0,0:00:02.74, |
It feels like it wasn't that long ago |
感觉就在不久前 |
0,0:00:04.77, |
we were here doing this for Halley. |
我们为了Halley才来过这儿 |
0,0:00:07.04, |
Cause it wasn't. |
因为就没多久 |
0,0:00:09.58, |
Which reminds me, before we leave, |
这提醒我了 我们走之前 |
0,0:00:11.48, |
let's get you a vasectomy. |
给你做个结扎 |
0,0:00:13.61, |
Oh, that's sweet, but today is all about you. |
太贴心了 但今天的主角是你 |
0,0:00:20.09, |
So, you two ready to find out the sex of this baby? |
你们二位准备好知道宝宝的性别了吗? |
0,0:00:23.02, |
Yeah.-Absolutely. |
对-肯定的 |
0,0:00:24.29, |
Is Halley hoping |
Halley想要个 |
0,0:00:25.76, |
for a little brother or a little sister? |
小弟弟还是小妹妹呀? |
0,0:00:27.56, |
Well, she's nine months old, |
她才九个月大 |
0,0:00:28.90, |
so unless it jingles or is in my bra, she doesn't care. |
除非是会响的和能吃奶的 她都不在乎 |
0,0:00:32.97, |
And how about you two? |
那你们二位呢? |
0,0:00:36.34, |
You know, for the first one, we really wanted a girl, |
第一个的时候 我们特别希望是个女儿 |
0,0:00:39.57, |
but this time around, we don't have a preference. |
但这次 我们没有特别要求 |
0,0:00:42.28, |
Yeah. Boy, girl, as long as it's healthy. |
对 男孩也好 女孩也好 只要健康就行 |
0,0:00:45.35, |
Well, it's a boy. |
好的 是个男孩 |
0,0:00:49.25, |
Oh.-Oh. |
哦-哦 |
0,0:00:52.02, |
Come on, you can't really be disappointed. |
别这样 你们不会真的失望吧 |
0,0:00:55.59, |
Hey, I barely know how to be a man myself. |
嘿 我自己都不知道怎么做个男人 |
0,0:00:57.59, |
Now I have to teach someone? |
现在我还要教孩子? |
0,0:00:59.59, |
As the saying goes, those who can't do, teach. |
俗话说得好 做不来的人做老师最好 |
0,0:01:04.67, |
Don't you want a little version of Howard? |
你不想有个翻版小Howard吗? |
0,0:01:06.70, |
I already have a little version of Howard. |
我已经有个小个子Howard了 |
0,0:01:10.97, |
Now I'm having a son? |
现在要生个儿子? |
0,0:01:12.61, |
I'll have to teach him how to play sports, |
我得教他怎么运动 |
0,0:01:15.41, |
and... and watch sports |
还要... 还要看体育比赛 |
0,0:01:17.88, |
and-and-and-and-and-and... |
还还还还还要... |
0,0:01:20.85, |
He just ran out of man things. He's in trouble. |
他想不起来男人要做什么事了 他麻烦大了 |
0,0:01:26.12, |
It's okay. We're all here to help. |
没事 我们会帮忙的 |
0,0:01:27.99, |
Yes. And this baby will have plenty of manly role models. |
对 这个孩子会有很多有男子气概的榜样 |
0,0:01:31.56, |
Now, I'm certain that whatever Bernadette can't teach him, |
任何Bernadette不会的 |
0,0:01:33.90, |
Penny can. |
Penny可以教 |
0,0:01:36.50, |
Uh, she can pee into a bottle. |
呃 她确实会在瓶子里撒尿 |
0,0:01:38.60, |
Mm-hmm. |
对 |
0,0:01:39.67, |
Anything with a neck wider than a nickel. |
只要瓶颈比五分硬币大 |
0,0:01:43.84, |
Howie, there's a lot of amazing things you can teach a son. |
Howie 你可以教给儿子很多了不起的事 |
0,0:01:47.28, |
Yeah. You do always know how to pick just the right antacid. |
是啊 你总是能买到最对的抗酸剂 |
0,0:01:50.55, |
I don't know if I can teach that. |
我不知道这能不能教 |
0,0:01:53.55, |
It's just something I was born with. |
那是与生俱来的天赋 |
0,0:01:56.02, |
Come on. You can build things. |
拜托 你手工很好 |
0,0:01:58.05, |
You were an astronaut. |
你曾经是宇航员 |
0,0:01:59.59, |
That's true. |
这是没错 |
0,0:02:01.06, |
You know, as a kid, I used to make model rockets. |
你知道 小的时候 我爱做火箭模型 |
0,0:02:03.39, |
That'd be pretty cool to do with a son. |
要是能跟儿子一起做就太好了 |
0,0:02:05.23, |
Model rockets. Finally, something interesting. |
火箭模型 终于谈到有意思的了 |
0,0:02:07.86, |
What is your preferred mode of recovery? |
你最喜欢的回收流程是什么? |
0,0:02:11.13, |
Sheldon, we're helping our friends. |
Sheldon 我们在帮助朋友呢 |
0,0:02:13.37, |
And we got to model rockets, yeah? |
然后我们谈到了火箭模型 不是吗? |
0,0:02:16.60, |
It was a tedious road, but well worth the effort. |
虽然过程很漫长无聊 但也值得了 |
0,0:02:19.81, |
- So, have you thought of any names? - Amy. |
那你们想好名字了吗?-Amy |
0,0:02:22.48, |
We finally got to model rockets. |
我们好不容易聊到火箭模型 |
0,0:02:23.64, |
Why are you turning back? |
你咋又聊回去了? |
0,0:02:26.41, |
* Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state * |
* 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 * |
0,0:02:29.82, |
* Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! * |
* 140亿年前终于爆了炸... 等着瞧! * |
0,0:02:33.42, |
* The Earth began to cool * |
* 地球开始降温 * |
0,0:02:34.96, |
* The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools * |
* 自养生物来起哄 穴居人发明工具 * |
0,0:02:37.89, |
* We built the Wall We built the pyramids * |
* 我们建长城 我们建金字塔 * |
0,0:02:40.19, |
* Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery * |
* 数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘 * |
0,0:02:42.80, |
* That all started with a big bang * |
* 一切由大爆炸开始 * |
0,0:02:44.73, |
* Bang! * |
* 砰! * |
0,0:02:45.77, |
生活大爆炸 第十一季第4集 |
嘿 你去哪啊? |
0,0:02:55.66, |
Hey, where are you going? |
干洗店 你看看这儿 |
0,0:02:57.00, |
Back to the dry cleaner. Look at this. |
他们没有把我星舰制服上的污点除掉 |
0,0:02:58.77, |
They didn't get the stain out of my Starfleet uniform. |
你要是不让我把身体涂成绿色再上床 |
0,0:03:01.24, |
Well, if you didn't make me wear the green body paint in bed, |
你就不用这么费劲干洗了 |
0,0:03:04.27, |
you wouldn't have to get it dry-cleaned so much. |
不行 完全值得 |
0,0:03:07.28, |
Nah, it's worth it. |
嘿 等下 是你妈妈 |
0,0:03:11.78, |
Hey, wait, it's your mom. |
真不巧 我刚好不在! |
0,0:03:13.15, |
Oh, too bad. She just missed me! |
嘿 Beverly |
0,0:03:19.52, |
Hey, Beverly. |
哦 你好 Penny |
0,0:03:20.86, |
Oh, hello, Penny. |
Leonard刚走 |
0,0:03:22.36, |
Uh, Leonard just left. |
他肯定特别失望没能跟你通话 |
0,0:03:23.56, |
He's gonna be so upset he missed your call. |
为什么? |
0,0:03:25.86, |
Why? |
因为他... |
0,0:03:27.60, |
Because he... |
我不知道 |
0,0:03:29.47, |
Yeah, I don't know. |
你好吗? |
0,0:03:30.80, |
How are you? |
你是说生活中还是工作上? |
0,0:03:32.84, |
Did you mean personally or professionally? |
嗯 生活中? |
0,0:03:35.27, |
Um, personally? |
比如 你昨晚干嘛了? |
0,0:03:36.77, |
Like, what'd you do last night? |
我在一个男人家里吃了古巴餐 |
0,0:03:38.84, |
I had Cuban food at the home of a man |
而且和他进行了不愉快的性交 |
0,0:03:41.11, |
with whom I shared unsatisfying intercourse. |
哇哦 好吧 |
0,0:03:46.95, |
Wow. Okay. |
我提前回答你接下来的问题 |
0,0:03:51.25, |
And to anticipate your next questions, |
烤猪肉和侧传教士体位 |
0,0:03:53.66, |
roasted pork and sideways missionary. |
当然 当然 因为你吃得有点饱 |
0,0:03:59.46, |
Sure. Sure. 'Cause you were full. |
我都好多年没看这些东西了 |
0,0:04:05.03, |
I haven't looked at all this stuff in years. |
这个有过 |
0,0:04:07.80, |
Had it. |
这个有过 |
0,0:04:09.14, |
Had it. |
这个跟车库一起烧了 |
0,0:04:10.67, |
Burnt down my garage with it. |
我小时候有三个火箭模型 |
0,0:04:13.58, |
I had three model rockets as a kid, |
是印度最大的空间计划 |
0,0:04:15.64, |
and that was the largest space program in India. |
你有土星五号复制品? |
0,0:04:18.65, |
You have a replica Saturn V? |
对 我爸在他 |
0,0:04:22.25, |
Yeah. My dad bought it before he, you know, |
抛弃我们之前买的 |
0,0:04:25.25, |
abandoned our family. |
你个走运的 |
0,0:04:27.19, |
Lucky duck. |
没有他我都不忍心打开它 |
0,0:04:29.29, |
Could never bring myself to open it without him. |
太傻了 |
0,0:04:34.10, |
It's silly. |
不 这不傻 |
0,0:04:35.70, |
No, it's not silly. |
我总是希望我爸跟我一起搭火箭 |
0,0:04:36.83, |
I always wanted my dad to build rockets with me, |
但他不感兴趣 |
0,0:04:38.90, |
but he wasn't interested. |
是的 让人失望的父亲们 |
0,0:04:41.24, |
Ah, yes, disappointing fathers. |
我可是深有体会 |
0,0:04:42.71, |
Tell me about it. |
我记得十六岁生日的时候 我爸给我买了辆奔驰 |
0,0:04:44.11, |
I remember for my 16th birthday, my dad bought me a Mercedes. |
就是低配版的 |
0,0:04:47.18, |
Like, a little one, like a starter Mercedes. |
他刚把钥匙递给我 |
0,0:04:51.81, |
He had barely handed me the keys |
就急着回去工作了 |
0,0:04:52.98, |
before he had to rush back to work. |
我那天晚上很晚了才又见到他 |
0,0:04:54.72, |
I didn't see him again till, like, pretty late that night. |
总之... |
0,0:05:00.79, |
Anyway... |
尽管我很气他离开了 |
0,0:05:04.06, |
as angry as I was with him leaving, |
但搭建这些东西或许是 |
0,0:05:07.76, |
building this stuff is probably what led me |
我成为工程师的原因 |
0,0:05:09.93, |
to become an engineer. |
我想 用他自己的方式 |
0,0:05:11.47, |
I suppose, in his own way, |
我爸也在鼓励我追求科学 |
0,0:05:13.70, |
my dad also encouraged me to pursue science. |
我是说 是他教给我 |
0,0:05:15.70, |
I mean, he is the one that taught me |
肠胃气胀是可燃的 |
0,0:05:17.54, |
that flatulence is combustible. |
还有 涤纶运动短裤不可燃 |
0,0:05:20.88, |
And also, polyester gym shorts don't burn. |
但会熔化 |
0,0:05:24.81, |
They melt. |
对 我想我成为物理天文学家是因为 |
0,0:05:28.02, |
Yeah, I guess I'm an astrophysicist because, |
小时候 我说我喜欢看星星 |
0,0:05:30.05, |
as a kid, I said I like to look at the stars, |
然后我爸送我去夏威夷参观了凯克望远镜 |
0,0:05:32.52, |
so my dad sent me to Hawaii to visit the Keck telescope. |
去你们的 我真的很痛苦 |
0,0:05:38.53, |
Screw you. My pain is real. |
管他的 忘记过去 |
0,0:05:44.40, |
You know what? Forget the past. |
你和我一起搭建这枚火箭怎么样? |
0,0:05:47.00, |
What do you say you and me build this rocket? |
听起来这会是 |
0,0:05:50.27, |
That sounds like it could be |
我们俩联系感情的好机会 |
0,0:05:52.01, |
a real bonding experience for us. |
很好吧? |
0,0:05:53.84, |
Right? |
哦 我知道了 |
0,0:05:54.88, |
Oh, I see. |
你觉得这是好事啊 |
0,0:05:55.84, |
Oh, you think that's a positive. |
你不想跟Sheldon和Howard一起玩? |
0,0:06:02.18, |
So, you don't want to hang out with Sheldon and Howard? |
不 他们在靠悲惨的童年套近乎 |
0,0:06:04.95, |
No, they were bonding over their sad childhoods, |
而我的父母一直在我身边 |
0,0:06:07.49, |
and my stupid parents were always there for me. |
这是什么? |
0,0:06:12.59, |
What's all this? |
我在把Halley穿不下的衣服打包起来 |
0,0:06:13.93, |
I'm just boxing up all the clothes Halley's outgrown. |
看来我们再也用不上了 |
0,0:06:16.13, |
Guess we won't need them anymore. |
哦 慢着 |
0,0:06:18.10, |
Oh, well, slow down. |
我肯定有些东西是可以给男孩用的 |
0,0:06:19.44, |
I'm sure there's some you could reuse for a boy. |
爸爸的小闺女? |
0,0:06:21.44, |
Daddy's little girl? |
好吧 要是我们把它改成 |
0,0:06:24.61, |
Okay, well, what if we, uh, change it to say, |
爸爸的小万人迷呢? |
0,0:06:27.28, |
Daddy's little girl magnet? |
变! 男孩上衣了 |
0,0:06:29.75, |
Boom! Boy shirt. |
那这件呢? |
0,0:06:33.42, |
What about this? |
好吧 |
0,0:06:34.58, |
Uh, okay. |
把裙摆去掉 在胸前缝个闪电 |
0,0:06:35.95, |
Uh, pull off the skirt, slap a lightning bolt on the front, |
你就有小闪电侠了 |
0,0:06:38.45, |
and you got baby Flash. |
哦哦 |
0,0:06:40.19, |
Ooh. |
里面再加上长袖 |
0,0:06:41.39, |
Stick a long sleeve under it. |
变! 小Sheldon |
0,0:06:42.59, |
Boom! Baby Sheldon. |
哇 你真的很擅长这个 |
0,0:06:46.50, |
Wow, you're really good at this. |
拜托 |
0,0:06:48.16, |
Oh, please. |
这又不是我第一次 |
0,0:06:49.30, |
This isn't my first time |
把女装改成男装了 |
0,0:06:50.53, |
turning girl clothes into boy clothes. |
怎么? 你穿过姐姐们的剩衣服? |
0,0:06:54.18, |
Why? You got your sister's hand-me-downs? |
哦 是啊 |
0,0:06:57.11, |
Yeah, that. |
哦 我应该带上花生的 |
0,0:07:03.75, |
Oh. I should've brought peanuts. |
你不能吃花生 你过敏 |
0,0:07:06.72, |
You can't eat peanuts. You're allergic. |
你要是死了 谁开车带我回家? |
0,0:07:08.76, |
If you die, who's going to drive me home? |
我不是要吃 |
0,0:07:11.96, |
I'm not gonna eat them. |
这是喷气推进实验室的惯例 |
0,0:07:13.53, |
It's a thing they do at JPL. |
漫游者项目最终发射成功的时候 |
0,0:07:15.06, |
When the Ranger mission finally had a successful launch, |
房间里有花生 |
0,0:07:17.13, |
there were peanuts in the room. |
从那以后 他们每次发射都有花生 |
0,0:07:18.43, |
Ever since then, they have them at every launch. |
听起来像是很蠢的迷信活动 |
0,0:07:21.20, |
That sounds like a silly superstition. |
更像是传统啦 |
0,0:07:23.81, |
It's more of a tradition. |
哦! 我确实喜欢传统 |
0,0:07:26.27, |
Oh! I do love a tradition. |
你能在下一个花生店停一下吗? |
0,0:07:28.71, |
Could you pull over at the next peanut store? |
根本没有花生店这一说 |
0,0:07:32.38, |
I don't think that's a real thing. |
哦 别这么迂腐 |
0,0:07:35.35, |
Oh, don't be pedantic. |
任何卖坚果的店都行 |
0,0:07:36.72, |
Any nut store will do. |
我... 我觉得这附近买不到花生 |
0,0:07:38.35, |
I... I don't think we can get peanuts out here. |
好吧 那这一整天都被毁了 |
0,0:07:42.79, |
Ah, well, then this whole day's ruined. |
我现在想想 或许真的更像是一种迷信呢 |
0,0:07:46.13, |
Now that I think about it, maybe it is more of a superstition. |
咻! 差点上当 |
0,0:07:50.13, |
Whew! That was close. |
哦 嘿 Beverly 你打的是我的手机 不是Leonard的 |
0,0:08:00.44, |
Oh, uh, hey, Beverly, you called my phone, not Leonard's. |
其实 我就是想找你的 |
0,0:08:03.41, |
Actually, I was hoping to speak with you. |
现在合适吗? |
0,0:08:06.48, |
Is this a good time? |
呃 这看情况 |
0,0:08:08.12, |
Uh, that depends. |
你那里几点啊? |
0,0:08:09.95, |
What time is it where you are? |
刚刚过五点 |
0,0:08:11.65, |
Uh, just after 5:00. |
这消息很重要 |
0,0:08:12.82, |
Yeah, that counts. |
怎么了? |
0,0:08:15.12, |
What's up? |
我很喜欢那天跟你聊天 |
0,0:08:17.66, |
Well, I enjoyed our conversation the other day, |
我希望可以继续聊下去 |
0,0:08:21.00, |
and I was hoping to continue it. |
真的吗? |
0,0:08:23.06, |
Really? |
当然 你或许会感到奇怪 |
0,0:08:24.27, |
Uh, yes. You may find this surprising, |
但我没有多少你所谓的女朋友们 |
0,0:08:26.57, |
but I don't have a lot of what you would call girlfriends. |
说啥呢? |
0,0:08:29.84, |
What? |
当然了 我有女性同事 |
0,0:08:33.71, |
Of course, there are my female colleagues, |
但她们都是弗洛伊德学派的人 |
0,0:08:37.11, |
but, uh, they're all Freudians, |
so the only boy that I can dish about is my father. |
0,0:08:39.05, |
所以我唯一能吐槽的男性就是我父亲了 |
n8}弗洛伊德主张恋父情结 |
0,0:08:39.05, |
{ |
好吧 你有我呢 |
0,0:08:48.76, |
Uh, well, you know, I'm here for you. |
你想聊什么? |
0,0:08:50.02, |
What do you want to talk about? |
上一次 我们主要谈了我的生活 |
0,0:08:51.42, |
Well, last time, we focused on my life. |
如果我们要做真闺蜜的话 |
0,0:08:54.62, |
If we're going to be real girlfriends, |
我们应该也聊聊你的生活 |
0,0:08:56.49, |
we should talk about you as well. |
你知道吗 如果我们要做 |
0,0:08:58.19, |
Well, you know, if we're gonna be |
真闺蜜 我们应该聊另一个女生 |
0,0:08:59.63, |
real girlfriends, we should get a third girl |
在背后说她坏话 |
0,0:09:01.67, |
we can trash behind her back. |
哦 这太阴险了 |
0,0:09:04.47, |
Oh, so we'd be catty. |
我喜欢 |
0,0:09:07.30, |
Oh, I like it. |
Sheldon的未婚妻怎么样? |
0,0:09:10.04, |
What about Sheldon's fiance? |
她看起来有点无趣 |
0,0:09:12.11, |
She seems a bit dour. |
哦 无趣? 我的乖乖 |
0,0:09:15.08, |
Ooh, dour? Meow. |
好了 |
0,0:09:23.62, |
All right. |
开始了 |
0,0:09:24.92, |
Here we go. |
L倒计时 十 九... |
0,0:09:26.29, |
L-minus ten, nine... |
等下 你干嘛呢? 应该是T倒计时 |
0,0:09:28.56, |
Wait, what are you doing? It's T-minus. |
我是宇航员 我们用L倒计时 |
0,0:09:30.79, |
I was an astronaut. We used L-minus. |
但这是土星五号 |
0,0:09:33.36, |
But this is a Saturn V, |
他们发射的时候 用的是T倒计时 |
0,0:09:35.37, |
and when they launched those, they said T-minus. |
这是我的火箭! 就要照我的方式来 |
0,0:09:36.90, |
It's my rocket! We're doing it my way. |
好吧 |
0,0:09:40.17, |
Fine. |
不是说我知道你爸为什么抛弃你了 |
0,0:09:44.11, |
I'm not saying I know why your dad left, |
但我有些想法了 |
0,0:09:46.01, |
but I think I'm getting an idea. |
L倒计时 |
0,0:09:50.18, |
L-minus |
十 九 八 |
0,0:09:51.28, |
ten, nine, eight, |
七 六... |
0,0:09:53.22, |
seven, six... |
因为你有点霸道 |
0,0:09:54.48, |
Cause you're kind of bossy. |
五 四 三 二 |
0,0:09:58.19, |
Five, four, three, two, |
一... |
0,0:10:01.22, |
one... |
我记得应该飞的比这个高一点 |
0,0:10:06.70, |
I remember them going up higher. |
真是完美 |
0,0:10:18.17, |
Well, that's perfect. |
我能给我儿子做的 |
0,0:10:19.24, |
I mean, the one thing I thought I could |
唯一一件事 我都做不好 |
0,0:10:21.21, |
do with my son, I can't even do that right. |
你想再看一遍吧 我录了视频 |
0,0:10:23.95, |
Well, if you want to see it again, I got it on video. |
慢动作下看起来帅呆了 |
0,0:10:27.42, |
Looks pretty cool in slow motion. |
多谢你的支持 |
0,0:10:30.25, |
Thank you for your support. |
不用谢-我在说反话 |
0,0:10:31.95, |
- You're welcome. - I was being sarcastic. |
说什么呢! |
0,0:10:34.22, |
How dare you! |
Sheldon 我该怎么办? |
0,0:10:37.93, |
Sheldon, what am I gonna do? |
我是说 我不知道该怎么养大一个男孩? |
0,0:10:40.19, |
I mean, what do I know about raising a boy? |
你知道该怎么养大一个小女孩? |
0,0:10:44.27, |
What do you know about raising a girl? |
天呐 你说的对 |
0,0:10:49.54, |
Oh, my God, you're right. |
我不知道你说的是不是反话 |
0,0:10:52.31, |
Well, I don't know if that was sarcasm or not. |
所以不用谢 或者 说什么呢! |
0,0:10:55.51, |
So, either you're welcome, or hey! |
Leonard 真的需要从沙发上给我发短信 |
0,0:11:07.49, |
Leonard, did you really just text me from the couch |
让我给你的三明治多放点芥末吗? |
0,0:11:09.29, |
to put extra mustard on your sandwich? |
我怕你不查邮件 |
0,0:11:11.89, |
I was worried you might not check your e-mail. |
别逼我把这个扔出去 |
0,0:11:18.53, |
I swear to God, I will throw this out. |
那个不是我 |
0,0:11:20.67, |
That one was not me. |
等等 是你妈妈 |
0,0:11:22.40, |
Oh, wait, it was just your mom. |
我妈给你发短息? |
0,0:11:24.24, |
My mother's texting you? |
是啊 最近我们聊得很多 |
0,0:11:25.87, |
Yeah. We've been talking a lot lately. |
为什么? |
0,0:11:27.98, |
Why? |
她是对着墙上的魔镜说腻了吗? |
0,0:11:30.04, |
She sick of talking to the magic mirror on the wall? |
不是 我觉得她有点孤单 |
0,0:11:33.95, |
No, I think she's lonely. |
她想要跟人交流 |
0,0:11:36.32, |
She's been reaching out. |
好吧 小心一点 |
0,0:11:37.95, |
Okay, just be careful. |
你自以为你跟她关系近了 |
0,0:11:41.39, |
You think you're getting close to her, |
但马上你会发现 你被她写进书里 |
0,0:11:42.99, |
and the next thing you know, you're featured in a book |
名叫 "他是故意的:抚养尿床的青少年" |
0,0:11:45.43, |
called He's Doing It On Purpose: Raising a Teenage Bed-Wetter. |
不是那样 |
0,0:11:50.06, |
No, it's not like that. |
她一直敞开心扉谈论她的生活 |
0,0:11:52.00, |
You know, she's been opening up about her life, |
对我的生活也很支持 |
0,0:11:54.20, |
and she's actually been really supportive about mine. |
真的吗?-对啊 |
0,0:11:56.80, |
Really?-Yeah. |
我一直在跟她说我工作的事 |
0,0:11:58.21, |
I've been telling her about my job, |
然后她说她为我感到骄傲 |
0,0:11:59.44, |
and she said she was proud of me. |
那太棒了 |
0,0:12:01.51, |
Well, that's great. |
她从没说过为我而骄傲 |
0,0:12:05.95, |
Never told me she was proud of me. |
即使我有一个月也没尿床 |
0,0:12:10.48, |
Even when I stayed dry for a whole month. |
你不想我跟你妈做朋友吗? |
0,0:12:14.12, |
Do you not want me to be friends with your mom? |
这么说吧 |
0,0:12:17.26, |
Well, let's be clear. |
我娶你是为了伤害她 |
0,0:12:18.89, |
I-I married you to hurt her. |
你把这都毁了 |
0,0:12:24.60, |
You're kind of ruining it. |
开心的第十三个原因 |
0,0:12:29.27, |
Reason number 13 to feel good: |
这是一次失败的发射 |
0,0:12:32.67, |
as a launch, it was bad, |
但作为一次爆炸 它是十分壮丽的 |
0,0:12:34.91, |
but as an explosion, it was glorious. |
你手指头都还在 |
0,0:12:40.88, |
you still have all your fingers, |
男孩子喜欢有指头的老爸 |
0,0:12:43.62, |
and boys prefer a dad with fingers. |
谢谢你 |
0,0:12:46.72, |
Thanks for trying, |
但你不会让我振作起来的 |
0,0:12:48.12, |
but you're not gonna be able to cheer me up. |
那要不这样? |
0,0:12:50.42, |
Well, how about this, then? |
年轻人 在我让你哭之前 |
0,0:12:52.49, |
You quit your whining before I give you |
你最好别抱怨了 |
0,0:12:54.23, |
something to cry about, young man. |
什么? |
0,0:12:56.30, |
What? |
我爸安慰别人时经常这么说 |
0,0:12:58.43, |
Those are comforting words my father would often say. |
有效果吗? |
0,0:13:02.40, |
Did it help? |
我不是好好长大了吗 |
0,0:13:04.24, |
I turned out great. |
你看有效果没 |
0,0:13:06.17, |
You tell me. |
走吧还是 |
0,0:13:07.68, |
Let's get going. |
这一路回去你都要这么丧吗? |
0,0:13:10.28, |
Are you gonna be this mopey all the way home? |
我不知道 也许吧 |
0,0:13:13.15, |
I don't know, maybe. |
我给你讲一个精彩的三角学谜语 |
0,0:13:14.68, |
There any chance you'd be cheered up |
你会不会高兴点? |
0,0:13:16.35, |
by an amazing trigonometry riddle? |
你要是这都答不上来 |
0,0:13:20.25, |
Well, if you can't answer that, |
那谜语更没戏啦 |
0,0:13:21.92, |
there's no way you're gonna get this riddle. |
嘿 你觉得怎么样? |
0,0:13:30.93, |
Oh, hey, hey, what do you think? |
不能因为是男孩子 |
0,0:13:33.77, |
Just because it's a boy, I don't think you need to |
你就要往他的短袖上放生殖器吧 |
0,0:13:36.14, |
put a picture of genitals on his shirt. |
那是棒球帽和两个小棒球 |
0,0:13:38.61, |
But that's a baseball bat with two little baseballs. |
好吧 我看出来了 |
0,0:13:42.38, |
Okay, and now I see it. |
你知道 我理解 |
0,0:13:46.88, |
So, you know, I understand why |
Howard有了儿子有点焦虑 |
0,0:13:49.28, |
Howard is nervous about having a son, |
但你也很苦恼吗? |
0,0:13:51.25, |
but are you really upset about it? |
没有 我挺好 |
0,0:13:53.22, |
No, I'm fine. |
我有一群兄弟陪我长大 |
0,0:13:54.86, |
It's just, I grew up with a bunch of brothers, |
所以我觉得Halley有个妹妹挺好 |
0,0:13:56.82, |
so I thought it'd be nice for Halley to have a sister. |
这有问题吗? |
0,0:13:59.49, |
Is that wrong? |
当然有问题 |
0,0:14:00.63, |
Of course it's wrong. |
你不知道这个小男孩会是什么样 |
0,0:14:02.56, |
You don't know what this little boy's gonna be like. |
也许会很粗野喧闹 |
0,0:14:04.10, |
Maybe he'll be rough and tumble, |
也许会很温柔敏感 |
0,0:14:06.50, |
or maybe he'll be sweet and sensitive, |
也有可能这些特点都有 就像我 |
0,0:14:08.80, |
or maybe he'll be all those things, like me. |
你很粗野? |
0,0:14:14.51, |
You're rough and tumble? |
那当然 小婊砸 |
0,0:14:18.08, |
You bet I am, bitch. |
但基于我的敏感 我后悔说了刚刚那句 |
0,0:14:22.28, |
But I'm also sensitive and regret saying that. |
嘿-嘿 |
0,0:14:31.13, |
Hey.-Hello. |
你有空吗? |
0,0:14:33.26, |
You got a sec? |
恩 怎么了? |
0,0:14:35.73, |
Sure. What's up? |
Penny最近跟我妈聊得火热 |
0,0:14:36.70, |
Penny's been talking to my mother |
像是最好的朋友一样 我有点吓坏了 |
0,0:14:39.03, |
like they're best friends, and it's kind of freaking me out. |
嗯哼... |
0,0:14:42.17, |
Okay... |
我很确定她俩不是最好的朋友 |
0,0:14:44.77, |
I'm pretty sure they're not best friends. |
因为你只能有一位最好的朋友 |
0,0:14:51.31, |
Cause you can only have one best friend. |
Penny有 那就是我 |
0,0:14:56.02, |
And Penny has that, and it's me. |
是吗? 她现在是跟你在视频通话吗? |
0,0:15:01.06, |
Oh, really? Is she FaceTiming with you right now? |
因为她正在跟我妈视频哦 |
0,0:15:03.49, |
Because she's FaceTiming with my mom, and believe me, |
并且相信我 你是不想多看那张脸的 |
0,0:15:05.43, |
that is not a face you want to spend time with. |
最近我比较忙 |
0,0:15:08.90, |
Hmm. Well, I have been pretty busy lately. |
可能忽略了我们的友谊 |
0,0:15:12.57, |
Maybe I've been neglecting our friendship. |
Penny知道我跟我妈之间的关系很复杂 |
0,0:15:14.64, |
Penny knows I have a complicated relationship |
但是她好像一点都不在乎 |
0,0:15:16.10, |
with my mother; it's like she doesn't even care. |
一边是实验室 |
0,0:15:17.87, |
And with everything going on at the lab |
一边还要筹划婚礼 |
0,0:15:19.44, |
and planning the wedding, |
我都没什么时间了 |
0,0:15:20.71, |
I just, I have so little free time. |
Penny都不知道我妈多么会摆布人 |
0,0:15:23.54, |
Penny doesn't know how manipulative my mother can be. |
你知道有个东西叫 |
0,0:15:26.35, |
Did you know there's such a thing as |
反转 反转 再反转心理学吗? |
0,0:15:27.65, |
reverse, reverse, reverse psychology? |
那真的存在 |
0,0:15:29.52, |
Because... there is. |
我是说 她肯定觉得自己被抛弃了 |
0,0:15:32.85, |
I mean, she must feel so abandoned. |
她习惯了我在身边 |
0,0:15:34.36, |
She's used to me being there all the time, |
但是我现在有了自己生活 |
0,0:15:36.22, |
but now I have my own life, |
她不得不接受 |
0,0:15:37.63, |
and she's just gonna have to accept it. |
为什么我妈为Penny感到自豪而不是我? |
0,0:15:39.69, |
And why is my mom proud of Penny and not me? |
问题是Penny为什么会害怕 |
0,0:15:42.50, |
I mean, the real question is: why is Penny so afraid of me |
我的成长? |
0,0:15:44.57, |
growing as a person? |
我也很有才啊! |
0,0:15:45.67, |
I'm good at stuff, too! |
我有权过自己的生活! |
0,0:15:46.87, |
I deserve my own life! |
喔 谢谢 |
0,0:15:51.51, |
Okay, well, thanks. |
聊的不错 |
0,0:15:53.07, |
Good talk. |
你知道 研究表明 |
0,0:16:00.61, |
You know, studies have shown |
被情绪分心的司机 |
0,0:16:02.45, |
that people distracted by emotional issues |
开不好车 |
0,0:16:05.59, |
are poor drivers. |
那被乘客惹恼而分心的人呢? |
0,0:16:07.55, |
What about people distracted by irritating passengers? |
那测试起来有点难 |
0,0:16:13.29, |
That would be hard to test, |
因为惹恼是个主观的概念 |
0,0:16:14.80, |
because irritating is a subjective quality. |
完全不赞成 |
0,0:16:17.97, |
Strongly disagree. |
可以让我开吗? |
0,0:16:25.71, |
Can I drive? |
不行 |
0,0:16:27.01, |
No. |
你不能 |
0,0:16:28.61, |
You can't drive. |
你连驾照都没有 |
0,0:16:29.74, |
You don't even have a license. |
其实 我有驾照 |
0,0:16:31.81, |
Actually, I do. |
真的吗? 什么时候的事? |
0,0:16:33.01, |
Really? Since when? |
三年前 |
0,0:16:36.28, |
Three years ago. |
我那时候喜欢考证 |
0,0:16:37.72, |
I went on a bit of a license kick. |
我还是商业渔民 |
0,0:16:40.32, |
I'm also a commercial fisherman. |
那为什么你从来不自己开? |
0,0:16:44.19, |
Then why don't you ever drive yourself? |
实话说 我是勉强考过的 |
0,0:16:46.86, |
Honestly, I barely passed my test. |
有次我自个开车 |
0,0:16:48.73, |
And the one time I drove on my own, |
掉了个头之后晕得吐了 然后走回的家 |
0,0:16:50.63, |
I made a U-turn, got dizzy, threw up and walked home. |
你真的想开吗? |
0,0:16:56.44, |
You really want to drive? |
看起来是最好的时机 |
0,0:16:58.34, |
It seems like the perfect time. |
路很直 也没什么人 |
0,0:17:00.47, |
The roads are straight, there's no one around, |
你也不在乎死活 |
0,0:17:03.21, |
and you don't seem to care if you live or die. |
活 Sheldon 我想活 |
0,0:17:06.48, |
Live, Sheldon. I want to live. |
这就有点难办了 |
0,0:17:10.02, |
That makes things a little trickier, |
但我会尽力的 |
0,0:17:11.69, |
but I'll do my best. |
嗨 Pen... |
0,0:17:17.36, |
Hi, Pen... |
哦 你好 Leonard |
0,0:17:18.39, |
Oh, hello, Leonard. |
妈 你最近怎么样? |
0,0:17:22.83, |
Hello, Mother. How are you? |
- 挺好的 你呢? - 很好 |
0,0:17:24.16, |
- Fine. And you? - I'm great. |
很愉快的交流 |
0,0:17:26.30, |
Well, it's been lovely catching up. |
等等 我们得谈一下 |
0,0:17:28.47, |
Wait. Hang on. We need to talk. |
喔 老弟 |
0,0:17:31.11, |
Oh, brother. |
我想知道 你为什么不为我而骄傲? |
0,0:17:33.87, |
I want to know, why aren't you proud of me? |
问题不应该是 |
0,0:17:37.61, |
Well, isn't the real question, |
你为什么不为自己感到骄傲吗? |
0,0:17:39.81, |
why aren't you proud of yourself? |
那也是个问题 我也常问自己 |
0,0:17:42.06, |
No, that is aquestion... and I ask it a lot... |
但我们还是回到我问你的这个 |
0,0:17:47.55, |
but let's stick with the one I asked you. |
但你为什么会认为我不为你感到骄傲呢? |
0,0:17:49.86, |
But why do you think I'm not proud of you? |
因为你从没说过 |
0,0:17:52.63, |
Because you never say it. |
你跟Penny只聊了两天 |
0,0:17:55.06, |
But two days into chatting with Penny, |
你就不停地说她有多棒 |
0,0:17:56.76, |
and you can't stop telling her how great she is. |
她确实很好 |
0,0:17:59.13, |
She is great. |
实话时候 我的孩子的所有配偶中 |
0,0:18:00.37, |
Honestly, of all of my children's spouses, |
我最中意她 |
0,0:18:03.44, |
she's the one that I'm most impressed by. |
认真的吗? |
0,0:18:05.94, |
Seriously? |
是 |
0,0:18:07.94, |
Yes. |
她自信 体贴 |
0,0:18:09.04, |
She's confident, she's thoughtful, |
而且从没有抱怨过你 |
0,0:18:11.45, |
and she never complained about you once. |
我知道那样需要多大的勇气 |
0,0:18:13.65, |
I know what kind of strength that takes. |
所以 Penny是你的最爱? |
0,0:18:16.98, |
So, Penny's your favorite? |
我想是的 |
0,0:18:20.42, |
I suppose she is. |
你娶对了人 Leonard 为此 我为你而自豪 |
0,0:18:22.89, |
You married well, Leonard, and for that I am proud of you. |
我不... 我不... 我不知道该说什么 |
0,0:18:29.96, |
I don't... I don't... I don't know what to say. |
我也为你努力不哭出来而感到自豪 |
0,0:18:32.53, |
I'm also proud of how hard you're trying not to cry. |
谢谢 |
0,0:18:38.34, |
Thank you. |
现在该挂了吧? |
0,0:18:39.67, |
Would you like to hang up now? |
眼泪要出来了 |
0,0:18:41.48, |
Yeah, here it comes. |
你的手放在十点钟和两点钟方向 |
0,0:18:50.45, |
Your hands are at 10:00 and 2:00. |
很好 脚踩着油门 |
0,0:18:52.62, |
Good. Steady on the gas. |
嗯好 |
0,0:18:55.56, |
Okay. |
你现在要慢慢地换一下车道 |
0,0:18:57.36, |
Now you're gonna want to slowly switch lanes. |
为什么? |
0,0:19:01.03, |
Why? |
因为有两条车道 |
0,0:19:02.03, |
Because there are only two, |
你开在中间 |
0,0:19:03.90, |
and you're not in either of them. |
不错 干的不错! |
0,0:19:10.54, |
Attaboy. Well done! |
多谢夸奖 |
0,0:19:12.64, |
Thank you. |
上次开车时 我都吓坏了 |
0,0:19:13.94, |
The last time I drove, I was terrified, |
但这次很有趣 |
0,0:19:16.44, |
but this is fun. |
你开的挺好 |
0,0:19:18.05, |
You're doing great. |
你是个好老师 |
0,0:19:19.91, |
You're a good teacher. |
你儿子很幸运 有你这样的父亲 |
0,0:19:24.62, |
Your son is going to be lucky to have you as a father. |
谢谢 |
0,0:19:28.36, |
Thanks. |
你觉得我能开快一点吗? |
0,0:19:33.39, |
Do you think I could try going a little faster? |
上吧 小冠军 |
0,0:19:37.26, |
Go for it, champ. |
喔 |
0,0:19:38.77, |
Ow. |
抱歉 |
0,0:19:40.83, |
Sorry. |
油门踩轻一点... |
0,0:19:42.27, |
Just ease on the gas, and... |
踩过了! 太多了! |
0,0:19:44.44, |
Oh, too much! Too much! |
我为啥要怕呢? 太激动了! |
0,0:19:45.91, |
Why was I scared of this? This is exhilarating! |
不 不 慢一点! |
0,0:19:48.58, |
No, it's not! Slow down! |
别跟我说要怎么做! 你又不是我爸! |
0,0:19:49.94, |
Don't tell me what to do! You're not my father! |
你知道你开的有多快吗? |
0,0:20:05.45, |
Do you know how fast you were going? |
时速112 |
0,0:20:07.49, |
112 |
让我看一下你的驾照 |
0,0:20:11.36, |
Let me see your license. |
计划是这样-不 |
0,0:20:14.86, |
- Okay, here's the plan. -No. |
好吧 |
0,0:20:19.03, |
Fine. |
给您 |
0,0:20:20.03, |
There you go. |
那什么 您先收着吧 |
0,0:20:24.44, |
You know what, you can just keep it. |