听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第3集:菲尔的手术
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    0:00:06.16, What's with all the yogurt? 拿那么多酸奶干什么
    0:00:07.41, Shh! Durkas has been breaking into my locker. 嘘 德卡斯一直私自开我的储物柜
    0:00:10.18, But I've got a little revenge planned. 但我想出了一个复仇计划
    0:00:12.33, Sorry. I just remembered I don't really care. 不好意思 我其实没兴趣知道
    0:00:17.92, Where's Mom? Oh, my God, what is that outfit? 妈妈呢 噢 天呐 你穿的是什么
    0:00:20.55, Are you going goth? 你不会要走哥特路线吧
    0:00:21.61, You still sleep with a stuffed panda. 你现在还抱着毛绒熊猫睡觉呢
    0:00:23.21, Don't you have a fraternity to pass out in? 你滚去参加大学联谊会吧
    0:00:25.08, Is there anything else you need for your procedure? 你那个小手术 还需要点什么东西吗
    0:00:27.57, Um, I think I'm supposed to have ice cream. 我想来点冰激凌
    0:00:29.69, Hmm. Actually, I don't-- 是吗 可我觉得...
    0:00:31.31, I'm sorry. Is it a vasecto-you, 不好意思 到底是切你的输卵管
    0:00:33.03, Or a vasectomy? 还是切我的输精管
    0:00:34.45, - You can have ice cream. - Thanks. 到时给你买个冰激凌-谢谢
    0:00:36.00, =-Today...-Snip-a-dee-doo-'F: 今天...-要切个东东
    0:00:38.78, We-we've been talking about doing this for a while. 我们讨论了有段日子了
    0:00:40.89, Yeah. Yeah, ever since dad and Gloria 没错 没错 自从爸和歌洛莉亚
    0:00:42.70, had their little accident, 不小心搞出个孩子
    0:00:43.49, we don't need any surprises. 我们不需要那种惊喜了
    0:00:45.07, Also, though, 而且
    0:00:45.67, it will allow for a little more freestylin' in the boudoir 以后在闺房中也可以多一些"自由发射"
    0:00:48.22, If we're not having to worry about adding more critters. 因为不必再担心搞出个小生命出来
    0:00:50.53, More importantly, 更重要的是
    0:00:51.45, it is an essential part of our 5-year plan. 那是我们五年计划的关键部分
    0:00:53.74, Oh, the 5-year plan. Talk about the--the Rosses. 噢 五年计划 跟他们说说罗斯夫妇吧
    0:00:56.41, The Rosses--okay, 罗斯夫妇 好吧
    0:00:57.42, the Rosses are this couple we have known forever, and... 罗斯夫妇是我们的老朋友
    0:01:00.53, They were never able to have kids, 他们生不了小孩
    0:01:02.19, - So we always felt a little... - jealous of them. 所以我们对他们有点...-嫉妒
    0:01:04.26, I mean, we love our kids, 我们很爱我们的孩子
    0:01:05.60, But John and Chrissy can travel... 但约翰和克丽希有时间旅行
    0:01:07.67, They're always tan. 他们的皮肤长年是健康的棕色
    0:01:08.88, Did you know that Chrissy is eight years older than me? 你看得出克丽希比我大8岁吗
    0:01:11.66, I would have said eight years younger. 要我说 她比你年轻8岁还差不多
    0:01:13.35, There's just this spark in her that-- 她身上迸发出的青春火花...
    0:01:15.23, Well, look who I'm talking to. You used to have it. 真是 瞧瞧我身边的这位 你以前也有的
    0:01:17.09, - Wow. It's like you don't... hear... - The point is, 你好像没...听到我说-我要说的是
    0:01:19.21, As long as we don't have another baby, 只要我们不再造个新人
    0:01:21.13, That life is ours in five years 5年后我们也可以享受那样的生活
    0:01:23.23, When Luke goes off to college. 到时候卢克已经离家上大学了
    0:01:24.76, Or somewhere. 或者别的地方
    0:01:26.27, It will actually be a pleasure walking into that doctor's office today 我今天其实是开开心心地去医生那儿的
    0:01:30.66, There you are. Mom-- 你终于来了 妈
    0:01:31.65, Hang on a second. What is this? 等等 你这是什么行头
    0:01:33.65, Is this because of your new friend Skyler? 是受了你那位叫斯凯勒的朋友的影响吗
    0:01:35.93, Oh, she's just trying to change her image. 她正努力改变形象
    0:01:37.82, Nice work, by the way. 顺便说下 挺有成效的
    0:01:38.78, You went from dork to Count Dorkula. 你已经从呆瓜升级到呆鸭了
    0:01:38.78, [Count Duckula是动画片《怪鸭历险记》]  
    0:01:40.66, Can we talk about my clothes? You were supposed to send them! 能聊聊我的衣服吗 我早就让你寄过来的
    0:01:43.20, I'll be with you in a second. Hang on. 我等会儿再说你的事 等一下
    0:01:44.50, I don't like this Skylar. 我不喜欢那个斯凯勒
    0:01:46.24, You don't need to change who you are 你不必非得改变自己
    0:01:47.83, to fit in with the cool kids. 来迎合那些酷小孩
    0:01:49.82, Oh, of course she does. She just is so uncool, 她当然得变了 她实在是太土了
    0:01:52.47, she doesn't know who the cool kids are. 她都分不清谁是酷小孩
    0:01:54.14, Don't you have a class to fail? 你难道不要忙着挂科吗
    0:01:55.69, Don't you have a raven to train? 你不需要去训练乌鸦吗[哥特风]
    0:01:57.30, Listen, I have repeated outfits twice this week. 听着 我这周强调了两遍衣服的事儿
    0:02:00.47, - It's a disaster. - And I will deal with it tomorrow, 我受不了了-我明天会替你解决的
    0:02:02.76, But today I'm taking your father to the doctor. 但今天我要带你爸去见医生
    0:02:04.75, - He's having an ass-ectomy. - What? 他要做个屁股切除术-什么
    0:02:07.39, - I hear things. - You're getting your tonsils out? 我耳朵很灵的-你要切扁挑体吗
    0:02:09.88, Ohh! This family needs a dumbass-ectomy. 我看我们家需要来个"笨蛋切除术"
    0:02:12.10, Oh, shut up! I'm tired of you thinking you're so... 闭嘴 你总以为自己多...
    0:02:14.24, Did dad ever tell you you were adopted? 爸没跟你说过你其实是被领养的吗
    0:02:15.74, - No, I wasn't! - Five more years. -不 我才不是 -再忍五年
    0:02:17.26, Okay. 好的
    0:02:28.00, 第四季 第三集  
    0:02:32.24, Okay, so after school, 好吧 那么放学后
    0:02:33.48, You're going to your friend Ashley's to swim, 你和朋友艾希莉去游泳
    0:02:35.30, So I'm gonna need you to go get your swimsuit, 所以我要你现在去准备你的泳衣
    0:02:37.38, Your swim goggles, and your sunscreen, okay? 你的泳镜还有防晒油 好吗
    0:02:40.39, And change into a dress that's not covered in cat fur. 然后换个没粘猫毛的衣服
    0:02:42.42, Oh, that cat is really losing its hair. 那猫掉毛掉的厉害
    0:02:44.88, Maybe we should slip it one of your propecia, huh? 或许我们该给它抹点你的防脱发剂
    0:02:47.84, What propecia? 什么防脱发剂
    0:02:48.90, Your pro-- 你的防...
    0:02:51.26, Is that not something that we're... 那不是我们...
    0:02:53.77, So, uh, what you got going on today? 所以 你今天打算做什么
    0:02:55.69, Ohh. Busy, busy, busy, busy. 忙 忙 忙得抓狂
    0:02:57.60, I might buy some light bulbs, and then, if time permits, 我可能得买些灯泡 然后时间允许的话
    0:02:59.73, I might do a little work on my master project. 我也许要继续搞我的大项目
    0:03:02.20, Top secret. 绝密哦
    0:03:03.34, - So don't you dare ask what it is. - I won't. 可别问我那是什么-我不会问啦
    0:03:06.45, Since Lily started kindergarten, 自从莉莉上了幼儿园
    0:03:08.12, Cam's had a lot of free time. 小卡有了很多空闲时间
    0:03:09.99, Now, I-I'd like to suggest he go back to work, but... 我想劝他找个工作 但是
    0:03:13.77, Historically, uh, that has proved to be a sensitive topic. 有历史为鉴 那是个敏感的话题
    0:03:18.09, We sent those adoption papers to vietnam last summer. 我们去年夏天给越南那边递交了领养材料
    0:03:21.37, No, thank you very much, 不 感谢你才对
    0:03:23.07, And please remember my tone, not my words. 请将重点放在我的语气上 而不是用词上
    0:03:25.44, She said it could take up to nine months to get a baby. 她说领养宝宝要九个月的时间
    0:03:27.32, It's inhuman! 太不人道了
    0:03:28.49, Is it? Don't-- I-I know it's frustrating, 是吗 别...我知道这很令人沮丧
    0:03:31.18, But maybe instead of driving yourself crazy 但或许 与其把自己搞得神经兮兮
    0:03:33.30, Waiting for the phone to ring, you could go back to work. 傻等着电话铃响 你不如重返工作岗位
    0:03:36.06, Excuse me? 你说什么
    0:03:36.94, Get a job! 去找份工作
    0:03:39.52, No, it--it'll help you take your mind off the baby. 不 那会将你的注意力从宝宝身上移开
    0:03:41.93, Oh, what, because I'm a big, giant freeloader? 怎么 因为我是个大块头吃白食的吗
    0:03:43.55, Actually, I think I laid out the reasons pretty clearly. 其实 我觉得我已经把原因说得很清楚了
    0:03:45.68, No, I think you pegged me. Bone lazy, 不 我觉得你将我定性为懒到骨子里的人
    0:03:47.34, Just like on the farm-- first to bed, 就像当年在农场 每天第一个上床
    0:03:48.74, last to wake up in the morning. 早上最后一个起床
    0:03:49.88, You know what? Why don't you call my dad, 话说 不如你打电话给我爸
    0:03:51.05, And you two can gab all night 你们两个彻夜长谈一番
    0:03:52.04, about what a teet-sucking layabout I am? 尽情笑话我是个吃白食的懒汉
    0:03:54.61, Okay, I think I might have paddled 好吧 我觉得我可能搅痛了
    0:03:55.85, into some deeper waters here. 你心里陈年的旧伤疤
    0:03:57.12, What, you think I sit around all day? 怎么 你以为我整天闲坐着吗
    0:03:58.95, Well, I'm not sitting now. 我现在就不坐了
    0:04:00.88, What's happening? 什么情况
    0:04:02.96, You keep a packed suitcase? 你早已经打好包了吗
    0:04:05.68, That's a healthy baby. 真是个健康的宝宝
    0:04:07.01, - Hold on. - What? 稍等-怎么了
    0:04:08.54, Is that a license plate and a hubcap? 那是个车牌和毂盖吗
    0:04:10.87, You know, like in "Jaws"? 就像电影《大白鲨》里那样
    0:04:12.57, I never saw it. 我从来没看过
    0:04:13.77, I saw it, but I don't remember 我倒是看过 但我不记得
    0:04:14.87, a scene with a hubcap in a pregnant woman. 有孕妇怀了个车毂盖的场景啊
    0:04:16.47, Ah, forget it. 算了
    0:04:17.88, So, would you like to know if you're having a boy or a girl? 你们想知道怀的是男孩还是女孩吗
    0:04:19.95, Yes.-No. 是的-不想
    0:04:21.28, Ay. I want it to be a surprise, 我希望到时候能有个惊喜
    0:04:24.11, Don't you, Jay? 你不想吗 杰
    0:04:25.35, I'm having a baby at 65. 我65岁高龄再次喜当爹
    0:04:27.17, You want another surprise, Gloria? 你还想再来点惊喜吗 歌洛莉亚
    0:04:28.88, Buy yourself a box of cracker jacks. 自己去买一袋玉米片吧[内含各种惊喜小玩具]
    0:04:32.25, Estupid dry cleaners! 该死的干洗店
    0:04:33.99, They shrink my clothes! 把我的衣服都弄缩水了
    0:04:36.06, Might be time for maternity wear. 或许你该穿孕妇装了
    0:04:37.83, Are you crazy? I'm barely showing. 你疯了吗 我都没显肚子
    0:04:40.19, Sweetheart, 亲爱的
    0:04:40.61, your shirts barely fit before you were pregnant. 你怀孕前 衣服就被大胸撑爆了啊
    0:04:42.67, And I never heard you complain. 我可没听你抱怨过太大啊
    0:04:46.41, We're gonna need a bigger belt. 我们需要一条长一点的裤带
    0:04:49.57, Come on. 给力啊
    0:04:51.64, This is hard. 好难哦
    0:04:55.65, Hey, Cam. 嘿 小卡
    0:04:56.71, Who's hungry? 谁饿了呀
    0:04:57.86, Ohh! Were you thinking about dropping by for lunch... 哎呀呀 你是想过来一起吃饭吧
    0:05:02.10, Again? 又来啊
    0:05:03.76, You know, I-I really wish I could, 我真希望我有空
    0:05:05.35, But it's, uh, it's a zoo around here. 但这里现在忙得一团乱
    0:05:08.54, Um... but, hey, Cam-- 但是 那个 小卡
    0:05:11.47, Cam, would you mind, uh, stopping by Longinus' boutique 小卡 你能不能去朗吉娜的时装店
    0:05:14.33, And picking up a few shirts for me? 替我买几件衬衫啊
    0:05:15.90, Sure.-Thank you. 当然可以-谢啦
    0:05:17.62, Or we can do it together. 或者我们可以一起去
    0:05:18.89, - Hey! - Hey! 是你啊-是我啊
    0:05:20.05, Hi.-Hi. 你来了-我来了
    0:05:21.18, - How are you? - Good. 你还好吗-很好
    0:05:22.44, Okay. 好吧
    0:05:23.69, Um... that's-- that's good. Okay. Yeah. 那 那很好 好吧
    0:05:26.76, You didn't send the little green jacket?! 你没把我的绿夹克寄来吗
    0:05:28.82, Honey, I am not doing this again. 亲爱的 我可不想又遭一次罪
    0:05:30.23, It took me an hour to mail that package before. 我之前寄那个包裹就花了一小时
    0:05:32.62, [Post既可以表示邮政 也有"之后"的意思]  
    0:05:32.62, I have post-post office traumatic stress disorder. 我患有"邮局"创伤"后"应激障碍症
    0:05:36.01, Stop smiling. It's not that clever. 别奸笑了 不怎么有水平
    0:05:37.81, It is clever, 很有水平的好吧
    0:05:39.01, and there's no way I'm going back there today. 反正我今天是死也不会再回去了
    0:05:40.89, Oh, my God, I hate you so much! 天啊 我恨死你了
    0:05:42.74, Oh, sorry, that's your father. Gotta go! 抱歉 你爸打电话来了 我得挂了
    0:05:44.92, Claire, where are you? 克莱尔 你在哪儿
    0:05:46.09, Oh, honey, I just had a hellish experience at the post office. 亲爱的 我刚刚在邮局的经历糟糕透了
    0:05:49.22, I have post-post office traumatic stress disorder. 我患有"邮局"创伤"后"应激障碍症
    0:05:52.71, - Nailed it. - Yes! 真经典-好棒
    0:05:54.48, And Luke forgot his science project, 卢克忘了带他的科学作业
    0:05:56.06, So now I'm at the school dropping it off. 所以我现在给他送到学校去
    0:05:57.62, Um, but what about my appointment? 那我在诊所的预约怎么办
    0:06:00.47, I'm so sorry, honey. I made other arrangements, 真抱歉 亲爱的 我替你做了其他安排
    0:06:02.44, but I promise I will be there when you wake up. 但我保证 你醒过来的时候我会在你身边
    0:06:04.50, Arrangements? 安排
    0:06:05.61, What--um... wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 等下 等下 等下 等下
    0:06:08.52, What--what arrangements? 什么安排
    0:06:09.58, I, um... I kinda wanted you to take me. 我 我私心想着你能带我去是最好了
    0:06:12.86, Let's go! Chop, chop! 走吧 跺跺脚 快快跑
    0:06:14.98, Seriously? "Chop, chop"? 不是吧你 非要用"剁"吗
    0:06:16.38, Oh, right. 噢对哦
    0:06:29.69, Ohh! What? 靠 搞毛啊
    0:06:36.89, What is this? 这是什么
    0:06:37.83, =-Mom?-'F: 妈-卢克
    0:06:39.51, What are you doing?! 你在干什么呢
    0:06:40.58, I was dropping off your science project. 我替你把科学作业送过来
    0:06:42.75, Not to my locker! 别送到我的储物柜里啊
    0:06:44.16, When are you ever gonna stop embarrassing me? 你什么时候才能不丢我的脸啊
    0:06:48.22, Five more years. 再忍五年
    0:06:50.22, Five more years. 再忍五年
    0:07:00.25, Oh, my god! 我的天呐
    0:07:02.93, Oh, my god! 我的天呐
    0:07:06.14, Oh, my god! 我的天呐
    0:07:07.45, If you're gonna go any higher, 如果你还要继续高八度
    0:07:08.26, Maybe I should put this down, huh? 我还是放下杯子免得被你喊炸了
    0:07:09.64, So? What do you think? 怎么样 有看中的不
    0:07:11.86, Finally, a store that sells shirts 终于有家店卖的衬衫
    0:07:14.10, men actually wanna wear. 是我们男人想穿的了
    0:07:16.09, Thank you. Look, holla if you need me. 谢谢你 需要我就喊一声
    0:07:18.09, We're a little shorthanded today. 今天人手不太够
    0:07:19.09, What happened to J'Marcus? 杰玛库斯人呢
    0:07:20.60, Don't ask. She's a J'Mess. 别提了 她是个混乱狂
    0:07:22.35, I'm telling you, it is so hard to find someone 跟你说 太难找到
    0:07:23.95, who knows clothes and is good with people. 既懂服装又善于和人打交道的员工了
    0:07:26.06, Well, I wish I knew somebody. 真希望我有人选可以推荐
    0:07:28.73, Oh, my god. Wait a second. Cam? 我的老天 等等 小卡
    0:07:31.38, You wouldn't think about taking the job, would you? 你不会想试试这份工作吧
    0:07:33.38, Do you realize how perfect you'd be? 你知道你有多合适吗
    0:07:34.97, Well, yes. Um, but I-I-- 那当然了 但我...
    0:07:37.20, You'd only work part-time. 你只需当兼职来做
    0:07:38.66, You'll get employee discounts on the clothes. 衣服给你员工特价
    0:07:40.73, Stop me if I'm wasting my breath. 如果我是在浪费口舌 趁早说
    0:07:42.31, Well, I don't know. What do you think, Mitchell? 我不知道 你怎么想 米奇尔
    0:07:43.85, Well, I-I would miss having you around the house, 我 我会想念有你在家的日子
    0:07:46.26, But, you know, if--if it's something that you love... 但你知道的 要是 要是你真心喜欢
    0:07:48.97, Mulling. 我想想
    0:07:49.88, You know what? It was nice of you to offer, 这样吧 你主动提供工作真是太好了
    0:07:51.55, - But he should probably think about it. - I'll do it! 但他或许还会再想想-我接受了
    0:07:53.13, Really? 真的吗
    0:07:53.78, Yep. Just until he can find somebody to replace me, 是的 直到他找到人来换我
    0:07:55.56, and good luck with that. 祝你好运
    0:07:57.22, Oh, and I don't fold. 对了 别让我叠衣服
    0:08:01.79, Longe, I'm getting a protein shake. 郎吉 我要去喝杯蛋白质奶昔
    0:08:04.09, Okay. Mitchell, this is Jeoux. 好的 米奇尔 这是侨
    0:08:05.64, Hi. Oh, just "Joe"? 你好 就光是"乔"吗
    0:08:06.95, Yes, Jeoux. J-e-o-u-x. 是的 侨 单人旁+乔
    0:08:09.15, There it is. 懂了
    0:08:10.00, Oh, is this the Mitchell you're helping out 他就是你要帮的那位米奇吗
    0:08:11.40, Because he wants his boyfriend to get a job? 因为他希望自己的男朋友找份工作
    0:08:13.32, I don't know what you're doing. Should I wave? 我不懂你们在干嘛 我也得挥吗
    0:08:15.09, Did your boyfriend take the job? 你男朋友接受这份工作了吗
    0:08:17.88, Oh, my god! That looks so good on you, Cam! 天呐 这件衬衣你穿真好看 小卡
    0:08:20.59, Don't even. 想都别想
    0:08:21.73, It is everything I can do to not create a scene right now. 我现在是强忍着不和你当众吵
    0:08:24.51, You will pay for this. Mnh. 你会付出代价的[付钱]
    0:08:29.37, And this. 以及这个
    0:08:32.25, And this. 还有这个
    0:08:38.63, Manny, you don't seem so happy. 曼尼 你怎么看起来不太高兴啊
    0:08:40.95, You usually love 你以前很喜欢
    0:08:41.67, when I pull you out of school to play hockey. 我带你"挑学"出来打曲棍球的啊
    0:08:43.82, A, It's "Hooky," 首先 那叫"逃学"
    0:08:45.07, And "B," Don't ever take me out of school to play hockey. 其次 别再带我逃学去打曲棍球了
    0:08:47.84, Did something bad happen at school? 学校里发生什么事了吗
    0:08:49.73, They fired the music teacher. 音乐老师被解雇了
    0:08:51.11, Mr. Hideo Namagachi? 希迪奥·纳玛奇老师吗
    0:08:52.42, That you say perfectly. 你说这个倒是很溜
    0:08:53.64, Manny, don't worry. He'll find another job. 曼尼 别担心 他会找到新工作的
    0:08:55.91, What about me? 但我怎么办
    0:08:57.01, I've been buttering up Mr. Namagachi for years. 多年来我拼命拍着纳玛奇老师的马屁
    0:08:59.74, He was gonna give me the lead in the school musical, 他终于打算让我当学校音乐剧的主唱了
    0:09:02.09, Oliver! 《雾都孤儿》呢
    0:09:02.90, Is it not all over. 现在还没结束呢
    0:09:04.44, Oliver! 是《雾都孤儿》
    0:09:05.72, Manny... 曼尼
    0:09:07.87, You are a very talented boy. 你是个很有才华的男孩
    0:09:09.58, You're gonna find plenty of music teachers 你会找到一大堆音乐老师
    0:09:12.17, to put butter on. 继续你的马屁事业
    0:09:13.39, But what if I can't? I don't want 如果我找不到怎么办 我可不想
    0:09:15.26, to spend my last year of middle school in the chorus. 中学最后一年还得在合唱队混
    0:09:17.24, Maybe I can help. 也许我能帮上忙
    0:09:18.71, Maybe when they pick the new music teacher, 也许当他们找好新的音乐教师后
    0:09:21.34, I'll go and I'll flirt a little bit with him. 我可以和他小调一下情
    0:09:25.07, Hey, mom, since we're just talking here, 妈 既然我们只是随便聊聊天
    0:09:27.87, About your shirt. 关于你的上衣
    0:09:29.16, Uh-- what about my shirt? 我的上衣怎么了
    0:09:31.09, Nothing. 没什么
    0:09:32.22, I just noticed you got some, uh, 我只是看见上面沾了点
    0:09:34.02, Some pizza... on the ice cream on it. 沾了点披萨 就沾在了冰淇淋的那地儿
    0:09:36.89, Ah, a little piece of-- mm. 这儿的一小块
    0:09:42.30, It's natural to want to know the sex. 想要知道宝宝的性别是很自然的啊
    0:09:44.59, And there's practical matters-- how you paint the nursery. 那涉及到实际性的问题 育婴室该刷成什么颜色
    0:09:47.34, Gloria should-- 歌洛莉亚应该
    0:09:48.14, - Phil, would you please knock that off? - What? -菲尔 别抖了行不 -什么
    0:09:49.88, - What's the matter? Are you nervous? - I'm not nervous. -你怎么了 紧张吗 -我才不紧张
    0:09:52.56, May-maybe you're the one who's nervous. 可 可能是你在紧张
    0:09:53.72, You ever think about that? 你想过这没
    0:09:55.27, Okay.-"Nervous." 好吧-"紧张"
    0:09:58.67, Because if you've had a change of heart... 因为如果你改变了主意的话
    0:10:00.25, I haven't had a change of heart. 我才没改变主意
    0:10:01.07, Maybe you had a change of heart, but I'm totally pumped. 或许是你改变了主意 我激动着呢
    0:10:02.85, Pump, pump, pumped. 激动 激动 超级激动
    0:10:03.89, Pump up the jam in my pumped-up... kicks. 活力四射 我鼓鼓的 踢腿
    0:10:06.55, Pumpty-dumpty. Pumplestiltskin. 鼓的 矮胖的 又矮又胖的
    0:10:08.22, Because they do this kind of thing all the time, 因为他们总做这样的手术
    0:10:10.02, and in about an hour, 用不了一小时
    0:10:10.83, you're gonna be wanting to ride a horse. 你就又会想"骑马"奔腾了
    0:10:18.86, Mr. Dunphy, can you please come to the desk? 邓菲先生 请到前台来
    0:10:23.62, What's the plan, Phil? 你打算怎样 菲尔
    0:10:24.73, Just sit here. I'm just gonna sit-- 坐着 我就打算坐着
    0:10:25.86, I'm gonna sit a bit. Sitting pretty. 坐一会儿 好好坐着
    0:10:29.02, Is there a Phil Dunphy here? 有没有叫菲尔·邓菲的
    0:10:30.59, I'm his father-in-law. He's gonna need a moment. 我是他的岳父 他得等一会儿
    0:10:32.68, Is there anything I could fill out for him? 有没有什么东西需要我替他填写的
    0:10:34.90, Not unless you want the vasectomy. 没有 除非你也想做结扎
    0:10:36.49, Where were you six months ago? 半年前你死哪儿去了
    0:10:37.86, Barbados. Now I really need to speak with the patient. 巴巴多斯 我现在要和患者讲话
    0:10:40.46, Got it. Phil, get over here. 明白 菲尔 过来
    0:10:42.76, Phil? 菲尔
    0:10:45.51, He just ran ou-- 他刚跑外...
    0:10:47.68, You know what could do wonders for your business here? 你知道什么能让你们生意兴隆吗
    0:10:49.81, A recovery room. 术后休息室
    0:11:08.26, Okay, wait, wait. I'm not sure about this. 等等 等下 我不太想这样
    0:11:10.42, Don't be a baby. 别孩子气了
    0:11:11.77, It's gonna look cool. Just hold still. 会很酷的 别乱动
    0:11:14.72, Mom, what are you doing here? 妈 你怎么在家
    0:11:16.23, I am changing my shirt. Why aren't you at school? 我要换衣服 你怎么没上学
    0:11:18.46, Mrs. Dunphy, we just-- 邓菲太太我们刚才
    0:11:19.24, Oh, no, you don't get to talk, Morticia. 没你说话的份儿 莫蒂莎
    0:11:20.79, Okay, we cut last period-- big deal-- 我们翘了最后一节课 挺大事哈
    0:11:23.12, because we're shaving the backs of our necks, 因为我们要剃脖子后面的毛发
    0:11:24.46, which is totally a style. 那超级时尚有型的
    0:11:26.17, But of course now you're going to freak out 当然了 你现在又要发疯了
    0:11:27.82, - like you always do about every little thing. - Let's do it. 就像你对待每一件小事那样-剃吧
    0:11:31.50, - What? - Yeah. Yeah. Let's shave up some heads. 什么-没错 我们来剃剃头吧
    0:11:34.40, Come on. Who's first? 来吧 谁先来
    0:11:35.72, Uh, okay. Okay, mom, we-- we don't need you to do that. 行了 老妈 我们不用你做这个
    0:11:37.31, - Are you afraid? - I'm not afraid! 你害怕了吗-我没有
    0:11:39.21, Then let's do this. It's shaving time. 那就来啊 剃头时间到
    0:11:41.59, Shavy gravy. Shaved by the bell. 剃肉横流 剃离苦海
    0:11:43.18, Why are you talking like dad? 你说话怎么跟爸爸似地
    0:11:44.03, Hair up, girls! 头发扎起来 姑娘们
    0:11:45.04, Let's see some napes. Come on. Let's-- 后脖颈子露出来 来啊 来
    0:11:47.21, Oh, god. No! 天啊 不
    0:11:48.23, - Oh, my god! Oh, my god! - What did you do?! -我的天 我的天呐 -你做了什么
    0:11:50.75, What did you do? I have my sister's wedding on Saturday! 你做了什么 我周六要参加我姐婚礼呢
    0:11:53.61, I'm so sorry. 真是对不起
    0:11:54.97, Uh, Skylar, wait! 斯凯勒 等等
    0:11:56.05, I could--I could-- I could even that up for you. 我 我可以替你剪得再整齐一点
    0:11:57.72, Stay away from me, both of you! 你们母女俩都离我远点儿
    0:12:00.34, Uhh! You ruined my life! 你把我的生活毁了
    0:12:02.61, Skylar! 斯凯勒
    0:12:06.47, Cam. 小卡
    0:12:08.64, Cameron! Ohh! You're gonna have to talk to me at some point! 卡梅隆 你总得跟我谈谈呐
    0:12:11.51, Oh, well, let me put that on my list of things to do, 好吧 容我先把这事写到日程表上
    0:12:13.26, - right after "Get a job." - Would you stop running away? -就在"找工作"下边 -你能不能别跑
    0:12:16.19, Nope. 不能
    0:12:17.02, C-Cam! Come on! 小卡 拜托
    0:12:19.95, You know, I can barely catch up with you 我现在都追不上你了
    0:12:21.15, Now that you lost all that weight. 因为你比以前瘦了好多
    0:12:23.01, You know what? I am sleeping better, 知道吗 我现在睡眠也好了
    0:12:24.51, and I do have more energy-- oh, you know what? You're good. 精力也充沛了 好啊 你行
    0:12:26.69, You're very good. 你真行
    0:12:34.13, Cam, the only reason I tried to get you that job 小卡 我之所以想要你去做那个工作
    0:12:36.55, is because you've been seeming a little... unfulfilled. 是因为我觉得你有那么一点点空虚
    0:12:39.17, Oh, what, and you thought you'd fix me 所以呢 你觉得把我
    0:12:40.35, by turning me into some common shopgirl? 变成导购小姐就好了吗
    0:12:42.84, You're not going anywhere. We have a daughter. 你不能走 我们还有女儿
    0:12:44.59, It's not for me. It's for you. 不是我走 是你走
    0:12:46.67, Cam, I'm not go-- okay, well, that's packed. 小卡 我不走 都打包好了
    0:12:48.99, Yeah, and if you're going someplace cool, 没错 要是你打算去个寒冷的地方
    0:12:50.00, I have a winter one packed as well. 我还打包了一个冬季版的
    0:12:51.42, No, I'm not going anywhere! 不 我哪儿也不去
    0:12:52.84, And I should be able to talk to you about these things. 而且我要跟你把这些事情说清楚
    0:12:55.31, Oh, what things? 说什么说
    0:12:56.46, How empty my life is? 说我的生活有多空虚吗
    0:12:59.16, You know, you have no idea what I do 你根本不知道我每天
    0:13:00.65, around this house every day. I shop for food, 为这个家都做了什么 我买食材
    0:13:03.19, I pay the bills, I maintain the house, 我付账单 我收拾屋子
    0:13:04.86, I grocery shop. 我去食杂店
    0:13:05.77, Same as shopping for food. 跟买食材是一回事
    0:13:06.90, And still I have enough time to work on my master project. 我还要忙活我的大项目
    0:13:11.15, And you never ask me what my master project is. 而且你从来不问人家的大项目是什么
    0:13:13.39, Because you told me not to ask! 是你让我别问的嘛
    0:13:15.15, Fine, since you won't let it go... 好吧 既然你不肯善罢甘休
    0:13:20.57, Does this... 这个
    0:13:22.16, look like the work of an unfulfilled slacker? 看着像是一个空虚的懒鬼干的活儿吗
    0:13:24.53, A mermaid costume? 人鱼装
    0:13:25.65, Hand-sewn from my own design. 我亲自设计 手工缝制的
    0:13:27.64, Have you ever stitched lycra? 你缝过莱卡面料的东西吗
    0:13:29.96, It's like sewing water, Mitchell. 像在水中穿针引线一样 米奇尔
    0:13:31.65, It looks a little small for Lily. 貌似莉莉穿有点小
    0:13:33.32, It's not for Lily. 不是给莉莉穿的
    0:13:35.34, It's for the cat. 是给小猫穿的
    0:13:38.67, It's a mermaid costume for the cat. 是有人替小猫做人鱼装的
    0:13:42.77, My master project. 这就是我的大项目
    0:13:45.41, It's a mermaid costume... 这个人鱼装是
    0:13:48.14, for a cat! 给猫穿的
    0:13:49.17, Okay. Hey, don't cry, okay? 好了 别哭了
    0:13:50.54, No, no, it's--it's nice. It's-- 不 挺漂亮的 这个
    0:13:52.67, It's a very nice cat costume. 是非常漂亮的猫咪装
    0:13:54.59, Oh, stop it! 少来了
    0:13:56.04, This is eight weeks of my life! 这是我八个星期的人生啊
    0:13:57.85, My--my stupid, empty, creepy, 我愚蠢 空虚 诡异
    0:14:00.71, useless cat-dressing life. 一无是处 给猫咪打扮的人生
    0:14:03.15, Let me get you a tissue, all right? 我给你拿纸巾 好吗
    0:14:05.33, Here.-Okay. 这里-好的
    0:14:07.00, Oh! You packed me tissues. 瞧你 还给我打包了纸巾
    0:14:08.94, I know how you are with your allergies. 我知道你过敏了会怎需要用到的
    0:14:11.00, Cam! You know I don't think you're lazy. 小卡 你知道我从来没觉得你懒
    0:14:13.92, I know. That's just stupid dad stuff. 我知道 那只是我对父亲的心结
    0:14:16.50, You know, I didn't like working on the farm, 我只是不喜欢农场的工作
    0:14:18.02, and he just took it as me being lazy. 他就说那是因为我懒
    0:14:19.90, The truth is, is I am unfulfilled. 可事实是 我很空虚
    0:14:23.12, And I do need to find something. 我需要寻找目标
    0:14:24.72, Well, you just--you seem happier when you have a challenge. 你有挑战目标的时候看起来更开心
    0:14:27.08, - You know? - I know, I know. 知道吗-我知道
    0:14:28.99, You know, I loved teaching music to kids, 我喜欢教孩子们音乐
    0:14:31.10, and then--then Lily, she came along, and... 然后莉莉出现在我们的生命中
    0:14:34.38, That's the best job in the whole wide world. 照顾她是全世界最美妙的工作
    0:14:36.48, You know? And now she doesn't need me as much. 知道吗 现在她不像从前那样需要我了
    0:14:39.00, No, come on, come on. 好啦 好啦
    0:14:40.17, We're gonna find you something else, all right? 我们再替你找目标 好吗
    0:14:42.33, And it doesn't have to be Longinus. 不一定得去朗吉娜的店
    0:14:45.33, - Or this. - Yeah. 或者这个-好的
    0:14:46.46, You know, I do like these shirts. 其实 我真的很喜欢他家的衬衫
    0:14:48.59, Yeah. Yeah. 知道 知道
    0:14:50.38, Mulling. 我得想想
    0:14:51.45, - Okay. - You know, if I'm gonna mull, 好吧-如果我真要想清楚
    0:14:53.43, I could really use some chocolate. 我得吃点巧克力
    0:14:54.54, Well, since your diet, we don't keep it around the house. 因为你在节食 所以家里没存货
    0:14:56.51, - Side pocket. - Yeah? Oh. 侧袋里-是吗 真有
    0:14:58.79, - Remind me to replace these. - Okay. 提醒我补货-好的
    0:15:03.26, Oh. Hey, Jay! How you doing? 是你啊 杰 你好吗
    0:15:05.66, Phil, you gotta stop running from things because-- 菲尔 你不能这样遇事就逃跑
    0:15:08.21, Running? I'm not running. 逃跑 我没在跑
    0:15:09.95, - You're running. - Look, I'm not up for another round with this. 你才是在跑-听着 我不会再兜个圈了
    0:15:12.12, Just get in the damn car! I'm not having a great day! 快给我上车 我今天很不爽
    0:15:14.34, You're not having a great day?! 你今天不爽
    0:15:16.08, Are you about to get spayed like a common schnauzer?! 你马上会像雪纳瑞犬一样被取掉卵巢吗
    0:15:18.42, They don't spay you, they fix you. You're a man! 不是取掉卵巢 是输精管结扎 你是个爷们儿
    0:15:20.61, I just want to stay one! 我只想一直当个爷们儿
    0:15:24.48,   不仅仅是房产经纪
    0:15:24.48,   也是关心你的朋友
    0:15:27.11, Phil, what's scaring you here? 菲尔 你到底怕什么
    0:15:29.44, That people are gonna think less of you as a man? 怕人家觉得你不够爷们儿了吗
    0:15:31.33, No, I'm afraid it's gonna hurt. 不 我怕会很痛
    0:15:33.18, - That's what this is about? - Wait, people think that? 原来是这样啊-慢着 人家会那么想吗
    0:15:35.63, That you're less of a man? 会觉得我不够爷们儿了吗
    0:15:37.81, That never even occurred to me. 我还没想到这点呢
    0:15:41.21, Look, no one's gonna think less of you. 听着 没人会就此看轻你
    0:15:43.72, And it hardly even hurts. 而且根本不痛
    0:15:45.15, I'm unusually sensitive down there. 我下面非常敏感
    0:15:47.24, I can't go in certain jacuzzis. 有些按摩浴缸都不能用
    0:15:48.97, I'm gonna be with you the entire way. 整个过程我都会陪着你的
    0:15:50.67, Plus it's the fear of pain 而且对疼痛的恐惧
    0:15:52.40, that's always more than the actual experience. 总是比实际的疼痛要夸张得多
    0:15:55.07, That's easy for you to say. You're not afraid of anything. 你说这话当然容易 你向来天不怕地不怕
    0:15:57.20, -Of course I'm afraid of stuff. - Like what? 我当然也有害怕的-说来听听
    0:16:01.27, Look... 听着
    0:16:04.02, You remember before, when I told you I was 你还记得之前 我告诉你
    0:16:06.09, wanting to know the-- the sex of the baby... 我想知道 宝宝的性别
    0:16:09.77, For practical matters? Well, that wasn't true. 为了处理好一些实际的问题 其实不是的
    0:16:12.58, I'm kind of afraid of having a girl. 我有些害怕生个女儿
    0:16:15.47, Give me a break. That's not a thing. 少来了 这算什么问题
    0:16:17.32, You'd just rather have a boy. 你只是更想要个儿子而已
    0:16:19.09, Everyone would rather have a boy. 大家都更想要儿子
    0:16:20.66, No. I'm actually scared. I get boys. 不 我是真害怕 我很了解男孩
    0:16:23.26, It's girls-- they're--they're complicated. 只是女孩儿们 太复杂了
    0:16:25.45, Half of Claire's childhood, I did everything I could 克莱尔童年的一半时间 我竭尽所能地
    0:16:27.62, to try to turn her into a boy. 想将她变成男孩
    0:16:29.29, Well, whatever your issues were, 无论你当年有什么心结
    0:16:31.78, you and Claire are good now. 你和克莱尔现在很好啊
    0:16:33.03, Yeah, but I may not get that kind of time 但我可能没那么多时间陪着
    0:16:34.74, with this new one, and I can't screw it up. 那个新出生的孩子 我不能搞砸了
    0:16:38.20, I don't think I'm sensitive enough to raise a girl. 我不觉得自己体贴入微到可以养女儿
    0:16:41.21, Jay, you're being sensitive right now. 杰 你现在就很体贴入微啊
    0:16:44.15, I mean, I was pretty hysterical, and you calmed me down. 我都歇斯底里了 而你让我冷静了下来
    0:16:46.64, I-I don't think you're the guy you used to be. 我觉得你和以前不一样了
    0:16:49.06, So you're saying that if I can deal with you, 你这是在说 如果我能应付你
    0:16:50.71, then I can handle... any other little girl? 我就能应付 其他任何一个小女孩
    0:16:54.69, I think I'd put it a-a little differently. 我觉得你暗示我像小女孩一样是不合适的
    0:16:55.89, No, I-I-I think that's right. 不 我觉得就是这样
    0:16:59.69, Thanks. 多谢了
    0:17:03.41, We gonna do this? 要去做手术吗
    0:17:04.58, Promise it's not gonna hurt that much? 向我保证不会那么痛
    0:17:06.37, Tiny, little pinch. 就像轻轻掐一下
    0:17:07.45, - I built it up in my head, didn't I? - Totally. -我是自己吓自己 对吗 -绝对的
    0:17:09.99, And I can still achieve a-a full and satisfying... 我依然可以拥有完全满足的...
    0:17:12.73, You know what? We had a nice little moment here. 知道吗 我们爷俩儿现在处的很不错
    0:17:14.56, We don't have many of those. 这样的时候不多
    0:17:16.22, I think I'm gonna commemorate it. 我要让这一刻永存
    0:17:18.98, Okay.-All right? 好的-准备好了吗
    0:17:18.98,   不是
    0:17:18.98,   一个
    0:17:18.98,   爷们儿
    0:17:20.01, So sit up straight. 坐直了
    0:17:22.50, There you go. 来拍一张
    0:17:23.93, No, no, the arms down. Uh, better arms down. 别别 手臂放下 手臂放下好些
    0:17:26.16, All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 没错 对对对
    0:17:27.28, That's right. Relax. 就那样挺好 放松
    0:17:29.28, There you go. 看这里
    0:17:32.39, Perfect. 完美
    0:17:33.17, Can I get a copy? 能洗一张给我吗
    0:17:34.01, Oh, there'll be a lot of copies. 会洗很多张的
    0:17:35.23, Oh, great. 太好了
    0:17:37.84, You were kind of hard on that cinnamon bun guy. 你对那个卖肉桂面包的家伙有些刻薄啊
    0:17:39.79, Did you hear what he said to me? 你听到他对我说什么了吗
    0:17:41.61, Congratulations? 恭喜
    0:17:43.40, He thinks I'm pregnant! 他看出我怀孕了
    0:17:45.10, That is an insult when the person doesn't look it. 那简直是对没有孕状的人的一种侮辱
    0:17:48.51, Mom, wait. 妈 等一下
    0:17:51.06, You need to hear this. 你得听我说
    0:17:52.88, You are pregnant, and you look it. 你怀孕了 而且显肚子了
    0:17:55.85, I hope that this new one has some good manners! 我希望肚子里的新宝宝能更懂礼貌些
    0:17:59.69, Mom, stop! 妈 停下
    0:18:02.53, I know this whole thing is a little scary for you. 我知道这一切对你来说有些可怕
    0:18:05.02, Last time you were pregnant, you kinda did it alone 你上次怀孕时 基本是一个人挺过来的
    0:18:07.06, cause dad wasn't around much. 因为爸爸不怎么在你身边
    0:18:09.00, But this time you have two partners. 但这次你有两个伴在身边
    0:18:13.71, That's sweet. 真甜蜜
    0:18:15.36, And so are you. 你也是个小甜心
    0:18:17.68, Especially with a little bit of sugar in your face. 特别是你脸上还沾着点糖
    0:18:20.08, Let me see. 我看看
    0:18:24.05, Ohh! What happened?! 怎么回事
    0:18:25.43, Your shirt couldn't take it anymore! 你的衣服实在是太小撑不住了
    0:18:26.74, The stupid dry cleaners! 都怪那傻逼干洗员
    0:18:29.05, W-- where is it?! 它 它在哪儿
    0:18:30.49, Ay, no!
    0:18:31.16, Oh! You're running out of arms, mom! 这下你真没辙了
    0:18:32.71, A maternity store's right over there! 那边正好有一家母婴店
    0:18:34.97, - What was that? - I don't know, but let's go! 那是什么-我不知道 不过我们快走吧
    0:18:38.65, It's you. I thought it was the guy coming to shave me. 是你啊 我还以为给我剃毛的人来了呢
    0:18:41.70, Oh, good. They haven't started. 太好了 他们还没开始
    0:18:43.16, He had a little piece of bloody toilet paper on his neck. 他的脖子上还有一小张草纸
    0:18:45.09, It was disconcerting. 真叫人不安
    0:18:48.11, - Are you okay? - Mm-hmm. 你还好吗-嗯
    0:18:49.69, Yeah. I had a pretty crazy day, 不错 今天真是疯狂的一天
    0:18:51.25, But it--it had an interesting ending. 但是 到最后很有趣
    0:18:53.53, And this tortoise was 200 years old. 而那只海龟200岁了
    0:18:56.54, I'm sorry. I'm boring you with my trip. 抱歉 老是讲我的旅行让你挺无聊吧
    0:18:58.40, No, not at all. 不会啊 一点也不无聊
    0:18:59.39, You hot-air-ballooned over an active volcano. 你的热气球穿越了活火山
    0:19:02.00, Three weeks ago I made every green light on Jefferson. 三星期前我在杰斐逊一路畅通
    0:19:04.63, Couldn't stop talking about it. 我一说就停不下来嘴
    0:19:05.97, - You e-mailed me. - Oh, god. 你发邮件给我说过了-天啊
    0:19:11.41, Mom shaved Skylar's head? That's hilarious! 妈妈把斯凯勒的头发给剃了 真搞笑
    0:19:14.45, It's not gonna be so fun the next time she bothers to show up for school 下次她屈尊去学校上学时 就没那么好笑了
    0:19:17.53, What do you care? You know you don't even like her. 你管她呢 你又不喜欢她
    0:19:19.55, I don't. Skylar's awful. 我是不喜欢 斯凯勒太恐怖了
    0:19:21.19, Mom actually did me a huge favor. 妈妈其实帮了我个大忙
    0:19:23.09, Oh, my God. Do not tell her that. 我的天啊 千万别跟她说
    0:19:24.73, She will never shut up. 不然她又得没完没了
    0:19:27.02, I know. Remember when you admitted that you didn't hate 我知道 记得那次你承认你并不讨厌
    0:19:28.89, that James Taylor concert she dragged you to? 她拖你去看的詹姆斯·泰勒的演唱会吗
    0:19:30.77, She was unbearable! "I told you! 当时真受不了她 "我就说吧
    0:19:33.48, He's got the voice of an angel!" 他真的是天籁之声啊"
    0:19:38.55, She's such a nerd. 她真是够傻的
    0:19:40.92, I kind of miss her, though. 但是我有点想她了
    0:19:56.57, You know, honey, I don't want to do this 亲爱的 我不想这样做
    0:19:57.82, unless you are really ready. 除非你真的准备好了
    0:19:59.95, I am ready. 我准备好了
    0:20:01.95, - I don't know if I am. - Me, either. 我不知道我是否准备好了-我也是
    0:20:06.31, You wanna wait? 你想再等等吗
    0:20:08.66, Five more years? 再等个五年
    0:20:13.19, I've always seen life like a series of doors. 我总把生活看作由许多道门组成
    0:20:16.37, Sometimes you get to choose the door you go through, 有时候你得选择你要穿过哪道门
    0:20:18.80, Sometimes you don't get that choice. 有时候你根本无从选择
    0:20:20.71, But you still gotta walk through. 但你还是得穿过去
    0:20:25.53, So you can either go kicking and screaming... 所以你可以去猛敲或者叫门
    0:20:29.86, or walk through with your head held high. 或者趾高气昂地穿过
    0:20:38.75, And since I don't get to choose the door I'm about to go through, 既然这次我无法选择我要穿越的门
    0:20:42.92, I just pray it's a healthy, happy kid. 我只祈祷生出个健康快乐的孩子
    0:20:46.67, And a boy. 男孩
    0:20:57.98, Honey, look what manny just sent me. 亲爱的 来看看曼尼刚发给我的
    0:20:59.45, Hang on one sec. Okay. 等一会儿 好了
    0:21:02.51, - Is that the funniest thing ever? - Oh, yeah! 是不是有史以来最好笑的-没错
    0:21:05.40, Oh... oh, my gosh. Mitchell, come here. 老天啊 米奇尔 快过来
    0:21:07.20, You have to see what Claire sent us. 快来看看克莱尔刚发给我们的
    0:21:08.56, Okay, wait. One--one second. 好的 等等 就一会儿
    0:21:11.24, Okay.-Is that hilarious? 好了-有没有很好笑
    0:21:13.07, - That's great! - Oh, Phil! 好棒啊-可怜的菲尔
    0:21:15.76, Ay, this is embarrassing. 真难堪
    0:21:17.12, I don't know how comfortable I am 我真不放心
    0:21:18.50, with this guy teaching our kid. 让这家伙教我们家孩子

      上一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第2集:海莉上大学 下一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第4集:歌洛莉亚的鼾声


