0:00:04.55, |
Is everybody ok? |
大家没事吧 |
0:00:06.09, |
I'm fine. Thanks for waiting. |
我没事 谢谢你没丢下我 |
0:00:08.09, |
What was that? |
发生什么事了 |
0:00:08.81, |
Water either gas line, the training is the same. |
水管和煤气管爆炸的逃生方式都一样 |
0:00:11.08, |
People, just stay low and move out. |
大家弯腰前行 马上离开房子 |
0:00:12.57, |
Honey, Luke's gone. |
老公 卢克不见了 |
0:00:14.05, |
Claire, spontaneous human combustion is very rare. |
克莱尔 人体自燃十分少见 |
0:00:16.57, |
I don't think he exploded, Phil. |
我不觉得是他自爆了 菲尔 |
0:00:19.02, |
The rope ladder works. At least someone followed protocol. |
绳梯很管用 至少有人是按逃生规程来的 |
0:00:22.20, |
Oh! Oh, it's there! |
是那个 |
0:00:23.30, |
Smoke is coming out of Luke's stupid suitcase. |
烟是从卢克该死的魔术箱里冒出来的 |
0:00:26.20, |
Like his old man, Luke is a magician. |
有其父必有其子 卢克也是个魔术师 |
0:00:29.85, |
I'm taking lessons from some guy my dad found online. |
教我魔术的是我爸上网搜来的大师 |
0:00:32.73, |
He came personally recommended from the guy who runs |
他可是有莫德斯托巫师大会 |
0:00:34.63, |
The Warlock Conference up in Modesto. |
举办者的个人推荐呢 |
0:01:08.95, |
Ocupad, big guy. |
此位有人了 大块头 |
0:01:10.35, |
Find another foxhole. |
请另寻良枝吧 |
0:01:19.00, |
*This is how we learn to sing |
大家跟我一起学唱歌* |
0:01:23.12, |
*Who can go up here with me? |
谁来跟我一起唱* |
0:01:26.97, |
Cam took a job teaching music at the local middle school. |
小卡要去本地中学当音乐老师了 |
0:01:30.38, |
Yeah, his first day is tomorrow. |
明天就是上班第一天 |
0:01:31.90, |
I'm excited for me, |
我为自己开心 |
0:01:33.60, |
but I'm probably more excited for the students |
但更为我的学生开心 |
0:01:35.68, |
because a great teacher is a gift. |
因为优秀的老师是天赐的礼物 |
0:01:37.82, |
Hasn't started yet. |
还没正式上岗呢 |
0:01:39.07, |
I have to tip my hat to my high school music teacher... |
我要向我的高中音乐老师致敬 |
0:01:41.62, |
A real force of nature |
此人带有自然的魔力 |
0:01:43.05, |
who was also the defensive coordinator for the football team |
同时身兼橄榄球队的防守员 |
0:01:45.82, |
and supervised calf birthing for the animal husbandry club. |
和农场动物俱乐部的牛犊接生监察员 |
0:01:49.00, |
Doris Olson. Great lady. |
朵莉丝·奥尔森 一位伟大的女士 |
0:01:52.39, |
Lady. |
好一位女士 |
0:01:53.88, |
*This is how... we learn to sing |
大家跟我一起学唱歌* |
0:02:03.43, |
■ |
0:02:04.66, |
■ |
0:02:06.43, |
■ |
0:02:09.43, |
■ |
0:02:12.92, |
第四季 第四集 |
0:02:17.04, |
Ay, Jay, I'm going to miss you. |
杰 人家会想你的 |
0:02:19.38, |
It's one night. |
只是一晚上而已 |
0:02:20.17, |
No, I don't want to be without you, |
不 人家不想和你分离 |
0:02:21.90, |
not even one night in my whole life. |
我这辈子一晚都不能离开你 |
0:02:24.72, |
What can I make you? |
我能为你做点什么 |
0:02:26.38, |
How about a little room on my side of the bed? |
在床上给我腾点位置怎么样 |
0:02:28.78, |
I mean, I shouldn't complain. My wife's a knockout. But... |
我是不该抱怨 我老婆美艳动人 但是 |
0:02:31.65, |
she's at that place in her pregnancy |
她现在处于孕期中的某个阶段 |
0:02:33.43, |
where, she's, you know... ample. |
她变得 臃肿 |
0:02:36.03, |
And the snoring. |
还打呼噜 |
0:02:37.34, |
I swear in the last ultrasound, the baby was like this... |
我发誓 上一张超音波片里婴儿是这样的 |
0:02:41.60, |
So I should be home about noon tomorrow. |
我明天中午就能到家 |
0:02:44.26, |
Who drank all the coffee? |
谁把咖啡都喝完了 |
0:02:45.37, |
Oh, I, uh, I had quite a bit of that. |
我喝了不少 |
0:02:47.46, |
You know, I haven't, um, been sleeping too well. |
我最近晚上睡得不太好 |
0:02:50.17, |
There's actually a funny story about what's causing that. |
失眠的原因说来也挺好笑 |
0:02:53.27, |
Mom, I'm fully aware of the changes your body is going through, |
妈 我非常理解您的身体正经历着变化 |
0:02:56.79, |
and that nasal stuffiness is very common during pregnancy, |
鼻塞也是怀孕时常见的现象 |
0:02:59.52, |
but we got a crisis in this house. |
但家里的情况已经刻不容缓了 |
0:03:01.31, |
You've been snoring. But I got you these nasal strips. |
你打呼太严重了 我帮你买了呼吸辅助贴 |
0:03:03.72, |
In the commercial, |
广告里 |
0:03:04.55, |
the old man's angry red sound waves turn a gentle blue. |
连老头如雷般的呼噜声也能化为轻柔之音 |
0:03:07.72, |
- So I'm like an old man? - No! |
所以我打呼像老头子吗-不是 |
0:03:09.91, |
Like a dog then? A pig? |
那我是像狗 还是像猪 |
0:03:12.30, |
What is it, Manny? I'm an old man, a dog, or a pig? |
怎么 曼尼 我是老头子 还是狗或猪 |
0:03:15.26, |
Jay, help me out here. You've heard it. |
杰 帮我说两句 你也听到呼声了 |
0:03:17.53, |
I don't know what the boy's talking about. |
我完全不知道这孩子在说什么 |
0:03:19.11, |
If this is a glimpse of teenage Manny, I don't love it. |
如果这是青春期的曼尼 我可不喜欢 |
0:03:21.70, |
Have a little respect for your beautiful mother. |
你妈这么漂亮 你要尊重她 |
0:03:24.81, |
Thank you, Jay. |
谢谢你 杰 |
0:03:26.87, |
You're right. Sorry, mom. |
你说得对 我错了 妈妈 |
0:03:29.31, |
And, Jay, |
杰 |
0:03:30.26, |
Have a great trip to San Francisco. |
祝你在旧金山玩得愉快 |
0:03:35.44, |
Okay, Lily's drop-off time is between 8:45 and 8:50, |
莉莉到校的时间是8点45到50之间 |
0:03:38.72, |
so you should be fine to get work by 9. |
所以你应该能来得及9点上班 |
0:03:40.82, |
Here is her checklist for her backpack. |
这是她背包内容的清单 |
0:03:44.65, |
Oh, I have this whole thing planned. |
我一切都计划好了 |
0:03:46.25, |
Okay, I'm gonna walk in, take off my jacket, |
我款款步入教室 脱下我的外套 |
0:03:47.34, |
and say, "Here comes treble." |
大声宣布 高音号在此 |
0:03:48.83, |
Big swing on the first day. |
上班第一天扭得挺欢啊 |
0:03:50.30, |
Please don't tamp down my enthusiasm. |
请不要打击我的热情 |
0:03:52.11, |
Okay, what else? |
好了 还有什么 |
0:03:52.73, |
Oh! The dimmer came in for the switch, |
对了 调光器的开关有问题 |
0:03:54.48, |
so I want you to call the electrician, but not Brad. |
你去请个电工来 但是别找布拉德 |
0:03:56.36, |
Remember? We had a problem with him last time about the billing. |
还记得上次我们为账单和他不太愉快吗 |
0:03:58.38, |
He wanted his name above the title? |
因为他想要名列账单[演员表]前茅 |
0:03:58.38, |
[此处指的应是与著名影星布拉德·皮特同名] |
0:03:59.92, |
Yes, you've done that joke before. So cute. So funny. |
你讲过这个笑话了 好可爱好好笑 |
0:04:02.21, |
What else? Oh! |
还有什么 哦 |
0:04:02.95, |
Lily needs to get a present for Gio's birthday party. |
莉莉需要为吉奥的生日派对准备礼物 |
0:04:05.28, |
And don't be thrown by the invitation. |
别被请帖迷惑了 |
0:04:06.46, |
It is a pirates party, not a pilates party. |
是海盗主题派对 不是普拉提健身派对 |
0:04:08.31, |
Now sit. I wanna talk juice boxes. |
过来坐好 我再说说果汁盒的事 |
0:04:09.66, |
Cam. Cam, I know what's happening here. |
小卡 小卡 我知道你现在什么状况 |
0:04:11.42, |
You're feeling very anxious about your first day at work, |
你第一天上班 感觉特别紧张 |
0:04:14.37, |
And you're focusing that anxiety on my day with Lily. |
然后你把焦虑转移到我带莉莉这件事身上 |
0:04:16.85, |
Really? Are you sure I'm not |
真的吗 你不觉得 |
0:04:17.74, |
completely confident about my first day |
我对这第一天充满了信心吗 |
0:04:19.30, |
because it's gonna be a home run. |
人家肯定满分表现啦 |
0:04:20.36, |
And I am worried about you because you're taking on |
而我担心你 是因为你的任务 |
0:04:21.81, |
a little bit more of the Lily load? |
可不只是照顾莉莉呢 |
0:04:23.35, |
Don't be scared, sweetie. Mwah! |
别怕 亲爱的 么哇 |
0:04:25.39, |
She's not scared! What are you doing? |
她才不怕呢 你这是干嘛 |
0:04:27.53, |
- Just call me if you need me. - I won't! |
需要我就打电话给我-不会的 |
0:04:29.35, |
And thank you for managing my expectations today. |
非常感谢你控制一下我的期望值 |
0:04:31.06, |
Not necessary. |
但其实没必要 |
0:04:32.13, |
I saw you practicing a bow last night. |
我昨晚看到你在练习鞠躬 |
0:04:34.44, |
That was just in fun. |
练着玩儿而已 |
0:04:35.58, |
You know, I highly doubt some teenagers are gonna |
我觉得那些孩子是不会 |
0:04:37.63, |
throw rose petals at my feet. |
往我脚边撒玫瑰花瓣的 |
0:04:40.98, |
But I wouldn't be surprised |
但是我第一堂课结束后 |
0:04:42.11, |
if I got slow-clapped out of my first class. |
掌声蔓延不息什么的也不足为奇 |
0:04:45.80, |
Wrong. |
错了 |
0:04:47.01, |
I am thinking. |
我还在想呢 |
0:04:48.23, |
If you were thinking, |
如果你真的用脑在想 |
0:04:48.99, |
you wouldn't have Seattle as the capital of Washington. |
就不会把西雅图当成华盛顿州的首府了 |
0:04:53.54, |
It's Spokane. |
是斯波坎 |
0:04:54.68, |
Sure, which makes the 11th president of the United States |
好吧 那美国的第11任总统就成了 |
0:04:56.91, |
James k. Pslk. |
詹姆斯·波斯克 |
0:04:56.91, |
[正确的应为詹姆斯·波尔克] |
0:04:58.20, |
Okay, Alex, stop. |
好了 艾丽克斯 别这样 |
0:04:59.13, |
I'm trying to figure this out. |
我正在想呢 |
0:05:01.80, |
Buzz. Time's up, dummy. It's Olympia. |
哔哔 时间到 笨蛋 是奥林匹亚 |
0:05:04.51, |
Make sure you sound out the big scary words. |
记得在表演时喊出那吓死人的行话哦 |
0:05:09.87, |
Mom, something's on my mind, and it's really bothering me. |
妈妈 有件事让我很苦恼 |
0:05:12.95, |
Yeah, it's really bothering me, too, |
对啊 也让我很苦恼 |
0:05:14.87, |
But I think it's gonna be rich, |
但我觉得她以后可能是个女富豪 |
0:05:15.95, |
so we better be nice to it. |
所以我们要对她好一点 |
0:05:17.51, |
I wanna quit magic. |
我不想再学魔术了 |
0:05:19.16, |
What? |
什么 |
0:05:20.51, |
I'm not really interested anymore, |
我真的没什么兴趣了 |
0:05:21.89, |
but I don't think dad's gonna be happy. |
但我想爸爸会不高兴的 |
0:05:23.62, |
Oh, sweetheart. Don't worry about disappointing your father. |
宝贝 别担心让你爸爸失望 |
0:05:25.71, |
He only wants you to do it if you wanna do it. |
他只会希望你去做你真正喜欢的事 |
0:05:28.18, |
Tell you what. I will talk to dad-- |
不如这样吧 我跟你爸谈谈 |
0:05:30.19, |
Whoa! Talk to dad? That sounds serious. |
哇 跟老爸谈谈 一本正经的样子 |
0:05:34.12, |
Don't do drugs. |
不许嗑药 |
0:05:35.58, |
Stay in school. |
不要逃学 |
0:05:37.51, |
Luke wants to quit magic. |
卢克不想再学魔术了 |
0:05:38.73, |
That's not happening. |
绝对不行 |
0:05:39.80, |
Well, see you guys at dinner. |
晚上见吧 |
0:05:41.78, |
Sweetheart, don't you even want to talk about this? |
亲爱的 你完全不想谈谈这事儿吗 |
0:05:43.63, |
What's to talk about? The kid's a natural. |
有什么好谈的 我儿子天生就是这块料 |
0:05:45.40, |
He has everything-- |
他天赋异禀 |
0:05:46.05, |
the hands, the patter, the outfits. |
双手灵活 行话精通 装备齐全 |
0:05:47.77, |
Okay, let's play this out. |
好吧 我们设想一下 |
0:05:49.04, |
Even if he is one in a million, |
即使他是万里挑一的好苗子 |
0:05:51.45, |
what's our best case scenario here? |
最好的结果又如何 |
0:05:52.89, |
He becomes, what... |
他会变成什么 |
0:05:53.96, |
A professional magician! |
一个专业的魔术师 |
0:05:56.11, |
Honey, the boy has a gift. |
亲爱的 这孩子就是有这天赋 |
0:05:58.10, |
You wanna just throw that away? |
你想白白浪费这天赋吗 |
0:05:59.59, |
I don't think it's about throwing it away. |
那才不是什么白白浪费 |
0:06:01.19, |
I think it's about you pushing him-- |
而是你逼着他 |
0:06:01.82, |
Don't I get a say in any of this? |
我能插两句话吗 |
0:06:03.49, |
I'm sorry I don't like magic as much as you, |
很遗憾我不像你那么喜欢魔术 |
0:06:05.05, |
but I don't. |
但我真不喜欢 |
0:06:06.01, |
This isn't about magic. |
这与魔术无关 |
0:06:07.03, |
No, it's about my life and you controlling it. |
确实 而是我的人生你做主 |
0:06:09.34, |
Look, you made a commitment. You will honor that commitment. |
听着 你许下承诺 就该信守承诺 |
0:06:12.08, |
Ugh! I hate it here! |
我最讨厌这个 |
0:06:15.95, |
Luke! |
卢克 |
0:06:24.90, |
All right, young ladies and gentlemen, |
好了 年轻的女士们先生们 |
0:06:28.49, |
if I can have your attention, please. |
请听我说 好吗 |
0:06:30.18, |
Let's settle down |
大家坐坐好 |
0:06:31.12, |
and let's say a temporary good-bye to your neighbor |
跟邻座的同学和无趣的生活 |
0:06:33.75, |
and to life as you know it, because here comes treble. |
暂时告个别 因为时代男高音来了 |
0:06:37.31, |
That's right, my friends, we got treble, |
没错 下面的朋友们 时代最高音 |
0:06:39.17, |
Right here at Franklin middle. |
就在弗兰克林中学 |
0:06:41.00, |
I'm Cameron T., and that rhymes with "G," |
我是卡梅隆小T 韵脚是个小G |
0:06:42.61, |
And that stands for "Good morning"! |
意思就是"古德猫林"[早上好] |
0:06:45.81, |
Huh? Yes! Love the enthusiasm. |
请说 就爱有热情的 |
0:06:46.97, |
Go ahead. First question. |
说吧 第一个问题 |
0:06:48.25, |
When's Mr. Namagachi coming back? |
纳玛奇老师什么时候回来 |
0:06:50.66, |
Okay, Mr. Namagachi isn't coming back, |
纳玛奇老师不会再回来了 |
0:06:52.81, |
But there is somebody that I'd like to introduce you to. |
但我想向你们介绍一个人 |
0:06:56.23, |
Don't know that you proy met. |
不知道你们是否正式见过面了 |
0:06:57.93, |
She's a good friend of mine, |
她是我的好朋友 |
0:06:59.70, |
and she goes by the name of "Music." |
她的名字就叫作 "音乐" |
0:07:03.23, |
And sometimes my friend music can be shy. |
有时候我的朋友音乐很羞涩 |
0:07:11.15, |
Sometimes she can be angry! |
有时候则充满了愤怒 |
0:07:15.40, |
Sometimes she can be playful. |
有时候又很欢腾 |
0:07:20.25, |
And sometimes she can be downright a-funky! |
有时候则是非常 时髦[放克乐] |
0:07:26.42, |
Train wreck. |
大事不妙 |
0:07:27.99, |
There's no way he ran this past Mitchell. |
他肯定没跟米奇尔商量过要用这招 |
0:07:30.41, |
Daddy always parks in the back of the school. |
大爸通常停在学校的后门 |
0:07:33.58, |
I know, sweetie, but, uh, |
我知道 宝贝 但是 |
0:07:35.53, |
those spots were all taken. |
那里的停车位都被占了 |
0:07:36.87, |
Because we're late? |
因为我们迟到了 |
0:07:38.10, |
No, we're, like, a minute late, and that's 'cause of traffic. |
不是 我们才晚了一分钟 是因为堵车 |
0:07:40.72, |
And because I tipped over. |
也因为我摔倒了 |
0:07:42.13, |
You didn't snap my car seat right. |
你没系好我的安全座椅 |
0:07:44.71, |
Okay, well, it certainly didn't hurt your memory any. |
好吧 那一摔倒是没把你的记忆摔坏嘛 |
0:07:46.38, |
All right, here's your lunch. |
给你午餐 |
0:07:48.91, |
You spilled it! |
你弄洒了 |
0:07:50.35, |
Oh! Why is the top open? |
盖子怎么开着呢 |
0:07:52.18, |
Daddy always zips it for me. |
大爸都会替我拉上拉链的 |
0:07:54.58, |
Maybe you should zip it. |
或许你该自己拉上 |
0:07:56.61, |
I heard that. |
我可听到你的吐槽了 |
0:07:58.31, |
So with just a few more minutes left-- |
既然还剩几分钟时间 |
0:08:00.03, |
- Mr. Namagachi-- - used to work here, |
纳玛奇老师-以前在这里工作 |
0:08:01.97, |
but he got fired, okay? |
可他被开除了 明白吗 |
0:08:03.56, |
So now let's form an orchestra |
那么 现在 让我们用 |
0:08:04.84, |
made up of my favorite instruments-- |
我最喜欢的乐器组成乐队吧 |
0:08:06.82, |
your beautiful bodies. |
也就是你们美丽的身体 |
0:08:08.05, |
Gettin' creepy. |
有点"变态"了 |
0:08:08.92, |
Okay, so you guys are gonna be my, uh, table slappers. |
那么 你们负责拍桌子打节拍 |
0:08:12.02, |
You're my bass line. |
你们是我的低音部 |
0:08:13.53, |
Okay, and you're gonna be mouth trumpeters in the back with the melody. |
而后面这些同学就用嘴模仿小号的旋律 |
0:08:18.25, |
Okay, now let's bring it all together. |
好的 现在 大家一起来 |
0:08:20.27, |
One, two, three. |
一 二 三 |
0:08:23.77, |
The bass line is a little-- a little softer. |
低音部声音再柔和一点 |
0:08:26.33, |
Okay, louder with the mouth trumpets. |
模仿小号的声音再大一些 |
0:08:29.54, |
Okay. Great. Well, thank you so much. |
好极了 非常感谢你们 |
0:08:31.25, |
And, um, I thought it was a great first day. |
我觉得今天棒极了 |
0:08:33.46, |
And I love the give-and-take, everyone. |
各位同学 我喜欢与你们互相学习 |
0:08:35.17, |
And, um... |
还有 |
0:08:36.60, |
呼应前面说的掌声"慢"延不息 |
0:08:42.92, |
Hey, dad. How's Frisco? |
老爸 "西斯科"好玩吗 |
0:08:44.71, |
My meetings ended early. |
我的会议早结束了 |
0:08:46.12, |
I didn't even have to spend the night. |
我都不用在那儿过夜 |
0:08:47.68, |
And don't say "Frisco." |
你也别再说"西斯科"了 |
0:08:49.00, |
They hate it when you call it "Frisco." |
他们不喜欢别人把那里叫做"西斯科" |
0:08:50.65, |
How do you know what they hate? |
你怎么知道 |
0:08:51.46, |
You've been there two times in your life. |
你这辈子只去过那里两次 |
0:08:52.78, |
Anyway, I haven't slept in a week. |
爱咋咋地 我都一星期没睡觉了 |
0:08:55.07, |
Gloria's snoring like a water buffalo. |
歌洛莉亚打呼噜打得跟水牛似的 |
0:08:57.44, |
Aw. Well, she's pregnant. It's uncomfortable. |
她在怀孕嘛 肯定不舒服 |
0:09:00.77, |
What, she put on 15? 20? 25? 30? |
她增肥了多少 15 20 25 30磅吗 |
0:09:03.73, |
We're not doing this again. How do I bring it up? |
别老问这个了 我要怎么跟她提这件事呢 |
0:09:06.91, |
Well, for starters, you don't. |
首先 你不要提 |
0:09:09.51, |
You suck it up. |
老实忍着吧 |
0:09:10.52, |
Dad, your hot wife |
老爸 你的辣妻 |
0:09:12.38, |
who was learning to walk when you were 30 years old, |
她刚学走路时 你已经是而立之年了 |
0:09:14.98, |
is pregnant with a baby you conceived |
现在她怀了你的娃 |
0:09:16.65, |
doing something most men would kill to do. |
多少男人拼了命想跟她造个娃啊 |
0:09:20.26, |
- I'm just so tired. - It's a small sacrifice |
我就是太累了-那点小牺牲 |
0:09:22.91, |
compared to what she's going through. Poor thing, |
跟她所遭受的相比不值一提 小可怜 |
0:09:25.38, |
what with the extra... 30? 35? 40? 45? |
她增肥了多少磅 30 35 40 45 |
0:09:28.10, |
We're done. |
够了 |
0:09:29.50, |
All right, here we go. How's this? |
好的 开始喽 这个怎么样 |
0:09:30.75, |
That's not the kind we get. |
我们不买这种 |
0:09:32.29, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:09:35.01, |
Hello? Hey, Cam. |
喂 你好 小卡 |
0:09:36.67, |
Just checking in on me again? |
又打电话查岗吗 |
0:09:38.39, |
Yeah. Just wanted to see if you got Lily. |
是的 就想看看你有没有接到莉莉 |
0:09:40.32, |
Yeah, we're--we're just-- we're at the grocery store, |
接到了 我们刚到 我们在杂货店 |
0:09:41.82, |
having a great time. |
正逛得高兴呢 |
0:09:45.14, |
Oh. Yeah. Any questions about the... |
是吗 关于购物清单... |
0:09:48.80, |
about the grocery list? |
有什么问题吗 |
0:09:50.05, |
No, we're just picking up the granola. |
没有 我们正在买格兰诺拉燕麦片 |
0:09:51.78, |
So how was it? How was the big debut? |
你怎么样 你的初次登场如何 |
0:09:54.05, |
Was it a comfortable ride around the schoolyard |
在学校里是不是和孩子们 |
0:09:55.78, |
on the shoulders of the children? |
相处融洽 如鱼得水 |
0:09:57.23, |
Well, I stood and delivered. |
我反正是为人师表了一回 |
0:09:58.14, |
Thank you for sarcastically asking. |
谢谢你冷嘲热讽的询问 |
0:10:00.05, |
Yeah. |
可以 |
0:10:02.28, |
Okay, did you call the electrician about the dimmer? |
你有没有给电工打电话说调光器的事 |
0:10:04.23, |
Yes. Yeah. |
打了 当然打了 |
0:10:05.22, |
Yeah, I'm on the other line with him right now. |
他现在正在另一条线上等待通话呢 |
0:10:07.26, |
Oh, well, I should probably let you go. |
好了 那我大概应该撂电话了 |
0:10:08.26, |
Keep your eye on Lily. She has a tendency to wander off. |
看好莉莉 她特爱乱跑 |
0:10:10.58, |
Cam... Uh, wh-wh--I'm-- I'm totally capable of... |
小卡 我 我当然能... |
0:10:14.03, |
- You lost her, didn't you? - No. No, no, no, no. |
-你把她弄丢了 是不是 -没有没有 |
0:10:16.44, |
No, she is right next to me. Hi, honey. |
没有 她就在我旁边 嗨 宝贝 |
0:10:18.61, |
I can hear it in your voice. Look in the dairy case. |
我能听出来什么情况 到乳制品柜里找找 |
0:10:20.69, |
Cam, do you honestly think that I would lose... |
小卡 你不会真以为我能弄丢... |
0:10:23.47, |
the doors don't pull. They slide. |
那门拉不开 是滑开的 |
0:10:36.04, |
You never saw me. |
就当你没见到过我 |
0:10:44.53, |
Thank you very much. |
非常感谢 |
0:10:58.18, |
Look, um, I thought about it, |
我想了想 |
0:11:00.28, |
and if you really want to, you can quit magic. |
要是你特别想告别魔术 那就随你意 |
0:11:03.49, |
You just have to do one thing first-- |
只要 你最后做一件事 |
0:11:06.03, |
execute the Butler's escape. |
表演"巴特勒逃脱术" |
0:11:09.11, |
It goes without saying that the Butler's escape |
毫无疑问 巴特勒逃脱术 |
0:11:11.26, |
is one of the most challenging feats of escapology |
是逃脱术中最具挑战性的特技 |
0:11:13.69, |
an illusionist can perform. |
是魔术师最高等级的表演之一 |
0:11:15.22, |
It's--it's based, of course, on the well-known story |
此魔术 正是基于 那著名的 |
0:11:17.50, |
of the Earl of Flanning's manservant Percy, |
弗兰宁伯爵的男仆珀西的故事 |
0:11:19.41, |
who was imprisoned in the Tower of London, |
珀西被囚禁在伦敦塔里 |
0:11:21.87, |
and as we all know, refused to take off his uniform |
众所周知 在被铐上枷锁的时候 |
0:11:24.06, |
when he was shackled. |
他坚决不脱自己的制服 |
0:11:25.58, |
Famously, as the, uh, tower guard Gert slept, |
大家都知道 塔上的侍卫格特睡着后 |
0:11:28.60, |
Percy freed himself and leapt over the sleeping guard, |
珀西挣脱了枷锁 悄悄跃过睡着的侍卫 |
0:11:31.30, |
giving rise to the popular expression... |
那句著名的俗语就从此而来... |
0:11:36.65, |
Percy jumped the Gert. |
珀西跃过格尔特 |
0:11:39.53, |
Why are you making me do this stupid trick? |
你为什么要我做这个愚蠢的把戏 |
0:11:41.48, |
I think you're quitting... |
我觉得你之所以不想学了 |
0:11:42.31, |
because magic's getting hard, |
是因为魔术难度越来越大 |
0:11:43.85, |
and that's not a good reason for quitting anything. |
但在任何事上 都不该因惧怕困难而退缩 |
0:11:46.17, |
But... |
但是... |
0:11:47.58, |
if you can do this, |
如果你能成功 |
0:11:48.73, |
then I'll know that you genuinely don't like it, |
我就知道你是真心不喜欢魔术 |
0:11:50.86, |
and you'll have my blessing to pursue other interests. |
就算你从事其他爱好 我也祝福你 |
0:11:54.59, |
No strings attached. |
不带附加条件 |
0:11:55.97, |
Sorry, buddy. |
抱歉 小老弟 |
0:11:57.08, |
I'm so sorry. |
真抱歉 |
0:11:59.64, |
You're kidding, right? |
你在开玩笑吧 |
0:12:00.38, |
You cannot really be enjoying that stupid show. |
你不会真的喜欢这种三俗剧吧 |
0:12:02.68, |
I was changing channels. |
我只不过是换台时停顿了一下 |
0:12:03.97, |
God. Why are you so mean lately? |
天呐 你最近怎么这么刻薄呢 |
0:12:06.21, |
Is something wrong with you? |
你遇到什么事了吗 |
0:12:08.23, |
Is it that obvious? |
有这么明显吗 |
0:12:09.63, |
Oh, my gosh. Come on. You can talk to me. |
天呐 快来 跟我说说 |
0:12:14.37, |
There's this girl at school, and... |
我学校里有个女同学 她... |
0:12:17.36, |
She got pregnant. |
她怀孕了 |
0:12:19.17, |
No. |
不是吧 |
0:12:19.79, |
I know. I've been trying to help her, |
是啊 我一直试着帮她 |
0:12:21.06, |
But with all the pills she's taking, she kinda lashes out. |
但由于药物作用 她听不进劝 |
0:12:23.35, |
Oh, honey, this is too much for you to take on alone. |
宝贝 你一人面对这样的事太不容易了 |
0:12:25.58, |
- Where are the parents? - They're no help. |
她的家长呢-他们帮不上忙 |
0:12:27.55, |
Dad's all consumed with his plastic surgery business, |
她爸爸一心只顾着自己的整容生意 |
0:12:30.23, |
and her mom's an ex-model who's trying to launch a music career. |
妈妈以前是模特 正努力发展音乐事业 |
0:12:32.91, |
You're describing the show I was just watching, right? |
这是我刚刚看的电视剧里的剧情吧 |
0:12:34.56, |
I'm just saying, mix in a book every now and then. |
我只是想说 时不时读点书吧 |
0:12:36.59, |
Mean! Mean! |
刻薄 刻薄鬼 |
0:12:38.68, |
Try to see this from my perspective. |
试着从我的角度看看 |
0:12:40.81, |
I can't. |
我看不了 |
0:12:42.06, |
I'm not raising a quitter. |
我的儿子不能半途而废 |
0:12:43.87, |
Trust me. I know what's best for you. |
相信我 我知道什么对你有好处 |
0:12:46.39, |
And watch your time. In the stage version, |
注意控制时间 舞台表演时 |
0:12:47.84, |
the rope's on fire, and you're suspended over a bed of nails. |
绳子会被点燃 而你会被悬在钉板上 |
0:12:50.48, |
I hate this! Why are you making me do this? |
我讨厌这把戏 你为什么逼我做这个 |
0:12:52.73, |
Use that anger, Lukini. |
化愤怒为力量 卢吉尼 |
0:12:54.95, |
Let it be the key that opens the vault of fear... |
将它变为打开恐惧之门的钥匙 |
0:12:58.55, |
that holds the chalice of hope |
那里面有希望之杯 |
0:13:01.06, |
that contains the elixir of success. |
杯里盛着成功的灵丹妙药 |
0:13:04.38, |
In a few short minutes... |
短短几分钟后... |
0:13:08.21, |
Son of Alkazeel! You've done it! |
我的神啊 你成功了 |
0:13:11.02, |
I quit. |
我不干了 |
0:13:20.10, |
So how was your first day? Tell me everything. |
第一天怎么样 快跟我说说 |
0:13:22.37, |
Well, you know, it was a lovefest. |
你懂的 我备受喜爱 |
0:13:24.82, |
And the kids-- they were, you know, and... |
孩子们 他们 你知道吧... |
0:13:28.48, |
Is that a roast? |
那是烤肉吗 |
0:13:29.58, |
W--yes. Yes. But I'm surprised you could smell it over the |
是的 我很惊讶你居然可以闻出来 |
0:13:32.38, |
no-dairy yellow pepper bisque with cheesy croutons. |
毕竟有黄胡椒浓汤 配油煎干酪面包块的混合 |
0:13:34.98, |
Oh, wow. You had time to do a roast and soup. |
哇 你还能腾出时间烤肉又煲汤 |
0:13:37.02, |
- Hi, daddy! - Hi, angel! |
爹地好-你好 我的天使 |
0:13:39.25, |
How are you? Did you miss daddy? |
你好吗 有没有想爸爸 |
0:13:41.28, |
Wow. Bathed and braided. |
哇 洗了澡还梳好了辫子 |
0:13:43.43, |
Yeah. Let me just put you in a more flattering light here. |
是啊 我来把灯光调得柔和些 |
0:13:46.58, |
The dimmer. |
调光器 |
0:13:47.93, |
Who'd you call? |
你叫谁来修的 |
0:13:48.82, |
I called myself 'cause I did it. |
我叫了我自己 我修的 |
0:13:51.23, |
Yeah, I had time after picking up Gio's present, |
对 买完给吉奥的礼物后我还有些时间 |
0:13:54.05, |
so, uh... Go show daddy what it is. |
所以就...把礼物拿来给爸爸看看 |
0:13:56.01, |
Okay.-yeah. |
好-乖 |
0:13:57.36, |
It sounds like you had a pretty successful day yourself. |
听起来你这一天过得充实又高效 |
0:14:00.45, |
Well, it's just a matter of being organized. |
只是有条理些罢了 |
0:14:02.37, |
But who am I telling, huh? |
但我这是班门弄斧呀 |
0:14:03.65, |
You do this sort of stuff every day. |
你每天都是这么高效 |
0:14:05.46, |
Oh, blow on that. |
吹一下 |
0:14:07.63, |
So tell me more about the kids. |
再跟我说说孩子们的事吧 |
0:14:09.17, |
Well, it was as I predicted, you know. |
就和我想象的一样 |
0:14:11.12, |
They just needed somebody to come in there |
他们需要的是个 |
0:14:12.65, |
and bring music back to life. |
能让音乐恢复生机的老师 |
0:14:14.70, |
And, you know, that person was... |
而且 那个人就是... |
0:14:17.29, |
that person was... |
那个人就是... |
0:14:19.58, |
It's not me! |
不是我 |
0:14:20.80, |
What's happening? |
出什么事了 |
0:14:21.44, |
It was a disaster, Mitchell. |
糟糕透了 米奇尔 |
0:14:23.22, |
They hated me! |
他们讨厌我 |
0:14:24.03, |
Not just the kids, the teachers. |
不只是孩子们 老师们也是 |
0:14:26.07, |
They wouldn't sit with me at lunch. |
午饭时他们都不和我一起坐 |
0:14:27.21, |
I had to sit alone. |
我只得自己一个人吃 |
0:14:28.34, |
Oh, honey. |
亲爱的不哭 |
0:14:29.46, |
And my sweater--the shop teacher spilled juice on it. |
还有我的运动衫 手工老师把橘汁洒上面了 |
0:14:31.78, |
He said it was an accident, but it wasn't an accident. |
他说是不小心的 但我知道他是故意的 |
0:14:34.34, |
- It's okay - It's not okay! |
没关系的-怎么会没关系 |
0:14:36.37, |
I failed miserably. |
我全搞砸了 |
0:14:37.91, |
And look at you. You did everything so perfectly. |
你看你 你把所有的事都做的井井有条 |
0:14:40.43, |
Well, yes. |
那倒是 |
0:14:43.30, |
And--and--and no. |
也不是 |
0:14:44.57, |
Look, look, I... I gotta tell ya. |
其实...实话跟你说吧 |
0:14:48.46, |
Uh... I've just been watching |
我一直用心观察 |
0:14:49.15, |
how you've done things all these years, |
多年来你做事情的方法 |
0:14:50.38, |
and I just perfected it. |
然后我稍加完善了一下 |
0:14:52.12, |
- Oh, please, Mitchell! - Claire... |
-拜托 米奇尔 -克莱尔... |
0:14:53.81, |
Cam, he was every bit the failure you are. |
小卡 他跟你一样失败得一塌糊涂 |
0:14:55.97, |
He was late picking up Lily. She was in with the custodians. |
他没按时接莉莉 她只好被保育员看管 |
0:14:58.99, |
The only thing he had less to do with than dinner |
晚饭也不是他做的 更离谱的是 |
0:15:00.97, |
was the dimmer. |
调光器他压根就没碰 |
0:15:02.44, |
And her hair was in braids because there was gum in it. |
莉莉漂亮的小辫 是他用口香糖粘的 |
0:15:06.90, |
And... why are we hugging? |
另外...你们为什么抱抱 |
0:15:07.68, |
Because I know if he called you for help |
因为我知道如果他求你帮忙 |
0:15:09.50, |
and heard as many insults as I know he had to hear, |
一定忍受了许多讽刺和辱骂 |
0:15:11.89, |
then he had a worse day than me. |
那么他这天过得比我还糟 |
0:15:13.38, |
Oh, she was horrible, Cam. |
她好可怕 小卡 |
0:15:15.81, |
- You know what? It's gonna get better. - No, I know. |
-没事的 一切都会好的 -不 我知道 |
0:15:17.53, |
We just need some time to settle into these new roles. |
我们只是需要时间来适应我们的新角色 |
0:15:19.51, |
You were right to lower my expectations. |
你让我降低期望值真是太对了 |
0:15:21.17, |
I just wish I had lowered mine. |
应该降低期望值的是我 |
0:15:24.33, |
This gonna work its way around to a "Thank you," Ladies? |
你们不打算跟我道个谢吗 女士们 |
0:15:36.95, |
Hey, honey. |
嘿 宝贝 |
0:15:37.84, |
Surprise! I'm in San Francisco! |
惊喜吧 我到旧金山了 |
0:15:39.90, |
What? |
什么 |
0:15:40.59, |
I dropped Manny at a friend's and, I know it's crazy, |
我把曼尼放朋友家了 我知道这很疯狂 |
0:15:43.32, |
but I hopped on a plane and I'm here! |
但我赶上了一班飞机就飞来啦 |
0:15:45.20, |
I'm driving to the hotel. |
现在正往酒店去 |
0:15:46.47, |
That is so great. |
那太棒了 |
0:15:48.76, |
The thing is, honey, I'm not here right now. |
可是宝贝 我现不在酒店里 |
0:15:51.13, |
See, I'm, uh, I'm out at dinner. |
我正在外面吃晚饭 |
0:15:53.69, |
Probably won't be back for, um... |
暂时赶不回来 |
0:15:56.35, |
Oh, I don't know. A couple of hours. |
可能得几个小时吧 |
0:15:57.94, |
It's okay. I'll wait for you there. |
没关系 人家等着你 |
0:16:00.07, |
Don't be silly. How often do you get to san francisco? |
别傻了 多难得来一趟旧金山啊 |
0:16:02.85, |
There's so much to see there. |
那里有很多地方可以参观 |
0:16:04.91, |
I mean, here. |
我是说"这里" |
0:16:06.94, |
Ghirardelli square? Fisherman's wharf? |
吉拉德里广场 渔人码头 |
0:16:09.00, |
Alcatraz? Hey, take that segway tour. |
恶魔岛也不错 对了 去报个赛格威团吧 |
0:16:11.52, |
That's a great way to see the city. |
可以饱览城市美景 |
0:16:13.12, |
And when you get the chowder, |
喝海鲜杂烩浓汤时 |
0:16:14.01, |
Make sure it one of those bread bowls. |
一定要用"面包碗" |
0:16:16.04, |
You can eat the bowl. |
喝完汤可以把碗吃了 |
0:16:17.47, |
Yeah, it's a story you'll tell for a lifetime. |
对了 你以后都可以拿这事儿当美谈了 |
0:16:25.96, |
You know what? Later on... |
话说 待会儿 |
0:16:26.90, |
[美国著名魔术师] |
0:16:26.90, |
Maybe we can watch some of your Lance Burton DVDs. |
我们可以看一些兰斯·伯顿的光碟 |
0:16:29.48, |
Thanks. I think I just wanna try this escape. |
谢谢 我就是想尝试一下逃脱术 |
0:16:32.66, |
Would you mind tightening my arms? |
能帮我把手臂这儿弄紧点吗 |
0:16:34.15, |
Oh. Sure. Here. |
当然 来 |
0:16:36.19, |
It's just hard, you know? |
我心里挺不好受的 |
0:16:38.36, |
It's the first time he hasn't shared one of my interests. |
他这是第一次对我的爱好不感兴趣 |
0:16:40.79, |
It's scary to think that this is the start of us growing apart. |
我们父子要是从此有隔阂了可怎么办 |
0:16:43.85, |
Oh, honey, it's probably just a phase. |
亲爱的 没准这只是暂时的 |
0:16:45.83, |
Alex is going through something right now. |
倒是艾丽克斯最近有点儿不正常 |
0:16:47.10, |
I wish I could figure that out. |
我要是能搞明白她的问题就好了 |
0:16:48.44, |
- I can't breathe. - Anxiety. |
我喘不过气了-焦虑啊 |
0:16:50.63, |
No, no, I'm--I'm fighting the jacket. |
不不 我在努力挣脱枷锁衫 |
0:16:52.46, |
The key to this escape is balance. |
逃脱的关键就是要受力平衡 |
0:16:54.06, |
The whole thing is based on the idea of opposing forces. |
反作用力是整个逃脱术的突破点 |
0:16:57.27, |
Holding each other in check. |
控制两边的力量 |
0:16:59.42, |
That actually makes some sense. |
说得有点道理 |
0:17:02.66, |
Some sense? |
有"点"道理 |
0:17:04.26, |
There are two things I know with dead certainty-- |
世上有两件事是我百分百确定的 |
0:17:06.95, |
How to shoulder roll out of a human pyramid, |
一是如何挣脱开叠罗汉 |
0:17:09.03, |
and the black arts of the Butler's escape. |
二是破解"巴特勒逃脱术" |
0:17:11.20, |
No, honey, our house is out of balance, |
不 亲爱的 我们家失去平衡了 |
0:17:13.65, |
because Alex is missing her opposing force. |
因为艾丽克斯失去"反向作用力"了 |
0:17:16.72, |
Mm? Yeah. |
对吧 我好聪明 |
0:17:18.03, |
Oh. Y-you're missing out. |
你错失了大好机会 |
0:17:19.90, |
Some people describe this escape as visual poetry. |
有人说此魔术是场视觉盛宴 |
0:17:25.84, |
Honey? |
亲爱的 |
0:17:33.51, |
oh, no. |
完了 |
0:17:36.37, |
Gloria. |
歌洛莉亚 |
0:17:38.26, |
You told me that you were in Frisco, |
你说你在西斯科 |
0:17:40.40, |
and you were here in a hotel? |
但却在酒店被我抓了个正着 |
0:17:41.84, |
Let me just say one thing. |
我就说一点 |
0:17:43.17, |
Don't say "Frisco." They hate that. |
别说"西斯科" 当地人不爱听 |
0:17:44.77, |
And how the hell did you find me? |
你怎么找到我的 |
0:17:46.80, |
The house has been a little noisy lately. |
家里最近有点小噪音 |
0:17:48.70, |
And the school library is a pickup scene. |
学校图书馆又像个勾搭妹子的炮点 |
0:17:50.66, |
So where does a kid go for some peace and quiet? |
一个渴望安静祥和的孩子能去哪儿呢 |
0:18:03.23, |
Tell me right now if you're having an affair, |
告诉我你是不是有外遇了 |
0:18:05.39, |
and we will find some time later for me to kill you. |
待会儿我再找时间抽死你 |
0:18:08.00, |
No. I'm just trying to have one night away from your snoring. |
不是的 我只是想远离你的鼾声一晚 |
0:18:12.13, |
You came to a hotel to sleep? |
你来酒店开房是为了睡觉 |
0:18:13.50, |
I'm exhausted, and I didn't want to hurt your feelings, |
我精疲力尽了 我不想说出来让你难过 |
0:18:16.22, |
but you're huge and you're loud. |
但你身躯庞大而且又吵 |
0:18:18.10, |
[著名脱口秀主持人 身躯肥胖臃肿] |
0:18:18.10, |
It's like sleeping with Rush Limbaugh. |
我就好像和拉什·林博同床一样 |
0:18:20.02, |
And I didn't want to bring it up because I figured |
我不想说这事 是因为我觉得 |
0:18:21.83, |
you'd get mad at me the way you got mad at Manny. |
你会像生曼尼的气那样 生我的气 |
0:18:23.68, |
I am not mad at you because you told me that I snore. |
我生气不是因为你说我打鼾 |
0:18:26.69, |
I am mad at you because you didn't say anything. |
我生气是因为你什么也没说 |
0:18:29.14, |
cause I didn't want to get yelled at. |
因为我不想被你骂 |
0:18:30.49, |
Well, too bad. |
太遗憾了 |
0:18:31.73, |
When you're married to me, |
你娶了我 |
0:18:33.13, |
you're going to get yelled at many times. |
就得准备好被骂个够 |
0:18:36.12, |
And you're tough enough to take it. |
而且你坚强到完全可以接受 |
0:18:38.18, |
That's what I love about our marriage. |
我就是喜欢咱们婚姻的这点 |
0:18:40.40, |
We can say whatever we want, |
我们可以畅所欲言 |
0:18:42.19, |
but the next day, we're still there. |
但说完以后 谁也不会放在心中 |
0:18:44.05, |
That's what I like about it, too. |
我也喜欢这点 |
0:18:46.40, |
What am I gonna say you couldn't forgive me? |
看来我说什么你都能原谅我啊 |
0:18:48.60, |
There are things, Jay. |
也有不可原谅的 杰 |
0:18:50.33, |
You ready to go? |
可以走了吗 |
0:18:51.33, |
I was thinking, it's such a shame |
我在想 开了房不用 |
0:18:53.95, |
that this hotel room is going to go to waste. |
实在是太可惜了 |
0:18:56.75, |
I like where this is headed. |
我喜欢这事的发展方向 |
0:18:58.97, |
Make Manny some pasta. I'll see you tomorrow morning, okay? |
给曼尼做点意面 我们明早见了 |
0:19:06.68, |
Hey, dad. |
嘿 爸 |
0:19:07.42, |
Hey, buddy. |
嘿 小老弟 |
0:19:09.57, |
Look, I-I'm sorry if I-- |
听我说 我很抱歉我... |
0:19:11.81, |
No no no, don't apologize. |
别这样 不用道歉 |
0:19:14.34, |
There's still plenty of stuff we can do together. |
我们可以一起做很多其他事 |
0:19:16.42, |
So if you want out, |
所以如果你想退出 |
0:19:18.73, |
you are... Out! |
你就退"出"吧 |
0:19:23.48, |
Uh, I know we bought a lot of magic stuff, |
我知道我们买了很多魔术用具 |
0:19:25.60, |
but we can return some of it-- |
但是可以退回去一些 |
0:19:27.44, |
Merlin's hat, the gloves, most of the capes. |
巫师帽 手套 大部分的披风 |
0:19:31.21, |
What about houdini's wands? |
魔术大师手杖呢 |
0:19:34.04, |
They kinda got broken. |
弄断了 |
0:19:35.50, |
All three? What happened? |
三支全断了吗 怎么了 |
0:19:36.43, |
I got you carbon fiber. |
我买的是碳纤维材质的 |
0:19:38.00, |
Some kids were messing around with them at school. |
在学校有些同学拿来开玩笑 |
0:19:40.20, |
What do you mean? What--what were they doing? |
什么意思 他们做了什么 |
0:19:43.58, |
I don't really want to talk about it. |
我真心不想说这事儿 |
0:19:47.55, |
You know, I went through that, |
这种事我也经历过 |
0:19:49.90, |
kids--kids messing with my stuff. |
同学们拿我的东西开玩笑 |
0:19:52.46, |
Really?-Oh,yeah. In high school, |
真的吗-对 高中时 |
0:19:53.87, |
When I first got nominated for junior tumbling congress, |
我第一次提名参加低年级翻筋斗大赛 |
0:19:56.93, |
my parents had to sign a... release! |
我父母要签同意书[释放] |
0:20:03.13, |
Anyway, my buddy dizzy Brindizzi |
总之 我哥们儿晕乎布雷迪 |
0:20:06.29, |
saw it, grabbed it, and made a lot of fun of me. |
看到了 抢过去 猛开我的玩笑 |
0:20:09.90, |
I thought about not going. |
我就想着不去了 |
0:20:11.33, |
But you did. |
但你去了 |
0:20:12.40, |
Oh, yeah. Had a blast. |
是啊 可爽了 |
0:20:14.43, |
Made a lot of friends, |
交了很多朋友 |
0:20:16.39, |
shared milkshakes with more than one female tumbler. |
与不止一位女筋斗运动员分享奶昔 |
0:20:20.01, |
The minute I stopped caring what other people thought |
我不再在乎其他人想法 |
0:20:21.61, |
and started doing what I wanted to do, is the minute |
开始做自己想做的事情那一刻 就是 |
0:20:24.48, |
I finally felt... Free! |
我终于感觉到"自由"的那一刻 |
0:20:31.84, |
Buddy... |
小老弟 |
0:20:34.73, |
You're gonna make your own choices, |
你自己做决定吧 |
0:20:37.08, |
and whatever you decide, I'll always support you. |
无论你的决定是什么 我永远会支持你 |
0:20:39.84, |
You're not just saying all this 'cause you're stuck, right? |
你说这些不是因为你脱不了身 有求于我吧 |
0:20:42.13, |
Nothing you decide will ever disappoint me. |
你做的任何决定都不会令我失望 |
0:20:46.26, |
Thanks, dad. |
多谢了 爸 |
0:20:48.99, |
Relax your arms, |
胳膊放松 |
0:20:50.52, |
roll your shoulders forward, |
肩膀朝前 |
0:20:52.15, |
bend down your head, |
低下头 |
0:20:53.62, |
exhale... |
呼气 |
0:20:54.52, |
And then arch. |
然后拱背 |
0:20:59.19, |
Uh... It sorta worked. |
还算管用 |
0:21:12.11, |
Well, honey, I just wanted to check in and say hi. |
宝贝 我只是想看看你问个好 |
0:21:14.45, |
Alex, come say hi to your sister! |
艾丽克斯 过来跟你姐打个招呼 |
0:21:16.90, |
I love you so much. |
我好爱你 |
0:21:18.06, |
What's up, lady? |
咋滴了 小姐 |
0:21:19.52, |
Oh, my god. You did not just say, "What's up, lady?" |
我的天 你怎么能说"咋滴了 小姐" |
0:21:22.13, |
What's wrong with you? |
你什么毛病啊 |
0:21:23.36, |
I was just saying hello-- |
我只是问好 |
0:21:24.40, |
Oh, it's like the lamest thing you've ever said. |
那是你说过的最白痴的话 |
0:21:26.37, |
And what is that shirt? |
你这衣服算什么 |
0:21:27.03, |
What are you, a flapper? |
你是20年代的摩登女郎吗 |
0:21:28.26, |
I just bought it at that store that you-- |
我买的那家店可是你... |
0:21:29.45, |
Oh, where? Forever 1921? |
哪家店 "永远的1921"吗 |
0:21:31.40, |
And what is going on with your hair? |
而且你头发是怎么回事 |
0:21:32.97, |
What's wrong with my hair? |
我的头发又怎么了 |
0:21:34.31, |
Oh, you should just dip yourself in boy repellent. |
你干脆把自己在"驱男剂"里蘸蘸好了 |
0:21:36.62, |
Shut up! Mom! |
闭嘴 妈 |
0:21:38.26, |
And balance... |
平衡 |
0:21:39.87, |
is restored. |
恢复了 |