第十一季 第十三集 |
00:02.82, |
Hey! Look what I got everybody. |
看看我给大家带什么来了 |
00:05.82, |
Newspapers? |
报纸吗 |
00:07.22, |
Did you find a portal back to the 1990s? |
你是找到回90年代的传送门了吗 |
00:11.17, |
No. If he had that, he'd be trying to prevent NSYNC |
不是 如果他有这能耐 早就回去阻止 |
00:13.31, |
from breaking up. |
超级男孩的解散了 |
00:15.14, |
Oh, please. I'm glad they broke up. |
拜托 我很庆幸他们解散了 |
00:16.89, |
Otherwise, Justin would never have brought sexy back. |
不然成员贾斯丁就不会让"性感回归[作品]"了 |
00:20.46, |
One thing you can't get on an iPad, |
平板电脑永远不会有的东西 |
00:23.42, |
the smell of ink and paper. |
墨水和纸张的味道 |
00:25.92, |
One more reason iPads are better. |
又多了一个平板电脑更好的理由 |
00:28.59, |
They reviewed my planetarium show. |
他们评论了我的天文台节目 |
00:31.28, |
Yeah. It's on page three of the Arts and Leisure section. |
就在艺术与休闲版的第三页 |
00:42.15, |
Oh, look, they still have Far Side. |
看 居然还在刊登知名讽刺漫画《远端》 |
00:44.95, |
Oh, I don't get that one. |
这个笑话我没懂 |
00:46.68, |
Oh, he's pushing when he should be pulling. |
他应该是要拉而不是推 |
00:50.05, |
I don't think he belongs in that gifted school, then. |
那我觉得他不应该去上那家天才学校 |
00:54.02, |
- What are you doing? - Making a boat. |
你在干嘛-折纸船 |
00:55.96, |
When I was a kid, my dad showed me how. |
我小时候我爸教我折的 |
00:57.89, |
Boy, you'll do anything to avoid reading. |
天啊 为了逃避阅读 你真是花样百出 |
01:01.61, |
Guys, it's under "Things to do this weekend." |
各位 是在"周末可做的活动"栏位里 |
01:04.17, |
I can't find it. What does it say? |
我找不到啊 写了什么 |
01:05.96, |
That it's a thing to do this weekend. |
说值得周末去看一下 |
01:09.47, |
That's great, Raj. Congratulations. |
很棒啊 拉杰 恭喜你啊 |
01:11.61, |
You know, while we're bragging, |
趁着在互相显摆 |
01:13.11, |
The Journal of Prosthetic Medicine |
《假体医学期刊》 |
01:14.92, |
just wrote up the project that Howard and I are working on. |
报道了我跟霍华德一起合作的项目呢 |
01:17.71, |
Well, you didn't tell me that. |
你没跟我说过啊 |
01:19.18, |
Oh, it just came out. It's just a little blurb. |
才刚出啦 就一小段而已 |
01:21.58, |
Oh, well, good for you. |
恭喜你啊 |
01:23.35, |
You know, Bert and I have started isolating zircons |
我跟伯特也开始了从陨石中 |
01:25.63, |
from meteorites for our dark matter search. |
孤立出皓石来进行暗物质的研究 |
01:27.68, |
Oh. Well, how nice. |
很棒啊 |
01:29.34, |
Everyone's doing impressive work. |
大家最近的工作都好棒棒啊 |
01:31.33, |
What have you been working on these days? |
那你最近都在做些什么研究呢 |
01:32.51, |
Whoa, whoa. Where'd that come from? |
哎哟喂 这一枪是从哪打来的 |
01:35.77, |
Where did what come from? |
什么枪是哪里打来 |
01:36.80, |
I try to be supportive, |
我尽量地支持大家 |
01:38.65, |
and you break out the hot lights and the rubber hose. |
你却直接对我严刑逼供 |
01:42.28, |
I just asked what you've been working on. |
我只是问了你最近在研究什么 |
01:43.86, |
Oh, my God, let it go. |
要命了 别问了好吗 |
01:46.19, |
Do you believe this guy? |
你看这人 |
01:47.62, |
I did it! |
我成功啦 |
01:51.92, |
See? It's a... it's a boat. |
看到没 是一艘船 |
01:56.14, |
It's also a hat. |
还是一顶帽子呢 |
02:27.05, |
Okay, how do you want to play this? |
来吧 你想怎么来 |
02:28.96, |
Do you want to pretend like nothing's bothering you |
是假装你没有任何烦心事 |
02:30.67, |
and blow up later, or do you just want to be |
然后之后突然爆发 还是你干脆一点 |
02:32.37, |
a maniac right now? |
现在就开始发疯 |
02:35.56, |
Nothing is bothering me. |
我没有烦心事啊 |
02:38.06, |
Fine. Be that way. |
行 那就这么着 |
02:40.10, |
If you want to talk, I'll be flushing my sinuses. |
但如果你想聊 我就在旁边洗鼻子 |
02:44.58, |
Wait. |
等等 |
02:46.01, |
I have a confession. |
我有件事想坦白 |
02:47.89, |
When I berated Leonard, |
当我怒斥莱纳德时 |
02:50.41, |
it was a clever ruse to conceal the fact |
其实那是我巧妙地掩盖 |
02:53.29, |
that I'm not working on anything. |
我最近屁事儿都没干的烟幕弹 |
02:55.92, |
Well, I think I speak for everyone |
我觉得我的话能代表大家的心声 |
02:57.95, |
when I say, "No!" |
那就是"真的假的" |
03:01.47, |
The truth is I have nothing of interest to pursue. |
其实我最近没有任何感兴趣的项目 |
03:05.51, |
Well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity |
或许现在是个很棒的机会 |
03:07.60, |
to take some time for yourself and refocus. |
来沉淀自己 重新找到方向 |
03:10.35, |
I'm sure you'll find something you're excited about. |
我相信你一定能找到你感兴趣的研究方向 |
03:13.51, |
Thank you, Amy. |
谢谢你 艾米 |
03:15.33, |
I don't know what I'd do without you. |
没有你我真不知道该怎么办 |
03:18.51, |
Hey, can I stay here? Sheldon kicked me out. |
我能待在这里吗 谢尔顿把我踢出来了 |
03:22.19, |
Well, is everything okay? |
没事吧 |
03:23.54, |
Yeah. He just wants some alone time to work. |
没事啦 他只是想独处做些工作 |
03:26.01, |
Fine. Make yourself at home. |
那好 当自己家吧 |
03:27.21, |
Yeah. We were just about to watch a little TV. |
对啊 我们正打算看点电视节目 |
03:28.76, |
You're welcome to join us. |
欢迎你跟我们一起看啊 |
03:29.74, |
Thanks. I'll be right with you. |
谢谢 我马上过来看 |
03:31.10, |
I just have to, uh, do my neti pot. |
等我先洗一下鼻子就行 |
03:43.77, |
So what are you guys gonna watch? |
你们打算看什么呢 |
03:48.63, |
Okay. |
好了 |
03:50.57, |
Hey, uh, what do you think we should open our show with? |
你觉得我们开场应该用哪首歌 |
03:52.62, |
Uh, "Thor and Doctor Jones" |
雷神索尔与博士琼斯 |
03:54.28, |
or "Let's Get Astrophysical"? |
还是"更太空物理[亲密]点吧" |
03:57.96, |
I don't know. I think we should start with something |
不知道了 我觉得开场应该用 |
03:59.16, |
that gets them up on their feet. |
会让他们站起来的热血歌曲 |
04:01.07, |
Maybe "Sherlock Around the Clock." |
或许"马不停蹄夏洛克"吧 |
04:03.98, |
Great, yeah. Uh, let's give it a try. |
不错 有道理 来试试 |
04:09.18, |
Halley's napping! Keep it down! |
哈雷在午睡 小声点 |
04:11.95, |
Oh. Right. Sorry. |
好 对不起 |
04:13.83, |
It's cool. We don't need volume to rock. |
没事 我们摇滚不靠大声 |
04:17.15, |
Instead of blowing the roof off this place, |
不用把屋顶嗨到掀飞 |
04:18.59, |
we can gently lift it off |
我们就温柔地举起屋顶 |
04:20.32, |
and set it quietly down in the backyard. |
再轻轻将它放到后院 |
04:24.85, |
Okay. |
好 |
04:25.33, |
One, two, three, four. |
一 二 三 四 |
04:28.92, |
♪ 福尔摩斯对华生说话 ♪ |
♪ Holmes said to Watson ♪ |
04:30.79, |
♪ 在他们贝克街 ♪ |
♪ On Baker Street ♪ |
04:32.20, |
♪ 出发吧 医生 ♪ |
♪ Come on, Doctor ♪ |
04:33.83, |
♪ 是时候该出发了 ♪ |
♪ Time to move them feet ♪ |
04:35.85, |
Sing it with us. |
跟我们一起唱 |
04:37.56, |
♪ 夏洛克 夏洛克 ♪ |
♪ Sherlock, Sherlock ♪ |
04:39.65, |
♪ 马不停蹄夏洛克 ♪ |
♪ Sherlock around the clock ♪ |
04:41.47, |
We can't hear you. |
再唱大声点 |
04:43.11, |
♪ 夏洛克 夏洛克 ♪ |
♪ Sherlock, Sherlock ♪ |
04:45.07, |
♪ 马不停蹄夏洛克 ♪ |
♪ Sherlock around the clock ♪ |
04:49.67, |
Nice going. |
干得漂亮啊 |
04:50.97, |
Sorry. Sorry. I'll get her. |
对不起 抱歉 我去哄她 |
04:53.86, |
One sec. |
稍等 |
04:56.62, |
You bought diapers, right? |
你买尿布了 对吧 |
05:00.40, |
Be right back. |
马上回来 |
05:02.49, |
Rock and roll! |
摇滚万岁 |
05:08.15, |
Okay. Scratch paper, check. |
好的 草稿纸 有了 |
05:11.08, |
Whiteboard, check. |
白板 有了 |
05:12.60, |
Chex Mix, check. |
综合零嘴 有了 |
05:15.87, |
And here we go. |
正式开始 |
05:20.15, |
Oh, dang it. |
靠 |
05:23.56, |
Hello, Mother. |
你好啊 妈妈 |
05:24.84, |
Hi there, Shelly. You will never believe |
你好啊 谢利 你绝对想不到 |
05:26.57, |
who I ran into at the barbecue festival. |
烧烤节上我遇见谁了 |
05:29.77, |
I am right in the middle of some very important work. |
我正忙着很重要的工作呢 |
05:32.29, |
I don't have time for this right now. |
我现在没空聊这些有的没的 |
05:34.39, |
Then why did you answer the phone? |
那你为什么接我电话 |
05:37.18, |
Because you raised me to be polite. |
因为你教育我做人要有礼貌 |
05:38.40, |
Now stop bothering me. |
不要再打扰我了 |
06:09.99, |
Hello again. |
再次问好 |
06:12.75, |
Who did you see at the barbecue festival? |
你在烧烤节上遇到谁了 |
06:15.27, |
Mr. Watkins. |
沃特金斯先生 |
06:17.11, |
Really? |
不是吧 |
06:18.42, |
You called me and interrupted my work to tell me |
你在我工作到一半的时候打电话打扰我 |
06:20.75, |
that you ran into somebody you could plausibly run into? |
就为了这个你本来就有可能遇到的人吗 |
06:23.59, |
I'm sorry, Mother, I really need to focus here. |
对不起 妈 我真的得专心工作了 |
06:26.05, |
I will speak to you next week. |
我下周再跟您联系 |
06:27.57, |
Okay, sweetheart. I'll talk to you then. |
好 亲爱的 我们下周聊 |
06:39.58, |
I thought Mr. Watkins moved to Florida. |
沃特金斯先生不是搬去佛罗里达了吗 |
06:42.70, |
He did. He was back visiting his son. |
是啊 他回来看他儿子 |
06:45.97, |
Oh, gosh darn it, that is interesting. |
要亲命了 还真是有趣 |
06:49.15, |
Was it Tommy or Joe? |
是看汤米还是看乔 |
06:50.41, |
I bet it was Joe, 'cause he and Tommy had a falling out |
应该是看乔吧 他跟汤米因为 |
06:52.15, |
over that time-share. |
分时度假的事闹了不愉快 |
06:56.24, |
You guys do anything fun after dinner? |
你们昨天晚餐后有做什么好玩的事吗 |
06:58.21, |
Well, actually Amy came back over and we hung out. |
艾米后来又回我家 我们一起玩了 |
07:00.71, |
Did you know that we're both spelling bee champs? |
你知道我们都曾是拼字比赛冠军吗 |
07:02.99, |
We stayed up for hours trying to stump each other. |
我们熬了好几个小时试图打败对方 |
07:06.85, |
Who won? |
谁赢了 |
07:07.87, |
Oh, she thought she had me with "Appoggiatura," |
她以为她能用花音[装饰音的一种]打败我 |
07:10.79, |
but I shut that down expeditiously. |
但我以迅雷不及掩耳之势灭了她 |
07:13.81, |
E-x-p-e-d-i-t-i-o-u-s-l-y. |
卂辶雨田不及扌奄耳之执力 |
07:16.59, |
Expeditiously. |
迅雷不及掩耳之势 |
07:20.06, |
I bet that made Penny take off all of her clothes. |
我猜你"威猛"的样子让佩妮宽衣解带 |
07:24.24, |
Put her pajamas on and then go to bed early. |
再换上睡衣早早睡觉去了吧 |
07:27.63, |
At, like, 9:00. |
对啊 九点就去睡了 |
07:31.58, |
Oh, are we still on for band practice this evening? |
我们今晚还练团吗 |
07:33.83, |
Oh, shoot. |
我靠 |
07:35.26, |
I promised I would take Halley over to Bernadette's parents. |
我答应了带哈雷去我岳父岳母家 |
07:38.58, |
- Dude, the gig is, like, next weekend. - I know. |
-兄弟 表演就在下周末呢 -我知道 |
07:41.14, |
I'm sorry. I really want to do this, |
对不起 我真的很想好好演出 |
07:43.17, |
but I just don't think I have the time. |
但我好像真的没有时间 |
07:46.05, |
Okay. I-I guess I'll have to cancel. |
好吧 那我可能只能取消演出了 |
07:48.48, |
Toby Greenbaum will have to become a man without us. |
托比·格林鲍姆不能在我们的加持下长大了 |
07:51.98, |
Too bad, you guys kill at bar mitzvahs. |
太可惜了 你们可是成年礼之王啊 |
07:54.32, |
And other events that people can't leave. |
在其他观众不能随意离开的活动也是一霸 |
07:58.74, |
I don't want to be the one who breaks up the band. |
我不想成为拆散乐队的人 |
08:01.82, |
You know, maybe you should... |
但或许你应该... |
08:04.42, |
think about replacing me. |
想想找谁来代替我 |
08:06.14, |
Okay.-I mean, |
好啊-我意思是 |
08:09.03, |
I know it'll be hard since we... |
我知道这很难 因为我们... |
08:10.83, |
Oh, I bet Bert could do it. He plays guitar. |
我觉得伯特能行 他会弹吉他 |
08:13.49, |
I'm gonna go ask him. |
我去问问他 |
08:17.33, |
I guess he forgot that I play the cello. |
我猜他忘了我会拉大提琴 |
08:21.49, |
I-I don't think he did. |
我觉得他并没有忘 |
08:26.34, |
Okay, I think it's ready. |
好了 我觉得已经准备就绪 |
08:28.17, |
Should we put on safety goggles? |
我们要戴护目镜吗 |
08:29.65, |
Well, the funnest fun is the safest fun, so yes. |
最安全的乐子就是最有趣的乐子 当然戴 |
08:35.00, |
Oh, Amy, you're here... again. |
艾米你又... 返场啦 |
08:38.39, |
Yeah, Sheldon said he needed another night to work, |
谢尔顿说他需要再多一晚独处工作 |
08:40.54, |
so I said I'd give him some space. |
所以我就说那我给他空间 |
08:42.32, |
So what's all this? |
这是在干嘛 |
08:43.37, |
Well, Amy and I were talking about old science fair projects, |
我跟艾米在聊以前做过的科学展览报告 |
08:46.11, |
and how fun it would be to recreate them. |
然后就想到重新做一次会多有意思 |
08:47.81, |
We're making hot ice. |
我们要做热冰 |
08:49.47, |
It's pretty cool. |
很酷[冷] |
08:50.68, |
Nice one. |
好哏 |
08:53.60, |
Turns out we both did this |
我们发现我们两人 |
08:54.73, |
as our science fair projects in ninth grade. |
都为九年级的科学展览报告做了这个 |
08:56.99, |
Do you remember any of your high school projects? |
你还记得你高中时期做过什么吗 |
08:58.87, |
Uh, well, I remember telling Jenny Runyon |
我还记得跟珍妮·鲁尼恩说 |
09:02.89, |
that I would teach her how to flirt with boys |
我愿意教她怎么勾引男生 |
09:04.81, |
if she put my name on her project. |
只要她在科学报告上写我名字就行 |
09:06.60, |
I got an "A," She got pregnant. |
我喜获了"A" 她喜获麟儿 |
09:10.57, |
Girls like you are why I had to come straight home after school. |
你这样的女孩害我放学得立刻回家 |
09:15.35, |
Check this out. |
看好了 |
09:18.44, |
Look at that. |
我看看 |
09:20.20, |
Wow, that's amazing. |
这好厉害啊 |
09:22.65, |
The crystallization is an exothermic process, |
它的结晶是一种放热过程 |
09:24.84, |
so the ice is actually hot. |
所以这个冰是热的 |
09:26.43, |
- I won first place for this. - So did I. |
这作品让我得了第一-我也是 |
09:28.45, |
I threw Jenny's baby shower. |
我为珍妮举办了迎婴派对 |
09:31.55, |
Oh, hey, in seventh grade, |
七年级的时候 |
09:33.03, |
I built a cobra wave. You want to do that? |
我做了眼镜蛇波 你想来做这个吗 |
09:34.97, |
Oh, we can come up with a wave speed formula, |
我们可以想出波速公式 |
09:37.27, |
and see how accurately we can predict the amplitude. |
看看我们能多精准地预测它的振幅 |
09:39.42, |
Wow, I didn't think anything could top |
哇 我还以为昨晚的 |
09:40.87, |
last night's spelling bee, but here comes math. |
拼字大赛已经登峰造极 但数学更无聊一筹啊 |
09:44.48, |
I'm sorry, we-we don't have to do more experiments. |
抱歉 我们可以不继续做实验 |
09:47.01, |
Let's do something we can all enjoy. |
来做点我们大家都喜欢做的事吧 |
09:49.18, |
Hey, uh, you want to watch that show you like |
你想来看你喜欢的那个节目 |
09:51.35, |
where people want to buy a house and then they do? |
就是有人想买房子 然后就去买了的节目吗 |
09:55.18, |
No, no, you guys do your experiments. |
不不不 你们做实验吧 |
09:56.79, |
I'll go pick up dinner. |
我去带晚饭回来 |
09:57.77, |
Are you sure? |
你确定吗 |
09:58.44, |
Yeah, you're having science fun, |
对啊 你们在享受科学 |
09:59.73, |
and I don't want to interfere, or watch you. |
我不想打扰你们 也不想看 |
10:11.15, |
Did I actually do it? |
我真的算出来了吗 |
10:13.88, |
I did. I did. |
真的耶 真的 |
10:20.65, |
The answer is one in 18 million. |
答案是1800万分之一 |
10:23.12, |
What is? |
什么东西是 |
10:25.34, |
The odds of you running into Mr. Watkins. |
你遇见沃特金斯先生的几率啊 |
10:28.67, |
Oh, Shelly. I have bad news. |
谢利 我有个坏消息 |
10:30.77, |
Mr. Watkins passed this morning. |
沃特金斯先生今早去世了 |
10:34.82, |
Oh, I'm-I'm sorry. |
我很遗憾 |
10:36.93, |
I know. What are the odds of that? |
是啊 得什么几率才碰到这种事啊 |
10:40.73, |
Call you back. |
晚点打给你 |
10:48.57, |
Now let's calculate the amplitude! |
现在我们来计算振幅吧 |
10:50.37, |
All right! |
好哒 |
10:58.23, |
Sheldon? Sheldon? Sheldon? |
谢尔顿 谢尔顿 谢尔顿 |
11:04.53, |
It's annoying when you do it. |
你学我这么敲时很烦人 |
11:07.33, |
I brought pizza. |
我给你带了披萨 |
11:08.59, |
Oh, thank you. |
谢谢 |
11:10.82, |
I have been working pretty hard. |
我一直在埋头苦干 |
11:12.23, |
I-I could use a break. |
也该休息一下了 |
11:14.04, |
What's that? |
那是什么 |
11:15.23, |
Oh, yeah, that is an experiment |
那个啊 是一个实验 |
11:17.31, |
to see how many parallelograms I could draw |
看看我憋着气不呼吸时 |
11:20.10, |
while holding my breath. |
能画几个平行四边形 |
11:23.03, |
Is that where you blacked out? |
你是在那个地方昏过去的吗 |
11:26.27, |
No, actually, |
不 其实 |
11:27.68, |
that's where I blacked out. |
那里才是我真正昏过去的地方 |
11:31.24, |
And this? |
这个呢 |
11:32.40, |
That is a list |
这是一张清单 |
11:33.69, |
of all the different types of natural disasters. |
上面列出了全部不同类型的自然灾害 |
11:36.79, |
Fire-quake? |
火震 |
11:39.30, |
I made that one up. |
那个是我瞎编的 |
11:41.62, |
Which I shouldn't have, because now I'm scared of it. |
其实我不该这么做 现在我害怕它真会发生 |
11:44.89, |
Hey, I thought you were working on actual science. |
我还以为你研究的是真正的科学呢 |
11:47.35, |
I am. |
是啊 |
11:48.24, |
I'm trying to come up with a new approach to dark matter, |
我试图想出研究暗物质的新思路 |
11:50.87, |
but people keep distracting me. |
但总有人让我分心 |
11:52.54, |
First, my mother kept answering the phone when I called, |
首先是我妈 我一打电话她就接 |
11:54.94, |
even though she knew I was busy. |
即便她知道我忙得不行 |
11:57.14, |
And now you show up with my favorite shape of food-- |
而现在你又带着我最喜欢的形状食物出现 |
11:59.42, |
a circle made of triangles served in a square box. |
由三角形组成的圆形被装进正方形的盒子里 |
12:03.83, |
Maybe I'll just eat this in the laundry room. |
要不我还是去洗衣房吃算了 |
12:05.61, |
No, no. Wait. |
别别 等等 |
12:06.86, |
You don't have to go, |
你不用走 |
12:07.76, |
as long as you sit quietly and don't say anything. |
你只要乖乖坐好别出声就行 |
12:10.98, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
12:19.58, |
Good. |
好吃 |
12:25.73, |
Are you mocking me? |
你是在模仿嘲讽我吗 |
12:27.54, |
on the nose[在鼻子上/说对了] |
12:32.85, |
Hey, you want to hear one of my geology songs? |
你想不想听我其中一首地质学歌 |
12:36.52, |
So it's about rocks? |
是关于岩石的吗 |
12:38.00, |
Better. It's about a boulder. |
比这厉害多了 是关于巨石的 |
12:41.04, |
Isn't that the same thing? |
本质不都是石头吗 |
12:42.67, |
Far from it. |
远非如此 |
12:43.83, |
A boulder has a diameter greater than 25.6 centimeters. |
巨石的直径通常大于25.6厘米 |
12:48.02, |
Is that fact in the song? |
这知识也在那歌里吗 |
12:50.17, |
No. |
没有 |
12:52.04, |
Yes. |
有啦 |
12:55.25, |
It's sung from the viewpoint of the boulder |
歌词唱的是追赶 |
12:57.15, |
that chases Indiana Jones. |
印第安纳·琼斯的那块巨石 |
12:55.25, |
《夺宝奇兵1》中曾出现主角被巨石穷追不舍的经典桥段 |
12:59.24, |
That's right up our alley. Let's hear it. |
那正好符合我们的风格 唱来听听吧 |
13:05.02, |
♪ 秘鲁深处 独守古庙 ♪ |
♪ Alone in my temple in the middle of Peru ♪ |
13:09.71, |
♪ 巨石如我 无事可做 ♪ |
♪ A giant stone ball with nothing much to do ♪ |
13:13.38, |
♪ 谁敢偷我神像 ♪ |
♪ But if you steal my idol ♪ |
13:16.60, |
♪ 直接把你压扁 ♪ |
♪ I will roll right over you ♪ |
13:20.41, |
♪ 因为我是六吨重的花岗岩和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ 'Cause I'm six tons of granite and micaceous schist ♪ |
13:24.95, |
♪ 没错 六吨重的花岗岩 ♪ |
♪ Yeah, I'm six tons of granite and ♪ |
13:27.95, |
♪ 和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ Micaceous schist ♪ |
13:29.57, |
♪ 因为我是六吨重的花岗岩和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ Yeah, I'm six tons of granite and, uh, micaceous schist ♪ |
13:33.94, |
♪ 没错 六吨重的花岗岩 ♪ |
♪ Yeah, I'm six tons of granite ♪ |
13:36.60, |
♪ 和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ And, uh, micaceous schist ♪ |
13:40.45, |
So, I think if we want to predict the height of the wave, |
我觉得如果想预测起伏的高度 |
13:43.61, |
we need to use elasticity theory |
我们需要用到弹性理论 |
13:45.73, |
and model the lattice |
还要将格架作为 |
13:46.85, |
as one continuous flexible piece. |
一个连续柔性块的模型 |
13:49.30, |
This is fun. |
这真有意思 |
13:50.63, |
Playing with Popsicle sticks, |
一边玩冰棒棍 |
13:52.30, |
exploring ways to store kinetic energy. |
一边探索存储动能的方式 |
13:54.67, |
It's like preschool all over again. |
仿佛又回到了幼儿园 |
13:57.78, |
Except now if I eat paste, it's because I want to, |
除了现在如果我要吃浆糊 是因为我想吃 |
14:00.01, |
not because Craig Schultz is making me. |
而不是因为克雷格·舒尔茨逼我 |
14:03.90, |
Hey, can I ask you a question? |
我能问你个问题吗 |
14:05.40, |
Is it, "Where was the teacher?" |
是要问"当时老师在哪儿"吗 |
14:06.67, |
She was in the bathroom smoking, that's where. |
她在洗手间抽烟呢 就是那儿 |
14:10.32, |
It wasn't, but I'm glad to see you've moved on. |
不是啦 不过我很高兴你走出阴霾了 |
14:14.42, |
I was gonna ask if being married felt any different. |
我本来是要问 结婚不结婚有什么不一样 |
14:17.61, |
Oh. Uh... not really. |
好像...没什么不一样 |
14:21.29, |
Sorry. That probably wasn't the answer you were looking for. |
抱歉 这可能不是你想听到的答案 |
14:23.75, |
No, actually it is. |
不 恰恰就是 |
14:26.00, |
I mean, Sheldon and I are in a really great place right now, |
我的意思是 我和谢尔顿现在的感情非常好 |
14:28.75, |
and I just, I don't want anything to mess that up. |
我不想让任何事情破坏它 |
14:31.80, |
You do remember you're here |
你没忘记你之所以在这儿 |
14:33.04, |
because he kicked you out of your apartment? |
是因为他把你从你们家踢出来吧 |
14:36.35, |
Yes. |
没忘啊 |
14:37.63, |
His work is important to him. |
他的工作对他很重要 |
14:40.04, |
It's one of the things I find |
这正是我觉得他 |
14:41.49, |
the sexiest about him. |
性感的地方之一 |
14:43.75, |
Well, that and... |
这个还有... |
14:51.60, |
...his butt. |
他的小翘臀 |
14:55.88, |
And then I was thinking about |
那时我在考虑要不要 |
14:57.21, |
inventing a new dark matter particle |
创造一种新的暗物质粒子 |
14:59.26, |
to evade the omega baryon constraints, |
避开Ω粒子约束 |
15:01.36, |
but that just seems like something anyone could come up with. |
但那没难度 感觉随便一个人都能想出来 |
15:05.65, |
Agreed. |
同意 |
15:07.98, |
You know what's blowing my mind? |
你知道什么让我惊讶吗 |
15:10.09, |
Somebody thought about putting cheese in this crust. |
居然有人想出把芝士塞进披萨边里 |
15:15.82, |
I just wish I could find something that excites me. |
我就是希望我能找到能引起我兴趣的事物 |
15:19.05, |
You do understand that crust doesn't normally |
你能理解通常披萨边里面 |
15:21.33, |
come with cheese in it? |
是不会有芝士的吧 |
15:24.29, |
Okay, all right, look. |
好吧好吧 听着 |
15:25.70, |
What got you excited about dark matter in the first place? |
暗物质一开始是哪点吸引了你的兴趣 |
15:29.12, |
Well, I left string theory, |
当时我放弃了弦理论 |
15:31.92, |
which I'd been working on for a long time, |
那个方向其实我已经研究了很长时间了 |
15:33.79, |
and everyone was talking about how cool dark matter was, |
人人都在谈论暗物质有多酷 |
15:36.81, |
and I thought, "Well, sure, I'll give that a whirl" |
于是我就想 "行吧 我来试试" |
15:39.78, |
So it's your rebound science? |
所以它是你的备胎科学 |
15:44.21, |
What's that? |
什么意思 |
15:45.38, |
Well, not the science you spend the rest of your life with, |
意思就是 暗物质不是你想共度余生的科学 |
15:47.68, |
but the one you use to make yourself feel pretty again. |
只是能让你重新自我感觉良好 |
15:53.43, |
Well, if I'm being honest, |
如果要我老实说 |
15:54.97, |
I never forgot about string theory. |
其实我从没忘掉过弦理论 |
15:57.07, |
It's remarkable. |
它太出色了 |
15:58.38, |
It's the closest we've come to a theory of everything, |
它是目前我们最接近能解释一切的一种理论 |
16:01.34, |
something even Einstein couldn't figure out. |
甚至连爱因斯坦都想不明白 |
16:04.24, |
Well, if he couldn't figure it out, maybe it's just wrong. |
如果他都想不明白 或许其本身就是错的 |
16:08.35, |
But it's so elegant. |
但它那么优雅 |
16:09.73, |
I mean, look, string theory posits |
我是说 听着 弦理论假定 |
16:13.14, |
that the fundamental particles we see in three dimensions |
我们在三维空间看见的基本粒子 |
16:16.13, |
are actually strings embedded in multidimensional space-time. |
其实是嵌在多维时空的弦 |
16:22.02, |
Interesting. |
有意思 |
16:24.93, |
So that would mean... |
所以那就是说... |
16:27.97, |
that... |
那个... |
16:31.05, |
Can't do this by myself, buddy. |
该配合我的演出你视而不见 |
16:43.44, |
What is happening? |
你在搞什么鬼 |
16:47.12, |
I was trying not to wake you. |
我试着尽量不吵醒你 |
16:48.70, |
Did it work? |
成功了吗 |
16:51.51, |
Sorry. |
抱歉 |
16:52.57, |
I just realized, |
我刚意识到 |
16:54.51, |
now that I'm not in the band, |
现在我不组乐队了 |
16:55.73, |
I can focus on my own music. |
我可以专注搞我自己的音乐了 |
16:58.56, |
You know? Go solo. |
就是单飞啊 |
17:02.90, |
You said you were taking a break from the band |
你说你是暂别乐队 |
17:04.42, |
to help with me and the baby. |
好照顾我和宝宝 |
17:06.40, |
Yes, and write an astronaut musical. |
对啊 还有写一出宇航员音乐剧 |
17:10.19, |
Picture this. The curtain opens. |
想象一下 幕布拉开 |
17:12.15, |
There's a lone astronaut floating |
一位宇航员独自飘浮在 |
17:14.35, |
in the inky blackness of space. |
漆黑的太空 |
17:15.81, |
Maybe wires, maybe fog. |
或许有各种线 或许有雾 |
17:18.07, |
I'll let the director figure that out. |
这交给导演去想吧 |
17:21.68, |
♪ 真不知道何时 ♪ |
♪ I really don't know when ♪ |
17:24.68, |
♪ 我会缺氧而...死 ♪ |
♪ I'll run out of oxy... gen. ♪ |
17:32.35, |
Good news! I'm back in the band! |
好消息 我重回乐队了 |
17:35.23, |
So, Bernadette doesn't mind? |
伯纳黛特不介意了吗 |
17:37.07, |
It was her idea! |
是她提议让我回来的 |
17:42.32, |
So it's sort of like a guitar string, |
所以这有点像吉他弦 |
17:44.40, |
but instead of making an actual sound, |
但它不会发出真正的声音 |
17:46.47, |
each vibration is a different particle. |
每一次振动是一种不同的粒子 |
17:48.80, |
Precisely. And when you express it in 11 dimensions, |
完全正确 当你在11维空间弹时 |
17:52.31, |
Einstein's relativity equations pop out. |
爱因斯坦的相对论方程会出现 |
17:54.54, |
Does that sound like a coincidence? |
那听起来像是巧合吗 |
17:55.76, |
- It does not. - Yup. |
不像-对 |
17:58.34, |
That's what I think. |
我就是这么想的 |
18:00.34, |
So, so, did we do it? Did we just solve string theory? |
所以我们成功了吗 我们刚是解出了弦理论吗 |
18:04.61, |
I appreciate your enthusiasm, |
我不想打击你的热情 |
18:07.06, |
but this is not the sort of thing |
但这可不是我们 |
18:08.43, |
we can figure out in a night. |
一晚上就能想明白的事情 |
18:09.80, |
People have been stuck on this for decades. |
人们研究了好几十年都没有突破呢 |
18:11.90, |
Well, decades? Really? |
几十年 太扯了吧 |
18:13.62, |
It's-it's a string. How hard can it be? |
不就是一根弦吗 能有多难啊 |
18:16.98, |
It's straight, it's in a loop, |
它是直的 循环的 |
18:18.60, |
it gets knotted up with other strings. Uh... |
跟其他弦打结系在一起 |
18:20.89, |
Well, actually there are no knots |
其实超过四维后 |
18:22.85, |
in anything greater than four dimensions. |
任何事物不可能存在结点 |
18:24.99, |
Ooh, unless |
除非... |
18:27.29, |
we get around that by considering them as sheets. |
我们绕过这一点 把结点看成片状 |
18:31.39, |
You know, topologically speaking, |
拓扑地来说 |
18:33.12, |
that has a lot of interesting possibilities. |
那就有很多有趣的可能性了 |
18:36.42, |
See? How long did that take me, like a minute? |
瞧 我花了多长时间 有一分钟吗 |
18:44.79, |
Thought you were getting us dinner. |
我以为你去给我们带饭了呢 |
18:46.01, |
Sorry. I had to stop at Sheldon's |
抱歉 我在谢尔顿家待了一阵 |
18:47.59, |
and help him solve string theory. |
帮忙他解决弦理论 |
18:54.54, |
What? |
什么 |
18:56.98, |
Yeah, turns out the answer's knots. |
是啊 结果发现答案是结点 |
18:59.70, |
That's cute, but you can't have knots |
想法挺可爱 但超过四维后 |
19:01.46, |
in more than four dimensions. |
不可能存在结点 |
19:02.98, |
Mm, you can if you consider them sheets. |
如果你将其看成片状就存在啊 |
19:06.32, |
Good night. |
晚安啦 |
19:17.81, |
What up, my Hebrews and She-brews?! |
各位好 我的希伯来弟和希伯来妹 |
19:22.49, |
We are Footprints on the Moon. |
我们是月球足迹乐队 |
19:26.45, |
Toby, today you are a man, |
托比 今天你成年了 |
19:28.38, |
and you will face many obstacles in life. |
今后你会在生活中面临很多障碍 |
19:30.73, |
And some of those obstacles are gonna feel like boulders. |
有一些障碍会让你觉得犹如巨石 |
19:36.36, |
This first song is about the greatest boulder |
第一首歌是关于电影史上 |
19:39.26, |
in the history of cinema. |
最伟大的巨石 |
19:43.00, |
One, two, three. |
一 二 三 |
19:49.96, |
♪ 秘鲁深处 独守古庙 ♪ |
♪ Alone in my temple in the middle of Peru ♪ |
19:54.47, |
♪ 巨石如我 无事可做 ♪ |
♪ A giant stone ball with nothing much to do ♪ |
19:59.08, |
♪ 谁敢偷我神像 ♪ |
♪ But if you steal my idol ♪ |
20:01.95, |
♪ 直接把你压扁 ♪ |
♪ I will roll right over you ♪ |
20:05.60, |
♪ 因为我是六吨重的花岗岩 ♪ |
♪ 'Cause I'm six tons of granite ♪ |
20:08.10, |
♪ 和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ And micaceous schist ♪ |
20:10.52, |
♪ 没错 六吨重的花岗岩 ♪ |
♪ Yeah, I'm six tons of granite and ♪ |
20:13.19, |
♪ 和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ Micaceous schist ♪ |
20:17.82, |
♪ 我要压碎你 我要碾扁你 ♪ |
♪ I'm gonna crush you, I'm gonna mush you ♪ |
20:20.12, |
♪ 你偷我神像 你尸体已凉 ♪ |
♪ You took my idol, I'm homicidal ♪ |
20:22.49, |
♪ 我要把你碾得肝脑涂地 ♪ |
♪ Gonna roll over you till your brains come out ♪ |
20:25.09, |
♪ 压得你骨头粉碎 血肉横飞 ♪ |
♪ And your bones will crunch and your blood will spout! ♪ |
20:29.22, |
I'm not just a rock, baby, |
我不仅仅是块石头 宝贝 |
20:31.00, |
I'm also a boulder. |
我还是块巨石 |
20:38.01, |
♪ 因为我是六吨重的花岗岩 ♪ |
♪ 'Cause I'm six tons of granite ♪ |
20:41.13, |
♪ 和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ Micaceous schist ♪ |
20:43.09, |
♪ 没错 六吨重的花岗岩 ♪ |
♪ Yeah, I'm six tons of granite and ♪ |
20:46.00, |
♪ 和云母片岩 ♪ |
♪ Micaceous schist ♪ |