第十一季 第十五集 |
00:01.17, |
Previously on The Big Bang Theory... |
《生活大爆炸》前情提要 |
00:03.11, |
So, Leonard, tell everyone your news. |
莱纳德 跟大家说说你的新鲜事 |
00:05.03, |
Oh, uh, I am starting a book. |
我开始了一本书 |
00:08.22, |
That would be big news from Penny, |
看书对佩妮来说才是大事吧 |
00:09.85, |
but you've read a book before. |
但你以前应该已经读过书了啊 |
00:13.25, |
He means he's writing a book. |
他的意思是写书 |
00:15.56, |
I do. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time. |
是啊 这件事我想做很久了 |
00:18.42, |
Yeah. It's about a brilliant physicist |
是在讲一个很聪明的物理学家 |
00:20.73, |
who solves crimes using science. |
用科学破案 |
00:22.76, |
Oh, Leonard... |
莱纳德... |
00:23.61, |
It's not about you! |
不是在写你 |
00:27.04, |
- Oh, boy. ?- What? |
惨了-怎么了 |
00:28.76, |
They cast the new Professor Proton. |
他们选出新的质子教授演员了 |
00:30.85, |
Is it Sheldon? Not exactly. |
是谢尔顿吗-不是 |
00:32.89, |
Wheaton! |
威尔 |
00:34.77, |
It's Wil Wheaton. |
是威尔·惠顿 |
00:37.68, |
时至今日 |
00:41.81, |
Hey, what are you doing? |
你在干嘛呢 |
00:42.81, |
I thought we were having dinner at Leonard and Penny's. |
我还以为今晚要去莱纳德与佩妮家吃饭 |
00:44.95, |
Oh, no. |
我才不去 |
00:46.00, |
No, they're watching the new Professor Proton. |
他们要看新版的《质子教授》 |
00:48.18, |
I-I can't keep Wil Wheaton off the Internet, |
我无法阻止威尔·惠顿在网上出现 |
00:50.08, |
but I can keep him off my retinas. |
但我可以阻止他在我视网膜出现 |
00:53.03, |
So, you're just gonna sit here by yourself and do nothing? |
所以你要自己坐在这屁事不干吗 |
00:55.34, |
Of course not. |
当然不是 |
00:56.95, |
I'm going to write mean comments about Wil's show online. |
我要去网上吐槽惠顿的节目 写他黑文 |
01:01.63, |
Well, you can't criticize something you haven't seen. |
你怎么可以没看过就吐槽人家节目 |
01:04.08, |
I'm sorry, are you familiar with the Internet? |
抱歉 您是第一天上网冲浪吗 |
01:07.94, |
Well, what if I watch it with you? |
那如果我陪你一起看呢 |
01:09.35, |
Maybe I won't like it and we can complain about it together. |
或许我也不喜欢这节目 我们可以一起吐槽 |
01:11.90, |
Get your own thing to complain about. |
自己找自己的吐槽题材好吗 |
01:14.56, |
Oh, trust me, I've got one. |
你信我 我绝对有一个 |
01:18.21, |
Look, at least if you watch it, |
你想 如果你看了 |
01:19.91, |
maybe you can find more specific things to criticize. |
你就能找到更明确的吐槽点啊 |
01:23.07, |
Oh, that is a good point. |
这话有道理 |
01:24.80, |
Criticisms are more hurtful when they're specific. |
明确吐槽更能刀刀见血 |
01:31.00, |
? Grab your goggles ? |
♪ 拿起你的护目镜 ♪ |
01:32.47, |
? Lab coat on ? |
♪ 穿上你的实验服 ♪ |
01:33.61, |
《质子教授》 |
01:34.11, |
? Here he comes, Professor Proton. ? |
♪ 欢迎莅临 质子教授 ♪ |
01:37.47, |
Hey, everybody. I'm Professor Proton. |
大家好 我是质子教授 |
01:39.20, |
Welcome to the show. Today I will be teaching you |
欢迎收看节目 今天我将教大家 |
01:41.87, |
how to make a real hovercraft using common household items. |
用家庭常见物品来做真的气垫船 |
01:46.01, |
Darn it, I do like objects that hover. |
妈蛋 我的确喜欢能浮起来的东西 |
01:49.46, |
All you will need is a CD, |
你只需要一张光盘 |
01:51.68, |
a bottle cap, a balloon, and some super glue. |
一个瓶盖 一个气球 还有一些强力胶 |
01:54.76, |
Oh, no! I have all those things! |
靠 这些东西我全有 |
02:26.08, |
Hey.-Hi. |
我回来啦-你回来啦 |
02:28.14, |
What's that noise? |
那是什么声音 |
02:29.15, |
Oh, it's my new keyboard. |
是我的新键盘 |
02:31.98, |
It looks and sounds like an old-fashioned typewriter. |
看起来与听起来都像老式打字机 |
02:34.02, |
It makes me feel like a real novelist. |
让我感觉像个真小说家 |
02:37.17, |
You poured yourself a Scotch. |
你还给自己倒了杯威士忌啊 |
02:39.11, |
Apple juice. |
是苹果汁 |
02:41.46, |
But unsweetened, |
没加糖 |
02:42.53, |
like Hemingway used to drink. Ah. |
跟海明威当年爱喝的一样 |
02:44.58, |
- So, how's the book coming along? - Uh, good. |
书写的怎么样了-很好啊 |
02:46.72, |
I just wrote the part where the hero, |
我刚写到了英雄主人翁罗根·迪恩 |
02:48.70, |
hotshot physicist Logan Dean, arrives at CERN. |
这位牛逼的物理学家刚抵达欧洲核子研究中心 |
02:51.29, |
Oh, is he based on you? |
他是以你为原型的吗 |
02:52.82, |
Uh, kind of. But he can eat dairy products |
算吧 不过可以吃乳制品 |
02:55.47, |
without having to leave the room. |
而不用担心有"排气"问题 |
02:58.04, |
Yeah, that's smart, because CERN is in Switzerland |
聪明 因为欧洲核子研究中心在瑞士 |
03:00.52, |
and there's a lot of cheese there. |
而那里出产很多起司 |
03:02.27, |
Uh, believe me, that is a plot point later. |
相信我 这是之后一个伏笔呢 |
03:05.33, |
Well, I'm excited to read it whenever you're ready. |
等你写好之后 我很乐意拜读你的大作 |
03:07.34, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
03:09.24, |
Oh. Oh! I just thought of the murder weapon! |
我想到谋杀工具要用什么了 |
03:12.26, |
Swiss army knife? |
瑞士刀吗 |
03:14.53, |
No. |
不是 |
03:18.38, |
That's way better. |
她这个强多了啊 |
03:21.93, |
Look, it works! We did it! |
看 真的行 我们成功了 |
03:24.85, |
See, there was a reason to keep that TurboTax CD. |
你看 留着那个光盘还是有用的 |
03:27.68, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
03:29.37, |
何止是光盘啊 |
03:30.57, |
More like "CD-vroom." |
简直是"飞"盘啊 |
03:34.06, |
Do you feel bad you told Wil Wheaton |
你有没有一点难过你跟威尔·惠顿说 |
03:35.94, |
that you'd be his enemy if he did this show? |
如果他出演这节目 你会跟他反目成仇 |
03:38.56, |
No. I feel bad |
没 我难过的是 |
03:40.62, |
I'm engaged to somebody that would point that out. |
我跟一个会指出这件事的人订婚了 |
03:43.94, |
It's time for Professor Proton's |
现在到了质子教授的 |
03:45.53, |
science joke of the day. |
每日科学笑话栏目 |
03:47.05, |
Why can you not trust atoms? |
为什么你不能相信原子 |
03:51.81, |
Because they make up everything. |
因为它们组成[瞎掰]所有事物 |
03:54.88, |
Oh, that's funny! |
太好笑了 |
03:57.93, |
Yeah, because they do. They make up everything. |
因为的确是啊 它们组成了所有事物 |
04:03.24, |
Oh, I wonder who that could be. |
不知道是谁来了 |
04:04.89, |
Just when I thought this couldn't get any better, |
我才以为这节目已经不能再赞了 |
04:06.87, |
Wil has introduced suspense into the show. |
威尔还给节目新增加了悬念 |
04:12.16, |
Hey, it's real NASA astronaut, Howard Wolowitz! |
是真正的太空总署宇航员 霍华德·沃罗威茨 |
04:14.43, |
What?! |
什么 |
04:17.38, |
Hey, Professor Proton. |
你好啊 质子教授 |
04:18.61, |
Hey, thanks for being here. |
谢谢你的大驾光临 |
04:19.90, |
No problem. I'm on my "launch" break. |
小事啦 我发射[午饭]休息时间刚好有空 |
04:25.40, |
How could Wil ask Howard to be on his show and not me? |
威尔怎么可以邀请他上节目而不邀我 |
04:28.93, |
Well, he is an astronaut. |
他的确是个宇航员啊 |
04:30.84, |
And he didn't start an online petition to get Wil fired. |
他也没有发动炒威尔鱿鱼的网上情愿 |
04:34.67, |
But why wouldn't Howard tell me? |
那霍华德为什么不告诉我 |
04:36.77, |
Well, because he probably worried |
他大概是怕 |
04:38.34, |
that you'd be a big baby about it. |
你会像个小孩一样闹脾气吧 |
04:42.75, |
All those answers make a lot of sense. |
听完这些答案仿佛醍醐灌顶 |
04:44.01, |
Thank you, Amy. That helps. |
谢谢你 艾米 我好多了 |
04:47.89, |
And then, when the lights come back on in the supercollider room, |
然后超级对撞机房的灯又再度亮起 |
04:51.14, |
Dr. Logan Dean makes two important discoveries: |
罗根·迪恩博士有两个重大发现 |
04:54.73, |
a gluino and murder. |
超胶子与谋杀案 |
04:58.80, |
Oh, gluino. That's exciting. |
超胶子 有意思 |
05:02.06, |
And murder. |
与谋杀案 |
05:04.55, |
I heard you. |
我听见了 |
05:07.24, |
The first time. |
第一次就听见了 |
05:10.35, |
I don't know which Hemsworth is playing Logan Dean, |
我不知道雷神兄弟俩谁会扮演罗根·迪恩 |
05:10.35, |
雷神扮演者和他弟弟都是帅哥猛男型演员 |
05:12.64, |
but I know it's a Hemsworth. |
但我知道这角色超适合他俩 |
05:14.42, |
Well, Logan's actually based on me. |
罗根的原型其实是我 |
05:16.17, |
头顶微秃其貌不扬的眼镜男演员 |
05:16.17, |
So a young Paul Giamatti. |
所以是年轻版的保罗·吉亚玛提 |
05:19.64, |
Well, I have to finish writing it |
我得先写完 |
05:20.95, |
before they can make it into a movie, |
才能被翻拍成电影啊 |
05:22.61, |
and I still have a few things to figure out. |
我还有一些环节没弄明白 |
05:24.58, |
You should talk to Bernadette. |
你该跟伯纳黛特聊聊 |
05:25.93, |
Since she's been on bed rest, she's binged, |
因为她一直卧床休养 疯狂看了 |
05:27.75, |
like, every detective show in the world. |
差不多世上每一档侦探剧吧 |
05:30.47, |
Oh, there was a funny detective show in India called Karamchand. |
印度有一档好玩的侦探剧叫《卡拉姆昌德》 |
05:34.01, |
He had an assistant named Kitty, |
他有名助手叫凯蒂 |
05:35.74, |
and he was always saying, "Shut up, Kitty!" |
他总是说"闭嘴 凯蒂" |
05:40.04, |
Sounds less mean if you say it in Hindi |
其实没那么过分啦 如果你用印地语说 |
05:42.36, |
and don't think of women as having feelings. |
而且不觉得女人也有感受的话 |
05:46.43, |
Hello. |
你们好啊 |
05:48.48, |
Howard, I want you to know that I forgive you. |
霍华德 我想告诉你我原谅你了 |
05:51.40, |
I'll take it. |
我接受 |
05:54.11, |
What's he forgiving you for? |
他原谅你什么 |
05:55.48, |
Don't care. Clean slate. Happy Yom Kippur to me. |
不在乎 一切重新开始 祝我赎罪日快乐 |
05:59.10, |
I know that you were on Wil's show, |
我知道你上了威尔的节目 |
06:01.01, |
and I know why you didn't tell me. |
我也知道你为什么没告诉我 |
06:02.92, |
Do you? |
是吗 |
06:04.57, |
Because you were afraid |
因为你害怕 |
06:05.54, |
that I would be difficult and annoying about it. |
我会找茬并对此事感到恼火 |
06:08.02, |
I hope your book has a twist as surprising as that. |
我希望你的书也有像这样的惊喜转折 |
06:12.35, |
It doesn't. |
并没有 |
06:14.78, |
I thought you were boycotting Wil's show. |
我还以为你要抵制威尔的节目 |
06:16.84, |
I was, but I decided to give it a shot, |
一开始是 但我决定试看一下 |
06:19.22, |
and I actually enjoyed it. |
结果我还看得挺开心的 |
06:20.83, |
Just out of curiosity, how did you come to be on the show? |
好奇问一句 你怎么上的他节目 |
06:24.08, |
Did he ask you? Did you ask him? |
是他邀请你上 还是你要求上 |
06:26.31, |
Did you just show up on the set and ring that doorbell? |
还是你恰好出现在拍摄现场按了门铃 |
06:29.54, |
Sheldon, if you want to be on the show, |
谢尔顿 如果你想上他的节目 |
06:31.47, |
you're gonna have to apologize to Wil. |
你必须得先向威尔道歉 |
06:34.35, |
That would be the mature thing to do. |
这样的确比较成熟 |
06:37.45, |
Let's put a pin in that and keep thinking. |
这个建议先记上 我们再想想别的 |
06:44.68, |
What? What? Which part? |
什么什么 哪一部分 |
06:47.64, |
That was just the baby kicking. |
胎动而已 |
06:50.14, |
Got it. |
好吧 |
06:51.32, |
- But this is good so far, really good. - Yeah? |
-到目前为止都挺好 真不错 -是吗 |
06:53.90, |
Yeah. I have no idea who the killer is. |
是啊 我完全不知道谁是凶手 |
06:56.25, |
Oh, great. Me, neither. |
太棒了 我也不知道 |
07:00.25, |
So, does Penny know you based a character on her? |
佩妮知道你有个角色以她为原型吗 |
07:03.22, |
What character? |
什么角色 |
07:04.80, |
Ilsa, the head of the institute. That's clearly Penny. |
艾尔莎 研究中心的头儿 明显是佩妮啊 |
07:07.07, |
No, it's not. |
不是 |
07:08.36, |
Really? |
是吗 |
07:09.37, |
Confident, ball-busting beauty |
自信 专挫男人锐气的美女 |
07:10.97, |
who's always rolling her eyes at Logan? |
还总是对罗根翻白眼 |
07:14.59, |
Trust me, that describes more women than you think. |
相信我 符合这描述的女人多了去了 |
07:18.85, |
He looked at the stunning woman who was his boss and said... |
他看着他的头儿 眼前这名绝色女子 低声说 |
07:22.42, |
It's murder. |
这是谋杀 |
07:25.37, |
Figure that out yourself, genius? |
这还用你说吗 天才 |
07:29.06, |
Okay, no need to be snarky. |
好吧 没必要这么刻薄 |
07:30.78, |
Who would want to kill him? |
谁会想杀他 |
07:31.97, |
Could be anyone. Dr. Silvers. |
谁都有可能 西尔弗斯博士 |
07:37.18, |
Dr. Prekash. |
普利卡什博士 |
07:40.71, |
Hans the janitor. |
清洁工汉斯 |
07:45.17, |
But the door is locked, |
但门一直紧锁 |
07:46.37, |
so it has to be someone in this room. |
所以肯定是这房间里的人干的 |
07:48.51, |
Wow, you are on fire. |
哇 你的推理真是棒棒哒 |
07:54.19, |
Maybe it is a little like Penny. |
或许是有点像佩妮 |
07:56.53, |
Any chance she'll be flattered? |
她有可能觉得高兴吗 |
07:58.54, |
I don't know. She's pretty mean. |
我不知道 她挺凶的 |
08:00.63, |
Ilsa or Penny? |
伊尔莎还是佩妮 |
08:02.15, |
Exactly. |
分不出吧 |
08:08.13, |
Oh, hey, Howard. What's up? |
霍华德 有事吗 |
08:09.79, |
I'm so sorry. |
真的很抱歉 |
08:11.58, |
What for? |
为何道歉 |
08:14.49, |
Hello. |
你好 |
08:16.52, |
Hello, Sheldon. |
你好 谢尔顿 |
08:18.33, |
I suppose you've come here to tell me |
我猜你来这里是要告诉我 |
08:19.39, |
that you've moved me to your super secret enemies list. |
你把我升级到了你的头号秘密仇家名单 |
08:23.33, |
I don't have a super secret enemies list. |
我没有什么头号秘密仇家名单 |
08:25.76, |
I'm not a Bond villain. |
我不是邦德电影里的坏蛋 |
08:28.07, |
I'm just a regular guy, |
我只是一名普通人 |
08:29.70, |
with a regular enemies list. |
拥有一份普通的仇家名单 |
08:32.52, |
Which, by the way, you are no longer on. |
顺便说一声 你不在名单内了 |
08:35.89, |
Really? Well, that is something. |
是吗 那的确了不得 |
08:38.86, |
It's not something that I care about, but it is something. |
虽然我不在乎 但的确了不得 |
08:41.94, |
He's trying to say he's sorry. |
他是想说他很抱歉 |
08:44.10, |
I am. |
是的 |
08:45.12, |
I watched your show, and it's really good. |
我看了你的节目 真的很棒 |
08:48.57, |
Aw, thank you. |
谢谢 |
08:49.66, |
And I regret how hard I was on you. |
我后悔曾对你那么过分 |
08:51.92, |
I want you to know |
我想告诉你 |
08:53.25, |
that being on the Professor Proton show |
能上《质子教授》这个节目 |
08:55.63, |
has been a childhood dream of mine. |
一直是我儿时的梦想 |
08:57.72, |
So, if you're ever looking for any more scientist guests, |
所以如果你以后还想找嘉宾科学家 |
09:01.59, |
I hope you'll consider me. |
我希望你能考虑一下我 |
09:03.74, |
I appreciate that, Sheldon, and I'll keep it in mind. |
感谢你这番话 谢尔顿 我会记得你想来 |
09:07.27, |
You know, actually... |
其实呢... |
09:08.30, |
Yay! |
太好了 |
09:10.78, |
No. No. I want to have |
不不 我的节目 |
09:13.30, |
more female scientists represented on the show, |
希望有更多的女性科学家加入 |
09:15.93, |
and I thought maybe Amy might be interested? |
我刚想 艾米会不会有兴趣来啊 |
09:29.14, |
Or... |
或者... |
09:31.69, |
wouldn't it be nice |
这样不是更好吗 |
09:33.36, |
to have us both on, to show that |
让我们俩一起上节目 告诉大家 |
09:36.87, |
even female scientists can land a man? |
就算女科学家也能找到男朋友 |
09:44.26, |
I said "Sorry." |
我已经道过歉了 |
09:51.73, |
So, what do you think? |
你觉得怎么样 |
09:53.73, |
I like it. I can't wait to see who the killer is. |
我好喜欢 我等不及想知道凶手是谁了 |
09:56.50, |
Is it that Ilsa girl? She seems pretty mean. |
是艾尔莎那妞吗 感觉她蛮凶的 |
10:00.40, |
But adorably mean, |
是可爱的那种凶 |
10:02.25, |
like a baby lion? |
就像小狮子宝宝一样 |
10:05.87, |
No, regular mean, like a regular lion. |
不 正常的凶 就像正常狮子 |
10:09.95, |
But it seems pretty accurate, considering who you based it on. |
但考虑到这个角色的原型 描写还是很准确的 |
10:14.26, |
And who do you think that is? |
你觉得原型是谁呢 |
10:18.29, |
But the door is locked, |
但这门一直紧锁 |
10:19.59, |
so it has to be someone in this room. |
所以肯定是这房间里的人干的 |
10:24.62, |
Wow. You are on fire. |
哇 你的推理真是棒棒哒 |
10:29.73, |
Oh. Y... |
哦 你... |
10:31.02, |
Bernadette. Yeah, sure. |
博纳黛特 没错 |
10:34.04, |
Each one of you had a motive. |
你们俩都有作案动机 |
10:36.22, |
Who died and made you detective? |
是谁死了 轮得到你小子来当侦探 |
10:38.49, |
He did. |
他死了 |
10:41.60, |
I think you're neglecting your own motive, |
我想你忘了你自己也有动机 |
10:44.05, |
a massive inferiority complex. |
你那巨大的自卑情结 |
10:46.75, |
It's not massive. |
才没那么大呢 |
10:48.59, |
It's just average-sized. |
也就是中等大小吧 |
10:53.39, |
I don't mean to interrupt, but somebody's tracking |
无意打扰你们 但有人把血踩得到处都是 |
10:55.36, |
blood everywhere, so-- never mind, it's me. |
所以... 算了 是我踩的 |
10:59.95, |
You say we're all suspects. |
你把我们都列为嫌疑人 |
11:02.94, |
How do we know you're not the killer? |
我们怎么知道你不是凶手呢 |
11:05.00, |
I have an alibi. |
我有不在场证明 |
11:06.48, |
Yeah. He's not smart enough to pull off a murder like this. |
没错 他还没有聪明到能策划一场谋杀 |
11:12.24, |
It's pretty obvious: blonde, mean, glasses. |
这太明显了 金发 刻薄 戴眼镜 |
11:15.53, |
- It doesn't say "glasses." - Oh, really? |
我这里面没写戴眼镜-真的吗 |
11:17.39, |
But it will, because Ilsa does. |
后面会加上的 因为艾尔莎是戴眼镜的 |
11:20.54, |
And you know who else wears them? |
你知道还有谁戴吗 |
11:22.17, |
Bernadette. |
博纳黛特 |
11:25.09, |
And-and that's her, cause it's, |
原型就是她 是的 |
11:26.73, |
it's totally, it's totally her. |
完完全全 就是她 |
11:33.20, |
Oh, Amy. Good, you're here. |
艾米 太好了 你在家 |
11:35.06, |
Hi. What's up? |
怎么了 |
11:36.10, |
How would you like to be on television? |
你愿意上电视吗 |
11:41.10, |
Is it gonna be a news story |
是要我上新闻 |
11:42.46, |
where I have to say you were quiet and kept to yourself |
说你平日个性低调 不与人来往 |
11:44.74, |
and I'm as shocked as anyone? |
我和其他人一样感到震惊吗 |
11:47.60, |
No, it's not. |
不 不是的 |
11:49.62, |
Wil Wheaton wants you to be on Professor Proton. |
威尔·威顿想请你上他的《质子教授》节目 |
11:54.15, |
That's nice, but I'm not really interested. |
谢谢 不过我不感兴趣 |
11:57.45, |
What do you mean? |
你这是什么意思 |
11:58.42, |
But he wants to talk about women in science. |
可是他想要采访从事科学事业的女性 |
12:00.61, |
You're a woman, you're in science. You go, girl. |
你是女人 又从事科学事业 上啊妹子 |
12:04.53, |
I'm all for promoting women in science, |
我很支持女性从事科学事业 |
12:06.44, |
but I don't really want to be on Wil's show. |
但我真的不想上威尔的节目 |
12:10.19, |
Is it because kids may be there, |
是因为里面可能有小孩吗 |
12:12.07, |
and they're known carriers of head lice? I get that. |
而小孩又是头虱常见携带者 我懂你 |
12:16.39, |
Sure, that's the reason. |
好吧 就当是这样吧 |
12:18.86, |
Wait a minute. |
等等 |
12:20.16, |
You're always bragging that lice aren't attracted to you |
你常常炫耀说头虱不会对你有兴趣 |
12:22.85, |
because your scalp is so oily. |
因为你头皮油得不行 |
12:24.22, |
That was on your dating profile. |
你还把它写在约会介绍上了 |
12:26.97, |
Okay, look, |
好吧 我说 |
12:28.59, |
I know you have strong feelings about Professor Proton, |
我知道你对《质子教授》这节目有很深的感情 |
12:31.51, |
and I don't want to get in the middle of that. |
我不想掺和进这事情 |
12:34.74, |
So you're not going to do something |
所以你会因为我可能不高兴 |
12:36.85, |
just because you think it might upset me? |
就不去做某一些事情吗 |
12:39.39, |
Well, it's tricky, |
这问题很微妙 |
12:40.87, |
because answering that question honestly |
因为诚实回答这个问题 |
12:43.08, |
is one of the things I tend not to do because it upsets you. |
就是一个我担心你会不高兴而不想做的事 |
12:47.12, |
Well, that's very upsetting. |
好吧 人家现在不开心了 |
12:50.42, |
Like I said. |
我不是说了吗 |
12:53.51, |
What other things don't you do because of me? |
你还有哪些事是因为我而不去做的 |
12:56.86, |
Remember last week when we went to |
还记得上周我们去那家 |
12:58.59, |
that dueling piano bar I was so excited about? |
我很喜欢的斗琴酒吧吗 |
13:01.46, |
- No. - Well, now you're getting it. |
不记得去过-开始领会到了吗 |
13:07.82, |
Boy, I don't know how people who aren't on bed rest |
乖乖 真不知道那些没有卧床静养的人 |
13:09.70, |
keep up with the Kardashians. |
怎么有办法"与卡戴珊一家同行" |
13:12.49, |
Well, sometimes you have to read in your car |
有时候你只好在车里读八卦 |
13:14.06, |
while your husband thinks you're working late. |
然后告诉丈夫你下班晚了 |
13:17.91, |
Speaking of which, he came by yesterday to show me his book. |
说到这事 他昨天给我看他的书了 |
13:21.62, |
Oh, and-and what did you think? |
你觉得如何 |
13:24.23, |
I liked it. |
我很喜欢呀 |
13:25.49, |
Really? The Ilsa character didn't bother you? |
真的吗 艾尔莎这个角色不会惹到你吗 |
13:28.05, |
Oh, he was exaggerating. You're not really like that. |
他只是写书夸张化了 你一点都不像她 |
13:32.86, |
Well, I know I'm not like that. |
我知道我不像她 |
13:35.46, |
The character was based on you. |
那个角色的原型是你 |
13:37.93, |
I don't know what to tell you. |
我不知道该怎么告诉你 |
13:38.90, |
When I brought it up with Leonard, he said it was you. |
我给莱纳德提这事时 他说原型是你 |
13:41.39, |
Well, when I brought it up, he... |
我给他提这事时 他... |
13:44.21, |
got all squirrelly and left the room. |
立马举止诡异 然后溜了 |
13:45.79, |
Son of a bitch. |
奶奶个腿的 |
13:51.51, |
I just learned some very distressing news. |
我刚知道了一件很难过的事 |
13:54.19, |
Sometimes, Amy doesn't do things |
有时候 艾米因为担心我的反应 |
13:56.57, |
because she's worried about how I'll react. |
而刻意不去做一些事 |
13:58.98, |
First of all, it's not sometimes, it's always. |
首先 不是有时候 而是一贯如此 |
14:02.59, |
Second, it's not Amy, it's everybody. |
第二 不光是艾米 而是每个人 |
14:06.31, |
And third, it's not news, it's well-established. |
第三 这不是新事 这众所周知 |
14:09.73, |
Yeah. Like just now I wanted to get a croissant, |
没错 就像我本来想买牛角包[法语]吃 |
14:11.76, |
but I didn't want to hear you say, "Ooh, la, la." |
但我不想听到你说"乌拉拉"[法语表惊讶] |
14:16.38, |
So you're saying everyone walks on eggshells |
所以你说每个人都如履薄冰 |
14:18.24, |
to spare my feelings? |
来保护我的情绪吗 |
14:19.57, |
No, of course not, because we don't want |
不 当然不是 因为我们可不想 |
14:21.46, |
to hear you complain about how much you hate the sound |
听到你抱怨我们把冰踩碎的声音 |
14:23.14, |
of crunching eggshells. |
有多讨厌 |
14:26.32, |
I don't want my relationship with Amy to be like that. |
我不希望和艾米的关系变成这样 |
14:29.15, |
Sheldon, Amy knew what she was getting into. |
谢尔顿 艾米清楚会变成这样 |
14:32.14, |
You think? |
真的吗 |
14:32.88, |
Yes, we warned her. |
真的 我们警告过她 |
14:36.61, |
Well, regardless, I can change. |
无论如何 我还可以改 |
14:39.07, |
Sure.-Yeah,of course You can. |
好吧-你当然可以啦 |
14:42.04, |
You know, everybody thinks I'm so predictable. |
每个人都以为自己很了解我 |
14:44.16, |
Well, tomorrow I'm gonna show up at work |
明天上班时 |
14:46.21, |
and do something no one will expect. |
我要做一些谁都猜不到的事 |
14:48.10, |
Wear a baseball cap backwards to prove your point? |
反戴棒球帽以证明你的论点吗 |
14:55.75, |
Yes, but which hat? |
没错 但是哪顶帽子呢 |
14:58.84, |
Gryffindor. |
格兰芬多 |
15:01.70, |
Well, now that you guessed it, I'm not gonna do it. |
好吧 既然你猜到了 我就不戴了 |
15:04.25, |
Yeah, you will. |
不 你会戴的 |
15:06.39, |
Yeah. |
是啦 |
15:19.21, |
Looks like the bullet went right through you. |
看来子弹直接打穿过去了 |
15:20.88, |
Damn it, Logan. When are you gonna stop? |
靠 罗根 你何时才能知难而退 |
15:22.83, |
Sorry. I didn't get my PhD in quitting. |
抱歉 我得到的并不是放弃学博士 |
15:27.42, |
You're a physicist. What makes you think you can solve a crime? |
你只是个物理学家 凭什么觉得自己能侦破罪案 |
15:30.21, |
He's losing a lot of blood. |
他失了很多血 |
15:31.65, |
Great. I'm gonna have to clean that up. |
太好了 我又得清理了 |
15:35.93, |
You know what? A little soda water might get that right out. |
你知道吗 用一点苏打水就能洗净血渍 |
15:40.80, |
- We got to find some bandages. - No. |
我们得找些绷带-不 |
15:42.76, |
There's no time. |
没时间了 |
15:47.89, |
Does it hurt? |
痛吗 |
15:49.60, |
Everything you do hurts. |
你所做的一切都令我痛 |
15:54.18, |
Then why do you keep coming back for more? |
那你为何一直来找虐 |
16:03.21, |
So this is what you think of me? |
在你眼中我就是这样子的吗 |
16:05.17, |
Huh? I'm mean and everything I do hurts you? |
我很凶 我所做的一切都令你痛 |
16:07.91, |
What are you talking about? |
你在说什么呢 |
16:09.19, |
I know I'm Ilsa. |
我知道我是艾尔莎 |
16:11.09, |
Wha...? That is crazy. |
什... 说什么傻话 |
16:13.44, |
You-you two are totally different. |
你们俩截然不同 |
16:15.20, |
How? |
怎么个不同 |
16:16.02, |
Well, you... She... |
你... 她... |
16:19.65, |
Her name's Ilsa. |
她叫艾尔莎啊 |
16:22.53, |
You know what? |
来来来 |
16:23.51, |
It's fine. Write whatever you want. |
无所谓 随你怎么写 |
16:24.95, |
And by the way, Logan Dean can tell everyone he's five-eight, |
顺便说一下 罗根·迪恩可以自称身高172 |
16:27.62, |
but he's not fooling anybody! |
但鬼才相信呢 |
16:40.47, |
Are you sure that's the move you want to make? |
你确定要走这一步吗 |
16:42.45, |
Absolutely. |
当然 |
16:45.02, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
16:48.11, |
Checkmate. |
将军 |
16:50.98, |
Oh, I did not see that coming. |
我真没料到会这样 |
16:54.28, |
That's well played, Amy. |
棋高一着啊 艾米 |
16:56.78, |
What's going on? |
怎么回事 |
16:59.32, |
You beat me, and I am responding with humility and admiration. |
你赢了我 我回以谦逊和钦佩 |
17:02.82, |
What does it look like? |
不然你觉得是什么 |
17:04.84, |
You let me win so you could show me |
你故意让我赢的 |
17:06.65, |
how emotionally mature you are, didn't you? |
好让我看到你在情感上有多成熟 对不对 |
17:09.76, |
Well, I couldn't wait for you to actually beat me; |
我等不到你凭实力赢我啊 |
17:11.33, |
that would take forever. |
那得等到天荒地老 |
17:14.51, |
I'm sorry. It's... |
对不起 |
17:16.10, |
I'm trying to show you |
我想让你看到 |
17:17.34, |
that I can change. |
我能改变 |
17:18.85, |
I-I don't want you to miss out on things because of me. |
我不希望你为了我错过想做的事情 |
17:22.93, |
I know you don't. |
我知道 |
17:24.47, |
You know, and maybe somewhere out there, |
还有 也许在世上某处 |
17:26.40, |
there is a little girl who will see you on Wil's show |
有个小女孩看到你上威尔的节目后 |
17:29.90, |
and realize that she, too, can grow up |
意识到自己长大后 |
17:32.26, |
to be a brilliant, amazing, |
也可以变成如此聪明 有才 |
17:34.31, |
successful scientist. |
成功的科学家 |
17:38.29, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
17:39.33, |
Who is really terrible at chess. |
尽管她象棋下得超烂 |
17:43.25, |
Got it. |
知道了 |
17:43.82, |
No, no, no. I mean really bad. |
不不 我是说烂出新境界 |
17:46.12, |
What was your queen doing over there, going shopping? |
你的皇后在那干嘛呢 逛大街吗 |
17:52.68, |
I mean, I-I didn't intend to write about Penny, |
我不是有意把佩妮写进去的 |
17:55.02, |
but I guess maybe subconsciously I did. |
但也许我潜意识地这么做了 |
17:57.64, |
I believe you mean "unconsciously" dear. |
你是想说"无意识地"吧 亲爱的 |
18:01.98, |
Yeah, sure. You know, it would be nice |
对啦 要是你不总是纠正我 |
18:03.87, |
if you didn't correct me all the time. |
那就最好不过了 |
18:05.76, |
It would be nice if I didn't have to. |
要是你没地方被纠正 那也挺好的 |
18:09.39, |
Maybe this book of yours is a bad idea. |
也许你写这本书是个坏主意 |
18:12.47, |
What do you mean? |
此话怎讲 |
18:13.21, |
Well, you're a physicist. |
你只是个物理学家 |
18:14.57, |
What makes you think you can write a book? |
凭什么觉得自己能写书 |
18:22.46, |
You're a physicist. |
你只是个物理学家 |
18:23.67, |
What makes you think you can solve a crime? |
凭什么觉得自己能侦破罪案 |
18:29.33, |
Got to go. |
我需告辞了 |
18:30.12, |
I think you mean "Have..." |
应该是我"得" |
18:34.11, |
Oh, Penny, good news. |
佩妮 好消息 |
18:35.12, |
- It's not you. - What? |
那不是你-什么 |
18:36.79, |
Ilsa. It's not you. It's my mother. |
艾尔莎 不是你 是我妈 |
18:38.67, |
I've been writing about my mother! |
原来我一直在写我妈 |
18:41.54, |
I think you're neglecting your own motive, |
我想你忘了你自己也有动机 |
18:43.81, |
a massive inferiority complex. |
你那巨大的自卑情结 |
18:46.33, |
It's not massive. |
才没那么大呢 |
18:48.23, |
It's just average-sized. |
也就是中等大小吧 |
18:54.73, |
We got to find some bandages. |
我们得找些绷带 |
18:56.21, |
There's no time. |
没时间了 |
19:02.52, |
Does it hurt? |
痛吗 |
19:03.78, |
Everything you do hurts. |
你所做的一切都令我痛 |
19:06.99, |
Then why do you keep coming back for more? |
那你为何一直来找虐 |
19:09.43, |
Maybe you like it. |
也许你喜欢这种感觉 |
19:11.62, |
I-- M-Maybe I do. |
可能真是这样 |
19:19.42, |
You know what? I'm a physicist. What am I doing writing a book? |
我只不过是个物理学家 我写个毛书啊 |
19:28.03, |
Well, that is our show for today. |
今天的节目就要到此为止了 |
19:29.54, |
And I want to say a very special thank you |
我想特别向艾米·福勒博士道谢 |
19:31.45, |
to Dr. Amy Fowler for being here. |
感谢您的光临 |
19:33.36, |
It was a real pleasure having you. |
能邀请到你 我们感到十分开心 |
19:35.10, |
And you can feel that pleasure |
你能感受到那份开心 |
19:36.70, |
because you don't have a lesion in your nucleus accumbens. |
因为你的伏核里没有病变 |
19:42.04, |
I really hope I don't. |
真心希望我没有 |
19:45.14, |
All right, we'll see you next time! |
好啦 下次见 |
19:49.67, |
Amy. |
艾米 |
19:51.05, |
You were glowing. |
你简直在发光 |
19:55.18, |
Oily scalp. |
因为头皮很油啦 |
19:58.12, |
I'm so proud of you. |
我真以你为傲 |
20:00.99, |
And I'm proud of you. |
我也以你为傲 |
20:02.98, |
Because you can't tell how jealous I am? |
因为你看不出我有多妒忌吗 |
20:05.78, |
No, no, no. I can. |
不不 我看得出来 |
20:08.74, |
I can tell how hard you're trying to keep it in. |
我能看出你忍得有多辛苦 |
20:11.38, |
Really hard. |
忍到内伤 |
20:15.53, |
I'm gonna go to bed. |
我去睡了 |
20:16.35, |
All right. I'm gonna go scream on the roof. |
好的 我去屋顶上大叫发泄了 |
20:17.58, |
- Love you. - Love you. |
爱你哦-爱你哦 |