第十一季 第二十一集 |
0,0:00:05.78, |
What are you doing? |
你在干嘛 |
0,0:00:07.17, |
Pigeon check for Sheldon. |
帮谢尔顿检查有没有鸽子 |
0,0:00:10.39, |
North side's all clear! |
北面检查完毕 |
0,0:00:11.95, |
Great. Let's look at some planets! |
太好了 来观测星球吧 |
0,0:00:15.31, |
Hey, why'd you lug your telescope all the way over here? |
为什么要把你的望远镜大老远拖过来啊 |
0,0:00:17.42, |
Leonard has one in our apartment. |
家里莱纳德也有一个啊 |
0,0:00:18.70, |
Yeah, I'm gonna use Leonard's. |
对对对 要我用莱纳德的那个 |
0,0:00:20.39, |
Might as well hold my hand up like this and squint. |
还不如干脆把我的手卷成这样再眯眼看 |
0,0:00:26.09, |
I don't know. It seemed pretty good. |
还好吧 感觉他那个还不错啊 |
0,0:00:27.42, |
You know, once when the cable went out, |
有一次我们家有线电视没了 |
0,0:00:28.58, |
I watched an entire episode of The Bachelor |
我用那个看对街一户人家的电视 |
0,0:00:30.41, |
on a TV across the street. |
看了一整集真人秀《单身汉》 |
0,0:00:33.47, |
This one's more of a professional model. |
这个是比较专业的模型 |
0,0:00:35.37, |
So was the girl he picked! |
男主角选的也是专业的模特啊 |
0,0:00:38.23, |
This baby's got a ten-inch diameter with f/10 ACF optics. |
我这宝贝是有着十寸直径的f1/10光圈的ACF望远镜 |
0,0:00:42.64, |
And tonight Mercury is at its highest elongation. |
而今晚 水星会达到东大距 |
0,0:00:44.68, |
行星与太阳之间分离的角度达到最大时称为大距 |
水星离太阳太近 达到大距公众才好观测 |
0,0:00:46.76, |
It makes far-away things seem close, |
那会让很远的东西看起来近一点 |
0,0:00:49.25, |
and Mercury is a planet. |
另外 水星是一个行星 |
0,0:00:52.33, |
I know Mercury is a planet. |
我知道水星是行星 |
0,0:00:54.75, |
But the-the other thing was helpful. |
不过另一点挺有帮助的 |
0,0:00:57.95, |
Oh. Look at that. |
快看 |
0,0:00:59.07, |
- Neil Gaiman tweeted about my store! - What did he say? |
尼尔·盖曼发推特说了我的店-他说什么了 |
0,0:00:59.07, |
杰出作家 代表作有漫画《睡魔》系列 小说《星辰》《美国众神》 |
0,0:01:01.98, |
Uh, "Next time you're in Pasadena, |
大家下次如果去帕萨迪那市 |
0,0:01:03.69, |
Check out The Comic Center. |
记得去这家店"漫画中心"看看 |
0,0:01:05.15, |
Great vibe, old school, |
店内气氛良好 传统漫画店风格 |
0,0:01:07.06, |
the owner really knows his stuff." |
店主也十分懂行" |
0,0:01:09.06, |
Isn't that amazing? |
这是不是太赞了 |
0,0:01:10.46, |
Well, uh, it's no Sandman, but I guess we can't expect |
比不上他的《睡魔》 但我们也不能期待 |
0,0:01:13.13, |
everything he writes to be a masterpiece. |
他写出来的任何文字都是大作啊 |
0,0:01:15.98, |
When was he in your store? |
他什么时候来的你店里 |
0,0:01:17.46, |
I have no idea. I think I would remember that. |
完全不知道 他来我应该能记得啊 |
0,0:01:20.76, |
Obviously, vibranium is the most powerful metal in comics. |
振金很明显是漫画里最强的金属了 |
0,0:01:22.06, |
两天前 |
0,0:01:24.10, |
What, more powerful than adamantium? |
有比艾德曼合金强吗 |
0,0:01:26.54, |
He's right. |
拉杰说得对 |
0,0:01:27.44, |
Wolverine's claws, Ultron's outer shell. |
金刚狼的爪子 奥创的外壳 |
0,0:01:30.12, |
Need I go on? |
还需要我再举例吗 |
0,0:01:31.38, |
You don't need to, but you probably will. |
不用 但你估计还是会说 |
0,0:01:36.04, |
What about Wonder Woman's bracelets? |
那神奇女侠的手镯呢 |
0,0:01:38.00, |
Good point. |
说得好 |
0,0:01:39.12, |
Strong as a metal and fierce as a fashion choice. |
金属里的一霸 时尚界的一姐 |
0,0:01:43.71, |
You know, |
其实呢 |
0,0:01:44.13, |
Thor's hammer's pretty powerful, |
雷神索尔的锤子也很强啊 |
0,0:01:45.68, |
and in the comics, it's made out of enchanted uru. |
在漫画里是被附魔的乌鲁金属做的 |
0,0:01:49.37, |
Uh, yeah, I think it's the enchantment |
我觉得是附魔的部分让它强大 |
0,0:01:51.21, |
that's powerful, not the uru, |
不是乌鲁自己本身强大 |
0,0:01:52.70, |
but, uh, thanks for playing. |
不过还是感谢你参与讨论啊 |
0,0:01:57.96, |
Oh, man, I can't believe Neil Gaiman came in, |
可恶 真不敢相信尼尔·盖曼来你店里 |
0,0:02:00.12, |
and we weren't even there. |
而我们却没在场 |
0,0:02:30.83, |
Can you see Mercury? Can you see it? |
你看到水星了吗 你能看到吗 |
0,0:02:33.44, |
One second. |
等一下啦 |
0,0:02:35.24, |
You know, the Greek version of Mercury, Hermes, |
希腊神话中赫耳墨斯 |
0,0:02:35.24, |
也就是罗马神话中的墨丘利[水星] |
0,0:02:38.04, |
was worshipped in Athens |
当年在雅典受祭拜时 |
0,0:02:39.41, |
by the carving of giant wooden phalluses. |
人们是对着巨大的阴茎木雕来祭拜祂 |
0,0:02:42.48, |
Please, Amy, |
求你了 艾米 |
0,0:02:43.86, |
get your mind out of the ancient Athenian gutter. |
能不能从古雅典人的污秽思想里出来 |
0,0:02:47.77, |
Got another follower. I'm blowing up. |
又涨一个新粉丝 我要火啦 |
0,0:02:51.43, |
Great. How many does that make? |
厉害 现在有多少粉了 |
0,0:02:52.72, |
High double digits. |
两位数高段班 |
0,0:02:53.83, |
- The nineties? ?- Mid double digits. |
-90多粉丝啦 -两位数中段班 |
0,0:02:57.92, |
Hey, uh, Penny, do you want to check this out? |
佩妮 你想来看看吗 |
0,0:02:59.55, |
Yeah, sure. |
好啊 |
0,0:03:00.42, |
All right, just, uh, look through here, |
好的 从这里看 |
0,0:03:01.62, |
and if you want to take a picture, just push that button. |
如果你想拍照 就按这个按钮 |
0,0:03:03.72, |
Okay. |
行 |
0,0:03:05.99, |
Oh, what is that? |
那是什么啊 |
0,0:03:07.47, |
Is it Mercury? I'm really jonesing for Mercury. |
是水星吗 我特别萌水星 |
0,0:03:11.19, |
I think it's a little early for Mercury to be visible yet. |
现在要看到水星还太早了点吧 |
0,0:03:14.33, |
Playing hard to get. |
玩欲擒故纵 |
0,0:03:15.65, |
I like that in a planet. |
我就喜欢这样的行星 |
0,0:03:18.63, |
No, there's something fuzzy. |
有个模糊的东西啊 |
0,0:03:20.96, |
Is it your teen years? |
是你的少女岁月吗 |
0,0:03:24.83, |
No. |
才不是 |
0,0:03:26.44, |
Yes. Shut up. |
是啦 你闭嘴 |
0,0:03:27.44, |
Look. Look at that. I think I see something. |
看 看那个 我好像看到什么了 |
0,0:03:30.12, |
It could just be your eyelash. |
很可能是你的眼睫毛而已 |
0,0:03:31.59, |
It's not an eyelash! |
才不是眼睫毛 |
0,0:03:32.82, |
Okay, well, uh, take a picture. Let's see. |
好吧 那你拍张照 我来看看 |
0,0:03:34.70, |
Okay. Here. |
好了 拍好了 |
0,0:03:41.12, |
Hmm. I do see something. |
还真有东西 |
0,0:03:43.76, |
- Told you. ?- What is it? |
我就跟你说吧-那是什么 |
0,0:03:45.33, |
I don't know. |
不知道呢 |
0,0:03:47.09, |
Maybe it's a comet. |
很可能是个彗星 |
0,0:03:48.65, |
That would be so cool. |
那就太酷了吧 |
0,0:03:50.27, |
You guys want to see a real star, look over here. |
你们想看真正的星吗 巨星就在此 |
0,0:03:53.86, |
What? |
怎么了 |
0,0:03:54.55, |
I just got retweeted... by Patton Oswalt's brother. |
单口相声演员帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特的弟弟转发我了 |
0,0:04:04.69, |
So, this is really where Neil Gaiman shops? |
尼尔·盖曼真的都来这里买吗 |
0,0:04:07.07, |
Neil Gaiman, Nicolas Cage, Natalie Portman. |
尼尔·盖曼 尼克拉斯·凯奇 娜塔莉·波特曼 |
0,0:04:09.94, |
The list goes on. |
名单可长了 |
0,0:04:11.77, |
They all come here? |
他们都来这里买吗 |
0,0:04:14.14, |
Unless I'm lying. |
除非是我撒谎了 |
0,0:04:25.06, |
Who are all these people? |
这些人都是谁啊 |
0,0:04:27.49, |
What? Is this a flash mob? |
怎么 快闪族有活动吗 |
0,0:04:31.03, |
Are they dancing? |
他们有在跳舞吗 |
0,0:04:33.90, |
I don't know what today's dancing looks like. |
我又不知道这年头大家都怎么跳舞 |
0,0:04:37.19, |
Hey, guys. That tweet actually got people to come in. |
两位 那条推特真的吸引了好多人来 |
0,0:04:40.01, |
Isn't that great? |
是不是超棒 |
0,0:04:40.96, |
No. I liked the way the store was before. |
才没有 我就喜欢这店以前那样子 |
0,0:04:43.92, |
You mean empty and sad? |
门可罗雀 惨不忍睹的样子吗 |
0,0:04:47.42, |
Yes, it was perfect. |
对啊 那简直完美 |
0,0:04:50.08, |
Like a funeral home that sells Pokemon cards. |
仿佛有在卖宝可梦卡片的殡仪馆 |
0,0:04:55.50, |
What am I supposed to do now |
我现在要是想要 |
0,0:04:56.50, |
if I want to hang out and read a comic book? |
留在店里看看漫画该怎么办 |
0,0:04:58.94, |
Go sit on the couch. |
去坐在沙发上看啊 |
0,0:05:01.86, |
Next to a stranger? |
坐在陌生人旁边吗 |
0,0:05:04.61, |
If I'm going to sit, read, and ignore a woman, |
我唯一愿意坐她旁边阅读并无视的女人 |
0,0:05:07.15, |
it's going to be my fiancee. |
只能是我未婚妻 |
0,0:05:10.11, |
Why are you being such a baby about the crowds? |
你干嘛有点人群就唧唧歪歪啊 |
0,0:05:11.84, |
You go to Comic-Con. |
你不是也去漫展的吗 |
0,0:05:13.09, |
You-- I'm sorry. |
你... 抱歉 |
0,0:05:14.10, |
You're comparing this place to Comic-Con? |
你把这里跟漫展相提并论吗 |
0,0:05:17.32, |
Well, can I go to the bathroom here next to a Wookiee |
在这里 我能在上厕所时 |
0,0:05:19.53, |
who got his zipper stuck in his fur? |
碰见拉链卡到毛发的《星战》伍基人吗 |
0,0:05:22.34, |
Wow. We go to Comic-Con for different reasons. |
我们俩去漫展的理由还真是大不同啊 |
0,0:05:26.99, |
You know what? |
这样吧 |
0,0:05:27.66, |
Just give me a copy of Action Comics 1000, |
给我一份《动作漫画》第1000期 |
0,0:05:31.05, |
and I'll be on my way. |
我买了就走 |
0,0:05:32.01, |
Sorry. All out. |
抱歉 卖完了 |
0,0:05:33.75, |
Now you just let people come in and buy them? |
你现在就随便放人进店里买吗 |
0,0:05:37.50, |
I didn't realize your soul was also for sale. |
我没意识到你连自己灵魂都卖啊 |
0,0:05:41.30, |
Well, it wasn't, but, uh, make me an offer. |
本来没卖 但你出个价就能谈 |
0,0:05:49.20, |
Who is that? |
谁啊 |
0,0:05:50.11, |
- Sheldon. ?- Who is he mad at? |
谢尔顿-他又不爽谁了 |
0,0:05:51.56, |
- Neil Gaiman. ?- Who's that? |
尼尔·盖曼-那是谁啊 |
0,0:05:52.80, |
- Not us. ?- Great. |
反正不是我们-太棒了 |
0,0:05:57.54, |
?Guys. |
两位 |
0,0:05:58.89, |
So, guess what. |
你们猜怎么着 |
0,0:06:00.81, |
That indeed was a comet last night, |
昨晚那东西的确是个彗星 |
0,0:06:03.95, |
and it turns out, no one's seen it before. |
而且呢 是从未被人发现过的 |
0,0:06:05.98, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
0,0:06:07.36, |
Look at that! I discovered a comet! Oh! |
快看 我发现了一个彗星呢 |
0,0:06:10.33, |
What do you mean you discovered it? |
什么叫你发现的 |
0,0:06:12.55, |
Well, I'm the one who saw it. |
是我看到它的啊 |
0,0:06:14.05, |
In my telescope that I positioned. |
用我摆好位置的我的望远镜 |
0,0:06:16.74, |
All you did was look into it. |
你只是看了而已 |
0,0:06:18.00, |
Well, you both discovered it. |
你们一起发现的 |
0,0:06:19.63, |
You can put both your names on the registration form. |
可以在登记表上写上你们俩的名字啊 |
0,0:06:22.10, |
- Actually, we can't. - ?Why not? |
其实我们不能-为什么 |
0,0:06:23.91, |
Because when I filled it out, it asked for name of discoverer, |
因为当我填登记表时 上面问了发现者的名 |
0,0:06:26.51, |
and I put "Rajesh Koothrappali" because... |
我写了"拉杰什·库萨帕里" 因为... |
0,0:06:29.98, |
because that's who I am, and that's what I did. |
那是我 是我发现的 |
0,0:06:33.29, |
Are you kidding me? |
你不是吧 |
0,0:06:34.43, |
Well, he is the one who knew it was a comet. |
的确 他才是知道那是彗星的人 |
0,0:06:37.04, |
No, he didn't. He thought it was an eyelash! |
他知道个屁 他以为那是我的眼睫毛 |
0,0:06:39.63, |
And you thought it was a fuzzy streak. |
你还以为那是一条模糊的东西 |
0,0:06:41.96, |
I mean, do you even know what a comet is? |
你知道什么是彗星吗 |
0,0:06:43.88, |
Yeah, the thing I saw first. |
知道啊 就是我先看到的东西 |
0,0:06:46.91, |
I honestly don't think that that qualifies as a discovery. |
我真心觉得你那样不能算是发现 |
0,0:06:49.70, |
But I took the picture. |
但照片是我拍的 |
0,0:06:50.81, |
Because I told you to! |
是因为我让你拍下来 |
0,0:06:51.99, |
Like, if a monkey took the picture, |
如果照片是一只猴子拍的 |
0,0:06:53.78, |
did it discover the comet? |
难道彗星是它发现的吗 |
0,0:06:54.99, |
Excuse me?! |
你说啥 |
0,0:06:59.03, |
Uh, he didn't mean monkey. |
他不是想说猴子 |
0,0:07:01.22, |
- Get the hell out of my apartment! - ?And she didn't mean that. |
滚出我家-她不是这意思 |
0,0:07:04.01, |
Actually, I think she did. You should go. |
好像真是这意思 你快走吧 |
0,0:07:10.14, |
You look great. |
你看起来好美 |
0,0:07:11.25, |
Oh, thanks. |
谢谢 |
0,0:07:12.04, |
Would you believe this is actually a dress |
你能相信这是我 |
0,0:07:13.33, |
from before I was pregnant? |
怀孕前的裙子吗 |
0,0:07:14.70, |
Well, it's not a competition, |
不是要跟你比较啦 |
0,0:07:15.82, |
but I wore this suit to my Bar Mitzvah. |
但我举行成年礼时就是穿的这套西装 |
0,0:07:20.51, |
Where's Stuart? |
斯图尔特在哪 |
0,0:07:21.13, |
I told him we had a 6:30 reservation. |
我跟他说了我们订了六点半的餐厅 |
0,0:07:23.00, |
Well, I'll call him. |
我打给他 |
0,0:07:27.00, |
Comic Center, where the real superhero is you. |
漫画中心 这里的超级英雄就是你 |
0,0:07:30.52, |
Stuart, you're supposed to be babysitting. |
斯图尔特 你不是要过来照看孩子吗 |
0,0:07:32.82, |
Oh! Shoot. That was tonight. I forgot. |
糟了 是今晚 我忘了 |
0,0:07:35.34, |
The store's been really busy. |
店里忙翻了 |
0,0:07:37.16, |
Well, when can you get here? |
你几点能来 |
0,0:07:38.61, |
Um, I don't think I can. Listen to this. |
我应该来不了 听我说 |
0,0:07:41.37, |
I-I was ringing up a customer, and I heard someone say, |
我刚才给一个客人收钱时 听到有人说 |
0,0:07:43.64, |
Hey, there's a line, and I looked, and there was. |
付款要排队啊 我一看 真的有个队 |
0,0:07:48.03, |
Come on. You can't do this to us. |
不是吧 你怎么能这样对我们 |
0,0:07:49.92, |
I am really sorry. I will make it up to you. |
我真的很抱歉 我会补偿你们的 |
0,0:07:53.12, |
But it won't be with a Val Kilmer Batman figurine |
但补偿礼物不会是方·基默版的蝙蝠侠手办 |
0,0:07:55.84, |
此版蝙蝠侠的观众口碑较差 |
0,0:07:55.84, |
because some sucker's buying that right now. |
因为有蠢蛋正要掏钱买这个 |
0,0:07:59.33, |
Not you. This is great. |
不是说你 这手办超赞的 |
0,0:08:03.44, |
He says he has to work. |
他说他要工作 |
0,0:08:05.04, |
Oh, it's okay. |
没关系 |
0,0:08:06.20, |
We can have date night another night. |
我们可以改天再过约会之夜 |
0,0:08:07.83, |
But you got all dressed up. |
但你都打扮好了 |
0,0:08:09.42, |
We were supposed to have dinner and romance. |
我们本来要享受晚餐和浪漫的 |
0,0:08:12.49, |
We'll just have to divide and conquer. |
我们分工合作就好了 |
0,0:08:14.48, |
I'll go to dinner, |
我负责去吃晚餐 |
0,0:08:15.52, |
and you can stay home with the Internet and have romance. |
你可以跟网络在家享受"浪漫" |
0,0:08:21.83, |
Okay, look, I Googled it. |
我上网查过了 |
0,0:08:23.27, |
I took the picture, so it's my discovery. |
我拍的照片 所以是我发现的 |
0,0:08:25.46, |
He stole my comet. |
他偷了我的彗星 |
0,0:08:26.89, |
I know, but on the other hand, do you really care? |
我知道 但话说回来 你真的在乎吗 |
0,0:08:29.57, |
Yes, I care. This happens to me all the time. |
当然在乎 我总是遇到这种事 |
0,0:08:32.14, |
People take one look at me |
大家看我一眼 |
0,0:08:33.01, |
and assume I don't know what I'm talking about. |
就认为我不知道自己在说什么 |
0,0:08:34.71, |
Oh, I'm sure that's not true. |
那一定不是真的 |
0,0:08:36.32, |
I'm sorry. Are you saying |
不好意思 你是在说 |
0,0:08:37.39, |
I don't know what I'm talking about? |
我不知道自己在说什么吗 |
0,0:08:40.40, |
No, I'm not saying anything... |
我什么都没说 |
0,0:08:42.11, |
ever again. |
再也不说了 |
0,0:08:44.29, |
Look, I'm serious. The other day at work, |
我是认真的 前几天在公司 |
0,0:08:46.19, |
I had this great idea, but no one was listening to me. |
我想出个好点子 但没人听我说话 |
0,0:08:48.39, |
And then five minutes later, Paul said the same thing, |
五分钟后 保罗说了同样的话 |
0,0:08:50.17, |
and they practically carried him around the room. |
大家简直要抬起他欢呼了 |
0,0:08:51.94, |
Oh, well, what was it? |
什么点子 |
0,0:08:53.21, |
Well, CPK for lunch, |
去加州比萨厨房吃午餐 |
0,0:08:54.75, |
but that's just one example. |
但这只是其中一个例子 |
0,0:08:57.34, |
It also happens with all the doctors I have to deal with. |
我要打交道的医生也都这样 |
0,0:08:59.35, |
You know, they're so condescending. |
他们居高临下瞧不起我 |
0,0:09:00.98, |
I'm so sick of letting this stuff slide. |
我受够了不计较这种事 |
0,0:09:02.62, |
I found that comet. Why should I let Raj say he found it? |
是我发现的彗星 凭什么让拉杰说是他发现的 |
0,0:09:05.41, |
I know you're right, but he is our friend, |
我知道你说得对 但他是我们的朋友 |
0,0:09:07.18, |
and this could be good for his career. |
而且这对他的前途也许有帮助 |
0,0:09:09.04, |
Okay, so you agree with me, but he still gets his way? |
这么说你同意我 但他还是得逞 |
0,0:09:11.76, |
Ah, there you go. Everybody wins. |
没错 大家都赢啦 |
0,0:09:14.41, |
My God, you're such a people-pleaser. |
天啊 你真是爱讨好人 |
0,0:09:16.02, |
You can't stand making anyone angry. |
你无法忍受惹别人生气 |
0,0:09:17.85, |
Why would I want to make anyone angry? |
我为什么要想惹别人生气 |
0,0:09:19.77, |
Cause it would mean you were on my side. |
因为那意味着你站在我这边 |
0,0:09:21.54, |
Oh, I am on your side. Hey, hey. |
我是站在你这边啊 |
0,0:09:24.30, |
Let's not forget who you're really mad at here-- Raj. |
我们别忘了你真正气的人是拉杰 |
0,0:09:27.57, |
Oh, and Paul. Paul sucks, right? |
还有保罗 保罗最差劲了 |
0,0:09:32.36, |
But don't tell him I said that. |
但别告诉他我这么说 |
0,0:09:36.70, |
Hey, Howard, did you see that...? |
霍华德 你看到这个了吗 |
0,0:09:47.01, |
I'm over here, Sheldon. |
我在这 谢尔顿 |
0,0:09:50.32, |
That was a close one. |
刚才好险啊 |
0,0:09:52.18, |
I almost went home with that guy. |
我差点就跟那哥们回家了 |
0,0:09:55.39, |
You doing okay? Do we need to go? |
你还好吗 我们要走吗 |
0,0:09:57.54, |
No, I'm fine. |
我没事 |
0,0:09:59.36, |
I admit all these people did take me by surprise at first, |
我承认这些人一开始让我措手不及 |
0,0:10:02.15, |
but I've learned that I can accept change. |
但我已经学会能接受改变了 |
0,0:10:05.63, |
S-Since when? |
几时开始的 |
0,0:10:08.30, |
I managed it when Amy switched her shampoo |
艾米把她的普通洗发水 |
0,0:10:10.60, |
from Prell to Prell for oily hair. Hmm? |
换成控油洗发水时 我就学会接受了 |
0,0:10:13.52, |
Although I do miss the way |
虽然我挺想念 |
0,0:10:14.67, |
her head used to slide off the pillow. |
她头以前总滑下枕头的样子 |
0,0:10:22.98, |
May I help you? |
有什么能帮你的 |
0,0:10:24.39, |
Who are you? |
你是谁 |
0,0:10:25.45, |
Oh, I'm Denise, the new assistant manager. |
我是德妮丝 新来的助理经理 |
0,0:10:28.91, |
Nope. |
不要 |
0,0:10:38.37, |
Can you believe it? In the past decade, |
你能相信吗 在过去十年 |
0,0:10:40.90, |
I have spent thousands of dollars in that store, |
我在那家店花了几千块 |
0,0:10:43.41, |
and this is the thanks I get. |
结果他就这样回报我 |
0,0:10:45.03, |
You're right. I mean, he could at least get you a mug. |
你说得对 他至少该送你个杯子 |
0,0:10:49.96, |
He gave me a mug. |
他有送我杯子 |
0,0:10:51.26, |
What do you think I'm drinking out of? |
不然我在用什么喝水 |
0,0:10:53.63, |
Do you even pay attention? |
你都有在注意人家吗 |
0,0:10:55.72, |
Honestly, less and less. |
老实说 越来越少了 |
0,0:10:59.68, |
Amy, the comic book store |
艾米 漫画书店 |
0,0:11:01.94, |
is like my version of the country in Black Panther. |
对我来说就像《黑豹》里的那个国家 |
0,0:11:05.94, |
Okay, I'm afraid this is gonna get really offensive |
我有预感接下来的话会 |
0,0:11:08.38, |
to certain groups. |
冒犯到某些人种群体 |
0,0:11:10.17, |
But go on. |
不过你说吧 |
0,0:11:12.91, |
The nation of Wakanda was a hidden gem, |
避世的瓦坎达仿佛一颗隐藏的宝石 |
0,0:11:15.68, |
and they wanted to keep it that way, |
他们也想保持现状 |
0,0:11:17.49, |
because they knew if they opened it up to the world, |
因为他们知道一旦向世界开放 |
0,0:11:20.25, |
everything that was special about it would get ruined. |
那里所有特别之处都会被毁掉 |
0,0:11:24.29, |
- Are you done? ?- Yes. |
你说完了吗-说完了 |
0,0:11:25.31, |
Oh, okay. |
松了一口气 |
0,0:11:28.19, |
That both made sense and wasn't offensive. |
你说的既有道理又不冒犯人 |
0,0:11:32.43, |
And to make things worse, Stuart hired some woman. |
而雪上加霜的是 斯图尔特还请了个女员工 |
0,0:11:35.19, |
- There we go. ?- No... |
冒犯要来啦-不 |
0,0:11:37.99, |
I'm not annoyed that she's a woman. |
我不是烦她是女人 |
0,0:11:39.90, |
I'm annoyed, and she's a woman. |
我是很烦 而她正好是女人 |
0,0:11:42.48, |
No, I get that. |
我懂 |
0,0:11:43.57, |
I'm annoyed and I'm a woman. |
我也烦 我也正好是女人 |
0,0:11:47.44, |
It's just, Stuart knows my likes and dislikes. |
只是斯图尔特很了解我的喜好 |
0,0:11:50.35, |
And I can count on his discretion |
而且如果我偶尔拿起了 |
0,0:11:52.43, |
if I pick up the occasional back issue |
超人好基友吉米·奥尔森的过期刊 |
0,0:11:54.42, |
of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen. |
我可以信任他能保密 |
0,0:11:58.69, |
Which I don't. |
我也绝对没看过那玩意 |
0,0:12:01.21, |
Well, don't think of her as a stranger. |
别把她当作陌生人 |
0,0:12:04.09, |
Just think of her as a... |
把她看成是 |
0,0:12:05.95, |
a friend you haven't berated, lectured or condescended to yet. |
你还没指责 说教或瞧不起过的朋友 |
0,0:12:11.62, |
I hadn't thought of it that way. |
我还没这么想过呢 |
0,0:12:14.39, |
Thank you. |
谢谢你 |
0,0:12:14.88, |
- You're welcome. ?- You're wise, |
不客气-你机智 |
0,0:12:17.37, |
and you smell like books. |
身上又有书的味道 |
0,0:12:22.02, |
You really are the whole package. |
你真是完美的天菜 |
0,0:12:27.84, |
Raj, just help me out. |
拉杰 帮帮我 |
0,0:12:29.13, |
Penny's pretty mad about this comet thing. |
佩妮真的很气彗星的事 |
0,0:12:31.32, |
Well, I'm sorry she's upset. |
她不开心 我很抱歉 |
0,0:12:32.91, |
- But she didn't discover it. - Oh, come on, |
但彗星不是她发现的-得了吧 |
0,0:12:35.32, |
you know she was a part of it. |
你知道她也有份 |
0,0:12:36.58, |
Just add her name to the registration. |
把她的名字加到登记表上吧 |
0,0:12:38.34, |
But I already told everyone at work that I did it. |
但我已经告诉所有同事是我发现的 |
0,0:12:40.64, |
My boss was so excited, |
我的上司超激动 |
0,0:12:41.59, |
he started calling me Captain Comet. |
他都开始叫我彗星队长了 |
0,0:12:44.73, |
Which is better than his last nickname for me: Dr. Doughnuts. |
这比他之前给我取的绰号"甜甜圈博士"强多了 |
0,0:12:48.60, |
Because one time I had two doughnuts. |
因为有一次我吃了两个甜甜圈 |
0,0:12:50.90, |
And two times I had three doughnuts. |
还有两次我吃了三个甜甜圈 |
0,0:12:55.41, |
I guess you're just gonna have to swallow your pride. |
看来你得把自尊吞下去了 |
0,0:12:57.89, |
I, I, I can't do that. |
我做不到 |
0,0:12:59.49, |
Sure you can-- just pretend it's two or three doughnuts. |
当然可以 把它当成两三个甜甜圈就行了 |
0,0:13:03.44, |
You don't understand. |
你不明白 |
0,0:13:04.77, |
Leonard, I need this. |
莱纳德 我需要这个 |
0,0:13:06.68, |
My last big discovery was |
我上一个重大发现是 |
0,0:13:08.37, |
if you press your upper lip hard enough, |
如果用力压住上唇 |
0,0:13:09.84, |
you can block a sneeze. |
可以止住喷嚏 |
0,0:13:14.32, |
I told you that. |
这是我告诉你的 |
0,0:13:17.28, |
This is all my fault. |
这都是我的错 |
0,0:13:19.12, |
I brought this upon myself. |
是我自找的 |
0,0:13:21.69, |
I'm a bad scientist. |
我是个差劲的科学家 |
0,0:13:23.33, |
- I'm a selfish person. ?- No, no, don't get upset. |
我是个自私的人-不 别难过 |
0,0:13:26.32, |
You're not a bad person. |
你不是坏人 |
0,0:13:27.72, |
Just let me... talk to Penny. |
让我和... 佩妮谈谈吧 |
0,0:13:29.86, |
I'm-I'm sure I can make her understand. |
我一定会让她理解的 |
0,0:13:32.17, |
Thank you. You're a good friend, Leonard. |
谢谢 你真是个好朋友 莱纳德 |
0,0:13:35.02, |
I'm glad you think so, 'cause I may be living here soon. |
你知道就好 因为我说不定得搬来和你住了 |
0,0:13:46.65, |
Just look at her over there. |
看看她 |
0,0:13:48.83, |
She just started, |
她刚上班 |
0,0:13:49.74, |
and she gets to put up "Staff Picks." |
就开始负责"员工推介"专栏了 |
0,0:13:51.46, |
I've been coming here for ten years-- |
我在这里晃荡10年了 |
0,0:13:52.81, |
I still can't put up "Sheldon Dislikes." |
连个"谢尔顿不喜欢"的专栏都没有 |
0,0:13:55.96, |
I talked to her yesterday. |
我昨天和她聊了会 |
0,0:13:57.22, |
She really seems to know her stuff. |
她这人挺懂行的 |
0,0:14:00.74, |
Challenge accepted. |
我接受挑战 |
0,0:14:03.34, |
That is not what that was. |
我根本没这个意思 |
0,0:14:07.40, |
Excuse me. |
不好意思 |
0,0:14:08.67, |
I was wondering |
我希望 |
0,0:14:09.70, |
if you could recommend something. |
你能推荐点书给我 |
0,0:14:11.05, |
Oh, sure. You want to tell me what you like? |
好呀 能告诉我你喜欢的类型吗 |
0,0:14:13.34, |
I would not. |
我不 |
0,0:14:19.98, |
All right, well, you're wearing a Green Lantern shirt, |
你穿了绿灯侠的衣服 |
0,0:14:22.03, |
so I'm guessing you're a DC fan. |
我猜你是DC家的粉丝 |
0,0:14:23.85, |
Although that's from the Alan Scott era, |
鉴于你这是第一代绿光侠艾伦?史考特 |
0,0:14:25.37, |
so you're probably not super into the current run. |
所以你可能不太喜欢最近的剧情 |
0,0:14:27.46, |
How would you feel about an alternate history |
你喜欢设定在一战时期有龙和魔法的 |
0,0:14:29.78, |
where World War I was fought with dragons and magic? |
架空历史剧情吗 |
0,0:14:33.27, |
That's what I wanted the theme |
那是我10岁时 |
0,0:14:34.32, |
of my tenth birthday party to be! |
想要的生日派对主题 |
0,0:14:37.38, |
Here. |
到这儿来 |
0,0:14:38.34, |
Check this out. |
看看这本书 |
0,0:14:39.98, |
It's by Kurt Busiek. |
这是科特·卜思科[漫威作家]的作品 |
0,0:14:41.67, |
You know, if you're interested in alternate histories, |
如果你喜欢架空历史 |
0,0:14:43.72, |
Neil Gaiman wrote one called 1602. |
尼尔·盖曼写过一本书叫《1602》 |
0,0:14:47.51, |
I'm sorry, we're in the middle of something here. |
抱歉 我们正在聊其他事呢 |
0,0:14:51.17, |
It is pretty good, actually. |
这书写得特别好 真的 |
0,0:14:52.26, |
He takes the Marvel superheroes |
他把漫威的超级英雄 |
0,0:14:53.76, |
and he puts them into Elizabethan England. |
放在了伊丽莎白时代的英格兰 |
0,0:14:56.77, |
Let me guess-- everyone thinks the X-Men are witches. |
让我猜猜 大家都把X战警当成了巫师吧 |
0,0:15:01.34, |
Yeah. |
是的 |
0,0:15:05.92, |
Why don't you take this home, and if you don't like it, |
你先买回家看看 如果不喜欢 |
0,0:15:07.88, |
return it and I'll give you your money back. |
我让你全额退款 |
0,0:15:09.82, |
Just don't tell Stuart. |
但你可别告诉斯图尔特 |
0,0:15:11.81, |
Stuart who? |
斯图尔特是谁呀 |
0,0:15:17.51, |
- Where have you been? - I went to yell at Raj. |
你去哪儿了-我去骂拉杰了 |
0,0:15:21.18, |
And? Is he gonna give me back my comet? |
然后呢 他会把彗星还给我吗 |
0,0:15:24.20, |
Interesting thing. |
说来有趣 |
0,0:15:25.68, |
Did you cave? |
你屈服了吧 |
0,0:15:26.90, |
Maybe I did, or... |
也许我屈服了 或... |
0,0:15:28.83, |
maybe I did. |
也许我屈服了 |
0,0:15:32.15, |
But I did realize something. |
但我也意识到 |
0,0:15:34.32, |
I-I don't need to fight your battles. |
我不需要为你出头 |
0,0:15:37.03, |
You... you are |
你... 你就是 |
0,0:15:38.19, |
a strong and independent woman. |
一个坚强又独立的女性 |
0,0:15:40.07, |
You have your own voice. |
你有为自己发声的能力 |
0,0:15:42.06, |
And, to quote another strong woman, |
引用另一位坚强女性水果姐的话 |
0,0:15:43.73, |
Katy Perry, it's time to hear you roar. |
是时候发出你的怒吼[歌名]了 |
0,0:15:48.09, |
Did you just think of that on your way home? |
你是在回家路上想出来的吗 |
0,0:15:50.07, |
What do you want from me? The song was on in the car. |
你想要我怎么样 车上就放着这首歌 |
0,0:15:53.30, |
But it doesn't mean |
但这不代表 |
0,0:15:54.61, |
that it's not true. |
这不是正确的 |
0,0:15:56.17, |
Well, you make a good point. |
你说的得确有道理 |
0,0:15:57.97, |
I'm gonna go talk to Raj myself. |
我要自己去找拉杰谈谈 |
0,0:16:01.33, |
I know I don't say it enough, |
我知道这话我说得不够多 |
0,0:16:02.66, |
but you go, girl. |
加油哦 妹子 |
0,0:16:06.04, |
That was enough. |
够了 别说了 |
0,0:16:10.90, |
What's all this? |
这是怎么回事呀 |
0,0:16:12.19, |
Well, we missed our date night, |
我们错过了约会夜 |
0,0:16:14.30, |
and Stuart's working again, |
斯图尔特又要上班 |
0,0:16:15.51, |
so I thought we could have a date night here at home. |
所以我想我俩可以在家过约会夜 |
0,0:16:18.71, |
Aw, that's so sweet. |
你太贴心了 |
0,0:16:20.17, |
Oh. So... is that really what you're wearing |
你在咱们的约会夜 |
0,0:16:23.31, |
to our date night? |
就穿成这样吗 |
0,0:16:26.36, |
Well, Stuart's not here and the kids are sleeping. |
斯图尔特不在 孩子们又睡了 |
0,0:16:29.05, |
I could wear nothing. |
我可以什么都不穿 |
0,0:16:30.85, |
You might want to hold off on that-- |
你还是先穿着吧 |
0,0:16:33.02, |
we're starting with soup. |
第一道菜是汤呢 |
0,0:16:38.05, |
Wha...? I thought you were working late again. |
你不是要加班吗 |
0,0:16:40.13, |
I was, but Denise has got it covered. |
本来是的 可德妮丝都搞定了 |
0,0:16:43.27, |
the funniest thing happened today. |
今天最好笑的是 |
0,0:16:44.60, |
You know the, uh, receipt tape in the cash register? |
收银台的收据打印纸 |
0,0:16:48.03, |
It ran out. |
居然用完了 |
0,0:16:50.06, |
I didn't even know it could do that. |
我都不知道它还能被用完 |
0,0:16:53.86, |
You know, we were just sitting down to dinner. |
我们正要坐下来吃饭呢 |
0,0:16:55.60, |
Oh. Perfect timing. |
来得早不如来得巧 |
0,0:16:56.70, |
I'll go wash up. |
我去洗手 |
0,0:16:59.94, |
There goes date night. |
约会夜又泡汤了 |
0,0:17:01.24, |
Are you kidding? Stuart's here! Get your purse. |
你开玩笑吧 斯图尔特来了 快去拿包包 |
0,0:17:03.09, |
- We're going out. - What about the dinner you made? |
我们出去吃-那你做的晚餐怎么办 |
0,0:17:05.86, |
Right. Hey, Stuart! |
对 斯图尔特 |
0,0:17:07.60, |
That can of soup sitting by the stove, that's for you! |
炉子边的那听罐头汤归你了 |
0,0:17:11.00, |
You made canned soup for date night? |
你用罐头汤来打发约会夜吗 |
0,0:17:13.17, |
And you wore sweatpants. Let's go. |
你还穿着睡裤呢 快走吧 |
0,0:17:18.17, |
Oh, and it turns out Denise is also really excited |
然后原来德妮丝也非常喜欢 |
0,0:17:21.78, |
for Dan Slott's run on Iron Man, |
丹·索罗特版本的《钢铁侠》 |
0,0:17:23.35, |
because he was her favorite Spider-Man writer, too. |
因为他也是她最喜欢的《蜘蛛侠》作者 |
0,0:17:25.97, |
How about that? |
哎哟喂 |
0,0:17:28.63, |
Oh! And guess who goes to art school right here in Pasadena. |
对了 猜猜谁正在帕萨迪纳读艺术学校呀 |
0,0:17:32.79, |
Hmm. I don't know. |
我不知道 |
0,0:17:34.38, |
Denise? |
德妮丝吗 |
0,0:17:38.28, |
You're a good guesser, Amy. |
你可真会猜 艾米 |
0,0:17:40.91, |
Not as good as Denise, though. |
不过没有德妮丝猜得准 |
0,0:17:42.45, |
She thought I would like this comic, |
她猜我会喜欢《 阿罗史密斯》这本漫画 |
0,0:17:43.68, |
Arrowsmith, and she was right. |
结果她猜对了 |
0,0:17:46.66, |
Well, was the store crowded? |
店里是不是很多人呀 |
0,0:17:47.91, |
I bet it was. I know you hate that. |
肯定很多 你不喜欢拥挤吧 |
0,0:17:49.53, |
It was. But if it weren't for the crowds, |
是很多 可是如果人不多 |
0,0:17:52.04, |
Stuart never would have hired Denise, |
斯图尔特也不会雇用德妮丝了 |
0,0:17:54.03, |
and she's the best. |
她真的超棒 |
0,0:18:00.94, |
You must be Denise. |
你就是德妮丝吧 |
0,0:18:01.97, |
Oh, yeah. How can I help you? |
是的 有什么需要帮忙的吗 |
0,0:18:03.46, |
I'm Amy, Sheldon's fiancee. |
我是艾米 谢尔顿的未婚妻 |
0,0:18:05.66, |
Oh. I got to be honest, |
哇 老实说 |
0,0:18:07.38, |
I wasn't a hundred percent sure you were real. |
我还怀疑过你是不是真实存在的 |
0,0:18:12.76, |
Oh, I am. And I heard you and Sheldon had a great time today |
我就是本尊 我听说你今天和谢尔顿聊漫画 |
0,0:18:15.73, |
talking about comic books. |
聊得很开心 |
0,0:18:17.01, |
- We did. ?- Great. |
没错-那就好 |
0,0:18:18.06, |
Here's what's gonna happen. |
事情是这样的 |
0,0:18:20.49, |
You're gonna teach me how to do that. |
你得教会我怎么做 |
0,0:18:22.33, |
Do what? |
做什么 |
0,0:18:23.31, |
Pretend to like comic books. |
假装喜欢看漫画 |
0,0:18:25.04, |
Oh, no, I actually like comic books. |
可我是真的喜欢看漫画 |
0,0:18:27.32, |
All right, let's not get hung up on semantics. |
我们就不要纠结于语义问题了 |
0,0:18:29.54, |
It's late, we got a lot of work to do. |
天色已晚 我们还有很多活儿要做 |
0,0:18:41.46, |
I'm sorry. |
对不起 |
0,0:18:43.84, |
I haven't even said anything yet. |
我还什么都没说呢 |
0,0:18:45.04, |
I know, but I heard your footsteps coming up the stairs, |
我知道 可我听到你上楼梯的脚步声 |
0,0:18:47.26, |
and they sounded angry. |
一听就怒气冲冲 |
0,0:18:49.95, |
They are angry. I'm mad at you. |
的确是火大的脚步声 我在生你气 |
0,0:18:51.85, |
And you have every right to be, okay? |
你确实应该生气 |
0,0:18:54.15, |
I was being... I was being a jerk. |
我... 实在太不地道了 |
0,0:18:56.12, |
We did this together, and I hogged all of the credit. |
我们一起发现的 而我把功劳都抢走了 |
0,0:19:00.03, |
And after you've been such a good friend to me over the years. |
这些年你都一直对我很好 |
0,0:19:02.55, |
Like, I wouldn't even be able |
如果不是你 |
0,0:19:03.93, |
to talk to women if it wasn't for you, so... |
我都不能和女生说话 |
0,0:19:06.08, |
so I'm... I'm gonna make sure that your name is on the comet. |
所以我会确保彗星上也有你的名字 |
0,0:19:09.64, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
0,0:19:11.02, |
Even if it's professionally embarrassing. |
就算这对我工作上来说很丢人 |
0,0:19:14.01, |
You know, or maybe put me on thin ice at work. |
也许会让我的职业生涯岌岌可危 |
0,0:19:18.40, |
I may lose my funding. |
也许会让我失去科研拨款 |
0,0:19:20.75, |
I still, uh... still want to make this right. |
我还是想做正确的事 |
0,0:19:23.83, |
Good. Bye. |
很好 回见了 |
0,0:19:29.15, |
That worked way better with Leonard. |
这招对莱纳德有用多了 |
0,0:19:42.46, |
Hello.-Hi. |
回来了-你回来啦 |
0,0:19:45.80, |
Why are you reading a comic book? |
你怎么在看漫画呀 |
0,0:19:48.40, |
Denise recommended it to me. |
德妮丝推荐给我的 |
0,0:19:50.59, |
It's the Rebirth omnibus. |
《DC宇宙重生》合订本 |
0,0:19:52.30, |
She thought it would be a good entry point for me |
她觉得这本可以成为 |
0,0:19:54.29, |
into the DC Universe-- and I have to say, |
我进入DC宇宙的入门书 而我不得不说 |
0,0:19:56.59, |
- I really do like... - You know, Amy, |
我真的喜欢-你知道 艾米 |
0,0:19:57.90, |
Amy, I've talked a lot about comic books lately. |
艾米 我今天聊了太多漫画了 |
0,0:19:59.86, |
Can we talk about something else? |
我们聊点其他的吧 |