0:00:02.98, |
Haley, hurry up! |
海莉 快点 |
0:00:04.64, |
You don't have much time, and I made chocolate chip pancakes. |
你快来不及了 我还做了巧克力煎饼 |
0:00:06.64, |
Mom, I'm not 12. |
老妈 我不是12岁的小孩了 |
0:00:07.72, |
Dibs on hers. |
她那份给我 |
0:00:09.28, |
Honey, you excited about your first day? |
宝贝 第一天上班激动吗 |
0:00:10.80, |
You know what? I really am. |
你猜怎么着 我真的很激动 |
0:00:12.41, |
There's something about going to work |
上班这事儿吧 |
0:00:13.46, |
that makes you feel like you're... |
会让人觉得自己 |
0:00:14.81, |
I don't know, worth something. |
不知道 有价值吧 |
0:00:16.27, |
No offense, mom. |
别介意哈 老妈 |
0:00:17.84, |
Listen... I wanna give you some advice. |
听着 我想给你一些建议 |
0:00:19.72, |
Do it fast. She's gonna be late. |
快点说 她要迟到了 |
0:00:21.91, |
Work hard. |
努力工作 |
0:00:23.08, |
Keep your eye on the ball. |
专心致志 |
0:00:25.05, |
Stay focused. |
注意力集中 |
0:00:26.52, |
Never... check it out! |
永不...快看 |
0:00:28.98, |
Cam in overalls! |
小卡穿着工装 |
0:00:30.97, |
Mitchell sent me the same text! |
米奇尔也给我发了一张 |
0:00:32.96, |
Why "Look what you've done"? |
为什么写着"瞧你干了什么好事" |
0:00:34.24, |
Oh, because Cam is helping me out |
因为小卡要来帮我 |
0:00:35.40, |
with that baseball field, |
建一个棒球场 |
0:00:36.54, |
and Mitchell hates it when he gets all farmed up. |
但米奇尔讨厌他打扮得跟农民似的 |
0:00:38.57, |
His turn-offs are farm, Fizbo, |
一提到农场和菲茨宝小丑 他就郁闷 |
0:00:40.65, |
And, worst of all, farmbo. |
最郁闷的就是 农场宝 |
0:00:44.58, |
Howdy, life pardner! |
你好呀 我的伙计 |
0:00:48.95, |
Well, I gotta go. Don't wanna be late for my first-- |
我得走了 我不想第一天就迟... |
0:00:51.16, |
Oh, my god! Why didn't you guys tell me the time?! |
天呐 你们怎么没告诉我时间 |
0:00:56.19, |
So what do you think? Can we turn this into a baseball field? |
你觉得怎么样 我们能把这改造成棒球场吗 |
0:00:58.73, |
Oh, yeah. No problem. |
当然 没有问题 |
0:00:59.87, |
You know, back on the farm, |
以前在农场 |
0:01:00.69, |
I once turned an acre of corn into a snowflake-shaped maze. |
我曾把一英亩的玉米地改造成了雪花形迷宫 |
0:01:03.99, |
It'd still be there if our neighbor Billy Bob Sheinberg |
要不是邻居比利·鲍勃·希恩伯格 |
0:01:05.86, |
hadn't seen it from his crop duster |
从他的撒药飞机上看下去 |
0:01:07.29, |
and said it looked like a swastika. |
说像纳粹卐字标 迷宫肯定还保留着 |
0:01:10.14, |
So how good's Luke's team anyway? |
卢克的球队表现怎么样啊 |
0:01:11.71, |
Well, you may have seen them on youtube |
你可以上Youtube搜 |
0:01:13.19, |
under "Boy stuck in batting helmet" |
男孩卡在头盔里了 |
0:01:15.25, |
or "Pitcher beans self." |
或者"投球手击中自己的头部" |
0:01:18.44, |
But a few of them went through puberty early this year, so... |
不过其中一些孩子今年提早进入了青春期 |
0:01:20.48, |
They say it's because of hormones in our milk. |
他们说是牛奶中的激素所致 |
0:01:22.79, |
But whatever it is, they really jacked up. |
但不管是什么 确实挺管用的 |
0:01:25.13, |
Luke and Manny's team tied for the final spot in the playoffs, |
卢克和曼尼的球队要争取季后赛的最后一席 |
0:01:27.57, |
but since nobody was expecting it, |
但由于没人料到如此 |
0:01:29.58, |
all the fields were booked. |
想订球场时已经来不及了 |
0:01:30.93, |
The other team wanted to settle with a coin flip. |
对手球队想要抛硬币来一决胜负 |
0:01:33.07, |
We said "Rock paper scissors." That's when talks broke down. |
但我们说要石头剪刀布 于是就谈崩了 |
0:01:36.11, |
So what do you do when you can't find a field? |
找不到球场该怎么办呢 |
0:01:39.26, |
You build one. |
自己建一个 |
0:01:40.64, |
And we got the last laugh, |
于是我们笑到了最后 |
0:01:41.99, |
cause guess what I found there? |
因为你猜我找到了什么 |
0:01:43.58, |
Rocks, paper, and scissors. |
石头 剪刀 和布 |
0:01:47.09, |
- I see home plate up here. - Mm-hmm. |
我觉得本垒该设在这儿-嗯 |
0:01:48.96, |
I see pitcher's mound in here, |
投手区在那儿 |
0:01:50.88, |
And I see little boys' dreams coming true everywhere. |
于是小男孩的梦想就此成真了 |
0:01:53.26, |
I found a dead snake! |
我发现了一条死蛇 |
0:01:54.93, |
It's perfect. |
真是"好"啊 |
0:01:56.38, |
Not dead! Not dead! |
没死 没死 |
0:01:58.06, |
I'm gonna be mother of the year. |
我要当上年度"好母亲"了 |
0:02:09.04, |
第四季 第十集 |
0:02:13.09, |
And this is our dining room, where we eat. |
这里是我们的餐厅 我们吃饭的地方 |
0:02:16.05, |
And this is our kitchen, where we also eat. |
这里是我们的厨房 也是吃饭的地方 |
0:02:18.86, |
Who are you talking to? |
你在跟谁说话 |
0:02:19.51, |
It looks like you lost your tour. |
看起来像是你跟旅行团走散了 |
0:02:21.13, |
Or your mind. |
或是精神失常了 |
0:02:22.22, |
The baby. |
我在跟宝宝讲话 |
0:02:23.40, |
Shorty's girlfriend Darlene send it to me. |
小短的女朋友达琳送给我的 |
0:02:25.97, |
She said it's for prenatal bonding. |
她说有利于产前母子关系的培养 |
0:02:28.43, |
I love it. We took a tour of the house. |
我爱死了 我们参观了我们的家 |
0:02:31.03, |
We took a look at all my shoes. |
还看了我所有的鞋子 |
0:02:32.93, |
Come on, Jay. Say something to the baby. |
来吧 杰 跟宝宝说说话 |
0:02:34.55, |
Darlene's an idiot. |
达琳是个傻瓜 |
0:02:35.70, |
Oh, yeah, beautiful. |
好吧 太棒了 |
0:02:36.57, |
Your first words to our baby-- |
你对宝宝说的第一句话就是 |
0:02:37.88, |
Darlene is an idiot. |
达琳是个傻瓜 |
0:02:39.19, |
This is stupid. The baby's only 2 inches away. |
太愚蠢了 宝宝就隔着肚皮 |
0:02:41.15, |
He doesn't need speakers blasting at him. |
要跟他讲话 根本不用拿着麦克风吼 |
0:02:43.22, |
Like in restaurants nowadays |
就像如今的餐厅 |
0:02:44.40, |
where you can't even hear yourself think. |
你根本听不到自己在想什么 |
0:02:45.93, |
Ah, you're gonna do whatever you want. Why do I bother? |
反正你爱干嘛就干嘛 我操个什么心 |
0:02:49.46, |
Get used to that. Sometimes you just gotta let him go. |
习惯就好 有时候你就得让他发泄下 |
0:02:52.18, |
Then he eats some sherbet and falls asleep. |
他会吃点冰冻果子露 睡一觉 |
0:02:55.79, |
Okay, I'll chalk the field with this bad boy. |
我要用这玩意儿在场地上划线 |
0:02:57.96, |
And while you're doing that, I will get the bases. |
你划线时 我来搞定垒位 |
0:02:59.91, |
We make such a good team. |
我们真是默契 |
0:03:01.27, |
Why does your friend have a chalker? |
为什么你的朋友会有粉笔划线车 |
0:03:02.55, |
Oh, he used it to propose to a skywriter. |
他用来求婚的 那人是开飞机在空中作画的 |
0:03:05.30, |
Oh, ma'am? Ma'am, do you need help with that? |
女士 女士 需要我帮忙吗 |
0:03:06.15, |
屋主售房 |
0:03:07.54, |
Oh, yes. Please. |
是的 拜托了 |
0:03:09.21, |
Is this your house? |
这是你的房子吗 |
0:03:10.51, |
I'm moving in with my son. |
我要搬去和我的儿子一起住 |
0:03:12.55, |
He's rich. |
他很有钱 |
0:03:13.57, |
Phone by the toilet rich. |
马桶边都装了电话 |
0:03:15.50, |
All right, so have you lived here a long time? |
那你在这儿住很久了吗 |
0:03:17.13, |
I moved here in '62 to be an actress. |
我是62年搬过来 想做演员的 |
0:03:20.71, |
I had one line in a "Rockford files." |
我在《洛克福档案》一剧中有句台词 |
0:03:24.79, |
He went out the back., |
他从后门溜走了 |
0:03:26.01, |
Who went out the back? |
谁从后门溜走了 |
0:03:27.39, |
That was you. |
原来那是你演的啊 |
0:03:30.38, |
Well, you're all set here. |
这个给你弄好了 |
0:03:31.64, |
You're not interested in the place, are you? |
你们对这房子有兴趣吗 |
0:03:33.63, |
- Oh, no, thank you. - Yes--yes, we are. |
-没有 谢谢 -有 我们有兴趣 |
0:03:36.20, |
Yes. Yes, we are. |
是的是的 我们有兴趣 |
0:03:38.47, |
- Come on. - Okay. |
过来吧-好的 |
0:03:42.21, |
You gotta keep your eyes open. |
眼睛不能闭上 |
0:03:43.65, |
It's not natural when a ball is hurtling at your face. |
球快打中脸了 闭眼是正常反应啊 |
0:03:46.26, |
Will you choke up a little? |
你能往球棒中间握一点吗[激动地说不出话] |
0:03:47.39, |
Probably when they play the national anthem. |
那得等到奏国歌的时候 |
0:03:49.45, |
No, move your hands up the bat. |
不 我是说 你的手往上握一点 |
0:03:52.35, |
When they play the national anthem. |
得等到奏国歌的时候 |
0:03:54.47, |
I had a perfect record-- |
我有着完美的纪录 |
0:03:55.81, |
22 games, and I hadn't played a single inning. |
22场比赛 我一局都没上 |
0:03:58.35, |
Then the Mccoy twins' grandma dies, |
然后麦考伊双胞胎的奶奶死了 |
0:03:59.76, |
and suddenly I'm starting at right field. |
我就被突然叫上右外场 |
0:04:02.03, |
What does that even mean? Is it the same as stage right? |
那到底什么意思啊 跟舞台右侧一样吗 |
0:04:05.76, |
All right, ready? Nice and easy. |
准备好了吗 慢慢来 放轻松 |
0:04:09.69, |
I haven't even thrown it yet. |
我都还没扔呢 |
0:04:11.08, |
Then it's your fault. I'm doing my part. |
那是你的错 我做了我该做的事 |
0:04:13.17, |
Forget it. We need to do something different. |
算了吧 我们得采取新措施 |
0:04:16.33, |
Let's change your stance. |
你的击球姿势要改一改 |
0:04:17.72, |
Try leaning in. |
试着往前倾一点 |
0:04:19.29, |
Further. |
再倾斜一点 |
0:04:20.65, |
Now close your eyes. |
现在闭上眼睛 |
0:04:24.64, |
Ah! Perfect! You think you can do that every time? |
好极了 你可以每次都这样吗 |
0:04:27.27, |
What, get hit on purpose? |
哪样 故意挨打吗 |
0:04:29.03, |
If you wanna get on base and be a hero. |
你想上垒成为英雄就得这样 |
0:04:31.38, |
Some men are born into greatness. |
有些人生而伟大 |
0:04:33.40, |
Others have it chucked at their face. |
有些人活该丢脸 |
0:04:36.20, |
Yes! |
真棒 |
0:04:38.29, |
Okay, Mrs. Brooks, thank you very much. |
布鲁克太太 非常感谢 |
0:04:39.75, |
We'll be in touch very soon. |
我们会尽快跟你联系的 |
0:04:41.44, |
Say it one more time. |
再说一次 |
0:04:42.66, |
He went out the back. |
他从后门溜走了 |
0:04:43.61, |
- Oh, love it! Love it! - Brava! Brava! |
-我喜欢 大爱啊 -精彩 精彩 |
0:04:46.35, |
Bye-bye! |
再见 |
0:04:47.57, |
What do you think, Phil? |
菲尔 你觉得怎么样 |
0:04:48.57, |
Well, I have to admit, it's a steal. |
不得不承认 真是遇着个大便宜 |
0:04:51.88, |
Yes! Yes! I told you! |
没错啊 我就说嘛 |
0:04:53.25, |
And you said Gil Thorpe makes a killing flipping houses. |
你还说吉尔·索普靠炒房赚了一大笔钱 |
0:04:55.59, |
Yeah, he brags about it all the time. |
可不 他一直拿这件事大吹特吹 |
0:04:57.11, |
Every time he makes a sale, |
他每做成一笔买卖 |
0:04:57.88, |
he calls himself "Flipper" |
都说自己是"大炒家" |
0:04:59.24, |
[Flipper是儿童电视剧中的海豚名] |
0:04:59.24, |
And walks around making this dolphin sound. Like... |
一边走来走去一边发海豚音 像这样... |
0:05:03.86, |
How does he do it? I hate him so much. |
他是怎么发出来的 我真讨厌他 |
0:05:05.21, |
Okay, look, if the four of us go in on this together, |
要是我们四个一起合伙 |
0:05:07.15, |
We can minimize the risk. |
就能把风险降到最低 |
0:05:08.35, |
Or if none of us do it, |
或者我们谁都别掺和 |
0:05:09.33, |
we can eliminate the risk altogether |
就能完全避免风险 |
0:05:10.65, |
because none of you know anything about flipping houses. |
因为你们都对翻新旧房投资一无所知 |
0:05:12.71, |
Okay, well, we already have it figured out. |
我们都已经想好了 |
0:05:14.03, |
I'm gonna be the designer... |
由我来担任设计师 |
0:05:15.14, |
Because I know about colors and shapes. |
因为我熟知颜色和图形 |
0:05:16.85, |
Yeah, so does Lily. |
没错 莉莉也知道 |
0:05:18.56, |
I'm gonna be the contractor. |
我来担任承建人 |
0:05:20.04, |
And I'm gonna be the astronaut. Oh, this is fun. Phil, you go. |
那我来当宇航员 真好玩 菲尔 你来 |
0:05:22.90, |
Mitchell, I am serious. |
米奇尔 我说正经的 |
0:05:23.74, |
I have overseen lots of projects in our home. |
我给自己家很多工程当过监工 |
0:05:25.76, |
I oversaw the remodel of our bathroom. |
我家浴室改造就是我监工的 |
0:05:27.78, |
Under budget. Right, Phil? |
没超预算 对不对 菲尔 |
0:05:29.21, |
Yeah. I was a little disappointed we didn't go for |
没错 我有点儿失望没装 |
0:05:30.50, |
the butt-washing toilet, but otherwise... |
有自动冲屁屁功能的马桶 其它的... |
0:05:32.31, |
You can wash your own butt for free. |
你自己洗屁股又不用花钱 |
0:05:33.60, |
Well, that's not the same, is it? |
那不一样 好吗 |
0:05:35.03, |
This is all fun to talk about. |
我很高兴谈这个 |
0:05:36.19, |
It is, but I don't think that you understand |
真的 但是我想你们还是没弄明白 |
0:05:38.27, |
what--what this could really entail. And-- |
炒房意味着什么 而且... |
0:05:39.70, |
Okay, there it is. Mitchell just said "No," So we're done. |
好了 米奇尔说"不" 我们就死心吧 |
0:05:42.18, |
Surprise, surprise. |
意外吗 不意外 |
0:05:43.49, |
Listen, we'll talk about this at home, okay? |
我们回家再谈 好吗 |
0:05:46.91, |
Don't give up. |
别灰心 |
0:05:48.86, |
Phil, you think it's a good idea, right? |
菲尔 你也同意这是个好主意吧 |
0:05:51.10, |
Totally. |
绝对的 |
0:05:52.01, |
Yes. And you know we can handle it, right? |
对 而且你也觉得我们能应付得来 对吧 |
0:05:54.51, |
I think you guys can handle anything. |
我认为你们什么都能应付 |
0:05:57.14, |
And you go talk to him. You're a professional. |
那你过去跟他谈谈 你可是专业人士 |
0:05:58.62, |
He respects you. |
他会尊重你的意见 |
0:05:59.47, |
Okay. Give us some space. I'll go talk him into it. |
好吧 让我们单聊 我和他好好谈谈 |
0:06:01.89, |
- All right. - All right? |
好的-好吗 |
0:06:02.79, |
Okay.-Okay. |
好的-好 |
0:06:05.33, |
Listen... |
听着 |
0:06:06.23, |
there's no way we're letting them do this. |
我们绝对不能让他们干这件事 |
0:06:07.33, |
I know, right? |
我就说嘛 是不是 |
0:06:08.32, |
They are not equipped to take this on. |
他们那两把刷子根本搞不定 |
0:06:10.11, |
We might as well flush all our savings |
我们所有的积蓄都会随我家那无趣的 |
0:06:11.40, |
down my boring old toilet. |
旧马桶一冲而逝的 |
0:06:12.92, |
Oh, you are really bitter about that. |
你真的很纠结马桶的事啊 |
0:06:14.33, |
It's the one thing I asked for. Don't sit on your sunglasses. |
当时我就这要求 别把你的太阳镜坐碎了 |
0:06:19.56, |
Sorry, guys. |
很遗憾 伙计们 |
0:06:20.42, |
Whoops. Just to be clear, though. |
哎呀 说得再明白一点 |
0:06:22.35, |
Under no circumstances are we letting them do this? |
无论如何 我们都不能让他们做这件事 |
0:06:24.82, |
I am totally with you. |
我完全同意 |
0:06:26.23, |
Okay, you stay here. I'll go break the bad news. |
你待在这边 我去传达坏消息 |
0:06:30.11, |
Sorry, guys. Not gonna happen. |
对不起 伙计们 没说动他 |
0:06:31.47, |
- Yeah, well, maybe if-- - I would drop it. |
-可是 要不我... -放弃吧 |
0:06:32.85, |
It's not worth the fight. Come on, Claire. |
不值得为这个吵架 来 克莱尔 |
0:06:34.62, |
The faster we leave, the less it's gonna hurt. |
我们走的越快 伤的越轻 |
0:06:37.07, |
Hop in. Yep. |
上车 |
0:06:43.19, |
Why does it have to be like this? |
为什么非得这样呢 |
0:06:44.60, |
I don't know. He's your brother. Buckled up? Good. |
不知道呀 你弟弟 系上安全带没 好 |
0:06:47.49, |
No! No! No, no, I see what you're doing! |
别 别走 我明白你的阴招了 |
0:06:50.28, |
He doesn't want this either! |
他也不赞成 |
0:06:51.80, |
- Little radio? - Sure. |
放点儿音乐-好的 |
0:06:54.99, |
Phil! Claire! |
菲尔 克莱尔 |
0:06:57.34, |
Come on! |
拜托 |
0:07:09.36, |
It's such a shame |
真可惜 |
0:07:10.22, |
because I know we would do a great job on that house. |
因为我知道我们一定会把那房子炒成功的 |
0:07:12.63, |
Totally.-If Gil Thorpe can do it,I can do it,right? |
当然-吉尔·索普能做我就能做 对吧 |
0:07:15.36, |
Please! |
拜托 |
0:07:16.59, |
Please. Gil Thorpe has decades of experience |
拜托 吉尔·索普有几十年的经验 |
0:07:19.29, |
and infallible instincts. |
以及一向靠谱的直觉 |
0:07:21.19, |
As much as we'd all like to believe otherwise, |
虽说人人都希望不是这样子的 |
0:07:23.17, |
I did not marry Gil Thorpe. |
但我娶的可不是吉尔·索普 |
0:07:26.12, |
Can you imagine that? |
你能想象吗 |
0:07:29.15, |
God, we'd sell a lot of houses. |
老天爷 那我们得卖出去老多房子了 |
0:07:32.08, |
Oh! Great. |
太好了 |
0:07:33.97, |
Mitchell.-Oh,you know what,Claire? |
是米奇尔-你知道吗 克莱尔 |
0:07:35.56, |
You gotta cool down or you're just gonna make this worse. |
你得冷静下 不然会把事情搞得更糟 |
0:07:37.22, |
Why don't you go get the coffees? |
你还是去买咖啡吧 |
0:07:38.17, |
And I'll deal with him. |
我和他交涉 |
0:07:39.21, |
Well, okay, what are you gonna say to him? |
好吧 你要和他说什么 |
0:07:40.68, |
I'm just gonna talk to him man-to-man. |
我要和他来一场男人间的对话 |
0:07:42.25, |
Right. |
好吧 |
0:07:43.47, |
Okay. |
好 |
0:07:45.92, |
Hello? |
喂 |
0:07:46.67, |
Claire, Phil doesn't want the house either, all right? |
克莱尔 菲尔也不愿意买那栋房子 |
0:07:48.73, |
He's letting me take the fall. He's a liar. |
他就是让我替他受过 他是个骗子 |
0:07:50.64, |
And a clever one. |
而且是个聪明的骗子 |
0:07:52.00, |
Ugh! How long do you think you can keep this from her? |
你以为你能瞒她多久 |
0:07:54.69, |
All right? I'm gonna talk to her eventually. |
到最后我还是会和她说的 |
0:07:56.29, |
Well, as long as we're swapping stories, |
那既然我们一直互吐心声 |
0:07:57.50, |
Maybe I'll tell Cam |
或许我该跟小卡说说 |
0:07:58.34, |
What happened to the sweater he knit for you. |
他给你织的那件毛衣到底是什么下场 |
0:08:01.12, |
半年前 |
0:08:04.83, |
I can't. |
不行 |
0:08:05.63, |
I can't! I can't! |
不行 受不了了 |
0:08:06.69, |
I can't do it! I can't take this stupid thing anymore! |
我受不了了 我得把这个傻玩意儿扔了 |
0:08:11.61, |
It was stolen out of the car. Do you understand me? |
它是被人从车里偷走的 你明白没 |
0:08:13.54, |
Got it. |
懂了 |
0:08:16.69, |
That is low. |
真卑鄙 |
0:08:18.16, |
I know. Don't be mad at me. |
我知道 别生我气 |
0:08:19.43, |
That said, I suggest you lose this number. |
所以说 我劝你别再打了 |
0:08:23.01, |
I'm not proud of what I did, |
我并不为自己的行为感到骄傲 |
0:08:24.54, |
but I'm not comfortable squashing people's dreams. |
但我不是那种摧毁别人梦想的人 |
0:08:26.79, |
I am a cheerleader. |
我可是个啦啦队长 |
0:08:27.85, |
I'm the guy on top of the pyramid shouting, |
我习惯于在叠罗汉最高处大喊 |
0:08:29.48, |
Go, dreams, go! |
朝着梦想 加油 |
0:08:31.66, |
You know what's not a cheer? |
知道什么话不能加油吗 |
0:08:32.65, |
Two, four, six, eight,\N二 四 六 八 |
0:08:34.11, |
you are going to fail at this |
你会搞砸它 |
0:08:35.38, |
and lose everything we've worked for, Claire! |
害我们卖铁又砸锅 克莱尔 |
0:08:39.43, |
*Hush, little baby, |
别出声 小宝贝* |
0:08:41.40, |
*don't say a word. |
你什么都不用说* |
0:08:43.20, |
*Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird. |
爸爸会给你买只知更鸟* |
0:08:46.45, |
*And if that mockingbird won't sing, |
要是那只知更鸟不唱歌* |
0:08:50.18, |
*papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. |
爸爸就给你买只大钻戒* |
0:08:53.86, |
Papa'd buy ten diamond rings |
爸爸愿意出钱买十只钻戒 |
0:08:55.44, |
to get that mockingbird to shut the hell up. |
让那只呱噪的知更鸟闭上嘴 |
0:08:58.35, |
But I wasn't gonna tell Gloria she was a terrible singer. |
但我不会跟歌洛莉亚说她唱歌难听 |
0:09:00.94, |
That's just taking a bath with a toaster. |
那简直是自掘坟墓 |
0:09:04.09, |
Still, the thought of |
但是 一想到 |
0:09:04.81, |
that poor little thing stuck in there like a hostage, |
我可怜的小宝贝像个人质一样被困在里面 |
0:09:07.31, |
listening to that racket days on end... |
被迫全天候听着那样的噪音 |
0:09:10.71, |
I just couldn't take it. |
让我于心何忍 |
0:09:12.46, |
*And if that billy goat won't push, |
要是那只公山羊不使劲* |
0:09:16.25, |
*papa's gonna get every le-- |
爸爸会给你...* |
0:09:19.41, |
I'll tell you what papa's gonna do. |
我来告诉你爸爸会怎么样 |
0:09:20.77, |
He's gonna take a turn on that mic. |
他会接过这只麦克风 |
0:09:22.28, |
- Oh! Really? - Yeah, I've been thinking, |
真的吗-是的 我一直在想 |
0:09:23.97, |
if it's a chance to bond, I should take it. |
这是建立感情的机会 我也该试试 |
0:09:25.86, |
Ay, Jay, that's great. |
杰 太好了 |
0:09:27.73, |
I think that the sound of my voice |
我觉得宝宝不应该 |
0:09:29.81, |
shouldn't be the only thing that the baby should hear. |
只听到我一个人的声音 |
0:09:32.07, |
Same page. |
完全同意 |
0:09:33.65, |
Breaker, breaker, big Jay. |
呼叫 呼叫 我是老杰 |
0:09:35.02, |
Baby, what's your 20? Over. |
宝宝 你在什么方位 完毕 |
0:09:36.85, |
Ay, that's so cute. |
好萌啊你 |
0:09:37.58, |
You sound like Smokey and the Bandito. |
听起来像电影《警察与卡车强盗》中的对话 |
0:09:40.00, |
Go on. Go on. |
继续继续 |
0:09:40.74, |
Hi, kid. This is your dad Jay Pritchett. |
你好 孩子 我是你爸杰·普里契特 |
0:09:42.99, |
Uh, we're all pretty excited to meet you. |
我们都迫不及待想见到你 |
0:09:44.79, |
Just a heads-up-- |
就给你提个醒 |
0:09:45.50, |
I might be a few years older than you're expecting. |
我可能比你想象的要老一点 |
0:09:47.84, |
But on the plus side, we're very comfortable. |
但好的方面是 我们的日子过得很滋润 |
0:09:52.08, |
What's that? Nothin'? |
什么 没反应吗 |
0:09:54.27, |
Tough womb. |
难逗乐的宝宝 |
0:09:55.30, |
What are you doing in there? You sleepin'? |
你在里面干什么呢 睡觉吗 |
0:09:57.67, |
*Are you sleeping? |
你在睡觉吗* |
0:10:00.00, |
- Ah! Ah! Ah! - *Are you-- |
-停停停 -*你在...* |
0:10:01.17, |
Ah! Still daddy's turn. |
爸爸还没说完呢 |
0:10:08.06, |
Dumb--dumb rock! |
该死 该死的石头 |
0:10:13.58, |
- Are you cryin'? - No. |
你是哭了吗-没有 |
0:10:15.73, |
No. I just can't get this rock to budge. |
没有 我只是弄不走这块石头 |
0:10:17.55, |
[讲述女子棒球队故事的电影] |
0:10:17.55, |
Okay, what did we learn from "A League of Their Own"? |
从《红粉联盟》里我们学到了什么 |
0:10:19.56, |
No crying in baseball. |
棒球场上不能掉眼泪 |
0:10:20.92, |
No. That Madonna's a lousy actress, |
错 我们知道了麦当娜演技很差 |
0:10:22.67, |
and so are you. |
你也一样 |
0:10:23.38, |
What's really going on? |
你到底怎么了 |
0:10:25.34, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:10:27.29, |
You know, over the last couple of months, |
你知道吗 几个月以来 |
0:10:29.24, |
I've applied for, like, five different jobs. |
我申请了五份工作 |
0:10:32.15, |
- I didn't know that. - No. I didn't tell anyone, |
我还真不知道-我跟谁也没说 |
0:10:34.51, |
Because I didn't get them, Cam. |
因为没一家愿意要我的 小卡 |
0:10:38.04, |
I went to college, you know? |
我上过大学的 你知道吗 |
0:10:40.26, |
And... I just wanna be able to contribute to my kids' education. |
我只是想赚钱供孩子们上学 |
0:10:44.31, |
And I wanna be able to buy my husband a present... |
我还想给我老公买件礼物 |
0:10:46.89, |
with my own money. |
用我自己的钱买 |
0:10:48.47, |
[本意为对唱诗班指导传道] |
0:10:48.47, |
Hey, you're preaching to the choir director. |
你不用说我也明白 |
0:10:50.41, |
It's actually why I became a choir director. |
这正是我成为唱诗班指导的原因 |
0:10:52.54, |
You became a part-time teacher in a public school for money? |
你在公立学校兼职教书是为了赚钱吗 |
0:10:56.40, |
I make more than you do. |
我比你挣得多 |
0:10:57.72, |
I mean, before parking. But... |
我是说 不算停车费的话 但是 |
0:11:00.49, |
Look, I'm sorry Mitchell killed our house dream. |
我很抱歉米奇尔扼杀了我们的炒房梦 |
0:11:04.58, |
You know, now especially that I know you wanted to use the money |
尤其是现在我知道你挣钱是为了 |
0:11:06.62, |
for such noble reasons. |
去做那么高尚的事 |
0:11:08.08, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
0:11:09.29, |
And also... |
另外... |
0:11:11.51, |
there was this pair of boots. |
有一双我超想买的靴子 |
0:11:14.18, |
There's always a pair of boots. |
谁没有想买的靴子啊 |
0:11:22.16, |
Mitchell, do you know what I've realized? |
米奇尔 你知道我意识到什么了吗 |
0:11:23.87, |
That some thoughts are better left unexpressed? |
有些事还是不说为妙吗 |
0:11:26.04, |
No. That in this relationship, |
不 我意识到在这段感情中 |
0:11:27.87, |
I'm the gas pedal, and you're the brakes. |
我是油门 而你是刹车 |
0:11:29.40, |
Okay, wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. |
慢着 慢着慢着 |
0:11:30.51, |
Last week, you said that |
上星期你还说 |
0:11:31.36, |
you were the painting and I was the frame. |
你是画儿我是框呢 |
0:11:32.99, |
That's if we were artwork. |
那是把我们比喻成艺术品 |
0:11:34.22, |
This is if we were a car. |
现在我把我们比喻成一辆车 |
0:11:35.79, |
I know what part you'd be if we were a horse. |
要是比喻成马的话 我知道你是哪部分 |
0:11:37.56, |
- Excuse me? - Hmm? |
你说什么-什么 |
0:11:38.85, |
Claire and I bring you this great opportunity, |
我和克莱尔给你带来一个好机会 |
0:11:41.26, |
And you stop it cold. |
你却无情地拒绝了 |
0:11:42.50, |
I guess that's what brakes do. |
你不是刹车是什么 |
0:11:44.11, |
You know what brakes also do? |
你知道刹车还有什么作用吗 |
0:11:45.38, |
They keep you from driving off cliffs. |
能避免你冲下悬崖 |
0:11:46.88, |
Maybe they're not cliffs. Maybe they're ramps, |
也许根本就不存在悬崖 也许是个上坡 |
0:11:49.43, |
ready to launch us into new, exciting vistas. |
能把我们带向崭新的美好未来 |
0:11:51.79, |
I am not the only one against this whole house thing. |
不只我一人反对这投资房子的事 |
0:11:53.86, |
Phil doesn't want it either. |
菲尔也不同意 |
0:11:54.89, |
You keep saying that, |
你一直这么说 |
0:11:55.62, |
but I find that very, very hard to believe. |
但我非常 非常怀疑 |
0:11:57.72, |
Phil supports Claire. |
菲尔总是支持克莱尔 |
0:11:58.89, |
Phil is a cheerleader. |
他是个充满正能量的啦啦队长 |
0:12:00.85, |
Why can't you be more like phil? |
你怎么就不能学学菲尔呢 |
0:12:04.41, |
And then it hit me. |
就在那时我猛然想到 |
0:12:05.25, |
I could be exactly like Phil. |
我可以学学菲尔 |
0:12:07.44, |
I could pretend to be on board, |
我可以假装支持他们 |
0:12:08.89, |
forcing the cheerleader to be the bad guy. |
让啦啦队长来背黑锅 |
0:12:11.36, |
I know it's underhanded, |
我知道这么做挺卑鄙 |
0:12:12.91, |
but that's the way I throw. |
但爷就是这么卑鄙 |
0:12:17.09, |
- Mitchell? - You--you know what? |
米奇尔-你猜怎么着 |
0:12:18.45, |
You've convinced me. |
我被你说服了 |
0:12:19.35, |
If--if you and Claire and especially Phil |
如果你和克莱尔 还有尤其是菲尔 |
0:12:21.68, |
are into this, then I'm on board. |
想这么干 那我支持你们 |
0:12:23.69, |
- What? Seriously?! - Yes! 100%. |
-什么 真的吗 -对 全力支持 |
0:12:26.20, |
In fact, why don't you call Claire and Phil |
实际上 你何不这就打给克莱尔和菲尔 |
0:12:27.95, |
right now and tell them? |
告诉他们这个好消息 |
0:12:28.82, |
Okay. It was the ramp thing, wasn't it? |
好 通往未来的上坡打动你了对吗 |
0:12:30.77, |
You know, I felt really good about it. |
我也真心觉得这句很有感染力 |
0:12:33.58, |
What? |
什么 |
0:12:34.33, |
Are you serious? That's fantastic! |
真的吗 太好了 |
0:12:36.64, |
Oh! I gotta tell Phil. I'll call you right back. |
我得告诉菲尔 马上给你打回去 |
0:12:38.77, |
What's--what's up? |
怎么 什么事 |
0:12:40.46, |
Mitchell changed his mind. |
米奇尔改主意了 |
0:12:41.55, |
He's all for it. We're flipping a house! |
他愿意加入 我们要投资房地产咯 |
0:12:43.62, |
Yeah.-Yeah |
好耶-好耶 |
0:12:49.43, |
Well, hello, Phil. |
喂 你好啊 菲尔 |
0:12:50.57, |
To what do I owe this pleasure? |
接到你的电话真是倍感荣幸啊 |
0:12:52.44, |
Cut the crap. |
少装蒜了 |
0:12:53.23, |
[也有"我是胆小鬼"的意思] |
0:12:53.23, |
You wanna play chicken? Chicken's my middle name. |
想扮无辜吗 那可是我的专长 |
0:12:55.79, |
I don't know what you're talking about. |
听不懂你在说什么 |
0:12:57.46, |
I'm just being supportive of my partner and my sister, |
我只是在支持我的伴侣及姐姐 |
0:12:59.99, |
both of whom I love very much. |
我非常爱他们两个 |
0:13:01.81, |
How do you sleep at night? |
做这种缺德事你晚上睡得着吗 |
0:13:03.19, |
Soundly, knowing you'll do the right thing. |
睡得可香了 我知道你会主持大义的 |
0:13:06.13, |
So how about it, Phil? |
菲尔 怎么样 |
0:13:07.67, |
You gonna stop this train? 'cause these brakes are out. |
你能力挽狂澜吗 刹车已经不灵了 |
0:13:10.46, |
Oh. And I suggest you lose this number. |
哦对了 我劝你别再打了 |
0:13:14.89, |
Mitchell? |
米奇尔 |
0:13:16.25, |
Mitchell?! |
米奇尔 |
0:13:19.65, |
Yeah, I was pretty ticked off |
是的 老子怒了 |
0:13:20.88, |
that Mitchell double-crossed my double-cross. |
米奇尔居然在我的计上耍计 |
0:13:22.55, |
And then he stopped taking my calls, |
他现在不接我电话 |
0:13:24.16, |
And so I sent him the following carefully worded text... |
所以我谨慎地遣词造句 发给他如下短信 |
0:13:28.59, |
U suck. |
你坏透了 |
0:13:31.17, |
I could tell Phil felt pretty hurt |
我知道菲尔受了伤 |
0:13:32.96, |
and betrayed, so I responded. |
心里憋屈 所以我给了如下回复 |
0:13:35.85, |
How r u gonna cheerlead your way out of this one, buffy? |
你打算如何加油杀出一条血路 啦啦队长 |
0:13:38.56, |
We both know this house thing is a disaster. |
我们都知道买房子这事是场灾难 |
0:13:40.92, |
Then say something, or I will.\N那你就出声 否则我来 |
0:13:43.08, |
I don't care if you tell Cam..." |
我不介意你向小卡揭发... |
0:13:45.04, |
I threw out that hideous sweater?! |
我把那件丑陋的毛衣扔了 |
0:13:47.24, |
I spent months knitting that hideous sweater. |
我用数月织了那件"丑陋"的毛衣 |
0:13:49.73, |
- Yeah. - W--how are we seeing this? |
是吧-我们怎么能看到短信 |
0:13:51.59, |
They're using the group text from yesterday. |
他俩昨天就开始用群短信了 |
0:13:53.32, |
They have no idea these are even coming to me. |
他们根本不知道我会看到 |
0:13:55.34, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
0:13:56.46, |
Oh. Here's another one. |
又来一条 |
0:13:57.91, |
We need to shut this house thing down\N我们得想办法神不知鬼不觉地 |
0:14:00.28, |
Without them knowing it's us"?! |
让买房这事儿泡汤 |
0:14:03.26, |
Oh! Well... |
有种啊你们 |
0:14:04.95, |
2 late. |
太迟了 |
0:14:10.48, |
No, that--that's bad. |
完了 这下糟了 |
0:14:20.81, |
Claire, I am so sorry. |
克莱尔 我错了 |
0:14:22.84, |
I know I should've been more honest with you, but I-- |
我不应该对你隐瞒的 但是我... |
0:14:24.95, |
No, Phil. |
不 菲尔 |
0:14:25.89, |
You know what really kills me? |
知道最让我伤心的是什么 |
0:14:27.09, |
Is you didn't believe in me, and you believe in everything! |
你信什么也不信我 |
0:14:30.84, |
You know, I knew that sweater wasn't stolen. |
我就知道那件毛衣不是被人偷了 |
0:14:33.71, |
And here I pick blue yarn to match your eyes, |
亏我特地选了蓝色毛线来衬你的蓝眼睛 |
0:14:36.19, |
but I should've picked black to match your heart. |
我应该选黑色的来搭你的心 |
0:14:38.34, |
Although you look amazing in black. Damn you. |
不过你穿黑色真心帅 你妹的 |
0:14:40.93, |
Come on. |
我们走 |
0:14:44.32, |
...Leaving 17 dead and thousands without power. |
17人死亡 数千居民没有供电 |
0:14:47.60, |
Ay, Jay, please! |
杰 拜托 |
0:14:49.11, |
It's bad that the baby listens to such terrible things. |
让宝宝听这么恐怖的东西不好 |
0:14:52.25, |
He's heard worse. |
他听过更恐怖的 |
0:14:53.37, |
Jay, do you know a good 1-hour dry cleaner? |
杰 你知道哪有好的一小时即取干洗店吗 |
0:14:55.69, |
And I don't mean the "Must be in by 10:00, |
不是"十点前收 |
0:14:57.38, |
only on weekdays, you need a coupon" Kind. |
仅工作日营业 且凭优惠券使用"那种 |
0:14:59.67, |
I mean a hard 1-hour. |
就是实打实的一小时 |
0:15:00.91, |
This conversation feels like a hard one hour. |
这段对话感觉有实打实的一小时 |
0:15:03.28, |
And what do you need it cleaned for? It's spotless. |
你去干洗店干嘛 这挺干净的啊 |
0:15:05.20, |
There's mustard here from Reuben's reuben. |
被罗本的三明治溅上芥末酱了 |
0:15:07.22, |
That's what happens when |
让个自恋狂负责零食日 |
0:15:07.22, |
[reuben是三明治 和罗本名字一样 所以曼尼说他自恋] |
0:15:08.06, |
you put a narcissist in charge of snack day. |
就会落得这个下场 |
0:15:10.13, |
Okay, it's my turn again. |
好啦 又该我了 |
0:15:11.74, |
Baby, it's your mother again. |
宝贝 又到妈妈咯 |
0:15:14.07, |
- I'm-- - Gloria? |
我...-歌洛莉亚 |
0:15:14.80, |
Why don't we give him a break? |
何不让他休息片刻 |
0:15:16.03, |
He probably needs a minute |
也许他需要休息一下 |
0:15:17.14, |
because he just learned about a deadly tornado. |
毕竟他刚听了致命龙卷风的故事 |
0:15:19.11, |
Okay, stop calling him a he. |
行 但别一直用"他"称呼宝宝 |
0:15:20.95, |
What if he's a she, and you're making her upset? |
如果是个女孩儿呢 你会让她生气的 |
0:15:23.40, |
I told you. That's just the shorthand I'm using. |
我跟你说过 这不为了方便点嘛 |
0:15:25.52, |
- Don't jump down my throat every time I'm - Ay, yes, |
别总挑我刺儿啦-是吗 |
0:15:26.27, |
- because you always - What are you doing? |
那是因为你总是...-你们干嘛呢 |
0:15:28.73, |
Do you really want your unborn baby |
你们想让肚子里的宝宝 |
0:15:30.26, |
to hear you fighting like this? |
听见你们的争吵吗 |
0:15:32.22, |
Studies show it's unhealthy |
研究表明置胎儿 |
0:15:33.26, |
For a fetus to be exposed to a stressful environment. |
于紧张氛围下 会有害其健康 |
0:15:35.88, |
Studies? You're 13. Read a comic book. |
刚13岁谈什么研究 去看漫画书去 |
0:15:38.54, |
What time does your game start? |
你那比赛几点开始 |
0:15:39.73, |
I have to be there at 3:00 for hitting practice. |
我得三点钟到 先做"打"球练习 |
0:15:41.42, |
Batting practice. |
那叫击球练习 |
0:15:42.78, |
Not for me. |
打中的是我 |
0:15:44.32, |
Jay, I don't want our baby to think |
杰 我不想让宝宝认为 |
0:15:46.59, |
that it's coming into an unhappy home. |
他将出生在一个不和睦的家庭 |
0:15:49.13, |
Let's promise that we're never ever going to fight in front of him. |
我们得保证 永远不会再在他面前吵架了 |
0:15:53.03, |
No fighting in front of the baby. |
不在宝宝面前吵架 |
0:15:54.62, |
Okay, good. |
对 很好 |
0:15:57.21, |
*Twinkle, twinkle |
一闪一闪* |
0:15:59.80, |
*Little lamb |
小羊羔啊* |
0:16:02.07, |
Gloria, stop it! Stop it. No more singing. |
歌洛莉亚 别再唱了 |
0:16:05.10, |
Why? |
为什么 |
0:16:06.13, |
Because you stink. |
你唱得太烂了 |
0:16:08.31, |
You're a terrible singer. |
你真的不会唱歌 |
0:16:10.88, |
Come on. Let's get some lunch. |
来 我们该吃午饭了 |
0:16:14.61, |
How dare do you say that I am... |
你胆敢说我... |
0:16:16.38, |
I know! Ay, no, no, no. |
我了解 别这样 |
0:16:17.95, |
No fighting in front of the baby. We just made a deal. |
刚说好的 不在宝宝面前吵架 |
0:16:19.85, |
Yeah, but that's not fair |
但那不公平 |
0:16:20.67, |
because I am always in front of the baby! |
我一直都跟宝宝在一起 |
0:16:22.55, |
Gloria, you're as close to perfect as woman gets. |
歌洛莉亚 作为一个女人你接近完美 |
0:16:25.29, |
Nothing wrong with one tiny, little flaw. |
有点小瑕疵也没什么嘛 |
0:16:27.34, |
Yours is when you start to sing, |
就是你唱歌的时候 |
0:16:29.53, |
is sounds like something got stuck in the vacuum cleaner. |
声音有如吸尘器被什么东西卡住了 |
0:16:31.43, |
That's--you're just-- |
那是你... |
0:16:32.24, |
No, no, no. |
别这样 |
0:16:34.80, |
That is just your stupid, stupid opinion, Jay. |
那只是你不懂欣赏罢了 杰 |
0:16:39.07, |
But I am very angry at you, |
我现在很生气 |
0:16:40.84, |
and I am gonna make a list |
我会去列个单 |
0:16:42.54, |
of all the things that I am going to scream at you |
把生下宝宝后立马就会冲你大吼的 |
0:16:45.51, |
as soon as this baby's out of me. |
所有事儿都写下来 |
0:16:51.34, |
I didn't think it all the way through. |
我没想到她会攒着到将来报复 |
0:16:56.82, |
Oh, hello, Mitch. |
你好 米奇 |
0:16:58.31, |
Uh, you got Claire flowers? |
你居然给克莱尔买花 |
0:16:59.73, |
Yes. I had a little bit of a rough night. |
嗯 昨晚够难熬的 |
0:17:01.22, |
Yeah, you and me both. |
我何尝不是 |
0:17:02.80, |
Daddy slept in my room last night. |
爸爸昨天睡我屋来着 |
0:17:05.21, |
- Here, give me some of those. - What? No. |
分给我点儿-搞什么 不行 |
0:17:06.60, |
- You got me into this. - Hey, stop! You're breaking them! |
都是你害我的-别拽了 弄坏了 |
0:17:08.50, |
I need--I'm not going to Cam empty-handed! |
我不能空着手见小卡 |
0:17:09.60, |
Phil, let go of the... |
菲尔 快松手 |
0:17:18.52, |
Hold still! |
稳住 |
0:17:20.21, |
Claire and Cam did all this? |
这全是克莱尔与小卡的功劳吗 |
0:17:22.84, |
A week ago, that was all junk. |
一周前 这里还是一片废墟 |
0:17:25.62, |
It's amazing. |
太不可思议了 |
0:17:26.53, |
I mean, there's that little bump in the middle. |
中间有些不平坦 |
0:17:27.73, |
But other than that... |
但除此之外... |
0:17:29.08, |
Even if one of those boys had hit five home runs, |
就算哪个小家伙打出了五个全垒打 |
0:17:31.18, |
the biggest star on that field was Claire. |
赛场上最耀眼的明星依然是克莱尔 |
0:17:33.43, |
That's the funny thing about marriage. |
这就是婚姻的可笑之处 |
0:17:34.93, |
You fall in love with this... |
你爱上了一个 |
0:17:36.46, |
extraordinary person, |
卓越优秀的人 |
0:17:37.68, |
And over time, they begin to seem ordinary. |
但随着时间推移 却只能看到对方的平凡 |
0:17:41.38, |
I think it's all the nagging. |
我觉得是她太唠叨的缘故 |
0:17:47.67, |
Wow. This... |
哇 这真是 |
0:17:49.29, |
This is incredible. |
这真是太不可思议了 |
0:17:50.30, |
You literally saw a diamond in the rough. |
你真是有一双识钻石的慧眼 |
0:17:52.39, |
Yeah, but I take on a lot of projects no one else is willing to. |
是 我承担了很多没人愿意承担的项目 |
0:17:56.14, |
I deserve that. |
是我活该 |
0:17:57.41, |
I was an idiot for doubting you. |
我是个白痴居然质疑你的能力 |
0:17:58.75, |
Please, honey, forgive me. |
亲爱的 求你原谅我 |
0:18:00.91, |
How could I not, |
看在你送我 |
0:18:01.60, |
when you give me this bouquet of crumpled flowers? |
这束烂花的份上 我怎能不原谅 |
0:18:03.97, |
- Mitchell did that! - Mitchell again? |
都怪米奇尔-又赖他吗 |
0:18:05.78, |
Ask Lily! |
不信问莉莉啊 |
0:18:07.42, |
- Hey, Cam. - Hey. |
小卡-来啦 |
0:18:09.15, |
Here you--Okay. Well... |
给你 拿着 |
0:18:10.79, |
Oh, wow. Broken and mangled... |
哇 支离破碎 |
0:18:13.02, |
Just like my heart. |
和人家的小心脏一样 |
0:18:14.48, |
Cam, I'm sorry for not supporting you. |
小卡 对不起我没有支持你 |
0:18:17.03, |
- What about the sweater? - That's unforgivable. |
那毛衣呢-不可原谅 |
0:18:18.99, |
I mean, you put all that time and work into it, |
你花费了那么多心思和时间 |
0:18:20.81, |
and I just toss it out the car window. |
我就那样从车窗扔出去了 |
0:18:22.22, |
Tossed it out the car window?! |
从车窗扔出去了 |
0:18:23.35, |
I'm forgetting how much you knew. |
不小心坦白过头了 |
0:18:24.77, |
You know what, guys? Honestly, I... |
知道吗 伙计们 说实话 |
0:18:27.25, |
I think we should do it. I think we should go for the house. |
我觉得我们应该行动 投资那栋房子 |
0:18:29.32, |
Really?-Okay,but careful,honey. |
真的吗-谨慎些 亲爱的 |
0:18:30.54, |
Don't say something if you don't mean it. |
不是真心话不要说出来 |
0:18:31.71, |
No, I do mean it. I think you two will do a fantastic job. |
我是真心的 我觉得你俩太厉害了 |
0:18:34.22, |
You know, I do, too. I'm on board. |
我也这样觉得 我入伙了 |
0:18:35.96, |
On board for what? |
入什么伙 |
0:18:36.68, |
Oh, well, the four of us, uh, might go in on a house. |
我们四个 打算投资房子 |
0:18:38.83, |
Claire and I fix it up and flip it. |
克莱尔和我负责翻新工作 |
0:18:40.37, |
That's the worst idea I ever heard. |
那是我听过的最糟糕的主意 |
0:18:42.93, |
You guys know nothing about construction. |
你们对建筑一窍不通 |
0:18:45.32, |
You'll make all sorts of mistakes, |
你们会犯下各种错误 |
0:18:47.08, |
you'll turn on each other, you'll stop talking, |
你们会反目 不再理会对方 |
0:18:49.74, |
and suddenly I'm doing two dinners a week instead of one |
突然间 周末聚餐由一次变成两次 |
0:18:52.24, |
because you can't be in the same room. |
因为你们无法共处一室 |
0:18:54.43, |
Family and business doesn't mix. |
家人与生意不能搅在一起 |
0:18:56.06, |
Ah, you're gonna do whatever you want. Why do I bother? |
你们总归是爱干嘛干嘛 我操个什么心 |
0:18:59.50, |
Is he right? |
他说的对吗 |
0:19:00.53, |
Y-you know dad. I mean, he's a pessimist. |
你知道爸这个人 他是个悲观主义者 |
0:19:02.79, |
I want us to get that house. |
我想我们能买下那房子 |
0:19:04.38, |
I do. But I don't want us to fight. |
真的 但我不想大家吵架 |
0:19:06.08, |
We're not gonna fight. |
我们不会吵架的 |
0:19:07.26, |
Of course not. |
当然不会了 |
0:19:08.22, |
Probably. |
可能吧 |
0:19:09.57, |
I don't know. Will we? |
不知道 我们会吵吗 |
0:19:11.98, |
Maybe we just take a beat and think about it. |
也许我们可以先缓缓 好好考虑下 |
0:19:14.30, |
Yeah. I-I guess that couldn't hurt. |
是 这样也没坏处 |
0:19:15.86, |
Yeah. |
是的 |
0:19:16.80, |
You guys mean the world to us. |
你们是我们的至亲 |
0:19:17.87, |
I don't want to jeopardize that over a house. |
我可不想因为一栋房子和你们闹翻 |
0:19:19.72, |
- We feel the same way. - I know. |
我们也这样觉得-我知道 |
0:19:22.82, |
- I just wanna say I know we'd do a good job, though. - Hello? |
我只想说我知道我们会做得很好-喂 |
0:19:25.11, |
- And I feel so-- - It's Mrs. Brooks, the lady with the house. |
我觉得-布鲁克太太 卖房子那位 |
0:19:27.35, |
Actually, it's good that you called. |
您能来电真是太好了 |
0:19:30.25, |
What? |
什么 |
0:19:31.26, |
What happened? |
什么事 |
0:19:32.48, |
Gil Thorpe just made her an offer. |
吉尔·索普刚刚给她出价了 |
0:19:35.93, |
- We did it! - We bought a house. |
我们买了-我们买了一栋房子 |
0:19:37.59, |
It's gonna be... great! |
肯定会非常棒 |
0:19:38.71, |
What could go wrong? Nothing. |
会出错吗 不可能 |
0:19:43.25, |
Sometimes I don't understand people. |
有时候我不太理解人类 |
0:19:45.37, |
They do crazy things for the dumbest reasons. |
他们因为最傻的原因做出疯狂的事 |
0:19:48.45, |
I'm going to march out there and swing as hard as I can. |
我会上场 尽全力击球 |
0:19:51.05, |
And if every sports movie is correct, |
如果那些体育电影拍的是真的 |
0:19:52.93, |
I'm going to smack that ball, |
我会奋力击中球 |
0:19:54.18, |
and everyone will chant my name as I round the bases. |
我跑上垒时大家会高呼我的名字 |
0:19:57.21, |
By the way, |
顺便问下 |
0:19:57.84, |
it is always counterclockwise, or do I get to choose? |
总是逆时针方向跑 还是我可以自己选 |
0:20:00.39, |
I don't think it's gonna matter. |
怎样都没关系啦 |
0:20:02.12, |
They convince themselves it'll all work out... |
他们说服自己无论怎样都会有好结果 |
0:20:04.75, |
Please rise for the national anthem. |
请各位起立唱国歌 |
0:20:08.99, |
I'm gonna show you who can sing. |
我要让你知道谁唱得好 |
0:20:10.43, |
Gloria. |
歌洛莉亚 |
0:20:11.96, |
Oh, this is gonna be rough. |
真是一场灾难 |
0:20:13.22, |
Despite all the evidence to the contrary. |
他们会无视所有相反的证据 |
0:20:16.36, |
Oh say can you see? |
啊 你可看见 |
0:20:21.05, |
By the dawn's early light? |
透过一线曙光 |
0:20:25.46, |
Which I guess isn't so bad. |
我想也不算太差吧 |
0:20:27.21, |
And the rocket's red glare! |
火炮闪闪发光 |
0:20:33.67, |
All I'm saying is, |
我只想说 |
0:20:34.78, |
I hope to god you don't have your mother's singing voice. |
上帝保佑你的歌声不要遗传你妈 |
0:20:37.65, |
But, man, I hope you get her self-confidence. |
但是老天 我希望你遗传到她的自信 |
0:20:44.03, |
Try to get some sleep. |
快睡吧 |
0:20:44.98, |
I'll talk to you in the morning. |
我们明早再聊 |
0:20:54.99, |
2 outs, bottom of the sixth. Tied at 4. |
二人出局 第六局下半 四分平手 |
0:20:59.40, |
This is it, folks. |
重要时刻来了 伙计们 |
0:21:00.40, |
The whole game comes down to this. |
成败在此一击 |
0:21:02.54, |
Manny Delgado 0 for 3 on the day. |
曼尼·迪尔加多 三击全不中 |
0:21:05.02, |
Gloria, your thoughts? |
歌洛莉亚 你怎么看 |
0:21:06.27, |
I think he's going to hit the home run. |
我认为他会击出全垒打 |
0:21:09.18, |
Please, god, give me one. |
求你了 上帝保佑 |
0:21:11.58, |
Manny, stand up straight! |
曼尼 站直了 |
0:21:12.88, |
But bend your knees. |
膝盖弯曲 |
0:21:14.08, |
Widen your stance! |
马步扎稳了 |
0:21:15.41, |
Would you please let me just-- |
拜托你们让我... |
0:21:17.33, |
Take your base! |
快跑垒 |
0:21:18.01, |
- You did it! You got it, Manny! - I did it? |
-你成功了 曼尼 -我成功了吗 |
0:21:20.76, |
No, no, no, no! Not that way! Go this way! |
错了 不是那边 跑这边 |
0:21:22.69, |
Oh, why do I bother? He's gonna do what he wants. |
我操个什么心 反正他爱干嘛就会干嘛 |
0:21:25.77, |
Manny! Manny! Manny! |
曼尼 曼尼 曼尼 |