第十一季 第十九集 |
00:04.24, |
Why are you wearing a Band-Aid? |
你怎么贴了个邦迪 |
00:05.73, |
Halley bit me. |
哈雷咬我 |
00:07.74, |
You got beaten up by a girl. |
你被女生给虐了 |
00:10.93, |
Hey, that's sexist. |
你这是性别歧视 |
00:12.18, |
You're right. |
你说得对 |
00:13.30, |
You got beaten up by a baby. |
你被小婴儿给虐啦 |
00:19.40, |
What you got there? |
你手上拿的什么呢 |
00:20.19, |
Oh, I grabbed a sandwich at the food truck out front. |
我在前面小摊子买的三明治 |
00:22.62, |
Wait, n-now, hold on. |
等等 姑娘请留步 |
00:24.39, |
Tonight is Friday, |
今晚是周五夜 |
00:25.88, |
and I believe you know what that means. |
我想你应该知道这代表什么 |
00:27.44, |
That my fun, young life took a drastic turn somewhere? |
我有趣年轻的生命突然要急转直下吗 |
00:31.93, |
No. |
不是 |
00:32.76, |
But yeah. |
其实说对了 |
00:35.18, |
No, that means it's Chinese food night. |
意思是今晚是中餐夜 |
00:37.68, |
Yeah, and you have Chinese food. So eat it. |
是啊 你也叫了中餐 快吃吧 |
00:40.26, |
But I can smell your pastrami. |
但我能闻到你的熏牛肉 |
00:42.17, |
And we can all hear your complaining, |
我们也都听得到你的抱怨声 |
00:43.71, |
so no one's happy. |
谁都不高兴 很公平啊 |
00:46.16, |
It does smell good. |
的确闻起来很好吃 |
00:47.26, |
Oh, it is. I had one the other day. |
是的 我那天也吃了一份 |
00:48.79, |
What is happening? |
这是在干嘛 |
00:50.70, |
Everybody's supposed to be eating Chinese food. |
大家现在应该是要吃中餐 |
00:53.03, |
Well, actually, I believe the Chinese |
其实呢 我相信三明治 |
00:54.45, |
may have invented the sandwich. |
有可能是中国人发明的呢 |
00:56.11, |
Their dish "Rou jia mo" literally means |
他们的"肉夹馍"字面意思就是 |
00:58.37, |
Meat between bread. |
肉夹在面包里 |
00:59.69, |
So, it looks like all of us, including Penny, |
所以我们所有人 包含佩妮 |
01:01.74, |
are eating Chinese food. |
都在吃中餐啊 |
01:03.00, |
Except for you, Sheldon. You're eating crow. |
除了你 谢尔顿 你在吃瘪[乌鸦] |
01:07.59, |
I'm sorry, I think you're forgetting |
抱歉 我觉得你忘了 |
01:09.08, |
that the sandwich was invented |
三明治是由 |
01:10.82, |
by John Montagu, the Earl of Sandwich. |
三明治伯爵约翰·孟塔古所发明的 |
01:13.83, |
Oh. The truck's called "Pearl of Sandwich." |
小摊的名字叫"三明治[地名]之珠" |
01:16.39, |
Now I get it. |
我现在懂这哏了 |
01:18.96, |
All right, that smells too good. I got to get one of those. |
好了 这味道太香了 我也要去买一份 |
01:22.19, |
And I think you're forgetting that there are written documents |
但我觉得你忘了中国的面包夹肉 |
01:25.28, |
of meat between bread being eaten in China during the Tang dynasty. |
在唐代的文献上就有记载来证明了 |
01:29.68, |
You know what, I'll go with you. |
这样吧 我跟你去买 |
01:30.87, |
And then maybe we just go home. |
或许我们能直接开溜回家 |
01:34.05, |
I think you're defining bread very loosely. |
我觉得你对面包的定义很宽松啊 |
01:36.47, |
If we go down that road, where does it end? |
如果这样的话 何时才能结束 |
01:38.52, |
Well, I would say when we go to bed, |
我本来想回答到我们睡觉就能结束 |
01:40.10, |
but you talk in your sleep. |
但你睡觉还说梦话 |
01:42.45, |
I don't want to get into this with you right now. |
我不想现在跟你继续辩下去 |
01:44.10, |
We'll talk about this when I'm asleep. |
等我睡觉之后我们再谈 |
01:48.51, |
I don't want to talk about it when you're asleep. |
我不想等你睡着后才谈 |
01:50.49, |
How come we can't talk about it now? |
我们为什么不能现在谈 |
01:52.11, |
Well, because I'm eating now. |
因为我现在在吃东西啊 |
01:54.57, |
Fine. How's your moo shu? |
行行行 那你的木须肉如何 |
01:56.18, |
You know what? It's great. |
其实还挺不错的 |
01:58.15, |
Wait, look at that. |
等等 你瞧瞧 |
02:01.05, |
Hmm. Well, maybe the Chinese did invent the sandwich. |
或许三明治还真是中国人发明的 |
02:06.29, |
I guess you were right. |
看来你刚才说的是对的 |
02:09.67, |
Too bad no one's around to hear it. |
可惜没人在旁见证这一刻 |
02:42.09, |
I can smell that food truck from up here. |
我在楼上都能闻到楼下小摊的味道 |
02:45.65, |
Just close the window if you don't like the smell. |
如果你不喜欢那味道你就关窗啊 |
02:48.25, |
Of course I like the smell. |
我当然喜欢那味道啊 |
02:49.94, |
It's salt and fat. |
就是盐巴跟油脂 |
02:52.84, |
My brain may be evolved, but my tongue still wants |
我的大脑已经进化完毕 但我的舌头还是想 |
02:55.54, |
to pick up a club and drag that truck back to my cave. |
捡起一根木棒 把那小摊敲晕再拖回我的山洞 |
02:59.56, |
So, there's something you like, |
所以有一个你很喜欢 |
03:01.10, |
but it's also driving you crazy. |
但是也快把你给逼疯的东西 |
03:03.97, |
Been there, doing it now. |
我有经验 正在体验中 |
03:07.04, |
No, it-it's a distraction. |
这太令人分心了 |
03:08.92, |
How can I focus on my work |
这样我怎么专心工作啊 |
03:10.50, |
when all I can think about is how much I want that sandwich? |
我满脑子都在想着我有多想吃那三明治 |
03:12.71, |
So, go get one. |
那你就去买一个吃啊 |
03:14.09, |
I can't just give in to every urge I have when I have it. |
我不能一有冲动就对自己妥协啊 |
03:16.79, |
That's why I have a rigid schedule. |
这就是为什么我必须按表操课 |
03:18.96, |
It's bad enough I had to give in to my urge |
我没克制住冲动 做了一个严格的时间表 |
03:20.26, |
to create a rigid schedule. |
就已经够堕落了 |
03:23.03, |
You know, why don't I just go down to the food truck |
这样吧 要不我们下楼去找那小摊 |
03:26.10, |
and ask them to move? |
请求他们换个地方卖 |
03:28.28, |
- Why are you taking cash? - No reason. |
那你为什么还带上现金了-不为什么 |
03:35.17, |
Oh, this is the life. |
人生就是得这样 |
03:38.44, |
What could be better than this? |
还有什么比这个更好的呢 |
03:40.46, |
If you weren't wearing one of my swimsuits. |
比如你不是穿着我的泳裤就更好了 |
03:44.53, |
I'll give it back. |
我会还给你的 |
03:46.19, |
You know the rule-- |
你懂规矩 |
03:47.35, |
once it touches hiney, it's no longer miney. |
碰过小鸡鸡 就被我抛弃 |
03:52.80, |
You're such a prude. |
你要不要这么死心眼 |
03:53.96, |
Do you know all the things this water's touching right now? |
你知道这水现在正"碰"着哪些东西吗 |
03:56.14, |
Well, I'm relaxed enough. |
我放松完了 |
04:01.56, |
Hey, Howard, look. |
霍华德 你看 |
04:04.38, |
What's that? |
那是什么 |
04:07.70, |
Looks like someone's drone. |
感觉像是别人的无人机 |
04:10.72, |
Oh, no. |
惨了 |
04:11.02, |
Do you think it was spying on us in the hot tub? |
会不会是有人在偷看我们泡澡啊 |
04:12.85, |
Cause I'm only 40% of the way to my beach bod. |
人家离可去海滩见人的身材还差了6成 |
04:16.56, |
One of the propellers is broken. |
其中一个螺旋桨坏了 |
04:18.76, |
It must have crashed. |
这是坠机在这里的 |
04:20.16, |
Oh. Do you think you could fix it? |
你觉得你能修好吗 |
04:22.21, |
Maybe. Should we try and track down the owner first? |
或许吧 但我们是不是该先找到主人是谁 |
04:25.61, |
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. |
这样应该比较好 |
04:28.21, |
Anyone lose a drone? |
有人弄丢无人机了吗 |
04:32.30, |
Looks like it's ours. |
看来这是我们的了 |
04:33.42, |
Yay, we got a drone! |
太好啦 我们有无人机啦 |
04:35.88, |
Oh. Yay, we got a drone. |
太好啦 我们有无人机啦 |
04:43.81, |
The pastrami truck moved. |
熏牛肉小摊换地方了 |
04:47.80, |
That is the danger of a restaurant on wheels. |
带轮子的餐厅就会有这种危险 |
04:52.00, |
No, apparently someone complained to the tenants association, |
不是 好像是有人去跟居委会投诉了 |
04:54.62, |
and they're not allowed to park on our street anymore. |
现在那小摊不允许在我们这条街摆摊了 |
04:56.69, |
Who would complain about something that everyone loves? |
谁会去投诉一个所有人都爱的东西啊 |
05:01.46, |
Did you complain to the tenants association about the food truck? |
你去跟居委会投诉小摊了吗 |
05:04.67, |
Yes. |
是的 |
05:07.56, |
And they actually took you seriously? |
他们居然把你的话当一回事了吗 |
05:09.90, |
Oh, the tenants association takes every complaint seriously. |
居委会把所有的投诉都很当一回事 |
05:12.62, |
Oh, great, because I'm about to send them an e-mail |
那就最好了 因为我要给他们发电邮 |
05:15.11, |
complaining about you. |
来投诉你这个人 |
05:20.28, |
Excuse me. |
抱歉 |
05:29.64, |
Someone should have spell-checked. |
某人发信前应该先做拼字检查啊 |
05:33.43, |
What is going on here? |
这是怎么一回事 |
05:34.60, |
You're the tenants association? |
你就是居委会吗 |
05:36.23, |
You should see the look on your face. |
你真应该看看你现在脸上的表情 |
05:40.14, |
You might want to tell your wife |
或许你会想告诉你夫人 |
05:41.27, |
that there's no "y" in "pastrami." |
熏牛肉的"熏"没有"艹"字头 |
05:48.17, |
Okay, that ought to do it. |
这样应该就行了 |
05:49.88, |
I've replaced the propeller |
我把坏的螺旋桨给换了 |
05:52.11, |
and reattached the gimbal controller unit. |
并重新装上了平衡环控制单元 |
05:54.73, |
Dude, you're like Grey's Anatomy for robots. |
兄弟 你就像专治机器人的《实习医生格蕾》啊 |
05:59.10, |
Also, why isn't that a show? |
还有 这怎么还没做成节目呢 |
06:02.06, |
I just need to see if I can re-sync |
现在看看我能不能 |
06:04.12, |
the controls to this old remote. |
把它跟这个旧控制器同步到一起 |
06:06.16, |
We should name it. |
我们应该取个名 |
06:07.50, |
The drone, or your stupid robot show? |
无人机还是你的白痴机器人节目 |
06:11.55, |
The drone. |
无人机 |
06:12.37, |
The show's already got a name-- |
那个节目已经有名字了 |
06:14.13, |
《综合医院》是一部知名的长寿美国日间医学电视剧 |
06:14.13, |
General Bot-spital. |
《综合机院》 |
06:18.55, |
I got it working! ? |
我弄好它啦 |
06:22.69, |
Let's play William Tell. |
我们来玩威廉·退尔吧 |
06:24.25, |
农民威廉·退尔当年因事受罚 |
总督要他射中放在他儿子脑袋上的苹果才释放他们 |
06:24.25, |
I'll put this bowl on my head. |
我把碗放在我头上 |
06:25.90, |
See if you can knock it off without hitting me. |
看你能不能不碰到我就把它打下去 |
06:30.28, |
You read my mind. |
你就是我肚子里的蛔虫啊 |
06:32.79, |
What are you doing? |
你们在干嘛啊 |
06:34.50, |
Either breaking a bowl or breaking Raj's head. |
不是打破一个碗 就是打破拉杰脑袋 |
06:38.95, |
Be careful, they don't make that bowl anymore. |
你小心点 那碗已经停产了 |
06:48.81, |
It's a nice one. |
是一台好无人机呢 |
06:49.95, |
Yeah. We found it in the yard and fixed it up. |
对啊 我们在院子里发现 把它修好了 |
06:53.24, |
Aren't you worried there's some kid out there |
你不担心外面有个孩子 |
06:54.53, |
missing his drone? |
正在找他的无人机吗 |
06:55.42, |
Oh, please, Bernadette, |
拜托 伯纳黛特 |
06:56.95, |
this is not a children's toy, okay? |
这不是小孩的玩具好吗 |
06:58.60, |
This thing's got an HD camera on it. |
这上面有高清摄像头呢 |
07:00.67, |
Okay, then aren't you worried there's some rich |
好吧 所以你不担心外面有个 |
07:02.05, |
peeping tom out there missing his drone? |
有钱的偷窥狂正在找他的无人机吗 |
07:05.60, |
We asked around, and no one claimed it. |
我们问过了 没人来认领啊 |
07:08.85, |
Ha. I think we've done all we can do. |
我觉得我们已经尽力了 |
07:11.94, |
Did you check the video card? |
你检查记忆卡了吗 |
07:13.32, |
Maybe you can see where it started off from. |
也许能看到它是从哪里起飞的呢 |
07:16.16, |
What a great idea, honey. |
真是个好主意啊 亲爱的 |
07:20.69, |
So, let me get this straight. |
让我把事情搞清楚 |
07:21.87, |
You are the president of the tenants association? |
你是居委会主席吗 |
07:24.52, |
President, only member, and harshest critic. |
主席 唯一成员 最严厉的批评家 |
07:29.40, |
I once gave myself an official reprimand |
我曾经就自己边洗澡边开会 |
07:31.50, |
for conducting a meeting in the shower. |
给了自己一个官方的谴责 |
07:35.02, |
The steam warped my gavel. |
蒸汽把我的木槌弄弯了 |
07:38.28, |
Okay, so when I got a fine for leaving my clothes |
所以上次我把衣服留在烘干机太久 |
07:40.20, |
in the dryer for too long, that was from you? |
收到了一张罚单 那是你开的吗 |
07:42.36, |
$14.99. |
14.99元 |
07:44.36, |
The exact price of a new gavel. |
正是购买新木槌的价格 |
07:48.36, |
And the noise complaint we got |
还有我们给为你唱生日快乐歌 |
07:49.93, |
for singing you "Happy Birthday"? |
收到的扰民警告呢 |
07:52.52, |
As a friend, I was touched. |
从朋友角度来看 我倍受感动 |
07:54.92, |
As a representative of the building, |
但身为本大楼的代表 |
07:56.40, |
I thought that you should pick a key and stick with it. |
我觉得你们唱得都找不到调了 |
08:01.32, |
Do you know he is the entire tenants association? |
你知道这家伙是整个居委会吗 |
08:04.73, |
No, but I'm not surprised. |
不知道 但我不意外 |
08:06.86, |
He's also the pope of a planet he invented in hyperspace. |
他还是自己在超空间发明的星球上的教皇呢 |
08:11.66, |
Why didn't you tell me? |
你为什么不告诉我 |
08:12.76, |
Cause I wanted to make sure that you loved the man, |
因为我想确定你爱的是我本人 |
08:14.94, |
not the office. |
而不是权力 |
08:17.10, |
You can't just declare yourself president. |
你不能凭个人意愿就当主席 |
08:19.66, |
I didn't. I called a meeting, |
我没有 我召开了会议 |
08:21.81, |
I was the only one to attend. |
只有我自己参加 |
08:23.43, |
I nominated myself, and after a pretty moving speech, |
我提名了自己 经过一番动人的演讲 |
08:26.40, |
I voted myself in. |
我选了自己 |
08:29.51, |
Well, if you can vote yourself in, |
如果你可以选你自己 |
08:31.31, |
- then we can vote you out. - Yeah. |
那我们就把你罢免-对 |
08:32.67, |
- Fine. Make a motion at the next meeting. - When is that? |
-行 请在下次开会时提出动议 -什么时候 |
08:35.09, |
It's the first Saturday of every month. |
每个月的第一个周六 |
08:36.96, |
Unless there's an emergency meeting. |
除非有召开紧急会议 |
08:38.72, |
Then we call an emergency meeting. |
那我们就开紧急会议 |
08:40.12, |
You really don't have to. |
你真不需要这么做 |
08:41.09, |
This is the first Saturday of the month. |
今天就是本月的第一个周六 |
08:44.18, |
Okay, fine. Then we vote you out. |
好吧 那我们要把你罢免 |
08:45.82, |
Uh, uh, hold on. |
等一等 |
08:46.94, |
Hold on. First, |
等等 首先 |
08:48.26, |
we have to read the minutes from last month's meeting. |
我们先得读上个月的会议记录 |
08:51.84, |
Amy, would you do the honors? |
艾米 能劳烦你一下吗 |
08:54.60, |
Why not? |
好吧 |
08:56.09, |
Saturday, March 3rd. |
周六 3月3号 |
08:57.60, |
0705, meeting called to order. |
7点5分 开会 |
08:59.92, |
0706, president gets shampoo in eye. |
7点6分 主席的眼睛里沾了洗发水 |
09:05.11, |
0707, meeting adjourned." |
7点7分 散会" |
09:07.58, |
Okay, can we vote you out now? |
我们可以罢免你了吧 |
09:09.05, |
Ah, very well. New business. |
很好 新事宜 |
09:13.82, |
I move for a vote of no confidence |
我提出对现任主席 |
09:15.60, |
- in the president. - Yeah. |
不信任的提案-没错 |
09:17.34, |
Two to one, you lose. |
2比1 你输了 |
09:18.34, |
Not so fast. I believe we have one tenant here |
别急 我们还有一位租客 |
09:21.28, |
who has not made her voice heard. |
没有发言呢 |
09:28.65, |
We're waiting, fiancee. |
我们在等你呢 未婚妻 |
09:32.14, |
Yeah, we're waiting, best friend. |
没错 我们在等你 好闺蜜 |
09:35.72, |
Yeah, we're waiting, |
我们在等你 |
09:37.13, |
neighbor who needed a battery |
上次需要电池时 |
09:39.62, |
and totally got one from me, no strings attached. |
从我这里无条件获得一节的邻居 |
09:44.30, |
I don't want to be in the middle of this. |
我不想掺和你们的事 |
09:46.13, |
No matter which way I vote, I'm either |
不管我怎么选 |
09:48.16, |
a bad friend, a bad fiancee, |
我就会变成一个坏闺蜜 坏未婚妻 |
09:50.52, |
or an ungrateful recipient of a battery. |
或者是拿了电池不知恩图报的坏人 |
09:53.83, |
Next time I have a meeting in the shower, |
下一次我在浴室开会时 |
09:55.39, |
you're welcome to attend. |
欢迎你来参加 |
09:56.43, |
Sheldon. Sheldon for president. I pick Sheldon! |
谢尔顿 谢尔顿主席 我选谢尔顿 |
10:06.58, |
Ugh, I can't believe my best friend sided with Sheldon. |
不敢相信我最好的朋友站了谢尔顿队 |
10:08.77, |
Can't believe my best friend is Sheldon. |
不敢相信我最好的朋友就是谢尔顿 |
10:13.06, |
Ah, I should've taken that gavel |
我应该抢过他的木槌 |
10:14.60, |
and shoved it right down this throat. |
从他的喉咙插下去 |
10:16.57, |
I would've gone the other way, |
我会从另一个洞插进去 |
10:17.41, |
but it would've gotten to his throat. |
不过终点也会插到喉咙 |
10:21.29, |
What? |
怎么了 |
10:22.01, |
Don't be mad at me. |
别生我的气 |
10:23.31, |
I mean, I can't vote against him. |
我不能投他的反对票呀 |
10:24.73, |
Even when he's being crazy? |
哪怕他是在耍疯吗 |
10:26.17, |
Well, what other times are there?! |
难道他有不疯的时候吗 |
10:29.14, |
So you just let him get away with anything? |
那你就放任他随心所欲乱来吗 |
10:30.81, |
Well, not anything. |
也不是随心所欲啦 |
10:32.28, |
But honestly, pastrami sandwich |
不过老实说 我也不想死在 |
10:34.40, |
is not the hill I want to die on. |
熏牛肉三明治这座山上 |
10:36.99, |
It's not about the sandwich. |
这不仅仅是三明治 |
10:38.40, |
It's about the principle. |
而是原则问题 |
10:39.32, |
Yeah, principle. |
对 原则问题 |
10:40.89, |
- And a little bit sandwich. - Yeah. |
三明治也有点关系-对 |
10:43.17, |
Look, there are a bunch of other tenants in this building. |
这楼里还有不少租客 |
10:45.50, |
All you need is for one of them to vote your way, |
你只需要再拉一个人投你们就行了 |
10:47.70, |
and then Sheldon's out and I didn't betray him. |
这样谢尔顿被罢免 我也不用背叛他 |
10:50.37, |
Hey, you know, that's actually a good plan. |
这个主意倒是不错 |
10:51.97, |
That you came up with all by yourself. |
这主意是你们自己想出来的 不关我事 |
10:56.57, |
Now, if you'll excuse me, |
现在 请原谅我 |
10:58.87, |
told Sheldon I was going to the market, |
我告诉谢尔顿出来逛超市了 |
11:00.31, |
so... I'm taking some of your stuff. |
所以 我得拿点你们的东西走 |
11:13.17, |
I was never here. |
我从没来过你们家 |
11:17.81, |
Sometimes you don't see it 'cause she's next to Sheldon, |
有时候她在谢尔顿旁所以不容易发现 |
11:19.87, |
but she's pretty weird. |
但其实她也是个怪人啊 |
11:24.32, |
Okay. All hooked up. Here we go. |
好吧 都连上了 开始吧 |
11:26.84, |
I hope there's nothing disturbing on there. |
我希望里面没什么恶心人的东西 |
11:29.12, |
Like you two in a hot tub? |
比如你俩一起泡澡吗 |
11:33.08, |
Hold on. Now I'm getting a picture. |
等等 有图像出来了 |
11:39.89, |
That's not very much to go on. |
光这点也没戏唱啊 |
11:41.72, |
Oh, that's plenty to go on. |
光这点戏就可多了 |
11:46.54, |
We can't give up. |
我们不能放弃 |
11:47.68, |
We got to find her. |
我们一定得找到她 |
11:50.77, |
You just want to find her 'cause she's cute. |
你只是因为她可爱才想找到她 |
11:52.65, |
Not just because she's cute. |
不光是因为她可爱 |
11:54.76, |
She also owns a pretty expensive drone, |
她还拥有一架昂贵的无人机 |
11:56.56, |
which means she has money and doesn't mind wasting it. |
表示她有钱还爱乱花 |
11:58.53, |
And I... I like that in a woman. |
而哥... 就爱这样的女人 |
12:02.98, |
Do you see anything that could help us locate her? |
你有看到任何可以找到她的线索吗 |
12:05.11, |
Hmm, let me have a look. |
让我仔细看看 |
12:06.43, |
She's got eagle eyes, |
她可有一双鹰眼 |
12:07.71, |
always spotting continuity errors in movies. |
总能在电影中发现连续性错误 |
12:11.12, |
It's not annoying at all. |
一点都不烦人 |
12:14.44, |
Oh. There. |
那里 |
12:15.24, |
Right there. |
就在那里 |
12:16.63, |
Check out the pin on her jacket. |
看看她衣服上的别针 |
12:18.12, |
Isn't that from the comic book store? |
这不是漫画店的吗 |
12:19.61, |
Hmm, is it? |
是吗 |
12:20.87, |
Hey, Howard, zoom in. Oh. |
霍华德 放大 |
12:23.13, |
Fine. Zooming in. |
好吧 放大 |
12:28.72, |
Yeah, I know you're being a jerk, |
我知道你就是在耍贱 |
12:29.77, |
but it's actually helpful. |
但这招还真有效呢 |
12:34.83, |
Hi. |
你好 |
12:35.46, |
Hi. We're your neighbors from downstairs. |
你好 我们是你楼下的邻居 |
12:37.61, |
We've met. |
我们见过 |
12:39.51, |
Remember? |
记得吗 |
12:40.35, |
I invited you to my housewarming when I moved in. |
我邀请你们参加了我的乔迁派对 |
12:42.98, |
Oh, yeah. Sorry. |
对哦 抱歉 |
12:44.20, |
You know, it's been a crazy couple months. |
那个 最近这几个月我们都忙疯了 |
12:46.09, |
That was two years ago. |
那是两年前了 |
12:50.31, |
Welcome to the building. Mm-hmm. |
欢迎搬来这幢大楼 |
12:53.06, |
So, I-I'm running for president of the tenants association. |
我正在竞选居委会主席 |
12:55.85, |
I could really use your vote. |
希望你可以选我 |
12:57.40, |
You said you were gonna stop by. |
你说你们会来玩 |
12:58.99, |
I bought a lot of food. |
人家还买了好多吃的 |
13:02.19, |
Anyway, meeting's tomorrow. |
总之 会议就在明天 |
13:03.62, |
We really hope you can make it. |
我们希望你能来参加 |
13:05.32, |
- I'll be there. - Oh, really? |
我会来的-真的吗 |
13:06.95, |
Yeah. You should buy a lot of food. |
真的 你们最好准备很多吃的 |
13:11.91, |
So, I'm running for president of the tenants association |
我正在竞选居委会主席 |
13:14.55, |
and I could really use your vote. |
希望你可以选我 |
13:16.03, |
Uh, who's president now? |
那谁是现在的主席 |
13:17.26, |
Uh, Sheldon Cooper. |
谢尔顿·库珀 |
13:18.42, |
You know, about yay tall |
就是那个这么高 |
13:19.88, |
and about yay annoying. |
这么烦人的人 |
13:23.36, |
So you want me to vote against Sheldon Cooper? |
所以你想让我反对谢尔顿·库珀吗 |
13:25.27, |
Yeah. You just need to show up at a meeting... |
没错 你只需要到会... |
13:26.80, |
Oh, no, no. No can do. |
不行 我来不了 |
13:28.04, |
He's got a restraining order against me. |
他有对我的人身限制令 |
13:31.14, |
Really? Why? |
真的吗 为什么 |
13:32.24, |
Uh, I locked him on the roof once. |
我有一次把他锁在楼顶上了 |
13:34.16, |
Three times. |
其实是三次 |
13:37.18, |
So, Mrs. Petrescu, |
帕特里斯古太太 |
13:38.65, |
we were hoping you would vote for Leonard |
我们希望你能投给莱纳德 |
13:40.25, |
instead of voting for Sheldon. |
而不是投给谢尔顿 |
13:42.27, |
Vote Sheldon. |
投给谢尔顿 |
13:44.77, |
No, no. Vote Leonard. |
不 投给莱纳德 |
13:46.63, |
No vote Leonard. |
不投给莱纳德 |
13:49.41, |
No. Vote Leonard. |
不 要投给莱纳德 |
13:54.00, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
13:59.25, |
She's wearing a pin from your store. |
她戴着你店里的别针 |
14:01.53, |
Do you know who she is? |
你知道她是谁吗 |
14:02.36, |
Oh, sure, yeah. That's Cynthia. |
知道 这是辛西娅 |
14:04.02, |
Wha... s-so, she's a customer? |
所以她是客人 |
14:05.61, |
Yeah, yeah, but I-I haven't seen her in a while. |
没错 但我有一阵没见过她了 |
14:08.34, |
And before you say anything, |
在你发表意见前 |
14:09.85, |
there is a lot of reasons women stop coming here. |
我强调下 女性不再来店里的原因很多 |
14:12.21, |
It's not just me. |
不都是因为我 |
14:15.51, |
But this time... |
但这次... |
14:16.31, |
It was me. Yeah. |
是因为我 |
14:18.97, |
I was trying out a flirty new smile. |
我当时在尝试新的撩妹笑容 |
14:27.22, |
Now, I don't use the word "ghoulish" a lot, but... |
我不常用到"食尸鬼般"这个词 但是 |
14:33.26, |
I-I just can't think of another word. |
我真的想不到别的词来形容你了 |
14:37.24, |
Wait, do you know how to find her? |
等等 你知道怎么找到她吗 |
14:38.81, |
Yeah. I think I have her address on my mailing list. |
嗯 我应该有她的邮寄地址 |
14:41.62, |
Oh. Hey. Please, let me bring the drone back to her. |
拜托 让我把无人机送还给她 |
14:44.77, |
You think you've got a shot? |
你觉得自己有机会吗 |
14:46.13, |
- What if she's married? - She's not. |
万一她结婚了呢-她没结婚 |
14:48.10, |
It's meant to be. |
这就是命中注定啦 |
14:50.83, |
A little tip. |
奉劝你一句 |
14:51.49, |
Uh, stick with the smiles you know. |
使用你熟悉常用的笑容就好 |
15:00.05, |
Hi. What are you doing? |
你在干嘛 |
15:01.59, |
Leonard and Penny are trying to turn the tenants against me, |
莱纳德和佩妮想让租客们反对我 |
15:04.36, |
so they are about to see just what kind of power |
他们即将见识到 |
15:06.25, |
the president of the tenants association wields. |
居委会主席所掌有的权力 |
15:10.25, |
You must be at least this tall to use washing machine? |
身高必须超过这里才能使用洗衣机 |
15:15.45, |
I'm gonna hang it up higher than Leonard. |
我会挂在比莱纳德高的地方 |
15:19.19, |
And then his clothes will smell. |
那他的衣服就会臭死了 |
15:21.53, |
And nobody's voting for a man with smelly clothes. |
没人会投票给穿臭衣服的人 |
15:24.25, |
No, not when there's a perfectly unscented |
毕竟另外一名候选人 |
15:25.74, |
incumbent on the ballot. |
是毫无异味的现任主席 |
15:28.21, |
Sheldon, I have an advanced degree in the study of the human brain, |
谢尔顿 我手握研究人脑领域的高级学位 |
15:31.59, |
so if my fiancé is a raving lunatic, |
所以如果我未婚夫是个胡说八道的疯子 |
15:33.73, |
it's kind of a ding on my reputation. |
对我的名声多少会造成影响 |
15:37.13, |
If leaders just stepped aside |
如果领袖们 |
15:39.00, |
every time they didn't have the consent of the governed, |
每次遇到屁民的反对就让位 |
15:41.03, |
what would we have? |
那我们会拥有什么 |
15:42.37, |
Democracy. |
民主 |
15:46.08, |
Not on my watch. |
有我在 想都别想 |
15:52.57, |
Okay. Don't be weird. |
好 表现正常点 |
15:54.05, |
Don't be weird. Don't be weird. |
表现正常点 表现正常点 |
15:56.53, |
Hello. |
你好 |
15:58.67, |
Hey. You found my drone. |
你找到我的无人机了 |
16:00.63, |
Yeah, yeah. Yes. |
是的 没错 |
16:02.07, |
It took a while to track you down, |
花了点时间才找到你 |
16:03.53, |
but to see the look on your face, it was worth it. |
不过看到你惊喜的表情 都值了 |
16:06.55, |
Aw, that's sweet. |
你嘴真甜 |
16:09.19, |
Rajesh. |
我是拉杰什 |
16:10.09, |
Cynthia.-Ah,pleasure to meet you. |
我是辛西娅-很高兴认识你 |
16:11.93, |
Likewise. |
我也是 |
16:14.31, |
I-I feel like I should give you a reward or something. |
我觉得应该给你些奖赏之类的 |
16:16.43, |
Oh, oh, no, you don't have to do that. |
不用了 没这必要 |
16:18.29, |
No, I insist. |
不 我坚持 |
16:19.16, |
How about your phone number? |
那给我你的电话号码怎么样 |
16:22.12, |
Give me your phone. |
把你的手机给我 |
16:27.43, |
Thanks. So, I'll-I'll call you, Cynthia. |
谢谢 我会打给你的 辛西娅 |
16:31.26, |
Great, Rajesh. |
好的 拉杰什 |
16:33.42, |
And thanks again. |
再次感谢你 |
16:34.55, |
Uh, sure. |
不客气 |
16:40.32, |
Just checking. |
小心驶得万年船 |
16:47.37, |
Hey, Sheldon. |
谢尔顿 |
16:48.87, |
We found something pretty interesting. |
我们发现了很有意思的东西 |
16:52.29, |
Huh. Well, that is surprising. |
真是意外啊 |
16:56.36, |
I, for one, have no idea what they're talking about. |
我个人完全不知道他们在说什么 |
17:00.27, |
Turns out, when Amy took over Penny's apartment, |
原来当艾米租下佩妮的公寓时 |
17:02.80, |
she was put on the lease, not you. |
租约上写的是她的名字 而不是你 |
17:05.49, |
Yeah, and when I moved across the hall, |
对 而我搬到对面时 |
17:06.99, |
you got taken off the lease and I got added. |
你的名字从租约去掉了 我的名字加上去了 |
17:09.56, |
Well, what are you saying? |
什么意思 |
17:11.79, |
That Sheldon's not technically a tenant at all |
你是说谢尔顿严格来说并不是租户 |
17:14.46, |
and therefore, has no standing to be president |
所以 无论谁投票给他 |
17:16.74, |
of the tenants association no matter who votes for him? |
他都没资格当居委会主席吗 |
17:21.10, |
I don't know how you found that out, |
我不知道你们是怎么找到这漏洞的 |
17:22.55, |
but I am guessing all on your own. |
但我猜应该是全靠你们自己 |
17:25.59, |
So, looks like we need to figure out |
看来我们得想出 |
17:27.37, |
who the new president should be. |
新主席应该让谁来当了 |
17:28.70, |
- I nominate myself. - I second it. |
我提名我自己-我赞成 |
17:32.54, |
Well, as a woman in love, I want to stand by my man. |
身为一个恋爱中的女人 我想支持我的男人 |
17:36.04, |
Too bad that's been rendered bureaucratically impossible. |
很可惜官僚主义抹杀了这个可能性 |
17:41.28, |
Well, this is hard for me |
这对我来说很艰难 |
17:43.94, |
because I do love a legal technicality |
因为我确实喜欢找到法律上的瑕疵 |
17:46.35, |
and this is a good one. |
而这个真心不错 |
17:47.90, |
Although, not quite as good as the provision in California law, |
不过 还是比不上加州法律的一条条款 |
17:51.69, |
which states a person who occupies a dwelling |
此条款声明 连续在同一寓所居住30天的人 |
17:54.44, |
for 30 consecutive days becomes a tenant at will |
自动成为任意承租人 |
17:57.67, |
and as such... |
因此... |
17:58.70, |
- I vote for Leonard! - You... |
我投给莱纳德-你... |
18:01.90, |
What? |
什么 |
18:02.74, |
I'm sorry, Sheldon. |
对不起 谢尔顿 |
18:04.40, |
With minimal power comes minimal responsibility, |
权力[能力]越低 责任越小 |
18:07.83, |
and you couldn't handle it. |
而且你根本做不好 |
18:10.92, |
Don't you misquote Spider-Man to me. |
你别乱改《蜘蛛侠》里的名言 |
18:14.24, |
It's not your fault. |
不是你的错 |
18:15.73, |
I mean, what man wouldn't be seduced |
谁会不被决定洗衣房 |
18:17.20, |
by the power to decide how late the laundry room stays open? |
开到几点这种权力所诱惑呢 |
18:21.37, |
Wait, you're the reason I had to come back |
等等 就是你害我不得不第二天早上 |
18:22.79, |
and get my jeans the next morning? |
才去拿洗好的牛仔裤吗 |
18:26.12, |
I can't believe you expect me to give that up. |
真不敢相信你要我放弃这个 |
18:30.32, |
Sheldon, it's the American way, |
谢尔顿 这是美国的方式 |
18:32.07, |
the peaceful transfer of power. |
和平的权力交接 |
18:34.15, |
I don't know. |
是吗 |
18:35.92, |
Think about Ant-Man. |
想想蚁人 |
18:37.44, |
I'm always thinking about Ant-Man. |
我无时无刻不在想蚁人 |
18:40.81, |
Michael Douglas had the suit |
迈克尔·道格拉斯把自己的战衣 |
18:42.25, |
and then he passed it on to Paul Rudd. |
传给了保罗·路德 |
18:40.81, |
皆为《蚁人》中的演员 |
18:47.10, |
Maybe you're right. |
也许你说得对 |
18:48.66, |
Really? The Ant-Man thing? |
不是吧 蚁人的鬼话 |
18:49.99, |
That's what won you over? |
你居然被这一套说服了 |
18:52.51, |
Yes. He got the details right. |
没错 因为他说对了细节 |
18:54.03, |
That's how you use a superhero. |
这才是超级英雄的正常提及方式 |
18:57.21, |
I suppose it is time I passed this on to Leonard. |
我想是时候把这个传给莱纳德了 |
19:00.32, |
- Thank you. - Yeah, thanks. |
谢谢你-对 谢谢 |
19:01.93, |
I-I know that's hard for you. |
我知道这对你来说实属不易 |
19:03.90, |
Well, it was. |
的确 |
19:04.97, |
But you know what? |
但你知道吗 |
19:06.67, |
Instead of being in charge, |
现在我不在位了 |
19:08.85, |
I can now be the vocal opposition, |
我就能当反对派 |
19:11.36, |
criticizing and badgering the president at every turn. |
事事都批评和纠缠主席 |
19:15.12, |
I think you'll be really good at that. |
我认为你一定会做得很棒 |
19:18.45, |
Me, too. |
我也觉得 |
19:21.27, |
I think I've made a huge mistake. |
我好像犯了一个很大的错误 |
19:24.81, |
Me, too. |
我也觉得 |
19:33.90, |
Can't believe you got her number. |
不敢相信你要到她的电话了 |
19:35.73, |
I know, right? |
就是啊 |
19:37.39, |
How amazing would it be if this worked out |
如果这事成了 |
19:39.68, |
and the story of how I met my wife |
我跟我妻子相识的故事 |
19:41.31, |
started with you and me in the hot tub together. |
就从你我在浴缸共浴开始 那会有多赞啊 |
19:46.40, |
Well, do us both a favor and start the story later. |
为了你跟我好 还是把故事开端推后一点吧 |
19:50.98, |
Whatever. |
随便了 |
19:51.89, |
I have a good feeling about this girl. |
我对这个妹子有很好的预感 |
19:53.88, |
Like, we really hit it off. |
我们很投缘 |
19:56.48, |
Stop flying it around. |
别再飞来飞去 |
19:57.78, |
You're gonna break it. |
你会把无人机弄坏的 |
19:59.53, |
Why do you care? |
那有什么所谓 |
20:01.35, |
Because we have to give it back to the beautiful mystery girl. |
因为我们得把它还给那个神秘的漂亮妹子 |
20:05.47, |
I mean, did you see how hot she was? |
你看到她有多性感了吗 |
20:07.36, |
I want to get all up on that and start making babies! |
我想提"枪"上阵 跟她生娃 |
20:12.23, |
I know exactly what underwear |
我已经想好了第一次约会时 |
20:14.30, |
I'm gonna wear on our first date. |
我要穿什么内裤 |
20:16.41, |
None! |
国王的内裤 |