0:00:01.98, |
Haley,hurry up! You are gonna be late. |
海莉 快点儿 你要迟到了 |
0:00:04.38, |
Alex, what are you doing? |
艾丽克斯 你在干嘛 |
0:00:05.30, |
I need to document Haley's first standard chain gang. |
我要记录下海莉的第一次"铁链劳役"行为 |
0:00:07.61, |
It's not a chain gang. |
那不是铁链劳役 |
0:00:08.78, |
It's community service. And leave her a lone. |
那是社区服务 别烦她了 |
0:00:10.88, |
She feels bad enough as it is. |
她心情已经够糟糕的了 |
0:00:12.57, |
Okay, I'm torn. On one hand, I'm like, |
我快精神分裂了 一方面 我一想到 |
0:00:14.42, |
Ugh, I have to pick up garbage all day. |
我得捡一整天垃圾 好烦 |
0:00:15.82, |
And on the other hand, I'm like, |
但是另一方面 我又想着 |
0:00:17.40, |
Look at me in orange. |
我穿这身橘红色真好看 |
0:00:21.08, |
Aw, that's cute. Send that to me. |
真漂亮 发给我 |
0:00:23.26, |
Haley had a little run-in with the law in college. |
海莉在学校里犯了点法 |
0:00:26.15, |
She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. |
她因袭警被捕 |
0:00:28.91, |
Accidentally. I fell on him. |
纯属意外 我摔在他身上 |
0:00:31.02, |
While evading arrest for underage drinking. |
当时正因为低龄饮酒而逃避逮捕 |
0:00:32.83, |
That was on purpose. |
那个是故意的 |
0:00:34.08, |
They were very lenient with her. |
他们对她宽大处理 |
0:00:35.44, |
She only has to do community service. |
现在她只需做一些社区服务 |
0:00:36.92, |
Because I do not have any priors. |
因为本小姐没有前科哦 |
0:00:39.30, |
Taking a little too much pride in that, sweetheart. |
你对此有点太得瑟了 宝贝女儿 |
0:00:42.34, |
Things can get pretty rough out there. |
外面的世界非常危险 |
0:00:44.21, |
I couldn't get my hands on any cigarettes. |
我实在弄不到香烟 |
0:00:46.27, |
But I did make you a shiv out of an old knife. |
但我用一把旧小刀做成了一把尖刀 |
0:00:48.80, |
You don't make a shiv out of a knife. |
你不可能用一把小刀做成一把尖刀 |
0:00:50.41, |
Yeah, you make a shiv out of a rusty spoon or a shard of glass. |
是啊 你可以用锈汤匙或者玻璃碎片做成尖刀 |
0:00:53.52, |
Or a human femur. |
或者是人的股骨 |
0:00:54.63, |
Exactly. Be creative. |
没错 时刻保持创意 |
0:00:56.48, |
It's really sweet of you, Luke, |
你真贴心 卢克 |
0:00:57.70, |
But there's just gonna be a bunch of drunk drivers |
不过那里都是些酒驾司机和 |
0:00:59.42, |
and vandalizers who were stupid enough to get caught. |
蠢到会被抓现行的"破坏者"而已 |
0:01:01.89, |
Or stupid enough to use the word "Vandalizers." |
或者蠢到说"破坏者"的人 |
0:01:06.62, |
It's vandals. |
应该说"破坏分子" |
0:01:09.38, |
I'm so alone. |
众人皆蠢我独聪 |
0:01:12.22, |
They're gonna eat you alive, suburbia. |
他们会生吃了你 乡巴佬们 |
0:01:25.74, |
第四季 第九集 |
0:01:29.84, |
Mitchell, we're back. |
米奇尔 我们回来了 |
0:01:31.22, |
You are not going to believe this. |
你肯定会觉得难以置信 |
0:01:32.79, |
Cam, do you remember why I didn't want you |
小卡 还记得我为什么不让你 |
0:01:34.29, |
to swap out the handles on Lily's dresser? |
把莉莉衣柜的把手拆掉吗 |
0:01:36.00, |
Because you lack a designer's eye and fear change? |
因为你缺乏设计者的眼光 而且害怕改变 |
0:01:38.10, |
No. Because I was afraid two weeks would go by, |
不 是因为我担心两星期之后 |
0:01:40.37, |
and we'd still be using a spatula |
我们还在用小铲子 |
0:01:41.61, |
to get at Lily's clothes. |
来拿莉莉的衣服 |
0:01:43.42, |
Okay, well, we have bigger issues. |
好吧 现在有个更严重的问题 |
0:01:45.53, |
Guess what they are cutting down at the park today? |
猜猜他们今天在公园里砍掉了什么 |
0:01:47.97, |
- A tree? - Yes. How did you know that? |
树吗-对 你怎么知道 |
0:01:49.68, |
I played a hunch. |
我"预感"超准 |
0:01:50.72, |
Not just any tree, Tree-ona elmsly. |
不是普通的树 而是那棵"欧娜树" |
0:01:53.27, |
Oh, no. That's terrible. That's our picnic tree. |
不是吧 太糟了 那可是我们野餐专用树啊 |
0:01:56.44, |
It's a nightmare. |
简直是噩梦 |
0:01:58.30, |
Well, someone's picked up her daddy's gift for hyperbole. |
小姑娘遗传了她老爸爱夸张的毛病哦 |
0:02:00.73, |
They are literally chainsawing paradise |
他们要锯掉一片天堂 |
0:02:02.64, |
- to put up a parking lot. - Oh, it's too bad. |
来建一座停车场-太糟糕了 |
0:02:04.84, |
We have to do something. |
我们得采取点措施 |
0:02:05.76, |
Well, if we knew earlier, we could. |
如果我们早点知道 是可以 |
0:02:07.19, |
I blame myself. I've taken on too much. |
我很自责 我揽了太多事 |
0:02:10.43, |
What exactly have you taken on? |
你揽了哪些事来着 |
0:02:11.87, |
Are you kidding me? Teaching music? |
你开什么玩笑 上音乐课 |
0:02:13.81, |
This dresser handle project? My role in the musical? |
拆掉这个把手 出演音乐剧 |
0:02:16.48, |
Oh, that. |
哎呀那个噢 |
0:02:17.82, |
You know what? I don't like your tone. |
知道吗 我不喜欢你的语气 |
0:02:19.13, |
The understudy's the most challenging role in any production. |
替角儿在任何演出中都最具挑战性 |
0:02:22.25, |
You have to be ready at a moment's notice |
你必须时刻准备上场 |
0:02:23.78, |
to go on and face a disappointed audience |
去面对一群失望的观众 |
0:02:25.73, |
who was there to see Kenny Van Heffington. |
他们本来是想看肯尼·范·海辛顿的 |
0:02:27.79, |
Our insurance guy? |
那个卖保险的吗 |
0:02:28.91, |
He's breathtaking. |
他的表演激动人心 |
0:02:30.02, |
Really?-Yeah,I hate him. |
是吗-好吧 我恨他 |
0:02:32.08, |
Anyway, what was I talking about? |
无所谓了 我刚刚在说什么 |
0:02:33.46, |
Putting new handles on the dresser. |
给衣柜装上新把手 |
0:02:35.66, |
Right. The tree. I have to do something. |
对了 树的问题 我得采取点措施 |
0:02:39.93, |
I can't live like this. |
这样的日子我过不下去了 |
0:02:46.60, |
Manny, while we're young! |
曼尼 你再磨蹭我们就老了 |
0:02:48.34, |
He doesn't want to go. |
他不想去 |
0:02:49.63, |
That's why he's taking so long with the primping. |
所以他才精心打扮了这么长时间 |
0:02:51.76, |
A boy his age should do exactly zero primping. |
像他这么大的男孩子根本不该打扮 |
0:02:55.10, |
You ready? |
你准备好了吗 |
0:02:56.02, |
Not in the least. |
完全没有 |
0:02:56.97, |
That's the spirit. |
就该这样 |
0:02:58.48, |
This kid in my class, Doug Brooks, |
我班上有个同学 道格·布鲁克斯 |
0:03:00.10, |
has a sports-themed birthday party every year. |
每年都要举办运动主题的生日派对 |
0:03:02.81, |
All boys. All sports. All day. |
全是男生 全是运动 全天不停 |
0:03:05.93, |
He calls it the Doug-lympics, |
他称之为"道林匹克" |
0:03:07.82, |
which might make sense if he did it every four years, |
可那也得他每4年举办一次 |
0:03:10.60, |
or if his name was Al. |
或者他名叫"奥"才说得通啊 |
0:03:12.46, |
Let's just say nothing about it works. |
我只能说 一切都是狗屁不通 |
0:03:15.00, |
Manny, it's a beautiful day outside. |
曼尼 今天天气很好 |
0:03:17.08, |
Go on. Enjoy your Dougy-lympics. |
去吧 享受你的道林匹克 |
0:03:19.04, |
You don't have to win a medal. Just have fun. |
你不用非得赢奖牌 找点儿乐子就行 |
0:03:21.75, |
Doug finishes with the most medals no matter what. |
无论如何道格总会赢得最多的奖牌 |
0:03:24.30, |
Plus I think he only invites me |
而且我觉得他邀请我 |
0:03:25.70, |
because he likes to match skin color to nation. |
只是因为他喜欢将肤色与国家联系起来 |
0:03:28.05, |
I know that's why Alan Yan gets invited. |
艾伦·严就是因此才会被邀请的 |
0:03:29.83, |
Okay, we get it. Sports isn't your thing. |
我们明白的 运动不是你的强项 |
0:03:31.84, |
But you gotta step out of your comfort zone sometime. |
但你有时候得走出自己的"舒适小世界" |
0:03:35.28, |
And for god sake, |
看在老天爷的份上 |
0:03:36.52, |
change out of those wingtips. |
把这双尖头鞋换了吧 |
0:03:37.76, |
You're a kid. You're not Nixon on the beach. |
你还是个小孩子 不是沙滩上的尼克松 |
0:03:40.29, |
Fine. I'll put on my sporty shoes. |
好吧 我去换"运动专用鞋" |
0:03:42.32, |
Where are they? |
在哪儿来着 |
0:03:43.19, |
They're still in the box. |
在鞋盒里尚未拆封 |
0:03:44.36, |
And don't forget to take out the paper |
别忘了在你穿鞋子之前 |
0:03:45.95, |
before you put them on, okay? |
把塞在里头的纸拿出来 好吗 |
0:03:47.64, |
And they're called sneakers. |
而且那就叫运动鞋 |
0:03:52.36, |
Hello, hello! |
大家好啊 |
0:03:54.79, |
Hey, Gloria. So, ready to go? |
歌洛莉亚 准备好出发了吗 |
0:03:57.18, |
Where?-Thought we were doing a Costco run. |
去哪儿-不是说好了去逛好市多吗 |
0:04:00.13, |
Oh, I see what this is. |
我明白了 |
0:04:01.99, |
You called Claire to babysit the stupid pregnant lady! |
你打电话叫克莱尔来照顾我这个傻瓜孕妇 |
0:04:05.41, |
You're the one who called her. |
是你打电话给她的 |
0:04:07.10, |
I did? |
我有吗 |
0:04:08.25, |
I called Claire. |
我打给克莱尔的 |
0:04:09.69, |
Gloria needs watching. |
得有人看着歌洛莉亚 |
0:04:11.32, |
She's got a serious case of pregnancy brain. |
她的孕期健忘症很严重 |
0:04:14.16, |
Last week, I found a bar of soap in the fridge |
上周我在冰箱里找到一块肥皂 |
0:04:16.84, |
and a stick of butter in the shower. |
在浴室看到一块黄油 |
0:04:18.66, |
I walked around all day smelling like a bucket of popcorn. |
我洗完一整天浑身都是爆米花般的黄油味 |
0:04:22.19, |
Better than the toast I ate. |
总比我吃的"肥皂吐司"强 |
0:04:24.36, |
Yet you ate the second piece. |
那你还吃了两块 |
0:04:26.89, |
Jay! Bye-bye! We're leaving! |
杰 拜拜了 我们走了 |
0:04:29.81, |
Seriously? I'm right here. |
不是吧你 我就站在这呢 |
0:04:37.66, |
Duck! Duck! Come on and hit him, you little freak! |
下蹲 下蹲 揍他 你个小怪胎 |
0:04:41.61, |
Talk about a big left hook. |
那也敢号称是左勾拳 |
0:04:43.64, |
God, I love you. |
天呐 我爱你 |
0:04:44.91, |
Phil in the blank! |
菲尔填空 |
0:04:45.56, |
菲尔和填同音 |
0:04:45.79, |
比尔也有法案的意思 |
0:04:45.79, |
Bill of rights! |
比尔法案 |
0:04:47.02, |
音同Geriatric--衰老的 |
0:04:47.02, |
Jerry-atric! |
老杰瑞 |
0:04:48.85, |
Alan's dad! |
艾伦他爹 |
0:04:50.72, |
Hey, guys. Luke, you getting in there? |
伙计们 卢克 你准备好了吗 |
0:04:52.55, |
Of course. |
当然 |
0:04:53.62, |
Look, I'm Mexico. Again. |
看呐 又让我代表墨西哥队 |
0:04:57.00, |
Does anybody care that I'm not from mexico? |
到底有没有人在乎 我不是墨西哥来的 |
0:04:59.01, |
You keep saying that, |
你总那么说 |
0:05:00.00, |
but we've never seen a birth certificate. |
不过我们谁也没看过你的出生证明 |
0:05:01.74, |
All right, look, I'll pick you up at 5:00. |
好了 我5点钟会过来接你 |
0:05:03.38, |
Knock yourself out. |
玩得"昏"天暗地吧 |
0:05:04.36, |
Or better still, knock someone else out. |
或者更好的 拳击场上把别人打"昏"吧 |
0:05:06.99, |
Jay, where you headed? |
杰 你要去哪儿 |
0:05:07.75, |
Why don't you stick around and grab a beer with the dads? |
你不如就在这里和其他当爹的喝杯啤酒吧 |
0:05:09.57, |
Oh, I don't really know those guys. |
我都不认识这些人 |
0:05:10.83, |
I think I'll just swing by the club, hit a few balls. |
我想我还是去趟俱乐部 打打球吧 |
0:05:12.73, |
Well, come here. Let me introduce you around. |
来吧 我介绍你跟他们认识 |
0:05:14.81, |
Hey, guys, |
嘿 伙计们 |
0:05:16.11, |
This is Jay, my father-in-law. Manny's stepdad. |
这位是杰 我的岳父 曼尼的后爹 |
0:05:18.39, |
Jello果冻 音同"杰" |
0:05:18.39, |
Hey, what's up, Jay-lo? |
你好吗 "杰冻" |
0:05:19.67, |
Okay, guys, I'll see you later. |
够了伙计们 失陪了 |
0:05:21.40, |
What's the matter, Jay? |
怎么了 杰 |
0:05:22.76, |
Afraid to step outside your comfort zone? |
不敢踏出自己的"舒适小世界"吗 |
0:05:24.56, |
I will send you back to Mexico. |
我要把你遣返墨西哥 |
0:05:28.20, |
I didn't really call you, did I? |
其实不是我叫你过来的 对吧 |
0:05:29.99, |
No, my dad did. But I thought you knew. |
对 是我爸 不过我还以为你知道呢 |
0:05:32.96, |
Ugh. I want to be so mad at him, |
我想对他大发雷霆 |
0:05:34.83, |
but he's right. |
可他是对的 |
0:05:36.35, |
I have two brains in my body, |
我现在身上有两个脑袋 |
0:05:37.88, |
but I've never been so dumb. |
却史无前例得傻 |
0:05:39.38, |
It happens. I get it. |
正常 我理解你 |
0:05:40.47, |
You have another human being inside of you, |
你身体里还有另外一个人 |
0:05:42.46, |
competing for resources. |
跟你争夺营养 |
0:05:44.05, |
Look, when I was pregnant with Alex, |
当年我怀艾丽克斯的时候 |
0:05:45.64, |
I could barely remember my name. |
我连自己叫什么都记不住 |
0:05:47.05, |
Same with Haley and Luke? |
怀海莉和卢克的时候也这样吗 |
0:05:48.73, |
Mm, not so much. |
没那么严重 |
0:05:49.88, |
They kind of just hung out in there, let me do my thing. |
他们好像就在里面闲着似的 随便我做什么 |
0:05:52.56, |
Thank you for understanding. |
谢谢你理解我 |
0:05:54.18, |
I'm glad that you came. |
你过来我真高兴 |
0:05:56.12, |
It will help me not to forget stuff. |
有助于避免我忘了什么事儿 |
0:05:58.32, |
I'm glad I can help out. I-- |
我也很高兴能帮上忙 我... |
0:06:01.16, |
Why didn't you stop first?! |
你为什么不先停车 |
0:06:04.71, |
Where's daddy? |
大爸在哪儿 |
0:06:06.08, |
I don't know, sweetie. |
我不知道 亲爱的 |
0:06:07.03, |
He said to meet him by Tree-ona. |
他告诉我在欧娜树那里见 |
0:06:08.48, |
Mitchell! Lily! |
米奇尔 莉莉 |
0:06:09.72, |
Where is he? |
他在哪儿 |
0:06:10.70, |
Up here! Look up here! |
上面 往上看 |
0:06:12.51, |
Cam, what are you doing up there? |
小卡 你在上面干嘛 |
0:06:14.46, |
I came down to say good bye to the tree, |
我本来想过来和这棵树道别 |
0:06:16.06, |
give it one final hug, |
给它最后一个拥抱 |
0:06:17.07, |
and before I knew it, I was up here. |
不知道怎么 就上来了 |
0:06:19.21, |
When you say "One final hug"... |
你刚说"最后一个拥抱"其实是... |
0:06:21.22, |
If I'm occupying the tree, they can't cut it down. |
要是我占住这棵树 他们就不会砍它了 |
0:06:23.60, |
I googled it. It's a thing. |
我谷歌了一下 是真的 |
0:06:25.28, |
Okay, Lily, see, this is a nightmare. |
莉莉 你看 这就是个噩梦 |
0:06:27.47, |
Tell me about it. |
那还用你说 |
0:06:29.69, |
You know what? You're a list-maker, a planner. |
说实话 你喜欢列好要做的事 提前规划 |
0:06:32.82, |
I'm a doer and an action taker! |
我是践行者和实干家 |
0:06:35.57, |
Sean Penn would play me in a movie about this, |
如果他们拍这种电影 会找西恩·潘演我 |
0:06:37.82, |
or Anne Hathaway, if they wanted a female-driven vehicle. |
如果他们想拍女性题材的 会找安妮·海瑟薇 |
0:06:40.64, |
And who would play your long-suffering partner? |
那会找谁扮演你饱受折磨的伴侣呢 |
0:06:42.52, |
Julianne Moore, either way. |
朱莉安·摩尔 两种都是她 |
0:06:43.91, |
I would totally see that. I would. |
我能看出来 我能 我知道 |
0:06:45.70, |
Hey! My supervisor wants to know |
你好 我领导想知道 |
0:06:48.06, |
if you have a history of mental illness. |
你有没有精神病史 |
0:06:49.86, |
No, sir, I do not. |
没有 先生 我没有 |
0:06:59.82, |
All right, Cam, let's hear. What's the plan? |
好了 小卡 说来听听 有什么计划 |
0:07:01.34, |
I don't know. I'm sort of making it up as I go. |
我不知道 我是走一步看一步 |
0:07:03.82, |
Are you sure you wanna do this? |
你确定你想要这么做 |
0:07:05.29, |
Yes. I've never been more sure about anything in my life. |
我这辈子从来没对什么事这么确定过 |
0:07:08.19, |
We need to teach our daughter the value of taking a stand, |
我们得教会女儿树立坚定立场的价值 |
0:07:11.66, |
no matter the sacrifice! |
无论付出什么代价 |
0:07:15.21, |
Hello? |
喂 |
0:07:18.07, |
Done. I'll be right there . |
好的 我立刻就来 |
0:07:20.87, |
Mitchell, you need to get up here. I have to go. |
米奇尔 你得上树来 我得走了 |
0:07:22.60, |
Excuse me? |
什么 |
0:07:23.31, |
That was my theater troupe. An actor's sick. |
是我们歌剧团打来的 有个演员病了 |
0:07:24.78, |
I have to go and do the matinee. |
我得过去 顶一场日场演出 |
0:07:25.99, |
What happened to showing Lily the value of taking a stand? |
不是说要教莉莉树立坚定的立场吗 |
0:07:28.50, |
It's the lead. |
那可是个主角 |
0:07:30.06, |
It's also important to show her the value |
向她展现一个人信守承诺 |
0:07:32.14, |
of honoring one's commitments. |
也是非常重要的 |
0:07:33.81, |
And in this case, my commitment preceded my stand! |
这种情况下 我的承诺优先于我的立场 |
0:07:36.39, |
This is so you, Cam. |
真是你的一贯作风 小卡 |
0:07:37.93, |
You start something, and then you expect me to finish it. |
你发起一件事 却总指望我替你收场 |
0:07:40.64, |
So you're not coming up here? |
所以你是不会上来的是吗 |
0:07:41.67, |
No! No, I'm not. Come on. |
不 我才不 走吧 |
0:07:44.23, |
Mitchell? |
米奇尔 |
0:07:45.63, |
Where were we the first day Lily rolled over? |
莉莉第一次翻身那天我们在哪儿 |
0:07:47.95, |
Under this tree. |
在这棵树下 |
0:07:49.10, |
Where is home base when we play hide-and-go-seek? |
我们第一次玩藏猫猫的大本部在哪儿 |
0:07:51.78, |
Under this tree. |
在这棵树下 |
0:07:52.79, |
And where did we take shelter |
还有 在危险的暴雨闪电中 |
0:07:53.95, |
during that dangerous lightning storm? |
我们的避难所在哪儿 |
0:07:56.15, |
Wasn't a good idea, but it was under this tree. |
虽然那不是个好主意 不过是在这棵树下 |
0:07:59.26, |
Daddy, you've got to save the tree! |
爹地 你一定要救救这棵树 |
0:08:02.02, |
Yeah, daddy, you have to save the tree! |
是啊 爹地 你得救救这棵树 |
0:08:03.95, |
Okay, okay. |
行 好吧 |
0:08:04.46, |
But you get back here the second you are done. |
但你完事以后立马给我回来 |
0:08:06.89, |
Well, I can't very well turn away fans that come backstage. |
我不擅长拒绝那些冲到后台求签名的粉丝 |
0:08:09.19, |
The second! |
立马回来 |
0:08:18.34, |
Last summer, my sister took a totally humiliating photo of me. |
去年夏天 我姐拍了一张我的大糗照 |
0:08:25.04, |
Haley, that's not funny! |
海莉 这不好笑 |
0:08:26.68, |
Then she posted it to Facebook |
她把照片发到了Facebook上 |
0:08:28.16, |
and refused to take it down. |
并且拒绝删掉 |
0:08:30.07, |
It got 873 likes. |
有873个人赞 |
0:08:32.53, |
Meanwhile, there's not one embarrassing photo of Haley. |
与此同时 我却一张海莉的糗照都没有 |
0:08:36.40, |
Even her mug shots were cute. |
连她的犯罪照都很漂亮 |
0:08:39.53, |
Today, I get my revenge. |
今天 我要报仇雪恨 |
0:08:42.48, |
One photo of Haley, dirty, sweaty, |
拍一张海莉脏兮兮 汗淋淋 |
0:08:44.37, |
picking up trash like a criminal. |
像罪犯一样捡垃圾的照片 |
0:08:46.79, |
It'll be my finest moment. |
那会成为我最得意的时刻 |
0:08:49.23, |
In a few years, I hope to have some more friends |
我希望自己能在近几年内多交些朋友 |
0:08:50.81, |
and not have time for this kind of stuff. |
别再闲到干这种事的地步 |
0:08:56.61, |
Okay. Hey. |
我回来了 |
0:08:57.66, |
Where did you go? |
你去哪了 |
0:08:58.56, |
To get a sweatshirt. |
去拿了件运动衫 |
0:08:59.45, |
We've been standing in the frozen food aisle for half an hour. |
我们已经在速冻食品区站了半个小时了 |
0:09:01.96, |
I need something frozen. |
我要买速冻食品 |
0:09:03.60, |
Right. What? |
好 买哪个 |
0:09:05.41, |
I don't know. I just wrote the word "frozen." |
不知道 我只写了一个"冻"字 |
0:09:08.41, |
Okay. Uh, let's think. |
好吧 好好想想 |
0:09:10.00, |
Peas. Ice cream. Pizza. Waffles. |
豌豆 冰激凌 冻比萨饼还是华夫饼 |
0:09:12.32, |
Wait a minute. |
等一下 |
0:09:13.93, |
It says "dozen." I need the eggs! |
我写的是"打"字 我要买的是鸡蛋 |
0:09:16.09, |
Ah, the eggs. Okay. |
是鸡蛋啊 好 |
0:09:18.17, |
Ay, no, on the other side. |
不对 在另一边 |
0:09:20.07, |
Oh, god. I-I'll get the carts. |
老天 我 我来推车 |
0:09:21.83, |
So that's... Oh, sorry. |
真是... 抱歉 |
0:09:24.05, |
That's... That's me. That's me. I got it. |
那辆也是我的 是我的 我抓住了 |
0:09:29.39, |
Come on, guys! You're killing us! |
加把劲 伙计们 我们快顶不住了 |
0:09:31.03, |
Where the heck is Mexico? |
墨西哥小子跑哪去了 |
0:09:32.88, |
Good news, gentlemen! I found another rope. |
好消息 先生们 我又找到一根绳子 |
0:09:35.09, |
If we double-dutch, everyone wins. |
我们可以玩跳双绳 大家双赢多好 |
0:09:38.74, |
Okay, hold still... |
好 别动 |
0:09:40.40, |
And wait for it... |
等一下 |
0:09:41.96, |
This is what you'd look like fat and bald. |
来瞧瞧你发胖加秃顶以后的样子 |
0:09:46.01, |
On my phone, that app's called a camera. |
我自拍一张 不装那个应用也是这样的效果 |
0:09:48.01, |
Bill, don't do that to yourself. |
比尔 别这么妄自菲薄 |
0:09:49.61, |
Let me tell you something. Ellen is one lucky woman. |
告诉你吧 艾琳是个幸运的女人 |
0:09:54.00, |
Why is that funny? |
这有什么好笑的 |
0:09:54.73, |
Because she's married to Jerry. |
因为她老公是杰瑞而不是比尔 |
0:09:58.18, |
Jay, you got any good apps? |
杰 你手机里有什么好玩的应用 |
0:09:59.60, |
I don't know. I got call waiting. Is that an app? |
不知道 我有呼叫等待功能 那算吗 |
0:10:02.95, |
You guys laugh a lot, huh? |
你们很爱笑 是吧 |
0:10:04.40, |
Jay's a little technologically challenged. |
杰对电子产品不太在行 |
0:10:06.40, |
From a guy who can't drive a stick. |
你个不会开手动挡车的人还敢说我 |
0:10:08.20, |
- What? - You can't? |
什么-你真不会吗 |
0:10:09.11, |
Well... he called me to rescue him one time. |
有一次他打电话叫我去营救他 |
0:10:11.26, |
He got stuck on a hill. He was afraid to let go of the clutch. |
他停在一个坡上 不敢松离合器 |
0:10:14.47, |
By the time I got there, |
我赶到的时候 |
0:10:15.72, |
traffic's backed up half a mile, |
他后面排了半英里长的车队 |
0:10:17.40, |
everybody's yelling at him. He's in tears. |
所有人都在冲他嚷嚷 他急得直哭 |
0:10:19.70, |
Not tears. Maybe sweat. |
我没哭 是出的汗 |
0:10:21.53, |
Yeah, sweatin' out your eyes. |
是 他眼睛出了汗 |
0:10:29.39, |
I had about ten pretty bad pictures of Haley. |
我拍到了差不多10张海莉的糗照 |
0:10:31.92, |
I could have quit right there, |
我本可以就此收手 |
0:10:33.18, |
but I'm a perfectionist. |
但我是个完美主义者 |
0:10:35.09, |
I thought, |
我琢磨着 |
0:10:36.25, |
I could do better. She could look worse. |
我能做得更好 我会拍到更难看的 |
0:10:41.77, |
Oh, my god. |
天呐 |
0:10:47.13, |
All right, pal. |
行了 哥们 |
0:10:48.39, |
Come down from the tree. |
从树上下来吧 |
0:10:49.43, |
Sorry, can't do that. |
抱歉 我做不到 |
0:10:51.52, |
Come down before we pull you down. |
再不下来我们就把你拽下来 |
0:10:53.20, |
W--hey. Ease up. |
淡定 别动粗 |
0:10:55.29, |
What's the problem? |
有什么问题 |
0:10:56.09, |
Look, I don't want to be up here. |
听着 我也不想呆在树上 |
0:10:57.67, |
You know? But this is my daughter's favorite tree. |
懂吗 但这是我女儿最心爱的一棵树 |
0:11:00.06, |
And my partner-- he's all up in arms |
我家男人 他也竭力反对 |
0:11:01.44, |
about them cutting it down, so... |
他们把树砍掉 所以... |
0:11:03.03, |
Well, if your partner's so worked up, why isn't he here? |
你男人既然那么热衷 他为什么没来 |
0:11:05.18, |
Oh, well, that's a very good question. |
你这问题问得真好 |
0:11:07.23, |
It's because he starts things, and he doesn't finish them, |
那是因为他习惯了做事有始无终 |
0:11:09.35, |
so then I have to. |
所以我就要替他收场 |
0:11:10.48, |
Just like my wife. |
跟我老婆一模一样 |
0:11:11.79, |
You know, my therapist would say we're "enabling" them. |
我的心理医生会说我们这样是在纵容他们 |
0:11:14.70, |
You and your therapist. |
又是你的心理医生 |
0:11:16.03, |
I wouldn't have to see him if you hadn't shot that guy. |
要不是你枪击了那家伙 我也不用去看心理医生啊 |
0:11:18.49, |
Aw, that again? |
不是吧 又来 |
0:11:19.96, |
Look, let's just spray him with the fire hose. |
我们用消防水管把他喷下来得了 |
0:11:21.64, |
You're not helping, Terry. |
你只会越帮越忙 泰瑞 |
0:11:23.65, |
It's not your fight. |
那不是你的"战斗" |
0:11:25.80, |
So why don't you do us a favor, |
所以你何不给我们个面子 |
0:11:27.06, |
and come on down? |
从树上下来吧 |
0:11:28.05, |
Because he's right, all right? |
因为他是对的 懂吗 |
0:11:29.73, |
That's the frustrating part. |
那是最让我无奈的 |
0:11:31.13, |
I-I've been sitting up here these past few hours, |
我在这上面坐了几个小时了 |
0:11:33.70, |
and... this tree is beautiful, okay? |
而且 这棵树很漂亮 好吗 |
0:11:36.72, |
And I-I can hear the squirrels dancing through the branches, |
我能听到小松鼠们在树枝间穿梭的声音 |
0:11:40.54, |
you know, chasing each other, |
他们追逐嬉戏 |
0:11:42.11, |
no idea what's about to happen. |
全然不知这乐园要被摧毁了 |
0:11:43.55, |
You know, this isn't just a tree. |
你知道吗 这不只是一棵树 |
0:11:45.91, |
This is a home. |
而是一个家园 |
0:11:47.07, |
Yeah, to, like, a hundred rats. |
没错 一大家子老鼠的家园 |
0:11:49.55, |
They're all over this thing. |
树上到处都是老鼠 |
0:11:51.04, |
Well, that changes nothing. |
你说什么都没有用 |
0:11:52.27, |
I will wait you guys out all night if I have to. |
要是有必要 我会在这跟你们耗一晚上 |
0:11:54.80, |
Cam, you got 20 minutes, |
小卡 给你20分钟 |
0:11:55.81, |
and I'm out of this tree. |
再不回来我就下去了 |
0:11:58.48, |
Terry, you wanna get ready with that hose? |
泰瑞 去把消防水管准备好吧 |
0:12:01.05, |
So Alex comes home from school the other day, |
有一天艾丽克斯放学回来 |
0:12:02.92, |
and she said the teacher didn't know what she was talking about, |
跟我说她老师听不懂她说的话 |
0:12:04.95, |
when in reality, I don't think that-- |
但实际上 我不觉得... |
0:12:08.74, |
You almost just cut my head off. |
你差点把我的头砍下来 |
0:12:09.89, |
You gotta focus. |
你得注意点 |
0:12:10.89, |
I am sorry. After all that, I forgot the eggs! |
对不起 到头来 我还是忘了买鸡蛋 |
0:12:14.10, |
- Excuse me. - Yeah, hang on one second. |
打扰一下-你等会儿 |
0:12:15.87, |
Listen, this is not just your pregnancy. |
听我说 你犯傻不只是因为怀孕 |
0:12:18.25, |
You are purposely turning your brain off. |
你这是故意让你的大脑停工 |
0:12:19.72, |
You have to at least try to pay attention. |
你至少得有意识地稍微注意一点 |
0:12:21.70, |
- Ma'am? - Yeah. |
女士-怎么 |
0:12:22.55, |
Do you have a receipt for that sweatshirt? |
你有这件运动衫的收据吗 |
0:12:24.00, |
Oh, shoot. |
糟糕 |
0:12:25.43, |
I'm gonna need you to come back into the store. |
你得跟我回商场一趟 |
0:12:26.77, |
Oh, no. No, it's--I forgot I was wearing it. |
不 不 我只是忘了我还穿着它了 |
0:12:28.57, |
It's no big deal. Here. |
没什么要紧的 给你 |
0:12:29.23, |
Ma'am. The store. |
女士 跟我回商场 |
0:12:31.07, |
Are you kidding me? |
别开玩笑了 |
0:12:32.42, |
I didn't try to steal a sweatshirt! |
我真没想偷这运动衫 |
0:12:34.00, |
Sir, I'm a mom. |
先生 我可是位母亲 |
0:12:35.65, |
Gloria, help me out. |
歌洛莉亚 帮帮我 |
0:12:36.73, |
Listen, Mr. Policeman, |
听好了 警察先生 |
0:12:38.31, |
If we wanted to steal it, |
我们真要偷 |
0:12:39.84, |
You wouldn't even know that it was gone! |
你压根不可能发觉它不见了 |
0:12:41.75, |
Yeah, okay. That's not helping. |
行了 你这是帮倒忙 |
0:12:59.73, |
Oh, my god! A gold bracelet! |
天呐 一只金手镯 |
0:13:01.68, |
Hey, can we keep what we find? |
捡到的东西能归我们吗 |
0:13:04.97, |
Unbelievable. |
无语了 |
0:13:10.20, |
Really? |
不是吧 |
0:13:18.37, |
Gentlemen, you wanna know about |
先生们 你们想知道 |
0:13:19.81, |
the real ultimate frisbee? |
什么是真正的飞盘比赛吗 |
0:13:21.23, |
Walk with one balanced on your head for 50 meters. |
头顶着飞盘走50米不让它掉下来 |
0:13:23.59, |
It is a measure of poise, balance, and posture. |
它需要你的姿势 平衡和体态 |
0:13:26.33, |
Let's just whip the frisbees at each other as hard as we can |
我们就尽可能用力地相互扔飞盘吧 |
0:13:28.92, |
and see who quits first. |
看谁第一个退出 |
0:13:30.23, |
Frisbee smash. |
飞盘大战 |
0:13:31.87, |
Awesome! Let's go! |
酷毙了 开始吧 |
0:13:33.72, |
Oh, my god, I'm Sisyphus. |
天呐 我苦命得和西西弗似的 |
0:13:33.86, |
[西西弗 科林斯国的暴君 |
死后入地狱被罚做永无休止的推巨石苦工] |
0:13:35.29, |
A big one! |
大苦逼 |
0:13:38.00, |
So he's out in our yard and he's got a boombox... |
他当时在我家院子 提了个录放机 |
0:13:41.22, |
What's the name of that movie with the boombox? |
那个提录放机情节的电影叫什么来着 |
0:13:43.00, |
- Oh, "Say anything." - With John Mahoney. |
《情到深处》-约翰·马奥尼演的 |
0:13:45.11, |
So anyway, he's out there, |
总之 他就站在那儿 |
0:13:46.35, |
And he's begging Claire for forgiveness. |
恳请克莱尔原谅他 |
0:13:48.45, |
She's still mad at him. She won't have any of it. |
但她还在气头上 完全听不进去 |
0:13:51.40, |
So he turns it up full-blast, |
然后他把音量开到最大 |
0:13:53.63, |
And it's Olivia Newton-John. |
放的竟然是奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰的歌 |
0:13:56.41, |
原歌名叫《Let's Get Physical》 |
0:13:56.68, |
And he starts singing, "Let's get Phil-sical"! |
他就开始唱《让我们一起"菲动"》 |
0:14:00.96, |
It was an inside joke. |
那是个小范围的内部笑话 |
0:14:02.49, |
Well, not anymore! |
不再是喽 |
0:14:04.48, |
Okay, enough with the funny Phil stories. |
行啦 开心果菲尔的故事就到此为止吧 |
0:14:06.13, |
No, but I haven't even gotten to the best part yet. |
别啊 我还没说到最精彩的地方呢 |
0:14:07.62, |
So he's doing his little dance, and I can't take it anymore, |
他还载歌载舞 我当时真心看不下去了 |
0:14:10.38, |
So I nail him with the sprinklers! |
就对准他开了洒水器 |
0:14:13.22, |
Yep, and you also shorted out my boombox, |
是啊 你还把我的录放机搞短路了 |
0:14:15.33, |
which you said you'd replace and you never did. |
你当时说会赔我一个 到现在也没影 |
0:14:17.19, |
I never said that! |
我肯定没那样说过 |
0:14:18.22, |
Yes, you did. You still owe me one boombox, |
你真说过 你现在还欠我个录放机 |
0:14:20.02, |
12 "D" batteries, |
12节D型电池 |
0:14:20.87, |
and an Olivia Newton-John cassingle. |
和一盒奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰磁带 |
0:14:23.36, |
Okay, uh... |
好吧 那... |
0:14:25.65, |
Why don't we settle it in the ring? |
我们在拳击场里解决这事吧 |
0:14:27.47, |
We get in there, |
我们去那较量 |
0:14:28.79, |
and if you beat me, I'll buy you any boombox you want. |
如果你赢了 要什么录放机我都给你买 |
0:14:31.70, |
If I beat you, |
如果我赢了 |
0:14:33.04, |
then you've gotta do your little dance for everyone. |
你就得在大家面前跳那舞 |
0:14:37.19, |
I'm in. |
我应战 |
0:14:38.62, |
Let's get Phil-sical. |
我们"菲动"起来 |
0:14:41.42, |
I wasn't worried. I'd boxed in the navy. |
我一点都不担心 当海军时我打过拳击 |
0:14:44.45, |
And it was Phil. |
而且对手是菲尔 |
0:14:45.71, |
And here's something I thought I'd never say-- |
我从没想到我会说这种话 |
0:14:48.07, |
I'd rather box my daughter's husband than my son's. |
我宁愿和我女婿打 也不愿和我"儿婿"打 |
0:15:03.33, |
I may have been holding on to a tiny bit of anger towards Jay. |
或许对杰 我一直酝酿着一丝丝怒气 |
0:15:07.29, |
I scooped ice cream all summer for that boombox! |
我卖了整整一夏天的冰淇淋才买了那台录放机 |
0:15:17.56, |
Excuse me. Pardon me. We're here! |
不好意思 让一让 我们来了 |
0:15:19.84, |
We came as fast as we could! |
我们紧赶着到了 |
0:15:21.48, |
You couldn't change? |
你就不能换身衣服吗 |
0:15:22.65, |
You said come right away! |
不是你说立马过来吗 |
0:15:24.93, |
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen! |
打扰一下 女士们先生们 |
0:15:26.91, |
Oakwood Rep's production of "Cats"! |
奥克伍德剧院出品的音乐剧《猫》 |
0:15:29.10, |
Make sure you catch it this week. |
确保这周不要错过哦 |
0:15:30.38, |
Word on the street is the understudy steals the show! |
小道消息都说替角儿在里面大出风头了呢 |
0:15:34.92, |
Mitchell, I get two more shows! |
米奇尔 我又获得了两个表演机会 |
0:15:36.28, |
Kenny Van Heffington's toenail is infected! |
多亏肯尼·范·海辛顿的脚趾甲感染了 |
0:15:38.62, |
Just get up here, all right? |
赶紧上来 好吗 |
0:15:39.86, |
The crew has to leave at dark, |
工作人员天黑才走 |
0:15:41.27, |
so you have until then. |
所以你得坚持到那时候 |
0:15:43.53, |
Easy peasy. |
小菜一碟 |
0:15:44.83, |
Sweetie, tell daddy what you thought of my performance. |
宝贝 跟二爸说你觉得我的表演怎么样 |
0:15:47.08, |
Transcendent. |
出类拔萃 |
0:15:48.58, |
Oh, jeez. |
我的天 |
0:15:50.17, |
Is this sap? |
是树液吗 |
0:15:53.78, |
Why would I buy hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise |
我都买了几百美元的商品了 |
0:15:56.37, |
and then steal a $20 sweatshirt? |
为什么还要偷件20美元的运动衫 |
0:15:58.11, |
I don't know. Maybe you do it for the thrill. |
我不知道 或许你是要找刺激 |
0:16:01.76, |
I know your type. |
你这类人我见得多了 |
0:16:02.87, |
You're a bored housewife, drives a minivan, |
无聊的家庭主妇 开辆小面包 |
0:16:05.22, |
husband spends a little too much time online. |
丈夫沉迷网络 |
0:16:07.27, |
Got a couple of kids, a college degree you don't use. |
有两个孩子 和一个派不上用场的大学文凭 |
0:16:09.91, |
You could not be more wrong. |
你错得太离谱了 |
0:16:11.36, |
Yes. She has three kids. |
没错 她有仨孩子呢 |
0:16:13.05, |
Okay, no. No, no. |
行了 不 不用了 |
0:16:14.01, |
No, no. No, that's not helping. |
不 不 不用了 你别帮倒忙了 |
0:16:16.33, |
Look, as I said before, it was an accident. |
听着 我已经说过了 那纯属意外 |
0:16:18.95, |
Heard it a thousand times. |
你这种话我听过不下千遍了 |
0:16:21.07, |
Grandmothers, businessmen, honor students-- |
老奶奶 商人 资优生 |
0:16:23.64, |
They all say the same thing-- |
他们都这么说 |
0:16:25.25, |
It was an accident. |
那纯属意外 |
0:16:26.31, |
I don't know how that clock radio |
我也不知道那个收音机闹钟 |
0:16:27.47, |
got in my pants." |
怎么到我裤子里来的" |
0:16:28.42, |
Oh, for god sake! I don't feel well. |
看在上帝份上 我身体不舒服 |
0:16:30.48, |
Let us go. |
让我们走吧 |
0:16:31.49, |
Yeah, right. |
想得美 |
0:16:32.88, |
Is that even a baby? |
那真是个婴儿吗 |
0:16:34.22, |
Cause from here, it looks like a turkey. |
因为从我这角度看过去 跟个火鸡似的 |
0:16:38.07, |
I need you to sign this, admitting your guilt, |
我要你在这上面签字 承认你有罪 |
0:16:40.45, |
and promising you'll never return to this store. |
保证再也不上我们商场来 |
0:16:41.97, |
I'm not signing that. |
我才不会签这字 |
0:16:43.30, |
Okay, great. |
那好 |
0:16:44.26, |
Then I'm gonna call the police and I'll be forced to-- |
那我就只能报警 被迫... |
0:16:47.80, |
What was that? |
那是什么 |
0:16:48.87, |
My water broke! |
我的羊水破了 |
0:16:50.91, |
I'm having the baby! |
我要生了 |
0:16:58.51, |
Sorry about that. I went a little nuts there. |
对不起 我刚才失控了 |
0:17:00.42, |
I don't know what happened. |
不知道怎么会这样 |
0:17:03.18, |
I do. |
我知道 |
0:17:04.69, |
I was ragging on you in front of your friends. |
我在你朋友面前大爆你的糗事 |
0:17:06.73, |
- Oh, yeah. - Sorry about that. |
是哦-对不起 |
0:17:09.50, |
I couldn't think of anything else to say. |
我想不到还能说些什么 |
0:17:11.92, |
Why not? |
为什么 |
0:17:12.76, |
I got 20, 25 years on those guys. |
我跟他们有20到25年的代沟 |
0:17:14.25, |
We got nothing in common. |
没什么共同语言 |
0:17:15.58, |
It's only gonna get worse. |
而且情况只会更糟 |
0:17:17.40, |
I mean, what's it gonna be like with the new kid in ten years? |
想想看 10年后我和新宝宝相处会是什么状况 |
0:17:19.82, |
Oh, my goodness. |
我的老天 |
0:17:22.45, |
You're insecure and vulnerable. |
你缺乏安全感 脆弱无助 |
0:17:24.22, |
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. |
我从没见过你这么可爱的样子 |
0:17:26.17, |
Shut up. |
闭嘴 |
0:17:27.18, |
Who's a shy bunny? |
瞧这只害羞的兔兔 |
0:17:28.45, |
You wanna go one more round, without the gloves? |
你想不戴手套再来一回合吗 |
0:17:30.40, |
I'm just playing around, Jay. |
开个玩笑嘛 杰 |
0:17:32.73, |
I don't care how old you are. |
我不在乎你多大年纪 |
0:17:33.72, |
I could sit and talk to you all day. |
我可以整天和你聊个没完 |
0:17:35.93, |
Those guys really liked you, too. |
那些家伙也是真的喜欢你 |
0:17:37.03, |
I don't care about that. |
我才不在乎 |
0:17:39.35, |
Did they? |
真的吗 |
0:17:41.14, |
- Even Jerry? - Yes. |
连杰瑞都喜欢我-是的 |
0:17:43.43, |
Well, maybe you're right. |
也许你是对的 |
0:17:45.14, |
I mean, Manny didn't want to come, and look at him. |
曼尼根本就不想来 你瞧他 |
0:17:46.86, |
Looks like he's having a great time. |
他看起来玩得非常开心 |
0:17:48.52, |
So then Luke's dad grabs the taser from me, |
然后卢克的爸爸从我这里抢走了电击枪 |
0:17:50.85, |
- and he was like, "Uhh! Uhh!" - No. No! |
然后他就这样-不 不是 |
0:17:54.12, |
That's not how it happened. |
事情不是这样的 |
0:17:59.81, |
Aah! Ay! Ay! It hurts! |
妈呀 好痛 |
0:18:00.71, |
Hang in there! Hang in there! |
坚持下 坚持下 |
0:18:01.42, |
Get you to the hospital as soon as I can! |
我会尽快送你去医院 |
0:18:02.97, |
I just want to apologize... |
我代表超市 |
0:18:03.89, |
one more time on behalf of the store |
再次表达歉意 |
0:18:05.27, |
for any stress that I might have caused you. |
抱歉可能给你带来了压力 |
0:18:06.68, |
Here, you can keep the sweatshirt as a gift. |
给 这件运动衫就当作是礼物吧 |
0:18:08.43, |
And congratulations on this baby, |
恭喜你喜得贵子 |
0:18:10.20, |
which is clearly not a turkey. That was-- |
很显然这不是火鸡 那只是... |
0:18:12.14, |
- Go away now! - Yeah. |
快滚开-快走 |
0:18:14.83, |
Okay. Go on. Go on. Get in. Keep going. |
快上车 快点 |
0:18:18.20, |
What hospital are we going to? |
我们要去哪家医院 |
0:18:19.35, |
- No! No hospital! - No hospital. Wow. |
不去医院-不去医院 哇 |
0:18:22.16, |
You're one of those, huh? |
你是在家生产的人啊 |
0:18:23.55, |
Okay, please don't have it in the pool, though. |
好吧 请别在游泳池里生 |
0:18:25.31, |
cause we swim in there. |
我们还要游泳的 |
0:18:26.72, |
I'm not having the baby, Claire. |
我还没到生的时候 克莱尔 |
0:18:28.95, |
I was just faking it. |
我只是假装的 |
0:18:31.35, |
What? |
什么 |
0:18:32.59, |
Not bad for someone with pregnancy brain, huh? |
怀孕的傻脑瓜还能转得这么快 不错吧 |
0:18:35.73, |
Okay, that's good. That was very good. |
非常好 真是太好了 |
0:18:37.82, |
Good thinking, Gloria. |
脑子转得真快 歌洛莉亚 |
0:18:39.35, |
I'm sorry. I just couldn't sit there |
抱歉 我不能坐在那里 |
0:18:41.18, |
and watch you suffer |
眼巴巴地看着你 |
0:18:42.08, |
just because you had turned your brain off. |
就因为脑子停工了而遭罪 |
0:18:44.17, |
Okay, I deserved that. |
好吧 是我活该 |
0:18:46.66, |
Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. |
不要 不要啊 |
0:18:48.42, |
I just blew through a red light. Damn. |
我刚闯了个红灯 见鬼 |
0:18:50.96, |
You think you can keep the pregnancy thing up |
你可以再装下 |
0:18:52.13, |
for a little while longer? |
快生孩子了吗 |
0:18:55.26, |
I feel the head! |
头快出来了 |
0:18:57.34, |
Feel it! Feel it! |
出来了 出来了 |
0:18:58.64, |
Save it! Save it for the cop! |
等会儿 留着在警察面前装 |
0:19:00.96, |
Save it. |
留着 |
0:19:05.36, |
All right, guys, that's it. Pack it up! |
好了伙计们 下班了 收工吧 |
0:19:08.58, |
You win for today. See you on Monday. |
今天算你狠 我们周一见 |
0:19:12.23, |
That's it? |
就这样完了吗 |
0:19:13.01, |
That's it. |
就这样完了 |
0:19:14.17, |
So I'll go to city hall on Monday |
我周一会去市政厅 |
0:19:15.62, |
and see what I can do, |
看看有没有办法 |
0:19:16.53, |
But... You did it, cam! |
但是 你成功了 小卡 |
0:19:18.72, |
No, we did it. |
不 我们成功了 |
0:19:20.24, |
I had to run away, and you stepped in, |
我有急事离开 你就挺身而出 |
0:19:21.86, |
and like an understudy, you gave a brilliant performance. |
就像替补演员 奉献了精彩的表演 |
0:19:24.90, |
Yeah, but you're the star. |
但你才是明星 |
0:19:26.98, |
Oh, well... |
好吧 |
0:19:28.45, |
Can we stop doing this and go home? |
可以不玩这个了回家吗 |
0:19:31.81, |
Yes, Lily, but I want you to remember this moment-- |
好的 莉莉 但我希望你记住这一时刻 |
0:19:34.49, |
The day your daddies made you proud. |
你大爸二爸让你骄傲的一天 |
0:19:41.65, |
Turn her away, Mitchell! Turn her away! |
别让她看 米奇尔 别让她看 |
0:19:54.77, |
Alex, what are you doing here? |
艾丽克斯 你在这里做什么 |
0:19:57.46, |
Learning a valuable lesson about karma |
学习关于因果报应的宝贵一课 |
0:20:01.15, |
and how wrong it is to take pleasure |
以及利用别人的糗事来取乐 |
0:20:02.47, |
in people's embarrassment. |
是非常错误的 |
0:20:04.25, |
Wow. I don't know what any of that means, |
哇 我完全不懂你在说什么 |
0:20:06.92, |
but you look like hell. |
不过你的样子好惨 |
0:20:09.22, |
- Say "Geek." - No! |
-说"呆子" -不 |
0:20:11.67, |
He's a vandalizer! |
他是个"破坏者"哦 |
0:20:17.01, |
593 likes, and counting. |
593个赞 人数继续上升中 |
0:20:24.90, |
Who does he belong to? |
这是谁家走失的小猫咪 |
0:20:26.94, |
He's mine. |
我家的 |
0:20:29.23, |
It was a great ending to an amazing day. |
美妙的一天有了一个美妙的结局 |
0:20:32.09, |
Look, I even... Made the paper. |
瞧 我甚至 上了报 |
0:20:35.14, |
Bizarre protest saves park tree. |
古怪抗议拯救公园树木 |
0:20:38.10, |
Oh, look what it says. |
看这里写的 |
0:20:39.43, |
This production of 'Cats' should be put to sleep. |
本版音乐剧《猫》该永远不得面世 |
0:20:40.90, |
Don't read that. |
别看那个 |
0:20:42.85, |
Don't... |
别 |
0:20:55.89, |
Oh, hey, Gloria. |
你好 歌洛莉亚 |
0:20:56.73, |
Listen, I called Jay about borrowing a drill |
我打了电话给杰 借个电钻 |
0:20:58.61, |
for my dresser handles. |
装抽屉柜的把手 |
0:20:59.43, |
I got it right here, Cam! |
我拿来了 小卡 |
0:21:01.01, |
Oh, jeez. What's with the getup? |
老天 怎么穿成这样 |
0:21:02.66, |
Ay, good. You see that, too? |
太好了 原来我没做梦 |
0:21:05.59, |
Stella, stop. |
斯黛拉 别这样 |
0:21:06.90, |
Ay, shh, shh, shh. Sorry, Cam. |
安静 抱歉 小卡 |
0:21:08.84, |
Oh, no, don't be. I take it as a compliment. |
别这样 它这是在恭维我栩栩如生呢 |
0:21:13.87, |
Cats--now and forever. |
《猫》 直到永恒 |
0:21:16.26, |
Actually, just till next Thursday. |
事实上 只到下周四 |
0:21:17.86, |
It's been described as "Transcendent." |
演出被形容为"出类拔萃" |