第十一季 第十二集 |
00:03.52, |
Hey, can you do me a favor? |
你能帮我一个忙吗 |
00:05.46, |
Can we try to avoid talking to our friends tonight |
我们可以尽量避免跟我们的朋友 |
00:08.03, |
about our wedding plans? |
聊到婚礼计划的事吗 |
00:10.07, |
I'll do you one better. |
我可以帮你更大的忙 |
00:11.20, |
I'll avoid talking to our friends entirely |
我会完全不跟他们说话 |
00:13.53, |
and play on my phone. |
只低头玩手机 |
00:16.55, |
It's just, I haven't picked a maid of honor yet, |
因为我还没选出谁当伴娘 |
00:18.51, |
and I'm having trouble deciding between Penny and Bernadette. |
要从佩妮或伯纳黛特中选一个实在太难 |
00:21.30, |
Ah, understandable. |
能理解 |
00:22.83, |
They are quite similar-- |
她们型很像 |
00:24.38, |
both blonde former waitresses who married beneath them. |
都是金发的前服务员 而且都嫁得不好 |
00:29.62, |
Penny is my best friend, |
佩妮是我的死党 |
00:30.84, |
but I was Bernadette's maid of honor, |
但我当了伯纳黛特的伴娘 |
00:32.77, |
and I think she kind of expects it. |
我想她会觉得我理应回邀 |
00:34.59, |
So if anyone brings it up tonight, |
所以如果今晚有人提起这话题 |
00:36.32, |
just maybe you can help me change the subject. |
或许你可以帮忙我改变一下话题 |
00:38.98, |
How about this? |
这样吧 |
00:39.87, |
I dominate the conversation so hard, |
我强行主导所有话题 |
00:42.55, |
no one has a chance to get a word in edgewise. |
让别人连插嘴的机会都没有 |
00:47.75, |
I don't know. |
这招嘛... |
00:48.24, |
They might see that coming. |
我觉得他们已经司空见惯了 |
00:50.67, |
What if we have a code word? |
那我们用个暗语如何 |
00:51.78, |
Ooh, now you're speaking my catamaran. |
这就是我的"游艇"了 |
00:56.08, |
That's my code word for "language." |
那是我"强项"的暗语 |
00:59.11, |
Okay, fine, catamaran. |
行吧 游艇 |
01:00.54, |
That's our code word. |
这就是我们的暗语 |
01:01.55, |
No, that's my code word. Get your own. |
不行 那是我的暗语 你自己想一个 |
01:05.20, |
Okay. Uh, pretzels. |
行吧 椒盐脆饼干 |
01:07.83, |
You hear me say pretzels, you change the subject. |
你听到我说椒盐脆饼干 你就转换话题 |
01:10.76, |
Rhinos are my least favorite animals at the zoo. |
动物园里我最不喜欢的动物是犀牛 |
01:14.73, |
What? |
你说什么 |
01:16.82, |
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we started. |
抱歉 我还以为你刚才要我换话题了 |
01:21.10, |
Hey, just-just hold the gate still while I screw it in. |
帮我扶好 等我把它拧进去 |
01:24.50, |
You know, I don't know how I feel |
我不知道该对你们 |
01:25.53, |
about all this baby-proofing. |
搞婴儿保护措施作何感想 |
01:27.08, |
If Halley can't teach herself to walk down the stairs, |
如果哈雷不能自学怎么走下楼梯 |
01:29.59, |
then maybe that's nature's way of saying |
或许这是大自然在说 |
01:31.17, |
the Wolowitz line ends here. |
沃罗威茨家到此终结 |
01:34.50, |
That's funny. I always thought |
有意思 我一直以为 |
01:35.85, |
Howard was nature's way of saying |
霍华德才是大自然在说 |
01:37.58, |
the Wolowitz line ends here. |
沃罗威茨家到此终结的作品 |
01:40.78, |
Me, too, but life does find a way! |
我也以为 但柳暗花明又一村 |
01:45.24, |
Hey, Halley can't reach the liquor cabinet. |
哈雷够不着酒柜的啊 |
01:47.71, |
Why did you baby-proof it? |
你们为什么也做了婴儿保护 |
01:49.46, |
How did you know we did? |
那你怎么发现我们做了的 |
01:53.39, |
Fair point. |
有道理 |
01:56.78, |
Bernadette still going stir-crazy? |
伯纳黛特还在炸毛吗 |
01:58.83, |
Oh, a little. |
有一点吧 |
02:00.00, |
Two months of bed rest-- it's kind of rough. |
卧床休养了两个月 的确是挺难熬 |
02:02.18, |
Really? That sounds great. How do I get that? |
是吗 感觉很爽啊 我怎么能有这待遇 |
02:04.37, |
You'd either have to break your hip or let Howard knock you up. |
你得摔伤屁股 或让霍华德搞大你肚子 |
02:09.17, |
Now, either way, you'll get flowers the next morning. |
但无论是哪一种 你隔天早上都能收到花 |
02:13.46, |
She's actually been keeping herself busy |
但其实她也没闲着 |
02:15.21, |
doing wedding research for you. |
一直忙着为你研究婚礼的事呢 |
02:18.17, |
Oh, she-she doesn't have to do that. |
她不需要这样的啦 |
02:20.95, |
She wants to. After all, you were her maid of honor. |
她自愿的 毕竟你当过她的伴娘 |
02:26.68, |
Sheldon, tell your funny story about pretzels. |
谢尔顿 说说那个椒盐脆饼干的趣事 |
02:30.84, |
Oh, right. Yeah, oh, yeah. |
对对 是的 |
02:32.35, |
Did you know that we've been thinking |
你们知道我们在考虑 |
02:34.11, |
of having pretzels at our wedding? Hmm? |
婚礼上准备椒盐脆饼干吗 |
02:36.51, |
No, no. No, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry. |
不不不不不不 抱歉 |
02:38.22, |
No, rhinos. We're having rhinos at our wedding. |
是犀牛 我们婚礼上要弄只犀牛 |
02:40.50, |
No! I got to go. |
不对 我得走了 |
02:48.55, |
I'm gonna need some help. |
谁来帮帮我 |
02:49.25, |
Someone baby-proofed the front door. |
有人把前门也做了婴儿保护措施 |
03:18.56, |
Sheldon, what am I gonna do about my maid of honor? |
谢尔顿 我伴娘的事该怎么办啊 |
03:21.42, |
I mean, Bernadette gave me all these bridal magazines. |
伯纳黛特还给了我那么多婚礼杂志 |
03:24.18, |
She even folded down the pages with the good dresses. |
她还把有好看礼服的页面折了角 |
03:28.14, |
I get it. |
我懂 |
03:28.76, |
You know, Leonard once borrowed my Edmund Scientific catalogue |
莱纳德也曾借过我的《艾德蒙科学玩意》目录 |
03:31.98, |
and dog-eared some pages. |
还给一些页面折了角 |
03:33.69, |
Never got 'em straight again. |
再也没折回去过 |
03:37.10, |
Well, that is exactly the same thing. |
这两件事还真"差不多"啊 |
03:39.24, |
You really understand my dilemma. |
你"完全理解"我的困难呢 |
03:42.61, |
Actually, I do. |
其实我还真了解 |
03:44.36, |
My mother is pushing for my brother, |
我妈妈想要我让我哥 |
03:46.27, |
Georgie, to be my best man, |
小乔治来当我的伴郎 |
03:47.61, |
and I hate to disappoint her again. |
我不愿意 但也不想再拒绝她 |
03:49.33, |
I already rejected her savior and her LinkedIn invitation. |
我已经拒绝了她的救主 以及领英网邀请了 |
03:54.58, |
How are we gonna make these decisions |
我们怎么样才能做出 |
03:56.29, |
without anybody getting upset? |
不让任何人不开心的决定呢 |
03:58.46, |
Well, what if we take emotion out of the process, |
如果我们把私人感情抛开 |
04:02.46, |
and base it on empirical metrics? |
而是用实验表现来打分呢 |
04:05.20, |
Then we aren't really making the decision; |
这样做决定的不会是我们 |
04:07.98, |
the data is. |
而是数据 |
04:09.34, |
So we can hurt our friends' feelings |
所以我们可以不为 |
04:11.57, |
without taking any responsibility? |
伤朋友们的心负任何责任吗 |
04:16.79, |
Me likey. |
老娘喜欢 |
04:20.21, |
But how do we apply quantitative metrics |
但是我们怎么才能把客观的测量 |
04:22.54, |
to something as subjective as choosing a wedding party? |
用在选择婚宴这种主观的事情上呢 |
04:25.45, |
That decision only seems subjective. |
那个决定只是看似主观而已 |
04:27.46, |
In reality, |
但实际上 |
04:28.51, |
people in a wedding party perform very specific functions, |
婚宴上的人都有着十分明确的功用 |
04:31.77, |
and some will perform those better than others. |
而某些人的发挥就是会比别人强 |
04:33.77, |
- If I may use a superhero analogy... - You may not. |
如果我能用超级英雄来比喻-不能 |
04:36.73, |
Okay, I'll use real people. |
行 那我用真人 |
04:39.25, |
Um, if a certain dog-like loyalty is useful, |
如果我们需要狗般忠心之人 |
04:42.39, |
then it's Leonard, hmm? |
那莱纳德就是最佳人选 |
04:43.69, |
If, uh, having a PEZ dispenser |
如果需要在糖果盒里 |
04:45.78, |
filled with TUMS is an advantage, Wolowitz, yeah. |
装满抗胃酸咀嚼片 那沃罗威茨胜出 |
04:49.44, |
If a best man with fake testicles hanging |
如果伴郎的卡车必须要有 |
04:51.54, |
from his truck is important, |
假阴囊吊在后面 |
04:52.75, |
well, then, my brother's back in the running. |
那我哥哥就又能进入候选名单了 |
04:57.45, |
Okay, I see your point. |
好吧 我懂你的意思了 |
04:58.83, |
So we break down each of the roles |
所以我们把每个职责 |
05:01.48, |
into their component parts, |
需要负责的项目拆分开来 |
05:02.94, |
and then design specialized tests for each. |
然后为它们设计专门的测量项目 |
05:05.66, |
Exactly. Boy, |
正是如此 妈呀 |
05:07.36, |
if I had known getting married was going to involve so much science, |
要是我以前知道婚礼能有那么多科学 |
05:09.83, |
I'd have proposed years ago. |
我早就跟你求婚了 |
05:14.45, |
So Leonard, tell everyone your news. |
莱纳德 跟大家说说你的新鲜事 |
05:16.35, |
Oh, oh, I'm starting a book. |
我开始了一本书 |
05:19.49, |
That would be big news from Penny, |
看书对佩妮来说才是大事吧 |
05:21.16, |
but you've read a book before. |
但你以前应该已经读过书了啊 |
05:25.26, |
He means he's writing a book. |
他的意思是写书 |
05:27.61, |
I do. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time. |
是啊 这件事我想做很久了 |
05:30.39, |
Yeah. It's about a brilliant physicist |
是在讲一个很聪明的物理学家 |
05:32.70, |
who solves crimes using science. |
用科学破案 |
05:34.93, |
Oh, Leonard... |
莱纳德... |
05:35.59, |
It's not about you. |
不是在写你 |
05:39.74, |
He probably has to say that for legal reasons. |
估计是怕侵权才这么说 |
05:44.24, |
They gave us plain rice instead of fried rice. |
它们给成了白饭而不是炒饭 |
05:47.14, |
Well, no fair! |
这怎么可以 |
05:48.28, |
I SoulCycled this morning. |
我今早才骑了健身脚踏车 |
05:49.58, |
I'm entitled to a pile of fat rice. |
一碗油腻腻的饭是我应得的 |
05:53.15, |
Well, I would say that this constitutes a catering crisis. |
要我说 这算是餐饮出状况啊 |
05:58.11, |
I agree. Who's gonna step up and handle it? |
我同意 谁会挺身而出来解决呢 |
06:06.02, |
Doesn't matter. This is fine. |
无所谓啦 这也还行啊 |
06:12.52, |
Penny? |
佩妮 |
06:13.87, |
What? |
啥 |
06:17.07, |
You know what? I'll take care of it. |
算了 我来处理吧 |
06:19.44, |
我是霍华德·沃罗威茨 |
06:22.98, |
没给我们炒饭 |
06:27.36, |
胖子印度朋友不高兴了 |
06:33.83, |
谢谢 |
06:36.87, |
Done. |
搞定了 |
06:37.80, |
You didn't make him feel bad, did you? |
你没把人家骂哭吧 |
06:39.89, |
Actually, he was laughing. |
其实他听完还在笑呢 |
06:44.36, |
I'm really impressed at how you handled that, Howard. |
霍华德 我为你的处理感到由衷敬佩 |
06:47.02, |
Please. |
没什么啦 |
06:47.42, |
I've been sending food back my entire life. |
我这一生退了不知道多少食物 |
06:49.41, |
One of my first full sentences was, |
我最先说出的其中一句完整句子是 |
06:50.90, |
I had breast milk for breakfast" |
人家早餐就吃过母奶了" |
06:56.25, |
Excuse me, b-before we start eating, |
抱歉 咱们开动之前 |
06:58.17, |
I-I would like to make a toast. |
我想先来一段致辞 |
07:00.11, |
- Oh, nice. - ?Oh, nice. |
好呀-说吧 |
07:00.89, |
If only I could think of one. |
可我想不出来说什么 |
07:02.64, |
Someone else go. |
你们哪位来说吧 |
07:07.45, |
Hey. Here's the sewing kit you asked for. |
这是你要的针线包 |
07:09.31, |
Ooh! A minute, 19. |
只花了1分钟19秒 |
07:11.19, |
Quick. |
速度惊人 |
07:13.90, |
You were timing me? |
你在给我计时吗 |
07:15.67, |
Yes. I am going through a bit of a timing phase. |
没错 我最近特别沉迷于计时 |
07:20.05, |
How long will it last? |
这个爱好会持续多久呢 |
07:21.20, |
We'll find out. |
让我们开始计时吧 |
07:24.09, |
What did you need the kit for? |
你要针线包干什么 |
07:26.81, |
Oh, um... |
那个... |
07:28.61, |
Sh-Sheldon was squatting down to pick up a fork |
谢尔顿深蹲去捡叉子 |
07:31.79, |
and he ripped his pants. |
把裤子撕破了 |
07:34.08, |
Oh, someone's gonna be sore tomorrow. |
某人明天要肌肉酸痛啦 |
07:39.64, |
Oh, quick thinking. |
脑子转得很快 |
07:41.04, |
But for future lies, |
如果你以后还要撒谎 |
07:42.73, |
this is as far as I can squat. |
我最多只能"浅蹲"到这里 |
07:47.15, |
Penny gets 20 points for the sewing kit. |
佩妮拿来针线包 得20分 |
07:49.07, |
Yeah, minus five, |
还得减5分 |
07:50.49, |
because this is mine. |
因为这是我的针线包 |
07:53.69, |
排行榜 伴娘 伴郎 |
07:54.49, |
Well, she's still pulling a commanding lead. |
那她也是遥遥领先呀 |
07:56.69, |
Did Bernadette even try to send us a sewing kit? |
博纳黛特有试着给我们送来针线包吗 |
07:58.94, |
She did. Amazon, standard shipping, |
送了 亚马逊 标准配送 |
08:01.41, |
not even Prime. ? |
连金牌配送都不是 |
08:03.47, |
We could've done that ourselves. |
那我们自己也能买 |
08:05.28, |
That's what she said. |
她就是这样说的 |
08:08.64, |
Maybe we're being old-fashioned, |
也许我们太守旧了 |
08:10.48, |
defining these roles by gender. |
非要用性别来约束这两个角色 |
08:12.54, |
You know, historically, the best man's role |
你知道 在历史上 |
08:14.58, |
was to defend the bride and groom in combat. |
伴郎的任务就是在战斗中保护新娘新郎 |
08:16.80, |
I mean, if that's not Penny, |
如果这不选佩妮来做 |
08:17.84, |
I don't know what we're doing here. |
那我们根本就是在搞笑啊 |
08:21.11, |
I see your point. |
我懂你意思 |
08:22.56, |
Okay, we are officially open to a best woman |
好吧 那我们同时开启伴男 |
08:26.50, |
and a gentleman of honor. |
和伴女的选拔 |
08:28.58, |
Oh, those names are terrible. |
这些名字真难听 |
08:30.35, |
One point off for you. |
给你减一分 |
08:33.47, |
What am I being tested for? |
你给我计分干什么 |
08:34.94, |
Oh, it's not important. But if you don't pass, |
这不重要 但如果你没通过 |
08:37.11, |
none of this matters. |
现在做的这些也用不上了 |
08:40.33, |
Okay, what's the next test? |
下一项测试是什么 |
08:42.30, |
Loyalty. |
忠诚度 |
08:43.72, |
We need to choose someone who has our backs, |
我们得选一个靠得住的人 |
08:46.13, |
someone who will keep our secrets even from each other. |
能保密的人 甚至要帮我们瞒住彼此 |
08:49.88, |
Well, I don't have any secrets from you. |
我对你没有任何秘密啊 |
08:51.60, |
Do you have secrets from me? |
你有秘密瞒着我吗 |
08:53.38, |
Yes. |
当然有 |
08:56.71, |
Oh, that has been weighing on me for years. |
这件事压在我心头上好久了 |
08:58.65, |
Come here. |
快过来抱抱 |
09:03.14, |
Would you call yourself a loyal and trustworthy friend? |
你觉得自己算是个忠诚可靠的朋友吗 |
09:06.37, |
Yeah, I like to think so. ? |
我是呀 |
09:08.14, |
Great. Because I need to tell you something about Howard, |
太好了 因为我要给你讲一件霍华德的事 |
09:11.35, |
but you can't tell him that I told you. |
但你不能告诉他是我说的 |
09:13.14, |
Nope. Don't want to hear it. |
别 不想听 |
09:14.96, |
Do not like to engage in gossip. |
我一点也不想听八卦 |
09:17.53, |
Okay. I respect your integrity. |
好吧 我敬佩你的人品 |
09:22.19, |
Is it about his special underwear? |
是不是关于他那条特殊内裤的 |
09:23.21, |
Because I already know. And that's all I'll say. |
因为我早就知道了 我只说这么多 |
09:27.94, |
Fine, it has a charcoal filter in it. |
好啦 里面有个木炭屁味过滤器 |
09:32.65, |
It's really sweet of you to come by and keep me company. |
你能过来陪我 真是太有心了 |
09:35.32, |
Agreed. Uh... |
我也这么认为 |
09:39.36, |
So, listen, I have a secret |
听着 我有个秘密 |
09:42.49, |
that I need to tell someone. |
很想跟人分享 |
09:44.51, |
But you can never say a word. |
但你绝对不能说出去 |
09:46.73, |
Not even to Howard. |
哪怕对霍华德也不能说 |
09:47.98, |
I'm your girl. Lay it on me. |
没问题 告诉我吧 |
09:51.16, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
09:52.02, |
You keep things from your husband? |
你对你老公也有保留秘密吗 |
09:54.41, |
No, I tell him everything. |
不 我什么都告诉他 |
09:55.67, |
Don't be a child. |
你别傻了 |
09:58.94, |
Okay. Here it is. |
好吧 告诉你 |
10:02.27, |
I can control the thermostat |
我可以通过手机操控 |
10:04.25, |
in Leonard's apartment with my phone. |
莱纳德公寓的恒温器 |
10:07.41, |
And when he makes me mad, |
当他惹我生气时 |
10:10.08, |
I turn it up, slightly. |
我就把温度稍微上调几度 |
10:15.65, |
Oh, hey. I didn't know you were here. |
我都不知道你来了 |
10:18.18, |
What are you two talking about? |
你们俩在聊什么呀 |
10:22.10, |
Literally, nothing interesting. |
真心没任何意义的事 |
10:26.12, |
Oh, you're good. |
你真会保守 |
10:29.11, |
排行榜 伴郎/伴女 伴娘/伴男 |
10:30.48, |
Okay, getting to the ceremony on time. |
接下来 准时到达典礼 |
10:35.06, |
Leonard, quick. I need you to get me |
莱纳德 快点 你得在一个小时内 |
10:36.79, |
to Arcadia within the hour. |
把我送到亚凯迪亚 |
10:38.10, |
The train store's having a sale. |
火车模型商店正在大打折 |
10:39.71, |
Why can't Amy drive you? |
艾米为什么不送你去 |
10:41.51, |
Because of the tradition that I cannot see Amy |
因为按传统来说 在火车模型商店打折那天 |
10:45.06, |
on the day of the train store sale. |
我不能和艾米碰面[应是婚礼前] |
10:48.60, |
Please, please see a doctor. |
拜托你 去看看医生好不好 |
10:52.63, |
- Next test. - ?Just wait one second. |
下一项测试-先等一下 |
10:59.41, |
Is it getting hot in here? |
是不是有点变热啊 |
11:07.05, |
I'm sorry. Where were we? |
抱歉 我们说到哪儿了 |
11:09.52, |
How well do our friends know us? |
我们的朋友是否了解我们 |
11:13.07, |
So I was talking to my favorite aunt... |
我给我最爱的阿姨打电话... |
11:15.23, |
Aunt Doe, right? |
多伊阿姨 对吧 |
11:17.53, |
Exactly. |
完全正确 |
11:19.32, |
Did she ever figure out what that thing on her knee was? |
她最后弄清楚膝盖上的东西是什么了吗 |
11:22.26, |
Turns out it was a chocolate chip. |
后来发现是巧克力碎 |
11:25.22, |
Hmm. Makes sense, she does like to bake. |
很有可能 她很喜欢烘焙 |
11:28.06, |
Yes, she does. Damn, you are a thoroughbred. |
没错 哇 你真是种子选手 |
11:32.89, |
You know, dealing with cold feet |
处理婚礼前的怯场情绪 |
11:35.62, |
is an important part of being both best man and maid of honor. |
也是伴娘伴郎的重要任务之一 |
11:39.99, |
Maybe we should test for that ability. |
也许我们应该测试一下这项能力 |
11:43.99, |
You really think you might get cold feet? |
你真的觉得自己会怯场吗 |
11:47.32, |
Actually, I was talking about you. |
其实 我是在说你 |
11:50.12, |
Amy... |
艾米 |
11:52.05, |
if there's one thing in this world I'm sure of, |
如果这世上我只坚信一件事 |
11:54.66, |
you are right to be worried. |
那就是你的担心是对的 |
11:58.86, |
Good night. |
晚安 |
12:04.60, |
Howard. |
霍华德 |
12:05.67, |
I've had my eye on this limited edition Swamp Thing, |
我看上了这个限量版的沼泽怪物 |
12:08.92, |
but now that I'm about to buy it, |
但我在下单之前 |
12:10.62, |
I'm having second thoughts. What do you think? |
我又有点犹豫了 你怎么看 |
12:14.39, |
I don't know, Sheldon, it's pretty expensive. |
我不知道啊 谢尔顿 这玩意挺贵的 |
12:17.15, |
Yes, but what if it will make me happy, you know, |
没错 但是如果它让我开心呢 |
12:20.12, |
waking up and seeing it every morning for the rest of my life? |
余生每天清晨起来都能看到它在我枕边 |
12:24.31, |
Really, a walking clump of swamp grass? |
真的吗 一个会走路的烂沼泽草吗 |
12:28.41, |
Yeah, well, Bernadette's no prize either! |
伯纳黛特也没多棒好吗 |
12:33.84, |
Hey, what you doing? ? |
你在干什么呢 |
12:35.62, |
Sheldon gave me a brain teaser. It's kind of fun. |
谢尔顿给我出了道题 挺好玩的 |
12:38.21, |
It's about a group of people at dinner, |
一群人共进晚餐 |
12:39.99, |
and you have to figure out where they can sit without fighting. |
你得找出让他们不吵架的座位安排 |
12:43.60, |
Oh, yeah, is this the one where Mr. Green |
是不是那个草绿先生不可以 |
12:45.73, |
can't sit next to anyone eating meat, |
和吃肉的人坐在一起 |
12:47.84, |
and Uncle Light Blue |
浅蓝叔叔 |
12:49.12, |
won't sit next to any of the darker colors? |
身边不能有比他颜色深的人 |
12:53.83, |
Yeah, did Sheldon send it to you? |
没错 谢尔顿也发给你了吗 |
12:55.72, |
Amy did. I solved it already. |
艾米发的 我已经做出来了 |
12:57.49, |
- Really? - ?Yeah. |
真的吗-真的 |
12:58.37, |
Same way I solved my jury duty summons, |
就像对待我的陪审团义务传票一样 |
13:00.19, |
I threw it away. |
直接丢了 |
13:03.10, |
No, no, no, no, no. |
不行 不行 不行 |
13:03.96, |
Uh, Aunt Orange can't sit next to the bar |
橙黄阿姨不可以坐在吧台边 |
13:06.41, |
without Ms. Pink saying, |
粉红小姐会说 |
13:07.79, |
Jesus thinks you've had enough whiskey. |
我滴神呀 你喝太多酒了 |
13:12.52, |
Did Sheldon and Amy give you guys that puzzle, too? |
谢尔顿和艾米也给你们出那道题了吗 |
13:15.25, |
Yeah. Is it just me or have they been acting strange? |
是的 是我多心 还是他们最近变得很怪 |
13:18.59, |
I don't think they're acting. |
是一直怪 不是才变的 |
13:22.61, |
Yeah, the other day, |
对啊 之前有一天 |
13:23.34, |
Sheldon made me take him to the train store. |
谢尔顿叫我带他去火车模型商店 |
13:25.35, |
We didn't go inside. He just said, |
我们都没进去 他就说了句 |
13:26.81, |
Nicely done, and then we went home. |
做得很好 我们就回家了 |
13:29.98, |
Yeah, and Amy gave me this plastic ring |
是啊 艾米给了我这个塑料戒指 |
13:32.23, |
and told me to hold on to it. |
叫我保管好 |
13:33.55, |
- I got one, too. - Yeah, same. |
我也有一只-一样的 |
13:35.33, |
Yeah, me, too. |
我也有 |
13:36.76, |
But-but Cinnamon ate it. |
不过 被小桂子吞了 |
13:40.62, |
I-I'll get it back tomorrow. |
我明天才能"找回来" |
13:47.19, |
I have to say, this is going pretty well. |
不得不说 进行得真顺利啊 |
13:49.19, |
It is. |
没错 |
13:50.19, |
I-If experimenting on humans is morally wrong, |
如果用人类做试验在道德上是错的 |
13:53.66, |
then I don't want to be morally right. |
那我不想当个道德正确的人 |
13:57.47, |
Hey, are you testing us |
你们是不是在测试我们 |
13:58.78, |
to see who gets to be in your wedding? |
谁够格当伴郎伴娘 |
14:01.00, |
- Yes. ?- No. |
是的-不是 |
14:03.66, |
Wha-- they're rating us. |
他们在给我们打分 |
14:05.65, |
And I'm in last? |
我竟然是最后一名吗 |
14:08.78, |
Don't panic, there's still time. |
别慌 还有时间 |
14:10.46, |
Look, it's a marathon, not a sprint. |
这可是马拉松 不是短跑 |
14:14.39, |
You know what, this is so insulting. |
知道吗 这太侮辱人了 |
14:15.74, |
I-I don't even want to be your stupid best man. |
我都不想当你的伴郎了 |
14:17.59, |
- Yeah. ?- Me neither. |
没错-我也不想 |
14:18.69, |
W-W-Wait, wait. |
等等 等等 |
14:19.90, |
Just out of curiosity, which one of you figured it out? |
好奇问一句 是谁先意识到的 |
14:22.83, |
I did. |
是我 |
14:26.03, |
Impressive. |
真棒 |
14:33.79, |
Hello, Stuart. |
你好 斯图尔特 |
14:34.96, |
Oh, hey, Sheldon. |
好啊 谢尔顿 |
14:36.05, |
Can I interest you in a cappuccino? |
想喝杯卡布奇诺吗 |
14:39.35, |
When did you start selling those? |
你何时开始卖咖啡了 |
14:41.07, |
Oh, someone left it here, but it's still warm. |
有人忘在这儿了 不过还是温的 |
14:45.72, |
Say four bucks? |
算你四块钱怎么样 |
14:49.21, |
No, thank you. |
不用了 谢谢 |
14:51.22, |
Oh. Everything okay? |
没出什么事吧 |
14:53.16, |
Well... |
这个嘛 |
14:54.02, |
I secretly experimented on my friends, |
我暗中在我朋友身上做试验 |
14:56.45, |
and now none of them want to be my best man. |
现在他们都不想当我的伴郎了 |
14:59.03, |
So, you know, normal wedding drama. |
也就是些寻常的婚礼破事 |
15:03.70, |
Sorry. |
抱歉 |
15:04.59, |
Probably have to use my stupid brother. |
可能得让我那蠢哥哥来做伴郎了 |
15:06.93, |
So get ready for a wedding toast delivered by his armpit. |
准备好他用咯吱窝来说婚礼祝酒词吧 |
15:10.66, |
Well, if you really don't want to use your brother, |
要是你真的不想让你哥当伴郎 |
15:12.36, |
I'd be your best man. |
我愿意当你伴郎 |
15:15.33, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
15:16.36, |
Yeah, we're friends. |
对啊 我们是朋友啊 |
15:18.81, |
Plus, it'd be nice. |
再说 这也挺好的 |
15:20.19, |
伴郎的英文是"最佳男人" |
15:20.19, |
Never really been called the best before. |
我从未被称为"最佳" |
15:24.59, |
Or a man, for that matter. |
说起来 也没被称为"男人"过 |
15:28.20, |
Okay, well, uh, thank you, Stuart. |
好吧 谢谢你 斯图尔特 |
15:30.60, |
That's a very generous offer. |
谢谢你的好意 |
15:32.13, |
My pleasure. |
不客气 |
15:34.08, |
I-I understand the best man usually receives a present. |
据我所知 伴郎通常会收到一份礼物 |
15:38.88, |
That's true. |
此话不假 |
15:42.07, |
Can never have too much Claritin. |
开瑞坦[抗过敏药]永远都不嫌多啊 |
15:48.82, |
You're still working on Sheldon's dumb brain teaser? |
你还在解谢尔顿的那道破题吗 |
15:51.82, |
Oh, my God, Dr. Purple's a woman! Of course! |
老天啊 紫博士是个女人 当然了 |
15:55.93, |
Oh, that feels so good. |
感觉太爽了 |
15:59.57, |
Hello. |
大家好 |
16:00.75, |
I believe I owe the three of you an apology. |
我想我该向三位道个歉 |
16:05.45, |
No argument here. |
毋庸置疑 |
16:08.46, |
By experimenting on you, |
通过拿你们做试验 |
16:10.49, |
I realize I've violated your trust |
我意识到我伤害了你们对我的信任 |
16:13.25, |
被认为是国际人道法的标准 |
16:13.25, |
and possibly the Geneva Convention. |
可能也违反了《日内瓦公约》 |
16:17.89, |
Is that it? |
说完了吗 |
16:19.09, |
No. |
还没有 |
16:20.08, |
So as to not upset any of you further, |
所以为了不再进一步惹恼你们 |
16:22.47, |
I've asked Stuart to be my best man, |
我已经邀请了斯图尔特当我的伴郎 |
16:24.80, |
and he's agreed. |
他也答应了 |
16:26.22, |
You're all still invited to the bachelor party. |
你们仍然欢迎来参加单身派对 |
16:28.38, |
Uh, he's thinking Costco and the theme is browsing. |
他想在好市多超市举行 主题是"光看不买" |
16:33.17, |
You picked Stuart over one of us? |
你选斯图尔特也不选我们吗 |
16:35.25, |
Well, I wanted to choose one of you, |
我本来想选你们其中一个 |
16:36.59, |
but you all turned against me. |
但你们都离我而去了 |
16:38.69, |
Picking a best man isn't about keeping score. |
选伴郎不是通过计分选出的 |
16:42.60, |
But you're all my friends. |
但你们都是我的朋友 |
16:44.16, |
I mean, if I didn't collect data, |
如果我不收集数据 |
16:45.70, |
how could I possibly choose among the three of you? |
我哪有办法从你们三人之中选出一个呢 |
16:48.77, |
Well, that's actually kind of sweet. |
这话还挺暖的 |
16:51.28, |
Is it? Perhaps I said it wrong. |
是吗 可能我表达得不对 |
16:55.35, |
Look, this is your wedding, just pick whoever you want. |
这是你的婚礼 选你想要的人就行了 |
16:58.57, |
You don't need to worry about anyone else but yourself. |
除了你自己 你谁都不必考虑 |
17:00.61, |
You've kind of been training for this your whole life. |
你也算是为今天训练了一辈子 |
17:04.71, |
Thank you, Leonard. |
谢谢你 莱纳德 |
17:06.62, |
And if it helps... these two are quitters. |
如果有帮助的话 这两人都是半途而废的主 |
17:13.50, |
Hey, what you making? |
你在煮什么呢 |
17:14.63, |
Uh, well, I spilled the cheese packet, |
我把芝士调味包给撒了 |
17:16.62, |
so we're having mac and nothing. |
所以我们今晚吃无料通心粉 |
17:20.49, |
Yeah. I'll just have the mac. |
我就吃通心粉好了 |
17:21.91, |
Nothing gives me gas. |
无料[芝士]会让我放屁 |
17:27.26, |
Why are you in such a good mood? |
你心情为什么这么好 |
17:28.64, |
Mm, I just talked to Sheldon. |
我刚跟谢尔顿聊过 |
17:30.07, |
He apologized about the tests and asked me to be his best man. |
他为试验的事道歉了 并邀请我当他的伴郎 |
17:33.53, |
Uh, great. After all you've done for him, he should've asked you. |
太好了 你为他付出了那么多 他应该请你的 |
17:36.70, |
And Amy's your best friend. |
艾米是你最好的朋友 |
17:38.16, |
I'm sure she'll come to her senses and pick you. |
她肯定会醒悟过来选你的 |
17:40.25, |
Okay, she's not my best friend. We're not 12. |
她才不是呢 我们又不是什么12岁少女 |
17:42.44, |
If she wants Bernadette to be her maid of honor, |
如果她想选伯纳黛特当她的伴娘 |
17:43.93, |
I really don't care. |
我真的不在乎 |
17:45.27, |
Sounds like you care. |
听起来你挺在乎啊 |
17:46.45, |
No, I mean, it-it's just annoying. |
不 我只是觉得不爽 |
17:48.44, |
You know, we talk every day. We see each other all the time. |
我们每天都聊天 无时无刻不在一起 |
17:50.65, |
She's always there for me, and basically-- |
她总是在我身边陪着我 基本上... |
17:52.57, |
oh, my God, Amy's my best friend. |
天啊 艾米真是我最好的朋友 |
17:57.29, |
You okay? |
你还好吧 |
17:59.01, |
No, my best friend didn't ask me to be her maid of honor. |
不好 我最好的朋友没邀请我当她的伴娘 |
18:01.88, |
I'm pissed! |
老娘气炸了 |
18:06.03, |
So, bottom line, what you did was wrong and cruel, |
总之 你的行为是错误又残酷的 |
18:10.44, |
which the mother of my children finds oddly appealing. |
而我孩子的妈莫名觉得被打动了 |
18:15.46, |
So she still wants to be my maid of honor? |
这么说 她仍然想当我的伴娘吗 |
18:17.64, |
Maid of honor, hit woman, whatever you need. |
伴娘 女杀手 随你需要 |
18:19.17, |
Make the call. |
打电话吧 |
18:22.67, |
Look, I know this is your wedding, |
听着 我知道这是你的婚礼 |
18:24.34, |
and you can do whatever you want, |
你想怎样都可以 |
18:25.54, |
but if you think anyone but me is gonna be your maid of honor, |
但如果你找除我以外的人当伴娘 |
18:27.90, |
then you're an idiot because you are my best friend. |
那你就是大白痴 因为你是我最好的朋友 |
18:30.76, |
Too late. Bernade... |
太晚了 伯纳黛特... |
18:31.66, |
Bestie! |
好闺蜜 |
18:41.38, |
Stuart, I'm sorry if it's weird |
斯图尔特 如果谢尔顿 |
18:42.92, |
Sheldon made me best man instead of you. |
选我当伴郎没选你 让你不舒服了 我道歉 |
18:45.62, |
It's okay. |
没关系 |
18:46.30, |
I was best man for two whole days. |
我好歹也当了两天伴郎 |
18:51.57, |
No one can take that away from me. |
谁都不能夺走这一殊荣 |
18:55.23, |
Except for Sheldon, when he did. |
除了谢尔顿 他夺走了 |
18:59.28, |
Although, if you want to be a part of the wedding party, |
不过 要是你想参与婚宴 |
19:01.54, |
I suppose you could be the flower girl. |
你也可以当女花童 |
19:06.44, |
Sold. |
成交 |
19:09.57, |
Well, I thought Halley was gonna be the flower girl. |
女花童不是要让哈雷当吗 |
19:12.26, |
Oh, that's much better. |
那样合适多了 |
19:13.49, |
Sorry, Stuart, you're out. |
抱歉 斯图尔特 你出局了 |
19:17.44, |
Hey, so is Bernadette okay with me being maid of honor? |
伯纳黛特对我当伴娘没意见吗 |
19:19.99, |
Actually, I haven't had the courage to tell her. |
其实我还没勇气告诉她 |
19:24.13, |
I guess I should do that. |
我想应该由我来说 |
19:25.46, |
Uh, yeah. |
是的 |
19:29.34, |
Although, as maid of honor, |
不过 身为伴娘 |
19:31.22, |
your job is to make my life easier. |
你的工作就是为我分担解忧 |
19:35.04, |
Damn it. |
我靠 |
19:36.06, |
Hey, Stuart, you still want in on this wedding? |
斯图尔特 你还想参与这个婚礼吗 |
19:41.53, |
Not that much. |
也没那么想 |
19:45.03, |
Fine. I'll do it. |
好吧 我去说 |
19:47.70, |
But do me a favor and unlock the liquor cabinet first. |
不过帮个忙 先把酒柜的儿童防护锁打开 |