |
这椅子怎么还在这 我以为你和卢克 |
01:36.52, |
were gonna put it out on the sidewalk. |
已经把它搬去路边了呢 |
01:37.85, |
So you can't talk unless it's about my chores? |
你没空说话 却有空要我做家务 |
01:40.49, |
Why don't you just do it now, and you won't be so bored? |
你何不现在把活干好 也免得你这么无聊 |
01:43.38, |
You heard that? |
你刚才听见了 |
01:45.01, |
I hear everything. |
什么都逃不过我耳朵 |
01:49.98, |
That's for me. |
是找我的 |
01:52.43, |
Hey, Leon. Nice buzz cut. |
利昂 小平头真清爽 |
01:54.97, |
Yeah, for some people, the shampoo doesn't work. |
对某些人来说 洗发水根本没用 |
01:57.26, |
It only makes the lice angry. |
只会让头虱越发猖狂 |
02:00.31, |
Nice to see you. |
很高兴见到你 |
02:02.67, |
Oh, no. No--oh, God. |
天呐 怎么会这样 |
02:04.94, |
Um, Alex, do not move. |
艾丽克斯 站着别动 |
02:06.95, |
Haley, clean this up, okay? |
海莉 立刻打扫干净 听见了吗 |
02:08.38, |
Who fills a vase with marbles? |
谁会在花瓶里装满弹子球啊 |
02:10.08, |
Who doesn't see a vase filled with marbles? |
谁会看不见一个装满弹子球的花瓶呢 |
02:12.23, |
Who wants to hear a bunch of plates crashing? |
谁想聆听一大叠盘子被打破的乐曲 |
02:14.14, |
Phil! Honey, the girls need you in the kitchen! |
菲尔 亲爱的 快来厨房帮帮姑娘们 |
02:16.72, |
Thanks for the hat, Leon. It kind of tickles. |
谢谢你的帽子 利昂 戴着有点痒呢 |
02:20.16, |
Phil! |
菲尔 |
02:21.08, |
How much electricity do we need to bring this back? |
把它救活需要多少电啊 |
02:23.57, |
It's not rocket science. |
用不着那么高深的知识 |
02:24.72, |
We're only reanimating a squirrel. |
我们只是要让只死松鼠复活而已 |
02:26.52, |
Phil! Now! |
菲尔 事态紧急 |
02:38.00, |
摩登家庭 |
第三季 第十五集 |
02:42.42, |
Sounds great. No, hang on. |
听起来不错嘛 不 等一下 |
02:44.15, |
Gloria, where's Manny? |
歌洛莉亚 曼尼呢 |
02:45.45, |
Some neighborhood kids have invited him to play football. |
几个邻居小孩邀请他一起去踢橄榄球 |
02:48.07, |
He said he was taking his morning constitutional. |
他说他去进行晨间散步保健了 |
02:51.06, |
He's working on his go-cart, but he'll be there. |
他在摆弄他的卡丁车 不过他会去的 |
02:53.67, |
Okay. See you then. |
好 到时候见 |
02:55.10, |
No, Manny cannot go and play with those boys. |
曼尼没法去和他们踢球了 |
02:57.50, |
Margo is trying to get us theater tickets for this afternoon. |
玛戈正在帮我们搞下午去剧院的票 |
03:00.65, |
Gloria, you and Manny do enough together. |
歌洛莉亚 你和曼尼黏得够紧了 |
03:02.18, |
Let's let him decide. Where's he walking? |
我们让他自己决定吧 他去哪里散步了 |
03:04.65, |
I don't know. But according to the song he was singing, |
不知道 不过就他哼的歌来看 |
03:06.85, |
he was going to the sunny side of the street. |
大概是在街道的向阳处散步呢 |
03:09.42, |
I cannot express to you enough how bad this kid needs football. |
再多的话也不足以说明 那孩子多么需要踢橄榄球 |
03:12.71, |
Mom! Look what I found! |
妈 快看我找到了什么 |
03:14.66, |
Number 99! |
第99个硬币 |
03:16.21, |
When Manny was 5, we didn't have much. |
在曼尼5岁时 我们家境贫穷 |
03:18.83, |
We were on our own. |
无依无靠 |
03:20.12, |
So we always dreamed of winning the lottery. |
所以我们总是幻想能中个彩票 |
03:22.80, |
We figured if we collected 100 lucky heads-up pennies |
我们想如果收集起100个人像朝上的幸运分币 |
03:25.51, |
and bought a ticket with them, we couldn't lose. |
再用它买张彩票 铁定能中 |
03:27.48, |
But now I have a wonderful husband, |
但现在我找到了好老公 |
03:30.34, |
a beautiful home... |
有了好归宿 |
03:31.74, |
I feel like I already won the lottery. |
我觉得自己已经中大奖了 |
03:34.84, |
So I can keep whatever we win? |
所以万一中奖 能全部归我吗 |
03:36.34, |
I think no. I found most of them. |
想得美 大部分硬币都是我捡的 |
03:42.34, |
Can you put this in the jar with the others? |
能把这个放到存钱罐里吗 |
03:44.19, |
Si. |
没问题 |
03:45.86, |
Ay. I forgot. |
啊 我忘了 |
03:47.16, |
What is the combination to your safe? |
你保险箱的密码是什么来着 |
03:50.33, |
I'll just come with you. |
我还是跟你一起去吧 |
03:51.77, |
Oh, yes, 'cause that's how this arrangement works-- |
噢 真有意思 难道我们家的情况是 |
03:53.43, |
I take money from you! |
靠你们俩来养活我吗 |
03:58.16, |
Hello? |
你好 |
03:59.36, |
Oh, hi, Margo. No, she just ran upstairs. |
玛戈啊 不 她刚上楼去了 |
04:01.74, |
Listen, about these theater tickets-- |
听着 那些剧院的票啊 |
04:03.88, |
Don't knock yourself out trying to... |
你不用费那么大劲去 |
04:05.55, |
Oh, you did? |
已经搞到了 |
04:07.23, |
Well, sorry to do this last minute, |
那个 抱歉现在才通知你 |
04:08.82, |
but they can't go. |
可他们去不了了 |
04:10.41, |
No, Manny has a football game, so... |
不 曼尼有个橄榄球比赛 所以 |
04:12.51, |
Jay, could you steep my tea? |
杰 能帮我把茶泡上吗 |
04:17.10, |
I cannot express to you enough how much this kid needs football. |
再多的话也不足以说明 那孩子多么需要踢橄榄球 |
04:20.97, |
And that is the whole house... |
整幢房子的参观结束 |
04:24.02, |
Again. |
再一次的 |
04:25.49, |
I love it, but I just don't love it. |
我喜欢这房子 可不是那种喜欢 |
04:27.96, |
Do you love it? |
你喜欢吗 |
04:28.49, |
I love it. I absolutely love it. |
当然 我当然喜欢 |
04:29.97, |
I'm just not sure if I'm in love with it. |
我就是不太确定是不是爱上它了 |
04:32.17, |
Oh, yeah. |
我懂的 |
04:33.30, |
We have an expression around the office |
我们公司有个说法 |
04:34.82, |
for when a sale just isn't happening-- |
把那些做不成的买卖叫做 |
04:37.23, |
Commission: Impossible. |
佣金无望 |
04:40.17, |
Maybe for some people. |
那是对他们来说 |
04:41.93, |
Not sure if I mentioned it before, |
我忘了之前有没有提过 |
04:43.74, |
but the house does come with a hookup |
这房子可是附带有 |
04:46.01, |
for a European washing machine. |
一台欧式洗衣机的 |
04:47.71, |
Oh, I love that. |
这个我喜欢 |
04:51.12, |
Oh, so sorry. |
真抱歉 |
04:53.95, |
It's the boss. |
老大来电 |
04:57.28, |
Hi. I'm on my way home. |
嗨 我在回家路上呢 |
04:58.61, |
I've been calling Haley, but nobody's answering. |
刚给海莉打电话 一直没人接 |
05:00.41, |
Is everything okay there? |
都还好吧 |
05:01.42, |
Everything here is great. |
一切都好 |
05:03.52, |
Oh, thank god. Did you put the chair out front? |
那太好了 你把椅子搬出去了没 |
05:05.66, |
Not yet. |
还没呢 |
05:06.87, |
Honey, you're gonna miss the trash pickup. |
亲爱的 一会赶不上垃圾车收垃圾了 |
05:08.48, |
Don't worry. If they don't take it, someone else will. |
别担心 就算他们不要 别人也会要的 |
05:10.04, |
Who is gonna pick up |
谁没事会从我们草坪上 |
05:10.99, |
that ratty chair off our lawn? |
把那破椅子搬走啊 |
05:12.59, |
Are you kidding? It's in great shape. |
开什么玩笑 它好着呢 |
05:14.51, |
Super cozy. People are always commenting on it. |
超级舒服 人见人爱花见花开 |
05:16.78, |
Trust me, it'll be gone by the end of the day. |
相信我 今晚前就会有人要的 |
05:19.39, |
Please, just do it now. |
拜托 现在就扔掉 |
05:20.66, |
I can't. |
我没办法 |
05:21.75, |
I'm so sorry. |
太抱歉了 |
05:23.01, |
when I'm done with these clients, |
等我这儿客户走了 |
05:24.05, |
I'll call Luke and Leon. |
我会给卢克和利昂打电话 |
05:25.53, |
I know I can talk them into it. |
我肯定会说服他们的 |
05:27.23, |
We are not losing this house to Luke and Leon. |
我们可不能把这房子让给卢克和利昂 |
05:29.12, |
What do you mean, "Call luke and leon"? |
你说给他俩打电话是什么意思 |
05:31.01, |
Aren't you at home? |
你不在家的吗 |
05:31.97, |
No, I left right before you did. |
不在 你走之前我就走了 |
05:34.06, |
Phil, the house... The--the kids... |
菲尔 我们家 那些娃 |
05:36.76, |
Oh, god, the squirrel. |
天呐 那松鼠 |
05:38.68, |
Hello? |
喂 |
05:41.56, |
We'll take it. |
我们要了 |
05:44.65, |
Commission... |
佣金 |
05:46.35, |
Accomplished. |
到手 |
05:49.87, |
So how great is your life right now, huh? |
你现在的生活多美好啊 |
05:52.02, |
A new house, a new baby, |
新房子 新宝宝 |
05:54.36, |
Stefan's propecia's kicking in. |
斯特凡的止秃药也开始起效了 |
05:57.99, |
That's him. He's on his way. |
是他的短信 他在路上了 |
05:59.70, |
He texted "O.M.W." |
他短信里写的"路上" |
06:01.06, |
We try to keep our texts short |
我们带着孩子开车的时候 |
06:02.02, |
when we're driving with the baby. |
总是尽量保持短信简洁 |
06:03.16, |
Oh, well, what wonderful parents you are. |
哇噻 你俩真是好家长 |
06:05.48, |
You guys hate us a little bit, don't you? |
你们一定有点嫉恨我们吧 |
06:08.01, |
- No. God, no. - Just a little. |
-没 哪会啊 -有那么点 |
06:09.97, |
Have you thought about surrogacy? |
你们考虑过代孕吗 |
06:11.32, |
At least you'd be making a baby |
自己造个婴儿 |
06:12.71, |
instead of waiting around for some pregnant mom |
至少要比等着哪个孕妇 |
06:14.36, |
to maybe pick you. |
来选你们要好些 |
06:15.53, |
Well, we considered it, |
我们倒是考虑过 |
06:16.68, |
But how do you decide which one will--where's Lily? |
可是我们不知道怎么决定谁来... 莉莉呢 |
06:18.99, |
Sleeping.-Ice the cupcake. |
-睡觉呢 -给"蛋糕"上"糖霜"[受孕 |
06:20.65, |
That you couldn't say in front of Lily? |
这有什么不能在莉莉面前说的 |
06:22.29, |
Well, then, she'd want a cupcake. Yeah, well... |
听到这话她就会想要吃蛋糕 |
06:24.29, |
But that's the beauty of the swirl. |
混捐的好处就在这 |
06:25.93, |
The swirl? |
混捐 |
06:26.91, |
You both donate, they mix it up, |
夫夫二人同时捐精 然后混在一起 |
06:28.74, |
Fertilize the egg. |
让卵细胞受精 |
06:29.79, |
You never know who the father is. |
谁都不知道亲爹是谁 |
06:32.99, |
Ooh. That's Stefan. |
斯特凡来了 |
06:36.07, |
Yeah, maybe we should think about this swirl. |
我们是不是该考虑下混捐 |
06:38.14, |
Well, I-I didn't think surrogacy was for us. |
那个 我觉得代孕不适合我俩 |
06:40.17, |
But, you know, 'cause one of us would feel left out. |
总有一个人 会有种被排挤在外的感觉 |
06:41.92, |
Yeah, but if you don't know whose it is... |
可是如果不知道谁是亲爹的话 |
06:43.96, |
Sorry we're late. |
抱歉我们迟到了 |
06:45.46, |
Guys, meet Roco. |
同志们 来认识一下罗可 |
06:48.60, |
Roco or Cocoa? |
罗可还是可可啊[茶色 |
06:53.90, |
Look at him out there. |
看他在球场上 |
06:54.90, |
Oh, ay. This is so exciting. |
太刺激了 |
07:00.79, |
Go ahead! Attaboy! |
加油冲啊 漂亮 |
07:02.14, |
- Go! Go ahead! Attaboy! - Go, Manny! Run! |
-冲啊 往前冲 -跑啊曼尼 跑啊 |
07:04.28, |
I knew Gloria would find out I lied about those tickets. |
我知道歌洛莉亚会发现我向她撒谎了 |
07:07.52, |
But I figured when she saw Manny out there, |
可是我觉得 等她看见曼尼在球场上 |
07:09.47, |
playing with all those other kids, |
跟其他孩子开开心心地玩 |
07:11.25, |
she'd thank me. |
她会感谢我的 |
07:13.72, |
That's what I figured. |
那是我想象中的美事 |
07:15.46, |
Go! Go! |
快跑 快跑 |
07:16.46, |
What the hell's he doing? |
他干嘛呢这是 |
07:17.70, |
Run, Manny! Run! |
跑啊曼尼 跑啊 |
07:19.39, |
Mom! Number 100! |
妈妈 第100个硬币 |
07:21.05, |
Now we have the lucky--oh! |
我们现在运气足够了 |
07:35.29, |
Oh, thank god. |
谢天谢地 |
07:36.28, |
Nobody's dead. |
没人死掉 |
07:37.26, |
Or... We're all dead. |
也可能 我们都死了 |
07:40.03, |
How many plates did we lose? |
损失了多少盘子 |
07:41.30, |
None. Luke and Haley used cookie sheets |
一个都没坏 卢克和海莉用饼干烤盘 |
07:43.48, |
to clear a path through the marbles for me. |
在一地玻璃弹中给我清理了一条路出来 |
07:44.95, |
Where are the marbles? |
玻璃弹呢 |
07:45.91, |
Right here. |
在这呢 |
07:47.33, |
Oh, Haley! |
海莉 |
07:47.90, |
I put glue on them so it doesn't happen again. |
我在里面灌了胶水 以后不会再倒出来了 |
07:50.29, |
What about the chair? |
椅子呢 |
07:51.40, |
Leon and I rolled it outside on some skateboards. |
利昂和我用滑板把它推到外边去了 |
07:54.93, |
The squirrel? |
松鼠呢 |
07:56.07, |
You think I was going to let that happen? |
你觉得我会允许那种荒唐事发生吗 |
07:59.99, |
These kids are going to survive. |
那些孩子离开父母也会活得好好的 |
08:01.45, |
They are the best of me and Phil. |
他们集我和菲尔的优点于一身 |
08:04.17, |
Luke using the skateboards, Haley gluing the marbles-- |
卢克利用了滑板 海莉把弹珠全粘起来 |
08:07.37, |
That is pure Phil. |
完全遗传了菲尔 |
08:09.08, |
Alex keeping everyone in line-- |
艾丽克斯让一切保持井然有序 |
08:11.31, |
Pure me. |
完全遗传了我 |
08:14.78, |
Sometimes I worry no one's gonna like Alex. |
有时候我真担心会没人喜欢艾丽克斯 |
08:21.39, |
There you go, buddy. |
好了 小老弟 |
08:22.39, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
08:25.56, |
What? You need anything? I'll get it. |
怎么了 需要什么东西 我给你拿 |
08:27.11, |
Steak sauce, but it's okay. |
牛排酱 不过没关系 |
08:28.97, |
It's probably good for me to move around. |
我活动活动可能更好 |
08:35.11, |
Oh, Jay, it's so nice to see you take care of him like that. |
杰 看见你这么照顾他可真温馨 |
08:38.29, |
Why are you surprised? He's our kid. |
这有什么好惊讶的 他是我们儿子 |
08:40.06, |
We take care of each other in this family. |
我们家的人就是要互相照顾 |
08:42.98, |
I want to kill you. |
我想灭了你 |
08:45.12, |
Wild guess--Margo? |
让我猜猜 玛戈告的密 |
08:46.99, |
Let me explain. |
听我解释 |
08:48.10, |
There is no excuse. |
你别找借口 |
08:50.27, |
This is something private. I'm gonna get outta here. |
父母间的私人恩怨 我还是回避为好 |
08:52.80, |
So that's why you were being so nice. |
所以你才表现得那么好 |
08:54.91, |
You lied to my friend... |
你骗我的朋友 |
08:56.17, |
you made Manny play the american football... |
你让曼尼去踢橄榄球 |
08:58.44, |
it is your fault that he got estamped. |
他被人撞成这样都是你害的 |
09:02.02, |
Or is it your fault? |
该说是你的错吧 |
09:03.57, |
He stopped to pick up a penny, for god sake. |
他停下来去捡一枚硬币 真让人大跌眼镜 |
09:05.91, |
Be careful what you say, Jay. |
小心说话 杰 |
09:07.63, |
You're skating on thin eggshells right now. |
你现在的状态岌岌可危 |
09:10.48, |
I tried to get him out there |
我只是想让他走出家门 |
09:11.92, |
With kids his own age... |
和他同龄人一起玩 |
09:13.12, |
Which is what he should be doing... |
他这个年纪就该如此 |
09:14.48, |
And not spending another afternoon with his mommy. |
而不是一下午都陪在他妈咪身旁 |
09:16.54, |
If you have a problem with the way manny's being raised, |
你要是对曼尼的教育方法有意见 |
09:18.59, |
You talk to me! |
你就跟我明说 |
09:19.97, |
- I am. - I don't wanna hear it! |
我不正在说嘛-我不想听 |
09:29.05, |
Phil, you really didn't have to do this. |
菲尔 你真的用不着这样 |
09:30.39, |
I sold a house today because of you two. |
我今天能卖掉那房子多亏了你们 |
09:32.51, |
The least I can do is buy you dinner. |
请你们吃顿饭是最起码的了 |
09:34.08, |
I saw that house. It is gorgeous. |
我看过那房子 漂亮极了 |
09:35.80, |
- I know. - We're real happy for them. |
我知道-我们真为他们高兴 |
09:37.33, |
They showed me a picture of the baby. |
他们给我看了他们家孩子的照片 |
09:38.90, |
How adorable is that little guy? |
那小家伙多萌啊 |
09:40.09, |
Yes, we're real happy for them. |
是的 我们真为他们高兴 |
09:42.38, |
Okay, you might wanna slow down there. |
行了 你该悠着点喝了 |
09:45.38, |
What? I'm playing a new drinking game. |
怎么了 我在玩一种新型酒桌游戏 |
09:46.29, |
It's called "Every time I'm depressed, I take a drink." |
叫做 "郁闷在心头 美酒喝进口" |
09:48.75, |
That game exists. |
还真有那种游戏 |
09:50.01, |
It's called alcoholism. |
叫做酗酒 |
09:52.45, |
Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. I'm... |
抱歉 你说得对 |
09:53.95, |
I'm wallowing, and it's not cute. |
我在自我沉沦 那一点都不好 |
09:56.22, |
To happier things. |
敬高兴点的事 |
09:57.25, |
Yes. To happier things. |
没错 敬高兴点的事 |
09:58.40, |
- Happier things, - Yes. - There you go. |
高兴点的事-对-举杯 |
10:00.60, |
I remember the first few drinks... |
我还记得喝前几杯时的事 |
10:03.07, |
And, um, after that, the night's just bits and pieces. |
但是后来嘛 就只有支离破碎的记忆了 |
10:06.80, |
I wanna do something I never do-- |
我要干一件我以前从没干过的事 |
10:08.82, |
Brag about my kids. |
显摆我家的孩子们 |
10:10.57, |
Today, they were resourceful, |
今天 他们又聪明 |
10:12.88, |
They were responsible, they... |
又有责任感 他们 |
10:15.34, |
Put 40% down. |
降价四成 |
10:16.88, |
It was worth showing the house five times |
带他们看5次房其实也是值得的 |
10:18.53, |
And waiting... |
等待着... |
10:19.65, |
Almost a year. |
一年的等待 |
10:21.38, |
Seriously! Who do you have to... |
开什么玩笑 谁他妈要... |
10:23.52, |
Blow. That's really hot. |
吹 那真的挺烫的 |
10:24.90, |
Why don't you let it cool down? Try some of the... |
你为什么不把它凉一凉 尝点这个 |
10:26.76, |
Mexican! |
墨西哥裔 |
10:28.11, |
The baby is clearly mexican! |
那孩子明显是墨西哥种 |
10:30.06, |
So, you know, the swirl is out. |
所以 混捐不行 完全是自欺欺人 |
10:31.36, |
Ugh. It's enough to make you lose... |
那简直让人想... |
10:34.33, |
Track. |
我想想 |
10:35.33, |
Is this my fourth drink? |
这是我第4杯吗 |
10:37.30, |
It's my fourth. |
是我第4杯 |
10:38.57, |
I said "Four" Twice, didn't I? |
我是不是说了两遍第4杯 |
10:40.69, |
I did, didn't I? |
我说了 是不是 |
10:42.01, |
I think we're gonna need four cabs... |
我想我们得需要四辆出租 |
10:44.63, |
- Two! - Two! You made me! |
两辆-两辆 都是你害我的 |
10:48.34, |
I-I vaguely remember... Someone crying? |
我 我貌似记得 有人还哭了 |
10:52.11, |
If we ever did surrogacy, |
如果我们找代孕妈妈 |
10:53.14, |
I would want you to be the donor. |
我想让你来捐精 |
10:54.56, |
You're so smart, you're so handsome. |
你那么聪明 还那么帅 |
10:56.45, |
Oh, stop it! It should be you! |
别说了 应该是你捐啦 |
10:58.03, |
- You're so fun! You're so talented! - Okay. |
你那么风趣又有才华-好了啦 |
11:01.07, |
It's not fair. I love you both so much. |
真不公平啊 我好爱你们夫夫啊 |
11:05.03, |
If you could have a baby |
如果你们要小孩 |
11:06.14, |
that was a mix of the two of you, |
如果他是你们俩的结合 |
11:07.49, |
I would love that baby so much. |
我会非常爱那个宝宝的 |
11:09.26, |
That is so sweet. |
你嘴真甜 |
11:11.34, |
- I meant it. - That is so sweet. |
我是说真的-你真好 |
11:14.90, |
Oh, my god. You guys, we could do this. |
天啊 伙计们 我们可以这么干 |
11:17.27, |
We could do this. |
我们可以的 |
11:18.49, |
We could make a baby |
我们可以生一个 |
11:20.21, |
that is half Tucker and half Pritchett. |
融合塔克家和普里契特家血统的孩子 |
11:23.57, |
Are you saying what I think you're saying? |
你说的和我想的是一个意思吗 |
11:25.55, |
Yeah. |
是 |
11:26.55, |
Cloning? |
克隆吗 |
11:28.15, |
No. No. |
不是 不是 |
11:29.53, |
I'm saying... |
我是说 |
11:31.08, |
I give the egg. |
我捐出卵子 |
11:32.30, |
Yeah. |
是的 |
11:33.84, |
I give the egg. That's the Pritchett side. |
我捐卵子 这不就有普里契特血统了吗 |
11:35.56, |
And then, Cam, you're the father, right? |
然后小卡 你就捐出精子 对不 |
11:38.66, |
And then we just, like, mix it |
然后 就 融合一下 |
11:40.64, |
And put it in a, like, a surrogate lady thing, |
然后就把它放进代孕妈妈的肚子里 |
11:43.55, |
And then bang! We have a baby. |
然后砰 宝宝就有了 |
11:46.55, |
Oh. Are--are you serious? |
你是认真的吗 |
11:48.45, |
You would do that? |
你愿意那么做吗 |
11:49.68, |
I would be honored. |
我会甚感荣幸的 |
11:51.27, |
You guys, you guys, if there's one thing I have learned today, |
二位 如果说我今天学到了什么的话 |
11:55.32, |
It's the pleasure of looking at your children, |
那就是看着你们的宝宝 |
11:57.79, |
And seeing both-- both of you in there. |
然后从他身上看见你们俩的影子 |
12:00.81, |
And I want you to have that experience. |
而且我愿意让你们经历这种事情 |
12:03.16, |
Yeah. We want that. |
是的 我们期盼已久 |
12:05.17, |
And something else... |
还有更好的呢 |
12:06.84, |
guys, I make really good babies. |
伙计们 我生的娃超棒的 |
12:09.57, |
Yes.-I have,like,magic eggs or something. |
是-我好像有什么魔法卵子什么的 |
12:11.96, |
- Yes! - They're golden. |
是-真是金牌卵子啊 |
12:13.21, |
Oh, gosh. Oh, Phil, |
天啊 菲尔啊 |
12:15.24, |
I don't--what do-- what do you say about this? |
我真 我真不知道该说什么好了 |
12:17.28, |
I think we're all having a baby! |
我觉得孩子将会是我们大家的 |
12:19.00, |
Aah! Table hug! |
来个桌抱 |
12:23.18, |
Sweet potato fries! |
亲娘的七舅老爷啊 |
12:30.30, |
- What have I done? - I know. |
我都干了什么啊-我知道 |
12:36.52, |
What was I thinking? |
我当时想什么呢啊 |
12:37.78, |
I-I-I just get drunk and I bring a baby into the world? |
我 我 我喝醉了然后就要生个娃了 |
12:40.30, |
That would be 4 for 4. |
那你就会生第4个孩子 我们4个人的孩子 |
12:42.60, |
I can't go through with it. |
我绝对不能那样 |
12:43.87, |
Don't panic. You haven't donated anything yet. |
别慌 你还啥都没捐呢 |
12:46.44, |
Besides, what are the chances your eggs even work? |
况且 你的卵子还有活力吗 |
12:48.94, |
What are the chances we can pretend I never said that? |
或者我们干脆不承认说过那些 |
12:51.07, |
It's weird. It's my brother. |
那太诡异了 那是我弟弟啊 |
12:53.53, |
And then there would be this baby over there |
然后就会有一个小孩出生 |
12:55.41, |
That's my baby, but it's not my baby... |
是我的卵子发育的 却又不是我生出来的 |
12:57.18, |
That actually sounds good. Just say that. |
听着不错 你就这么说就行 |
12:58.80, |
We're gonna see him for brunch in two hours over at your dad's |
再过两小时 我们去你爸家吃早午餐就会看见他了 |
13:01.44, |
Ooh. That seems... Soon |
那好像有点 太早[快]了吧 |
13:03.97, |
And--and hard. |
而且很难面对 |
13:06.77, |
What if... What if I blame it on you? |
如果我拿你当挡箭牌怎么样 |
13:09.71, |
What if we say that you're not okay with it? |
如果我说是你不同意行不 |
13:12.63, |
- No! - Why? |
不行-为什么 |
13:13.80, |
Are you really okay with another man fertilizing your wife's egg? |
你真不介意另一个男人给你妻子的卵子受精吗 |
13:16.67, |
- Of course not! That's creepy. - Yes. |
-当然介意 听着都恶心 -就是 |
13:18.50, |
Plus, what if you and Cam make a better baby than we did? |
况且 万一你和小卡生出了更优质的孩子 |
13:21.43, |
It's settled. Phil says "No." |
不会发生的 菲尔说了"不" |
13:24.91, |
Like they're really gonna believe that I overruled you? |
你以为他们会相信 你顺从了我的否决吗 |
13:27.36, |
Right.-Come on. |
也是-对吧 |
13:29.63, |
They're gonna be crushed. |
他们会心碎的 |
13:30.90, |
They've waited so long for this baby. |
他们盼个孩子盼了好久 |
13:33.80, |
Maybe they're having second thoughts, too. |
也许他们现在也想反悔了呢 |
13:37.40, |
Look--this is what my baby with Claire would look like. |
看看 这是我和克莱尔的宝宝的样子 |
13:40.19, |
What is this? What... |
这是什么玩意儿 |
13:41.66, |
Okay, well, I found a web site where couples can upload pictures... |
我找到一个网站 父母可以上传自己的照片 |
13:45.14, |
and then it shows them what their baby would look like. |
然后它能合成宝宝的照片 |
13:48.34, |
This is... Gloria and I. |
这是歌洛莉亚和我的孩子 |
13:51.01, |
Couldn't resist. |
无法抗拒吧 |
13:52.71, |
Wow. That-- that looks exactly like Manny. |
天呐 简直是曼尼的翻版嘛 |
13:55.37, |
Like--like weirdly so. |
简直是像得诡异 |
13:57.82, |
What--what's this other picture? |
另一张是什么 |
13:58.97, |
Don't be jealous. |
别吃醋 |
14:00.85, |
But this... |
这张 |
14:02.68, |
is me and Justin Timberlake. |
是我和贾斯汀·汀布莱克的孩子 |
14:06.52, |
Cam, we have a problem. |
小卡 我们有个问题 |
14:07.79, |
Oh, what? You can talk about Ryan Gosling all day, |
怎么了 你能天天念叨瑞恩·高斯林 |
14:09.66, |
- but the moment I say something-- - No, no, no, |
而我刚说一两句-不不不 |
14:10.96, |
About this baby. I... |
关于这个孩子 我 |
14:13.81, |
I don't think I can do it. |
我觉得我不能接受这样做 |
14:15.48, |
What--why? Why--it's perfect! |
什么 为什么 这样很棒 |
14:17.82, |
It's our chance to have a baby that's part me, part you! |
我们能有个同时拥有我们两个人基因的孩子 |
14:20.45, |
No, no! It's part you and part Claire. |
不不 是你和克莱尔的基因 |
14:22.52, |
I'm nowhere in there. |
没我的份儿 |
14:23.76, |
And it's not like I can pretend. |
而且我不能忽略的事实是 |
14:25.02, |
It's--she's not some egg donor that we don't know. |
她不是什么陌生的卵子捐赠者 |
14:27.29, |
It's Claire. |
她是克莱尔 |
14:29.05, |
You know, we see her all the time. |
我们抬头不见低头见的 |
14:30.16, |
And what are we supposed to tell the baby? |
我们以后要怎么告诉那个孩子 |
14:31.99, |
Say hi to your aunt mommy! |
向你的姑"妈"问好 |
14:34.02, |
Adorable.-no,not Adorable. |
多可爱-不 一点儿也不可爱 |
14:36.33, |
Appalachian. |
绝对不行 |
14:38.63, |
Okay, I'm--I'm sorry, Cam. |
对不起 小卡 |
14:43.47, |
Jay says that I'm smothering Manny... |
杰说我太黏着曼尼了 |
14:46.07, |
But I'm just enjoying him. |
但我只是太喜欢他了 |
14:48.24, |
I mean, they're only gonna be boys for a short time. |
我是说 他们还能孩子多久呢 |
14:51.14, |
Best time ever in this house! |
这房子里最棒的经历 |
14:54.21, |
I'm uncomfortable with this, Phil. |
菲尔 我不太喜欢这样 |
14:55.41, |
The manual specifically says "No towing." |
使用手册上特意指出"禁止推拉" |
14:57.65, |
There are two types of people in this world-- |
这个世界上有两种人 |
14:59.47, |
people who follow the manual, |
一种喜欢遵循使用手册 |
15:01.09, |
and people who stick it to the manual. |
另一种则喜欢亲自动手操作 |
15:02.89, |
You... are hurt. |
你 被"伤"了 |
15:06.27, |
Manny, what happened? |
曼尼 发生什么了 |
15:07.61, |
Football injury. |
橄榄球伤 |
15:08.61, |
My mom will yell you all about it. |
我妈会嚷嚷着告诉你的 |
15:10.90, |
Hola, Lily! |
你好 莉莉 |
15:12.85, |
Does my little princess want a cookie? |
我亲爱的小公主想吃小饼干吗 |
15:16.06, |
Oh, well, you know, maybe just one. |
就一小块吧 |
15:17.22, |
She's already had her sugar limit for today. |
她今天糖分摄入已经达到上限了 |
15:18.99, |
How can you tell? |
你怎么知道 |
15:21.41, |
Okay, Lily. |
好吧 莉莉 |
15:24.85, |
Hey, you two. |
嘿 小两口 |
15:27.33, |
So where-- oh, where are the kids? |
孩子们都到哪儿去了 |
15:28.80, |
Oh, Haley's driving them over separately. |
海莉一会儿载他们来 |
15:30.64, |
Oh! Big girl now. |
大姑娘了哟 |
15:33.24, |
- That's great. - Yeah |
挺好的-是 |
15:34.38, |
So that was... so fun last night. |
昨晚真开心 |
15:36.66, |
- So fun. - Yeah, we had a great night. |
相当开心-是的 昨晚很愉快 |
15:39.88, |
Yes. |
是的 |
15:41.61, |
We should-- |
我们要 |
15:42.83, |
Jinx! |
别说 |
15:44.53, |
Yeah, we're going this way, so... |
我们要走这边 |
15:45.96, |
We'll see you in a bit. |
等会儿见 |
15:50.65, |
I cannot tell them. |
我没法开口 |
15:51.99, |
I cannot break their hearts. |
我不能伤他们的心 |
15:54.17, |
So you're gonna have Cam's baby just to keep things from being weird? |
就因为怕尴尬 你要和小卡生孩子吗 |
15:57.33, |
Um, what? |
怎么回事 |
15:58.38, |
You and Uncle Cam are having a baby? |
你和小卡舅夫要生个孩子吗 |
16:00.19, |
Kids, shh. |
孩子们 小声点 |
16:01.43, |
There was a discussion about the possibility |
我们是讨论过关于 |
16:03.24, |
of your mom donating an egg |
让你妈妈捐赠卵子 |
16:04.51, |
so that the guys could have a baby. |
让他们能有自己的孩子这件事 |
16:06.26, |
But we decided it was not a good idea. |
但是我们觉得这不是一个好主意 |
16:08.20, |
Why? Because Lily's such a mess? |
为什么 因为莉莉是个小怪胎吗 |
16:10.01, |
For a lot of reasons. |
有很多原因 |
16:11.81, |
- They have-- - But we can agree that she's a disastrous human being? |
他们有-但我们都同意她是个小祸害吧 |
16:15.28, |
I think it's a great idea. |
我觉得这主意不错 |
16:17.06, |
Yeah. It's a really beautiful offer, mom. I'm impressed. |
对 是个贴心的礼物 妈妈 很有创意 |
16:20.56, |
Oh, my god. Cam, they told the kids already, |
天呐 小卡 他们已经告诉孩子们了 |
16:24.07, |
And they seem to be totally into it. |
他们看上去很期待 |
16:26.21, |
All right, is it just me? |
好吧 难道只有我吗 |
16:27.34, |
Am I the only one that thinks this is weird? |
只有我一个人觉得怪怪的吗 |
16:28.79, |
Maybe it's not weird. |
或许一点都不怪 |
16:30.04, |
Maybe we're pioneers. |
说不定我们是勇敢的先锋呢 |
16:31.97, |
No, we're hardly pioneers. |
不 我们才不是勇敢的先锋 |
16:33.15, |
You have three different hair dryers for different types of weather. |
你有三个不同的吹风机 以备不同的天气下使用 |
16:35.28, |
Maybe it's just gonna take some time to get used to the idea. |
也许你需要一些时间来接受那个想法 |
16:37.66, |
- What idea? - Oh. No. |
什么想法-没什么 |
16:39.32, |
Um, well, Jay... |
杰 |
16:40.90, |
- Cam. - Claire has-- |
小卡-克莱尔已经 |
16:42.17, |
No. I-I-I just don't think |
不 我 我觉得 |
16:43.86, |
my dad's really ready for this conversation. So... |
我爸还没准备好接受那个设想 所以 |
16:45.79, |
Oh, stop acting like I'm some stodgy old coot. I've grown. |
别总觉得我是个老顽固 我已经进步了 |
16:48.86, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
16:49.95, |
Um, Jay, Claire has, um, offered to give us one of her eggs |
杰 克莱尔同意捐赠她的卵子给我们 |
16:54.22, |
so we can have a baby |
这样我们将会有个 |
16:55.79, |
that's half Pritchett, half Tucker. |
一半普里契特一半塔克血统的孩子 |
16:57.79, |
That's unnatural. I'm against it. |
那简直是违背自然规律 我反对 |
17:00.34, |
Oh, surprise, surprise. Jay is against something. |
大事件 大事件 杰提出反对意见了 |
17:04.23, |
Cam and Claire wanna have a baby together. |
小卡和克莱尔想生个孩子 |
17:07.72, |
You're not gonna do that. |
你们不能那样做 |
17:09.03, |
It's not your decision, dad. |
那不该由你来做决定 爸爸 |
17:10.63, |
You're not thinking straight. |
你根本就是欠考虑 |
17:11.58, |
And you're not in charge. Okay, Claire and I are adults. |
根本不该由你说了算 克莱尔和我是成年人 |
17:13.94, |
If--if we want this to happen, it--it's gonna happen. |
如果我们都同意这么做 这事就算定了 |
17:16.99, |
So much for second thoughts. |
看来想反悔也迟了 |
17:18.51, |
Young lady, I need to have a talk with you. |
小姑娘 我要和你谈谈 |
17:20.66, |
- I don't... - No. |
算了吧-不行 |
17:23.25, |
You don't get to tell everyone how to live their lives, |
你没权利对别人的生活指手画脚 |
17:26.17, |
that boys cannot spend time with their mommies |
什么小男生不能和妈咪一起玩 |
17:29.10, |
or that brothers and sisters can't make babies. |
姐姐和弟夫不能生孩子 |
17:31.96, |
- So you're all for this? - No. |
你同意他们瞎胡闹吗-不 |
17:34.01, |
It's a freak show, but it's their freak show. |
那有违天理伦常 可那是他们的事 |
17:37.83, |
So this is happening again? |
往事又重演了吗 |
17:39.19, |
Well, I'm not gonna not do it |
我才不会因为我爸觉得 |
17:40.55, |
cause my dad thinks I shouldn't. |
不该做 我就不去做 |
17:42.18, |
You know, I'm not following. |
我不太明白 |
17:43.72, |
We're not doing it 'cause I don't want to do it. |
就算真不做 那也得是我不想做 |
17:45.48, |
What we're not doing |
我们不去做 |
17:46.02, |
is not doing it 'cause he doesn't want us to do it. |
不能因为他不让我们做 我们才不做 |
17:48.45, |
Just say baby or no baby. |
要不要孩子一句话吧 |
17:50.09, |
Isn't it enough this family spends a lot of time together? |
是不是嫌我们这家人还不够亲密 |
17:53.03, |
Now we have to inbreed. |
现在还得搞个近亲繁殖 |
17:54.52, |
Okay, dad, it's not technically inbreeding. It's, um... |
爸 这并不是近亲繁殖 而是... |
17:57.39, |
For the record, I think what my mom is doing is very brave. |
我得说句 我觉得我妈这样做太勇敢了 |
18:01.16, |
I like it. |
我喜欢这想法 |
18:02.01, |
I've always kind of wanted a half-brother, half-cousin. |
我一直想要个半弟弟半表弟什么的 |
18:04.27, |
Really? "Always"? |
真的吗 一直想要 |
18:05.75, |
Well, I mean, if you think about it... |
如果你好好想想 |
18:19.51, |
When was the last time we talked under a table? |
我们上次桌下会晤是什么时候 |
18:21.63, |
Dad and Gloria's wedding reception. |
老爸和歌洛莉亚的婚宴上 |
18:23.01, |
Oh, yeah. |
对哦 |
18:26.73, |
I love you. You know that... |
我爱你 你知道的 |
18:28.59, |
but I can't do this. |
但我做不到 |
18:29.70, |
No, no, neither can I! |
我也一样做不到 |
18:31.09, |
Really?-Yeah. |
是吗-没错 |
18:32.08, |
Are you serious? You can't--oh, god. |
说真的吗 你也不愿...天啊 |
18:34.42, |
I'm so relieved. I'm sorry. |
真是松了口气 抱歉 |
18:35.65, |
I-I-I... |
我... |
18:37.07, |
I am so sorry I led us down this road. |
真抱歉我把大家卷进一团乱麻里 |
18:39.52, |
No, no. No, Claire, don't be. Don't be. |
克莱尔 不用抱歉 |
18:40.89, |
It was--it was generous and thoughtful, just like you. |
其实这想法既无私又周到 典型的你 |
18:44.09, |
How could I not want those qualities in my child? |
我真心希望自己的孩子有这些优点 |
18:48.29, |
Oh, come here. |
抱抱 |
18:49.81, |
So this is really happening? |
真的是要近亲繁殖了吗 |
18:51.27, |
Ah. What if it is, dad? |
如果是又怎样 爸 |
18:52.50, |
Yeah. What if we love each other, |
就是 我们这是姐弟情深 |
18:53.72, |
and this is a beautiful thing? |
很感人的好吧 |
18:54.52, |
- Okay, it's our decision. It's not yours. - Yeah. |
-这是我们的决定 不关你事 -就是 |
18:56.64, |
So baby? No baby? |
要不要孩子一句话 |
18:59.91, |
No. |
不要 |
19:05.67, |
You okay? |
你没事吧 |
19:06.21, |
Oh, yeah. I'm fine. |
我很好 |
19:07.38, |
Mm, I know it's been hard on you. |
我知道你心里不舒服 |
19:09.86, |
Hey, what if we went out for a nice dinner tonight? |
不如我俩今晚出去吃顿大餐吧 |
19:11.49, |
Oh, that'd be fun. Should I call the sitter? |
挺好 那我打电话叫临时保姆 |
19:12.89, |
Yeah. Oh, you know what I was thinking today? |
知道我今天心里的人选吗 |
19:14.33, |
What about Luke? |
卢克怎么样 |
19:15.50, |
Oh, he's so good with her, |
他俩可要好了 |
19:16.70, |
the way he looks at her... |
瞧见他望她的眼神没 |
19:18.88, |
My god, Cam. |
天呐 小卡 |
19:20.18, |
Oh, look, she's organizing her things. |
瞧 她在整理自己的东西 |
19:22.45, |
Look at how she's dressed. |
看她穿的衣服 |
19:26.19, |
We didn't make her, but she sure is us. |
虽然不是亲生 但却超像咱们 |
19:29.04, |
Hey, Lily, honey, it might make more sense with the shoes... |
莉莉宝贝 如果你把鞋子放在... |
19:31.64, |
Mitchell. |
米奇尔 |
19:34.81, |
I like what she did with the dolls-- |
她这样摆弄娃娃真有爱 |
19:36.20, |
Play as you will. Play as you will. |
想怎么玩儿怎么玩儿 |
19:41.92, |
The big one, remember? |
大枚的 记得吗 |
19:43.37, |
One of the first ones we found. |
最早发现的之一 |
19:44.87, |
It was at the bottom of the gutter in the street. |
在街边的水沟里 |
19:46.57, |
Ay, yes. |
是啊 |
19:47.27, |
We put the gum at the bottom of your walking stick. |
我们把香口胶黏在你的拐杖上捡到的 |
19:50.75, |
Ay, look at this one-- the green one, |
看这个 绿色的 |
19:52.72, |
The one we found at the floor of my taxi. |
在我的计程车里捡到的 |
19:55.36, |
- Your taxi? - Yes. |
你的计程车-正是 |
19:57.28, |
Before I had somebody running my life for me, |
在我的生活富足之前 |
19:59.41, |
I used to drive a taxi at night. |
我是个夜间计程车司机 |
20:01.67, |
Manny would sleep in the seat next to me. |
曼尼就睡在我旁边的座位上 |
20:04.20, |
One time, I had to hit the brakes so hard |
有一次 我猛踩刹车 |
20:06.17, |
that he fell into the floor and he found the penny. |
他一头栽了下来 发现了这枚硬币 |
20:08.97, |
Pretty lucky, huh? |
很幸运吧 |
20:11.14, |
Eight years. I can't believe we're finally done. |
八年了 真不敢相信终于集齐了 |
20:15.55, |
Me, either. |
我也不敢相信 |
20:16.96, |
Come. Let's go get your lottery ticket. |
走吧 我们去买彩票 |
20:26.54, |
Gloria. |
歌洛莉亚 |
20:27.74, |
I think you made a mistake here. |
我想你犯了个错误 |
20:28.99, |
What did I do now? |
我做错什么了 |
20:30.61, |
I counted these, and you've only got 96 pennies. |
我数过了 只有96枚硬币 |
20:33.41, |
Are you sure? |
你确定吗 |
20:35.08, |
Afraid so. |
恐怕是的 |
20:37.05, |
I guess you're gonna have to keep lookin'. |
看来你得继续收集了 |
20:39.57, |
Dang it! I counted those. |
见鬼 我数过了 |
20:41.62, |
See for yourself. |
你自己数数吧 |
20:51.76, |
And now we upload your picture. |
现在上传你的照片 |
20:53.96, |
This is fun. This is fun. |
有意思 有意思 |
20:56.00, |
And in just a few short moments, |
稍微等一下 |
20:57.29, |
thanks to the magic of technology... |
拜神奇高科技所赐 |
20:59.14, |
We'll know what our baby actually looks-- |
我们就会知道咱俩的孩子长啥样 |
21:00.34, |
- Oh! No! - What happened? What is that? |
不要-怎么回事 这什么东西 |
21:02.51, |
Did you put one of us in upside-down? |
你是把谁的照片传反了吗 |
21:04.08, |
No! That's actually-- |
没有 这真是... |
21:05.28, |
Okay, I-I don't want to see this anymore. |
别让我再看到这个 |
21:06.74, |
Ohh. Turn it off. |
快关掉 |
21:07.75, |
Oh, it's not turning off. |
关不掉 |
21:08.87, |
Well, throw something over it! That--oh, god! |
快拿东西遮住 我的妈呀 |
21:10.66, |
Yeah, well, we played god, and look what we brought forth. |
我们扮演上帝的角色私自造人 瞧瞧可怕的后果吧 |
21:12.96, |
Daddies, what are you looking at? |
爸爸 你们在看什么 |
21:18.53, |
Maybe it wasn't that bad. |
可能没那么糟 |
21:19.76, |
No, no, it's possible that we overreacted. |
可能是我们反应过激了 |
21:21.30, |
Yeah. Maybe our expectations were just a little bit too high. |
对 可能是我们期望过高 |
21:23.87, |
That little guy had some cute features. Huh? |
那小家伙其实还有几分可爱 |
21:25.57, |
Of course he did. It's us. It can't be that bad. |
当然了 我俩的结合 不可能太糟 |
21:28.46, |
Let's just take-- |
再瞄一眼 |