第十一季 第十六集 |
00:11.02, |
Howie? Howie, wake up. |
华仔 华仔 醒醒 |
00:13.30, |
It's time. |
时候到了 |
00:14.61, |
Oh. Did your water break? |
你羊水破了吗 |
00:16.03, |
No. |
没有 |
00:17.84, |
Are you feeling any contractions? |
开始宫缩了吗 |
00:19.21, |
No. |
没有 |
00:21.42, |
Wait. Well, where are you going? |
等等 那你要去哪里呢 |
00:22.90, |
To the hospital. |
去医院啊 |
00:24.03, |
Today's my due date, and this crap needs to end now. |
今天是预产日 老娘想赶紧解决这破事 |
00:29.17, |
Honey, babies don't always come on their due date. |
亲爱的 孩子不一定会在预产日出生 |
00:32.79, |
Halley was two weeks late. |
哈雷就晚了两周啊 |
00:36.21, |
But this baby's a boy. |
不过这孩子是男孩 |
00:38.58, |
They don't take as long to get ready. |
男孩"出门"通常不需要准备那么久 |
00:42.36, |
What are you doing? |
你在干嘛 |
00:43.36, |
I'm making the situation better with humor. |
我在用幽默缓解情况啊 |
00:46.78, |
Are you? |
有缓解到吗 |
00:49.28, |
Would you rather me make it better with magic? |
那你要我用变魔术来缓解吗 |
00:52.35, |
- Go back to sleep. - Ta-da! |
睡觉吧-我变 |
01:03.03, |
You know, I hear that sex can induce labor. |
对了 我听说做爱能诱发分娩 |
01:05.31, |
Anything for my family. |
为了家庭我愿付出一切 |
01:34.15, |
I believe today is Bernadette's due date. |
我知道今天是伯纳黛特的预产日 |
01:38.39, |
How do you know that? |
你怎么知道 |
01:39.75, |
Easy. 40 weeks from the date of her last period. |
简单 她最后一次月经的40周后 |
01:44.56, |
And why do you know that? |
那你怎么会知道她经期 |
01:46.87, |
Well, excuse me for taking an interest in people. |
我关心别人是我的错 "抱歉"啊 |
01:51.72, |
So, any day now. |
随时都可能出生 |
01:53.28, |
Oh, I don't know. |
我也不知道了 |
01:54.47, |
We went to the doctor this morning, |
今早去看了医生 |
01:55.58, |
and she said it could still be another week or two. |
医生说可能还得等一两周 |
01:57.92, |
How's Bernadette holding up? |
伯纳黛特人还好吗 |
01:59.52, |
It's pretty rough. |
还挺难的 |
02:01.43, |
She's having a hard time. |
她很难受 |
02:06.52, |
Why are you smiling? |
那你为什么在笑 |
02:07.50, |
I had sex twice last night. |
我昨晚做了两次爱 |
02:09.84, |
That's not fair! She's on bed rest. |
你这样是不对的 人家在卧床休养 |
02:11.99, |
She can't run away. |
没办法逃走 |
02:14.79, |
It was her idea. |
是她提议的 |
02:15.81, |
She read that it can start labor. |
她在哪读到性爱可以诱发分娩 |
02:18.08, |
Is that true? |
这是真的吗 |
02:19.30, |
Well, I would have Googled it, |
我本来也想上网搜搜 |
02:19.99, |
but I was busy taking my pants off. |
但我的手忙着脱裤子 |
02:24.77, |
Yeah, not to brag, but Amy's last birthday |
我没有要炫耀 但艾米上次生日 |
02:27.33, |
brought my coital tally up to four. |
让我跟她的交媾次数达到了四次 |
02:31.21, |
Whatever you're doing, it's not bragging. |
我能确定你这个绝对不是炫耀 |
02:35.12, |
- Hey, guys. - ?Hey. |
各位好-你好啊 |
02:35.97, |
?Hey, I was just talking about you. |
你来啦 我刚才正聊到你呢 |
02:37.98, |
- Oh, should I ask? - You should not. |
我该问聊什么吗-万万不该 |
02:41.92, |
I'm trying to get our grant proposal together. |
我想要把我们的拨款提案给写完 |
02:43.69, |
Any chance you've finished up those mechanical drawings? |
你把那些机械制图弄完了吗 |
02:45.55, |
Oh, sorry. I was gonna do it last night, |
抱歉 我本来昨晚应该画完的 |
02:47.39, |
but I got kind of busy. |
结果有事情耽搁了 |
02:48.51, |
Yeah, you did. |
是啊 有"事情" |
02:52.39, |
What are they talking about? |
他们在说什么 |
02:53.69, |
I'll give you a hint. |
我给你个提示 |
02:54.99, |
It's something that we have done four times. |
是某件我跟你做过四次的事 |
02:58.69, |
Watched La La Land? |
看爱情歌舞片《爱乐之城》吗 |
03:00.19, |
What? No. No. |
什么 没有 才没有 |
03:02.24, |
I've not watched La La Land four times. |
我才没有看四遍《爱乐之城》 |
03:05.12, |
If you find the soundtrack on my phone, |
如果你们在我手机上发现它的原声带 |
03:06.61, |
that's just 'cause our iTunes accounts are linked. |
那只是因为我跟艾米的下载账号相关联 |
03:10.81, |
Looks like I might have a little more time |
貌似在孩子出生前 |
03:12.22, |
before the baby gets here, |
我应该还有点空闲时间 |
03:13.45, |
so why don't we just stay late and get it done? |
要不我们挑灯夜战做完它吧 |
03:15.62, |
Well, I don't want you to leave Bernadette alone. |
可我也不想你丢下伯纳黛特一个人啊 |
03:17.41, |
Oh, we can hang out and keep her company. |
我们可以去她家陪她啊 |
03:19.33, |
- Yeah, absolutely. - See, see. Look at my Netflix queue. |
对啊-看啊 看我的线上视频待看列表 |
03:21.69, |
There's two documentaries |
两部纪录片 |
03:22.78, |
and the movie Friends with Benefits, |
还有电影《朋友也上床》[朋友有福利] |
03:24.32, |
which I thought was a documentary |
我本来以为这也是纪录片 |
03:25.79, |
about employer health care plans. |
讲雇主提供健康保险 |
03:30.84, |
Hey, Bernie, it's me. |
妮妮 是我 |
03:32.85, |
I let myself in. |
我自己开门进来啦 |
03:35.14, |
Hey. |
你来啦 |
03:37.46, |
What are you doing? |
你这是在干嘛 |
03:38.44, |
I thought you were supposed to be on bed rest. |
你不是应该卧床休养吗 |
03:40.13, |
That's done, but I've been on stair rest |
已经不用了 但我已经在这楼梯上 |
03:41.99, |
for the last 45 minutes. |
楼梯休养了足足45分钟了 |
03:44.34, |
Here, let me help you. ?Yeah. |
来 我扶你起来 |
03:46.46, |
If you really want to help, put on a rubber glove, |
你要是真想帮忙我 就带上橡胶手套 |
03:48.17, |
reach on up there and start pulling. |
手伸进来帮我把小孩拉出来 |
03:51.10, |
I know you're joking, but I grew up on a farm. |
我知道你是在开玩笑 但我在农场长大 |
03:52.86, |
I'll do it. |
我真敢帮你 |
03:54.47, |
Oh, I just want this to be over. |
我就想赶紧生了了事 |
03:57.15, |
You know, when my yoga instructor was pregnant, |
我的瑜伽老师怀孕的时候 |
03:58.92, |
she told me there are tons of poses |
她说有很多姿势 |
04:00.33, |
that put her right into labor. |
帮助她开始分娩 |
04:01.90, |
I'll try, |
我乐意一试 |
04:02.76, |
but I feel like bendy poses are what got me into this mess. |
但感觉就是柔软"姿势"害我走到这一步 |
04:08.06, |
Okay, we're gonna start with some nice breathing exercises. |
我们先从平和的呼吸运动开始 |
04:13.36, |
Sorry. I can't think of anything except how flat your belly is. |
抱歉 我满脑子都在想你的肚子有多平坦 |
04:17.96, |
Oh, thank you. |
谢谢夸奖 |
04:20.12, |
Go put on some more clothes, you bitch. |
去多穿点衣服 你个贱人 |
04:27.52, |
Okay, we go down... |
好的 我们蹲下去 |
04:31.22, |
and back up. |
再站起来 |
04:36.78, |
And back up! |
再站起来 |
04:38.01, |
Yeah, hearing you is not the problem. |
我有障碍的又不是听力 |
04:43.31, |
Put that phone away! |
不许拍 |
04:44.45, |
Smile. |
笑一个 |
04:48.30, |
I'm telling you, there's an acupressure point |
相信我 有一个穴道[三阴交穴] |
04:50.71, |
right above your ankle that can induce contractions. |
就在你的脚踝上方 能帮助诱发宫缩 |
04:53.69, |
All right, but just a warning. |
行吧 但我警告你一下 |
04:55.58, |
My feet are a little swollen. |
我的脚有点水肿 |
04:57.03, |
Oh, please, Bernadette. |
没事啦 伯纳黛特 |
04:58.23, |
I'm sure this-- okay. |
我敢肯定... 哎妈 |
05:02.51, |
What? |
怎么了 |
05:03.09, |
Nothing. Your ankles look fine, and not at all |
没什么 你的脚踝很正常啊 一点都不像 |
05:06.34, |
like I just popped open a can of crescent rolls. |
我刚打开了一盒羊角包的面团 |
05:11.61, |
My mother believes that if you're not prepared mentally, |
我母亲相信 如果你精神上没准备好 |
05:13.89, |
it can delay your body from going into labor. |
有可能会影响你的身体推迟开始分娩 |
05:15.99, |
So what are you trying to say? It's my fault? |
所以你什么意思 这是我自己的错吗 |
05:21.21, |
Raj is crazy. |
拉杰神经病啊 |
05:22.28, |
Your ankles aren't that gross. |
你的脚踝才没那么恶心 |
05:30.44, |
Hello. |
你好啊 |
05:31.45, |
Let me guess. You're here to try to get me to go into labor. |
让我猜猜 你也是来帮忙催生的 |
05:34.45, |
Oh, please. I'm disgusted when people sneeze, |
怎么可能 我连别人打喷嚏都恶心 |
05:37.92, |
and that's just stuff coming out of their nose. |
那还只是他们鼻子有东西跑出来 |
05:41.18, |
No. |
不是的 |
05:41.68, |
I am here to sit with you and keep you company. |
我只是来坐在你身旁陪着你而已 |
05:45.12, |
Oh, that's nice. |
那真好 |
05:46.30, |
Yeah, by playing the most complicated board game |
陪伴的方式是 跟你玩一个桌游史上 |
05:49.49, |
ever invented: Campaign for North Africa. |
最复杂的一款游戏《北非战役》 |
05:54.82, |
I bought it off eBay. |
我从网上买的 |
05:55.97, |
It smells a little like chili, but all the pieces are there. |
味道闻起来像辣椒 不过所有的配件都齐全 |
06:01.11, |
Come on, baby. |
快出生吧 宝贝 |
06:02.18, |
Get out here right now and I'll buy you a pony. |
现在快出生救老妈 我就给你买小马 |
06:08.63, |
Are there any engineers on the grant committee? |
拨款委员会里有人是工程师吗 |
06:11.29, |
I don't know. Why? |
我不知道啊 为什么 |
06:12.35, |
I didn't have time to figure out |
我没有时间去想出 |
06:13.26, |
the three-input hydraulic manifold, |
三轮入加液压系统分路阀箱 |
06:15.10, |
so this diagram is really just a flux capacitor |
所以这个图其实只是个通量电容器 |
06:17.41, |
from Back to the Future. |
源自电影《回到未来》 |
06:20.74, |
I'm sorry this is on such short notice. |
抱歉这么急着要 |
06:22.86, |
Hey, I just wish I could be there when you present it. |
我只是希望你发表的时候我能去陪你呢 |
06:25.78, |
That's okay. |
没事的 |
06:26.83, |
It's more important that you spend time with Michael. |
你花时间陪麦克才是正经事 |
06:29.52, |
Who's Michael? |
谁是麦克 |
06:32.11, |
Uh, your son? |
你儿子啊 |
06:34.00, |
No, it's not. |
什么 才不是 |
06:35.02, |
My son doesn't have a name yet. |
我儿子还没取名呢 |
06:41.29, |
Okay, well, then, Bernadette's son. |
好吧 那就是伯纳黛特的儿子 |
06:45.33, |
I can't believe her. |
我真是要气死 |
06:46.20, |
She knows I don't want to name the baby after her dad. |
她明知道我不想要孩子取她爸爸的名字 |
06:49.61, |
- What did you want to name him? - I don't know. |
那你想取什么名字-我不知道啊 |
06:52.11, |
We were gonna wait until we saw what he looked like. |
我们本来想等到看他长什么样子再决定 |
06:54.23, |
Well, it's a baby. |
皱巴巴的光头婴儿 |
06:56.28, |
Her dad's a wrinkly bald man. |
她老爸也是满脸皱纹的光头佬 |
06:57.71, |
That wasn't gonna break your way. |
你就算等也杀不出条血路啊 |
07:09.23, |
Ah, come on! |
我靠 |
07:13.56, |
Welcome to the next five to eight weeks of your life. |
跟你接下来五到八周的人生问好 |
07:17.93, |
Sheldon, I said I didn't want to play your game. |
谢尔顿 我说了我不想玩你的游戏 |
07:20.40, |
Well, then don't think of it as a game. |
那你就别把它想成是游戏 |
07:22.13, |
Think of it as a source of information |
把它想成是在传授你有关 |
07:24.99, |
about one of the lesser known campaigns of World War II. |
二战中一场较不为人熟悉的战役的知识 |
07:29.96, |
You're right. |
你说得对 |
07:30.48, |
That's so much better. |
还真是"好"了许多 |
07:32.68, |
I know, right? |
是啊 我说的没错吧 |
07:34.45, |
Okay, first, we need to roll to determine the weather. |
首先 我们得先来摇骰子决定天气 |
07:37.79, |
It's a desert. Isn't it gonna be hot? |
是沙漠 天气不应该就是炎热吗 |
07:56.07, |
Yes. |
是的 |
08:00.96, |
Michael? Really, you think we're naming him Michael? |
麦克 是吗 你觉得我们要把孩子取麦克吗 |
08:04.16, |
Not now, Howard. |
之后再谈 霍华德 |
08:05.38, |
I'm in the middle of a game. |
我在游戏中呢 |
08:08.78, |
You wish. You are hundreds of hours away from the middle. |
你想得美 我们离游戏中期还有几百小时呢 |
08:17.34, |
I can't believe you're trying to hijack our son's name. |
我真没想到你居然想强取我们儿子的名字 |
08:21.24, |
Bernie? |
妮妮 |
08:24.87, |
This is as fast as I move! Calm down! |
我最快只能走这么快 冷静 |
08:35.53, |
So you're just gonna name him Michael? |
你就打算直接就取麦克吗 |
08:38.25, |
Were you even gonna tell me? |
你打算什么时候告诉我 |
08:39.48, |
I told you. |
我跟你说过了 |
08:40.88, |
When? |
什么时候 |
08:42.39, |
Oh, right. That was Amy. |
好啦 我是跟艾米说过 |
08:46.85, |
What's wrong with Michael? It's my dad's name. |
取麦克哪里不好了 是我爸的名字 |
08:49.30, |
I don't want to name our son after your father. |
我不想我们孩子以你爸爸为名 |
08:55.73, |
I didn't want to say this, but he's dying. |
我本来不想说 但我爸要去世了 |
08:59.61, |
He is? |
真的吗 |
09:01.58, |
Eventually. I mean, you see the way the man eats. |
总有一天啊 你看看他的饮食习惯 |
09:05.61, |
Okay, is this the hormones, |
所以是荷尔蒙作祟 |
09:07.44, |
or have you always been a lunatic? |
还是你其实一直都是神经病 |
09:11.38, |
I don't even know anymore. |
我也说不准了 |
09:14.80, |
Bernie, this is our kid's name. |
妮妮 这是我们孩子的名字 |
09:17.12, |
I think we should both agree. |
我们应该双方都同意吧 |
09:19.92, |
You're right. We both made this baby. |
是啦 我们一起造的孩子 |
09:22.66, |
Thank you. |
谢谢理解 |
09:24.08, |
And I carried it, had to stay in bed for four months, |
而我怀着他 为他卧床休养四个月 |
09:26.20, |
sacrificed my body and my job, |
牺牲我的身体与工作 |
09:28.07, |
and soon it's gonna burst its way out of me |
而且他很快就要从我下面破"门"而出 |
09:29.43, |
like the Kool-Aid Man. |
就像广告里破墙的小人一样 |
09:33.48, |
Exactly. Fifty-fifty. |
对啊 苦劳一人一半 |
09:39.11, |
I think I got Bernadette in trouble. |
我好像害伯纳黛特有麻烦了 |
09:40.56, |
Maybe we should go. |
或许我们该走了 |
09:41.92, |
I-I can't. |
我不能走 |
09:43.06, |
She and I are playing Campaign for North Africa. |
我跟她在玩《北非战役》呢 |
09:47.11, |
She doesn't want to play that. Hmm? |
她都不想玩这游戏 |
09:49.38, |
Neither did the Egyptians, but that didn't stop Rommel. |
当年埃及人也不想 但名将隆美尔还是入侵了啊 |
09:54.20, |
Hey! I brought Chinese. |
我带中餐[中国人]来了 |
09:56.30, |
And I brought Indian. |
而我带印度人来了 |
09:59.77, |
What are you guys doing here? |
你们来干嘛呀 |
10:01.15, |
Sheldon texted and said |
谢尔顿发短信来说 |
10:02.39, |
Bernadette wanted us all to come over. |
博纳黛特叫我们一起过来 |
10:07.47, |
The game's best with five to ten players. |
这游戏最适合5到10个玩家一起玩 |
10:13.27, |
Okay, if it's not Michael, then what do you want to name him? |
如果不叫麦克 那你想取什么名字 |
10:16.00, |
Harry, like Potter or Houdini. |
哈里 就像波特或者胡迪尼[魔术大师]的名字 |
10:20.85, |
It doesn't bother you that I have an old boyfriend named Harry? |
我以前有个男朋友就叫哈里 你不介意吧 |
10:24.58, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
10:27.32, |
How 'bout Al or Max or... |
艾尔或者马克斯如何... |
10:30.04, |
Ted or Kevin? |
泰德或者凯文 |
10:32.29, |
Same answer. |
都在此列 |
10:34.80, |
Hey, Bernadette, it's your turn. |
博纳黛特 该你了 |
10:36.36, |
Penny's air force |
佩妮的空军 |
10:37.44, |
is strafing your supply line in Tobruk. |
正在扫荡你位于托布鲁克的供应线 |
10:41.05, |
We're kind of busy. |
我们正忙着呢 |
10:42.19, |
Oh. 'Kay. But you're being pretty rude. |
好吧 不过你这样挺没礼貌啊 |
10:45.00, |
Everyone did come over to play this game with you. |
大伙特地过来陪你一起玩桌游呢 |
10:50.12, |
You know, I always thought Christian was a nice name. |
我一直觉得克里斯提安[天主教徒]不错 |
10:53.03, |
I don't know. |
我不知道 |
10:53.96, |
Sounds a little too uncircumcised. |
一听就有没割包皮过的非犹太风 |
10:58.50, |
Bernadette, it's your turn. |
博纳黛特 该你了 |
11:00.10, |
What about Greg? |
叫格雷格如何 |
11:01.25, |
All right, I'll just roll for you. |
算了 我帮你掷骰子 |
11:04.29, |
Ooh! That is a good one! |
哇 这个不错 |
11:06.22, |
Your troops' morale rating is pretty high. |
你部队的士气评分真是旺旺旺 |
11:08.72, |
Now, Leonard, as the defender, |
莱纳德 作为守军 |
11:10.42, |
we need to subtract your morale rating |
我们需要从伯纳黛特的士气评分中 |
11:12.34, |
from Bernadette's to get a final |
减去你的士气评分 |
11:13.70, |
adjusted morale rating for the assault. |
以获得本次袭击的最终士气评分 |
11:15.88, |
And I will just check the assault differential column. |
然后我再检查一下袭击的微分塔式 |
11:19.10, |
Ooh! Who said war was hell? |
哈哈 谁说战争即是地狱来着 |
11:22.08, |
Yeah, that's a rhetorical question. |
我说的是个修辞反问句 |
11:23.76, |
威廉·谢尔曼美国内战时期联邦军著名将领 |
11:23.76, |
Sherman said it. |
这句话是谢尔曼说的 |
11:25.54, |
What about Sherman? |
叫谢尔曼如何 |
11:26.54, |
Like, Sherman Wolowitz. |
谢尔曼·沃罗威茨 |
11:28.17, |
Yeah, that's a kid who's gonna take his mother to prom. |
这孩子以后毕业舞会后只能带他妈去 |
11:33.30, |
Hey, Howard, you did that, right? |
霍华德 你不就带你妈当伴了吗 |
11:37.26, |
I didn't take her. She chaperoned. |
她不是我的伴 她是来当监护人 |
11:39.94, |
We slow-danced once. |
我们只跳了一支慢舞 |
11:43.79, |
What about Paul? |
叫保罗如何 |
11:45.74, |
Paul. Paul Wolowitz. |
帕罗 帕罗·沃洛维茨 |
11:48.44, |
I like it. |
我喜欢这个名字 |
11:49.31, |
Ooh, like "Koothra-paul-I." |
就像库萨"帕"里 |
11:53.29, |
Okay, you ruined it. |
你把这名字毁了 |
11:56.30, |
All right, that moves us on to the tactical shipping phase. |
现在我们进入战术运输阶段 |
11:59.37, |
Penny, I believe, as logistics commander, that's you. |
佩妮 你是我们的后勤指挥官 |
12:02.42, |
Okay. I surrender. |
好的 我投降 |
12:05.85, |
Nice try, Penny. |
想得美 佩妮 |
12:07.01, |
It takes more than everybody not enjoying it |
但是想让谢尔顿·库珀终止游戏 |
12:09.21, |
to stop a game with Sheldon Cooper. |
光靠所有人的厌恶是不够的 |
12:12.49, |
Sheldon, we're talking about something important here. |
谢尔顿 我们正在讨论很重要的事 |
12:15.13, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
12:15.85, |
If you pick a baby name, can we get back to playing? |
如果你们选好了宝宝的名字 我们可以继续玩吗 |
12:18.44, |
Sure. |
好呀 |
12:19.01, |
All right, here we go. |
很好 开始吧 |
12:20.51, |
Ranatanata. |
罗纳塔娜塔 |
12:23.89, |
You can't name him Ranatanata. |
你不能给他取名罗纳塔娜塔 |
12:25.82, |
Oh, right, it's a boy. That'd be ridiculous. |
对哦 这是男孩 这名字不合适 |
12:29.30, |
What about Ozymandias? |
那就叫奥兹曼迪亚斯 |
12:32.71, |
Are you making these up or having a stroke? |
你是胡乱编的还是中风发作了呀 |
12:36.24, |
Ozymandias is from a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley. |
奥兹曼迪亚斯来自于珀西·比希·雪莱的诗 |
12:39.39, |
Oh, oh! Bysshe Wolowitz. |
有了 比希·沃罗威茨 |
12:41.26, |
Solved. Back to the game. |
解决了 继续游戏吧 |
12:44.24, |
Heyo! Sandstorm! |
呀呀 沙尘暴 |
12:48.29, |
Some people name their kids after places. |
有些人会以地名为孩子命名 |
12:50.69, |
位于华盛顿州的城市 |
12:50.69, |
Like what, Walla Walla Wolowitz? |
比如瓦拉瓦拉·沃罗威茨 |
12:55.72, |
If you think that is better than Ozymandias Wolowitz, |
如果你觉得这比奥兹曼迪亚斯·沃罗威茨好 |
12:58.33, |
then you have been breathing in the poisonous gas |
那你一定是吸多了由我的部队 |
13:00.08, |
that my troops illegally dispersed. |
非法释放的有毒气体 |
13:04.02, |
You okay? |
你还好吧 |
13:04.68, |
Uh, I think that was a contraction. |
我好像开始宫缩了 |
13:06.93, |
Is it time? Do we need to go to the hospital? |
快生了吗 我们要去医院吗 |
13:09.12, |
No. We've been through this before. |
不用 上次已经有过这样了 |
13:10.30, |
My water hasn't even broken yet. |
我的羊水还没有破呢 |
13:12.19, |
Never mind your water. |
别管你的羊水了 |
13:13.63, |
在分娩开始时 粘液栓可能会先行排出 |
13:13.63, |
Has your mucus plug popped out? |
你的宫颈粘液栓排出来了吗 |
13:17.17, |
Ew, no! |
呕 才没有呢 |
13:18.64, |
Oh, you're right. We probably would've heard that. |
你说得对 如果排出来我们应该能听见 |
13:21.18, |
It's not a champagne cork. |
粘液栓又不是香槟瓶栓 |
13:22.83, |
Although that would be festive. |
当然那样的话也挺喜庆的 |
13:26.77, |
You know what, maybe we should go. |
我们还是先去医院吧 |
13:28.38, |
Did you have another contraction? |
你又感受到宫缩了吗 |
13:29.81, |
No. I'm just worried that Sheldon's gonna say |
不 我只是担心谢尔顿又要提到 |
13:31.48, |
mucus plug again. |
粘液栓 |
13:34.37, |
And I'm worried one's gonna hit me in the eye. |
我还担心它会弹到我的眼睛上呢 |
13:37.51, |
Yep, it's time. |
该走了 |
13:38.76, |
Should we take two cars? |
我们是开两辆车去吗 |
13:39.91, |
Uh, actually, could you stay here and watch Halley? |
你们能留下来照顾哈雷吗 |
13:42.20, |
That way we don't have to wait for Bernadette's parents. |
这样我们就不用等博纳黛特的父母了 |
13:44.20, |
Yeah, you guys go. We'll take care of her. |
你们走吧 我们会照顾她的 |
13:45.57, |
You have nothing to worry about. |
你们什么都别担心 |
13:46.96, |
Well, not nothing. There are U-boats approaching the Suez Canal. |
那倒不尽然 潜水艇正在驶近苏伊士运河 |
13:52.41, |
It's too late for us. Go, go! |
我们逃不掉了 你们快走吧 |
13:53.80, |
Save yourselves! |
赶紧逃命 |
13:56.39, |
Suez? Birth? It's a big night for canals. |
苏伊士 出生日 运河今夜逢吉时 |
14:04.95, |
How you feeling? |
你还好吧 |
14:08.26, |
But I am really excited to meet our son. |
但我好期待见到我们的儿子 |
14:11.04, |
Me, too. I thought I'd be super freaked out. |
我也是 我以为自己会吓死 |
14:13.98, |
But I'm ready for this. |
但我已经准备好了 |
14:17.97, |
Well, not the part where you're in labor |
除了你分娩时 |
14:19.61, |
and you squeeze my fingers till they turn blue. |
用力过猛把我的手指捏紫这部分 |
14:23.01, |
I'm sorry. |
抱歉 |
14:24.16, |
That must be really painful for you. |
你一定很痛吧 |
14:29.09, |
It is. |
对啊 |
14:29.76, |
I mean, last time, I... |
你知道上次我都... |
14:30.97, |
Okay, |
好吧 |
14:31.93, |
I see what you're doing. |
我明白你的意思了 |
14:37.31, |
It's a big one. |
这次宫缩好痛 |
14:39.30, |
Just breathe. ? |
赶紧吸气 |
14:42.98, |
Okay. |
好了 |
14:44.35, |
Okay, I'm good. |
好了 没事了 |
14:48.05, |
I'm sorry I tried to sneak the name past you. |
抱歉我想背着你偷偷取名字 |
14:50.30, |
That's okay. |
没关系 |
14:51.78, |
I'm sorry I used up so many good names in college. |
抱歉我上大学时"干"掉了太多的好名字 |
14:57.44, |
I was really competitive with my roommate. |
我那时候很爱跟室友比较 |
15:02.32, |
Forget about it. |
忘了这事吧 |
15:04.34, |
Please. |
求求你 |
15:08.84, |
You know what, maybe we're putting too much pressure on this. |
也许我们把自己逼得太紧了 |
15:10.70, |
It doesn't matter what we name him. |
不管我们给他取什么名字 |
15:12.63, |
He's gonna be amazing. |
他都会是个棒小伙儿 |
15:14.21, |
You're right. |
你说得对 |
15:15.94, |
This kid is part you and part me. |
这孩子有你的一半 有我的一半 |
15:19.02, |
Yeah. He's gonna be smart and kind and funny. |
没错 他一定会聪明善良又有趣 |
15:22.79, |
If he cracks five-foot-six, it'll be a miracle. |
如果他能超过1米67 那就是神迹了 |
15:27.82, |
I've always liked the name Elliott. |
我一直很喜欢艾略特这个名 |
15:29.53, |
Sorry, can't have it. That's my boy name. |
抱歉 不能用 那是我儿子的名字 |
15:32.16, |
I said it first. |
我先说的 |
15:33.60, |
It's not like calling dibs. |
这又不是先喊先得 |
15:35.45, |
Yes, it is. It's exactly like that. |
这就是先喊先得 |
15:37.38, |
Dibs on Elliott. |
艾略特是我的了 |
15:39.41, |
I-I'm just saying, we might get there first. |
我只是说 我们很有可能先用上 |
15:42.28, |
You only have sex once a year. |
你俩一年才睡一次 |
15:43.50, |
I'll probably have sex tonight. |
我有可能今晚就滚床单呢 |
15:47.60, |
Fine, you can have Elliott. |
好吧 艾略特给你吧 |
15:51.24, |
When did you pick out our kids' names? |
你什么时候连我们孩子的名都想好了 |
15:52.95, |
Remember that day you moved into the building? |
还记得你搬进大楼的那天吗 |
15:55.37, |
Yes. |
记得呀 |
15:58.37, |
A non-creepy amount of time after that. |
相隔了一段不会吓到人的时间后想的 |
16:03.11, |
Yeah, I like the name Elliott. |
我喜欢艾略特这个名字 |
16:04.66, |
That wasn't on my list, but I like it. |
虽然不在我的备选名单上 但我喜欢它 |
16:06.51, |
We've heard your names. They're ridiculous. |
我们听过你的名字了 全都荒诞至极 |
16:09.89, |
And I have a cousin named Dilip. |
我叫地里扑的表亲都比那些强 |
16:12.73, |
Well, I wasn't going to give them any of the good names. |
我才不会把好名字告诉他们呢 |
16:15.41, |
I'm saving those for us. |
我要留着自己用 |
16:17.59, |
Really? You've thought about our kids? |
真的吗 你还想过咱们孩子的名字 |
16:20.23, |
Of course. I think you and I will have exceptional children. |
当然 我俩一定会生出最出色的孩子 |
16:25.21, |
Well, I think so, too. |
我也这么想 |
16:27.57, |
How many kids do you guys want? |
你俩想要几个孩子呀 |
16:29.37, |
Two.-15 |
两个-十五个 |
16:33.42, |
- What? - Don't worry. |
什么-别担心 |
16:34.91, |
I don't expect you to bear them all. |
我又不要求你一个人生完 |
16:37.01, |
I'm sure we can find a suitable uterus to rent. |
我们可以租用一个合适的子宫 |
16:41.57, |
- No! - Uh-uh! |
才怪-别想 |
16:44.80, |
We weren't thinking about you. |
我们才没有指你呢 |
16:46.15, |
Of course not. |
绝对没有 |
16:47.61, |
I am going to the kitchen. |
我要去厨房了 |
16:49.14, |
Can I get anybody anything? |
要给你们带吃的吗 |
16:50.62, |
Penny, nice glass of milk |
佩妮 来杯牛奶 |
16:51.88, |
and a multivitamin? |
再加复合维他命如何 |
17:04.26, |
Guys. |
同志们 |
17:06.22, |
Guys, wake up. |
同志们 快醒醒 |
17:07.18, |
Terrible news. |
悲惨的消息 |
17:08.30, |
Oh, my God. What, what, what? |
我的天 怎么了 |
17:09.59, |
Is it the baby? |
是宝宝出事了吗 |
17:10.43, |
No. No, no, we miscalculated |
不 不是 我们算错了 |
17:12.04, |
our unassigned armor class units. |
尚未分配的装甲部队数 |
17:13.71, |
We need to start over. |
我们得重新开始玩了 |
17:16.31, |
What? |
什么 |
17:16.99, |
Oh, no, no, no, not from the beginning. |
不 不是从头开始 |
17:18.33, |
Just from when the tanks started moving. |
只是从坦克行动开始 |
17:20.69, |
That was five hours ago. |
那已经是5小时之前的事了 |
17:22.71, |
Mm, no. No, that was two hours ago. |
不 那是2小时之前的事 |
17:25.24, |
It only feels like five. |
只是感觉像过了5小时 |
17:28.13, |
What time is it? |
几点了 |
17:28.98, |
It's almost 2:30. |
快两点半了 |
17:30.47, |
Don't you think we should've heard something? |
你们不觉得他们该打电话来了吗 |
17:31.82, |
I'm sure they're fine. |
我想他们没事的 |
17:33.00, |
I'm calling them. |
我要打给他们 |
17:38.79, |
Hey, everything okay? |
嘿 你们还好吧 |
17:40.00, |
Yeah! The baby was born about an hour ago. |
很好 宝宝大概一个小时前出生了 |
17:43.99, |
Dude, why didn't you call me?! |
老兄 你为什么没打给我 |
17:47.01, |
The only way I would see my son for the first time |
如果在见到我儿子的第一个瞬间 |
17:49.41, |
and immediately think "I need to call Raj" |
我就想到"得给拉杰打电话" |
17:51.49, |
is if he came out brown. |
那一定是因为他是棕色皮肤 |
17:55.60, |
You know, it can take some time for pigment to form. |
色素形成是需要一些时间的 |
17:57.82, |
You're still not out of the woods. |
你的警报还没有解除 |
17:59.50, |
- Congratulations! - Yeah. Hey, what'd you name him? |
恭喜啦-名字想好了吗 |
18:02.45, |
Neil Michael. |
尼尔·麦克 |
18:03.96, |
Neil for Armstrong, |
取自于阿姆斯特朗[登月第一人] |
18:05.96, |
Gaiman, and Diamond. |
盖曼[幻想小说家]和戴蒙德[著名歌手] |
18:07.50, |
Michael because Bernie had to get six stitches. |
叫麦克是因为妮妮那里得缝6针 |
18:11.43, |
Neil-- that's cute. |
尼尔 这名字好可爱 |
18:13.05, |
But we're calling him Michael! |
但是我们叫他麦克 |
18:16.16, |
I'm not gonna fight her. |
我没法和她争 |
18:17.26, |
That kid's head was the size of a cantaloupe. |
这孩子头大如瓜 |