第十一季 第十四集 |
00:02.84, |
Space is the mirror of the soul. |
宇宙是灵魂的镜子 |
00:05.46, |
Are we looking beyond, or are we looking within? |
我们是瞭望远方 还是照进内心呢 |
00:10.56, |
I'm looking at my shoes. |
我是看向鞋子 |
00:11.58, |
This is making me a little motion sick. |
我都看得有点晕乎了 |
00:15.22, |
When we gaze out at the immensities of space, |
当我们凝望着无止尽的宇宙 |
00:17.88, |
we understand them because there are immensities |
我们能了解它 是因为我们的内心 |
00:20.15, |
within us as well. |
也是无限大 |
00:22.41, |
I'm Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, |
我是拉杰什·库萨帕里博士 |
00:24.16, |
and thank you for taking a walk with me... |
感谢各位与我一起 |
00:28.32, |
through the stars. |
漫步群星之中 |
00:33.12, |
That pause gets longer every show. |
他收尾的停顿 一次比一次长 |
00:35.48, |
I believe... |
我觉得... |
00:37.60, |
you're right. |
你说得没错 |
00:39.95, |
Hey. |
你好 |
00:40.47, |
Can I get a picture with you? |
我能跟你合照一张吗 |
00:41.73, |
Absolutely. |
没问题 |
00:43.32, |
And if you post it on social media, |
如果你要发到社交平台 |
00:44.94, |
I suggest the hashtag "Koothra-poet." |
我建议你加个话题#库萨诗里# |
00:48.22, |
Thank you. The show was great. |
谢谢你 节目很棒 |
00:49.57, |
Well, I can't take all the credit. |
这不全是我一个人的功劳 |
00:50.95, |
I have pretty good co-stars. |
我有一群很棒的明星配角 |
00:53.10, |
The stars. |
一群明"星" |
00:57.85, |
Do you say that to everyone? |
你对每个人都说这套词吗 |
00:59.38, |
Only to beautiful women. |
只对美女 |
01:00.68, |
And okay women. |
还有还行的女孩说 |
01:03.17, |
Okay. |
行吧 |
01:04.34, |
Uh, just to clarify: you're the first kind. |
我澄清一下 你是前一类人 |
01:06.79, |
Okay. |
行吧 |
01:10.41, |
Thanks for coming. |
谢谢你们来 |
01:11.49, |
What did you handsome gentlemen think of the show? |
两位帅哥对今晚的节目有何评价 |
01:13.68, |
Uh, you can turn it off now. |
你可以收功了 |
01:15.46, |
It's sweet of you to say, but I don't think I can. |
谢谢夸奖 但我的魅力能放不能收 |
01:49.00, |
Look at this cute picture of Halley in the bath. |
看看这张哈雷在泡澡的超萌照片 |
01:51.43, |
Aw, that's great. |
拍得很赞啊 |
01:52.99, |
Want me to send it to you? |
要我发给你吗 |
01:54.02, |
No, on your phone it's cute, on my phone it's a crime. |
别了 在你手机是可爱 在我手机上是犯罪 |
01:58.69, |
I also have a pretty cute picture to share. |
我也有一张很萌的照片分享 |
02:03.11, |
What is that? |
那是什么 |
02:04.42, |
An equation. |
一个方程式 |
02:06.93, |
Isn't it perfect? |
它是不是太完美了 |
02:08.40, |
Sometimes I just stare at it, |
有时候我就这么盯着它看 |
02:09.56, |
and I think "I can't believe that came out of me." |
心想"真想不到它是我孕育出来的" |
02:12.72, |
Well, since we're sharing pictures, |
既然我们要分享照片 |
02:14.50, |
I have one to contribute. |
我也可以贡献一张 |
02:16.24, |
Please don't let it be you and your dog in the bathtub. |
拜托别是你跟你狗一起泡澡的照片 |
02:19.57, |
It's not. |
并不是 |
02:21.17, |
But don't swipe. |
但别滑去看别张照片 |
02:25.24, |
What are we looking at here? |
这是什么 |
02:26.71, |
Well, that's me and a beautiful woman |
是我跟一个美女的合照 |
02:29.17, |
and my watch showing the time as 2:30 in the morning. |
而从我的手表可以看出是半夜两点半拍的 |
02:34.21, |
So, state's exhibit "A"? |
所以... 证物"A"吗 |
02:37.51, |
No. I met her at the planetarium a few days ago, |
不是啦 我前几天跟她在天文台认识的 |
02:40.38, |
and she invited me out for a drink. |
她后来邀请我出去喝一杯 |
02:42.27, |
Oh, good for you. H-Hey, |
那恭喜你啊 |
02:43.77, |
w-what's the Hindi word for "dog"? |
印地语的"狗"怎么说 |
02:45.59, |
Kutta.-You Kutta. |
库塔-你这只贱库塔 |
02:48.67, |
Bow-bow. |
咆咆 |
02:50.78, |
That's Hindi for woof-woof. |
这是印地语的汪汪 |
02:53.78, |
I am seeing her again tonight. |
我今晚跟她又有约 |
02:56.04, |
You know, I also have a date tonight. |
我今晚也有约呢 |
02:58.12, |
But don't worry, it's not another woman. |
但别担心 不是跟别的女人 |
03:00.12, |
It's string theory. |
是跟弦理论有约 |
03:02.97, |
Bow-bow. |
咆咆 |
03:07.12, |
Sorry, he's a kutta, you're not. |
抱歉 但人家才是色库塔 你不算 |
03:14.13, |
Hi.-Hello. |
回来了-回来啦 |
03:15.95, |
What you doing? |
你在干嘛 |
03:16.90, |
Oh, taking another picture with my baby. |
跟我的宝宝合照 |
03:21.24, |
Look how big he got. |
你看它长多大了 |
03:24.59, |
It's fun to see you this excited. |
看到你这么兴奋挺有意思的 |
03:26.14, |
Aw, thank you, that's so... |
谢谢啦 你人... |
03:27.52, |
- Don't sit there! ?- What, what? |
不许坐这里-啥 怎么了 |
03:29.61, |
I, uh-- sorry. |
抱歉啦 |
03:30.47, |
I-It's part of my organization system. |
这是我归类系统的一部分 |
03:32.41, |
That's-that's where those papers go. |
那里是我放论文的地方 |
03:34.62, |
Okay. Um, how about if I just... |
好吧 那不如我... |
03:38.19, |
slide this notebook... |
把这笔记本推过去... |
03:42.20, |
You know what, it's fine. |
行吧 没关系 |
03:43.20, |
I'll just be in the bedroom. |
我去卧室里待着 |
03:44.02, |
No, no. Uh, this is your apartment, too. |
不用 别 这里也是你的公寓 |
03:46.60, |
Uh, look, I'll-I'll stop for the night |
我今晚收工吧 |
03:48.23, |
and clean this up. |
然后把这里收拾了 |
03:49.94, |
Well, that's very considerate, Sheldon. |
你真是太贴心了 谢尔顿 |
03:51.83, |
I know. |
我知道 |
03:53.77, |
See, I'm trying this new technique |
其实我是在尝试一个新招式 |
03:55.09, |
where I imagine how I would feel in someone else's position. |
就是我换位思考 做到感同身受 |
03:58.86, |
Y-You mean empathy? |
你是指同理心吗 |
04:00.23, |
Oh, I thought I came up with it. |
我还以为这是我发明的新方法呢 |
04:03.46, |
Well, regardless, I-I appreciate the effort. |
无论如何 我还是谢谢你做出的努力 |
04:06.02, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
04:06.96, |
It's really hard. |
真的很难呢 |
04:11.83, |
Morning. |
早安 |
04:12.89, |
Good morning. |
早安啊 |
04:15.28, |
Aw, you didn't have to cook me breakfast. |
你其实不用为我做早餐 |
04:17.35, |
Well, I wasn't sure how I did last night, |
我不确定我昨晚的表现如何 |
04:19.13, |
and I wanted to finish strong. |
我想确定有个强劲的收尾 |
04:22.78, |
You don't need to worry. |
你不用担心啦 |
04:23.76, |
Last night was great. |
昨晚很赞了 |
04:25.01, |
Ah, well, you say that now, |
虽然你现在这么说 |
04:27.82, |
but wait until you taste this. |
但等你吃过一口之后再发表意见 |
04:33.76, |
Oh, my God, this is amazing. |
我的天 太好吃了吧 |
04:35.93, |
Which is why I keep an omelet pan in the trunk of my car. |
所以我在后车厢里都有备一个煎蛋锅 |
04:40.52, |
Well, thank you, it's delicious. |
谢谢啦 很好吃 |
04:42.62, |
My husband never cooked for me. |
我老公从来不做饭给我吃 |
04:45.17, |
Oh, uh, y-you were married. |
你结过婚了吗 |
04:47.58, |
Yeah. Well, technically, I guess I still am. |
是啊 严格上来说我还已婚 |
04:52.38, |
Is that "technically," |
你的"严格上来说" |
04:54.03, |
like, the paperwork hasn't gone through, |
是指离婚文件还没正式生效 |
04:57.25, |
or "technically," |
还是"严格上来说" |
04:58.17, |
like, he's in the closet watching us right now? |
他现在正在衣柜里看着我们俩 |
05:02.60, |
No, no, we're separated. |
没有啦 我们已经分居了 |
05:05.16, |
Do you mind if we talk about something else? |
我们能聊一点别的吗 |
05:06.62, |
Of course. |
当然啦 |
05:08.10, |
Uh, you know, my secret to making great omelets is that |
告诉你 我的煎蛋卷能这么好吃的秘诀 |
05:11.07, |
I beat the egg whites separately. |
是我把蛋黄跟蛋白是分开打散 |
05:13.59, |
Speaking of which, how long have you been separated? |
说到这个 你们分开多久了 |
05:17.67, |
About two weeks. |
大概两周吧 |
05:20.02, |
That is not a lot of weeks. |
这周数不太多啊 |
05:22.95, |
In fact, that's the bare minimum to get to the plural "weeks." |
其实这刚刚过了双数周数的门槛啊 |
05:29.08, |
Doesn't matter. |
无所谓啊 |
05:29.78, |
He moved out, I moved on. |
他已搬走 我向前走 |
05:31.38, |
Oh. Good. |
很好 |
05:32.55, |
Yeah, do you mind me asking what he does for a living? |
你介意我问一下他是干哪一行的吗 |
05:34.75, |
He's a firefighter. |
他是消防员 |
05:36.76, |
Oh. Interesting. |
有意思 |
05:38.29, |
A potentially jealous man who's handy with an ax. |
一个有可能妒火中烧 还善用斧子的男人 |
05:42.14, |
It's-it's okay, though. |
不过没事的啦 |
05:44.19, |
He's almost had two weeks to cool down. |
他可是有将近整整两周时间冷静呢 |
05:49.61, |
Okay, the next drug is Romatrol. |
好的 下一款药是罗马唑 |
05:52.12, |
Oh, I know this one. |
这款我会 |
05:53.13, |
We're actually pushing it really hard. |
我其实很努力在推销这款药呢 |
05:54.31, |
It treats mild dermatitis. |
它能治疗轻微皮肤炎 |
05:56.13, |
Uh, correct. And who can it be prescribed to? |
正确 这款药能开给哪些人群呢 |
05:58.69, |
Adults and children who have absolutely, for sure, |
成人 以及百分百确定 |
06:01.69, |
stopped growing. |
已经停止生长的孩子 |
06:04.49, |
Right again. |
再次正确 |
06:05.41, |
And what are the side effects? |
有哪些副作用呢 |
06:07.01, |
Oh, shoot, shoot. |
靠 靠 |
06:08.82, |
Mm, remember the mnemonic. |
想一下助记词 |
06:10.00, |
Ah-- GRAVY, yes. G-R-A-V-Y. |
肉汁G R A V Y |
06:12.51, |
Okay, gastric distress, redness, |
胃部不适 红肿 |
06:15.14, |
anal leakage, vasculitis and... |
肛漏 血管炎 还有... |
06:18.31, |
yellow eyes. |
黄眼 |
06:20.37, |
Oh, uh, so close. |
很接近了 |
06:21.73, |
- It's actually yellow discharge. - Oh, right. |
-是黄带[白带发黄] -对哦 |
06:25.01, |
That's why we went with "Gravy." |
所以我们用"肉汁"这个词 |
06:37.76, |
He knows he doesn't live here anymore, right? |
他知道自己现在不住在这里的吧 |
06:40.23, |
Maybe he's experiencing memory loss because he took... |
可能他失忆了 因为他吃了... |
06:44.01, |
Flaxitrite.-Yeah. |
弗拉西崔-正解 |
06:46.62, |
- Thank you. - Uh, Sheldon, what are you doing? |
谢啦-谢尔顿 你在干嘛 |
06:49.03, |
Oh, I was just checking in on my old room |
我就过来看一下我的旧房间 |
06:51.33, |
to see what you've done with it. |
看看你们怎么处置它 |
06:53.47, |
Why? |
怎么了 |
06:54.23, |
Well, I could use a place to work in the evenings, and... |
我晚上需要一个地方工作 而且... |
06:57.27, |
- No. - Well, it's just that |
不-因为 |
06:59.17, |
- there's not a lot of space in our apartment... - No. |
我们公寓没有多余的地方-不 |
07:01.52, |
Well, and I feel like Amy's been having... |
我觉得艾米一直有... |
07:02.92, |
No. |
不 |
07:03.98, |
And since you're not... |
反正你们也不... |
07:04.91, |
No. |
不 |
07:07.04, |
It's... |
就... |
07:07.40, |
No. |
不 |
07:10.46, |
No. |
不 |
07:13.09, |
That is our room now, |
现在那是我们的房间 |
07:14.28, |
and we're gonna turn it into a gym. |
而且我们要把它变成健身房 |
07:15.88, |
Do you really expect me to believe that? |
你们真的觉得我会信这种鬼话吗 |
07:18.77, |
No.-No. |
不-不 |
07:22.40, |
So I guess what's bugging me |
所以现在让我困扰的是 |
07:23.74, |
is that they only broke up 13 days ago, |
他们13天前才分手 |
07:25.59, |
and now I'm dating her. |
现在我却在跟她交往 |
07:26.86, |
So, am I, like, the good guy in my movie, |
那我是我人生电影里的好人 |
07:28.73, |
or the bad guy in their movie? |
还是他们人生电影里的坏人呢 |
07:30.43, |
Pretty sure you're the weird friend in our movie. |
我能肯定你是我们人生电影里的怪友人 |
07:34.34, |
I like her, okay? |
我喜欢她 好吗 |
07:35.85, |
I just, I-I don't know how I feel about |
我只是...不知道该如何看待自己 |
07:37.29, |
being the third wheel in a relationship. |
在一段感情里充当电灯泡的角色 |
07:38.88, |
Says the guy in my bed with my wife. |
跟我老婆躺在一张床上的某人如是说 |
07:42.75, |
Guys, I mean, he's around, okay? |
我的意思是 她老公还没走远呢 |
07:45.44, |
He's apparently not happy about the breakup, |
他很显然对分手耿耿于怀 |
07:47.40, |
and based on the sweatpants he left at her place, |
而且从他留在她家的运动裤可以判断出 |
07:49.03, |
he's, like, a medium to large man. |
这家伙至少是个中等到彪形大汉 |
07:52.65, |
Maybe those are his "after the holiday" pants, |
或许那是他的"假日发福后"专用裤 |
07:55.05, |
like you have. |
你也有啊 |
07:57.31, |
I don't know. |
我也不知道了 |
07:58.49, |
I mean, do you think it's too soon for her to be dating? |
你们觉得她是不是太快开始约会了 |
08:00.33, |
If you and Bernadette broke up, |
如果你和伯纳黛特分手了 |
08:01.80, |
like, how long would you wait? |
你会等多久才开始约会 |
08:02.92, |
Oh, well, I don't even want to think... |
我都不想去想这种问题 |
08:04.03, |
Eight days. |
八天 |
08:07.41, |
What? |
什么 |
08:08.21, |
Two days to cry. Six days to hit the gym. |
在家哭两天 健身房恢复身材六天 |
08:11.31, |
First of all, you already look amazing. |
首先你身材已经很棒了 |
08:13.66, |
Aw, that's sweet. |
嘴真甜 |
08:15.57, |
I'm gonna give him an extra day of crying. |
那我再多为他哭一天吧 |
08:20.62, |
The answer is still no. |
不就是不 |
08:25.50, |
You can say we wouldn't know you're here, but we'd know. |
随你说我们不会察觉到你在 但我们就是能 |
08:30.85, |
Because you'd be here! |
因为你就会在这里啊 |
08:34.29, |
So, who was that? |
是谁的电话呀 |
08:38.11, |
I can't believe you hung up on me! |
真不敢相信你居然挂我电话 |
08:42.70, |
What the hell? |
什么鬼 |
08:43.33, |
What are you doing here? |
你在我们家干嘛 |
08:45.51, |
I am proving you wrong. |
我是来证明你是错的 |
08:46.83, |
I've been working back there for hours. |
我已经在里面工作好几个小时了 |
08:48.40, |
You had no idea. |
你们根本没察觉 |
08:50.72, |
Do something. |
帮帮忙 |
08:51.99, |
What the hell? What are you doing here? |
什么鬼 你在我们家干嘛 |
08:55.12, |
I-I am trying to respect Amy. |
我在试着尊重艾米 |
08:57.35, |
Okay, look, you have an office at work. |
好吧 你在学校有自己的办公室 |
08:58.68, |
Why don't you go there? |
你怎么不去那办公 |
09:00.06, |
I can't go to the office every time I have a brilliant thought. |
我不能每次一有灵感就冲去学校办公室啊 |
09:02.36, |
I'd basically be living there. |
那我岂不是相当于住那儿了 |
09:03.68, |
Sounds good, do that. |
听起来不错 去吧 |
09:05.89, |
No. No, the campus isn't safe at night. |
不行 校园晚上不安全 |
09:08.23, |
There's raccoons and undergrads just walking around |
那里不但有浣熊 还有大学生到处走 |
09:10.38, |
like they own the place. |
好像那是他们的地盘一样 |
09:12.50, |
Look. |
听着 |
09:13.52, |
I need somewhere to work in the evenings. |
我需要一个可以晚上工作的地方 |
09:15.26, |
You have a space you aren't using. |
而你们正好有不用的房间 |
09:16.91, |
Just take a look at my proposal. |
看一眼我的提议 |
09:21.26, |
What is this? |
这是什么 |
09:22.22, |
A rental agreement. |
租赁协议 |
09:23.28, |
I will only use the room for work. |
这间房间我仅用于办公 |
09:25.12, |
I-I won't sleep here, I won't eat your food, |
我不会睡这里 我不会吃你们的食物 |
09:27.15, |
I won't even use your bathroom. |
我甚至不会用你们的洗手间 |
09:28.35, |
So you can just walk in any time of the day or night? |
你从此就能无论白天黑夜想来就来吗 |
09:31.28, |
Well, he does that now. |
他现在不就这样吗 |
09:32.64, |
At least this way we'll get paid. |
至少签了协议我们还有钱拿 |
09:37.08, |
I am Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, |
我是拉杰什·库萨帕里博士 |
09:39.30, |
and thank you for taking a walk with me... |
感谢各位与我一起 |
09:45.51, |
...through the stars. |
...漫步群星之中 |
09:48.57, |
I-I think that one was too long. |
我觉得刚才那停顿太长了 |
09:51.61, |
Yeah, you're right. I totally felt it. |
你说得对 我也感觉到了 |
09:53.49, |
Should we, uh, run it again? |
我们要不再来一遍 |
09:54.75, |
Please, God, no. |
天啊 不要了吧 |
09:59.68, |
Can I help you? |
需要帮忙吗 |
10:00.74, |
Which one of you is Rajesh Koothrappali? |
你们俩谁是拉杰什·库萨帕里 |
10:03.83, |
Really? You're not sure |
不是吧 你看不出来 |
10:05.02, |
which one of us is Rajesh Koothrappali? |
我们俩谁是拉杰什·库萨帕里吗 |
10:09.11, |
I am. I was just trying not to be racist. |
看出来了 我只是不想弄得像种族歧视 |
10:15.70, |
I'm Nell's husband. |
我是妮尔的老公 |
10:21.55, |
h-here's the thing-- I didn't know |
是这样的 我真不知道 |
10:24.09, |
that she was married until after... |
她已经结婚了 是事后... |
10:26.14, |
After what? |
什么事之后 |
10:30.95, |
I'm... |
我 |
10:31.95, |
I'm really sorry. |
真的非常对不起 |
10:33.97, |
Well, that doesn't make me feel better. |
道歉并不会让我好过点 |
10:35.96, |
Wh-What would make you feel better? |
那做什么能让你好过点 |
10:37.40, |
I want you to stop seeing my wife. |
我要你不再和我老婆来往 |
10:39.11, |
Done. Nice to meet you. Bye. |
没问题 很高兴认识你 再见 |
10:42.55, |
What am I gonna do? |
我该怎么办 |
10:51.38, |
Hey, buddy, do-do you want to talk? |
大兄弟 你想聊聊吗 |
10:57.02, |
I thought we were gonna start a family. |
我本以为我们会结婚生子 |
10:59.82, |
Next thing I know, it's over. |
没想到措不及防 感情玩完 |
11:03.94, |
It's gonna be okay. |
一切都会好的 |
11:05.87, |
How is it gonna be okay? |
怎么可能会好 |
11:06.99, |
You're sleeping with my wife. |
你睡了我老婆 |
11:10.96, |
I mean, besides that. |
我是说 除了这事之外 |
11:23.74, |
Can I get you anything? |
你需要点什么吗 |
11:25.33, |
A glass of water? |
来杯水 |
11:27.06, |
A laser show? |
还是来场激光秀 |
11:29.77, |
No, thank you. ?Oh, good. |
-不必 谢了 -太好了 |
11:30.78, |
Cause I don't, I don't even know how to turn it on. |
因为我根本不知道开关在哪 |
11:34.42, |
I'm sorry. |
抱歉 |
11:35.43, |
I shouldn't have come here. |
我不该来这里 |
11:38.07, |
I guess I just wanted to see who she replaced me with. |
可能我只是想看看取代我的人是谁 |
11:41.38, |
Don't say that. |
别这么说 |
11:43.03, |
What you two had was special. |
你们俩的感情很特别 |
11:44.67, |
No one can replace you. |
谁也取代不了你 |
11:46.50, |
Did she say that? |
这话是她说的吗 |
11:47.60, |
No. |
不是 |
11:51.65, |
I should go, right? |
我该走了 对吧 |
11:52.53, |
Stay. |
别走 |
11:53.13, |
Okay, I'll call you later. |
好的 晚点联系 |
11:57.24, |
Look, if it makes you feel any better, |
听着 如果这么说能让你好过点 |
11:59.00, |
I barely know her. |
我跟她一点都不熟 |
12:01.31, |
And she had sex with you? |
不熟她还跟你睡吗 |
12:04.66, |
Nell tells me you're a fireman. |
妮尔说你是名消防员 |
12:06.00, |
What's that like? |
都做些什么呀 |
12:16.39, |
Okay, I-I-I'm really uncomfortable |
好吧 知道他在房间里面 |
12:18.80, |
with him back in that room. |
我真的很不舒服 |
12:20.32, |
Why? He hasn't made a peep all day. |
为什么 他一天都没出来了 |
12:22.19, |
Y-Y-You don't get it. |
你不懂 |
12:23.04, |
All the years that we lived together, |
我跟谢尔顿住了那么多年 |
12:25.04, |
he drove me crazy the whole time. |
他总是能把我弄疯 |
12:27.08, |
And now he's not. |
而现在却乖乖的 |
12:30.41, |
Exactly. |
对啊 |
12:33.04, |
D-Don't look at me like that. |
别用那种眼神看着我 |
12:34.34, |
It-it-it means he did it on purpose. |
这代表他是故意的 |
12:37.09, |
It was a choice. |
那是他的选择 |
12:38.59, |
That-That's like finding out Godzilla could've had Arby's |
就像发现哥斯拉本来可以吃个阿比三明治 |
12:41.73, |
instead of Tokyo. |
结果却故意去毁东京一样 |
12:45.33, |
I don't think they have Arby's in Japan. |
我想日本应该没有阿比三明治店 |
12:46.80, |
Not my point. |
这不是重点 |
12:51.45, |
Sheldon. |
谢尔顿 |
12:53.39, |
Sheldon! |
谢尔顿 |
12:55.84, |
I'm sorry. Am I being too loud? |
抱歉 我是不是太大声了 |
12:59.61, |
No, you're being perfect and you know it. |
不是 你表现得很完美 你心知肚明 |
13:02.41, |
Would you like me to be a less considerate tenant? |
你希望我当一个不那么良心的租客吗 |
13:06.17, |
No. Yes. What...? |
不是 是的 什... |
13:08.30, |
Stop messing with me! |
别再逼疯我了 |
13:12.78, |
Hey, I was wrong. |
我错了 |
13:14.14, |
There's an Arby's in Okinawa. |
阿比三明治在冲绳有分店 |
13:21.87, |
He was best friends with her older brother, |
他以前跟她哥哥是死党 |
13:23.72, |
but he didn't even notice her. |
但他当时根本没注意到她 |
13:25.17, |
And then years afterward, |
几年后 |
13:26.31, |
they randomly bumped into each other at the DMV. |
他们在车管所偶遇了对方 |
13:28.93, |
Two hours later, they were in love. |
两小时后 他们就坠入爱河了 |
13:31.40, |
You can really see the sparkle in his license photo. |
你能从他驾驶证照片中看到眼里爱的火花 |
13:36.22, |
He told you all this at the planetarium? |
这些都是他在天文馆跟你说的吗 |
13:37.81, |
No, no, we went to House of Pies. |
不不 我们去馅饼屋了 |
13:39.18, |
He got banana cream. I got coconut. |
他点了香蕉奶油 我点了椰子口味 |
13:40.85, |
We did halfsies. |
我们分着吃 |
13:43.32, |
You did pie halfsies with another man? |
你跟另一个男人分吃一块馅饼吗 |
13:46.58, |
You mean other than you? |
你是指除你以外的男人吗 |
13:50.76, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
13:53.46, |
I feel bad for him, Bernie. |
我很同情他 妮妮 |
13:55.25, |
He's a, he's a good guy. |
他是个好人 |
13:56.74, |
Well, if you're uncomfortable with it, |
如果你觉得不舒服 |
13:58.04, |
maybe stop sleeping with his wife. |
也许就别再跟他老婆上床了 |
13:59.53, |
I don't think the sex is the problem. |
我觉得性不是问题所在 |
14:01.03, |
I know for a fact I was just okay. |
我很肯定相比起来我表现一般 |
14:04.94, |
For the record, I'm the one who introduced you to House of Pies. |
我想说馅饼屋这店是我带你认识的 |
14:11.55, |
Sheldon? |
谢尔顿 |
14:12.17, |
Oh, Leonard. |
是莱纳德啊 |
14:14.80, |
Sorry, I just, I had to get out of there. |
抱歉 我必须离开那里 |
14:17.09, |
What did he do now? |
他又做了什么 |
14:18.14, |
Nothing. He's being a dream. |
啥都没做 他简直是天使 |
14:22.63, |
Don't give me that look. |
别那样看着我 |
14:23.48, |
That's how Penny looked at me. I'm not crazy. |
佩妮就是用那种眼神看我 我没疯 |
14:25.74, |
Penny and I have the same "You're crazy" look? |
佩妮和我的"你疯了"眼神一样吗 |
14:27.73, |
That's kind of sweet. |
好甜好有爱 |
14:30.60, |
I know how to deal with Sheldon being Sheldon, |
我懂得如何对付真实的谢尔顿 |
14:33.08, |
but Sheldon being a-a rational, thoughtful person? |
但表现得理智又体贴的谢尔顿 |
14:36.42, |
I'm clueless. I-It's like |
我都懵了 |
14:38.41, |
when my mom called last year to sing happy birthday |
就像去年我妈打给我 唱生日歌给我听 |
14:40.80, |
and I-I just threw up. |
我直接吐了 |
14:44.42, |
Well, if it gets to be too much, |
如果太难以忍受 |
14:45.85, |
you can always send him back over here. |
你随时可以把他赶回来这里 |
14:47.75, |
I made a deal with him, |
我和他说好了 |
14:48.86, |
and besides, that wouldn't be fair to you. |
再说 那样对你不公平 |
14:51.12, |
Well, actually, I miss him. |
实际上 我挺想他的 |
14:52.13, |
He's been over there a lot. |
他最近都泡在那边 |
14:53.44, |
Well, great. Tell him he can come back. |
太好了 那告诉他他可以回来了 |
14:55.88, |
I can't. He's thinking of me and my feelings |
不行 他在为我和我的感受着想 |
14:58.43, |
and trying to be respectful. |
他想尊重我 |
14:59.84, |
That's what he's doing to me, too, the jerk! |
他也是那样对我的 那混蛋 |
15:03.57, |
Stop that. |
别再露出那眼神了 |
15:06.98, |
Hey, your mad look and Sheldon's constipated look are the same. |
你生气的表情和谢尔顿便秘的表情是一样的 |
15:17.92, |
This is nice. |
这感觉真好 |
15:19.12, |
It is. |
是的 |
15:22.58, |
She used to kiss me like that. |
她以前也是这样吻我的 |
15:26.36, |
You okay? |
你还好吧 |
15:28.63, |
Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. |
没事 抱歉 |
15:32.13, |
Yeah. |
没事 |
15:35.35, |
Oh, God, I'm so alone. |
老天啊 我好孤单啊 |
15:37.58, |
Sorry, I can't do this. |
抱歉 我没办法 |
15:39.33, |
What's going on? |
怎么了 |
15:41.75, |
I met Oliver the other day. |
我前几天遇到奥利弗了 |
15:44.06, |
Wait, you tracked down my husband? |
等等 你去找我老公了吗 |
15:46.28, |
No, that would be weird. |
不是 那多奇怪啊 |
15:47.79, |
He tracked me down, then we spent the evening together. |
是他来找我 然后我们共度了一晚 |
15:51.73, |
I don't believe this. |
真难以置信 |
15:53.45, |
He-he only did it because he cares about you. |
他那样做都是因为他在乎你 |
15:56.55, |
No, he did it because he's possessive and jealous. |
不 是因为他占有欲强 又爱吃醋 |
15:59.53, |
Really? I didn't get that at all. |
真的吗 我完全没看出来 |
16:00.75, |
He made me feel very comfortable. |
他让我感到很舒服自在 |
16:03.90, |
Well, I'm glad you two hit it off. |
你俩"基"出火花 我倍感欣慰啊 |
16:05.96, |
You know, I don't think that you're being very fair to him. |
其实 我觉得你对他不公平 |
16:09.36, |
You're taking his side? |
你站他那边吗 |
16:11.09, |
No, but I should point out that |
没有 但我要指出 |
16:13.06, |
he did offer to go to counseling, so at least one of you is trying. |
他提议过做婚姻咨询 所以至少他在努力挽回 |
16:17.44, |
You're crazier than he is. |
你比他还神经病 |
16:19.08, |
I'll tell you what, just give him one more chance |
这样吧 你再给他一次机会 |
16:22.17, |
and if it doesn't work out, |
如果还是不成功 |
16:23.43, |
I'll be happy to keep sleeping with you. |
我很乐意继续和你打炮 |
16:27.76, |
You would? |
你很乐意是吧 |
16:30.59, |
Either way, you've got yourself a fella. |
不管哪种结果 你都会有男人 |
16:32.63, |
Like, how nice is that? |
这多棒啊 |
16:39.64, |
Hey, Sheldon. |
谢尔顿 |
16:43.87, |
Hello. |
你好 |
16:44.71, |
So, your contract provides for a three-day trial period, |
你的合同规定有三天试用期 |
16:48.99, |
and I don't think this is working out. |
我觉得这事还是行不通 |
16:50.99, |
So, to put it in legal terms, |
所以 用法律术语来说 |
16:52.57, |
the party of the first part would like |
就是合同甲方 |
16:54.54, |
the party of the second part to get out. |
希望合同乙方滚蛋 |
16:58.87, |
What time does the trial period end? |
试用期几点结束 |
17:01.53, |
12:00, noon. |
中午12点 |
17:02.57, |
Yeah-- what does it say after that? |
那后面还写了什么 |
17:09.25, |
Eastern Standard Time. |
东部标准时间 |
17:09.25, |
剧中主角所在的西部比东部慢三小时 |
17:12.83, |
That was three hours ago. |
那是3小时前的事了 |
17:14.97, |
And, uh, since you didn't exercise your right to revoke, |
既然你没有行使废除合约的权利 |
17:18.01, |
I exercised my right to extend, |
我要行使我的权利来延长合约 |
17:20.80, |
triggering this long-form rental agreement... |
这令这份超详细的租赁合同开始生效 |
17:26.54, |
...of which you're already in violation. |
而你已经违反了上面的条约 |
17:29.54, |
This is just a-a bunch of paper. |
这不过是一堆纸张 |
17:31.42, |
You can't enforce this. |
你无法强制执行 |
17:33.45, |
Hire a lawyer. Let's find out. |
请个律师 我们见分晓 |
17:37.28, |
This is not happening. |
这事不是真的 |
17:38.89, |
Be that as it may, |
随你怎么想 |
17:39.91, |
page nine says that you have to provide me |
但第九页写着你得为我提供 |
17:41.86, |
with lemon-flavored sparkling waters, so... chop-chop. |
柠檬味的气泡水 所以赶紧的 |
17:50.40, |
Hey, how'd it go? |
结果如何 |
17:51.35, |
Well, apparently he's not leaving |
显然他是不会走了 |
17:53.61, |
and I have to go get him sparkling water. |
而我还得给他弄气泡水来 |
17:57.72, |
Why are you smiling? |
你为什么在笑 |
17:59.38, |
I don't know. It just feels right. |
我也不知道 就是感觉对了 |
18:14.52, |
...through the stars. |
漫步群星之中 |
18:21.45, |
Hey, buddy. |
你好啊 兄弟 |
18:23.80, |
I talked to Nell. |
我和妮尔谈过了 |
18:24.90, |
She was pretty upset after you left. |
你走了之后她很不高兴 |
18:26.88, |
- Yeah, I'm sorry. - No. No, no, no. |
我很抱歉-不 不不 |
18:29.59, |
She told me that you said something so creepy |
她说你说了一些很诡异变态的话 |
18:31.74, |
that I seemed great in comparison. |
相比之下 我显得很棒 |
18:34.71, |
I know exactly what it was. |
我知道是哪句话 |
18:36.78, |
I... no, actually, |
不 其实 |
18:37.23, |
there was a couple of things it could've been. |
有几句都有可能 |
18:38.62, |
Whichever one it was, it was creepy. |
无论是哪句 都很诡异变态 |
18:41.81, |
Anyway, uh, I went over to comfort her, |
总之 我去安慰了她 |
18:44.00, |
and we talked, and I think we're gonna give it another chance. |
我们谈了一下 貌似我们会再给彼此一次机会 |
18:47.74, |
I'm so happy for you! |
我真为你高兴 |
18:51.05, |
We should celebrate. |
我们应该庆祝一下 |
18:53.33, |
House of Pies? |
去馅饼屋吗 |
18:54.29, |
You know it. |
那还用说吗 |
18:59.12, |
Should we invite Nell? |
要叫上妮尔吗 |
19:00.50, |
Do we have to? |
有必要吗 |
19:01.63, |
Nah. |
算了吧 |